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Vice president s convincing super tuesday victories. Banned from crossing a bridge from turkey into grace refugees are risking their lives for a chance at a new life and europe. And thousands of Asylum Seekers are kicked out of the u. S. And told to wait for their Court Hearings in makeshift camps across the Mexican Border instead. A state of emergency has been declared in california after the u. S. State recorded its 1st death from the coronavirus are now 53 confirmed cases in california a 71 year old man who had recently returned from a wine cruise died wednesday a california man is the 1st u. S. Patient to die outside the state of washington where 10 people have died the grand princess cruise ship the man was aboard this now skipping its trip to mexico and its been ordered to return to San Francisco she joins us live from washington d. C. She had this is theres been a lot of talk of cruise ships during the last few weeks about this corona virus so what do we know. Right this is another Princess Cruises indeed and this cruise ship appears to be a potentially another major vector for the coronavirus to spread does this man who was elderly had Underlying Health problems which is what we often see in people who die from the corona virus but he was all in this ship and he does some bug having already felt symptoms off the coronavirus he went home and finally he called my mom one got to help got tested was tested positive but then died at least one other person from that same cruise ship who also disembarked is potentially is presumptively thought to have the current virus but i want him to the other 2000 500. 00 people who got off the cruise ship at the same time as these 2 people so clearly authorities are concerned as to where those folks are according to the california governor at least half come from california where we didnt explicitly connected to the state of emergency but clearly these are concerns of the californians and now that still is now been parked outside off the coast of california affectively and quarantine because 60 people or so from that original crew stayed on the boats and then they were joined by another 2500. 00 passengers and then went off on a cruise to hawaii so clearly theres lots of potential there for this to be a vector of the quite a virus tests are now being lifted on to that ship so that people can be tested its not being allowed to. Reach port in San Francisco for the moment but these seem to be connected to that statement by the governor and governor newsome that a state of emergency has been declared that means he gets to get lots of emergency funding its also to make sure that the price gouging concert that they can get more readily available supplies they can get more Health Workers from out of state but this is what the governor had to say. Weve had a number of incidences throughout the state of california no longer north now in Southern California we have cordingley with this new. I. C. U. Patients passed away entered into this next phase that is required me under the circumstances to advance a proclamation. Of a state of emergency in the state of california so there are plenty of questions on california as to where those others from that cruise ship are currently now including the california governor he says theyre trying to be administration is trying to reach them however that person who is presumptively having the current virus out of the coronavirus so they dont necessarily try to get in touch with her ok the latest in washington chad thank you and mike hanna has further developments from washington political differences are put aside in the face of the Novel Coronavirus the u. S. House of representatives agrees to allocate 8300000000. 00 the bulk of the funds going to the agencies dealing directly with the crisis. Congress is acting with the seriousness and sense of urgency the coronavirus threat demands President Trump held a meeting with airline c. E. O. s to discuss the impact of the virus on the travel industry the Vice President was a few civil about missions he says the president has taken to protect u. S. Citizens American People deserve to know the warning to all of our experience. The risk to the average american to contract coronavirus remains low and thats marginally owing to your decision for us to suspend all around. The place you want to know all americans that are returning and attempted reassuring words to from the administrations response coordinator ensuring that you touched anything you dont wash your hands and get 20 seconds with cell on Hand Sanitizer at work but i think i was very reassuring to hear the airlines us about their procedures and their 3 levels of procedure because i think that will be reassuring to the american and i havent touched my face and weeks and weeks i miss it a number of u. S. Schools have been closed as a precautionary measure authorities stressing that its because of the blue season rather than a direct response to the corona virus and soldiers arriving for basic training are being screened as yet none have tested positive but as recorded deaths from the coronavirus move into double figures the center for Disease Control says it has heightened concerns and its broadened the criteria for doctors to legally enforce the testing of patients for the virus. My come out aljazeera washington. Italy will close all schools and universities until mid march as it bans battles rather to contain the spread of the corona virus the number of those killed across the country has risen to 107 the largest death toll outside china china hall has the details. Contagion is spreading quickly across europe and the world and that means anxiety as much as the covered 900. 00 virus itself staff at the worlds most Famous Museum the louvre in paris shut it down for 3 days this week demanding better protection against the virus tourists went to news to there isnt a place in the world that its not going to get to and you cant just shut down the world you can though shut down parts of it battling europes most prolific outbreak so far italy will close all schools and universities until mid march in an effort to stem the tide of infections and a rising death toll japan did the same last week and france has also ordered the closure of some schools affecting an estimated 35000. 00 pupils. As dramatic for some italys decision to hold all sporting fixtures in empty stadiums spain has done so to life across the globe is changing fast the World Health Organization continues to stress the importance of containment in places with few infections in the hope of delaying the spread of the disease and to give Health Systems time to prepare there is no doubt that things will get worse. And if the w. H. O. Isnt yet prepared to declare a pandemic germany it appears is. The corona Virus Outbreak said the Health Minister has become a Global Pandemic amid a worldwide shortage of goggles masks and gloves germany has banned the export of medical protective gear they want it all to be available for use at home and other shortages have provoked concern this time in australia over toilet paper. Some countries are taking matters steadily further india has extended the screening of passengers to all those arriving on International Flights the authorities in saudi arabia have banned citizens and foreigners from making the pilgrimage to mecca in israel Prime Minister netanyahu suggested the call. One handshake be replaced by the indian greeting no mistake while italians have been asked to stop kissing and hugging with the coded 19 virus reaching more and more countries each day it is possible that no corner of the world will be spared even as european Health Ministers prepared to meet on friday one infection was registered inside the European Council building itself not just towns and cities now but the seats of government and parliament are in its path i dont know how aljazeera is countries grapple with the infections the spread of the corona virus appears to be slowing in china and a typical apologizes live from hong kong with more on that sort of you know what do we know about how and why it seems to be slowing down in china. Well michel according to Chinese Government officials and perhaps you know it is it is definitely a fact in china the government is very able to quickly control areas of china tell its people give its people directives and make sure they stick to those directives so chinese officials have been basically saying because china has its socialist communist system is precisely because the reason why they managed to control the situation and keep and stem the corona virus from spreading but in essence there still is an issue in china yes weve seen the number distraught at last count as 139 on the daily level of increase in on wednesday and at the moment china has account of 80409 infections in the last official count numbers are still increasing although at a much slower pace and she has said the situation in war high and thats a city where the virus is said to have originated is till severe but experts are also concerned because china has changed the way it counts those infections infection rates several times and at present theyre not including what theyre calling asymptomatic nowi symptomatic means that they do when tested they do show that they have that are carrying the corona virus the corona virus but theyre not showing any symptoms and at the moment thats not being counted so there is still concern by scientists and other experts that that number could still rise but chinas trying to bring back life back to normal 90 percent of state farms have gone back to work people are starting to be allowed back on the streets except for will one hour 5 and that will be a province where its in lockdown let me bring you to hong kong very quickly and in hong kong life is slowly getting back to normal for the 1st time ive seen traffic on the streets in weeks but hong kong skaters is likely to rise in the coming days experts here are warning government officials are warning because the bridge. Bringing back hong kong people that were stranded hong kong residents that were stranded in one about 400 of them arrived yesterday and theyre now in Quarantine Centers others will be another 400 and a chartered plane government chartered plane is due to arrive today also there from hong kong thank you. The democratic field of candidates to take on donald trump the novembers president ial election has narrowed to just for the search and support for former Vice President joe biden made him the big winner on super tuesday putting him had a Bernie Sanders in the battle for the democratic nomination earlier on wednesday billionaire Mike Bloomberg ended his campaign and endorsed by arnolds has more. Appearing confident and relaxed joe biden listed the states he won on super tuesday with victories in texas Virginia North carolina arkansas alabama tennessee oklahoma. Going to go to massachusetts and just sort of we heard we won maine as well im. Michael bloomberg dropped out of the race and endorsed by offering financial and Organizational Support to the former Vice President ive always believed that the feeding donald trump starts 1000000 knighting behind the candidate with the best shot to do it and after yesterdays vote is clear that candidate is my friend and a Great American joe biden. The 3 quarter 1000000000. 00 price tag for his president ial ambitions one bloomberg 0 states although he was victorious in the territory of American Samoa well i think he underestimated the degree to which politically he was just not acceptable enough to a broad enough swath of democrats Bernie Sanders who won 4 states including california vowed to press on so the American People have got to on this lamp that this is a conflict about ideas about a record about a vision for where we go forward. And id like to you know is a decent guy and i do not want this campaign to generate into a trump type if it were attacking his fellow analysts say sanders may have peaked as a candidate i think were also seeing is that there is a natural limit to sanders appeal to the Democratic Party writ large without mentioning sanders by name biden also called for civility you know what we cant let happen in the next few weeks is that this primary turning into a campaign of negative attacks the only thing that can do is help donald trump get it done do anything to help any one of the candidates who are left in the campaign try to keep our in the ball. As for Elizabeth Warren her failure to win even in massachusetts the state she represents in the senate left the future of her campaign in grave doubt a Campaign Official said warren is assessing the path forward bidens campaign declared that he had joementum moving forward and hell need that in the next phase of the contest when 6 states vote on march 10th including michigan a big industrialized midwestern state that is key to democrats hopes to unseating President Trump in the fall rob reynolds aljazeera los angeles. And this is what some of Bernie Sanders colleagues in the senate have to say about super tuesday. I think he told the president that i think joe bidens got a you know good reputation and he tough to be more moderate than bernie but i still think its trying to lose senator sanders has argued all along that his campaign and his candidacy will bring out a Record Number of voters who hadnt participated previously in the numbers last night show differently they show that the candidate who turned out Record Numbers was joe biden and the candidate who didnt meet his numbers in 26 was pretty soon. Still ahead on al jazeera the desperate search for survivors has mudslides hit brazil. Hello there the severe thunderstorms not quite out of the makes yet across southern sections of the United States because tuesday was the worst day you can see again gathering the whole this cloud showing up on the satellite and of course the damage was done really very widespread across nashville on a choose that the morning not its not clear yet just how many tornadoes there were but that will become clear really by the end of the way of the National Weather service and National Hours literally assessing all the damage but just look at this just as a widespread businesses and homes were demolished now theres more of these severe storms as a developing very heavy amounts of rain that are widespread to flash flood warnings across much of the south its a slow moving system is forming on some very saturated ground which is why we could have this flash flooding elsewhere a relatively quiet picture we have some snow maybe the upper midwest across towards the great lakes another system pushing the Pacific Northwest that tends to die down by friday a cool one celsius in seattle 23. 00 in los angeles and not too bad once that rain with a high for 13 at degrees now thursday is not a bad day across much of the caribbean the winds are pretty brisk coming in from the east but the rain for that point is contained for the. To the north but as that front sweeps through to bring some showers into weston as a cuba and also likely into the bahamas so a dumb day with a high of 26. Americans live side by side in 2 parallel universes the truck parts of america are getting trampy or there is a pull out a few weeks ago that you had almost 30 percent americans believing they were on the cusp of civil war both sides accuse each other of doing things that are so blatantly wrong the bottom line on us politics and policies and their effect on the world. Whats most important to me is costing people understanding what they are going through it i can see it or we believe everyone has a story worth hearing. Watching aljazeera these are the top stories right now the number of People Killed by a corona virus in the United States has risen to 111 of them died in california where a state of emergency is now in place after a spike in the number of new cases and italy which has the highest death toll outside china schools universities and cinemas have been shut until mid march sporting events will continue but theyll be held without spectators. Turkeys parliament descended into chaos after tense discussions are for the countrys military role in syria m. P. s got into a shoving match after one opposition member accused the president of disrespecting turkish soldiers who have died in syria russia typer to one was also labeled irresponsible for sending troops into the conflict allegedly without proper air cover turkey has sent thousands of soldiers into syria to try to halt a government offensive in the last rebel controlled province and that for all follow the deaths of 2 turkish shoal soldiers during an attack in libya Turkish Forces also suffered heavy losses last week when 34. 00 soldiers were killed in air strikes a total of 59. 00 troops have now died in Northern Syria or iran is due to meet his russian counterpart in moscow on thursday to discuss a ceasefire but in the meantime turkeys president has vowed to continue the offensive. Or. None of our martyrs none of our veterans and none of their blood none of their drops of blood will be in vain we are going to continue our struggle as in hopefully with the help of god were going to build a strong turkish republic. Greece has denied turkish accusations that it shot and killed a migrant who was trying to cross into its territory earlier great police have used tear gas and water cannon against refugees and migrants at the border with turkey thousands have been trying to cross over since last. On turkey said it will no longer stop people from trying to enter the e. U. Blocks Foreign Policy chief has been meeting a one in ankara. 100 b. N. Union turkey border and unilateral actions. Of not bringing any budget eventually and not being in benefit to anyone. Like a country can only create problems and made the situation worse and they want who is who will pay the price. People shooting and refugees and migrants are. Only a fraction of the refugees who have been allowed to leave turkey has managed to get into greece ankara says more than 130000 have left since friday but the greek government says only 1500 of them have crossed over it legally. From the turkey crease border. Struggling to find their slippery footing they made their way across the dam barefoot stone by stone. One man slips and his bag bobs away with a Swift Current of the river. Desperation and despair are growing as refugees and migrants take advantage of turkeys open border with greece and. Some are taking dangerous risks for the chance to reach the european union. I dont know how to swim while walking i was thinking you cross or you die those are the only 2 options earlier this week the Turkish Police began blocking refugees were walking across this bridge to get closer to the checkpoint with greece now people are resorting to risking their lives by crossing this below. On the other side of the river bank cold and what refugees were met by villagers looking to make a profit those who still had money in their pockets. Were asked to pay 2. 00 to 3. 00 for a ride with a horse and cart a tractor or a van instead of walking the short distance to get closer to the checkpoint at the greek border. With all the good it will move out of were also poor we dont have money and if we did we wouldnt be doing this. The odds of people making it to greece and being allowed to stay looking creasing least lim the greek government says only 1500. 00 migrants at most have entered since turkey opened its border gates last friday around 26000 have been stopped several men told us this was their 2nd attempt after theyd already been deported from greece but this was done just dick music getting i made it to the other side and for 5 days i moved from place to place have no food and people give me food i eat i have no money left me. Despite hunger exhaustion and frustration theyve summoned the determination to repeat the journey. Europe has to take us because only took a is taking care of immigrants to take us there would be good others will be following that also making the precarious track natasha getting old does iran a dirt near the border between turkey and greece. Under a controversial plan that may remain in mexico more than 60000 Asylum Seekers have been denied entry into the United States they have to wait across the border while their cases are processed in u. S. Courts and the Mexican Border town of madame morris more than 2000 people are living in a tent camp between their hearings on home and has more. In the mix can bank of the rio bravo theres a tent camp of more than 2000 people over the other side the promise land the us. Most of from Central America especially on due to us and have been here for months there waiting for their asylum request to play out in a closed up u. S. System before they would have been kept stateside for that long process but a Year Old Program could n. P. P. Or remain in mexico changed things since then some 60000 people have been shipped across the border and told to wait here and had only u. S. Officials told me that i was going to a shelter in mexico with security and food that we shouldnt be scared in reality they just left us at the bridge i asked mexican migration officials where i could stay because i was with my girls wherever you want they told me if you dont find anywhere you can just stay at the bottom of the steps and eventually they found their way to a camp thats turned into a sort of village residents provide some services the much morris town government takes care of the rubbish and International Organizations and churches many from the u. S. Provide food and other essentials. They come to my tomatoes a border town known for gang violence. But many others here each of his family hardly have a set foot outside apart from to head across the river when they have a case hearing they dont see a judge face to face even then just across the border from the kind something thats new under this u. S. Administration they couldnt hang courts and this is where Asylum Seekers speak to judges who elsewhere in the. You know it is states by video link up now what migrants rights advocates say is that these are quite secret and even hostile environments for Asylum Seekers were it becomes even more difficult for them to effectively present their cases. The study by city queues University Shows that less than one percent of asylum relief requests on the m. P. P. Have been approved its not helped say migrant rights attorneys by the complications of getting legal aid in the camp so there are very few attorneys that are willing to actually come into mexico and especially in the area of met them or doesnt know why well i dont know because of the level of dangerousness within within mexico itself last friday us who did m. P. P. To hoped but then the same cool stayed pending fresh arguments it means that for now the policy continues to get the minority ok if we go back now what are we going back to weve been threatened whats going to be our story if we go back. Recently the numbers of arriving at the camp going way down but migrants rights advocates say thats only because the u. S. Is now sending some Asylum Seekers further away still under another new program all the way to guatemala John Heilemann how does it or might the more those. On the Central Americans in mexico waiting for a decision on asylum cases in the u. S. Or staying in the countrys most dangerous state Doctors Without Borders says some of their patients and level the radio a town and family the state had been kidnapped are suffering violence that report coming up in part 2 of our series on thursday. Palestinian families whose houses are slated to be demolished by the Israeli Military are calling on activists to help defend their homes last month this real Supreme Court rejected appeals to have the demolitions halted and the occupied west bank some of them are homes of palestinian detainees accused of carrying out attacks against israelis last year Israeli Forces demolished 14 homes as a socalled punitive measure. The aim behind this policy is to increase the number of Israeli Citizens that was the expense of palestinians because they demolished the homes of palestinians in the same time they increase and expand the settlements for israeli settlements or settlers whose mere presence here in the occupied territory constitutes a crime and. We talk about this israeli Supreme Court is a court a bar by laws in morals but in fact its one of israels occupation tools which implements its policies and decisions at least 24 people have died and dozens are missing after heavy rain and landslides in southeast brazil the states of sao paulo and Rio De Janeiro are the hardest hit good to reports. At 70. Has lost everything overnight a months worth of rain fell in a matter of hours in brazil saw apollo state triggering landslides and burying homes and people with it. I lost my house i lost my daughter why doored more than anything in my life and my son in law firefighters are volunteers are racing against time to find dozens of people still missing at least 200 people are homeless and thats just in one out of 3 cities affected. By i think they want us to live but we cannot guard i dont have anywhere to guard i dont have family i dont have anybody here its summer in brazil but since january theres been unusual bouts of rain floods and mudslides the Regional Government in sao paulo is blaming Climate Change to worse i want to mention that climate phenomenons are taking place in the south eastern regions of the country reaching levels that were not reached ever before declaring the shows that Climate Change is severe and demands the attention of the governments but brazils far right kristen jari both snarl has long been accused of ignoring the straits from Climate Change as families struggle to cope with this likely impact. The. Trick out the headlines on aljazeera the number of People Killed by corona virus in the United States has risen to 111 of them died in california where a state of emergency is now in place after a spike and the number of new cases the house of representatives has approved an 8300000000. 00 bill to fund the fight against the virus jabatan z. Has more on that death and california. The person who died was an elderly man who had Underlying Health conditions so far pretty much what weve weve consistent with what weve heard elsewhere in the world but he just hed returned from a cruise last month from california to to mexico and while he was on board he started feeling symptoms then when he got off their symptoms continued and finally he called 911 went to hospital he was tested he was positive and then he died one other person from that cruise was also tested positive so the question is what i will be other people from that cruise the halls of the group are really all from california and italy which has the highest death toll outside china schools universities and cinemas have been shut until mid march sporting events will continue but they will be held without spectators billionaire Mike Bloomberg has dropped out of the u. S. Democratic primary race and endorse former Vice President joe biden performed poorly on super tuesday despite spending happened 1000000000. 00 on Television Advertising for his campaign. Turkeys parliament descended into chaos after tense discussions over the countrys military role in syria m. P. s got into a shouting match you can see there after one opposition member accused the president of disrespecting turkish soldiers who died in syria typewrite one was also labeled irresponsible for sending troops into the conflict allegedly with out proper air cover turkey has sent thousands of troops into syria to try to halt a government offensive in the last rebel controlled province. Greece has denied turkey accusations that it shot and killed a migrant who was trying to cross into its territory earlier think police have used tear gas and water cannon against refugees and migrants at the border with turkey thousands had been trying to cross over a sense last week when turkey said it would no longer stop people from trying to enter in you. So the headlines keep it here on aljazeera the bottom line is that next another bulletin at the top the hour. When a Prime Minister takes a lump of coal into his own home and that cold means a lot of the countrys fortunes we bring you the stories and developments that dramatically changing the world we live in get a break that government has a slogan that one of the probably the forest jokes and counting the cost oh now which is iraq. Hi im Steve Clemons and i have a question is the Democratic Party in the mother of all wars with itself lets get to the bottom line. So after months of debates about health care about whether a woman can be president about billionaires and about americas legacy of racism and social division about russia and its election meddling or about china now and the coronavirus the Democratic Party is finally getting closer to picking a candidate who will face off against republican President Donald Trump in november the process has been a battle for the soul of the party wait not really just the soul but the deep soul which now seems split between the establishment represented by former Vice President joe biden and the revolution championed by senator Bernie Sanders so which way will this all go and which candidate has a better chance of inspiring americans and more crucially getting them to the voting polls

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