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This in the country of. This is a country which is unique for this religious and its big brother and some diversity and that that that americans love it for precisely this reason that message is very clearly that in this speech it is there it is speech but its there all right and pram thank you so much for joining us from go i appreciate it. We have breaking news we are continuing to follow if you iran says 50 people have now died from the corona virus the infection spreads across the middle east away bahrain and afghanistan have all reported their 1st cases lets go now to dorset ari with the latest in tehran a door so this is a significant shop. Yes not only that but it just a few minutes ago weve been hearing from the elected member of parliament from the city of all that is of course the epicenter of where this corona virus was 1st reported he is accusing the Health Ministry of not being. Transparent with the official death toll he claims that more than nearly 50 people have already died from the virus in volume now this is something the Health Ministry has not confirmed yet but it is something that the Health Minister the m. P. From palm is saying has taken place he says that also the number of people that have been. Confirmed to have the virus is also much higher than what the Health Officials have said so far now according to the Health Ministry the number of deaths has risen and has as has the number of people that have been confirmed to have this disease this is something the iranian disorders are very very cautious about the president Hassan Rouhani has said that hes given the Health Ministry all the powers they need to control this disease weve also been hearing from various other International Airlines Turkish Airlines has already canceled all flights in and out of iran as of this morning we also just heard from the Health Ministry that any people any passengers traveling to qatar from iran as well as south korea will be quarantined for that 14 day period. As soon as they enter the country this is in line with what measures other neighboring countries have been taking with iran theyve countries such as iraq afghanistan pakistan turkey theyve all closed their land borders as well the officials here are adamant that they have the situation under control they are asking people to be cautious when they go out in public spaces all universities and schools have been closed until next week in about 2 thirds of the country as well as all sporting events and theater events as well have all been canceled there is a sense from many people here that they need to be very cautious and they also are not heavily. Secure in what the information is that is coming out from the Health Ministry theyre urging their officials to be more transparent and to tell the public what they really need to know in terms of the actual facts that they have or so what more do we know tell us remind us again what the source of the corona was getting into iran is as far as we know. Well according to the Health Ministry there were 2 cases 2 men who one of them a Chinese National who was working as a construction worker in the holy city of home that is about 120 kilometers south of the capital he was one of the people that died from the virus on wednesday and then the 2nd case that we heard from that was reported to was an Iranian National businessman who traveled to china and when he came back he tested positive and subsequently passed away from the disease those are the 2 1st cases we heard about that were in the city of calm that was reported last wednesday since then Health Officials have said that the city is not under quarantine but they are urging the residents of that city which is about just over a 1000000 residents to not go outside if they dont need to to restrict their movements to only work they need to do to carry on with their lives but all the schools the seminaries the holy shrine that is there has all been theyve been people have been urged to stay away from those areas the seminaries have all been closed as well as the schools there that is where we heard from initially this outbreak began in iran ok of course and actually right now as you were speaking of a News Conference that is happening now at the rock talking more about coronavirus lets listen to that. And the situation if someone though you hear of there was a the this is due to corona no this is not true. It is a piece of wrong news and information and we need to understand fully that these news that relief. Aimed at putting the officials in a critical situation but we need to tell you that we are quite aware of all the information and we have so many. Diagnosis and we have so many tests but for the i am being its not a sort of a political competition no political powers should stop the competition in this regard because the iranian people should be and must be the winner at the end of the day over all these problems i would like to stress that we need not to give false information about the city of the situation is stable now in calm and. Some of those people are living and have left the city because they want to live the city and if we said such a school or such a university should not stop working or classes this means that the people in must stay at told not to leave the city i would like also to see that 20 percent of those who used to commute to and city cannot go now because the. Gov rate has some cases of corona and again and again when a school is closed or an aversive whatever people should stay at home and we need not to exaggerate the matters we have 2 hospitals that are located full of these cases and its a percent of the hospital capabilities are located for the corona and the other percent is for the other things that are on a daily basis done Services Medical Services Done and given an offer to the citizens lucky to thank all the medical people says the medical staff here and there who worked in these government organizations because they are doing their job every single day and they spy it all. That difficult as they have families they have gates they have responsibilities but the owner was there to help the citizens and. Their need not to go to commute to their houses and come back to the hospitals they have to stay there and we have paved this situation in these hospitals. In the nicest way for the stuff people to live and spend the nights in the hospital and i would like to say that so many cases were about to be released and discharged from the hospitals our doctors are working hard and sacrifice a lot. Before any question to say than the government the president. And members of the cabinet. Quiet committed to their responsibilities their legal responsibilities and also we will never give a blind eye to any mistakes or any pete food and everyone has to do his job id like to tell you that you need to be assured that any one who died because of this will be declared so listen to us the figures from os the corona virus is there in so many parts of the world we can face this virus we need not to exaggerate because we need not to affect negatively our citizens and we need not to hit security this is more or less sponsibility the minutes of that has as pox a person in this regard and these information should be reflected through the Spokes Person of the ministry of health on a daily basis we have these tests and. We need to make sure that everyone is doing his job in his position in one of the cases we had. A trader who went to the emirates and then he went to china and this man who was the main reason to bring this virus into our country the government is working hard i need not to talk too much in this connection. So many come through as havent dealt with this virus problem in such transparent to say that we follow here in our country so many countries suffer from there is but in iran in our country we need to be professional we need to work hard with then transparency we need to work with it to continue. Brooch we need to declare the reality we need to be always within the transparency and thank you very much. I have a question. Regarding the chorus and govern rate where. You can say that the coronavirus is there is this true or not is hold our san. Onofre govern rate or not we need some information regarding home and ron has the minister of health discussed this matter i would like to tell you regarding the previous one the previous news regarding what has been mentioned on the poll today by the media 102 days ago. There were like 50 cases the news said there are more and more cases but the reality is if you love your country we need to be honest and if you have a piece of news you have to follow the spokesperson of the minister of valor and things that are not of shelly declared must not be dealt with if you know a piece of news i will tell you and if that death toll has reached more figures then with even one case are you will tell you and you will resign because we need to be honest we need to be transparent and those people trying to distort the situation regarding kind of sell in other regions i would like to say that. The we deal with the cases we deal with the symptoms and. We have all the abilities and all the capabilities to fight this virus and if we have sussed case that is suspected we will move it to a better place to be hospitalized in more than 10 govern rates we have the full capabilities to determine to the team and to treat and we will say everything in that clear way we for all all of the government rates we follow all the citizens and even before the world war one. We where i again is that decisions of closing the whole cities or closing the whole govern rates because this has a bad consequences a very you closed the city or a government raid what the citizens that are supposed to do we have the information we analyze the information and if we find at decision that is good we will apply that decision. We need not to exaggerate we need not someone to say that there corona virus is all over the place in our country you know we need not that we have to be up to the responsibility and we have to work closely with all agencies and we dont agree on closing a city or a governor rate. Most of the e. C. I have a question. Regarding. The Public Health in a country where. Some medical staff. And some medical personnel just resign or dont work properly have you talked to the media about this. Have you talked to the media about this. This is not true because it depends on even the uniform it depends on the dress of men than women inside hospital you can no do that and no one has resigned for example if. There is a case person that is hit by the virus then the medical staff should deal with this case in a certain way within a certain clothing or within a certain. Uniform on your. Leaders of just look this is the picture ok you have been listening to officials updating the situation that is happening with coronavirus that was irans Health Ministry spokesman iraj iraq she and Government Spokesperson updating the situation on corona of ari are doses of ours live listening in tehran as well so door so the the men were talking about and saying emphasizing the importance of transparency they keep the shoring the world that they will give the proper numbers but there still is a conflict between what the Health Ministry is saying and what an m. P. And combs is saying about the number of deaths right now from growing virus in iran so what do we know. While the Health Ministry has now confirmed the numbers that the local m. P. From home was saying that ministry has Just Announced that the death toll is up to 50 and the number of confirmed cases that they have in the country is up to 61 other Important Note to make at this point is that this presser has been very interesting because this is the 1st official a presser that we have had over the past few days since the news 1st broke last wednesday up the death of the 1st person in the country as a result of the virus the officials in this presser earlier happy the Government Spokesperson said their aim is to be as transparent as possible every day the Health Ministry spokesperson has been appearing on state t. V. On the phone giving daily briefings and death tolls and confirmed cases across the country but the important point right now is weve just been hearing from that m. P. From rome who has become very vocal he is saying that the 1st death occurred in the city of rome on february 13th and not as when the Health Ministry meet the announcement which was february 19th so there is a gap again that we see between when the death actually occurred and when the Health Officials in that country. Cited to make the news public this is something that is going to be very very important because president Hassan Rouhani has been under attack can consistently as a result of that ukrainian plane passenger plane that was shot down by mistake early january after the assassination of us and so the money those days that the reigning officials denied having anything to do with that passenger plane coming down killing under and 76. 00 people on board this is something that will be very very important in this case for iranians because they now are saying very different information is coming through from local officials and home and Health Ministry Ministry Officials and government officials but what we do know right now after this press conference is that they are attempting to control the spread of this disease they are urging the public not to panic they say that they have the facilities the gear to deal with this outbreak and they are urging people to just caution to be cautious and exercise the proper hygiene steps that theyve been telling them on state t. V. Theyve been showing people how to put on masks and to remind them to wash their hands consistently a number of Public Events have been canceled schools and universities across the country over 2 thirds of the cities have all been. Close so next week it will most likely be extended further at this point we also know that a number of International Airlines have canceled flights including Turkish Airlines qatar weve just heard that they will be quarantining people for 14 days upon entry into the country from iran these are all measures being taken by neighboring countries to try and limits the spread of this disease but we can confirm also where this originated the Health Ministry spokesperson said that they believe that the Iranian National who traveled to china via the u. A. E. Is the person who began who carried it back into the country and he has since passed away he was the 1st Iranian National to die. I inform last week when we heard that announcement so a lot of information coming out also interesting to note that the local m. P. From home is making certain claims that the Health Official and government officials have yet to respond to it and you make a valid point there dorsey that this is the time when the people really need to be able to trust their government and its coming at a time when they have been very skeptical of their leadership so far ok so thank you for trying to clarify some of those numbers for us its go to hong kong now or a jury in brown is joining us on what what is the latest these numbers to they seem to be kind of ticking up and trickling in from various places. Yes thats right while people are still dying from this virus in china people are still continuing to be infected from this virus but the number of people who are recovering is also very high about a 3rd of those who have been infected have made a full recovery more than 25000 so thats something positive to report from beijing in the last hour weve had official confirmation that the National Peoples congress the annual session of Chinas Parliament has been canceled because of the coronavirus this is the biggest political event of the year in china drawing more than 3000. 00 delegates from across the country but not just delegates theyre also stars than also journalists which takes the total at the m. P. C. To around about 8000. 00 generally because of that the government has decided its simply too risky to hold the event and therefore it has been cancelled now president xi jinping who we didnt see much of at the start of this virus has now become much more high profile hes been seen to be taking much more Decisive Action he appeared on state television on friday night sharing a meeting of the Politburo Standing Committee and stressing that this was a grave time for china but also stressing once more that china would contain this fire us but he also conceded and its worth dwelling on this that this was the biggest Public Health emergency that china has ever confronted since the founding of the peoples republic in 1949 now president xi jinping has said that we have to get the balance between containing this violence virus and also getting people back to work he is very mindful of the fact that the Economic Growth in china the engine of world growth is beginning to slow and one thing we should remember at the National Peoples congress that is when the premier outlines his growth targets for the year ahead now we know that the growth target is going to be much lower in 2020 but of course were now going to have to wait perhaps a bit longer to know what his forecasters forecast that is of course being complicated by this virus. Ok and adrian so again youve touched on this but if you can just put into perspective the significance of president xi jinping and knowledge ing that china hasnt necessarily done the best with this that is that is significant yeah i mean he used the word shortcomings he was the president of china i havent heard the president of china admit shortcomings in the government but he did that on friday night that is extremely rare and that just underscores i think just how serious the situation is now president xi jinping of course is a man under enormous pressure right now as i say his his desire is to get you know the economy moving again but i suspect that you know his economists and advisers have perhaps also been saying you know it may not be possible to do that right now because the virus is not totally under control although just across the border in Guangdong Province on monday the government there announced that it was lowering its emergency level from grade one to grade 2 significant because guandong is where chinas i. T. Sector is concentrated and of course that is an area of the country that really is a major driver of Economic Growth ok adrian brown with the latest there are men and hong kong the latest whats happening on the mainland as well so thank you very much alex go to ron mathis and who is in baghdad rob a moment ago dorsetshire bari gave us the latest from iran where there is a some confusion some conflict on the numbers of guard us about they are that they seem to be taking so obviously that means that the neighbors of iraq are very concerned about their border so what can you tell us whats happening in baghdad. Well thats exactly right richelle that i mean iraq and iran share a very long border in iraq has been very conscience about the last couple of days about putting lots of medical teams along the major crossing points along the border but the story this morning is actually on the southern border with kuwait because kuwait has asked iraq to close the south one Border Crossing its a land border between the 2 countries its not a significant Border Crossing in that much of the men the goods the big goods that would go into southern iraq would normally go into basra ports but nevertheless it does see a lot of traffic backwards and forwards mainly trucks carrying say food for example but also buses carrying people and kuwait announced this morning that it has 3 cases of the corona this strain of the coronavirus which have been reported this morning and in order to try to stop the virus from spreading into iraq across the Border Crossing it once the south one Border Crossing closed and this does come at a time when iraq is already as i say been putting into place some sort of preventative measures its already put a ban on known iraqis flying from iran but also its beginning to widen those restrictions as well certainly iraqis who are returning from iran and other nationalities are being screened as they arrive at baghdads airport and also john fairport were aware of but we went to visit a quarantine hospital here in baghdad a couple of days ago and that was where a number of people who had traveled to china and had returned to iraq were quadrantid and assessed for several days and then were declared to be free of any symptoms and have been allowed to go back to their homes but will continue to be checked but as i mentioned before. Has also been putting into place these quarantine zones along its main crossing points up its shared border with iran that they hope will be effective but there is a problem the border between. Iraq and iran is very porous in places towards the north its very mountainous and towards the south there are marshy areas as well those are very difficult to patrol at the best of times and quite often they can be used as smuggling routes and people do pass between the 2 countries and are not officially registered so the medics here in iraq so far are not trick or reporting any of fishel cases of the strain of the coronavirus in iraq but theyre just having to sit and wait and hope that the procedures they put into place will hold that the defenses will be Strong Enough but they are waiting to see plan and if the 1st case of coronavirus is going to appear in iraq ok rob rob that map to stand there with the latest and baghdad rob thank you still ahead on aljazeera. People and malaysia the Prime Minister much of mohamed and his allies resigned from a Coalition Government also. A Haitian Police exchanged gunfire with soldiers during a protest in the capital. How the big showers around indonesia have been drifting slowly north as more of a sort of way see now in something born here than in java but we wouldnt rule that out completely in the forecast is a slow drift the rather more showing up on the east side of the philippines but for the time being certain thailand isnt looking particularly wet nor indeed is peninsula malaysia sumatra though still it is the next few days this is seasonal weather theres nothing extraordinary in this occasionally you get flash floods in java of course to the case in point. Most of borneo. Finally this circulation of cloud has been named as a cycling which means it briefly reached the right requirements in the windies made landfall my and it produced an awful lot of rain in the next 2 or 3 days there has been flooding further east in queens and certainly southern queens and the forecast its further north somewhere around time 0 the cloud cover elsewhere suggest not very big showers in New South Wales over the science of that but running up now is rather cold breeze across towns mainly or in victoria with rain likely here this circulation if it carries on we caught extraordinary amounts of rain in this dry part of australia with us in the forecast perth is still enjoying warms 35 degrees and in this part or west australia which is rather short of rain its going to rain again. 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This is al jazeera and these are the top stories right now iran says 12 people have now died from growing a virus and factions are spreading across the middle east the rain in afghanistan and now confirmed their 1st cases in kuwait has reported 3 meanwhile in italy a 4th person has died from the virus chinas postponing its annual gathering of parliament for the 1st time in decades as the struggles to contain the growing a Virus Outbreak communist Party Leaders including president xi jinping reset to attend the annual National Peoples congress in march to rubberstamp government business a new day has not been set the outbreak has infected nearly 80000 people globally. Malaysias Prime Minister Manouchehr Mohammad has offered his resignation to the king and his Political Party has quit the Coalition Government decision to shock relation comes amid plans by marcher supporters to team up with opposition parties to walk the transition of power to his name successor Anwar Ibrahim lets go live to Florence Louie in kuala lumpur for us what else have we learned since this news broke. Well mahathir in a state role is the same as when the Prime Ministers office confirming that mahathir had indeed tended allows letter of resignation to the king well there was no reason given for the resignation but weve since heard in the last couple of minutes the finance minister coming out and saying that mahathir attended his resignation because he did not want. You to not want the party to have to work with im not now im you know is the party that was in power in malaysia for decades it had ruled malaysia since the country gained independence from british in 1957 and it was only ousted in the last general election in 2018 its leader was its former leader was a former Prime Minister of this country not your brother whos been accused or whos been charged and is on trial for corruption hes been accused of stealing billions of dollars from a state Investment Fund now were not sure whether the king has accepted the Resignation Letter from my heart that muhammad but many constitutional experts say the king because his role is largely ceremonial he has no choice but to accept the red

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