When a new monkey who do not believe. He had to leave you love you soon could you knew. How one to one she ok no one got to me. Because im on the 101 mile my. 5. I. Mean youre. Going to come cobble detected and make up. I dont i did to demand. A cool name out to make sure my name will come across. Them some of. Them some other way ive been im still going to look im not sending resumes. You know more oh im sure were not going on and i dont want. You. Right now i think i will. My passion is to say that this shooting of prisoners are different another chance to live like not much of it because theyre not a party to the crimes committed by their parents they have to try to say. The. Least. The hour lou please. Please. Please please. It was a great old evil going to get through. It was that you know this is together with us the one you see. Is a song. With carlo we think about whether we were young enough i put only to be the solution to tell you the story we didnt get who dont live close to full. Time living here. I learned yesterday to courage. I was 2nd to prison. I was barely 21 years or just need of mothering the father of my daughter i could not kill him some. Night didnt you know and he was caught he. Devoted much it might not be you know i was cut. Big here you can see those who cant see now get on to my. It was so i was rushed to the hospital in a Critical Condition because it was some of the i survived by the result may not have. The right not to interrupt and that was just a desk job and. I fish closer as i was a stroke at the time in my kitchen because the cream no one machine he was her sisters like a cranium no no no i was having. To live with that right. I forgot that i actually asked my mom was able to take care of michael. Once in a while my parents used to bring her to see me prison at least i talk to my does it is very very important for a prisoner to talk to that you agree. When you 3 are free nor does it have anything in your shell to focus children one yeah sorry i learned how to share with those who are blind. And trying to work out when parents are imprisoned the government doesnt have any plans for the children left behind so this should be a need for they need shelter they are searching for love they end up on the streets and these start committing pretty big crimes they graduate into committing bigger crime spans finding their parents in prison. Lets go live now to the World Health OrganizationNews Conference where a Global Pandemic has just been the clarity on the Coronavirus Crisis lets listen in this question here please. One question one question. So what do the filmmaking. Mechanism within the british all concerning the region and i mean so. Are the Member States involved in the proceeds thank you. No i said this many times there is no formal process and and pandemics or such are not declared its not like a Public Health emergency of International Concern in which theres a body of International Law were to be a joint gauges through the Emergency Committee through the National Focal points in making the decision this is a characterization urges scription was situation and the d. G. Has said it is not a change in what we do he says that a trigger for anything other than more aggressive more intensive actions or and thats. A it is now us and would never be declared as such the 2nd. Point is that it is taken very seriously because we understand the implication of the word and the director general has gone through a very detailed set of internal and external consultation with experts with his Regional Directors with many of us over the long hours in assessing the use of the word as it has occurred as a characterization theyre likely benefits potentially of galvanizing the world to fight but also as the d. G. Has outlined the dangers of using a word if people use it as an excuse to give up or if people see it as something that girls fear so theres a lot of internal consideration has been given the director general has listened to people from across and through us and very deep into our organization this is not been a corporate decision in the sense of made by only the seniors in this house he has listened to everybody and has come to a determination based on a broad based input of expert advice will internally and externally in order to determine this but there is no mathematical formula there is no algorithm this is a characterization of the current description of the outbreak around the world and the called action and a call not to give up but the day he may wish to come and himself on his. Thats you know thank you they say and i and what i think is more important here is how we have been working with all of our Member States we have been working across all of the countries affected countries and not about assessing the situation over time from day one and weve been sitting up here telling you that that there are many characteristics that are really important for us to better understand that relate to transmission and how is this virus circulating what is the extent of infection who is most at risk for infection and with regards to severity who is dying from this disease how are people dying and what can we do for to prevent people from dying and thirdly the impact and i think what we have been doing from day one is gathering evidence learning from each other learning from what china experienced how they handled the situation learning from what korea is doing in japan is doing in singapore is doing and we can go on and on and on and every day we have these assessments every day were looking at the evidence and thats whats really critical our guidance our recommendations from very early on our 1st guidance was published i believe it was on the 10th of january and that is an assessment of based on what we were built we were seeing in the evidence and what we expected to happen we are constantly revising that and that doesnt change and it hasnt changed what weve been recommending to all governments and all people. If you were much lets take one more question from here lets start with a lady that would sing for the 1st time if you can introduce yourself please. You know my program from iran to national. Colors. Actually use of your grateful about the measures iran to counter the virus would you please elaborate on that tell us more about the team came back from iran what do you think is needed right now inside iran because were hearing that there has been a lack of medical supplies and equipment inside iran because of the sanctions. Yeah the. Team and the d. G. Spoke to this previously what he particularly referred to was the fact that there was now in all of government approach there was a National Leadership that was by him and coordination between the national and the subNational Leadership and there was a coherent strategy and the fact that that strategy was launched as a as a single plan and theres that people are gathering around that as a single strategy surveillance has certainly been enhanced in terms of the case detection and the amount of testing and in order to support as were working in conjunction with the Chinese Government that china brought in over 20000 test we brought in 8100000 tests into around over nearly 2 weeks ago the days blend into what on earth this morning. And equally both china has brought in personal protective equipment weve made it clear that those supplies are in are very very short and were struggling to find other supplies externally we do so as i said previously of thanks to the United Arab Emirates for their facilitation of the process and again were working with which countries including china raef resupplying our Logistics Hub in dubai. Weve sent a further. 100440000 tests into around or over the last 24 hours again to increase the intensity of testing and in the end you know all of this is drawing millions of dollars of resources in order to continue to supply that right now in iran there is a shortage of ventilators theres a shortage of oxygen and clearly and youve seen this in italy and youve seen theres another countrys what happens at this stage in the in an epidemic thats intense thats generating a lot of severe cases as of this morning initially there were nearly 900 people in intensive care that requires a huge Health Worker commitment. To take care of intensive reading on well people can often require 2 to 3 medical staff at one time all in protective gear for hours and hours number one they use up a lot of protective gear number 2 the become exhausted very quickly and our concern for our colleagues in the around and in a city right now is actually the caseload the demand on the Health Workers and the dangers that come with fatigue and potentially shortages of p. P. H. So we all must move quickly while some countries are affected more than others and yes we can get into the game of whether governments are doing enough or not enough or whether things were better planned or should be planned the fact is right now in countries we have frontline Health Workers who need our help we have hospitals who need our support we have people who need our care and we need to focus on getting our frontline Health Workers the equipment supplies and and training they need to do a good job so i think we need to in that sense now all focus on the job at hand we can work out after the fact that we have done a better or a fault whos to blame we really need to focus on the word that the director general has been using for weeks solidarity getting the job done we need to move now iran and easily are in the frontline now theyre suffering but i guarantee you other countries will be in that situation very soon. So we all need to show that some of the for each other were focused on practical support to iran. And we will continue to provide that and working with International Partners and. Just the lines i would like to id. From the reports we got from our experts on the ground. We know that iran is doing its best all it can thats number one. And thats what i appreciated and 2nd. They need lots of supplies and as mike said we have tried to support as much as we can but there is still a shortage and were trying to mobilize more support for what you know thank you. Thank you very much. Try to take a few questions from a journalist online and. I will remind. You can i ask a question its star 9 photos online and those dialing in and its a clicking raising hand so lets start with Helen Bransford helen can you hear us here if i can thank you for taking my question and im wondering if. You are getting Additional Information from china in particular im interested in finding out if you had any word about this study that they were meant to be doing i would have thought that they would have had data by now. I think i think Helen Caldicott one of the things that we are were hoping for in the coming weeks are results from sierra logic surveys so as you all know molecular tests were developed very quickly serologic acids are being developed very quickly and theyre in use in a number of countries we understand that there are 0 surveys that have begun in several countries including in china we do not yet have the results from those but what were hoping for what the results we are expecting in the coming weeks will have to do with better understanding the extent of infection in the general population hopefully by age structure weve seen the protocol that will be used there and it is an age stratified general population ciro survey so it will take some time and we do need to give them the time to run these at the investigations these ciro at the investigations we are pressuring them not only china all countries to carry out these types of investigations share their results with us so that we could better understand how transmission is occurring but it will take it will take some time. Very much lets try. These are her from. Europe and yes you hear me yeah yeah. We got into iraq. Ok shes in spain in the last 48 hours hand i would like to know if you consider that the measures imposed by the environment are enough or it needs to be more i wish i did just say to contain just. I think. All countries now need to go very close to look at what are their objectives in responding to the epidemic in the wrong country. Or are they accepting that the disease can spread completely in an uncontrolled fashion to all corners of the country and theyre going to focus on just trying to keep the whole system moving forward and trying to keep the whole system from collapsing thats whats known as mitigation and before because on affectively supporting the Health System to reduce fatality and weve had lots of people talking about containment versus mitigation the director general has spoken since the very beginning of this outbreak. Both a comprehensive approach to this epidemic focused on containment where theres an opportunity to contain containment on isolating the virus within the chains of transmission that exist and preparing the Health System to reduce the impact should the disease escape that control or escape that containment and thats is whats known as mitigation is very important that people i think understand that the d. G. Statement today is not an escape clause to mitigation its not about saying ok the now we have a description of pandemic we all move to mitigation nothing could be further from the truth it is not the time for countries to move towards mitigation only unless and until they are not in a position to effect the course of the epidemic and try and stop this. Organism the difficulty is that if you do not try and suppress this virus it can overwhelm your whole system so you have to be very strong efforts made to suppress infection to interest to push the infection back because at the very least it will take the pressure it will allow and flatten the curve and allow your Health System to remain in control and and achieve some success in reducing case because the so from that perspective i think its very important that we use our words very carefully from here on in with regard. Spain. Spain has number of cases has have accelerated very very quickly over the last couple of days hasnt france as has norway has denmark and has as have a number of European Countries so its very important the countries in the European Union and western europe really do look at what their current control strategy is for this disease and to assess whether the efforts theyre taking are good enough in terms of suppressing transmission. And pushing back the virus and then obviously preparing the whole systems to cope with the cases that do occur all countries need to review their strategies right now. I think you would be happy to add to that. I had a very good discussion with excellence the press Prime MinisterPedro Sanchez of spain 2 days ago. And i was. You know very much impressed by hes got me to mend and spain is using the whole of government and the whole of Society Approach and we believe that that Political Leadership is really key and we discussed. That approach mobilizing the whole source id and making that responds everybodys responsibility. And we hope to see progress in spain in spain to. The Prime Minister took the initiative to call doubly joy and to to consult and thats very important measure actually indicate that as of leadership and he told me that hes prepared to do everything. To stop these outbreaks then on contain them and mitigation again we dont want anyone to make a mistake when we. We. You know say the situation in. Pandemic we are not saying that the world live should move from containment to meet a geisha and we are not. We believe as doubly sure that the comprehensive or blended approach should continue and in that comprehensive and blended up roach containment through to be the major pillar. As mike said the numbers themselves actually speak why we are saying this. 81. 00 countries have no cases so they should do everything to prevent from importing any case they shouldnt give any ground for this virus to to set foot in their country and then there are 57. 00 countries who have reported less than 10 cases 10 or less cases they can cut it from the bad. 81. 00 plus 507138 cases. And 90 per cent of the total number of cases we have the total 118. 00 cases globally. For the kind countries reported 90 percent of it 90 percent of the 118000. 00 so it will be a mistake to our bond and the containment strategy for the rest of the countries will be between the 4 countries will have. Reported more than 90 percent and those who have reported 10 cases or less so we believe that. The best way forward is the blended comprehensive approach which puts containment as a major pillar. And we have also given examples many countries have already shown that when you have cases still can be contained however big the number of cases is and we are convinced that although this is the furthest corner of a it has to be labeled as pundit mique proportion but at the same time we believe that it will be the 1st also to be able to be contained or controlled. Thats what we are saying it can be because we have seen progress in countries that have already shown this so we repeat again we are not side just doing to shift from containment to meet a geisha we are not we underline that we are still proposing containment strategy and other strategies a comprehensive and blended strategy but consider considering they do graphics prayer and the number of case that has increased in the past 2 weeks we should double down and we should be more aggressive thats what were saying. Thank you very much now call on christopher for mon round christopher can you hear us. Yes actually i think you really i hear you oh. I have a couple of other questions. But i want you to give us an overview just of. A one point bad news there. And you do a couple of. Most of the know. What dont you see how do you you know me mad man but. Man go ahead. Of the can you carry one more time or you are broken but please go ahead to be heard that something about preparedness but repeat your question please ok i want you to give us an overview of this test of. This post enough. Treatment to sanitize supportive treatments of it im going to i mean im going to do nothing. The 2nd only 2nd day ad there is and i knew that if. You call i did riis. It is a disease that 16 was a willingness to implement. What is your return. Thank you. Thank you krista of. I think weve been i think actually africa in general has been very rapid progress. General levels of for bird missile over the last 2 weeks all countries in africa now have the capacity to make a diagnosis and some are demonstrating fortunately through the diagnosis of course with 1000 cases. A lot of syndrome experience systems Early Warning systems polio systems in africa you know been turned towards detecting error on the network to reference labs for Influenza Surveillance Network of labs for National Influenza labs have been working together on detecting. Doing systematic testing in samples collected with suspected flu and theyre now testing those samples systematically with 19 across a number of countries and after all 41 of 47 countries at the after all region the after region is essentially Subsaharan Africa in africa for that we have to have complete is comprehensive National Action plans for the control of 19 at the moment we are currently have our staff working. Hello im Barbara Starr youre watching aljazeera and the World Health OrganizationNews Conference in geneva the regular one where they have Just Announced that the Coronavirus Crisis has gone from an epidemic to append then it and then we heard from the bed rector general pederasts and on every a source about it just the about 20 minutes ago if that is so the krona virus crisis has now been defined as a pandemic the News Conference are now taking questions video link and internet and intimately with various journalists lets dip in again to listen to what theyre seeing