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Violence in new delhi. Where the head of the World Health Organization says the new coronavirus epidemic has reached a Decisive Point is urging countries to redouble their efforts to contain the spread of the disease china the epicenter of the outbreak has postponed the reopening of all schools and universities until further notice south korea has confirmed another 505 cases mini overtaken china in new delhi infection numbers will im 1700 an hour infected there and 13 people have died in italy europes biggest virus hotspot the death toll has increased to 17 with more than 500 cases one of irans Vice President s has joined the Deputy Health minister and being diagnosed with the virus iran has the highest fatality rate outside china with the death toll rising to 28. 00 and saudi arabia is holding visas for the pilgrimage and restricting tourist travel from affected areas have now been more than 82000. 00 infections across 44 countries in every continent except antarctica. No country should assume it wouldnt get cases that could be a fight that mystic and quite literally this virus does not respect borders it does not distinguish between races it initiatives. It has not a good foot a countrys g. D. P. Or level of development. The point is not only to prevent cases arriving on your shores the point is what you do when you have this escalation is to from iran now as in bank joins us live from tehran i said what else is being said about the situation in iran where the said that the virus came into the country unseen and detected and it could be more widespread than is known currently they say thats mainly to do with surveillance and detection because people showing major symptoms will turn up at hospital and get diagnosed with told that lesson or symptoms may not go to a hospital before go about their Business Travel around the country undiagnosed spreading the virus neurons this 245 people have been diagnosed confirmed that have been infected by the coronavirus and 28 dead and as you said that gives iran the highs death toll for the krona virus outside of china but iran says that they are getting the matter that under control they are putting in measures to control the outbreak but still people here still think that the spread of the virus those that have actually have it is much higher than the Health Minister is currently saying so what measures exactly is iran taking to start to stop the spread of the virus. But the president hasnt signed off on a number of decisions today made by the catcher Coronavirus Committee now schools will remain closed for a further 3 days from saturday universities will be closed for another week now many of these of are to be closed for a week Public Events such as concerts and full showings a still cancelled but most significantly friday prayers are canceled in 23 cities now let me explain how significant that is even in the early 1980 s. When there were assassinations political assassinations taking place in mosques friday prayers were never canceled even at the height of the iran iraq war Saddam Hussein was attacking during his citys those friday prayers were never canceled so this shows how serious the iran is taking that break of this virus and how hard theyre trying to bring it under control but despite that today we heard that the Vice President for womens and family is Family Affairs removed a car and was diagnosed with a chronic virus that makes full politicians members of parliament and thats including the departure Health Minister also we heard that the former ambassador to the back to can hardly for sure show he was 81 years old he was diagnosed with. Contract in the virus yesterday now its been weve heard that he has actually died he is 81 year old but iran is still finding itself continually isolated many countries have suspended the flights between iran and themselves but iran is trying to bring the matter under control but iran is also suffering economically under u. S. Sanctions and they want to get this under control so that the economy doesnt suffer any further i said big thank you very much. A woman in japan has tested positive for a corona virus for a 2nd time well this is the countrys Prime Minister ordered all schools to close until late march around asia nations are continuing to restrict travel and increase containment measures sarah clarke has more from hong kong soaping center is a sanitized and so Government Employees the sterilizing public transport is a south korean government stepped up efforts to stop the spread of the current virus. Joint military exercises with the United States have been postponed after american soldiers stationed at a base today tested positive the containment efforts of covert 19 and the safety of walk in u. S. Service members were prioritized in making this decision the largest daily increase in the number of infections has been in a city in the southeast for a church at the center of the outbreak is low tide as the virus spreads the government has postponed some annual school exams and is asking people to avoid large crowds around 40 countries and theyre restricting travelers from south korea. If. It gives them you know the government feels very sorry that our citizens have gone through the inconvenience in the process of entering Foreign Countries due to the countrys sudden entry restriction measures the epicenter of the outbreak remains under lockdown while cities in the rest of china a slowly returning to work china reported the laws death toll in a month on thursday the number of infections rose slightly. The 1st case happened in china but that doesnt mean the source is in china the foreign prediction of when this will be contained says and it may or june we think it will be the end of april. But some countries are not taking any risks a study has gone one step further than the World Health Organization declaring the coronavirus a Global Pandemic and electing an Emergency Response plan we believe that the risk of a Global Pandemic is very much upon us and as a result as a government we need to take the steps necessary to prepare for such pandemic schools here in hong kong have been closed since january and were mine shut until at least the 20 the by japan 2 was announced it will shut all schools until march china may be optimistic it can contain the outbreak by boat but the virus is spreading faster outside many countries and they are not taking any risks sarah clarke aljazeera hong kong. Or current virus is taking a heavy toll on the Global Economy trade routes are being cut Global Supply chains disrupted and stock markets a falling wall street stocks are down again and are on track to record their worst weekly losses since the Global Financial crisis of 2008 european and asian shares fell on thursday too with travel stocks bearing the brunt and ive not a christian to me whos in new york for us christine quite a drastic send off of the last few days. Yeah thats for sure all 3 major stock indices in the United States the Dow Jones Industrial average the s. And p. 500 and the nasdaq are trading lower today for the 6th day in a row theyve rebounded a bit from their lows today which saw the dow fall almost a 1000 points at one stage theyre doing a little bit better than that now but still trading more than 2 percent lower and hovering around whats known as correction territory that would be a drop of 10 percent from session high from the high market highs a high that was hit less than a week ago and the issue is that investors remain concerned about the spread of coronavirus particularly as a new case was discovered in california here in the u. S. A new cases in germany as well where officials cant identify the source of exposure for the person who got sick so thats a concern the possible Community Spread of disease and how that is going to continue to affect corporate earnings in the Global Economy writ large weve seen companies reflecting this in their projected Revenue Streams microsoft for one said that it was lowering its revenue expectations because its supply chain was not coming back on track as quickly as they had initially expected this is a concern for many Multinational Companies manufacturers around the globe travel companies are suffering as well and they are worrying about the long term impact of this virus if it is not contained that said to some bright spots today a few stocks that weve seen trading a bit higher netflix and zoom the Video Conferencing website i would have to surmise that some investors are thinking people are going to be spending more time at home and watching more movies and maybe thats driving them to look for bargains or look for something that will do well in the current environment but overall certainly concerned about where things are headed for the Global Economy christianson to me thank you very much indeed. A key battle is taking place for the strategic syrian town of sarky been province Syrian Rebels backed by turkey fighting to hold on to the town off to recapture it from the army overnight a stream of Turkish Military reinforcements have been seen moving towards the front line rebels have been coming on the aerial bombardment by syrian and russian warplanes since they retook the town is a major loss for the Syrian Government and its drive to recapture the last remaining rebel strongholds. Reports from had to turkey syria border. And this is job but i live on the streets of. For the rebel commander this is just the beginning of a long push to recapture lost territory. To the sense that after his back on that old control we have managed to evict Syrian Army Russian ally and progovernment militias from socket i want to reassure our people that we will liberate all the cities of syria and if you did that the thought. But for the rebels to hold ground may be challenging the city is located on 2 highways them for an empire which linked damascus to go and northeastern syria. So in Government Troops and russian fighter jets are striking rebel positions preventing them from reinforcing their lines of defense. Moment of triumph for the rebels this is their 1st significant military gain in months. To get the opposition has lost many strongholds and retreated north allowing the syrian army to advance to words it lives city and as Government Troops close in thousands of civilians flee the offensive has displaced almost 1000000 people and created the worst humanitarian situation since the start of the conflict in syria 9 years ago. Turkey insists its military intervention is so little in short a cease fire is implemented and syrian troops pull back behind the Demilitarized Zone in it globe the developments on the ground in our favor but on the other hand the regimes losses are very big 3 of our soldiers have been killed let them rest in peace but there is no time to deal with this now negotiations with the russians. Continue however we are operating in it loop with the advent of agreement along with the 911 kilometer border we are safeguarding our country we will continue to operate in syria backing Syrian Rebels and told we win the war turkish officials are in talks with russia to get access to the space in northwestern syria a demand that has been so far brushed aside by moscow which accuses uncut are undermining peace efforts its unclear at this stage if the rebels it is part of a large scale military campaign that by turkey in the province of idlib and rural. But the capture of saddam is likely to create momentum among rebel fighters who have suffered a series of setbacks recently asked about al jazeera. I was here as man fadel sent this update earlier from the outskirts. And for all of us about whether or not they think we are exactly on the m 4 highway connecting aleppo we look back here this highway leads to the Meeting Point with the international 5 highway connecting aleppo and damascus so i could see these the point where both the highways connect. To our right was captured this morning by the armed opposition having seized control of the city the armed opposition is now in total control of both of the strategic highways however air strikes are still carried out by both the russian and syrian regimes fighter jets targeting the city on its outskirts. Of the family of a false as you have just seen it was an air strike on the city the armed opposition who is now in control of sarek of city and both the highways say they killed a large number of the Regime Forces inside the city we can also see that plume of smoke as a result of the airstrike. Aerial bombardment has not stopped on the contrary it has intensified as i said earlier both the highways are now cut off by the armed opposition but it is a big win and a massive advance for the opposition to seize control of sorrow given along with a number of its neighboring villages. Still ahead this half hour we look at the desperate plight of the syrian civilians trapped between the heavy fighting and techies closed border. And climate campaigners celebrate entre u. K. Court blocks Heathrow Airport 6. Very disturbed across the good parts of europe over the coming days will supply tumbling in from the atlantic pushing a further race was latest weather system day perrie of low pressure here just pushing down across luxembourg belgium down into that western side of germany packing in quite a key northwest the wind behind his we have seen some snow flurries across the British Isles of western corner of year more as we go on into friday so we have the high ground by that stage pushing away from the south war heavy rain more very strong winds pushing in this one of course we still have at least one severe Flood Warning out for 6 western side of england many areas will still see fairey heavy outbreaks of rain over the coming days central pa see it not too bad we got some showers some of them wintry making their way down across the balkans over towards remain here and hungry sliding further east was as we go on through sas day south of past again dry and not doing too badly some snow up towards norway war wet and windy and at times wintry weather coming in across the far northwest of europe by saturday well see want to see just pushing their way into western parts of france we may even see want to 2 showers just sliding across the southern half of spain. As a weapon of war leaves the very deep scars. Some rule that the victims men and women can barely talk about it. They are the only witnesses who can help bring about justice aljazeera honest human rights campaigners in libya investigating right since the 2011. Libya unspeakable crime on aljazeera. Going around or the top stories on aljazeera the World Health Organization says the new coronavirus epidemic has reached a Decisive Point of now being more than 82000. 00 infections across 44. 00 countries in every continent except antarctica. The outbreak is also to hear toll on the Global Economy street stocks are down again and are on track for their worst weekly losses since the 2008 Global Financial crisis. And a key battle is taking place from a strategic syrian town of sarah been in libya province turkey has sent military reinforcements to help Syrian Rebels fighting to hold on to the town after capturing it from the government overnight. United nations has repeatedly warned that the humanitarian crisis unfolding in libya is the worst theyve seen since the war began one years ago there harding has more. The United Nations says nearly a 1000000 people have been forced from their homes since december theyre trapped between heavy fighting and the closed border with turkey. As the army comes close to us here and we have pressured the people here in the camps from moderate mostly and we all going to turkey even if they kill us we want to go to turkey and the turks should be prepared to welcome 5 to 6000000 people coming all at once. According to the u. N. More than half of the internally displaced are children and this winter has been unusually cold some infants are reported to have frozen to death or suffocated in tents with their parents as they all tried to keep warm this is the worst wave of displacement weve seen during the syrian conflict with the harsh winter conditions in a glib we see people trapped isolated and running out of ways to cope. In recent days russian back to syrian air strikes have increased hospitals blood banks and schools have been destroyed turkish president recep tayyip or the one has not suggested that the border will be reopened. We are not going to take even a little step back in the ad lib we will push the syrian Regime Forces out of the areas that weve designated and let people return back to their houses many have lost their homes in the u. N. Estimates some families have been displaced 10 times those trying to flee across the border with turkey face a concrete wall topped with barbed wire. To move a good out of the people are taking refuge in the turkish wall but why is the wall here is it to prevent families from entering their women and children their elderly people why dont they allow children in the main can stay here and fight but the children the women let them in. Many people like these are desperate to escape the fighting and if a safe passage is not created they will remain trapped leah harding aljazeera. Number of People Killed in the violence that rocked new delhi this week has risen to 33 after several critically injured patients died in hospital india seen months or protests over a new citizenship law which excludes muslims in parts of the capital people have been returning to homes and businesses which were destroyed they say they came to build bridges tony betty reports from new delhi. After the 2nd day of calm people who escaped the violence are starting to return to their battered neighborhoods in northeast delhi in shining bag theyve come back to widespread destruction and loss. And they get out that it was very stressful living here during the last few days we were all extremely scared so scared that we moved all our women to a safer place only the mains. People were killed and injured here homes and businesses were burned but mohammeds fruit and vegetable shop provided a livelihood for his family for 30 years he was burned during the riots and hes not insured hes part of the Muslim Community that suffered the worst of the violence but hes not vengeful. We have to live peacefully together whatever has happened we have to treat it as a one off we have to forget we cant just blame the hundreds of muslims both groups where there are. 3 shops down is his neighbor ganesh whos a hindu his fruit and veg shop was also burned but even after losing his livelihood he Still Believes in coexistence. Then there is peace we can once again start a business we have to do it to survive to earn our living there is no other way to earn a living. Its a seed of hope that hindus and muslims can return to the peaceful coexistence they enjoyed for years a Senior Police commissioner visit thursday to reassure locals the peace has been restored but its the presence of large numbers of Security Forces that people find more reassuring not with. Alone this is a very Public Confidence Building Measure designed to show people that the Security Forces have control of the streets and is now safe but many people are asking the question where were they when they needed the most. Delhi police have been heavily criticised over its handling of the violence which has been described as at best negligent and worse complicit families are slowly returning to this battleground feeling more apprehensive than safe well it was it seems to be peace and calm but we lost everything after our home was set on fire we only managed to salvage this cooking gas cylinder. But others like this hindu family have decided to leave the district altogether. The riot situation ascared us a lot thats why were going back to our village where its safer. The streets will be cleared the debris removed and homes rebuilt but these communities cannot fully heal until those responsible face justice Tony Berkeley aljazeera shan bag north east delhi. On sunday guinea will vote in a referendum that could allow president to run for a 3rd term in office but the opposition is urging people to boycott the vote calling it an attempted power grab by the 81 year old Priyanka Gupta reports. These are Turbulent Times in guinea they are just days left before the west african nation votes in a constitutional referendum and now its 81 year old president afrikan day has suggested that he could run for thought and office the main Opposition Coalition says it will no longer recognize him as a legitimate president it wants people to boycott sundays vote. If indeed he carries the aspiration of the people of guinea and have decided not to recognize mr conti as the president of the republican guinea in the months his immediate and unconditional departure from power. More than 30 people have died in months of often violent protest against conde whose mandate ends in december protests to say the referendum is just an excuse to hold on to power this is from this week until monday leaves power were going to fight him because hes no longer the legitimate president he violated a ko us which prohibits a coup detat and he made a constitutional. Army has been deployed across the country ahead of sundays vote conde is giving his 1st democratically elected leader since his independence from france and decades of authoritarian rule he says sundays fort will lead to a modern constitution. But protesters fear it may push me into political uncertainty. On to 0. The British Government is threatening to walk away from trade talks with the European Union as early as june if it sees no hope of a compromise ukraine has been setting out its red lines and says it wont commit to following rules in a. That trade deal comes 2 days after e. U. Ministers approved their own approach to the negotiations britain left the bloc in january and now has until the end of the year to secure a trade deal and agreements on everything from fishing rights to transport. Climate campaign is a celebrating after u. K. Court grounded plans for a 3rd runway at europes Busiest Airport expanding and he through is deemed to breach britains Climate Change commitments firstly was a caution on. The described this is the most important environmental decision in a generation and so it was no surprise they were cheering there seems no way back for the expansion of londons main airport for the foreseeable future but the judge said that the government had been given a notice to appeal so it doesnt but they are so where we go from here i dont think as a white back faith wrote my message to the government is rather than tinkering or tweaking with plans for a 3rd runway abounds in these plans because its quite clear there are serious consequences of a new runway on Climate Change on air quality or Noise Pollution on the road a real network but also the faulty of life of people live in the city the expansion would have been vost destroying entire villages reducing rivers as well as londons orbital motorway but it wasnt that the last days for the governments and the airports it was the courts ruling that the governments a broken the law the crucial part of the ruling was of the government was found to be in breach of its international Climate Change obligations that not only means that heathrow now wont happen it also calls into question all sorts of other big Infrastructure Projects in Boris Johnsons postbreakfast in brazil. And thats the much bigger issue raised by this ruling how do governments and industry balance their demands for continuous Economic Growth with the obligations to slow down Climate Change the politicians and leaders have got to say we really are serious about being a Global Trading nation in Great Britain because were going through the whole process of the moment and were seeing help capacity potentially be moving elsewhere because were for what do we do about that we grow it globally the spotlight is on the u. K. We have the Climate Summit in glasgow we have all of all the debts flying in here discussed Climate Change so really the Prime Minister now needs to show leadership he needs to show that hes taking time and change seriously he needs to really rethink all of these high carbon Infrastructure Projects the next target in the sights of the environmentalists will be the governments plans for 100000000000 dollars rail line from london to the north which is also loathed by communities in its path they will be cheering this ruling as well. London. Square in prague which is home to the Russian Embassy has been renamed after a murdered russian opposition politician or acim tof was shot dead near the kremlin 5 years ago he was one of premier putins most vocal critics and had been working on a report examining russias role in the conflict in ukraine several men were jailed for his murder and themselves allies have criticized the investigation of failing to identify who ordered his killing. An annual gathering of conservative activists and politicians in the u. S. Has kicked off with a clear message for utah senator mitt romney the Republican Party of mitt romney. Correct answer by the way correct every time his name is mentioned you should respond that way. Romney was disinvited from the conservative Political Action conference last month by donald trump in retaliation for his vote in impeachment proceedings romney voted in favor of one of the articles of impeachment abuse of power he was the only Republican Party member to do so the. Top stories are now jazeera the head of the World Health Organization says the new coronavirus epidemic has reached a Decisive Point now in more than 82000 infections across 44 countries in every continent except antarctica south korea has confirmed another 505 cases meaning its overtaken china in new daily infection numbers governments around the world are ramping up emergency measures as part of a global effort to control the spread of the virus. No country should i assume it wouldnt get cases that could be fired tell me stick and quite literally this virus does not respect borders it does not distinguish between races or cities. It has not a good foot a countrys g. D. P. Or level of development. The point is not only to prevent cases arriving on your shores the point is what you do when you have this. Carnivorous is also taking a heavy toll in the Global Economy trade routes have been caught Global Supply chains disrupted and stock markets are forming wall street stocks are down again and are on track to record their worst weekly losses since the Global Financial crisis of 2008 european and asian shaz found on thursday too with travel stocks bearing the brunt. A key battle is taking place for the strategic syrian town of. Province Syrian Rebels backed by turkey fighting to hold on to the town after recapturing it from the army overnight a stream of Turkish Military reinforcements have been seen moving towards the front line. The number of People Killed in the violence in new delhi this week has risen to 33 off to several critically injured patients died in hospital india has seen months of protests over a new citizenship law which excludes muslims in parts of the capital people have been returning to homes and businesses which were destroyed theres the top stories to stay with us on our 0 the stream is coming up next and more news after that i think. Josh rushing through again for me ok in your stream today the United Nations is calling for their side of the war perseverence in syria as we ask is the world and different to of them during the conversation twitters your thoughts at a stream or leave a comment on our live you tube chat with you too can be of this true. United nations warns that the world is facing the worst humanitarian catastrophe of the 21st century as the forces of syrian president Bashar Al Assad close in of the last opposition stronghold. That announcement by the u. N

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