Corruption and the carrot we listen so if we really put place china as an enemy of. The not really that we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter just 0. I have a while for me ok on your in the strain today we take a look at 3 stories related to Global Warming locusts in east africa ice melt antartica and the future of the Worlds Largest doomsday food vault you can join the conversation really easily in our live chat or on twitter. Though it is in east africa are racing to counter swarms of aeration slow coasts who have been eating their way through the region including kenya ethiopia and somalia locusts are not uncommon to the horn of africa but the recent surge is the worst the region has seen in decades the rise of these insects have been attributed to warmer temperatures if left on tracks the locusts could multiply more than 400 times by june United Nations has warned that this would decimate crops in a region already struggling with food and Security Officials at the u. N. Food and Agriculture Organization because i know its foul are sounding the allow it is a big threat to do that because that much as we see drought is a threat much as we say that floods can be a threat but if youre trying to drink i think were all for it but does it look as if richard is in a good for it whats a good. Joining us to discuss the locus for 2 or 3. Tumor is the ethiopia representative the United Nations food and Agriculture Organization for to me this is fascinating our audiences around the world have been looking at these pictures wondering what happened why is this happening. This is happening because the locusts are finding and usually when he went area in the region. They have we have seen cyclons that has happened actually there where there is in june july or august was president talk since june july 2090 but the situation was deteriorating severely in december when a cyclon hit that region being in addition to the flooding and the all the other disaster locust multiplying in not time from each apia now 9 countries in the region are affected and 3 of those are worse than i think that is a troll yes oreilly yeah and kenya for to what it what is it like what is that experience like of seeing that many locusts in one place at one time for someone who was not used to look is this is very scary is like seeing a cloud as large as. 5 then 20 square kilometers as small as that sometimes it can even block the light from the sun so you have seen those pictures and it is very scary you know different to the damages and cause to crop land to pasture to. 220 inch or well unfortunately it not only scary but it is causing serious diary. I want to bring into our conversation can you farm a quarter a step explains what it is like from the finest perspective of a. Its worth noting them as we depend heavily on this farming season we have 2 seasons but the season beginning april is short and not as productive we depend a lot on the season and we worry that the locusts will destroy our harvest and we end up remaining hungry the rest of the year waiting for october for the next crop in season. So for to me this is a real issue for farmers right now and we are in a critical part of the season for the harvest of planting tell us more about that see it in for unfortunately this is a very serious because its going signing which is the starting of the planting season so as a swarm is now spreading and the eggs are hatching multiplying the farmers are planting their crops and they expect to harvest for these are in the case only to appear in june unfortunately this is a this is the time well when the. Eggs. Will be much sure suarez then again will be attracting their parents so you can you imagine some of these families are now told me oh you need these are already facing severe Food Insecurity and that is a time where they are hoping to get their food. It will be eaten by. This does occur to me for too many and you can tell me how soon if this is a shallow response to a local issue so the new chief pilot cinephile says and asking you right now as hes watching on t. V. The locus no more well to hunger locust population under control Problem Solved is that even feasible people doing locusts but on this level this amount how would you do that. And hed want to do the longest in some parts of the world it is not the case you need to work you know and actually even if you do the locus unfortunately they cannot you dont know the last one that will. Recur you know unfortunately when you need to help your people do not want. A k i wondering how that face turning lemons into lemonade i want to fake a chinese locus into lunch could this be an opportunity to have a new industry that comes out of that being more locusts and youve ever seen before. And fortunately not in this part of the world i have seen ive read songbirds of africa. Where you dont. Know what not you need to look you know and not in most part and they do taste good all right let me share this with you when we asked our on Like Community what story should we cover this is one of the stories that we were asked to cover here mademoiselle concern was actually to tender you about. She talks about the locus affecting peoples lives in east africa and then she followed up with a video comment and a question for you fatima lets have a listen. Unless it is true and there is a man or i decided. Not to be. There. So that the distributor is not all. Right. How best to read. Something i dont have to trust again because i think thats the. Whole way to stick to the promises of. How best to deal with. Preparing for the future how best can you deal with us. Thats a very rare relevant question its all the key is prepared if at the beginning of this invasion if the answer is the government and the community were prepared maybe it would not have been here today so preparedness is the key surveillance monitoring as soon as. Community seals or Government Ministry experts in the field the breeding sites what rockers if there are mechanisms to send the alert and for the government you mediately send teams to create. Those acts then that will be the best when unfortunately. Resources is the key yeah and this is why now if iraq is calling up or the International Community to help this government government are leading the control of aeration at the same time we are building the capacity were helping them to train. Explorers in the field and this is why its key preparedness and smart important ownership and leadership from the effect it gets very just my pascoe brain is just thinking so what are you doing like well are you spraying these huge swarms of locusts and heat or yeah right now. You need to the resources we have received because as you may have seen in the news the f. A. Q. Has appeal for 138000000 off our roughly 50000000 has been received and this we are using it to help countries whose brain through their area are spread with police i set out of ground spraying but which is teams that are protected and equal in this these communities mobilize Work Ministries and the Government Experts and tell them where these new. Actually is what were doing right now when it was really important. To you were those. Already kind of. Right drew you knew ok theyre loading their group with a tumor. From fowlie thank you very much for joining us i was going to wrap up here on my laptop and this is from you either is watching the show he leads. Locusts melting ice or sign of Climate Change the locus of cold Desert Locusts they live where the temperatures are high because of the increase in Global Temperatures locus can be everywhere melting of ice is because of Global Warming which we can reverse leader thank you youve done the bridge between one story and the next story that were about to do as we turn to antarctica the continent experience its hottest day on record last month join a heat wave that has been driving dramatic ice melt in the south pole it was 18 degrees celsius on the 6th of february the same temperature as los angeles scientists are warning that the consequences of rapidly melting glaziers could be disastrous sea levels would rise in danger in coastal towels and there might be no going back so with ice sheets its very easy to melt them this happens very fast but building that back up again takes thousands and thousands of years so what were saying with the west Antarctic Ice sheet is that this darting of the melts once we reach a certain threshold will continue despite our efforts to stop it and so thats why its really pressing and really important to start acting on this the carbon sooner rather than later to try and prevent this that will change. Joining us to discuss whats happening in ash now is spokesperson for the uns well which logic organization in Geneva Switzerland hi there i am just as we were entering it takes a lot to get excited because theyre very calm people in general and when you saw this temperature spike what was your reaction what was the w most reaction to this and i think the initial reaction was well you know there should not be happening this is not normal but then you know we just scientists you know started looking for the reasons why and out why. There are 2 basic reasons so while it is the short term weather phenomenon you know that the week in and talk to go where we thought the very very warm temperatures the coincided with the being what we call a fern wind this is a warm wind which comes down most mountain slopes so that jacked up the temperatures. That was the immediate trigger as it has been when weve seen record temperatures in the past but underlying that is obviously the long term Climate Change because of what we as humans are doing with our Greenhouse Gas emissions in the 2 satellite pictures i want so one is on for every the 4th so we are looking at eco island on the 4th and then were going to go from that picture to 9 days later exactly the same place look you can actually see the melt thats actually happened im wondering. What that melts maybe what that 9 days would have done to. Other places around the world to the sea level to our environment if this continues to happen. It certainly changed the place the bank talked to her and in the short term we need to add you know now were heading into autumn in the antarctica so were seeing you know very very cold temperatures again which are normal for this time of year but the implications for Sea Level Rise are profound and they are long lasting so at about the same time as we saw these very high temperatures there was an episode which in mutual logical terms we call a big carving event so its basically a huge chunk of a glace year. Carved off one of the big race years in antarctica the pine island. And the then sort of shattered into lots of smaller pieces of ice they will now melt and the implications of those you know melting many close years. The Sea Level Rise that quite you know quite significant if all the ice in the Antarctic Ice sheet melted and were not saying that this is going to happen and its certainly not going to happen anytime soon and the scientists predict it could add up to 60 meters above sea level Sea Level Rise as i said you know its that will not happen but we are seeing on a year by year basis that the melting of the Antarctic Ice sheet and the melting of the greenland. Are contributing you know an ever bigger amount to Sea Level Rise i want to go back to you to his watching us right now need to set it on a tweet as hes watching the show melting of ice is because of Global Warming which we can reverse the sounds confident its not even possible and we do it. Because of the laws of physics the Carbon Dioxide which we are currently emitting into the atmosphere is going to stay there for a very very long time its going to stay there in the oceans even longer so certainly we cannot reverse Climate Change global warning warning were going certainly within my lifetime but what we can do is we can flow it we can prevent it you know becoming totally out of control totally runaway and to do that we really do need to take drastic and very urgent Climate Action to to cut Greenhouse Gas emissions. Are you seeing that happen in the clear its interesting to say or the last story is a connected to Global Warming and you see in real life the impact of what Global Warming is doing around different places on our in the now environment are you seeing and not play action to stop more rapid melting from antartica in a word no. And this is why the United Nations secretary general of the world which Logical Organization secretary general and many other leaders of u. N. Organizations are saying we really do need to need to step up the level of ambition you know now theres been enough talk we really do now need to translate this into action we know what we need to do science has informed us of that and now we just need to do it right 10 dollars from the world michel tacl organization into neva switzerland thank you very much for joining us on the stream thank you thank you and now on to a bit of good news i need to do some the largest doomsday food vote in the world has just accepted its millions seemed for rioting heres why that is so important where this material is gone then you have the bucket back up and then its gone forever well its dead is dead but its lost is lost you cant read to you what is their dad. So the rule is meant to be there in case that anything goes wrong around the world we always hope it doesnt go wrong but unfortunately things to go wrong and that is why it is comforting to know that we have backup since wildcard the no way based global seed vault has been collecting seed donations from around the world since 2008 and ngs to safeguard Food Security in the event of a catastrophe the building is located in one of the coldest places on earth 1000 kilometers kilometers from the north pole but the facility was recently forced to complete a 20000000 euro renovation to protect against rising temperatures joining us to discuss the vote is lease a lukas steffensen from our not in sweden ysaye is the executive director of the Nordic Genetic Resource Center of norton which works with norways government to manage the seed vault they say its great to have a couple of things that you need to display very clear a seed vault and a gene bank tell me how theyre connected what are they to. Yes i do that. The seed is actually a safety net for the world banks and this is about. What is this well its not so. Its not so dangerous that anything its really a place for resources where you store seeds so its all about seeds that will grow into plants and these banks we have around 1700 banks in the world they can make a safety to locate of their collection and then they can save this collection in the seat. And. Then if something happen to the back and that could happen and has happened it could be fires flooding civil wars then theres a possibility to go to the sea and retrieve your whole collection of seats there and then youll be able to establish new seatback and and seed banks are really important. Because they say holding the potential for growing new plants and in these times of Climate Change we really need new plants that are adaptable to the Climate Change so these seeds holds a lot of possibilities there has potential for the future they can be that theyre more drought or they are assistance to pests or diseases. It could also be that they just feel much better in a higher level so we need those seats for the future and the Food Security and for their purse erving biodiversity which is really to climbing because we have are using a biodiversity crisis where we are loosing our biodiversity in the world so thats why the sea is so important. And i found a number of people who are making deposits like who present a positive. Does that. Mean right here on your twitter account lets have a look at some of the people who. Are 300. 25500. Today with. Everything thats very excited about doing this it is great its like going to the library in the library. But. There have been a number of situations where people have. Seen as an example we would tell us about the story. Well. Hopefully you will never never need to take something out of the we have done that because due to the civil war in syria. There bank in aleppo a really important before for crops like wheat and barley they had to flee the bank and luckily the bank had actually deposited a. Multiplication in safety copy of the gene bank at the swap out. So they went up to the seed walter colleagues from iraq and lebanon and they got this copy and then they have been back in lebanon and theyre from multiply the seats so they have actually established this gene bank once again so when there is a possibility then. If they decide to establish the. Bank in aleppo they will actually. Able to do so and this is very important because these seeds that comes from this area is really a precentor of wheat and barley and theyre so important for food because weed and barley some of the stable crops the relief from this world so i think this really shows the importance of the. Let me go to recant recant. Right now reacting to telling us a story about the. Can says i love the idea of the seed vault and then goes on to talk about why it is so important echoing your comments as well but there is a lot of enthusiasm for saving seeds replicating scenes why do you think that is a. Because for actually it represents life i mean this is were holding the life sort sort of in in our hands we take it maybe plants a little bit to ground it but we actually get oxygen from plants food from plants we get feed for our animals for plants and we get fibers and we get we even get pharmaceuticals sometimes and so that makes seat so important and i think when you 1st understand this it never really leaves you. So so the whole. Press invasion of that and then. In many countries there are local Farming Community that are chocked really dependent on on having enough seats and having the right seats. So they really take care very good care of that in local community seatbacks. Someone who doesnt do every continent and country Quick Response yes 200 countries around the world have already banks from have deposited their seats so its truly a global place when youre inside there you really feel somehow that the whole world is connected in there you see that what boxes from north korea is just a place to specifically those couple of boxes from the United States and its are pretty cool place and very peaceful. Excited to talk about texting very cool places. And thats. Next i. Aljazeera goods beneath the waves with a team of women determined to save the dole things we all share the same responsibility needed something to me but thanks to them a thing at a time using a variety of scientific techniques to study their behavior we can monitor that for their vocal photos and behavior were able to how theyre adapting to their new environment when they make science dolphin sanctuary on aljazeera. Aljazeera. When entering. 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The leaders of turkey and russian arts inmates in moscow was fighting in northwest syria threatens to drag them into direct conflict and were on the Turkey Greece border where Syrian Refugees are taking ever more dangerous race still reach europe. Land. Other than how the markets and this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up california declares a state of emergency over the Coronavirus Congress steps up efforts to tackle the outbreak. And former new york mayor Mike Bloomberg endorsers Joe Bidens White house bids after withdrawing