A debt default. Counting the cost on aljazeera. Its the European Union face again new refugee crisis turkey carries out its threat to open its borders with e. U. Members greece and belgariad do evaders have the political will to tackle the potential influx of tens of this is inside story. But theyre welcome to the program im not clark so turkey and the European Union are on a new collision course because of the millions of war refugees and migrants its looking after tens of thousands mostly syrians exiled in turkey heading towards the borders with bulk area and with greece and thats after turkey announced it was easing border controls following the killing of 34. 00 turkish soldiers in an airstrike in syrias last remaining rebel held province turkeys president has long threatened to open what he calls the floodgates of refugees if european allies didnt provide more support in syria recip tiber when accuses the e. U. Of failing to keep its promises in the 2016 deal to send billions of dollars in return for sheltering Syrian Refugees. Well migrants who made their way to the greek border by boat and are now stuck local media say that 10000 people have been prevented from entering since saturday many though are determined to keep going until they reach western europe. Ive been here at the border for 3 days the situation here is tragic im not here alone there are some young men alone and its fine they dont care about tough conditions but i have my whole family with me and its very difficult no one is helping us no one gave us anything to protect ourselves from the cold everyone is taking advantage of us they take us here and there people are merciless. We wont give up we system going through god willing because we cant live here anymore were working for nothing here everything is pointless and we cant go to school we cant do anything. Much this war in our country we cant stay there we live in carmen city the family didnt have turkish Identity Cards so some of the members went to greece and we also wanted to go there. Its difficult to buy food life is very difficult for us i dont know how my mother or father are i dont know one of my siblings lives in france they got there 2 months ago or greece is boosting security at its borders the government has reportedly sent Text Messages to migrants telling them not to cross. Close up of old old greek 3rd story has been arrested and detained. And in my mind this is a legal way of one country. Lets get straight to it lets bring in our guests from berlin in germany were joined by gold canarsie whos the founding chairman of the European Stability Initiative think tank from birmingham in the United Kingdom we have money on a car or cool like he who researches violence and borders at the university of birmingham there and in london in the u. K. Santa srikanth and is chief executive of shelter box thats an International Disaster Relief Charity working in Northern Syria and welcome to you all marianne id like to start with you lets establish more about whats actually happening the door has been left open by turkey on the western border into greece and bulgaria so what has been the result to date so far and are we expecting the numbers of migrants to swell. So so far we have around 13000 people waiting at the dirty side of the great turkey still and are there that is the entrance area. And there have been. A number of privacy of the islands as well. Greek island. Of the greek island on the 5 great hotspots and there you take a statement. Its highly unlikely that people who will cross in masses from the land border because its a highly militarized area frontex has been has said to deploy that it will deploy more troops on the area and this is the blowing more military personnel so its it will be quite difficult for people to cross masses and this doesnt mean that they will not cross because the land border is quite a large area and the cross is crossing so many this not only one crossing its throughout the whole land border there so that means if this situation continues were going to get more and more people just gathering in their fowls in their tens of thousands at the Turkish Border. I believe so especially for 30 opens the border with syria as well because people will start flowing from eataly in turkey and they will eventually arrive on the land border right what will come of it at any minute and this may i just want to ask you one other thing what about the reaction from from greece itself so far and weve seen some arrivals as you just alluded to in lesbo also the island which is very close to turkey. How are residents there responding to this and would this be a kind of reflection of the broader picture across europe should thousands of migrants that get on to the mainland there is the end of the island generally have reached the limits of especially after 2016 when they could take a statement of the situation it has created. There have been in the past few days there have been must brought this by locals and quite violent protests some of them have been initiated by the fire right and people who are known to be members of the of golden dawn the Great Community party however that does not mean that everyone despaired of this. Everyone is part of the fire ride that is taking place there because lets keep in mind that less more yet come but the moment has 23000 people around the 3000 people in it can hold. A little less than a little less than 3000. 00 people the situation is is unbearable it and its gonna be controlled sons recounted if i can come to you in london those that have moving now theyre all part of this 3700000 refugees that turkey has taken in where they from primarily and where theyve been living too often fill this void. Well thats right there the 3700000 that turkey has generously hosted for many years some of them will have been in turkey for many many years since the beginning of the conflict and others as well have been you need displaced theyre not always the same people some syrians do return to turkey and then return back to turkey back and forth and so they are in a precarious situation in that life in turkey is at least safe but it isnt a long term future they have sometimes family members already in western europe that theyre trying to trying to join and in other cases they are trying to support family members in syria so theyre trying to make the best of a situation and they know that the window through which to get to you western europe might be very short so theyre taking advantage of it unfortunately they are unlikely to receive a very warm welcome in the conditions as marianna said in some of the camps in greece really at overcrowding breaking point and what greece really needs to see is more solidarity from european Member States because of course this is not a european refugee crisis its a Syrian Crisis as with a real crisis is and europe needs to always keep that in perspective and go camillus youre from the European Stability Initiative is youre going to provide the solidarity that turkey and greece need. Well i wish i could tell you yes but the evidence of the last few months is obvious that no. Europe has thrown away the one part of its policy that has worked it has for many many years supported millions of refugees in turkey its been the most generous Financial Support to a 3rd country and this was justified because they are 3500000. 00 syrians plus a few 100000 others in turkey for many years already but the e. U. Has hesitated and has not agreed to prolong this money and what we are seeing here is governments in athens and in ankara driven by fear and desperation in turkey the number of refugees keeps growing there are no signals from the e. U. That it will continue to support turkey the number of refugees on the Turkish Border has grown hundreds of thousands in italy and in greece last year we had 75000 people arrive the number is increasing and today i heard that 500 people arrived in a day which means 15000 in a month if this continues now to put that in perspective in the 1st year after the e. U. Turkey statement in march 2016 in one year only 26000. 00 people came so now if this continues in one month more people are almost as many people will arrive in 2 months and it if induced conditions that we have on the islands this will add to the pressure we are seeing the core lapse of support for legality were seeing pushbacks tear gas boats being pushed back and this will be the end of the Refugee Convention in europe and europe supporter and a lot of european governments have long said that this is what they want if you listen to some of the european prime ministers in recent years theyve always said already in 2015 there is no need to help turkey to help refugees all you need to do is build a fence and push people back. Here ok who is going to lead here and its this one says this is basically down to the the e. U. Has not only the side of the agreement it hasnt coughed up the money that it promised it would. Fold. Well the e. U. Has mobilized 6000000000 but this money has been programmed its all program by the end of last year now there are lots of working programs to support syrians whose number is increasing simply through the birth of syrian children in turkey every year by hundreds thousands but now the e. U. Has not made clear that if we continue this is this is madness so one thing if were talking about or what should happen now one thing that should happen now this regard that its completely unacceptable for turkey to bus refugees to the border this is unacceptable but the point is its in europes interest its in turkeys interest and its in the interest of refugees that the e. U. Makes clear it will continue to support the country with most refugees in the world and it will continue to support greece by helping decongest the islands moving the 10s of thousands now there and at the same time put in place a program that the number of arrivals false again in 2016 after do you take a statement 1718 the number of arrivals were very low it was 30000 a year ok or if youre right we have to move on from that were going to move on a little bit because it causes not just the western border that suppression pointer weve already talked about that maria has talked about the pressures on the southern border lets have a look at a map of just how its all shaping up turkey has the largest number of Syrian Refugees close to 4000000 as weve already talked about when turkeys leaders announced on friday that Border Guards wouldnt stop refugees and migrants entering the European Union they started heading to border crossings with bulgaria and with greece which you can see up there in the west and thousands of the mistreated in the city of northwest turkey other refugees have gone by sea indies to the greek island of lesbos now this is the point to the southwest turkey is worried about yet another influx of Syrian Refugees as fighting intensifies in syrias last rebel held province of italy thousands of syrians tens of thousands of troops near the border with turkey mariana lets explore that a little bit more what are your concerns about the situation down there and what might happen given the Current Crisis in the live. Well if the Current Crisis simply continues which will continue no people will start and turkey opens that door there as well people will start crossing from italy and they will eventually reach grace and possibly service as well because the numbers have also increased in cyprus. Where were going to have money talks a lot of them to cross it will it will depend on the. Reaction which so far the only thing that i have seen that they have said is that they will support for frontex on the front it will deploy more meter personnel so i suppose we have to wait and see what the actual reaction of the year will be and in my opinion giving money more money to turkey is not a solution because giving money to another a day and regime does not work and it will not work because the way that they operate is not is not the mcgrath tick and its not stable if i can say stable or get a sound lets bring you in this is your party that were your winning charity work the primary Northern Syria whats your sense of the situation. Im not sure turkey is in a rush to open the syria turkey border they all still active on the ground of course in it live they have been bombings to fatah syrian air strikes on his positions in turkish strikes on syria positions so they still hope to create that buffer zone and safety area for syrians who have fled this conflict unfortunate there is no military solution at the same time doesnt necessarily want to open its borders again if its trying to make a political statement to the e. U. It can do it with 3600000 people which frankly is deplorable that refugees are being used in this poor chess game. To get a point across to the e. U. But i do think that the ultimate solution is really an e. U. To be russia conversation around a lasting peace in syria treating the symptoms is dealing with tens of thousands trying to get to the europe the actual problem is syria itself and thats where the great powers need to Work Together and i still hope that the crawl putin aragon meeting that was supposed to happen on march 5th is still planning to go ahead but we all know how hard it is to resolve the Syrian Crisis and this more immediate result of whats going on in the loop is a clear and present danger well its present right now. Well if were talking about reality its clear that these bombings and the changing areas of control saki which was the m. 4. 00 and 5. 00 junction town fell into rebel hands the assad forces now are trying to retake it its clear that a military solution realistically is quite far away from all sides and all sides claim to care about the Syrian People and bringing peace to syria so if the reality is you cant win a military conflict you need to get to the negotiating table even if you forget and put aside the fact that there is children dying on a daily basis and that should be a moral reason to sit at the table the combination of that the lack of a military stalemate should bring all sides together unfortunately we need some grown ups at that table and thats where i think russia and turkey and the e. U. Have an Important Role to play yes morals have been few and far between in order that of the girl if i can come back to you so if it a way that is trying to foresee issues from again leverage over the European Union over the inaction. Will this work. I dont think so and i dont think turkey has any illusions about real military support but what the signal that we will need to give and i disagree with the previous panelist. If a country hosts for many many years millions of refugees and there is a prospect and we want to if there is a fear for the lives of hundreds of thousands in italy we want turkey to allow the also are at risk and vulnerable to reach safety then we need to make sure that turkish public and this across all parties and all that sect parts of society understands that europe will keep helping them we have 680000 syrian students in turkish schools now and 1700000 syrians who get social support and when i hear people say lets just cut that lets not prolong this then i dont understand the morality but i also dont understand what the real politic is because we dont want to if there are people at risk for their lives to treat them at the turkish Syrian Border which is now closed in the way europeans have been dealing at some of their borders as we see today with tear gas stopping and pushing everyone back this is really the future of the Refugee Convention i mean the whole thing that if were not pushing people back into danger without and then defying that individuality is illegal and we are seeing it as one more place i should have to say so and yeah i do agree with that sorry i may have come across incorrectly i dont think turkey will open the syria turkey for dinner i think it should open the syria turkey border so theres a difference in what i was saying and i totally agree that the Refugee Convention does require turkey and other Member States to take on the responsibility for these refugees its just im not sure in terms of the politics its going to happen even though we all agree it should and the safest place for those playing it live is turkey and europe should share in the responsibility of hosting them that is fairly evident the prisoner the one doesnt want them. Well i think he has a choice down a great deal in taking 3700000. But theres a limit and hes seeing his european support melt away and thats leaving him to pause the other issue is he doesnt and no one else knows how long the syrian conflict will go on for and therefore his presence in syria is about trying to effect that whilst his actions 3 with europe are to give a dig to European Countries to take on their commitments that they promised in the past and are going to come to you in just a 2nd but just think you want to jump in the not just to say that very clearly turkey would prefer them to stay in syria but it might not be an option and what we saw a few days ago with the escalation of fighting that is a risk of a few 100000 at the wall and then we want turkey to open the border and i think its time for the International Community to get together and send a clear signal that in that case it will not be left alone that is the kind of signal we need also to ease the tension on the western border of turkey which is the border of the European Union without Partnership Without cooperation there is no way to deal with these issues in a humane manner so mariano when his Communications Director said the migrants were also now europes problem and the worlds problem hes right isnt it. Hugh strikes in however they are using your refugees as a leverage to get the money that they want to get because i think this is what 30 once they want money they want military support for syria however i think that refugees should not be left in turkey because theres massive abuse of human rights and instances of modern day slavery but they should be relocated within europe not only greece months round here of as it was happening before 26 before they get their statement. We saw that how critical that was didnt without it was next to impossible to do this is why weve ended up where we are now is. Yes it was difficult because the europeans did not want people. It doesnt have the capacity to host people it just doesnt want them because it destroys this White Christian dream that the year has gerald you want to tell him well just to say that before there was no resettlement from turkey before you took his statement but that you take a statement says explicitly point 4 that there should be resettlement and i agree that this needs to be part of the policy we need to offer turkey that some of those who are vulnerable europe is taking in an orderly way but what will never work ever again is that hundreds of thousands of people are just crossing borders this orderly because what we will then see is what weve seen for months at the creation bosnian border. Area and serbian border and what we see today at the greek Turkish Border we will have governments that use force to stop people and everybody suffer so the best thing would be to take that you take a statement seriously for europe to live up to its commitment point for and that statement says we will take Vulnerable People from turkey refugees in an orderly way by plane now in return the largest number will remain in turkey we will continue to support turkey financially and if there is a new influx the International Community stands ready as well in 1079 a conference was held in geneva for the vote people the vietnamese and it was agreed that the transit countries would be helped and this kind of conference you can actually i should organize now because the people who are now looking for safety will not just disappear they are there and we will have to deal with them write songs were coming towards the end of the program it live as we all know is on the brink if it does finally blow up where is resolution going to come from how will all these people. Well the short answer is theyre already not coping and bear in mind that those still in it live are amongst the most resilient syrians in that they have stuck it out through some absolutely appalling fighting they dont know where the next bomb is going to drop they dont know where the next meal is coming for their children and that unpredictable nature means that if it does blow up i think those syrians are going to head for the nearest safe border which the closest is the syria turkey border already camps like that main squeezed against the Turkish Border at bursting point and sanitation conditions shelter are inadequate my organization shelter box is handing out shelter kits and Household Items so families can live but these are all transitory solutions ultimately they are looking for a peace and at the moment syria blowing up italy blowing up just means more fighting it doesnt mean a resolution to this conflict because neither side seems to have the ability to win the conflict but neither side seems to be willing to recognize that. It is your sense the need any political will and within the European Union to tackle this this influx of tens of thousands of refugees of course there is such need and there is need of european solidity which we have not since all in all that is theres a will theres a need but is there will you know there is no will because the european earth is not willing to help anyone other than it. And so finally if there is no will what is your sense is your do you have any optimism at all about the situation where yes because a lot of what needs to be done we have done before i mean dont forget that the industrial country that took in most refugees in recent years in the world was germany and it has actually worked quite well half of those refugees are now working you can make a case that in an orderly way resettling people in need of protection if there is a coalition of countries malays. Tech eat germany canada to deal with the biggest refugee crisis in decades which is syria this could be handled and increased too if refugees in turkey are supported last year the total number of syrians across the border to europe was less than 15000. 00 so 99. 5 percent of syrians last year stayed in turkey because weve improved conditions there and we should do more of this but if we dont have leadership if we dont have realism if we dont find beyond the passion ways to Work Together everybody will lose and the biggest losers will be those men women and children that we see now freezing at the greek texas border and certainly a very troubling situation thank you all all our guests a girl can now smell around a character like e. And sound srikanth and thanks very much david thank you too for watching it you can see this program again any time i visit to your website aljazeera dot com and for further discussion go to our Facebook Page thats facebook dot com ford slash a. J. 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Forces hangs over them yet young men are still joining up some for reasons for others is the only way to get a job despite the risks midways carry me was an Army Bomb Disposal engineer in Helmand Province he knew the risks he was blinded in both eyes and lost a leg when a roadside device exploded as you try to defuse it always aware of the danger of seeing friends wounded while working on mines i wasnt scared to lose an arm or a leg is a sacrifice we have to mike to serve this country aljazeera goods beneath the waves with a team of women determined to save the dolphins we all share the same responsibility they need in this outing for a protected amazing outing by using a variety of scientific techniques to study their behavior we can monitor that for their more photos and behavior were able to know how theyre adapting to their new environment women make science dolphin sanctuary on aljazeera. When the news breaks a work out for was part of the ins of getting more Political Representation and Economic Development when people need to be heard but top leadership world where of the potential for parity of the bar of weeks before the public told about strangers aljazeera has teams on the ground the syrian army says determined to defeat the rebels and continuous advanced words this is a good day to bring you more Award Winning documentaries and life news. When you see big groups of people walking through youre the rule individuals the children the lawyers you have to deal with them and to treat them with some dignity and respect. Russia says it cannot guarantee the safety of turkish planes flying over syria is it that province. M can but al this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up israel holds its 3rd election in a year that will break the countrys political deadlock. The leader of a religious sect in south korea apologizes for its role in spreading the coronavirus. A gunman holds dozens of hostages in a Shopping Mall in the philippines. And closely guarded a tight watch on aljazeera as we get rare access inside

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