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Drinking water how illegal gold mining in ghana is poisoning rivers and trying farmlands and i told you sport italy calls for the european football championships to be postponed and the International Olympic committee except to hold emergency talks about tokyo 2020. Could have you with us welcome to the new leaders of the 7 Worlds Largest economies are about to begin a Video Conference on how to respond to the coronavirus pandemic amid a rising death toll and more and more restrictions concern is now about the wider effects been another major plunge on the New York Stock Exchange it dropped more than 9 percent in a few seconds when it opened triggering a trading halt while in brazil paolo Stock Exchange for over 12 percent causing trading to be suspended for the 5th time in a week when our White House Correspondent is standing by but 1st lets go to gabriel is on the whos following the markets in new york and gabe really has to be said that those Circuit Breakers were activated within seconds of the market opening whats going on right now. Well traders are watching very closely but weve basically settled in right now to where both the dow and the s. And p. Have been fluctuating between 7 to 10 percent in the red meaning negative 7 to 10 percent thats what kind of a fluctuation has been it does not appear there are going to be any gains back of this today on monday right when the markets opened as you as you mentioned within almost seconds of trading opened the s. And p. Dropped to below 7 percent i mean it lost more than 7 percent that immediately triggered the automatic Circuit Breakers you mentioned that halted market trading for 15 minutes its now back up again but we have to watch closely because if the s. And p. Goes down by 13 percent or more it will trigger the Circuit Breakers again to stop trading so watching that closely and then if it gets to 20 percent they would halt trading for the rest of the day now whats going on here in wall street is pretty remarkable quite frankly these are historic times but historic for all the bad reasons everything is in the red this is the worst month for the s. And p. And dow since 1987 this is the 3rd time in the last week that theyve had to stall stop trading on the new york city Stock Exchange because of this and what were seeing now is basically 2 things the market is reacting to 2 things number one is the market wants to see improvement in the coronavirus numbers here in the United States and were not there in fact numbers are increasing not decreasing and number 2 the Federal Reserve slashing Interest Rates essential to 0 is good in one way but what the market is basically saying is its not enough and theres nothing else the fed can do a sensually the fed has fired its last bullet from its gun as one trader described it so theres a little bit of panic on what else can the fed do they brought the rates to 0 so. What youre seeing is a reaction to that on the markets here on wall street today and it is summarized by saying as traders were coming into the new york city struck exchange employees this morning they were all stopped they all had to have their temperature taken they were all given facemask and had to sign a waiver as well just gives you an idea of not only the markets but the employees in the traders themselves feeling it from all different sides as one analyst said we are watching this slow shutdown of the u. S. Economy gabriel is on the New York Stock Exchange in new york thank you White House Correspondent can be helped at this standing by you just heard gabriel quoting. Officials there you know the slow closed down of the u. S. But i think actually globally thats the general feeling around the economy because there is a new reality now hitting countries foreign wide including the u. S. Absolutely the latest indications just another measure of how not just the economy is shutting down but also how daily lives are being radically altered the latest word the u. S. Supreme court is now cancelling oral arguments for the time being now this kind of disruption at the highest court in the United States has not been seen since to give you a little perspective 1918 that was when the spanish flu was wreaking havoc on the United States so it gives you a sense of the gravity of the moment they were in right now other indications of things that have shut down in the last couple of hours weve heard that the blubbed White House Easter Egg Roll has also been canceled now these are sort of this is something sort of a special event but it gives you a sense considering this is really something that is notable in the spring time for Many Americans to participate in this is also not taking place just another sign that life has changed dramatically for every day lives weve seen in major cities whether its new york city even washington d. C. Even los angeles bars and restaurants are closing those that are open are our operating at a very minimal capacity making sure that people sit very far apart from one another and weve seen School Children staying home in some 30 plus states of the 50 states in the United States so this is significant as well Many Americans are not going to work either self quarantining or be forced to telework if they work for the federal government and this is not something thats going to end anytime soon in fact the guidance from the centers for Disease Control if you want to have a gathering of 50 people or more dont do it in fact this is something theyre recommending for the next 8 weeks or even longer it is a new reality kimberly. Is going to be discussed wish wish all within the next stop by the g 7 leaders in a Video Conference call of course what comes out of that Conference Call is very important that each individual nation as well as the globe because people will be listening in the u. S. Very clearly and intently to what President Trump says and how he reacts after that meeting its all intertwined now isnt it. Its intertwined and this u. S. President is fighting a lot of criticism here domestically that he has at times treated this more like a political crisis then a Public Health crisis focusing on how this might affect his reelection chances so watching very carefully for his comments coming out of that Video Conference of g 7 leaders the official agenda is to address not only the economic reality and challenges but also a vaccine and on that vaccine for there are also accusations of towards donald trump that he may have tried to corner the market in terms of at least one company luring it with money to the United States allegedly as a Company Called karabakh and there are some reports out of germany that in fact this may be true these allegations now having said that here in the u. S. Side u. S. Officials denying the president tempted to do that in fact the former u. S. Ambassador to germany Richard Grinnell saying if fact that this story is patently false but whether or not we can take this seriously or not well have to wait to ask those questions because the crowd of virus task force here in the United States has pushed back that meeting giving reporters a little less access than they had hoped to have earlier this morning could get in washington d. C. Thanks very much unprecedented restrictions are being imposed across the European Union to try to curb the spread of coronavirus germany has become the latest to use state to roll out new border controls by setting up checkpoints with 5 of its neighbors a number of other even ations have already imposed controls all fronts in spain and now also considering that shutdowns lawrence lee joins me now from our london Broadcast Center and you might say the jewel in the crown of the e. U. Is to have open borders allow Free Movement of people what germany has done a really sort of strikes at the core of what the e. U. Is about. Yes exactly because it wont be shutting down airports its Something Else stopping people from traveling by road. From country to country in the Free Movement of the Schengen Area of the European Union and not only has germany now announced today its shutting its butt or at least mostly shutting its borders except to commuters and freight transport with 5 of its neighbors in the last 5 or 6 minutes or so the German Government and balance and has come to an agreement with all the regions because its federal in germany that all the bars and restaurants in the country are going to close as well and so its this sort of gradual grinding shutdown that our correspondents in the states have been talking about exhibit being being mirrored exactly in the European Union which is the epicenter of the outbreak has well other things are happening here one of the Biggest European Car Companies p. S. A. Is reported to be shutting down its car operations across europe and its also being reported from brussels that some more o. The e. U. Countries are going to rubber stamp. The they think that the stopping of travel to any of the schengen countries from what they call 3rd countries that is to say any country in the world that are or in europe that on parts of the of the shang in zone and that offer is also being put forward to going to country in the e. U. Like ireland for example and so in that sense they exert the same measure that the United States puts on the schengen countries that they werent able anymore to travel to the u. S. Thats now being reciprocates in reverse by the shank and countries and so you can see the European Union gradually go into this sort of sites of suspended animation quite how long its going to last is completely unclear the can italy which is obviously in complete shutdown theyre saying that the peak hasnt yet arrived in france which is on the way to doing the same thing. As they say its still getting worse and you have to wonder exactly what. Theyre going to get to before they start easing all these restrictions because if one country at some point in the next few weeks or months says we think were now clear you have to assume theyre going to have to have everybody else to be clear as well because otherwise the whole transmission process starts all over again and so based on that you have to think this is going to last potentially months if not a few weeks and. In reality and in the immediate narrow you might say real concern about sort of economic woes hitting the travel Hospitality Industry airlines of course affected and we also getting word that one of europes major carriers ryanair even considering grounding all of its aircraft maybe for the next 2 months. Yeah because no ones getting on the planes and they have to pay to keep the routes open even though the European Commission has said it wants to get around that for the time being but obviously if the it doesnt make any any economic sense whatsoever to keep putting planes in the air when they havent got any passengers on them thats just as a disaster economically wait and waiting to happen Virgin Atlantic is demanding that people like the u. K. Government start to underwrite some of their losses theyve called on their staff to take 8 weeks out of the next 3 months in unpaid leave and are offering voluntary redundancies of people as well chewy which is the europe where europes biggest travel company said it sits down about 30 percent at least for the time being is absolute catastrophic for these for these industries but as you say its not only that clearly in all these countries like say its really in spain where little towns rely on the Tourism Industry and people in restaurants and bars how are they going to make any money if this goes on for weeks or months it clearly something needs to happen on the european level which is i guess if not Interest Rate cuts because that isnt working as proved by the markets response today so they were going to be printing money like they did when the banks went down in 2008 of course then they printed all this money and gave it straight to the banks to stop them going under the banks so much more resilient now but what are they going to do with are going to print money just give it to people this is completely uncharted any of this moment and lawrence of course will continue to see what happens as the day progresses lansley then our london Broadcast Center. But to the middle east now where iran has recorded another big rise in the number of deaths 129 more confirmed on monday among those dead is a Senior Adviser to the assembly of experts there almost 15000. 00 confirmed cases and there are concerns the pandemic could overwhelm Health Facilities and an economy struggling under sanctions joins me now from the iranian capital. Leaders there of course saying the country has passed the peak of the virus or they are calling it too soon zain. Well when we heard this we actually did think its about a week or 10 days to early experts all month long have been saying that the peak of the virus is still ahead of us its going to continue to get worse but president Hassan Rouhani has published on his official website it says that he said the peak of the virus is over within hours of that report sort of making us rounds around the country and adviser to president Hassan Rouhani issued his own statement saying that that is not what the president meant what he actually said was a little bit different he said that the trend of the efforts being made to combat the current virus and those are promising so really some mixed messages here but if you log on to present us and ronnies web site you can still see the website quoting him as saying that the peak of the virus has passed now theres a lot of mixed messages here and that is really difficult thing to allow to have happen especially when the country is still trying to get people on board with social distancing with self quarantining and what were seeing is the government walking a very thin line between being desperate to project stability and trying to deal with the ground realities of this outbreak in iran and even if the president is downplaying and saying that the trend is promising that really contradicts the numbers that were seeing another record setting day in the number of deaths a continued increase towards 15000 for the overall number of corona virus infections in iran and what hes saying even if its just downplaying it saying the trend is promising it really contradicts what hours later after he spoke his Health Official said the head of his Coronavirus Task force in iran mr Ali Reza Zali said that this is serious that the population into iran is not taking it seriously enough and if they continue not to this could go on until june the spread could continue at pace until june he also said that this is biologically different from what weve seen in china and that the virus in iran is more complicated. Also the head of the i. R. G. C. Saying mr Hussein Salaam saying that he came on state news and he had a plea to the iranian people and literally begged them to stay at home to help stop the spread of the disease he said the virus spreads through a human chain and to break it people must please please please stay at home so very serious messaging coming from different parts of the government as the president tries to downplay perhaps the level of seriousness that were seeing in terms of the spread of the virus here. And set up thank you. Level and has declared a state of emergency in the term to control the spread of the corona virus but the country is in the middle of an economic crisis and not everyone can afford to stay at home to report on from beirut. Traffic has slowed after lebanons government ordered a lockdown private and state institutions are closed as daily life slowly grinds to a halt its the latest measure to stop the spread of coronavirus but not everyone can afford to stay home. I have 3 daughters theres no work for a tall worker some force to drive a taxi and all my health is in danger but i have no choice. The government declared a medical state of emergency to keep the number of infections in check while essential Services Like bakeries and pharmacies remain open the country will be sealed off from wednesday with the closure of airports ports and borders but some fear these measures are not enough the start of a few minutes here in the flesh only problem is many lebanese are not taking the threat seriously ask us why we wear masks and gloves one should protect himself private Health Facilities are now on the frontline of this battle because of the bitter reality of Public Hospitals thats how the Prime Minister has described the situation as they prepare to face the pandemic but doctors say the private sector too doesnt have the equipment and supplies to last over a month or the private sector is not ready to take this in charge except a few Major Hospital in beirut and these few Major Hospital in beirut can handle this. But not for very long time because we have a huge shortage the government is under pressure on more than one front it is almost bankrupt and there is a deep economic crisis. Trying to protect people but many are asking what theyre doing to look after their livelihoods many say there is a need for a comprehensive response and the strategy to ensure the economy doesnt collapse even further some are taking personal initiatives to help those in need opponents of the government believe ministers and Parliament Members should work on retrieving what they say are stolen public money instead of donating this months salary to a National Fund set up to combat the virus people are getting poorer. Its been the needs are getting very big because we got a lot of people. Coming to ask us for relief boxes with the rice. And were giving as much as we can lebanon is facing many crises but the fight against coronavirus is taking precedence Health Officials expect the number of infections to rise but as they try to delay that it is the most vulnerable who seem to be left behind. Beirut. Chinas government released numbers showing the full scale of the economic damage caused by the break but as the number of infections drops its trying to get the wall 2nd largest economy back to work while he reports. Day by day there are more signs of life returning to the streets of who province where the corona Virus Outbreak began the simple act of police removing a road block was a welcome sight for residents and the government which wants to get the country moving again the industrial engine which led china to become the 2nd largest economy in the world is also restarting after a disastrous 2 months which saw output collapse companies are gradually recovering their general production the situation for factories and business and hiring is improving and the labor demands will continue to increase as the number of new infections in china decreases just 16 recorded on sunday the government expects the economic prognosis to significantly improve this month but with the outbreak bringing other countries to a halt demand for chinese exports will take some time to recover. The number of new infections is slowing in south korea too but preventative measures are continuing particularly in vulnerable areas here volunteer workers spray a Housing Project for the poor in the capital seoul in australia many people were angry they werent given enough time to return home before tough new travel restrictions were introduced by the government anyone entering australia must now self isolate for 14 days to return to a farming property where you have no food at that property we are now trying to find people to buy for us so that literally we can eat out 12 hours were in a foreign country with all the warning weve got and i think its deplorable the government of the philippines will extend quarantine measures beyond manila to the entire island of luzon. The capitol is effectively locked down with travel restrictions in place to try to slow the rate of infection after a spike in the number of confirmed cases the move came as 400 Filipino Crew members from a cruise ship that was stranded off the coast of california arrived back home the workers were flown back on a charter flight after some passengers on the ship became infected with corona virus when hey al jazeera. Now the local government in indias capital has banned large gatherings the decision will affect protests in new delhi against a controversial citizenship law elizabeth problem is the. This says in protest in mizoram of them in the indian capital new delhi against the citizenship Amendment Act as one of a round 13 taking place. Began. The act in early december last year but now. Ive been. Banned all of a social cultural and religious gatherings of more than 50 people to limit the spread of coronavirus when asked what this means for the protest and especially for. Thats the area and thats become the symbol of resistance against the law. Said that if protesters or any other group still continue to gather then action will be taken against them under the epidemic disease act now last week when the government bodies were able to gather and so more than 200. Protesters said that while they respect the government to close their cinema world and Indian Premier League that those are a form of entertainment where their protest is about their fight for their survival and that the to speak well last week the governments advisory was just that it is a bad chief minister said also it. Will be shut until the end of the month and last week they closed schools colleges and cinema halls but said to the americas chile has become the latest latin American Country to close its land sea and borders and at a time to contain coronavirus early uproot declared a state of emergency and deploy the military into the streets to keep the peace the virus has reached all latin american countries except. In haiti joining me from santiago the top of chile is a lot in america to see in human you just tell us where you are whats going on behind you. Yes were in a makeshift Vaccination Center here in santiago the government has announced a Huge Vaccination Campaign against influenza they brought it forward by 2 months and theyre vaccinating 7000000 people who are in the most vulnerable category as you can see here they are mainly elderly people people with preexisting Health Conditions and children why is this because the south american winter is on its way influenza usually hits this country very very hard and of course at the possibility of people being hit with not one but 2 viruses which could be deadly is a main concern here and so people are rushing to be vaccinated there are not enough vaccines for everyone at this point but at least the most vulnerable as i as i mentioned are getting their vaccinations 1st as well as this the government has announced that in 48 hours it will close all of its borders just like its neighbors argentina and peru and probably bolivia have done or will do in the case of libya also we are seeing schools completely closed as of today to keep the virus from spreading from the very young people to the elderly to the more vulnerable that is a huge concern here supermarkets are running out of staple goods as people rush to fill their their kitchens with whatever they can and its been a while now since there are any facemasks or hand sanitizers available in any of the pharmacies so people know the fact just a few an hour and a half ago the Health Minister announced that the number of confirmed cases has doubled from yesterdays to 155 lucy one of the biggest problems weve been seeing in asia and in europe is the communication between government and the public for what youve seen in the way youve traveled across lots in america during this very short period of the coronavirus how was the government in chile. For example been responding to the publics concerns. They have certainly been very much on top of things in the sense of communicating with the hourly bulletins on television on social networks through the municipalities giving advice instructions but. There was a there was a. Whats the word i dismissed the it was a temp to find out just how people were reacting to this and incredibly 30 percent of chileans say that they dont trust the government that another 50 im not sure that they are really in a position to really confront this epidemic so that is a worrying thing in other countries they are listening they are certainly listening but not everybody has what they need to confront an epidemic or a pandemic as it is now officially been declared for example in venezuela of 24 hours ago the president said that all people needed to do list and to wear a mask which dont exist in fact many people dont even have water to wash their hands with soap which they also. Many dont have access to but now a few hours later and he said that people must stay home a mandatory quarantine so there is a lot of there are a lot of mixed messages and the same thing is happening in brazil the president had said that there will not be shutting down of the borders in fact he attended a mass rally in his support just yesterday but now today they are saying that people should stay home so people arent quite sure what instructions to follow and many of the countries here the scene in santiago thanks very much. Still ahead here on aljazeera well have more on the Global Impact of the pandemic including how its putting millions of jobs on the line. And all trans trade war with china has hurt u. S. Farmers but will it change how they vote in the 2020 election. And pitch protests from those who continue to play football though they through the coronavirus are breaking thats coming up in sports with peter to stay with us. Hello after a couple days or cloudy showery weather is disappeared from the radiant mission and although we got something still to come in iran i think saudi for qatar the u. A. E. For example it will be quite reasonably warm the breezes coming in from the south is usually a dusty direction itll get quite intense there in saudi arabia itself and this is dust storm territory because the driving force of the next area of low pressure is there and its deepening which means snow for turkey rain for the levant the temperatures up and then all of the posts once again but 29 in kuwait now that that was tuesday wednesday everything doozies was you might expect significant rains iraq and then west and iran with snow on the hills once again iraq has 15 degrees in the sunshine and christina 3 and its snowing in eastern turkey but at least the showers are fewer in for example the coast of lebanon theres more cloud around for the south but its generally quite a fraught dusty weather in qatar. That most north africa is enjoying quite weather after whats been pretty stormy stuff around egypt this can be cloud here in the development actually in algeria which is bringing some warmth and dust out of the interior of libya towards for example tunisia but the coastal wind will keep it relatively cool. A journey both dark. Theres a very for everybody theres a lot of corruption and Beautiful Lake the beautiful lady you have to be very patient and what is also the same as ascended is how i was introduced to it when my father and my mother or for king for how the personal story to discover the source of one of the most expensive commodities sent from heaven an outrageous era. The women programming from International Film made plans to. Play out just the arrest sets the stage egypt of the tour here will be the life of the lives a life in the ninetys dead everybody is there global x. Back its getting were going to let the planet go to ruin because were not doing obvious things open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today on aljazeera. Roof. Of the back to the aljazeera news hour with the whole romney reminder of our top stories u. S. Stock markets have plummeted on the 1st trading day of the week the New York Stock Exchange dropped more than one percent within seconds of opening forcing a halt to try to become his g 7 leaders are set to hold a call to discuss the economic fallout of the coronavirus the new border restrictions are being rolled out in europe as it becomes the new epicenter of the credit virus pandemic germany has imposed controls of 5 of its neighbors france and spain are also reported to be considering shutting their borders and 129. 00 more people have died in iran over the past 24 hours taking the death toll to 853 iran is one of the worst affected countries with nearly 15000 cases. The growing global restrictions are forcing millions of people to stay home from work and causing widespread job cuts obrien takes a closer look at the fallout. From rome. To madrid. And manila millions of people now under lockdown or funneled through checkpoints. Made up some of its hard for workers who are not able to go to work and are stuck at home they dont have income they cant buy food their families will go hungry the coronavirus has the world on a war footing authorities battling an invisible enemy thats threatening a global recession all bars in this day. And all restaurants. Will close at 9 oclock tonight. How long the shore will be in a fact we dont frankly know governments have been forced to announce socalled coronavirus budgets crisis measures hard to contain the financial fallout thats it but the billions of dollars dont always extend to low wage earners or contract workers many without Health Insurance will be hit hard by the uncertainty which could extend months even years. In my 35 year career ive never found myself unemployed so its weird for me i never thought even imagine that one day id find myself unemployed i dont know what the future will bring. Right now the future is not looking good for the World Economy is expected to grow at its slowest rate since 2009 after the Global Financial crisis that means less wealth and fewer jobs even the most remote areas arent immune to the virus ski lifts are at a standstill in the swiss alps as resorts turn away tourists. Its a bit annoying because now im out of work but well see whats decided the travel industry is among those hardest hit with airlines grounding planes and slashing jobs tourism operators fear the bill could run into the trillions if you want to ask the obvious a how the but im really concerned about im going to pay my. There are others too who rely on foot traffic for their survival. With streets continuing to empty millions of lives and livelihoods are now on hold. And brian aljazeera. Israels Opposition Leader called for unity after being nominated to form a new government hes been tasked with ending a political stalemate and to help tackle the krona by. As pandemic neither guns nor Benjamin Netanyahu have managed to form a government after 3 elections in the past 12 months and you look to look at me look at the time has come for the words and more big x. The time has come to set aside boycotts and swords and reconnect again all the tribes of israel and all the citizens of israel we will beat the coronavirus who pass through this crisis and we will defeat the hatred because our hope is not gone yet it. Is a senior columnist start joins me now via skype from tel aviv good to have you with us on aljazeera sir i mean what is the probability that gans could pull off and form a government in the 28 days that he has and which political groups does he really need to woo and get on his side. Well. You know i dont envy him because. Hes got to deal with the same time with 2 issues the corona and coalition and it is very hard now not only for him to reach some kind of a settlement with the likud even it is on par county in blue and white there is no consensus on how the next coalition has to look like to members of blue and why this would be your views already learn the names. The house and you has handle im not willing to sit next to the 15 arab lawmakers that. Have managed not only to cause this rational but to become the 3rd Largest Party in israel 1st time in the history so without them and with. Miss is the levy a book since that was member of the labor gershon or merits center left party who also defected from this coalition it is very unlikely to guns even in better days let alone and the time when 62 percent of the israelis and shows a call that was published yesterday believe that nathaniel how is handling the corona properly and as you know in israel as well as in every other country in the world people speak about only 3 issues corona who are now grown indeed i mean the join the list as you suggest that the 15 israeli palestinians have been described as a very important political grouping by many commentators sort of spoken here on aljazeera how important are they now in the new reality of israeli politics and certainly at this very crucial period. Actually i was very surprised that there was a consensus among because you know the joint our party. Is made of 4 different factions you have communists islamists and nationalists in the same boat and they have managed this time unlikely unlike the previous elections to form an Arab Coalition to join and Zionist Party headed by extreme former generals and i never took it for granted that we are going to see such kind of this kind of an alliance so they are not the problem they are actually the solution the problem are 1st of all as i mentioned the jewish rebels right wing members of blue and white and the campaign that now is monotone and directed by an attorney oh of incitement against this coalition against the arabs he. Drafted the families of victims of terrorism now to could pressure public pressure on guns and blaming him for collaboration with a party that supposed terrorism and. I am very glad that these reddish in bed put extra. Bodyguards to protect with the guns Interesting Times ahead certainly for israeli politics thanks very much for joining us from tel of itself thank you thank you sir. But of course in russia has approved present lot of a pittance constitutional reform plan which could keep him in power till 2036. Present put him back to the amendment that would allow him to ignore a constitutional ban of him running for president again in 2024 those changes will be voted on by the people. Well despite the surging u. S. Economy midwestern states that were key to President Trumps 2016 election victory and lacking behind the rest of the nation trump made increasing jobs in those communities keith has 2016 campaign but the president s trade war with china is the main challenge is hitting the midwest quite hard shell hundreds of poles. Ride the rural roads an hour south of chicago to john key from his farm and youll reach the results of a rough year incomes have been trending lower and the trade war definitely exacerbated the lower price for a lot of our commodities. Raising corn soybeans chickens and donkeys he has endured a trade war midwest floods swine flu and now a coronavirus that slashed exports to asia we had Mother Nature unleashed one of the worst year of the weather on us so you take most of the prime growing areas across the midwest we had trouble even getting a crop planted and in many areas we did in the swing states in the midwest in pennsylvania which depend largely on agriculture and farming President Trump narrowly won in 2016 on a promise to restore jobs but for his 2020 reelection bid there are economic warning signs farmers are not doing as well as they would like in the new factory. Employment levels in the midwest went through thrift actually in the 1st few years of the Trump Administration but now the rate of growth in manufacturing has slowed from the midwest Population Centers to the plains with job growth has been anemic in the 1st 3 quarters or 2019 jobs grew at a rate of more than 9 percent in nevada in colorado and less than 2 percent in wisconsin ohio and michigan hardly the midwestern jobs boom the president promised. Amid the manufacturing and farming slowdown democratic activists note several key trump states switched parties in the 2800 midterms michigan wisconsin they all tossed out the republic. In the governors chair and they and they put a democrat in and in november. That you can see the writing on the wall that hes a nice key states as agriculture in the Auto Industry has struggled through the president s recent trade war with china some nice manufacturers like atlas to works in illinois still prosper industries that were in defense of Aerospace Workers been very busy was our best year in 100 years and weve seen continued strong growth but here in the prairie states the president s voters can be a stubborn lot as not a true supporter of trump. What form. It is voters like him who are the president s best hope of maintaining his fire wall in the american midwest john hendren 0 chicago. In ghana illegal gold mining is threatening farmlands destroying the landscape and poisoning water sources building some communities struggling to find clean drinking water. The river problem in southern ghana is contaminated with mercury and cyanide and vegetation is drying off and gone as heartlands of cocoa the main ingredient of chocolate. The river is also vital for fishing farming and. The pollution is blamed on frozen a small scale gold mines working round the clock at this one boys as young as 15 and dozens of men what theyre doing is illegal many mines have been here for years despite a government crackdown to close them. They operate deep in the forest hidden from the police and the military task force attracted by the precious metal mine is come from different parts of ghana and neighboring countries as well as china they say is their only source of income per goddess of the risks and injuries. And i was able to provide money and help my family in the volta region until the government decided to ban small scale and illegal mining now police harass us all the time some of us tried to run away and others fall into the money hits those who cant swim get injured or die. There joe had his hand cut off 2 years ago while mining he received no compensation if you were going to there were no decent jobs for the an educated and poor young people if we had training opportunities provided by the government it would be better. Makeshift pumping stations are used to divert rivers to do. Bandits penitently come here looking to come here because on this day these 5 miners found just a few grams and sold it for 128. 00 u. S. Dollars sent between them as one of africas leading gold export. President s none of our joe has pledged to continue his fight. Against illegal mining his government regulates the industry or Community Mining scheme. That is meant a lot more. In the Community Center to get people in a community who want to get border money to be able to do so badly broken that will serve more up large and small scale minute but critics and environmental activists blame the lack of political will and corruption to government promises falling short of these findings sources from the from what i am for in this that have been from the top politico and in this society i mean the reason why. In the government it has also been a difficult one environmental groups call for tighter regulations minus say they have no choice but to continue digging for their survival for him a ha meant are just even. While staying in africa the 1st one ever convicted by the International Criminal court has been released from prison supporters gathered outside the jan in the capital of the democratic republic of congo to greet Thomas Lubanga. To his supporters Thomas Lubanga left macculloch prison in. But to others he was considered one of the most dangerous moon and whats now the democratic republic of congo. You know me better than these 3 International Criminal court judges who tried to present me as a devil i remain Thomas Lubanga who suffered with you in 20022003 during these conflicts and it turi i remain the same to you my people that are not religious this young girl was among many who was taken from have family trained and forced to fight in the 2nd congress will. Look ahead to the militia called the union of congolese patriots all the u. P. C. One of 6 groups involved in fighting for control of the mineral rich a touring region between 19092003 he was later found guilty of abducting children under the age of 15 and forcing him to fight he denied the charge. 10th of july 2012 and historic moment for the i. C. C. Its 1st ever case arrest and trial vanga armed group recruit train and use hundreds of Young Children to kill the latch and rape the city bank is sentenced to a chuckle period of 14 years in prison lubanga showed no emotion as a presiding judge read out the verdict a 14 year sentence that would be backdated to the time of his detention a few years later he was altered to pay 10000000. 00 in compensation to the families affected a fine his lawyers say he could never afford. Aid groups estimate that around 5 and a half 1000000 people died as a result of the congolese war between 19082007 thats more than any other conflict since world war 2 no possibility again all the sort of if we do believe that the release of Thomas Lubanga would result in some issues related to the current security situations and it tory because he was among people who were fighting for our peace and security and it will result. In the bangor supportive consider his release a sign of hope in an unstable region but after being found guilty of sanctioning masochism forcing children to war many others would not welcome his newfound freedom. Laura garza manly out is there are. Still ahead here on the news hour as professional sports shutdowns answering until new ones and self isolation that story coming up with peter after the break. My. Welcome back its time to support his peter so thank you so much there are reports the International Olympic committee is going to hold emergency talks on tuesday about whether tokyo 2020 can feasibly go ahead with less than 5 months to go and with sport around the world being cancelled because of the corona Virus Outbreak there are serious questions hanging over the games in recent weeks tokyo 2020 organizers and the japanese government have repeatedly said the olympics are going ahead as planned. Sports correspondent joins us now live from london leigh good to see you lots of high level sporting talks set to take place this week. Yes and 2 of those talks thai place on tuesday will come to the euro 2020 you wait for talks in a moment but 1st the International Olympic committee that is of course the big one in tokyo its in less than 5 months time is running out to make decisions about fundamentally whether the games can actually go ahead whether they need to be canceled or theres some way of perspiring them now i wouldnt expect any decisions yet the i. O. C. Have historically tried to give themselves as much time as possible whatever the circumstances but these are surely the worst they have ever faced and therefore how does emergency teleconference for the bring together all the sports under their umbrella of the many sports involved in the Olympic Movement and discuss with them how they can proceed bringing on board as usual the World Health Organizations advice but also knowing that time critically is running out and theres such pressure on things like qualifying tournament people think of the olympics just maybe a fortnight duration theres so much organization that goes in so many qualifying tournament beforehand that things are being affected now and the olympics ultimately if it does tie place would need to be as fair as possible can i be in these exceptional circumstances meanwhile you wait for get together a teleconference with the european leagues and professional football associations to to discuss what is going to happen 1st and foremost about euro 2020 i cannot say that taking place in june thats just not going to happen so once that is spawn perhaps the next year probably wont be completely cancelled yet then does it leave space for other leagues to be played and finished i dont think any football is going to be played for the next few months so even if some plans are agreed and provisionally put in place they might not happen the way that you i for one said ok in spite of all that there has been a development of a thing one sport in the u. K. Tell us about that. Well there has most sport here is cancelled but you do have horseracing continuing we saw that with the extraordinary scenes the controversial say that the challenge 1st of all we had over 60000 rice go was podiatry packed in following u. K. Government advice that it was ok to have a large crowd at the time which did raise eyebrows what that showed the horse racing wanted to continue was know what they cant do that so theyre looking at continuing and have decided that they will continue but behind closed doors from tuesday what i think will then happen is the pressure well. Will inevitably have people within the sport of horse racing affected by coronavirus canada even continue behind closed doors that will be the next challenge for them. In london always a pleasure thank you for the womens tennis tour is the latest coronavirus casualty it has now suspended all tournaments until may the 2nd its male counterpart the a. T. P. Had already called of its 2 or events for the next 6 weeks the years 2nd grand slam tournament the french open is still on for now that want to share duel to begin on may 24th formula one mclaren team says their mechanic who tested positive for corona virus in australia is recovering well and showing no more symptoms the opening race of the season in melbourne was cancelled following the diagnosis and theres no domestic football in egypt which is impacting some local businesses in cairo but its not just the local games being called off the cancellation of big leagues worldwide is also a huge blow. Ok don talk for this is affected as badly perspire amount of european leagues the local Egyptian League and i havent sellers games in particular because the cafe gets busy then we relied on customers coming to watch if they stop the african championships it will be a complete disaster i hope these times pass quickly whats the most important thing is a human beings Life Financial losses secondary. Get some support around the world is still going on argentinas president Alberto Fernandez is determined to keep Football Games being played but without fans feel forgotten where i put it that if games are played behind closed doors i do not see any inconvenience what i would love to see is cable sports channels giving people the chance to watch matches on free to air television says we have to stay at home for many people it is great fun to watch football it was crossing over to geneva breaking into sports belts to listen to the w. H. O. To general on an update on crown of virus globally lets just listen and social distancing measures like closing schools schools and counselling sporting events and gatherings but we have not seen an urgent issue and in testing isolation and Contact Tracing which is the backbone of the response social distancing measures can help to reduce transmission and you know bill Health Systems to cope hand washing and canteen into your elbow can reduce the risk of 40 or a year for yourself and others. But on their own theyre not enough to extinguish this epidemic its the combination that makes the difference as i keep saying all countries must take a comprehensive approach but the most effective way to prevent infections and save lives is breaking the chains of transmission and to do that you must test and isolate you cannot fight a fire enfolded and we cannot stop this bundle me if we dont know who is infected we have a simple message for all countries test test test test every suspected case if they have if they test positive isolate them and find out who they have been in close contact with up to 2 days before they developed symptoms and test those people to every day more tests are being produced to meet the Global Demand doubly joe has shipped almost 1500000 tests to 120 countries were working with Companies Companies to increase the availability of tests for those most in need. W. H. O. Advice is that all confirmed cases even mild cases should be isolated in Health Facilities to prevent transmission and provide adequate care but we do call deny that many countries have already exceeded their capacity to care for mild cases in dedicated Health Facilities in that situation countries should prioritize all their patients and those with underlying conditions some countries have expanded their capacity by using stadiums and genes to care for mild cases with c. V. S. And critical cases cared for in hospitals another option is for patients was mild disease to be isolated and cared for at home caring for infected people at home may put others in the same household at risk so its critical that caregivers for o. W. A. Just guidance on how to provide care as safely as possible for example both the patient and their key caregivers should wear a medical mask when they are together in the same room the patient should sleep in a separate bedroom to others and use a different by the room. Assign one person to care for the patient ideally someone who is in good health and has no underlying conditions the caregiver should wash their hands after any contact with their patient or their immediate environment people infected with 19 can still infect others after they stop feeling sick they stop feeling sick so these measures should continue for at least 2 weeks after symptoms disappear visitors should not be allowed until the end of this period there are more details in the bleachers guidance once again our key message is test test test this is a serious disease all of the evidence we have so i just said that those over 60 are at highest risk young people including children have died w. H. O. Has

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