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Heads for turkey but this is the same officials one of whom says its insensitive and irresponsible to hold the games. But im sure of the way to track hundreds of people across the world who may have been infected with corona virus during an event in malaysia the country has shut its borders to all travelers after registering 2 deaths and 790 cases many of those cases live links to a religious gathering of 16000 people in the capital elsewhere a story and speaking told not to leave the country its declared a human biosecurity emergency giving the government the power to seal off cities and impose curfews the United States has announced a one trillion dollar plan in a bid to try to lessen the economic fallout in less than 30 minutes well see if thats calm Financial Markets when they open in new york and in italy patients are being moved to a new Treatment Center in rome more than 30000 italians are infected the death toll there has passed 2500. Well lets begin with that story out of malaysia its now been revealed that that event was attended by more than 1500. 00 International Guests from 26. 00 countries aljazeera is Florence Louis reports always before malaysia shut its borders thousands of malaysian workers who normally commute to work in singapore every day brushed to. Students also formed long lines at bus terminals as confusion over whether campuses which shut prompted many to try to leave 2 police stations were crowded after people were told they would require permits for interstate travel only for police to temporarily withdraw the order even after the partial lockdown was imposed social distancing was forgotten as by is rushed to supermarkets to stock up on essential. Difference. It would. Be more Infectious Diseases experts have watched with alarm at whats happening here the director general of health has warned of a possible 3rd wave of infections if people dont obey the governments order to restrict their movements malaysia has confirmed its 1st decades and reported a sudden spike in covert 19 cases in the last few days many linked to a 4 day gathering of muslim missionaries at a mosque near kuala lumpur 16000 people from malaysia and abroad were there the government says its managed to trace more than 8000. 00 of them so far but already those who attended the event have carried the virus back to 6 of the Southeast Asian countries elsewhere astray as Prime Minister made an unprecedented announcement we are writing the travel ban on the strivings to level 4 for the entire world. That is the 1st time that has ever happened in astride his history the travel advice to every stride is do not travel abroad do not go on. The straight and governments also banned all nonessential indoor gatherings of more than 100 people but from a province in china the origin of the corona Virus Outbreak more cause for optimism medical workers from other provinces whove been helping to cope with the crisis are going home as the number of new cases continues to fall south korea reported fewer than 100 new daily cases for the 4th day in a row both china and south korea apparently demonstrating how they are winning the war albeit with different methods china by placing severe restrictions for everyone and south korea with aggressive test of. Well many major religions have been limiting large gatherings saudi arabia banned muslims from visiting the holy site of mecca pope francis is Easter Service will be held without a public audience but despite calls for social distancing many are still flocking to religious events seeking comfort possible for jolie is a professor of theology and religious studies at Villanova University he joins us now live via skype from philadelphia professors good to have you with us to what extent is the current pandemic exposing a disconnect between religion and science especially in countries where religion is law. This is a very important issue because there are some countries were is that religion hes in charge of that display surely or not government and if theres a clear disconnect because these these regimes of irans or saudi arabia they are eager to use technology for civilian regular purposes but the science. Because its a threat to the system of truth. That supports were injured by this pandemic hes regretting this because its not just using technology its also believed in what Scientists Say which hes east. Of the gathering of worship is a big test for all of them and as he said many religious authorities have fallen into line with the scientists i mean can science ever fully persuade religion to embrace new evidence as it as it comes to light how does science persuade religious authority to do the right thing as far as Public Health is concerned. So this is a double edged sword because on one hand theres the old problem of water ease the separation of tasks in the legion and science as Galileo Galilei is going to lay says 4 centuries ago the bible and scripture or we just tax theyre supposed to to tell us how to good to have them and not out of the heavens go and so that is the old problem and now theres a new problem because all religions are ravaged by 3 so called the United States culture wars and allegiance fundamentalism or conservatism versus liberalism and there are many reasons niggers bad as modern as they claim to be they are dismissing the facts on the ground myras as a conspiracy when liberals of sciences and this is clearly a new face of the old problem of the relationship between science and faith and religion a some religious traditions more prepared to bend to scientific at an evidence one of those well and eve is complicated because. Dad has to go to changes because all Major Regions and judaism christianity east. And alone he sciri all the cliched science of using science but lately all of that and they have fallen victim to the temptation of rejecting science as a whole because hes mother because hes secular. Problem eastlands personal to all who egyptians in different ways we mean the same Common Shares there are different situations. Etiology income police our consulate well they do not buy d scrums and this odd little churches in the euro or the United States they are much less culpable and theyre showing signs of distress ok so thats thats religious authority what about the faithful as we heard many are still flocking to religious events and shrines seeking comfort why does the faithful sick so doggedly to the belief that the prayer in only prayer. Can protect them from disease in spite of of Scientific Evidence to the contrary. Well here i believe the faithful have a right to seek const for some of the motions and the practices the problems its we start looking at least 2 things that are silent and i think the devotion is alternatives and somebody got richer as the church is never said officially released a subsidy. For treatment for science medicine but this is again a very recent modern problem of these last century or so because science is tends to to be associated by some clear explosive by some intellectuals ideologues inherently an enemy of the faith so revered yes more ease to. Me he was struck me the faithful that is a healthy way ready while continuing looking for concert. And. This spiritual psychological effects from the oceans the out of voiding sciences this is something that has come back lately much more than once and dreams into the professor record store to many thanks dave for being with a small sum of money that professor of theology and religious studies at the end of a university the u. S. Has planned a trillion dollar package to try to ease the economic fallout from the coronavirus 100. 00 american deaths are so far linked to it and many 6000 infections a White House Correspondent Kelly Holcomb points. As ordinary americans cope with the Economic Impacts of coronavirus the white house announced it was pushing congress to make a media Cash Payments to struggling americans what weve heard from hardworking americans Many Companies have now shut down whether its bars or restaurants american state cash now and the president wants to get cash now and i mean now in the next few Weeks Congress has already put forward a bill to provide sickly as well as Food Assistance to children and the elderly it still needs to pass the Republican Controlled Senate before us President Donald Trump can sign it into law. But the new proposed payments which also need to be approved by congress would be part of a package worth more than a trillion dollars. Clude help for the airline and other Industries Hit hard by the slowdown in business this is worse than 911 that for the Airline Industry were going big with this invisible enemy we dont want airlines going out of business we dont want people losing their jobs the Hotel Industry has also been hard hit tuesday mariya the Worlds Largest Hotel Company started furloughing thousands of employees as their hotels see fewer customers but its not just the economy that has the white house worried it says Public Health remains a priority on standby in new york the army corps of engineers to increase Hospital Capacity in response to the pandemic new york remains one of the states with a high cluster of coronavirus cases my hunch is it would probably be quicker if its done at the state or local level but if we can do it quicker we should we were prepared to do that but i think at this point the key is speed still there are signs it will be weeks if not months before life returns to normal beloved events like the Kentucky Derby horse race now delayed until september and in an Election Year the ohio president ial nominating contest was also called off the American Red Cross on tuesday also put out a call for blood donations. And complete joins us now live from washington kimberly how soon could this economic aid package be released yeah its definitely in a divided u. S. Congress one thing that this congress can find some consensus on so this is on a fast track and given that the wheels of government move pretty slowly in this country the fact that theyre hoping to have this by the end of the week is pretty remarkable the reason theyre trying to do that is to calm those very nervous investors on wall street the other reason for this is that the white house is warning if this package doesnt go through those historically led a lot lower unemployment rates here in the United States they could have we could see unemployment hitting the 20 percent mark here in the United States so theyre working as i mentioned that report on a one trillion dollars package that is an enormous amount historical in fact in this country and it would include not just bailouts for Industries Like the airlines but also potentially Cash Payments to individuals of between 14500. 00 so this is something that theyre working on very very urgently and in the midst of all this theres now another request for even more money 45000000000. 00 for government funding to keep Government Agencies open so a lot of funding requests hitting congress right now coming up at 9 15 in the morning in washington kimberly whats on the president s agenda today when can we expect to hear from him. Yeah a little bit curious we had a tweet from him about an hour ago where he said hes having a News Conference to discuss the chinese virus couple things in that tweet their number one theres no News Conference on the daily schedule except the sort of regular Coronavirus Task force briefing we think thats what the president is talking about but no clarification just the usual kind of morning confusion here in washington the other thing thats really important is hes calling the crown a virus the chinese virus and that is very deliberate thats something the president is defending hes very angry that he says china blamed the u. S. Military on the spread of the virus so he is not only defending the use of the this name but also saying hell continue to do it because he says thats where the virus came from in the midst of all of this i should tell you just very quickly here in the United States we now have all 50 us states with cases of rotavirus and hospitals are now bracing themselves for the influx of patients they expect in the coming days and weeks White House Correspondent kimberly how could live in washington kimberly many thanks indeed strict lock downs on place across much of europe from the effect is very clear now take a look at this video shot in central paris in the past just after 1 pm local time hardly a person to be seen shops and cafes closed the streets around popular attractions like the move and the eiffel tower empty list. On any given day this area would usually be teeming with tourists and locals today its nearly abandoned the entire country under a 15 day lockdown which began at midday on tuesday. And frances Prime Minister has warned that british travelers could be stopped from entering the country if the u. K. Fails to lock down to battle a pandemic. So itll kill if we want to be coherent all those who within the europeans only need to adopt coherent methods and processes to fight the epidemic italy france spain and maybe tomorrow other states have chosen to be in confinement it goes without saying that if other countries especially the neighboring countries for example the United Kingdom stay in a logic in which they do not apply these measures that it would be difficult for us to accept british nationals with the now territory who can move freely within their country and then come to france a new Commission President on the land has southerners of optimism she believes that a vaccine to the coronavirus may be ready in a few months time in addition we are accelerating research yesterday i spoke to the managers of an innovative European Research company they work on a Promising Technology to develop a vaccine against the corona virus the European Union provides them up to 80000000 euros and i hope that with this support we can have a vaccine on the market perhaps before autumn lets go live to london and Sarah Lawrence lee can talk to us a little bit more about whats going on in europe right now this bizarre scenes we we saw europe of a near deserted paris. You know up absolute extraordinary isnt it just to see a lie that. This place really is whats underwriting the frustration from the french Prime Minister in that sound bite you heard about whats happening in the u. K. And then as far as lou is saying in her report earlier on the success of countries like china and south korea and getting on top of it have either been through the enforced long sounds of societies. Ideally coupled with mass testing as south korea did and clearly the french people are now willingly or otherwise at hearing to these demands from the government as of the populations of spain and italy and and so on with the with all the contingent difficulties of that presents for people here in the u. K. Its still a different picture in the house of commons they have provinces questions a short time ago every wednesday and it was a very different scene because usually with a 650 m. P. s but only those m. P. s who had a question on the paper it was the Prime Minister were allowed to turn up and so the whole chamber was over 3 quarters of more empty and they said well thats there was social social distancing but at the same time of course the restaurants and pubs are of still open very much people being advised to stay away but not by their demand that they stay away and interestingly in promises questions nobody actually else the Prime Minister but what do you think about these these complaints from europe that theyre doing all the heavy lifting world while the u. K. Still to some degree and for business in the Prime Minister did say however is that theres going to be announcement on schools in the u. K. Imminently and so i think the suggestion is that probably by the end of this week we may see the closure of all the schools as always has happened elsewhere and if that happens when it happens then obviously the country sort of goes into volatile up there anyway because everybody has a stay at home apart from Health Workers trying to cover the children but is this a lag you see between the u. K. And every everywhere else that is still the a cause for concern the u. K. Is Prime Minister has said that. The u. K. Is getting closer to finding a test that can tell whether youve actually had a career out of this. Yeah he announced in the commons as as well during the same session peculiar actually because he said the u. K. Is testing far more people theyre trying to get all 25000 a day but far less testing than has been happening elsewhere and yet theres not going to be a thing that can tell you that its right rather than if you get if you currently have it so thats what i mean but this is certainly useful in some of adding up the actual numbers of people in the country who eventually have had it but its not the same clearly as the announcement from wonderland in brussels that this German Company looks like it might have a vaccine on the horizon and thats a reflection of the progress that seems you may know the countries as well japan the fuji in japan says its got a nancy flu drug that seems to be working on people with it as well so there are advances going on in europe and outside europe but its the only piece of good news frankly at the moment out zeros lauras live reporting live from london lawrence many thanks indeed back now to you were at issue that we were discussing with our guest a few minutes ago the Orthodox Church in georgia has taken something of a unique approach to tackling the corona Virus Outbreak its been sprinkling holy water georgia has 34. 00 k. Cases and priests say that theyve turned to god to save the country theyve been driving around the capital blessing residents and commuters robin for us to walk are reports from tbilisi. In georgia the church is cooling or gods to protect the people from the virus. Priests sprinkled so to mingle with the snow and rain. In tbilisi so maybe a cathedral hundreds of liters of water would blessed for the purpose. The Church Continues to welcome congregations. Its priests believe in the healing power of prayer. We see how hard the situation is in our country the whole world and how the virus is spreading thats why the church has decided surprise. Some of the judges or thirtys have identified fewer than 40 cases of covered 19 but the Prime Minister on tuesday warned its now spreading among the general population. Maybe to me if we are moving from the stage of stopping the epidemic to containing spread this transition is very important and we need to be ready 1st and foremost of the health care system. Georgia has been preparing schools and universities closed 2 weeks ago its borders are shut and public transport is about to be limited. To docs priests have refused to alter their rituals. Their presence remains a comfort to many. For a deeply religious society at this time of anxiety this is the georgian Orthodox Church his way of providing some spiritual support and guidance at these difficult times robin 1st year walker aljazeera tbilisi. The Chinese Foreign Ministry Says the coronavirus pandemic has exposed the shortcomings in the Global Health system and has called on the International Community to Work Together to tackle the crisis. Well you know. We need to enhance global Public Health governance this pandemics exposed the shortcomings and deficiencies in the global governing system in health we are facing an urgent task and it hansing this governance system we support the w. H. O. And un in playing core roles within emergency Public Health instance and hansing the global system we call for greater priority to be placed on Global Health security. Has only one concern coronavirus links death so far but many fear that the country wont be able to people in the country will be able to afford a doctor if theyre infected the government has announced a state of emergency is closed borders and food prices are rising the shortages. Reports from khartoum. Coming from work empty handed has become the norm for. The daily makes little money and food prices have soared since the discovery of the coronavirus here. We dont have Health Insurance if someone in the family gets really sick we try to get them treatment but if we dont have the money we wait for the illness to pass we rarely eat nutritious food now with this new disease ive not even thought of stocking up because i barely have money for one day. Fruit prices have tripled since the virus was found in sudan several government directives have been issued containing the spread including banning large crowds but over the past few weeks fuel and bread shortages have resulted in long queues and thats not the only challenge the guy behind me is selling at 50 pounds apiece thats equivalent of 1. 00 using the official Exchange Rate an entire box is worth 50. 00 Health Workers prior to the detection of the corona virus a box of masks was worth just 5. 00. Masks as well as Hand Sanitizers quickly disappeared from shelves in shops and pharmacies and are now sold in the streets with have downs 14000000 officially living in poverty there are a luxury many cant afford. Were talking about thousands of infections potential infections i would say by people reacting in the streets i would say its become more of a careless because i cannot afford that i would rather buy food. So that i can live with the virus will affect everyone so we should be working together to fight it and try to protect the country to make sure the virus doesnt spread. The government has also prepared Isolation Centers but sudan has the for 20 years of International Sanctions and has less than 7 doctors for every 1000. 00 people visit equipments also in short supply america. The equipment for testing the places the doctors and the kits are very limited in number but we have to centralize it to make sure that the testing for this new virus is done safely and correctly there was a test that was negative and then a 2nd test that showed a positive this is common in many diseases and complicates matters so we have to do repeated tests and now were working to get the support for that. Says he has little hope of providing for his family with the needed to help protect them but he hopes that if the coroner virus does reach his family they get the medical support needed he will morgan of his their own heart tomb. Turkey has reported its 1st corona virus to the country has reported 51. 00 new cases bringing its nationwide total to 908. 00. For the 1st time in our struggle against the virus today i have lost the patient im one of the people who monitored him very closely he was 89 years old he caught the virus from an employee who had contacts with china i wish for gods mercy on this gentleman our 1st loss his familys grief is are shared great lets go live now to were istanbul have 07 course you know can tell us more president juan is missing with his top team of experts right now what kind of measures has the country put into place so far what can we expect to come out of this meeting. Well there are 3 in according to the turkish officials that according to what president. Said in a statement prior to this meeting turkey start to take measures early especially beginning from general area like warning the citizens about the outcome of for coronavirus evacuating its citizens from which chinese city will hand and also suspending flights and shutting down the schools for at least 3 weeks of primary schools high schools in colleges and they have been trying to warn people through social media conventional media and some other ways to prepare for such a disease yes turkey a koran a virus as arrived late to turkey or the spite of the neighboring countries like iraq iran have been suffering from the virus huge the. First case was announced early last week on the but looking at the numbers going up it is doubling every day saw turkey currently is trying to prepare itself for the worst scenario because they are 2 weeks after italy and just one week after United States and we have seen what has happened in other countries thats why the turkish officials are trying to you know trying to explain the citizens that if necessary measures arent taken on time things can and can go worse because Turkish Society is also. The turkish people are also involved always involved with each other you have mass prayers you have mass funeral you have mass weddings thats why theyre they shut down all clubs bars mosques everywhere for a while and i don is expected to have an important statement after this meeting some people discuss that a curfew might be announced as well but it was the night by the Communications Director yesterday and the other and the day before that that there will be no output like that but people insist that. There should be tough measures because since it is one of the latest countries that received the virus turkey had the chance to see what other countries have experienced but for now it is terrifying in everybodys drive to be careful and also there are some measures taken in terms of protecting the domestic in the us 3 like as as the 1st case was announced for instance in turkey people flock to the supermarkets to buy. To buy coal on this infection sanitizers other cleaning materials now turkey has a measure for that turkey stopped beginning from today turkey stop exporting those ethanol based alcohol based at this infection products and there are some other measures on the way in order to supply the domestic demand then take the export export idea as a 2nd option later option for the future so the many thanks of 07 consumer the live in istanbul lets get a Weather Forecast a core new croupier of weather in the United States its here on the set did you write this i didnt write that but you know what that sums it up very very well adrian it really tells it does let me talk to you is is there what it is all about when you say cornucopia it is every type of weather you can imagine the United States of the next few days you can see quite a bit of cloud there and weve had plenty of snow this is out in nevada and also news this time of year is that real transition period of course from winter into spring so this is why we expect to see snow and there is more in the forecast but at the same time look at this up into the northeast new jersey clear sunny skies were seeing a real rise in temperatures well above average for the end of the week florida sunny skies there temperatures a little bit higher than the average but not what you would call a heat wave but look at this it really is quite a mess really on thursday some severe storms developing we have some very warm moist air in place these temperatures are well above the average but then look what happens. On friday this line here this line of rain showers and so with on the storms they work their way eastwards and some basically cold air comes in behind look at the drop there in temperature for kansas city underslept if the next few days 19 up to 23. 00 on a drop of 20 degrees down to 3 celsius the average is 10 degrees this time of year so it gives you an idea of just really how extreme the weather conditions are as for look at the temperatures across the entire country this is what were looking up by friday so the red areas where weve got temperatures well above average the blue is where we have time which is well below so adrian as you said a cornucopia of weather everything but the kitchen sink jenny many thanks indeed still to come on that is how schools across sri lanka close their doors as the number of coronavirus cases rises well tell you how theyre making sure the students to fall behind. It. A 10000000. 00 reward for anyone who can solve a 30 year old art theft mystery. And french open organizers set a new date the delayed tennis tournament which puts the grand slam on a collision course with another big event thats coming up with peter in sport. Frank assessments the one thing about these bushfires usage really wiping out the politics of Climate Change informed opinions economy i think is actually whats keeping donald trump afloat right now critical debate sequel on those 2 school board lawyers on d a bogus argument is astonishingly patronize a indepth analysis of the days headlines this is the beginning of the new iraq of the new conscious and aware use of that struggle against an ethnic sectarian cult or inside story on aljazeera when the news breaks the word out for was part of the ins and getting more police on the presentation and Economic Development when people need to be held to the top leadership world where of the potential of barratry of the virus weeks before the public told of those dangers aljazeera has teams on the ground the syrian army seems determined to defeat the rebels and continues advanced was this is a good day to bring you more Award Winning documentaries and life needs. Could tell you this hello adrian forgetting here in doha with the news from out 0 the headlines malaysia has closed its borders as its 1st 2 coronavirus deaths were confirmed as one of 790 new infections nearly 2 thirds of those infections have been traced to an event at a mosque in kuala lumpur where people from 26 countries attended australias Prime Minister Scott Morrison a surprising citizens not to leave the country the government has declared a human bio security emergency giving it the power to seal off cities but impose curfews and in the United States the trumpet ministration has announced a one trillion dollar package to help stabilize the economy during the coronavirus pandemic also includes giving money to individual citizens the opening bell on wall street was what 5 minutes ago asian markets start the day in positive territory but nosedive the european stocks have not done well either lets go to wall street and zeros kristen salumi whos at the New York Stock Exchange at the moment whats happened in the dow jones kristen. Well you and u. S. Stocks are heading in the same direction as asian stocks and european stocks down down down all 3 of the major indices are down around 5 percent and nasdaq looks like a little bit under 5 percent at the moment pretty much a racing the gains that they made yesterday basically this roller coaster ride that weve been seeing with sharp swings into negative and positive over the last week looks like it is going to continue as realization sets in about the Global Impact of this coronavirus pandemic. Businesses and families are beginning to lose income and the realization is setting in for investors that a lot of people lot of businesses are going to be able to pay their bills the news here just hasnt been good in new york in particular where the markets are based theres talk about hospitals possibly not having enough beds to deal with the peak of the more restrictive measures restaurants have closed so all of this is just bringing back the fears of the investors we had a brief reprieve from the downward trend yesterday when washington d. C. In the trump and ministration talked about the stimulus package that its working on that seemed to investors down enough that they put some money back into the stocks but you know fear is outweighing hold right now as. More and more analysts predict that a recession globally is and habitable and the fall out just continues to be weighed for so many businesses all 11 sectors of the economy are down on wall street right now all right many thanks to chris and salumi the live for some wall street where the Dow Jones Industrial average has opened around 5 and a half percent lower down a definite curfew has been announced the northwest and sri lanka hundreds of people that are thought to be evading quarantine for the coronavirus many of them had recently returned from working its lead elsewhere exams have been disrupted because schools and universities are closed as a response and this reports now from colombo. Teachers at this small school in colombo are ensuring this students dont fall behind in their studies now their dues have closed their preparing packs for home study the government surprise staff here when it ordered all indication institutions to close for 5 weeks to help stop the spread of corbett 19 this was critical. Basically because we didnt know why the sudden within 45 minutes we were told schools are closing to the 20th of april its not like a corporation where you can put a few fires in the draw and say well come back to you these are children all schools in sri lanka are no closed as it braces for a rise in coronavirus numbers there are usually around 3000 students coming to this School Every Day but fears of the coronavirus has kept them and more than 4000000. 00 like them around the country at home. The authorities hope the decision to close schools will help minimize the potential transmission of the virus among children sri lankas health chief says the sheer number of pupils interacting with each other within School Grounds would make it difficult to contain the virus not that much as to how to behave in a situation like this you know can you ask your kid do you know where she hands and he did this and you and i does great so if its not easy dr jasser his confident pupils will catch up on their studies when they return to school but is schools must engage with them while theyre there we begin. A new teachers at the flub brainstorming with parents on how best to use online tools for learning the technology is going to give you. Everything is all the infrastructure is really. Putting. Their Heads Together and making use of whats available to students and parents seem happy for now with what theyre offering home study backs and even term exams we detailed instructions i feel very happy now i have more free time but i also feel a surge because i dont get to work on my basketball practice he just hopes the virus will be contained and hell be back with his friends at school by the end of april when if and then theres aljazeera colombo. Pakistans Prime Minister is calling for calm as the number of coronavirus cases the exceeds 250 imran khan says that the government is taking all necessary precautions to in his words win the war against the virus. Excuse me pakistan has already closed its borders with iran and afghanistan shrines and gyms have been closed in the capital while sindh province the hardest hit region is under lockdown. Orpington pilgrims returning to pakistan from iran are complaining about squalid conditions and a lack of medical care in a quarantine camp former and current detainee is a tough town border camp says that it lacks Running Water and people can only wash once every few days thousands of pilgrims are staying there and its reported that no attempt has been made to separate the sick from the healthy and Afghan Border was closed on monday but pilgrims can still reenter subject to 2 weeks. To other news the u. S. Military in southern iraq is moving troops to launch a basis to better to better to better protect them it comes after a series of rocket attacks targeting the base where americans are stationed several people were killed and wounded some of the 14 reports from baghdad. The body of is laid to rest the 23 year old was one of 6 People Killed in what the u. S. Calls defensive persuasion strikes on the type hezbollah in southern iraq but says he wasnt a fighter but a daily laborer working at the airport who had nothing to do with the iranian backed group. He worked inside the airport getting paid 8. 00 per day now that hes dead who is going to think about his kids his wife his mother wheres their guilt. Leaves behind a pregnant wife 2 children and a family consumed with grief like many other iraqis the family is angry at the u. S. And the iranian backed groups for settling scores on iraqi soil this conflict is between iran and america its none of our business they should go out and fight it out between themselves. The u. S. Strikes followed a barrage of rockets fired at the Taji Military base north of baghdad on march 11th killing 2 american and one british soldier the pentagon described the u. S. Response as a success we assess that each location stored weapons that would enable lethal operations against u. S. And Coalition Forces in iraq we also assess that the destruction of these sites will degrade khateeb his balls ability to conduct future strikes but the american reprisal was followed by a 2nd rocket attack on target just a day later raising doubts about the effectiveness of the u. S. Military action. A total of 9 people were killed and 16 wounded in the latest 3 tit for tat attacks most of the casualties were members of the Iraqi Security forces who work with both sides and. We dont accept being in the middle while the 2 sides to rate their weapons against each other this is caused a lot of damage for the iraqi army the Iraqi Joint Operations command denounced both of the u. S. And what it cautiously calls the other side for not respecting its authority as the highest military body and for not giving it a chance to manage the crisis that injured when there was no chance to finish the investigation into the 1st rocket attack the american side directly reacted with its strike on a rocky facilities that included the army bases and employees and also the other side started their attacks which only complicated the situation. But the Iraqi Government has never attributed blame nor has it published results of investigations for any of the 2 does. The rocket attacks the targeted the coalition over the past 6 months but Iraqi Government appears on the willing or able to stop the groups responsible for attacks on bases that house call this an personnel instead it has called for the implementation of the jan your wrist problem entry decision to expel all foreign troops from iraq the coalition has begun withdrawing soldiers from smaller bases to consolidate them in fewer locations and although u. S. Officials say that this move is not related to the latest rocket attacks it could pave the way for a partial troop draw down over the next few months see wonderful to aljazeera but that. Irans president Hassan Rouhani has vowed for the retaliate against the u. S. The assassination of general custom samani a powerful military leader was killed in a u. S. Drone strike in iraq in january he was a key figure in expanding irans influence in the region and was one of the most powerful men in the iranian leadership iran launched missile strikes on u. S. Bases shortly after the assassination. The americans assassinated our great commander and we retaliated and will further retaliate our armed forces made a Firm Response targeting an important u. S. Base in the region u. S. Will never forget this because it was the 1st time they received a Firm Response over a mistake they did. Sure biplane is extended is late in the race for the democratic president ial nomination the former us Vice President defeated Bernie Sanders by big margins in the primaries in illinois arizona and florida and the gallagher reports from miami. A polling stations in florida arizona and illinois wasnt just a democratic process officials were concerned about the rapid spread of the coronavirus saw low voter turnout furious cleaning and polling stuff not manning the boobs over Health Concerns many voted early or by mail but those that turned out on tuesday were cautious. Here sexts a way. Its the best you can do all you can do is just try to stay clean wash your hands limit any public action if you can i mean im going to go home after this im not going to be out hanging out with people. Officials in ohio declared a Health Emergency delaying their primary until june the states governor called it an Unprecedented Health crisis that left some voters disappointed i really want to vote you know i want to make sure my voice is heard especially you know from all the years of back in to pass where we were you know africanamericans. Despite the confusion concerns and recommendations not to gather in large crowds the night belonged to joe biden the former Vice President now has the momentum delegate counts and is seen by many as best able to take on President Trump all this together. This is a moment for each of us to see and believe the best in everyone of us to look out for our neighbors and understand the fear and stress and so many are feeling biden now has a net insurmountable lead over Bernie Sanders he didnt address his losses on tuesday instead appealing for more federal help for the pandemic we need to provide a direct emergency 2000. 00 cash payment every household in america every month for the duration of the crisis to provide them with the assistance they need to pay their bills and take care of their families in his remote address to the nation joe biden spoke directly to sunda supporters telling them i hear you sound as movement is still a powerful force and bidens appeal is perhaps a sign of things to come the former Vice President wants to unite both the country and the party and to do that hell need those supporters on board and he gallacher aljazeera miami florida. Just ahead here on the news in sport the coronavirus continues to impact sport right around the world as well as the way that its played. Business leaders is both to by no brass power. Business leaders has vowed to buy no brass power. Sport his peter thank you so much japans deputy Prime Minister has said the summer Olympic Games in tokyo will make no sense if countries cannot say in their athletes because of the coronavirus pandemic mcbride is in seoul with more on the reaction. These comments by taro aso the deputy Prime Minister and also the finance minister really have raised speculation here that we are going to see some important announcement about the olympics there have of course been huge amounts of speculation that they would be at the very least delayed maybe even canceled and this is comments by mr saying that they would make no sense to hold the games if people couldnt send their athletes to this part of the world so that seems to be an admission a tacit one at least that even if japan doesnt have a problem by july as were hearing the latest predictions other parts of the world may still be in the grip of this Coronavirus Spread until very recently the actual Prime Minister shinzo of a has maintained adamantly that the games will still go ahead as planned this is a huge deal for him this is almost the high point of his premiership he fought to bring the games to japan and its a huge boost for the economy its prestigious just to give you an idea how close the games are now at the end of next week the olympic flame is due to land on japanese soil and we start the beginning of this torch relay all around japan in the big build up to the olympics thats going to happen as i said next week but people have been told to stay and stay away from the celebration which doesnt fill you with confidence that this is a country preparing for the olympics and in fact a recent poll has indicated that 70 percent of people in japan but leave that the games will have to be delayed sticking with 2020 and a member of the International Olympic committee has broken ranks saying it would be insensitive and theyre responsible to proceed with the games its bring in our sports correspondingly wellings. Attack from within the see what exactly was it and who said it. Always a strong comments from my rose agency men. Who won 4 gold medals for kind of their nice ok im still super going insensitive and irresponsible she said on social media which she would have taken according to the i. O. C. But surprised that trying to maintain sonoma what shes doing is saying what most of us think this is the time the only city so weak dollar amounts and so Everybody Knows where they stand is the uncertainty and anxiety that is very grassroots and everyone involved is getting close to becoming out of town whatever the i. O. C. They said on tuesday teleconference some colors in the various parts of which the i. O. C. Are number play said. Drastic action a model that been trying to assure groups as in what is a sentiment based thing bigger than here in pigs following. We dont know whats happening in the next 24 hours let alone the next 3 months he said what are the athletes saying lee. Well yeah it was surely concerned theyre trying to evolve was it more more Action Committee that they dont know whats happening with such things as theyre training and facilities thats in disarray what were seeing is the increasing number of fish cancellations of the tournament dogma as a limp call until now getting the sense of the athletes it should be qualified that leaves a lot of with a lot of things to be decided. Financially as they transit get it where it is possible for new olympics but at the moment looks out of the. Plates my after time until youre in july underprepared it does seem a winery that were going to get as insurance everything. Was ok with the prices so now were going to take last 10 years. As a sion doing a closure of Training Camps to die in swimming boxing to a. Diamond League Meetings so what is being cancelled and to actually say whizzing by july that really does the height of want to see the willingness thank you as always the olympics is still on but the 2nd grand slam of the tennis season has been pushed back to september the french open has been due to be played in paris in may it does put the tournament on a collision course with the laver cup over the same time the exhibition event is a favorite of 12 time running champion rafael nadal and Roger Federer and organizers of the u. S. Open so they are looking at options of moving to a later date but wimbledon is not the all england club so theyre hopeful the grass Court Tournament can still take place at the end of june in while the 2nd gulf major the p. G. A. Championship follows the masters in being postponed. Billionaire owner of Chelsea Football Club Roman Abramovich is doing his part in the fight against coronavirus hes made every room at chelsea Stadium Hotel available to Britains National Health Service to provide accommodation for medical stuff abramovich himself is covering the cost former nigeria midfielder John Obi Mikel has quit turkish tribes on sport because hes not comfortable with football continuing in the country all games are behind closed doors but mackell says theres more to life than football and believes the season should be canceled. A 2nd player says tested positive for corona virus france international. Showing no signs of illness though all of us players including Cristiana Rinaldo in self isolation the european football championships have been pushed back a year which gives domestic leagues a chance to complete the seasons by the end of june be firmly wed like to start the leaks. At the shea 4 for players and spectators. For the 30 june they will be in a high Profile Group of important people who can a talk about the exceptions maybe or maybe difficulties to finish before the 30th show what are the options and the possibilities to maybe run a legal 52. 00 july what kind of implications will it have and the the whole football world. You should unite to make sure that at the death that happens before the 30th Kevin Durants one of the biggest stars in basketball is among 4 Brooklyn Nets players with coronavirus a 10 time also is in isolation and being taken care of by team doctors 3 of the players are showing no symptoms all major sports leagues including the n. B. A. Are currently suspended. And the virus has even left its mark on the sport of chase plenty of Hand Sanitizer and no fans allowed as 8 of the worlds best players gathered to compete in russia to organize a sit handshakes optional and Roger Mayweather the uncle and trainer of boxer Floyd Mayweather has died at the age of 58 a cause of death has not been confirmed Roger Mayweather was a 2 weight World Champion in his own right and began coaching floyd in the late 1990 s. Even if youre going on to become one of the best pound for pound fighters of all time with 50 fights and no losses up ill be back here again a little bit later with another sports news update for now thats all i have to say peter many thanks indeed. From the helmet here to update you in just a few moments ill see you again thanks for watching right now. Perception is validation we believe want to be seen but in one life time we cannot see everything that we would lie on experiences of others and the legacies of previous generations. With that testimony we but you know very little. With this documentaries that open your eyes. Just 0. So may aljazeera london broke concept into 2 special guests in conversation people think that racism is having personal vitriol towards black people and theres no understanding of what systemic racism is unprompted uninterrupted success comes with a physician if youre not upsetting people youre not saying anything if one meets any oh. There is not a family in britain i believe has not been touched by empire studio be unscripted on aljazeera as surely as native fauna and flora are accustomed to bush riots but this season has been unprecedented landscapes usually left unscathed have been decimated. This bush tries season has burned through millions of hacked as a bland destroying the how the tides of many native animals some of these forests will take decades to regenerate and all this may never recover. These baby kangaroos joeys all foods theyre now in care but for many animals who do make it out of the fires they soon face all the problems in their bones to cats and dogs and and cockroach as surely as famed plants and animals are strong part of the countrys identity many of its species of found nowhere else in the world and the extent of the damage isnt clear yet and. For those who do survive its a long and painful road to recovery. A shutdown across malaysia its trying to track thousands from a religious gathering that spread the coronavirus to at least 7 other countries. Alarms the whole roman youre watching old 0 life my headquarters here in doha are also coming up fronts goes under lockdown over coronavirus fears leaving deserted streets in its capital. U. S. Markets continue to dive over the pandemic despite the announcement of a trillion dollar aid package by President Donald Trump. And that says u. S. Troops redeploy in iraq irans president vast further retaliation for the assassination of general

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