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Results in irans parliamentary elections but turnouts the lowest in the islamic republics history. Chinas president has admitted to shortcomings and how the country has responded to corona virus china is the epicenter of the deadly outbreak and 3 other countries have now imposed tougher strict sense to contain the spread south koreas president has empowered his government to take what he calls im president of powerful measures a 166 death threat there has been confirmed in there are 602 and faction cases and china president she says the battles at a crucial state with millions forced to stay at home and factories closed he admits the economy and society will take a relatively big hit sunday marks a month since chinas epicenter was but under heavy lockdown in iran almost half of the schools are closed at least 8 people have died with 43 infected turkey pakistan and afghanistan are closing border crossings with the ron as a precaution joining a rock and in italy 50000 people or under quarantine in the north more than 130. 00 have been infected to have died after football matches have been called off and the final days of the venice carnival have been cancelled. Begins our coverage from south korea. The worst affected areas in southeast korea the city of daegu and neighboring chango county remain at a virtual standstill to mask clusters of infections account for the majority of cases reported so far one of them at this hospital quickly spread infecting more than 100 patients and staff wards are being prepared to treat the increase of new coronavirus patients raising the alert to the highest level came at an emergency meeting chaired by president moon j. N. This weekend the number of new cases has risen alarmingly by the hundreds and he stressed that the next few days will be critical in stemming the outbreak. The situation has become completely different since the outbreak of mess and fiction extra resources will be directed into trying to stop the spread of the corona virus the urged everyone to avoid massive events well you know you want to do we have vividly witnessed how dangerous it is to have a mass meeting in an enclosed indoor place in terms of the spread of contagious disease everyone to restrain themselves from group of interactivity is not on the indoor places but also outdoor places. Sunday across south korea Church Leaders were asked not to hold services yeah. Its sad that we cant hold a Church Service but we are following government policy and we dont want any further spread of the disease in the affected areas most people have heeded warnings to stay indoors as they wait to see if the emergency measures work the south korean government is hoping its latest measures will help limit the clusters of infection to this part of the country knowing the price of failure could mean the kind of travel restrictions imposed on china with the damage that would cause to its economy rob mcbride aljazeera chando county south korea. And south korea has lodged a complaint with israel after a plane load of South Koreans was refused entry 12 israeli passengers were allowed to get off the korean air flight when it arrived in tel aviv but 130 other passengers were turned back israel is now banning south korean and japanese visitors the move follows the discovery of krona virus among a group of south korean tourists who visited israel last week and japan has confirmed a 3rd death of a passenger from that cruise ship that was quarantined for 2 weeks earlier the Health Minister apologized after another passenger tested positive for corona virus after she was allowed to go home 23. 00 passengers were eventually allowed to disembark without being tested for the virus about 80 percent of the 770. 00 infection cases in japan were on that ship as you said earlier restrictions are in place across iran because a virus lets go live now to dorset bari in tehran to say they have an idea of where this started whats being done to try to contain it. Well the president has done ronny has held an emergency session of the Supreme National Security Council which is the site a to grant to all kinds of powers to the Health Ministry to for them to be able to do what they need to do to contain the spread of this virus now what we have heard so far is that all the schools and universities in about 2 thirds across the country have been shut down until next week people have been urged not to visit the holy site which is in the home rather sorry it which is about 120 kilometers from the capital tehran and its home to just over a 1000000 people the Health Ministry has also said that people need to exercise vigilance when they are outside in areas of large groups of people we have also heard from the Foreign Ministry spokesperson who has canceled his Weekly Briefing on monday as well as the Government Spokesperson also we understand according to the university that dormitories that housed over 2000 University Students are being evacuated the theaters and cinemas across the country have also been shut down until next week we also just heard that turkey has decided to close its land crossings with iran they have 3 crossings in the western part of iran following suit what the Iraqi Government decided to do on saturday by cross by closing their land borders as well it seems that there is an effort to try and contain the movement of iranian travelers as well abroad this is the time when many iranians will be traveling close to the rainy new year which is less than a month away in terms of domestically the capital here tehran the Health Ministry has said that the pharmacies are not allowed to sell any more masks or protective gear the government has is going to be handing those out for free of charge to residents in various public stations at metro stations and buses there is an effort by the Health Ministry to also contain the fear that this is causing among ordinary or. Many people would have been out and about and that is still continuing but they are being asked to be cautious sanitize their hands to wear protective masks whenever theyre outside in public spaces ok or satori with a wrap up there from tehran thank you northern italy 50000 people have been told to stay home because of the virus has more on that life think you dont youre in northern italy is now happening behind closed doors the towns mayor has told the 15000 residents to stay at home to prevent the spread of the coronavirus rosica valley is one of the few people venturing out she owns a pharmacy and the mayor has told her to keep it open to. Manny were all afraid but were crossing our fingers o. B. O. Rate if someone doesnt feel well they should react early because people can be cured if they come to hospital in a desperate situation its much more difficult to cure them. 2 people have died of corona virus in northern italy and with dozens infected its europes was hit country as many experts are saying we will probably see many more cases of infection over the next days as people now are more afraid of the virus and will likely ask more for a check by medical stuff whereas up to 2 or 3 days ago the virus was perceived as something very far from italy Prime Minister does that picante has announced a ban on people entering or leaving zones designated coronavirus hotspots but hes ruled out suspending the European Union shang an agreement and says the Free Movement of people and goods across italys buddhas will continue to be able to be stalked. At the moment there are absolutely no conditions for an initiative of this kind not to mention the devastating impact it would have on our economy and paradoxically i want to reverse the question why would we want to make italy an outcast there are no conditions for it to come to this nor do we want to do it. Could only a is one of a dozen towns in northern italy thats in lockdown italian say theyre frightened and have no idea when life will return to normal Victoria Gate and be aljazeera. At least 9 people have died in turkey dan province and a magnitude 5. 00 earthquake a chick eastern turkey and work western iran several people are believed to be trapped under the rubble has more details from tehran southern turkey. These sessions rescue operation is still underway because were talking about the hes area on the old the border with iran district villages and this is where the authorities are trying to establish the number of buildings that would affect the possibility of people being trapped under the rubble the governor of bonn said a while ago that there are no reasons to be wary of them about people trapped under the rubble because most of the best years have been managed have managed to go to those areas this explains why they are now talking about the number of 9 People Killed 37 injured 9 of them in Critical Condition and turkey and iran are some of the most seismically active countries because of the 2 fault lines and you say one of those despise the other is well you get a quakes last month for example in 2 other provinces in the same area. Who were struck by a 6. 8 earthquake 41 people were killed and about a 1500 people were injured in 2011 the same area that was hit today so an earthquake that killed more than 500 people and the authorities are saying that they are doing their best to try to get to all those who were affected through that area on the border with iran one person as then killed and 4 others injured in gaza after the israeli army opened fire on a group of palestinians Israeli Army Says the man was trying to plan an explosive near the gaza israel fence in an area used by palestinian wheat farmers the others were shot at when they tried to recover the body which was later taken away by an israeli bulldozer. Bernie sanders has visitors front runner position in the democratic race to choose a contender against donald trump but the decisive win in the nevada caucuses was the 1st contest with a racially diverse electorate his rivals are now looking to the South Carolina primary to keep their chances alive robin also ports in las vegas we have now won the battle caucus a resounding victory for Bernie Sanders as he sealed his position as front runner and moved a step closer to winning the democratic nomination we have just put to go. A multi generational multi ridge Racial Coalition which is going up not only win in nevada its going to sweep this country. The vermont senator set up a strong and Sophisticated Organization in nevada winning strong support from white and latino voters with his calls for universal Health Care Student Debt Forgiveness and a Green New Deal to defeat Global Warming the victory came through the efforts of a small army of enthusiastic mostly young volunteers. Many of them gathered in downtown las vegas to celebrate as the results came in by sanders was so confident of victory here in nevada that he skipped this r. T. And spent the day instead holding rallies in texas now thats one of the big delegate rich state that holds its primary on super tuesday march 3rd sanders now as a boost of momentum going into super tuesday joe biden came in 2nd in nevada and is hoping to do better in South Carolina next week losing centrist candidates like pete would a judge warned sanders is too left wings to defeat President Donald Trump in november senator sanders believes in an inflexible ideological revolution that leaves out most democrats not to mention most americans earlier Nevada Democratic voters gathered in schools libraries and casinos to stand for their candidates at 0 Vista High School outside las vegas caucus goers argue sometimes passionately to win over other voters. But in the end the night and nevada belonged to Bernie Sanders robert oulds al jazeera las vegas. Still had on aljazeera poisoned by pollution how the main water. Capital has become a toxic strain. And how the 13 year blockade of gaza is forcing people to come up with innovative ways to beat the siege. Hello once again the start of forecast by looking at weather conditions across northeastern parts of asia look at the forecast through monday things looking generally fairly quiet dry across much of japan but you know this area of rain developing across the yellow sea and its going to move into the Korean Peninsula sydney for south korea on choose day is going to be very wet indeed some torrential rain further north as could be some snow over Northern Edge of this weather system i think for we could see temperatures about 3 or 4 degrees but no great problems there but this is system moves into japan is going to produce some very heavy rain and further north adventure the some snow moving south of us with the threat of a few showers for taiwan hong kong though should be dry with highs of 23. 00 into southeastern parts of asia plenty of showers affecting indonesia but weather conditions with a bit quieter than they have been in recent days conditions across much of the philippines obviously winds coming in from the east so eastern side more like to see some heavy showers developing on a similar pictures ahead on through to choose day were looking at some sunshine there in kuala lumpur much they should be dry and bright with highs of 34. 00 degrees into south asia across more eastern areas weve got some heavy showers far inland as maharashtra night cocoa see some rain but dry dont torture 34 the high in colombo. Joining the listening paste as we turn the cameras on the media india has more than 424 Hour Television news channels. And focus on how they report on the stories that matter to the states misleads the public the c. B. D. Reflects the. Climate change there it on your show is a dark believe they have anything to apologize for listening post on aljazeera. Right you know to 0 these are the top stories right now south koreas president has raised his countrys alert level to the highest after another spike of grown a virus cases and is urging municipal governments to help contain the outbreak 602 people are infected and 6. President xi jinping has called a coronavirus outbreak the biggest Public Health emergency in the 70 year long history of communist china she went on to say china should learn from its shortcomings in its response to the outbreak at least 9 people have died in turkeys van province in a magnitude 5. 00 earthquake that shook the easter turkey edward west of the iran several people were believed to be trapped under the pole. Or on its announced its lowest voter turnout since the 1970 line Islamic Revolution with only 43 percent of the people voting in fridays parliamentary elections are lying conservatives are set to dominate they want all of tehrans 30 seats final results are still coming in elsewhere have limited options with thousands of moderate and reformist candidates disqualified from running by live now to us today in tehran so also there was this push for the later search or try to get a turned out it didnt work what does this say about how low the turnout was. Well this is very embarrassing for the establishment have voter turnout is around 42 percent in the last elections it was 61 percent hare in iran where i have its 25 percent in the last elections it was around 50 percent now this is one of the most conservative politicians this country has ever seen but it takes place when the turnout is the lowest since establishment of. The Islamic Revolution now we need just to give you an idea of how low the turnout was in the last elections there were 30 seats up for grabs all of them were won by reformist moderates candidates every single one got over 1000000. 00 votes this time around all 30 seats were taken by conservatives and only one of them the former mayor got over 1000000. 00 votes now we knew this election would be controversial because the Guardian Council the body that vets candidates disqualified over 5000. 00 candidates including 81. 00 current sitting m. P. s but despite the Supreme Leader coming out and president Hassan Rouhani coming back to encourage people to vote they just didnt come out and vote and its a very very low turnout its very embarrassing the Supreme Leader spoke this morning and hes blamed western propaganda that try to deter people from voting but this also puts president Hassan Rouhani in a very difficult position he presides now over a conservative parliament politically opposed to him that had been politically critical of him and the 2015 nuclear deal and many people see him as a sitting duck president because a president ial elections are next year and he just doesnt have a majority out of the 293. 00 its around over 200. 00 a one by conservatives and hes reformist moderate allies only have around 20 seats now lets not forget the position of the economy here inflation has been very high unemployment is high and also the economy is suffering under sanctions so it does put him in a very difficult position and also theres a lack of trust and confidence in the government and the political establishment because of the low voter turnout so despite the sea of support that we saw after the sustentation of general chaos and so the minute the hundreds of thousands of people that came out into the streets that just didnt transfer into people coming out and taking to the polls ok i said back with the wrap up there from tehran on the elections thank you. Well people have been voting in a german city state election thats seen as a major test for mainstream parties homburg has been a stronghold for the social democrats for 10 years or now they are under threat from Coalition Partners that the greens germanys largest port is vulnerable to rising sea levels and Climate Change is important for many voters a Memorial Service has been held a New South Wales and australia for 25 People Killed by the bush fires their tributes are also paid to 3 americans who died when their firefighting plane crashed thousands of homes were destroyed along with 100000 square kilometers of land as some fires burned out of control for months it is a great land a great land beset with right tragedy recently devastation that can be so you know across the landscape and on the faces of people who live work and holiday in this land across. The bushfire season of 1920 will be remembered as one of the most challenging in our history bangladesh has capital has some of the worst our policy in the world and there are Serious Health risks for those living there but as Bernard Smith reports its citizens arent just breathing in pollution they are drinking it as well. Thats taking a bath in a poisonous soup of decades of untreated waste water from tanneries battery and pharmaceutical factories and other industries all much bangladeshis economy relies on. Were fully aware of how polluted it is but were both men and when were around here this is where we have to wash now the government is finally making some progress against the worst polluters with the High Court Order forcing the closure of 231. 00 illegal tanneries but the pollution continues licensed tanneries as opposed to pump that waste to this new Treatment Plant but its not yet fully equipped to operate at capacity. So every day thousands of liters go straight into the river. Because the court has ordered us to make sure that a fluid Treatment Plant is performing up to mid level so were going to take over operations from the chinese who are running it not in the government shares the same attitude and mindset to tackle the pollution problems 64. 00 freshwater fish species in bangladesh are under threat because of pollution 9 a critically endangered according to government figures. Used to provide Drinking Water now its toxic and black and cracking down on polluting industries is part of the governments ambitious plan to clean up the rivers. Here a market built on illegally reclaimed land is being ripped down all this area up to the road will be dug out again and the river returned to its original with. The money. There are a lot of influential people involved in land grabbing even members of parliament and big industrialists who own many of these industries are polluters but at the same time Public Awareness is growing in regard to the environment and pollution and a strong desire to save these rivers. For years the government has turned a blind eye to the garment related industries which contribute 20 percent of the countrys g. D. P. Activists hope this court ruling will set a precedent for other rivers 38 of which they say a dying due to bridle pollution and land grabbing Bernard Smith aljazeera dhaka. Place in congress taught how to arrest a dozens of opposition supporters in the latest crackdown on antigovernment demonstrations. Protesters rallied on saturday in the capital of a sultan and the largest city almahdi all in similar protest on friday which led to the postponement of the launch of the new authorization party anger at the authoritarian leadership corruption arbitrary detentions at restrictions on government critics has intensified. People in gaza have been living under a blockade for 13 years more than 50 percent of people are unemployed and that number is even higher among young graduates their new program is trying to change that from within a step or reports. The cold wet weather is the perfect stage for yasuda mohammeds project all of residue discarded in the process of making all of oil is being turned into something useful will love. The idea of daughter because of the continuous electricity an Energy Crisis here in gaza is spatially when it comes to homes and chicken farms this motivated us. This project is part of 31 innovative ideas funded by the International Committee of the red cross and red crescent these blocks burn easily and are now being used to heat chicken farms here in the gaza strip so it did for me in the gloom to. Feel. This saves the farm a 60 percent on heating costs to keep the chickens warm its also secure as he doesnt have to fish shortages of electricity which is controlled by israel a lot of farms lost due to the power cuts in the winter now this is the final product its basically compressed all of pumice and they dont and anything else to it now is highly flammable and its a simple idea but one that provides a much needed source of alternative energy here and of course a boost to the income of the producers. They tell us they now make around 14. 00 each a day setting to the private sector and they have plans to expand their business there are similar ambitions here at sad. House shes a biologist and is making stevia a sweetener derived from plants native to south america its an idea she started looking into a few years ago as her family has a history of diabetes and she wanted to help and that i have to father the difficult. As it the 4th cause of. Diabetes around 60000. 00 people are diabetic also around 78 percent suffer from obesity so the idea is to create a safe alternative fishing to and other industrial sweetness. She says this greenhouse is just the beginning and wants to come up with more nature based solutions. To humanitarian affairs they just need. People. Need from from there from that environment and this account of a humanitarian action that can be seen and areas like the places where conflict impacting the lives of people over hope of gazas population is unemployed and when it comes to university educated adults the jobless rate is over 70 percent israel and egypts blockade of gaza isnt just physical it has an enormous impact on Mental Health too this project highlights just a few of gazas Innovative Minds there are so many others here in simple need of an opportunity to show what theyre capable of Stephanie Decker aljazeera in the Southern Gaza strip. British heavyweight tyson fury has bounced back from addiction a Mental Health problems to claim the title against american fighter a wilder aris reports. Tyson fury the selfstyled gypsy caring showed he knew how to make an entrance in las vegas. Unlike his 1st fight with. This time the brit would be out to prove he could finish things as well against a man who had never been beaten under 41 of his 43 fights by knockout while his one blemish on his record was drawn with fury but this would prove worse. Was the. American feeling canvas on his back for the 1st time in a decade of fights and it didnt get better for the man renowned as the hardest puncher in the game she still was while the bleeding from the air and sluggish unable to unleash his deadly right as fury floored him again in the 5th. Day the american looked a shadow of the man who has helped put genuine excitement back into the heavyweight division. His call that throwing in the towel in the 7th to make the gypsy king boxings rule was while the unhappy but gracious saying he wanted to be knocked out not to hold out days like this happened on the bet me a war that was one moment much more cold. To the child you know already going to want to be really good show heart of a champion behave without clean right time dropped him when he got back up above the mean time suffered he is a warrior he will be back he will be a champion again so i was i fury was on song in the ring and afterwards he claimed while his w. B. C. Belt i the divisions 3 of the titles are now in his sights as well but maybe not before he makes wild again. I thank you thank god will race aljazeera. Richelle carey lets take a look at the headlines right now on aljazeera south koreas president has raised his countrys alert level to the highest after another spike and coronavirus cases and is urging municipal governments to help contain this outbreak 600 people are infected and 6 have died and president xi jinping has called a crime to biarritz outbreak the biggest Public Health emergency and the. 70 year long history of communist china she went on to say that china should learn from its shortcomings and its response to the outbreak and iran is schools and Cultural Centers have been shut as the number of cases there grows at least 8 people have died and 43 are infected has more from tehran. The break rejuvenated in the holy city of on which is about 120 kilometers south of the capital tehran now what caused this concern was that there was a number of cases reported in that city and there is a lot of travel back and forth between the whole the city of rome from various other parts of the country has one of the holiest shrines in iran and its home to about a 1000000 about a 1000000 people but theres a lot of other visitors that pass through that city because of the holy site that it holds broad has announced its lowest voter turnout since the 1979 Islamic Revolution with only 43 percent of people voting in fridays parliamentary elections are aligned conservatives are set to dominate they won all of the 30 seats in tehran final results are still coming in from elsewhere voters had limited options with thousands of moderates and reformists disqualified from running at least 9 people have died in turkeys van province in a magnitude 5. 00 earthquake that shook eastern turkey and northwestern iran several people are believed to be trapped under the rubble. One person has been killed and 4 others injured in gaza after the israeli army opened fire on a group of palestinians Israeli Army Says the man was trying to plan an explosive near the gaza israel fence in an area used by palestinian wheat farmers the others were shot at and they try to recover the body yes senator Bernie Sanders has claimed a decisive victory in the devout of caucuses is more than doubled his lead in early counting this thing is places the front runner for the democratic president ial nomination. So the headlines keep it here on aljazeera more news to the listening post is next. The race for the white house has become this month to see 4 states have their say on who they want to please dont try. To lose to the continuing coverage of the state to the 2020 us interaction. Only just. Like. The campaign. First 30300 spring Street Stores all right. All right. Hello im Richard Burton youre at the listening post among the stories were covering this week its an Election Year in america and the battle for the democratic nomination has Bernie Sanders and the Corporate News media. Freedom of speech has returned to angola and the satirists have the knives out for the political establishment a tit for tat diplomatic spat between beijing and washington has american and chinese news outlets caught in the middle australia the wildfires the climate crisis

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