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Washington cut the number of visas for Chinese State media in the us. And with the sports the olympic flame head to tokyo but this is the same to see officials one of whom says its insensitive and irresponsible to hold the games. Welcome to the news hour restrictions are becoming more severe across the globe as more and more countries ramp up efforts to contain the corona virus pandemic now the number of confirmed cases now exceeds 200000 worldwide and thats according to a tally by Johns Hopkins university in the u. S. More than 8000 people have died from the virus the number fatalities in china italy iran spain and france are amongst the higher. With the latest jump in italy and spain the overall death toll across europe are suppose trying to soothe a province where the virus originated the World Health Organization says the continent has replaced today as the epicenter 5 days ago well strict lock downs are now in place across much of europe and the effect is very clear take a look at this video shot in central paris just a few hours ago it was just taken at 1 oclock local time the streets are empty the shops are closed. There cafes are open and there are no pedestrians in fact there are no visitors. That is the concorde should be very busy at this lunchtime period but its not. Leading down to the seans elisei just listening to just clear silence. The entire country of course is under a 15 day lockdown lets cross over to paul brennan our correspondent in our london news center and of course the the french are making it very clear that this is the way forward not just for their country and their neighbors but for europe as a whole he said the very clear message isnt he across the english channel. Yes the french president in iran macron gave a very stern address to the nation and outlined the sacrifices that the french people are going to have to endure over the next at least a fortnight in order to get on top of this coronavirus in france but france is not alone in implementing a lockdown belgian just today has implemented its own lockdown which matches france or so the letter. The french Prime Minister edward phillipe has been on television talking about other countries and were talking about the u. K. And netherlands to a certain extent as well which which have chosen a different strategy they havent gone for a lock down there prefer it always to game the virus we are expecting an announcement later on the south in about School Closures here in the u. K. But for the french Prime Minister hes not happy and hes saying to the british that there could be consequences coming down the pipeline unless a lockdown is imposed silver or itll kill if we want to be coherent all those who within the european zone need to adopt a coherent methods and processes to fight the epidemic italy france spain and maybe to more other states have chosen to be in confinement it goes without saying that if other countries especially neighboring countries for example the United Kingdom stay in a logic in which they do not apply these measures then it would be difficult for us to accept british nationals with the now territory who could move freely within the country and then come to france paul it does seem that both france or the e. U. Certainly and the u. K. Prime minister are talking up the possibility of a potential vaccine being available in the very near future. Yes theres been some eyebrows raised about this certainly amongst medical specialists producing a vaccine is a long and complex process i mean youve got the laboratory in Development Phase you then have at least 3 phases of testing as you scale up the actual tests to more and more bigger and bigger sample sizes then youve got the peer expert review and then youve got regulator approval to actually do that in a year which is what underlay and the president of the European Commission floated on choose day would be extraordinary indeed but theres a lot of pressure on and theres a lot of money at stake and a lot of money is being offered the European Union has offered 88000000000. 00 sorry 1000000. 00 to a German Company called cure vaca who says which says that they can they can do this i know that theres another California Based Company thats getting 10000000 dollars as well to do the same thing so the pressure is there the money in the will appears to be there but there are question marks as to whether its actually medically possible paul brennan in our london new Center Thanks very much now the city of bergen is the epicenter of the Virus Outbreak in italy workers in the province wearing protective masks move coffins into the cemetery while hers is a lined up outside relatives to pay their respects but only in limited numbers before the outbreak there was only one page of death notices in the newspaper last fridays issue carried 10 full pages of obituaries all straight hospitals are struggling with the growing number of cases dr luker latini the head of the intensive care unit in bergen atolls us his story on your. Money and your on our every day right now every day we face the same emergency and every day we wait for the next day to be better in terms of numbers this hasnt happened yet but we really need this to happen soon. See. We have 80 patients in the coronavirus intensive care normally out of these 83 or 4 recover and can leave on the day and normally were forced to bring in 3 or 4 more a day so we have a very precarious and difficult balance. To have any cause if you are not allowing families to visit infected patients is perhaps one of the saddest things but we know that during epidemics the only way to save those outside is to stop them from visiting so we try where possible to make them talk on their cell phones or let them see each other on video but sometimes they die when theyre still into bed and so the phone call cannot happen. Anywhere. By 94 he sometimes children outside phone their dad ask him how he is and the dad says that hes struggling but that he has hope and then when the phone call is over after 3 or 4 hours after the dad dies and we have to call the family. While being around 20 percent of the doctors and nurses have been infected it means that there are more than 500. 00 people among our staff who have contracted this disease. Here is something one must confront and not be defeated im afraid but this doesnt stop me and i try to use all the necessary aids i get dressed when i go in very high intensity areas. I never cry i never cry unfortunately its something i cannot do its a shame i cry inside. And the sparrow has a Global Health specialist joining me now live via skype from geneva good to have you with us on aljazeera is the french spanish the italian approach to sort of self isolation that were seeing right now the right approach in your opinion. Well certainly its yes it is the right approach and its absolutely necessary to help as we have seen another couple of days flat to give us all the time in order to prepare to not overwhelm the hospitals and i think this is where britain has really dropped the ball massively because its not a lot of time in not actually using this this time between during the 1st 9 hour different generation now and even that time to get into vision test to train and your health care were able to mobilize additional started to change Assembly Lines to bikies or in 95. 00 masks to bring in other ventilators and you know add those that things that need to be done in addition to trying to lessen the transmission of people dignity which is what were doing in its other countries of isolation and if that is a case of a sparrow and the u. K. Have dropped the ball to a certain extent what do they need to do in terms of catching up right now what would be the priority if youve got this long list of must do for the Health Industry what do they have to really focus on right now. You have to test as as tetras it at that nature said earlier you have to test test test otherwise we dont know what were dealing with and in britain and you are testing but in a valley with wait 30 taking place in hospitals to be monitored whether with market the few who have had about 100 to be critics and you know we only have been getting the sickest patients so to me not even knowing who are the social spread is you know theyre there 20 to 30 year old or younger or who are very much about a population and and a crucial important as we get hit you know is the importance of testing ocular because they are on the part time and in china we saw ringback at least 3300 Health Care Workers get infected and several dozen deaths where we still dont know the numbers china has given us has but there is a great at least. Health care workers and in italy its about 5 percent to probably get higher and this is a huge deal for doctors and nurses because they are at huge risk and they also had an additional burden where we dont want to go home or not speak at say a Critical Care people tradition and it cant exist we dont want to go home and take their families and that same time i would cut the kids that we have forced them and i have an early and its very very difficult it is set certainly what is the window of opportunity that not just for. Health care providers to get up to speed on what they need to do but also for the authorities to make sure the provision is in place to help those Health Care Providers absolutely i mean you know again in china i mean and i said i thought my friend dr daniel if you are generally the person i asked to do it is it he said yes and this is it this is the big one and he was right and by the end of those we could generate countries knew that their resentment be coming. But and that was a time to start mobilizing Health Care Workforce mindful that trying to bring an extra 42000. 00 Health Care Workers into how we had the public to do that need came as a way it could by working as an marys and death row from dimple to god we dont have that capacity and you sir you have to really plan for my brother when he can train as you can figure out roster does not put it bluntly stuff we need to make sure were going to protect it we in 95 masks i dont know what prison stock car is but in the us its a troubling what we call in a couple of happy and you need as a state on the bench level the beds you need to because you need to figure out how you can prevent the infection in the its response to mitigate it is e. G. The treatments that will be available time is going to have several coming out next month and one of those even is the tb the x. In b. C. G. Vaccine in astray youre ahead of the terror and the bull coming day we know that it will peak at its trading range in their study the trial of a couple quick to vaccinate 4000. 00 Health Care Workers with b. C. G. Vaccine which actually had to predict that they we are we are very confident that it can mitigate to protect Health Care Workers from kobita and so we will lessen the spirit of the disease and thats very important along the groups where the major grandparents were there to take its adults who have refugee camps a lot of Vulnerable People around and that gives us all attentive competent to make sense dick ok are there ready to come together they are keenly standing in these measures which means we dont have people getting more than 5 in a spot thats not was even kept close consulates and race gatherings and so people then go from being really confused or that feeling when it come about them being very confused because you go from one extreme to the next and you know a very callous thing to put out there that were going to go to a Community Need to teach is. A bit of native hating does that mean that were going to have a very steep. Going to wipe that i read that sucker capacity in our dance and suffering and pain which its most of it is preventable and effective very steep price of paper community decent sure the next great people come here next fall and winter will be much less bitter to huge an obscene price to pay in my view i do believe doctors is the every patient. And i am the one who wasnt sure what was the neatly its not military tree as where you decide youre going to let everyone by the age of 60 die but you might not agree to brains very mentally and so forth so its set it in the most brutal thing that you need to painful as quickly as you can well we shall see how the u. K. It was we will have to and im afraid well have to see how the British Government to react in the coming hours of the moment thanks so much for joining us. The u. S. And canada have agreed to temporarily close the border to nonessential travel in an effort to combat the pandemic its the Worlds Largest land border and about 200000. 00 people cross it every day the move will not affect trade between the 2 countries critical that we preserve supply chains between both countries these supply chains ensure that food fuel and lifesaving medicines reach people on both sides of the border supply chains including tracking will not be affected by this new measure canadians and americans cross the border every day to do essential work or for other urgent reasons that will not be impacted our white house correspond can really help that standing by in washington d. C. A significant move by the u. S. And by canada. Yeah this is an effort on the part of both the canadian Prime Minister and the u. S. President their talks have been ongoing we know that the canadian Prime Minister essentially took this action on monday the u. S. President following up with the tweet that this was in essence finalized this is really pivotal though and you heard there Justin Trudeau the canadian Prime Minister underscoring that canadian trade will not be affected because that would be a really critical sign given the fact that not only is this the worlds longest border with very frequent border crossings but its a trade relationship valued in terms of goods crossing back and forth of 1600000000 a day it is astronomical in terms of the numbers so both leaders working to preserve that trade relationship will at the same time putting Public Health at the forefront what this means is that citizens of either country will be allowed to return but they wont be allowed to do the Cross Border Shopping that many living along the border have come a custom to the tourism stops but in terms of being able to return to your family that will all still be permitted but both countries taking this seriously as they try to blunt the number of cases that continue to grow in both countries in terms of coronavirus we are expecting the president trying to speak later he seems to be speaking daily about the coronavirus epidemic thats sweeping now all 50 states. You know all 50 states West Virginia being the last one its a bit of a rural state and that may have insulated it from the number of cases but now as of this morning it too has been touched what were expecting to hear from the u. S. President as he briefs as part of the Coronavirus Task force briefing in the coming hour will be more on this aid package the white house has put forward an enormous number one trillion in rescue package this will help not just businesses like the Airline Industry but also ordinary americans potentially Cash Payments of up to 4500 dollars 1000 dollars being the baseline for that so theres a lot to be discussed and also another aid package being requested by this white house from congress that would be about 45000000000. 00 to keep Government Agencies open so a lot of money being requested it looks like the Republican Controlled Senate is fast tracking this they hope to have some sort of deal by the end of the week to calm those very nervous markets and investors by monday morning so were watching all of that very carefully we also know the u. S. President had a call with airline c. E. O. s this morning according to the press secretary the airline saying theyve doubled down try to keep these routes open committing to extra screenings extra cleaning in order to make sure that the plane stay in the air can be held at a washington d. C. Thanks very much lets cross over to gabriel is on the joys we know in jersey city difficult to juggle for you right gabriel behind you is new york city and its really not going oh my resident. Thats absolutely right you see midtown manhattan behind me the heart of new york city while all 50 states in the United States now have coronavirus of this new york is now the absolute epicenter it is surpassed Washington State on the west coast as having the most cases anywhere in america the priest numbers here in the state of new york there are more than 1500 confirmed cases now in new york city which you see just right behind me. There are more than 800 cases so new york city has more coronavirus cases than any other city in america by far new york state has more coronavirus cases than any other state in america as well the situation as described by the governor of new york is like this he said its like its like standing on a beach and watching a tsunami quickly approaching the shoreline he says he described it as he knows that its going to hit us its just a matter of preparing for it before it does it being of course kofi at 19 what they are really preparing here for d is one potential huge huge issue in both the state and the city and thats having enough hospital beds according to the governor of new york he said they are going to need 37000 intensive care unit beds in the coming days or weeks he said right now in new york state only has 3000 so both the mayor and the governor are calling for more federal intervention and in fact the mayor of new york saying we need military intervention in order to help build more hospital beds temporary places for people that might need it also d the mayor of new york as well calling up any retired doctors or nurses throughout the city or state saying we need anyone from the Health Profession that has recently retired to consider coming back out of retirement to help what is expected to be an overwhelmed Health System in terms of the coronavirus cases in new york theyre not going down theyre going up sharply theyre going up by about 35 percent a day for the past few days gabriel is all due in jersey city thank you. Lets cross over to wall street now and find out how the markets are reacting christine salumi for a christian of course a bumpy few days. Weve seen in the markets has the president s hope you might say to help the nation in terms of that financial impetus dont anything positive to the dow jones index. Not today markets have been creeping further and further downward right now the Dow Jones Industrial average is down more than 1300 points or 6 percent continuing the roller coaster ride weve seen over the last week where weve had these 1000 points a day swings in new records being sent monday was the largest single day point drop for the dow the 2nd largest percentage drop this is in history all of these new records and declines very stunning all the more so stunning because the market had been at record highs and rising for so long now again today we see all 11 sectors of the economy trading lower in the markets crude oil prices are down another 10 percent plus today Airline Hospitality hotel stocks cruise lines all continue to suffer and i think the markets and investors are really starting to weigh the possibility of rising unemployment here in the United States as well we dont have a lot of hard data on that yet but anecdotally were starting to hear about furloughed Hotel Employees restaurant workers being told not to come in because the restaurants are closed certainly here in new york and many places around the country retail outlets like macys have shut down so people are getting less income businesses are getting less income and thats going to have ripple effects in the markets very much looking at that there was a bit of relief on tuesday after president Coronavirus Task force spoke and outlined the steps that the government is working on to address these issues Cash Payments to families tax deferments aid to certain business sectors but right now the overarching sentiment is worry and concern and that fear is weighing hope on the markets right now. The New York Stock Exchange thank you. Well oil prices have fallen to an 18 year low u. S. Crude fell around 12 percent on wednesday to just under 25. 00 a barrel now the coronavirus pandemic has dried up demand the Oil Price War between saudi arabia and russia sent prices tumbling further to increase fears of a global recession chiles has declared a state of National Emergency as the number of credit virus infections increased by a 3rd in the past 24 hours 328 confirmed cases of the most in latin american chiles government has closed all borders and banned gatherings of more than 500 people to try and contain the spread latin america editor lucien human is joining me now live from santiago a difficult but significant decision made by the government there. Yes absolutely the president about stamping it out was under increasing pressure to take far more aggressive action and he certainly did not disappoint some of the people who are calling for a state of emergency a National Catastrophe to be put into place he says it will last for at least 90 days what does this mean it means that he can call for curfews quarantines it will restrict the a bit of public gatherings which is very important that means the demonstrations which we have seen every single day for exactly 5 months today will not be allowed a new longer and significantly the army will be allowed to come out onto the streets to impose these new restrictions and that is a very sensitive point here in chile a country that had a 17 year military dictatorship and so the idea of bringing soldiers out in the streets does not bode well with a lot of people the last time Something Like this happened in chile was exactly 10 years ago when there was an 8. 9 earthquake that destroyed much of the country in the meantime a lot of people in this country already going to selfimposed quarantine and you could see behind me a mall this is the largest mall in latin america the mare decided to close it down even though thats the peron that of the National Government and thats not the only place where thats happened more than 2000000 people normally come in here every single day and the only thing thats still open now is the supermarkets and the pharmacies and to my right you are you could see a little table the person who was selling just got out of the way they are selling black market if you open the Hand Sanitizers gloves and masks because all of that have run out at the pharmacies here in chile these probably dont have a lot of alpha hold in the many way but it just goes to show you how desperate people are unlike in other countries where people are complaining that theyre having too many restrictions the people here are screaming for a quarantine you know national nationwide. To be put into place and present particularly to be put into lockdown and the reason is very simple as i probably gave it is wrong i was just saying if in new york theyre worried about the ability of hospitals and especially Emergency Rooms to cope with severe cases can you imagine a country like chile that doesnt have the resources of italy or the United States or any other developed country to deal with a major emergency. For a moment listen human thanks for joining us of course from santiago with updates on the terms and way to track hundreds of people across the world who may have been infected with corona virus during a religious gathering in malaysia has been revealed but the event was attended by more than 1500 International Guests from 26 countries from living explains. I was before malaysia shut its borders thousands of malaysian workers who normally commute to work in singapore every day brushed to lean students also formed long lines at bus terminals as confusion over whether campuses would shut prompted many to try to leave to police stations were crowded after people were told they would require permits for interstate travel only for police to temporarily withdraw the order even after the partial lockdown was imposed social distancing was forgotten as bae is rushed to supermarkets to stock up on essentials. In. His defense. Even though. We should be more Infectious Diseases experts have watched with alarm at whats happening here the director general of health has warned of a possible 3rd wave of infections if people dont obey the governments order to restrict their movements. Malaysia has confirmed its 1st decades and reported a sudden spike in covert 9000 cases in the last few days many linked to a 4 day gathering of muslim missionaries at a mosque near kuala lumpur 16000 people from malaysia and abroad where they the government says its managed to trace more than 8000. 00 of them so far but already those who attended the event have carried the virus back to 6 of the Southeast Asian countries elsewhere astray as Prime Minister made an unprecedented announcement we are writing the travel ban on the strivings to level 4 for the entire world that is the 1st time that has ever happened in astride his history the travel advice to every astride him is do not travel abroad do not go either says. The strain governments also banned all nonessential indoor gatherings of more than 100 people but from who bay province in china the origin of the corona Virus Outbreak more cause for optimism medical workers from other provinces whove been helping to cope with the crisis are going home as the number of new cases continues to for south korea reported fewer than 100 new daily cases for the 4th day in a row both china and south korea apparently demonstrating how they are winning the war albeit with different methods china by placing severe restrictions for everyone and south korea with aggressive testing fluently while important. Another 147. 00 people have died in iran from the corona virus bringing the total to 1135. 00 is the biggest only increase in the death toll since the outbreak began iranian president Hassan Rouhani has defended his governments response saying they acted without delay iranians are being urged to stay home and avoid travel more than 17000 people have been infected more than a quarter on all of them out of them on the coronavirus we spoke to people in an honest way to not Pay Attention to cyberspace and a group of people who i do not know what their intentions are dear people of iran on february 19th we learned about the corona Virus Outbreak test kits that have been sampled in corm were brought to terror and were tested and proved to us that the samples were positive the following morning the government was informed about it and subsequently the people were warm to we had no delay not even for one day but pakistans Prime Minister is calling for calm as the number of coronaviruses cases there exceeds 250 among cancers the government is taking all necessary precautions to land in his words when the war against the virus pakistan has already closed its borders with iran and afghanistan shrines and gyms are being closed in the capital islamabad waltz in the province the hardest hit region is under lockdown. Pilgrims returning to pakistan from iran are complaining about squalid conditions and lack of medical care in a quarantine camp former and current detainees of the Afghan Border camp say it lacks Running Water and people can only watch once every few days thousands of pilgrims are staying there and its reported no attempt has been made to separate the sick from the healthy tufton border was closed on monday but pilgrims can still rionda subject to 2 weeks quarantine the Chinese Foreign Ministry Says the coronavirus pandemic kurz exposed the shortcomings of the Global Health system and called on the International Community to Work Together to tackle the crisis when we are judging on trend you we need to enhance global Public Health governance pandemics expose the shortcomings and deficiencies in the global governing system in health we are facing an urgent task in enhancing this governance system we support the w. H. O. And un in playing core roles within emergency Public Health incidence and hansing the global system we call for greater priority to be placed on Global Health security. Turkey has reported its 1st coronavirus death as well as 51. 00 new cases raising the total to 98. 00. I dont know if it is that. For the 1st time in our struggle against the virus today i have lost the patient im one of the people who monitored him very closely he was 89 years old he caught a virus from an employee who had contacts with china i wish for gods mercy on this gentleman our 1st loss his familys grief is a shared great. Bush and i was there when you see the reminder of our top stories the number of confirmed cases of corona virus worldwide now exceeds 200000 the number of deaths in europe surpasses the total in who bay the province in china where the virus originated also the u. S. And canada are closing their border to nonessential travel to combat the pandemic candid as Prime Minister says the vital cross border supply chain wont be affected and the Financial Markets in the u. S. Of opened lower as investors continue to be spooked by the effects of coronavirus and increased fears of a global recession or prices also fell to a near 18 year low. Cruise ship carrying more than a 1000 people has docked in cuba how true it was turned away from multiple ports across the caribbean there are 5 confirmed cases of coronavirus on the m. S. Braver the cruise ship has been stuck at sea for more than a week at augusta and has the latest from the by the airport where the cruise ship docked. The cruise ship you can see behind me has just come into dock in the port of marielle not far from havana here in cuba its carrying 5 people who have to tested positive for carrying the corona virus and probably dozens more over 40 people both passengers and crew have been self isolating on the ship but there are over 600 passengers and i guess 300 crew this is been a torturous ordeal for people because the ship has been floating around the caribbean sailing around the caribbean for well over a week not knowing how on earth it was going to dock 4 different caribbean islands refused to ship permission to dock on Public Health problems the governments of bahamas barbados and the Dominican Republic did not allow it to dock because they did not want the current a virus spreading further through their local populations but even more strain on the Public Health systems the cuban government has said that theyve taken this decision on humanitarian grounds and that this is a moment where the world needs to come together if theres still a chance of containing this pandemic here on the island the that decision has been contentious some people think its right that theyve allowed the dock that they will that they have allowed these people to be evacuated here in cuba other people think that particular difficult economic time the last thing cubans need is an increased spread of coronavirus on the island today there have been a few cases. And people are worried but im sure that now this is docked and in the coming hours once people start to get evacuated and flown home the people on the ship police will be relieved that this stage of a torturous ordeal has not come to an end. Well it started with a call on social media in the spanish capital madrid ended with people banging pots and pans people who are calling on the former king to donate money to the Health System currently struggling to combat the coronavirus one carlos reportedly received 100000000. 00 from saudi arabia on sunday felipe said that he had renounced his inheritance from his father and stripped him of his palace allowance. The un is suspending resettlement for refugees over fears new border restrictions could strand some families and the travel for refugees already approved by the host country will be put on hold until further notice the u. N. Says it will continue with emergency cases more than a 1000000 people around the world need to be resettled. China has revoked the reporting credentials of journalists from 3 major american newspapers the Foreign Ministry says its a Counter Measure against what it calls a reasonable oppression from the u. S. Its the latest in less collating media feud between the chinese are the u. S. Governments review you has more beijing. To see and hear whats happening in one of the worlds most powerful any countries foreign media in china provide a window for the world. That window has just been made. With the ousting of correspondence from 3 of americas best known newspapers the New York Times Washington Post and the wall street journal chinas Foreign Ministry says the crackdown is in response to unfair treatment by the us. China is not want to start trouble but will not blink if trouble comes in that way at least 13 foreign journalists are affected that bad not only from reporting in Mainland China but in hong kong and macau as well u. S. Secretary of state mike compare is hoping beijing will reconsider the chinese will tell you that they want more information people to know more about the country yet they continue to take actions like the one you see today where they deny the world the capacity to know whats really going on inside other countries earlier this month the u. S. Government kept the number of chinese reporters working in the states for 5 state run outlets including c g t n China Global Television network or c g t m u. S. Based staff numbers but cut from 160 to 100 that followed the explosion in february of 3 will street journal correspondence from beijing following an editorial titled china is the real sick man of asia that was seen as retaliation for the trump administrations decision to force Chinese Media firms to register as foreign entities in the u. S. Theres been a desire to get china to react to do something which will paint china in the International Eyes as the aggressor as a authoritarian government chinas Foreign Correspondents Club condemned the ban saying there are no winners in the use of journalists as diplomatic pawns journalists eliminate the world we live in china through this action is dimming itself. In the past 7 years the Chinese Government has revoked the these as of at least 9 foreign journalists but analysts say the expulsion happening now is the worst attack on press freedom says. The days of melting dolls the sound of china since coming to power president xi jinping has time to describe areas of Chinese Society Media Outlets local and international exceptional catrina aljazeera. Joe biden has extended his lead in the race for the democratic president ial nomination the former u. S. Vice president defeated Bernie Sanders by big margins in the primaries in illinois arizona and florida sun has come payne manager says hell be having conversations with supporters to assess his campaign and the gala reports from miami. A polling stations in florida arizona and illinois wasnt just a democratic process officials were concerned about the rapid spread of the coronavirus saw low voter turnout furious cleaning and polling staff not manning the boobs over Health Concerns many voted early or by mail but those that turned out on tuesday were cautious so you know lets say your peers sexts a way other than us the best you can do all you can do is just try to stay clean wash your hands limit any public action if you can i mean im going to go home after this im not going to be out hanging out with people. Officials in ohio declared a Health Emergency delaying their primary until june the states governor called it an Unprecedented Health crisis that left some voters disappointed i really want to vote you know i want to make sure my voice is heard especially you know from all the years of back in the past where we were you know africanamericans. Despite the confusion concerns and recommendations not to gather in large crowds the night belonged to joe biden the former Vice President now has the momentum delegate counts and is seen by many as best able to take on President Trump all this together. This is one for each of us to see and believe the best in everyone of us to look out for our neighbors understand the fear and stress and so many are feeling biden now has a net insurmountable lead over Bernie Sanders he didnt address his losses on tuesday instead appealing for more federal help for the pandemic we need to provide a direct emergency 2000. 00 cash payment every household in america every month for the duration of the crisis to provide them with the assistance they need to pay their bills and take care of their families in his remote address to the nation joe biden spoke directly to sunder supporters telling them i hear you Sanders Movement is still a powerful force and bidens appeal is perhaps a sign of things to come the former Vice President wants to unite both the country and the party and to do that hell need those supporters on board and they gallacher aljazeera Miami Florida now the u. S. Military in southern iraq is moving troops to larger bases to better protect the it comes after a series of rocket attacks targeted a base where americans were stationed some in a full team reports of baghdad. The body of it is laid to rest the 23 year old was one of 6 People Killed in what the u. S. Called defensive persuasion strikes on the type hezbollah in southern iraq but family says he wasnt a fighter but a daily laborer working at the airport who had nothing to do with the iranian backed group. He worked inside the airport getting paid 8. 00 per day now that hes dead who is going to think about his kids his wife his mother wheres their guilt. Behind a pregnant wife 2 children and a family consumed with grief like many other iraqis the family is angry at the u. S. And the iranian backed groups for settling scores on the iraqi soil this conflict is between iran and america its none of our business they should go out and fight it out between themselves. The u. S. Strikes followed a barrage of rockets fired at the Taji Military base north of baghdad on march 11th killing 2 american and one british soldier the pentagon described the u. S. Response as a success we assess that each location stored weapons that would enable lethal operations against u. S. And Coalition Forces in iraq we also assess that the destruction of these sites will degrade khateeb his balls ability to conduct future strikes but the american reprisal was followed by a 2nd rocket attack on tidy just a day later raising doubts about the effectiveness of the us military action a total of 9 people were killed and dozens wounded in the latest 3 tit for tat attacks many of the casualties were members of the Iraqi Security forces who are both sides and. We dont accept being in the middle while the 2 sides to rate their weapons against each other this is caused a lot of damage for the iraqi army. The Iraqi Joint Operations command denounced both the u. S. And what it cautiously calls the other side for not respecting its authority as the highest military body and for not giving it a chance to manage the crisis that. There was no chance to finish the investigation into the 1st rocket attack the american side directly reacted with a strike on a rocky facilities that included the army bases and employees and also the other side started their attacks which only complicated the situation. But the Iraqi Government has never attributed blame nor has it published results of investigations for any of the 2 dozen rocket attacks the targeted the coalition over the past 6 months but Iraqi Government appears on the willing or able to stop the groups responsible for attacks on bases that house call this an personnel instead it has called for the implementation of the jan your wrist problem entry decision to expel all foreign troops from iraq the coalition has begun withdrawing soldiers from smaller bases to consolidate them in fewer locations and although u. S. Officials say that this move is not related to the latest rocket attacks it could pave the way for a partial troop draw down over the next few months seen on a faulty aljazeera. Believe before the Coronavirus Crisis indias Financial Institutions were causing concern because of their large debts yes bank the 4th largest lender in india has taken over or was taken over by the government this month elizabeth for all reports of the capital new delhi. Some good news at last for u. S. Bank customers nearly 2 weeks after the government took indias 4th largest private. To 50630. 00 imposed during the government. Is due to end on wednesday. And. The government took control on march the 6th because the bank had too many bad debts and loans which were being repaid the take to customers lining up to get their money out and the government imposing the withdrawal limit. For the bailout the government of the bank of india brought together 8 banks led by the state bank of india the largest in the country. The bank is again highlighting the banking crisis involving Financial Institutions with too many shadow banks which dont face the same regulations as well known lenders and companies. Yes Bank Customers included some of indias biggest businesses including group a body was once one of indias richest people incremental big reason was. Already promoters who were. Able to pay back the bank. Like in the u. P. A. The previous. Cronies getting more loans to pay back their earlier. The government has accused u. S. Banks founder and his family of laundering around 600000000. 00 by receiving kickbacks for extending loans that couldnt be repaid lawyer says hes being made a scapegoat. Private analysts say the toxic loans crisis goes beyond a few bad apples its the 3rd time in a year that indias reserve bank has intervened to rescue the with our bad loans. Have plagued our economy our Financial System the last 5 years. Had been hoping for a snort train wreck you know they wanted a soft lead the problems that they were they were looking over but in this business that is not. A trainwreck of the plan direct it will cause damage. Many are asking why the government didnt notice us banks massive the economy was suffering a significant slowdown yes bank rescue comes at a bad time for indias economy which is growing at its lowest pace in over 6 years the government is now investigating why the take all the had to happen the financial analysts say on this the entire. 3rd biggest economy could deteriorate further elizabeth. Its 30 years since 2 burglars in boston carried out whats being called the heist of the century 13 rare works was stolen now they include several by the dutch musta rembrandt which have been seen since jordan uncovers the mystery at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in boston a 30 year old mystery still brings pain and questions who bluffed their way into the museum tied up the guards and made off with 13 rare paintings drawings and objects where the works now. 2 of the most important works that were stolen the concert by their me are just one of 36 of his works in existence and christ in the storm on the sea of galilee by rembrandt his only painting featuring a seascape scene reports that the stolen items are worth 500000000. 00 or more and pragmatically thats a fair estimate however i like to to point out that the pieces that was stolen from the gardener really are the true definition of priceless ness because they can never be solved they can never be replaced a few years ago the f. B. I. Thought this Surveillance Video could solve the case it shows an unidentified man walking through the museum after hours just one night before the heist but that and other clues just werent enough to help investigators another problem it turns out both suspected robbers died a year after the theft the message to the public if you know something its ok to come forward we acknowledge the fact that any or all of these pieces could be in the hands of individuals who had nothing to do with the original theft or may not even know that theyre stolen 30 years on the museums 10000000 dollar reward sits unclaimed while curators and Law Enforcement hope these works one day will return to the gardners walls rosalyn jordan aljazeera washington. Well still ahead here on out as ever the krona virus continues to Impact Sports as well as the way that its played. Pool. Or. Welcome back to before we get to sport lets bring you some news coming out of ankara the president is speaking to the nation right now in turkeys advising citizens not to leave home until a corona Virus Outbreak passes will bring you more on that in a little while. Well its time for sport now is peter with well what sport is going on indeed the case thank you japans deputy Prime Minister has said the summer Olympic Games in tokyo will make no sense if countries cannot send their athletes because of the coronavirus pandemic bryant is in seoul with more on the reaction these comments by taro aso the deputy Prime Minister and also the finance minister really have raised speculation here that we are going to see some important announcement about the olympics there have of course been huge amounts of speculation that they would be at the very least delayed maybe even canceled and this is comments by mr asso saying that they would make no sense to hold the games if people couldnt send their athletes to this part of the world so that seems to be an admission a tacit one at least that even if japan doesnt have a problem by july as were hearing the latest predictions other parts of the world may still be in the grip of this Coronavirus Spread until very recently the actual Prime Minister shinzo of a has maintained adamantly that the games will still go ahead as planned this is a huge deal for him this is almost the high point of his premiership he thought to bring the games to japan and its a huge boost for the economy its prestigious just to give you an idea how close the games are now at the end of next week the olympic flame is due to land on japanese soil and we start the beginning of this torch relay all around japan in the big build up to the olympics thats going to happen as i said next week but people have been told to stay out to stay away from the celebration which doesnt fill you with confidence that this is a country preparing for the olympics and in fact a recent poll has indicated that 70 percent of people in japan believe that the games will have to be delayed. The International Olympic committee is sticking to the line that the games will go ahead but one i. O. C. Member has broken ranks former winter olympians Hayley Wickenheiser says it would be insensitive and irresponsible to proceed with the games she said we dont know whats going to happen tomorrow let alone in the next few months we can hire one for gold medals with canadas Ice Hockey Team several current athletes a voice their concerns about the games taking place our Sports Correspondent winnings has more when we have it. Theyre trying to evoke was it more moral to actually committee that they dont know whats happening with such simple things as their training and facilities that sindhis wrote what were seeing is the increasing number of cancellations of tournament dogma as a limp call or until now getting the sense of the athletes it should be in tokyo qualified that leaves a lot of a lot of things to be decided of course it is all mind this in their mind sheeny as they try to get it right as part of the 4 year olympic cycle a little army looks out of the. Plates might have to turn up until youre in july underprepared it does seem unlikely that were going to get as insurance everything is are not was ok with. Prices so now going to take place weve had 10 years over his asian ordering a closure of Training Camps to die in swimming boxing to womens conduct in the u. K. Diamond league meetings. Is being cancelled and to actually say whizzing by july that really does the height of what is a similar football of latin neighbor him of his doing his part to tackle coronavirus he set up an online fundraiser to help raise a 1000000. 00 for hospitals and its a lot and has donated 100000 him selfe and called on his fellow professional athletes to do the same. Together we can really help hospitals and doctors and nurses who selflessly work every day to save our lives because today we are the ones cheering for them. To get to kick the coronavirus away and win this match and remember if there were a result go to slot on slot and goes for the virus former nigeria midfielder John Obi Mikel is quick turkish side tribes on sport because hes not comfortable with football continuing in the country all games are behind closed doors but mikhail says there is more to life than football and believes the season should be canceled. Kevin durants one of the biggest stars in basketball the n. B. A. Is among 4 Brooklyn Nets players with coronavirus a 10 time all star is in isolation and being taken care of by team doctors 3 of the players are showing no symptoms all major sports leagues including the n. B. A. Are currently suspended and the viruses even left its mark on the sport of chase plenty of Hand Sanitizer on show and no fans allowed as 8 of the worlds best players gathered to compete in russia tournament organizers said handshakes were optional raja may wear them the uncle and trainer of boxer Floyd Mayweather has died at the age of 58 a cause of death has not been confirmed Roger Mayweather was a 2 weight World Champion in his own right and began coaching floyd in the late 1990 s. Hes nephew going on to become one of the best pound for pound fighters of all time with 50 fights and no losses thats all the sports needs a finale thank you so thanks very much Peter Marin Mars will have another full half hour of news my london Broadcast Center to learn from me and the new starting tekla. Perception is validation we believe want to be seen but in one life time we cannot see everything that we rely on experiences of others and the legacies had previous generations. With that testimony we would know very little. Witness documentaries that open your eyes on aljazeera. It doesnt display of opiates and fantasy fans occams fashion it isnt only a lesson in creativity but also in sustainability all these clothes are made from recycled fin teach all riposte fabrics were leading the way to make sustainability the new normal because thats what it is to be some of the worlds most prestigious fashion houses all based in paris and most say that theyre trying to become more environmentally friendly changing a multibillion dollar industry is a challenge but in an environment driven by trends where responsibly make clothes may become the ultimate fashion statement singapore is being accused of expanding its coastal and illegally dredged satins of some of the islands off the coast of indonesia and literally vanish its a big Business Model in the fair when it will take to sit there and fill the sand is a fair bit to say this beautiful being but behind it is something with not so plentiful tragedy is that people are just not aware and ecological investigation into a global emergency sound at this time on aljazeera. Millions around the world adjusts to advertising restrictions as the death toll from coronavirus passes 8000. Hello i Maryam Namazie in london over him welcome to the program also coming up global stocks and Oil Prices Fall again despite governments and out saying a massive stimulus plans. Malaysia closes it its borders and races to track down thousands who attended a religious event which is spread the virus to other countries. And also coming up democratic president ial hopeful Bernie Sanders to assess his campaign off to joe biden wins all 3 of choose states primaries

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