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Spread. The u. S. President s travel ban on 26. 00 european nations comes into effect hours after he declared a National Emergency. China says the worst of the Virus Outbreak is over as the number of fatalities dips and life starts to return to something approaching normal. On a virus that wipes out most of the world that may just Sports Events the English Premier League the Boston Marathon a formula one all off try in the global sport calendar into chaos. The coronavirus pandemic is forcing countries around the world to take extreme measures affecting all aspects of life for billions of people in iran theres been a spike in new deaths with 97 reported in one day that brings the total death toll there to 611. 00. There are more than 12700. 00 infections colombia is shutting its land border with venezuela its a crossing used by thousands of venezuelans every day looking for food and medicine during the devastating economic crisis there in the u. S. A travel restriction affecting 26. 00 European Countries has come into effect President Trump has also declared a National Emergency freeing up 50000000000. 00 to fight the pandemic to unleash the full power of the federal government that this effort today i am officially declaring a National Emergency 2 very big words the action i am taking will open up access to up to 50000000000 dollars of very importantly very important and a large amount of money for states and territories or look allergies in our shared fight against this disease ok lets take a look at the global picture with the Johns Hopkins tracker were talking about 147000 infections worldwide with a round far from 5 and a half 1000 deaths we have to emphasize that more than 70000 people have fully recovered and we have correspondents covering this story from the u. K. To colombia sonia goes in london mike hanna is in washington alison and around p. M. T. Is in colombia 1st lets go to zain bus ravi in tehran so saying there has been a spike there whats the number. Well the numbers continue to go up every single day 97. 00 dead in just 24 hours putting the total to 611. 00 and the overall new number of cases in 24 hours 1300 and 65. 00 confirmed cases of corona virus the total edging closer and closer 213000 specifically 12729. 00 cases in all since the beginning of this outbreak these numbers while in the grand total of the population of the country remain small they are very significant in terms of tracking the spread of the current virus in iran which since the beginning the government has struggled to get to come to grips with and surely what one of the things one of the points that the government officials many leaders across the board are trying to make now is that they are struggling to cope with this virus because of the impact of u. S. Unilateral u. S. Sanctions that been placed on iran and you have to look at the fact that this is a major Oil Producing country if left to its own devices if it was able to trade with World Markets normally this is a country that would have had an enormous financial buffer and lots of money to be able to throw at a problem like a Public Health crisis like this coronavirus but the fact is that it is struggling to do so we have seen help come from countries like qatar one of its closest and one of the few closest allies it has in the middle east iran has also received help from china russia the World Health Organization by way of medical supplies but the fact is that this is effective only in the short term its like putting a bandaid on a gaping lived in that gaping wound is the economy on the macro scale iran doesnt have enough money to throw at bolstering Health Services that are under dire pressure from the from the corona virus spreading so quickly on a smaller scale in peoples homes in Small Businesses shops they dont have the financial buffer to be able to shut down and close up and commit to the guidance for health care that the government is putting on these people so truly its a case of sanctions making it very difficult to manage this Health Crisis by having a compound in effect and the fact is people just dont have that financial buffer to be able to withstand dealing with this Health Crisis and the comments from mr rouhani today particularly to do with the latest figures that were not getting. Thats exactly right the president has open the task force he chairs this task force and fire a Video Conference he presided over the latest meeting of this task force earlier this morning he said the main requirement now is for people to remain calm and for the public to cooperate with the Health Guidelines that the government is putting in place he also made the point to say that no other country would have been able to do as much as iran has done with the maximum Pressure Campaign with the u. S. Sanctions placed on it at his meeting he said that all countries are now dealing with the current virus but our situation the truth is that so far whatever measures we have taken our situation is different and what weve done is acceptable now this isnt exactly the inspiring speech from a president that many might expect but it is the speech of a government that is under pressure and struggling to cope with the coronavirus foreign minister zarif also added to the conversation in his latest tweet he said that the International Community must ignore u. S. Sanctions he said that the coronavirus does not discriminate and to fight against it neither should day pressuring the International Community saying that they should go against u. S. Sanctions and normalize trade with iran to help iran cope with this outbreak zain thanks very much live. Yes he was joining us from if you dont go in colombia so that border is in effect sealed what kind of impact is that having on people. Yes and the president they say they shut the border which. Starting at 5 am on saturday was a bit of a surprise we knew that this could have been a possibility given how worried that the colombian government is. Possibility of this thread of the coronavirus inside. Given how ill equipped to the Health Services are in the country in the neighboring country given the fact that its been going through a very severe economic crisis for you years now its also suffering from the u. S. Sanctions but nobody really expected. To make this decision as soon as late on friday there are 16 cases. Current of some to be 19 this yes here in colombia and only 2 confirmed cases and they need. The response from the venezuelan government came from. The biggest foreign minister who called at this stage and. Ross irresponsibility on the part of the colombian government and thats because tens of thousands have been this womans depend on crossing on a daily basis. For Health Services for medical appointments and we are already getting reports that there are hundreds if not thousands of people who are trying to cross paths illegal crossings that exist is of a porous border and the Colombian Police trying to stop them so this is a very aggressive measure on part of colombia about it shows just how worried they are about what could happen inside a venue where lamps experts here say that they fear that given the situation in minnesota the shortages they. There the percentage could be way higher than their roughly 3 percent that weve seen in it from parts of the world thats related to this corona virus so definitely theres a lot of worry and it shows also the fact that d the colombian government has decided to vote only the border with the famous well that why there were there are there are cases there has been one that at least and also with brazil and its under thanks very much live now to washington and our correspondent there mike hanna so mike theyre releasing 50000000000. 00 how will that impact the latest on the fight against the virus. Well critics of the Trump Administration continue to insist that this is far too late although the administration insists that it is catching up now with testing procedures which is absolutely essential to contain the spread of the virus there is still no uptake in the number of tests being conducted in fact there is no longer any central measure of the amount of tests being conducted because the c. D. C. Is no longer publishing such figures this 50000000000 dollars certainly it will help the 1st responders in dealing with the ongoing issue but the u. S. Is coming to terms with the new reality of Sports Events canceled across the Country Schools are closed broadway shut down certainly this has a major impact but another a Major Development is that the house has passed a sweeping a group of measures able intended to alleviate the social and economic suffering of the citizens essentially this bill provides things like paid leave for workers himself quarantine it guarantees payment for those who are using holiday time to go home it is together with that other 50000000000. 00 being released a massive step forward in terms of easing this ongoing crisis not necessarily directly posing against its spread now republicans in the senate had been somewhat reluctant to pass this bill however late last night president tweeted that he was in full support of the bill the senate will gather in coming days and certainly its likely now that this bill will be passed President Trump has made very clear that he will sign it into law this together with that emergency 50000000000. 00 will go a step towards alleviating. The situation perhaps but still deep concern about accurately mapping the spread of the virus which would be absolutely essential in terms of lowering its trajectory mike thanks very much. Spain confirming an additional 1500. 00 cases there bringing the total number of cases to over 5000. 00 the sun to go tracking the european angle of the story from london so sonia the World Health Organization seeing europe is the epicenter but i guess within the epicenter weve got another epicenter and that seems to be spain. Well yes i mean after the jump in numbers from italy the youve got to look at the fact that spain case spanish cases of corona virus have gone up 10 fold since last sunday now there was this idea that spain had to act pretty quickly in the past few days because they could see that the cases were rising and that it was gradually getting worse and worse for certain situations especially the sit in the city of madrid the capital city which accounts for about more than some 3000. 00 cases of coronavirus there but there should be imminently now. That the Prime Minister addressing the cabinet and he is likely to come up with a series of measures or some for he did announce those series of extreme measures that are going to last for about 2 weeks those including sort of shuttering bars and restaurant nonessential businesses but the problem is is that with the push of these numbers they are going to be fairing that another situation similar to the way you have cases such as a wartime tree are being put into place where. People who look likely that are not going to make are just being left to die in hospital corridors this is exactly the kind of situation that they want of course spain has its own regional governments as well those are also taking matters into their own hand by. By closing down and announcing a spokesman to of certain events assemblies rallies cultural events as well all in all it just looks as if that the prediction that spain is is following italy not very far behind is appearing to be coming true peter thanks very much. In china the number of new infections continues to go down in her bay province where the 1st cases were reported a 50 day lockdown is finally starting to ease between you has that story from beijing. In who people are starting to celebrate the Chinese Government says the peak of the outbreak here has passed and the province wide lockdown is easing for the 1st time in more than 50 days residents of show county are enjoying a day out for leo it feels like winter is finally over here and her at her home in the im very very very happy today is a bright sunny day and the flowers blooming lockdown is over so im taking my dog for a walk in the park also relieved to walk outdoors recovered coronavirus patients in one hon medical workers there are celebrating the closure of the citys last makeshift hospital daily numbers of new virus cases and deaths nationwide have dropped to Single Digits but the Chinese Government has been accused of rushing to declare victory to help its political image state media a working to convince the public that life is returning to normal but psychologists say the transition will be challenging. People will need time to adjust they have been inside for so long i will feel awkward both physically and mentally some people may react to this freedom by panicking some may have potential psychological problems. Says in who they factories and businesses have been given permission to resume operations. Re tongues company is one of them the hardware engineer is eager to return to the office he hasnt been able to work from home and is worried about his income. Company is definitely reducing the money of course this affects our personal income we dont know how we get paid for february not count. Shes have lifted restrictions millions are still under orders to stay home. He just has been making the most of her time indoors with family but is struggling to contain her excitement. On the day that i have full freedom im going to feel like an excited bird flying out of his cage. For now shes getting ready for her day under the sun katrina new aljazeera beaching plenty more still to come for you here on the news hour including a possible roadblock to peace as the Afghan Government delays the release of taliban prisoners. And well tell you why an apartment at the trump tower in new york is part of corruption investigations in the republic of congo. And in sports n. B. A. s patient 0 apologizes for course hes admitting it was careless behavior details coming up with santa in about 30 minutes. Ok lets wrap up some other top stories to iraq where the military says 2 Defense Service personnel and 3 Coalition Members have been critically injured in an attack on the touchy base north of baghdad is not yet known who was responsible it comes a day after u. S. Airstrikes on multiple sites in iraq the pentagon says it targeted those responsible for killing one british soldier and 2 american servicemen in an attack on weapons day Simona Holton joins us live from baghdad simona just get us right up to date whats the latest information you have for us. Well weve just heard news that Coalition Members were wounded in todays attack on the tajik military base this is in addition to the 2 members from the Iraqi Air Force who were critically injured as a result of this latest incident weve also had a statement come out from the joint Operations Command which is the body that governs all military activity here in iraq condemning these latest escalations but very interesting they also saying that in light of these latest escalations its probably best for foreign troops to abide by the decision that was passed by the Iraqi Parliament earlier this year to withdraw from iraq now this is a quite significant statement to make if you recall in january parliament voted on the expulsion of foreign troops after the u. S. Targeted him so the money here and by that killing him as well as the alamo hundreds that decision was not really acted upon the u. S. Made it clear that it would not be withdrawing from iraq as a result of what it called your brain and pressure and since then there have been negotiations ongoing between the u. S. And iraq on the future shape and form of u. S. Military presence here so these latest attacks have reignited that entire discussion and we now see that a growing number of actors are calling for foreign troops to leave now it remains to be seen exactly how this will play out because we currently have a caretaker government so that kind of government is usually not in a position to a force very far reaching decisions such as the expulsion of foreign troops but another thing here may happen here over time that if such a attacks continue and they continue to incur casualties such as today and earlier this week the u. S. Itself may over time reconsider the value and purpose of its presence here and when i speak privately with some members of the kalid coalition there is some sense of disillusionment and disappointment that they feel that their present presence here is. Less and less will come and perhaps it is time to reconsider whether the u. S. Should be present here and what exactly its goals are simona thanks very much lets bring in. Hes a researcher at the university of baxters strategy and Security Institute he joins us from london tele of course your reading of a 2nd day of violence. This just. In of the you know the tit for tat violence that weve seen over the past several months and the program youre on militia groups that are probably behind this when i say probably because you know its only them that are capable of moving around so freely in that region its just north of baghdad its a highly secure zone and its very much controlled by the Iraqi Armed Forces of which the Popular Mobilization forces these shia militias are part of so its very clear to me kind of who is behind this and its not going to stop until they get their way and in that you know all theyre looking for centuries for the americans to leave as your correspondent just writing said you know they want to make them feel as unwelcome as possible so they can decide to withdraw and to back out of iraq however thats going to be a tall ask for the United States because they see iraq as kind of the poster child for the you know the dim democratic experiment as it were in the middle east and thats actually been and and on top of that they also have a Counterterrorism Mission to deal with isis the problem being though is that the jihadists the sunni jihadists of itis are actually being replaced by these she actually had a sense who are fighting within the Popular Mobilization forces so century you have a unit of the iraqi army firing missile barrages at a fellow unit of the iraqi army as we had 2 european f. Orse personnel were seriously injured as well as attacking an allied force which is the u. S. That coalition against isis so its a very complicated state of affairs right now and its only probably going to get worse and ask for them but what are the chances that they get what they want a u. S. Forces withdrawal because in the run up to the customs of the money what 2 months ago now i guess 910 weeks maybe. U. S. President donald trump signaling i want out of the region customs to the moneys assassinated and then the u. S. The state department the pentagon has to actually yes ok were going to stay in. I think right now the chances are slim and i dont think any concrete decisions are going to be made until after the us president ial election this year. No one wants to kind of do any kind of major policy shake ups right now least of all donald trump he wants to feel secure in office 1st before he makes any rash decisions as it were i also dont think that they will take the ultimate decision to leave iraq so soon because it would look like they are acquiescing to pressure from the iranians and that oversee harm u. S. Prestige at the end of the day the entire point of the maximum Pressure Campaign against the iranians is to enforce an American Point of view that the iranians shouldnt be able to develop Ballistic Missiles they shouldnt further their Nuclear Weapons program if they have one and they should not be interfering in the internal affairs of American Allies such as saudi arabia the u. A. E. And others so i dont think that the americans are simply going to just pack up and leave its not in their interests and its not in the interest of their allies and they billions of dollars in arms out says and defense contracts from these allies so as i said i dont think is likely to happen anytime soon. We have to leave it there thank you very much thank you the Afghan Government has delayed the negotiated release of taliban prisoners and here this week the president asked for afghani agreed to start the release ahead of talks with the taliban the government said 5000. 00 prisoners would be let out in phases of the water is a National Security analyst and Founding Member of transparency afghanistan he says the government wants to use the release of prisoners as leverage in negotiations. We have had a lot of issues so the taliban and the United States agreed indoor weeks back. They will go into the Afghan Dialogue but before they go into the at and the Afghan Dialogue there were 2 things that needed to be done before that was that it least of up to 5000. 00 taliban prisoners from the jails of the Afghan Government and taliban reciprocating that would be releasing of about 1000 prisoners who were from the Afghan Government side now what president has done is that he has disagreed with this saying that this was a deal between the United States of america and the taliban it had nothing to do with the Afghan Government one of the does ovation is if you were to leave these 5000 prisoners and what if they join the battlefield again what if they pick up arms again because the reduction in violence freezes all that we have started the often says of both parties over the last few days so what happens to that and if they get to release these 5000. 00 prisoners they will not be much of a leverage for the government when they meet the taliban and the dialogue and traveling dialogue was supposed to start on march 10th the taliban have said that for us longest you do not release these 5000 prisoners we are not going to get into the enter Afghan Dialogue so these are some of the dead logs and impediments and antigovernment protest in the chilean capital santiago has turned violent demonstrators threw rocks and other items at the police who responded with water cannon and tear gas protests like this started in october over a public transport price rise the demonstrators also want better Pensions Health care and education the president is promising a new more compassionate constitution. After 11 months in jail a cofounder of hong kongs occupy protests has been released. In man says he has no regrets over his role in the 2014th protests also known as the Umbrella Movement was when thousands of demonstrators shut down big parts of the city for weeks demanding greater freedoms as one of 9 people found guilty on public nuisance charges. Members of the republic of congos 1st family a facing growing calls to be prosecuted over allegations of corruption theyre accused by human rights activists of looting public funds to buy a Luxurious Properties overseas malcolm where reports from brazzaville. This is whats left of dandies house. The rest of it. Is down here. He built a home for his retirement here in preservation erosion took it away along with much of his neighborhood. Its a serious problem i had a large family here and now im forced to rent but im not paying my pension so i have to stay with a neighbor i cant even find the money to feed myself. Its a similar story in several parts of the city the republic of congos capital. People say the government has done nothing the sand in the slopes around the city was once held together by trees theyve been cut down as the population grows but the erosion problem keeps growing to this place is already being abandoned this one will be abandoned soon the problem is people have nowhere else to go but its not the same for everyone. Luxury apartment in the Trump International hotel and tower in new york cost millions of dollars anticorruption investigators Global Witness say one was bought with stolen congolese public money for 7000000. 00. The nearly 40 year rule of congolese president then he saw soon queso has been blighted with corruption scandals. Global witness says it was his daughter seen here standing next to him before the new york apartment a spokesman for the 1st family declined to comment on the allegations. Congo billions of dollars every year from oil exports Global Witness says its traced tens of millions of dollars of stolen revenues. A mansion in the suburb of paris is among around 20 properties belonging to members of the 1st family that french prosecutors are investigating along with other purchases including more than a 1000000. 00 spent on suits and shirts from their shop. In brazzaville its easy to find pictures of president s are suing grass on the street its hard to find anyone who criticizes him or his government. But a handful of activists meet every week they try to hold the government to account for corruption and rights abuses its risky work. This is the most recent member of their group to be imprisoned hes accused of threatening state security their leader. Says its all to hide a simple truth how would you explain that what this country is so poor its just. That the country. Is stealing money while the president. Is in power. Activists say through a National Money Laundering Network that congos wealth and being spent on luxuries abroad like the apartment in new york the Trump Organization says it has no connection to the deal and didnt own the apartment when it was sold to People Living in brazzaville suburbs just a fraction of congos missing millions could help save their homes from falling apart malcolm webb aljazeera republic of congo. Thank you other peers richard nice rush peter what was just on thursday when we had this massive storm system sweeping through each of you cast your mind back now that storm sort of blown itself out to some extent so run the satellite imagery you can see it sort of moving away northwards but its certainly case some really quite nasty conditions very customized back have a look at some of the pictures coming out from lux or the strength of the wind really lifted off a lot of does it cause damage and fatalities as well of course but most of that dust is still in the atmosphere its still blowing around in the region that was around the forecast sequence through the remainder of the day you can see weve got the risk of shower spreading across the arabia and were also starting with a bit of a suddenly developing to pull some sand and dust up from the Empty Quarter of saudi arabia and thats going to work its way up across a good part of the regions who still got some rain in eastern parts of iraq through into western parts of iran but as i move the forecast through you can see the wind just sort of pick up and i think visibility here in qatar tomorrow could be extremely poor streamer he conditions are likely meanwhile i want to just keep you updated on the Tropical Cyclone development which is taking place off the coast of australia this system will become gretl once it actually gets to Tropical Cyclone status and you can see it moving towards the New Caledonia city going to be a major issue in terms of flooding from there not just New Caledonia small population big population on the coast of New South Wales and queensland because here they could be very dangerous surf conditions developing in the next 24 hours. Richard many thanks still to come here on news hour a homecoming for South African stranded in the chinese city of homs where the corona virus was 1st reported plus. The. Singing in solidarity how people are doing their bit to ensure social distancing doesnt lead to loneliness during the pandemic. My man in school at this rally driver makes a lucky escape with his car goes up in flames in mexico details with santa in about 20 minutes. The un in fact finders accuse the bernese military of genocide this is a political you think or. Do you believe the nobody is a fascist oh poor children have all gone they. Would have to go through recognize that both sides have legitimate grievances against the other climate this is the foundation of climate back then and that is why the palookas must take hard hitting debate with out. On aljazeera. When the news breaks the word out for was part of the ins of getting more police on the presentation and Economic Development when people who need to be have the top leadership world where the potential for parity of a foreign weeks before the public could pose a danger aljazeera has teams on the ground the syrian army says determined to defeat the battles and continues advanced was this is a good day to bring you move toward winning documentaries and life means. Welcome back youre watching the aljazeera news hour live from doha im peter dopy these are your headlining stories iran has reported 97 related to the coronavirus pushing the death toll in the country to 611 iran dealing with a lack of life saving medical equipment and its asked for an emergency 5000000000 dollar loan from the International Monetary fund. Colombia says it wont allow entry to people whove stayed in europe or asia in the past 2 weeks its also closed its borders with venezuela which has announced 2 cases but its border with will remain open. A 30 a ban on all flights from mainland europe to the u. S. Is now in effect it comes President Trump declared a National Emergency freeing up billions of dollars to fight the violence. Will stay with the american angle rob reynolds is at the International Terminal of los angeles airport one of a number of major u. S. Ports for travelers and he says there was a lot of confusion surrounding. Im standing outside the International Departures area at Los Angeles International airport and its fairly busy tonight you can see that a lot of travelers are Wearing Masks that does seem to be the norm for travelers these days and of course now that the President Trumps travel ban on 26 European Countries says come into effect theres a lot of questions there are a lot of questions in the travel industry and among travelers themselves the president announced this ban in a speech on wednesday it was rife with errors and misinformation and many travelers were confused a lot of people in industry were confused as well so officials had to eventually come out and say that the ban on traveling from europe does not apply to u. S. Citizens or permanent residents they will be allowed to call home but they will be checked given Health Checks at the airport on arrival and they will be asked to go into a 14 day quarantine now lets look at some of these numbers here and theyre quite large last year there were 550 flights between the u. S. And the shane going area of the European Union thats the 26. 00 nation area that allows travel free of visas and passports within the borders of that area thats about 125000. 00 travelers each and every day and of course this is going to wipe out billions of dollars in revenues for airlines for hotels for travel agencies rental car agencies you name it anything involved in the travel industry delta which is one of the largest u. S. Air carriers and told its employees its asking them to take unpaid leave this is going to idle 300 planes out of its fleet and cut down the capacity by 40 percent overall over this 30 day period of banned from european try. Well now European Union leaders have condemned the travel ban they say they werent even consulted by the white house is saying now is the time for cooperation rather than you know wrote lateral action and president probes own former Homeland Security adviser thomas said that the travel ban will do little to spread. To stem the spread of covert 19 and its more or less a waste of time and effort. Than aviation journalist for transport world and aviation week he says the coronavirus could be a substantial risk to the industry. Many elements suffering a lot in terms of threats less cash flow and losing a lot of revenue but for example of cancer have normally 7070. 00 daily flights to north america so far its only 4 from this weekend and 2 thirds of our story once or of this traffic is dominated by delta and United Airlines so this also have an impact to the u. S. Carriers and we will see very silty specially here in europe shake out kind of bankruptcies for several carriers because theyre running out of money travel bans between nations like in my case from master does travel ban the spirit of that spain france so its getting more difficult for airlines to operate some roads and no one is booking tickets actually but we see now here from my perspective we had science we have 911 and we all remember this but this is the most significant crisis for invasion industry weve been seeing a lot of changes and their best real good friend it will be of course a very important part in the future everyone the people like the flight but this one will change their Vision Industry i think sustainable. Has announced it will temporarily suspend all International Flights for 2 weeks starting as of sunday the kingdom has reported 24 new cases of the virus on friday that raises the total number of infections to 86. Cats are is adding germany france and spain to its flight ban list taking the total number of restricted countries to 18 the governments also ordered all cinemas museums and gyms to close until further notice schools universities are also closed the gulf state has recorded 337 cases of the virus. A South African aircraft carrying more than 120 people. Has landed back home the group thats been stranded in the chinese city since the Virus Outbreak began mr miller is in public warning with more on the repatriation to south africa according to the government whose been at pains to stress of that so these are people that are healthy that have been tested and also underwent multiple screenings while in who hand so according to the government nobody aboard this flight has had a positive test for the corona virus and this is very much what South Africans want to hear the group is being transported now by bus from the pull of quantum International Airport to a quarantine site just further down the strode thats been identified by the government and they say this is the ideal spot to ensure that people are far away from the nearest city that it is secure and you also see that there is a Police Cordon behind us blocking this road in any traffic on the road behind us that will carry these buses to their quarantine site so the fact that all these people the government says have not tested positive for the corona virus is an important issue for the government here for people in south africa who are concerned about what exactly this repaired creation will mean for south africa which so far has recorded 24 cases of the coronavirus all of them from people who have traveled abroad and returned to south africa. In indonesia schools have been shut in jakarta for 2 weeks because of the break out as it was just a washington is that. This is something that people have been calling for for at least weeks and now all schools around because it will be shut for at least 2 weeks its not just schools that will be affected but also the tourist hot spots like theme hogs museums and zoos now its on clear how long these restrictions will be in place but they will of course be standing if the virus doesnt seem to spread from the mountain with me and one of the worlds most densely populated city. Of northeast you know how can at least 96. 00 confirmed cases of the virus around in tunisia among them 5 deaths and these numbers up all the more remarkable when you consider that indonesia only confront its 1st case of the virus here across this archipelago just last week so those he is that into these was under testing and perhaps under estimating the spread of these fires are still being realized. New zealand is now forcing nearly everyone entering the country including its own people to go into self isolation for 14 days the Prime Minister just in the said south that said on saturday only the Pacific Island nations with no recorded cases would be examined have been 6 confirmed cases in new zealand so far. Thanks has just 15 confirmed cases of the virus and while the authorities there say the number could go up they feel they are prepared to deal with an outbreak some Health Experts are warning country isnt applying Lessons Learned from the last Global Pandemic swine flu manuel republic reports from mexico city. While countries around the world continue to implement containment measures in the fight against the corona virus pandemic in mexico everything appears to be business as usual for the city for their part mexican officials seem confident in the low numbers of confirmed cases. Hes saying the country has been preparing for years applying the Lessons Learned from the 2009 outbreak of h one n one otherwise known as the swine flu. Then the government ordered a Public Health emergency that led to a near shutdown of the entire country. But in the end Health Officials received praise from the World Health Organization and the u. S. Centers for Disease Control who called mexicos response to the outbreak a model for the world today Authorities Say theyre far better prepared than ever before they never seem to be merely nancy there is no need for fear theres no need for panic though it is a natural reaction we need to turn down the fears so that we can face reality and address this epidemic with the appropriate level of Public Health policies not more and not wastes our levy there are others who worry mexico is under estimating the impact that corona virus could have especially in the countrys poorest regions there he sat. On the access to Health Services i mean usually the middle class and and the rich people have access to private systems in those kind of approach wouldnt the nordic seas for most of the population most of the Public Hospitals in the in the country there crowd that long waits nawin off a supply of medicines while the worst of the now Global Pandemic has until now largely spared countries in latin america concerns about over the level of preparedness in the region mexican Health Officials say they expect more confirmed cases of corona virus in the coming weeks but add that the government does not yet feel it necessary to implement containment measures like canceling Public Events or closing schools. So are mexican authorities acting too cool in the face of the coronavirus pandemic we asked dr ali handle messiest one of the lead scientists who helped develop Public Policy during the h one n one pandemic 10 years ago. As for authorities its very difficult to please everyone because if you do one thing people ask you why you didnt do more and you when you do more others say youre exaggerating its very difficult for thirtys to make a decision that will please everyone. The number of confirmed cases of corona virus in mexico has only recently entered double digits the government continues to urge citizens to observe basic hygiene as the best prevention against the spread of corona virus and most importantly not to panic the panic doesnt appear to be spreading it on. Mexico city. Climbing permits in the himalayan mountains including everest has been suspended as a bit to prevent the spread of the virus in the country which has one case in suspension appliance the current season which runs until may fees from climbing generate more than 4000000. 00 a year the local economy businesses and stock markets globally are struggling to stay afloat with the rapid spread of the coronavirus but some Tech Companies are seeing a boost in revenue millions of people under lockdown and turning to digital means to continue with their daily life in israel a moment. The coverts 900 to break has infected more than 140000 people worldwide its forcing communities to brace for huge economic and social changes. For many staying at home may mean still getting work done communicating with loved ones or perhaps becoming more tech savvy and while businesses and stock markets forecast slow Economic Growth some Tech Companies are seeing an uptick Video Conferencing Software Companies zoom is one of the biggest winners from the crisis removing time limits for as video chats as looking to help keep business meetings and Student Learning afloat google and microsoft also announced they would give free access to Video Conferencing services and live document collaboration to 3 lay. And googles Parents Company alphabet says it will work with u. S. Health officials on crates of a tool to help protect the coronavirus clients and patients and people that interest can fill out a screening questionnaire. Down for a symptoms or risk factors. Demand for messaging education and productivity apps are likely to grow and as more people stay at home other platforms ah benefiting the coronavirus will have an impact on streaming websites and Services Like youtube hulu and netflix so its a monetize their content will see significant increases in ad revenue from increased demand on their platforms but as the Global Demand for such services increases so does the need for secure accessibility the need for Broadband Internet access has never been more folks through life are liable and affordable connections will be left further behind people need to be in control not less secure. And the longer term we need it better build out of Fiber Optic Networks to low income rural and that Risk Communities need discounted devices and we need freed up use of spec drum and more alternatives Like Community networking during these times of uncertainty Digital Tools are proving to be more vital than ever as the shift to home office and schooling becomes the new reality for many around the world. Really mohammed al jazeera. Governments worldwide are using whats being called social distancing as one of the ways to stop the virus from spreading but Health Workers a majority has to also look at the additional cost of exclusion and loneliness for the most vulnerable newsprint. The 2nd pandemic of the 21st century has led to the largest quarantine in Human History bustling cities have turned into go stands millions are under lockdown in parts of asia and europe. Public squares were communities have been converging for centuries are almost empty. In todays hyper connected world doctors and governments are urging less social contact to reduce the risk of infection but there are concerns that social distancing although vital in these times can also lead to social isolation intent of social distancing is in fact to protect those who are the most vulnerable in particular the elderly and those with underlying medical conditions its also to try to reduce the rate of the spread of the disease so that we can avoid overwhelming the Health Care System with too many patients at the same time but i certainly understand that those who are already the most vulnerable already face the greatest barriers to care and may have limited social networks and were asking them to limit these social Networks Even further in new york volunteers of local Charity Groups like this one are working overtime to deliver food to the elderly and poor stuck at home those who are just fog rubel to the virus but also hunger its very serious it specially those who have the vulnerable conditions or preexisting conditions they cant get out like some of us can like you and i so for them they are affected because they cannot eat and also theyre isolated the World Health Organization says now more than ever communities must come together and stand with those neglected by society when we speak about the vulnerability we cannot forget migrants we cannot forget undocument workers we cannot forget prisoners in prisons they may be serving sentence but they deserve no less protection under the law than others so when we talk about stigma we also need to to really look carefully at exclusion the voices of home was a chance of solidarity the spontaneous and risen. And also show how in these trying times d people are finding new ways to break the barriers of isolation and loneliness to feel the enduring spirit of Human Connection priyanka took the on to syria. Still to come here in the news are the sports news organizers of the tokyo a lympics remain upbeat about holding the games and the virus continues to shut down Global Sports details coming up with santa when we come back. Frank assessments the one good thing about these bushfires usage really wiping out the. Climate change informed opinions economy i think is actually whats keeping donald trump afloat right now critical debate sequel on those do schoolchildren know what the law is all about this argument is astonishingly patronize a indepth analysis of the days headlines this is the beginning of the iraq of the new conscious and aware youth about stood up against an ethnic sectarian kotor inside story on aljazeera. They soon as the sun goes down shutting down russia is a very challenging place to work from as a journalist even though your folks here say you cant do it its not allowed to feel pushing youre always pushing boundaries hard of the center of my fellow 100 love dollars people are being taken for peacefully march here through the city sanford we are the ones travelling the extra mile we are the media go go we go there and we give them a chance to tell their story. Time. Small students thank you very much ed piece of global sport is facing unprecedented people with the most major leagues and events counselled due to coronavirus all of the leading european football competitions have been suspended when their next game could have earned liverpool their 1st premier league title in 30 years nigga officials are due to meet again on thursday games are pencil in to resume at the start of april but there are no guarantees that this season will ever be finished liverpool manager club has issued this statement football always seems the most important of the least important things today football the football matches really arent important at all if its a choice between football and the good of the why this society its no contest. Tickle my greed beat liverpool in the Champions League last week it could be the last game either team that plays for some time the Spanish Government announced a state of emergency on friday more than 3000 athletico fans travel to liverpool for last wednesdays game but not let it go as manager is sending out a very different public message. I want to send a message to raise awareness for my home or encourage all of you to follow the instructions from the experts to take care of ourselves and to protect everybody around us lets stay at home. Its all in syria sighs some doria have announced that 5 of their players have tested positive for the cord a virus and now in self isolation syria was one of the 1st leaks to be counselled after the Italian Government suspended all sport until april 3rd due to the outbreak the clubs Training Facilities have been closed the entire team remains in self isolation. And world governing body is asking for any International Game scheduled for march and april to be called off fifa say rules which normally oblige clubs to release plays for their National Team matches what applies well cup qualifiers of both asia and south america have already been postponed. The n. B. A. Is patient 0 diego bella has spoken for the 1st time since testing positive for corn a virus. Sparked a huge backlash after he appeared to be joking about catching the virus as the press conference he later became the 1st n. B. A. Player to test positive shutting down the entire league a freshman posted an apology on instagram admitting what he did was careless Major League Baseball players are returning home a day after the lou canceled spring training will be announced on thursday the season will be delayed for keys 2 weeks from its scheduled start on march 26th however teams think the season might not actually start until may. Well the japanese Prime Minister has reiterated to his that its terminations for this years Tokyo Olympics to proceed as planned she says japans coronaVirus Outbreak is not at a stage that requires him to declare an emergency the torch relay around the games spiritual home of greece that has been suspended but the International Olympic Committee Say its to remain fully committed to the games starting on time into life. Because if you do work that we will continue to closely cooperate with the International Olympic committee and of course the yossi is working closely with the World Health Organization and for us we would like to overcome the spread of the infection and hold the lympics as planned. Casimir says as shes switching to the 200 meters and a bit the one at the tokyo 2020 games it 29 year old the South African champion is currently banned from running in events ranging from 400 meters to a mile 200 meters would be an event that would allow her to avoid war the clerics regulations limiting her testosterone levels for so many as a double elim big Gold Medalist in the 800 meters right in mexico is one of the rare sporting events to go ahead despite a call in a virus a fierce 6 time all the rally champion sebastian did the 1st full day at the top of the leaderboard the frenchman is point 6 seconds ahead the financier for driver c. More so in after stage 6 are the biggest incident during the race came when am sport a driver is that because his car dramatically burst into flames after completing the last stage either his codriver all the attendant marshals or could extinguish it that he had to drive the car away but was soon forced to bail out leaving his fiesta to burn to the ground. I couldnt see it to be honest that its been so in the end of the fire because all the tilted windows blocking the view quite well. So i was still driving by the one time to be honest and then i lost the brakes completely on and then i realized that ok this is the burning like hell and then i just jumped out and thats i was 4 and you have more for you later on but for now had you about 30000 thank you very much mr finnegan will keep you company from the top of the hour i will see you very soon of a. Young women with a passion for the space i used to dream about working at your School Company or like not sound enough so that a small step for science a giant leap for womankind in kurdistan near but dont place it inside and at the scheduled time the south like to be sent into space women make science hardest on space school at the south 5 on aljazeera. In 2014 and aljazeera investigation revealed how anger and fear feel will be a bone a crisis that ravaged west africa we asked our lives they didnt allow you to hospital knowing we are dying 3 years on we speak to the filmmaker the one thing that spread and caused the devastation on his feet that was born out of ignorance rewind liberia living with a bow on aljazeera. The un published the most comprehensive study of life on. They found 1000000 species face extinction thats more than 12 percent of known life on. One truck to destroy the much Oil Infrastructure of which all while. The report identifies the 5 main drivers of this big logical crisis fast the way we use and abuse our politics was always says 75 percent of the land and 2 thirds of the Marine Environment have been severely altered by human activity exploitation of species through over fishing and hunting Climate Change caused by our Greenhouse Gas emissions pollution and finally creaked on local ecosystems by invasive species. Reports 4th estate the decline can be slowed even stopped in some cases but to do that we must transform our relationship with. Spray and reports a spike in corona virus cases 1500. 00 new infections in just 24 hours. Hello im adrian figure this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up but arbor of dead in iran due to the corona virus is now over 600 as the Government Asks the i. M. F. For an emergency loan. The u. S. President s travel ban on 26. 00 european nations comes into effect hours after he declared a National Emergency. And more misery for venezuelans colombia shuts its borders to contain the spread of the virus

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