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One city is a vicious serial sexual predator. Hollywood movie producer Harvey Weinstein taken straight to jail after being found guilty of Sexual Assault and 1st degree rape. Both rest in peace have fun in heaven tell me again when de passionate words from kobe bryants widow at a memorial for the basketball legend and her daughter. The World Health Organization says its deeply concerned by the sudden increase in corona virus cases outside china 3 main task as of infections are growing in the middle east europe and asia in south korea the u. S. Says its considering scaling back joint sizes with south korea juda concerns about the spread of the virus 809. 23. 00 cases of now being confirmed there at least 8 people have died iran has confirmed 12 deaths and has denied reports the toll could be much higher quade is also among several countries in the region reporting their 1st infections Kuwait Civil Aviation Authority has announced its temporarily barring flights from divine charger support tech to measure its also canceled National Day Celebrations scheduled for tuesday in europe 7 people have now died in northern italy it has more than 220 cases the highest concentration outside asia roman prime joins us now live from seoul so rob officials there calling this a Pivotal Moment why. Thats right well all of the focus still is on this daegu city in the south east of the country and surrounding areas there where weve had these clusters these outbreaks and really the that heres where all of the efforts all the attention is is at the moment there are said to be shortages of medical staff the medical resources there are being stretched as they deal with these numbers increasing numbers of patients coming forward weve had factory closures but the concern for everybody in daegu and also obviously from seoul is that it is contained in that area that if it continues to spread then it becomes this National Crisis and the various officials including the man who have really described this week as being a point of inflection that if the next few days will be crucial in trying to constrain it to that area if not then danger is that we get there clusters elsewhere so far Officials Say we havent seen other serious clusters of cases they have been individuals all across south korea but only isolated cases individuals who are linked back to this area but there is concern that they wont be able to constrain it for much longer if it continues to multiply the numbers of cases and in fact there is an outbreak in busan again at a Church Congregation where 2023 people are said to have been taken ill so there are concerns it has heightened concerns that the authorities wont be able to constrain into the southeast and so it really will be the next few days that will decide that meanwhile there has been some other developments many of these cases obviously we know center on this one g. Church of jesus it was this church in daegu that we had most of the cases being reported still the majority of cases are members of this congregation well. Development of this tuesday the church has come forward its often been accused of being a sect and slightly secretive we now know from the church that they are providing the names of literally thousands of its members some of them are already self quarantining but allowing the author ities the names and Contact Details so that the authorities and the medical teams can follow up to check for any further cases. Live for us from seoul. More on the deaths in iran now said bags into iran he says as the number of cases rises there is disagreement over how bad the situation really is. Theres been an extraordinary exchange in clash a war of words between a member of parliament. Hes a member of parliament for the city of qom the epicenter of this virus here in iran and the Health Ministry now he said he puts the number of dead from the virus at 50 now he acknowledges not within maybe from the krona virus but he says that the governments performance on the issue has been 0 he says that nurses dont have the correct uniforms and are scared of treating patients he says that the government isnt really concerned and the virus has been present in iran for 3 weeks but there nance met was delayed by the government he also said that he knows of 2 children that have been infected by the virus and has called upon the Health Ministry to impose a curfew on the city of call now the Deputy Health minister has come out and as has denied that figure of 50 and said that even if it was half that number he would submit his resignation now about the responded to that and he said he sent the names of those that have died from the virus to the Health Ministry and he expects a resignation now the Health Minister has come out in response to all of this and he said that the government is dealing with the situation. Moving now to the latest cases of coronavirus surfacing in italy the northern regions of lombardy and close schools universities museums and cinema asked for at least a week how much im june reports from milan. In an interior than usual downtown milan a sense of anxiety but no signs of panic amid the 1st major coronaVirus Outbreak in europe landmarks like to do more cathedral and less scholar opera house have been closed temporarily. The headline screams out virus the great fear even though fear at least for now isnt all that apparent yes schools have been shut down but his Vegetable Market remains open. But i dont know i dont see any danger is well looking a lot of the phone people are not leaving their houses and they call us and we bring their shopping t. Them thats the way were working at the moment milans mayor says the main mission now is to contain the possible further spread of the virus and that while numbers of those infected have indeed been going up that could be because Health Officials are proactively looking for new cases he also urged residents not to clear supermarket shelves but videos posted on social media like this one suggest that advice may be falling on deaf ears in northern italy the number of coronavirus cases continues to surge even though at least 10 hotspot towns are effectively under lockdown. Police check vehicles trying to enter one of the quarantine towns authorised lorries carrying essential goods and medical supplies are allowed through everyone else is turned away. In an effort to contain the spread of the coronavirus even the venice carnival was cut short a medal that you know what i might base out the the fight another thought i would have to sign in order to shut down the venue its on have a thought wed have to close the schools churches museums and all Public Places so i know im askin a lot from aussie thousands so i know all the way things go we can pull together well we just need to think about internally the bin will shut up inside us a little to you and its. Inside the town of lingo authorities have allowed select shops to reopen outside long lines of shoppers wearing protective masks and gloves keen to stock up all this as officials are still struggling to confirm the origin of the outbreak in italy mohammed al jazeera milla. Be increase in the number of coronavirus cases outside china has sent Global Markets tumbling to the main u. S. Indices posted their biggest one day losses in 2 years with dow jones falling by more than 3 percent the selloff has continued in asia japans nikkei index opening nearly 4 percent down hong kongs hang seng index edged further into negative territory after 3 Straight Days of losses for more of this lets speak now to katrina you joins us now live from beijing so katrina this all shows that markets as well as human contagion still a big issue in asia. Thats right and asian markets in particular slumping as we speak following fears that this krone Virus Outbreak could turn into a Global Pandemic let me just update you on some of these latest figures the shanghai index is down 2 percent in australia the exchange is down 1. 8 percent in the hang seng down about 0. 8 percent also slumping as taipei and jakarta and the sharpest slump weve seen so far is in the nikkei which you mentioned and down about 4 percent at the mormons hovering at about 3. 3 percent not all terrible news though in south korea on monday we saw a force of about 4 percent it seems to be recovering cheers a morning its now up about point 6 percent so were not seeing the same kind of panic buying panic selling that weve seen in wall street on monday evening with people released rushing to sell stocks and rushing to safe haven such as gold or u. S. Treasury bonds but there are some significant losses there and in particular analysts are really worried about Consumer Behavior i mean current of ours is not as deadly as all saaz but it seems to potentially have a bigger impact on the economic behavior of people long term they may not buy as many flights they may not spend as much and certainly also this corona Virus Outbreak has brought many factories in china to a standstill and economists have downgraded the Economic Growth forecasts for china and certainly we havent seen really get the full impact of this credit Virus Outbreak on the Global Supply chain all right thanks so much katrina you. Donald trump has been officially welcomed to india by the president and Prime Minister of a ceremony in new delhi its the u. S. President s 1st visit since taking office its already announced a 3000000000. 00 defense deal at live pictures coming in from new delhi. About to lay a wreath i believe at the memorial of Mahatma Gandhi well this trip is designed not only to boost ties in trade but also his reelection chances by appealing to 4 and a half 1000000 Indian American voters tony burke is in new delhi for us and tony theres been a bit of violence and in the backdrop how much of that is casting a shadow over this visit by dawn trump. Or think as far as hes concerned is no show there were taught whether or not hes aware of it i dont know we he would have had to turn on his t. V. Last night to see those horrible scenes of violence its almost like a battleground in the northeast of delhi but otherwise its business as normal i dont think hes a perturbed at all by whats going on if he knows about it and its business as usual as far as hes concerned of course hes very much a man who is a fan if you like of the Prime Minister modi you could see by the speeches yesterday that some people have described as a sort of love in so hes very much backing mr modi he has not been critical of whats been going on in the street protests or what whats been happening in kashmir so hes very much a man whos supportive of strong men around the world weve seen that many many times and his views very similar to Prime Minister modi is in many respects so we dont expect any kind of hard time by President Trump to mr modi about whats going on in india at the moment. As you as youre speaking there at me just point out berkeley to turning to viewers were seeing pictures were still seeing pictures there of the u. S. President moments ago he was just you know pouring flowers over the grave of Mahatma Gandhi the great indian icon seen as an icon of peace as well as equality at a time when you were mentioning there weve got riots going on over citizenship law that seen as a. By muslims as discriminatory something that as you mentioned there that detractors from the u. S. President say well you know hes also had these policies that have targeted muslims in the u. S. At least those muslims who want to get visas to come to the u. S. All this going on a bit of a contradiction how take us through how this plays out today with whats on the u. S. President s schedule for this visit. Well hes going to be having sort of natural talks with the Prime Minister later and theyll come out with some announcement of agreements we dont expect those agreements to include anything significant on the trade issues which really hit it hit a brick wall but we do expect some kind of announcement of joints connection about security and defense matters particularly as far as china is concerned the growing influence of china in this part of the world there has been and announcement to local media that President Trump is going to hold an. Press conference now this could be a way of him. Addressing whats been happening on the streets in india because of the anti citizens law it could be also to make comments about whats happened in kashmir 2 highly contentious issues which are dominating matters in india at the moment we understand he will mention in private these matters to Prime Minister modi but of course you know he is very much a supportive man of the Prime Minister present time is a very simple in many respects that hes a black and white sort of guy a good and bad a friend or foe in india very much is a friend of the United States for a number of issues so i think they will leave without any serious criticism of india in any shape or form and they will continue this love and if you like into the future. Thanks so much Tony Berkeley there. Still ahead on aljazeera going underground syrian civilians find shelter wherever they can to escape the fighting and into. Why the celebrations of an election extending almost 60 years of family room togo maybe a little premature. Hello there a very cloudy picture across northern sections of the middle east even quite a bit of clouds streaming into more northern and central areas of saudi arabia and there is some rain with this cloud as well to go through tuesday the rain working its way across jordan and very widespread throughout much of iraq and eventually pushing on into Western Areas of iran and of course at times this will turn over to snow certainly by wednesday as it works its way further north and further to the east as well just a celsius in tehran with a bit of a wintry mix there but it does clear quickly elsewhere so back to some good sunny skies recent 13 and a very nice 18 celsius in damascus to the south 25 in doha but again some fairly strong breezes over the next couple of days now down into Southern Africa fairly dry in south africa nice and warm as well shes a 29 in cape town 26 in johannesburg but the rain is pretty heavy and really quite extensive too across much of namibia all the way across into Northern Areas of mozambique and the next couple of days those rains very heavy across northern and central areas of madagascar we could be saying around 200. 00 millimeters of rain increasing and developing as we go through the next couple of days that staying dry further to the south 25 in cape town on a warm day and has a 27. Motor sport is big news in libya but staging car and bike trails here comes with its own particular risks our club could take part in the 26th rally because we were fighting a war against isis so ill just see the world travels to the Libyan Desert to see how sport on for we can be a Unifying Force you know war chill country video a rally for a vote on al jazeera. Come youre watching aljazeera time to recap for headlines now the u. S. And south korea say theyre considering scaling back joint military exercises due to concerns about the spread of coronavirus 13 korean soldiers have been infected the World Health Organization says it is deeply concerned over the sudden increase of cases outside of china but insists its too soon to declare a Global Pandemic iran says 12 people have now died there while a 7th death has been confirmed in italy. Donald trump has been officially welcomed to india at a ceremony in new delhi he also attended a wreath laying ceremony for Mahatma Gandhi its the u. S. President s 1st visit since taking office designed not only to boost ties and try but also his reelection chances by appealing to 4 and a half 1000000 American Indian both these. Hollywood Film Producer Harvey Weinstein is being sent to jail in new york after being found guilty of 2 counts of Sexual Assault weinstein was charged with sexually assaulting former Production Assistant mimi haley and raping aspiring actress jessica mann the jury of 7 men and 5 women found him guilty of Sexual Assault which could see him jailed for up to 25 years also the 3rd degree rape charge carries a maximum of 4 years in prison new york law defines this is having sex with someone incapable of giving consent and weinstein was acquitted of the most serious charges predatory Sexual Assault 1st degree rape gabriel hours on the reports from new york. Harvey weinsteins days as hollywoods most powerful movie producer officially are over hes now a convicted felon and rapist after the verdict some of Harvey Weinsteins accusers said they hoped his day would finally come weinstein was found not guilty of the most serious charges of predatory Sexual Assault but was found guilty of a criminal sexual act and the 3rd degree rape as a verdict was read weinstein showed a little emotion as he was handcuffed and taken to jail make sure to be tears to get emotional he just kept saying were not in a subsequent and its ideal you know its going to set up the verdict caps nearly a 3 week trial and 5 days of jury deliberations he was on trial for allegedly raping an aspiring actress in 2013 and sexually assaulting another woman in 2006 in 2017 Investigative Reporter rich mchugh was one of the 1st to report allegations of rape by weinstein he has since interviewed dozens of other women who accused him of Sexual Assault and harassment i know at least one of the women who will be testifying and her case is horrific. And so i think its i can only imagine the case will be Even Stronger in los angeles that is here in new york and. I imagine you know the verdict will be i dont i dont i guess hard for me to predict but are the cases pretty pretty strong from from all that i know at his peak of power weinstein was a hollywood legend many of the greatest actors or actresses over the past 40 years have worked with him in some capacity here directly or through his movie studios throughout his career weinstein has been associated with 81 Academy Awards weinsteins conviction is a victory for the me too movement that began in 2017 when Actress Alyssa Milano tweeted if youve ever been sexually harassed or assaulted write me to is. Reply to this tweet millions did and the movement took off Harvey Weinstein now sits in jail awaiting his sentencing by the judge next month if hes given the maximum which would be 29 years that would mean hes not released from prison until hes 96 years old gabriels andro al jazeera new york. The u. N. Is warning of a bloodbath as fighting in northwest syria moves closer to makeshift camps for internally displaced families opposition fighters backed by turkey are gaining some ground in solving the province of facing attacks by Government Troops supported by russian airpower Priyanka Gupta reports in the cold winter of northwest syria and underground cave is the only refuge for these displaced families some find shelter in abandoned prison sounds they have nowhere else to go the russian backed government offensive to recapture it live from rebels has forced nearly a 1000000 people from their homes and the russian shelling forced us to leave our homes we took what we could and came to this prison we decided to stay in a cell which is about 20 square meters and we divide it between 3 families we still need things like blankets and food for trapped families this concrete border wall between turkey and syria is the last frontier between safety and Government Troops small children try to skew the high walls but cannot get in. Turkey hosts about 4000000 Syrian Refugees and says it cant cope with more of the hollow and the regime is advancing from the east and from the south people are now completely surrounded and theres been a lot of displacement people are forced to go to the closest point to the Turkish Border theres a border wall there are tents are 50 meters away from the turkish war roll freight. On the front line turkey backed rebels are fighting government advances opposition fighters have recaptured. A town on the strategic m 4 highway between syrias commercial hub aleppo and the coastal city of latakia but Government Forces are closing in from the south syrian activists say the aim seems to be to control the m 4 highway that runs through major rebel strongholds and that means bloodier battles and more civilian displacement the u. N. And aid groups are calling for a cease fire the crisis really demands immediate action from the Security Council from Member States around the world because this is a crisis now on a scale that weve not seen throughout the entire syrian war another dark chapter in the 9 year civil war as president Bashar Al Assads forces keep pushing ahead for a final victory Priyanka Gupta our dizzier the president of togo as they claim victory in the countrys election extending his 15 year rule and his familys more than half a century grip on power of the opposition is challenging oregon saying days when a mother greece reports from the countrys capital. Supporters of president ford yes celebrated his reelection to office to. Fully 41 sunday the election of the landslide win would extend your symbols 15 years old for another 5 years is when also extended Family School up to 60 years. Yes a base succeeded his late father poor old for 38 years season the moment the president addressed his supporters who have accused him of election for was the abuse stop improvising stop inventing imaginary numbers and letters submit ourselves to the judgment of the people of togo the people have decided weve come out victorious its always possible to contest but whatever happens victory is ours the run up with 18 percent of the vote Opposition Leader says the election was totally own. It is that they are going to deny me 1st of all the quality rejects the results as announced we are calling observers and International Community to use their unique position to give the true account of this election to the top people i call on you to mobilize to protest this Election Fraud and defend their vote. The fraud allegations are raising white sprayed concerns into a wall following violent protests 2 years ago although business we opened a day after the Election Results were announced the opposition called for street protesters setting people in a cheer many have not forgotten the outcome of demonstrations in 20172018 i guess president plan to change the constitution and run for a 4th term. For now the president supporters celebrate their win and the opposition will play. The next few days are crucial to see opposition supporters outside the court to protest and how Security Forces respond to the countrys algis you know. A memorial for basketball legend kobe bryants is being held in los angeles the retired l. A. Lakers star was killed alongside his door to jannah and 7 all this in a Helicopter Crash last month rob reynolds has more. Musical tribute but beyond say began the Memorial Service for kobe bryant and his daughter giana the event was billed as a celebration of like. 20000 people packed the Staples Center in a reno where bryants play gave l. A. Lakers fans such joy and where he helped his team win 5 n. B. A. Championship basketball legend Michael Jordan wept openly as he recalled his relationship with the man he considered like a little brother in the game of basketball in life. As a parent. Nothing in the tank he left. On the floor. Former teammate Shaquille Oneal spoke affectionately about a friend and teammate with whom he had sometimes feuded or take over the referred to as we speak over gigio Holding Hands organs of mirrors breastwork or we were shown as new mahmouds day in g. G. Soon masses of. Heavens will be the cause of the Helicopter Crash that killed colby and jana bryant and 7 others is still undetermined although investigators are focusing on the bad weather and Poor Visibility at the time of the accident attorneys for the Bryant Family have filed a wrongful death suit against the company that own and operated the aircraft tickets for the service were sold for a modest price the proceeds will be donated to the mamba and mamba c does Sports Foundation which bryant founded to help inspire and lift up underprivileged kids through sports among the many emotional tributes perhaps the most moving moment came when Vanessa Bryant talked quietly about her beloved husband and daughter god knew they couldnt be on this earth without each other he had to bring them home to have him together. If. You take care of our chichi. We both rest in peace and have fun in heaven telling me to get one day we love you both and miss you. Forever and always mommy. A final farewell to a man who was seen by many as representing the soul of his city at the heart of his sport rob reynolds aljazeera los angeles. And lets go through some of the headlines here now to syria now the u. S. And south korea say theyre considering scaling back joint military exercises due to concerns about the spread of coronavirus 13 korean soldiers have been infected bryant has more from seoul the focus is still the city of daegu in the southeast of the country the citys mayor this chews day saying that basically the city and the region around it is facing a critical moment in this week is crucial to see whether or not it will be contained or whether it will spread further we are getting reports of a further lack of met some medical resources a shortage of medical staff the medical teams in the area of course of asked for more volunteers to help to staff up the Testing Centers and some of the wards that have been given over to treat Infectious Diseases and World Health Organization says its deeply concerned over the sudden increase in cases outside china but it insists its too soon to declare a Global Pandemic iran says 12 people have now died there meanwhile a 7th death has been confirmed in italy and a 4th passenger from the quarantined cruise ship in japan has died. Donald trump has been officially welcomed to india at a ceremony in new delhi its the u. S. President s 1st visit there since taking office. Its counting the cost now stay with us. We understand the differences and similarities have cultures across the land. Sea. Bring you the news and Current Affairs that matter to. Aljazeera. And i want to clock this is kind of the cost of aljazeera your week you look at the world of business and economics this week. 2 nations taking different approaches to Carbon Emissions despite unprecedented bushfires australia pushes ahead with a controversial call project were on the ground with the community that stands to benefit from the countrys biggest money in. Germany plans to eliminate coal powered stations but the governments accused of breaking its promises to replace coal with more environmentally friendly sources of electricity. And shipping the unseen polluter

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