Ok and you are in the stream of fury in the streets of a femicide in mexico protesters are asking what they stop and for the government to take the issue seriously we want you to share your thoughts on how to address violence against women you can let us know in our life chat. He said up is that from mexico lawyer and journalist and you are in the street. In mexico women are taking part in the countrys 1st all womens labor strike its called a day without us no women a school or in public these are some of the hashtags a Company Driving the conversation the event was created in response to recent acts of gender based violence that have dominated mexican headlines this year public outrage was reignited after the separate murders of ingrid s. K. A 25 year old woman allegedly mutilated by a partner and his 7 year old schoolgirl fatima whose tortured corpse was found in a plastic bag this is what estrella at noon yes activists in mexico city had to say about being a woman in mexico. Being a woman in mexico is an act of resistance its an act of rebellion because im the one that has to demand that im not murdered for what to be able to reach my goals to achieve my purpose how can we stop the normalization of this violence by stopping our friends to make chauvinist jokes with some empathy and a bit of solidarity we can today is the start of a revolution. With us to talk about this in mexico city Alexander Sosa a lawyer and protest taking part in todays women strike in Monterrey Mexico many essentials for loving while a lawyer and protest organizer and in mexico city aljazeera correspondent john the home and we also reached out to the Mexican Government and the National Institute for women to join this discussion and i have some back and forth they told us that nobody was available but good to have you with us get a 100 but he and john money are im going to start with some protest pictures that you sent us thank you very much im just wondering how much were tapping into your mood this water are so so poignant here stop murdering and raping us another one here may patriarchy fear feminism if you could describe your mood right now how would you describe your mood and thank you for having me when i say. That we all share yesterday in the march and weve been sharing floor. Some years now. And going to be nation of anger and impotence because of whats happening in the country. Weve been having 10 or 11 family sites a day we men are raped 40 pounds earned for it and rapes beach year we have 60 we have 600000 other sexual crimes a day so the problem nice very evident its an actual gundam integrals against women so i wanted to express that in there sure trace sure catchphrase and i is by reading more now. So we i dont read that correctly pronounced. Well as you say is that it may patriarca if youre framing it im so i. Yes i did we did a translator that depreciate us yesterday ok let me just read it and let me just bring it out 10100 this idea of a day without us what did you do today what other women doing today well the work clothes we put out a little demonstration with bring up signs. Would. Add to gender bias. The problem is really a band so we are the workplace wanted to make sure that even though we were not at the workplace the men there were able to see. How or behold the problem how how big the problem is i personally stay at home today on strike on strike now this should let me share this john i love your twitter feed it gives me a little idea of whats been going on in mexico today so john says some metro stations this morning seem to be a bit of a standstill without the Winning Ticket Machine Operators now how do we use those machines again so if you didnt see the managers wandering around like what are we supposed to be doing what else have you seen john how effective is the strike with women staying at home. I suppose were in a bit of a mexico city bubble i think its muddy at that moment today but it just it seems pretty something pretty historic here i mean just this park that im in now this would usually be full of people its not completely deserted you can see some men actually walking past here but its almost empty the citys main avenue reformer is so much more subdued. We shared the metro actually the metro actually has its own carriages for women in mexico city and thats because theres been so many incidents of groping and harassment and what weve been told is especially this morning in russia with those carriages were going out almost empty so this is something i dont think all women striking theres a lot of women in the Informal Sector here or from the working class that possibly dont have the means to do this but i think theres so many women here that are going out in the streets that are going to their workplace and that even in their homes saying you know this has to be a day without women so that everyone understands the gravity of this is if we disappeared as if these femicide being killing us. My own wife actually im im im here keeping a sort of i owe my on my son because shes also on strike at the moment in the home saying no we have to be as if we disappeared so this is a huge huge impact i think in the city of nationwide is something ive never seen in mexico i wonder to give people an idea of what it is like to live in mexico as a woman one of the things youve done is that its almost like in the such an e. Meter on the subject chart so you take things that maybe politicians or all the media has said and you score it for how bad in terms of the such a mistake and i do that is can you give us an example of that. I dont know lead me to your friends the question yes you do and the sultani meter you keep track of my son jimmy can you explain why youre doing that give us an example. I am no doubt that if that is currently doing the will there are certain lottery of. Do measurements of home usage mystics are the sayings of some fully dishes. Educational so it is i just want to go to yes they wish there was so many protest across mexico and this is one protester explaining why shes out there on the streets as have a look it was International Womens day you know i got the money but i dont know. Where is monica yant where is julio ramos where all of those young women that came from the outer neighborhoods whose bodies were found this is the justice that the state is giving us no one trusts them no one trusts the organizations of Civil Society because in this city girls and women keep disappearing and being murdered. Jon im just going there. Just came back to john systems some startling headlines which even in a country that is used to seeing terrible things happen to women really let target people so as i mentioned earlier there was the murder of a young woman and her in it adults were found in the sewer and then. It cannot but be moved and just terrified by a little kid a little 7 Year Old Girl who was also murders how bad is it now in mexico are reaching a Tipping Point where the government has to do something. Why i think i think just hearing that woman that you just played the clip from it just sends goosebumps down you when i in of course 100 many year weve been looking at this thing for years in the country and the crimes that you mentioned to 7 year old fatima ingrid those are things that weve been seeing 3 years across mexico so this does feel like the 1st time perhaps where theres been this huge surge of women you just saw in the protest that was going through the citys main avenues yesterday it was just a sea of purple women coming out to say really enough is enough and even the strike here so you hope you hope its some sort of Tipping Point i was speaking to a couple of women earlier on today that weve been interviewing as we go on that day and theyve been saying maybe this is going to change all of a sudden but at least the Younger Generation maybe theyll start to learn that theres a different way to treat women to refer to women and to act towards women in this country now you mention the government there under his Manuel Lopez Obrador is mexicos president and i think a lot of women that ive been talking to anyway and i 130 year can speak to this more than i have been surprised by his reaction his his jested at points even today actually the day after that huge march that there were conservative interests to hind this march in that times passes called the black hand behind this movement hes also said that the cause of all these famous sides or part of the cause could be neo liberal ideology in the country that that needs to be changed and he hasnt so far come up with a really tangible plan to tackle this to tackle the femicide in the country and no one suggesting that it started under his watch this is something thats been going on in mexico for years now but it is surprising to me and i think disappointing and id like to add 100 year to speak more to this of his reaction to it. Yes about where you were asking before up there one to 5 scale and it was me and he mean one that we have. A group of women thats called it is much less and what we do is to. Well among other things we like to. Score so on public these courses of. Many governance and we. Score from one to 5 we call in my cheetos if you get one might. Say something that in the sea lice is there we must fight. Between my teeth does. Humiliate women. Does he view. Women except to get raped so we have a scale. In which we have this or the. See this day the public statements of our governor are or the president or many legislators so thats a way of us to a way we have to be civilized the problem of my cheese morning to Public Discourse and above what john was saying i personally disappointed of the president because they bought it for him. And i see there. Are interested in. Not making conservatives angry than a day and go to the mens and he has in fact called us them that we have conservative interests and thats why were marching and brought this thing which is absolutely not true i think that flaming me being a feminist and being a conservative just doesnt go with its a contradiction so i would like the president to. She realized to embarrass him that his signing of Public Policy to hear other women in his government which are very capable women in the. Government maybe hear them more so that we can eradicate peace under me which is what i was against with so let me just bring in just a little bite from present lopressor over door so that our general audience can hear what he thinks about this idea of drunk based violence in mexico so this was for me the 17th lets have a listen. Mexican society has fallen into decline a progressive dark relation that has to do with the neo liberal models this isnt solved just with police or with presence or with threats of a heavy hand we have to address the background here that there be material well being and well being of a soldier. On our live youtube chat people are talking about the idea of impunity in mexico so he samarian he says i am mexican and the real problem is the lack of justice not only in the area femicide but him mexico we have 90 percent of impunity in every single felony 100 go ahead yes and i do completely agree it should not only the impunity unfamous saved for me actually impunity of what happens before for any side because most of the times when i go when a woman gets killed thats not the for a sign of violence that she saw for most of the time she has been ridden before she has been called names before she has been sexually assaulted before so the fact that this kind of crimes that is not that they are less self important that are very sad for the part that this kind of crimes rick. Remain within if what actually leads to a premise so i dont completely agree i am completely is a point at the reaction of the president as marianna. And i think that he needs to put up a comprehensive agenda agenda to tackle general violence and it need. To start not only impunity against let me 3rd world or also in regards of generalised as a whole because its all part of the whole family side is just that the big point. Im wondering what is actually been done by the current government the institute for women lets have a listen to this comment and bring it into the conversation here we gotta do it to the viewer. In my contrie score and. I decide to participate today in this straight because my rant mexican woman i can not be indifferent to the wave of feminism. They were meant as not being enabled to stop the march of the woman its necessary the gratian of the ministry of the woman. And independent we are on the voice we have heard their nation to make a stronger claims we want justice we want to live in a different way so that was rosa maria mercenaries a mexican based in france and she has also been protesting in support of the women who are protesting in mexico these are some of the images of her protest mexicans in paris. Together we are stronger not one more mexico femicide you know you get the idea of where her energy is coming from but john just thinking back to the government and the authorities in mexico what are they doing because this is a movement that is growing and growing. Yes you really are so that i think the government is to at least have a specialized the go ahead go ahead. Sorry i think that in regards of that the mexico city of story does have taken upon well this is. Related to the safety of women in the Public Transportation so. Early we have. A special car scene the metro stations for women we have a special car seen them at the wall for women we have that kind of stuff but it hasnt been quite enough so the wonder was beginning early she was speaking about having mexican. Women ministry we dont have one of those in mexico city and in mexico city the mexico City Government she has held meetings with we are with women and with feminist in order to listen to what theyre looking for in regards of feminist Police Gender gender publicist and thats kind of the things that they have been doing what unfortunately it hasnt been enough tipped john go ahead were going to say. I suppose a question from a 100 and for many years well i mean mates chris city with all sorts of things it just as you i think it was on the hunter there speaking just as you said there are mexico city there seems to be more happening when you go to the area just outside its called the state of make Square Listowel a medical you see. Over the years theres been a lot of famous sites and youve seen a State Government thats really been reluctant. Over many years im not in some a lot of like this so the federal level has happened as well there was talk of a special area in the in the Attorneys Office being set up to try and deal with this president Lopez Obrador seem to sort of indicate this morning that he didnt think that was necessary but it seems like i was speaking to me at the loose sister other whos a very prominent sort of activist but womens rights in the country and has been for some time and she said that even though sometimes things look great on paper the laws we have the kind of protocols to deal with these sorts of things with violence towards women in the practice theres a lack of sort of so full of those frou or a lack of resources or manpower or just the police really be reluctant to do it and she says that thats a generalized problem i was speaking through on the phone the other day its certainly what weve seen in our reporting across years in mexico so i spoke to the you guys ready and do you see that outside of sort of mexico city how the you see the willpower i suppose of the mexican authorities to act on this. Yet and thats you know like were all in all that going to mean every city we have. Impunity we have a problem that we have. A relatively good last but they are not. Executing their way they should be. We can in fact lower enormous. Precedents that. Rep reduce gender based violence so or even eve eve the people who are ruling class and apply the law the way it should be what do we expect of other men so our day without women. Reflective exercises of life would happen eve one day. All the night we all disappeared and it terribly the exercise but. The research is very real and we are in fact these appearing every day jim bacon so. Is that government going to. Listen to us now or is it going to keep doing what needs always been doing every march age saying every cute statement about oh we love women but we dont do anything about it we dont do anything about the fact that you are being raped that you are being murdered and we dont make any gender. Gender perspective ali says that mr mori let me just bring our 100 because i wonder just by looking at her face is your face looks hopeless but i know that you are hopeful because you are protesting the are trying to make change happen at 100 girls is just. The risk is very real actually 2 days ago one girl her name is not her name was only got all the subtle martinas birth of her brother she pulls to the plays or. A missing person wrote with her face kind of mimicking what will happen if she went missing and just earlier she was more other by a man so the risk is very real so thats why i have these hopeless foes i used to know her im so sorry. Looking also one of things that we are some 100 quid ahead of what. Well you know to i suppose a question from a 100 a month what should the Mexican Government be doing what would you hope to see off the 2 days of enormous search or openness. We hope to see or at least i can speak for for me. All the feminist on look they expect him thing but i would suspect openness from that were meant. I would expect to eradicate completely their might choose morning their Public Discourse and in their actions i would expect to. Be old upland with feminist experts with people in his government women in his or him and were very capable and well together a lot of action to eradicate bias against women that goes in to the institutional. Sector but also in the cultural aspect of the problem which is very important to reeducate people and really a good society about how important these fight if and even though we seem like very fire a way to achieve equality. Every date we know reactions and every day we are protesters will protest and with these kind of programs that you are. Having we are making conscious and one people like one person a day. We are beginning to address the problem. Also i think that as maria i completely agree we need more openness from the president we need him to go calling us conservatives because thats not the case actually a feminist is completely the opposite where progressive people. And we need to see not only the gender discourse being pulled into into this into a discourse because while it is true that half of the cabinet women we havent seen this completed are slated into polish if we are not see any budgetary decisions being taken in regards of womens safety actually it has been kind there are a lot here. The budget for women refugees go bleed. They cut off their budget for that so thats actually the opposite since a year or so you want actually the government of the policymakers to turn into actual policy and put funding into it and just give you one so its clear some keith who is watching our show on twitter he says he or women make the reporting of violence against women a process where women are trust to support it unprotected and provide all Necessary Services confidentially as well thank you al hunt dress thank you maria thank you john holman and thank you for watching us again next time on the street. Business leaders just want to find a bra spot. For. Business leaders is both to buy no bra spot. I was raised in france and these are my grandparents. These are my parents and this is mean. By them both isis and us on. The 2nd of a 2 part epic tale of a remarkable simony. The father the son and the jihads tune on aljazeera the u. S. 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