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A move towards reconciliation in south sudan as why the leaders form a unity government in an effort to end years of civil war. Hello the u. S. Senator Bernie Sanders is claiming victory in the caucuses the latest stage in the race for the democratic president ial nomination so only a fraction of voting stations have reported results but theyre giving sanders a clear lead over his rivals if confirmed it would cement his status as the front runner to take on President Donald Trump in november. Delighted to bring you pretty good. And that the popular vote in iowa it was we won the New Hampshire primary it was and according to all 3 networks and the a. P. We have the one that at that a caucus way with our shots haasan is a Democratic Political strategist he explains why never as an important indicator of support from minority voters people may have heard about the 1st 2 contests New Hampshire and iowa they make big news because they make big news the importance of the nevada caucus though is that this is a caucus in a population that far more resembles the democratic electorate nevada is a diverse state with latino voters Asian American voters africanamerican voters this is a demographic that New Hampshire and iowa really lacks so this gives us an idea of how the electorate in general are more representative idea of the electorate in general and at least in terms of the democrats themselves South Carolina will be similar theres a large africanamerican population for our National Viewers if it isnt clear racial that the way that candidates interact the different demographic groups and different racial issues is enormously important in our politics particularly in Democratic Politics so this is that 1st contest that really factors that in. The spread of the coronavirus is growing outside of china with italy seeing the worst outbreak in europe its reported at least 79. 00 cases and 2 deaths most of them in the long bartie and then thats a regions the government says it will forcibly lock down affected areas hit the. Zones considered hotspots the entry exit will be authorized without special permission. So iran as 6 deaths from corona virus was reported on saturday with 28 infections infected travelers from the country have been diagnosed in canada lebanon and the United Arab Emirates and china has reported an increase in new infections at the epicenter of the outbreak thats a province they found 630 cases on saturday thats up from 366 the previous day lets bring in rob mcbride who is in chengdu county that is over in south korea robin that is where infections have been traced back to a hospital what can you tell us about that and the latest numbers that youre hearing. Thats right the latest increase thats been released in the past couple of hours or so shows there are another 123 cases it brings the total number of cases there in south korea recorded here to 556 its a similar kind of increase to the same time yesterday saturday so it is still this steady growth weve also had confirmation of 2 more other deaths over that brings to 4 the total number of people who have died as a result of the corona virus now 3 of them were linked to this hospital in county thats where we are 3 of them former patients here we have 2 major clusters in this part of southeast south korea in daegu city nearby and then here in chengdu county they had an outbreak a very serious outbreak of the corona virus its spread through the hospital made more than 100 staff and patients sick tragically a lot of the patients were in a psychiatric ward up here on the 5th floor of this hospital it was a place of confinement it spread very quickly before the hospital realized what they were dealing with when they realized how serious it was they locked down this facility they moved out many of the sicker patients some of the less sick patients were kept in here along with all of the stuff they were basically sealed in basically told to stay on site and this hospital is now being dedicated to being part of the effort to fight this coronavirus extra stuff is being sent here and they are treating patients with the corona virus at this facility and sink a south korea has the largest number of confirmed infections outside of china rob what extra measures are being put in place in the country. They are still looking at basically trying to contain these clusters to this part of the southeast corner of the country and so far they have managed to do that what they obviously theyre concerned about is having other collapsed as a crop up in other parts of the country but all of the cases they are seeing and they are seeing cases throughout south korea now they are still linked back to individuals who are linked back to this area so they do seem to have managed that and they are putting in place the measures that they have been advocating for several days now avoiding large gatherings large crowds what were seeing here are being a sunday is the government is urging that Church Congregations dont hold services across south korea and as weve been driving around here weve been seeing that basically all of the churches in this area at least are closed and of course one half of all of the cases of the coronavirus were in the neighboring city of daegu from one particular congregation of a particular church there in the efforts are still ongoing to trace all of the members of that church to screen them to check that no more people are infected those who are suspected of being infected are told to self quarantine all right robin wright thank you for that update now in hands in hong kong and hes got more on the latest figures from china. The numbers do tend to be trending downward slightly recently despite those latest figures being released on sunday morning from the Health Commission in beijing showing an increase compared with the previous day in the number of new infections in a province so there are some encouraging signs generally but certainly no reason to celebrate yet from the Chinese Governments point of view or the point of view of the World Health Organization they are certainly sounding plenty of notes of caution one encouraging statistic though is the number of ongoing cases in who bay province is declining so these are people who have symptoms of corona virus and are going through a testing procedure or confirmed infections who are being treated so that number is trending downward so again that is encouraging we may get some more clarity on the situation in. In the next day or so there is a team of World Health Organization experts on the ground in the city the now the looking at things like transmit transmissions within hospitals as well so people who were in hospital who had no corona virus infection maybe medical stuff as well who have now contracted the virus we know back in 20022003 during the sars outbreak that that was a big problem in china so things like that that the w. H. O. Expert team will be looking at will no doubt be of great interest not just to the Chinese Government but also governments in other countries who are just beginning to deal with their own outbreaks. Let us speak to pauline lucias the managing director of asia analytical which delivers alternative research on chinas political economy shes joining us from hong kong as well via skype thanks very much for speaking to us on aljazeera if we look at the impact this coronavirus is having on the chinese economy how would you assess it because we heard just earlier today that the i. M. F. Is warning of a downturn in growth and has particularly focused on the chinese economies downturn the impact on china its not just the immediate slowdown. Because she can bounce back from that when the virus is contained the longer term effects on the chinese economy. In high businesses are going to look at china they are saying that if they can go from. No problem no human to human transmission. Transmissions. Right down to virtual lockdown at the end of the month people are going to say well im with you safe in having a supply chain focused on only one country now at this is simply talking about diversification since forever but in good times its too hard shortage new new suppliers its all who are now going to be great to see not to put all of your suppliers apes as it were in one basket right and one is large as this had on the supply chain if you just drill down a little deeper on that particular point because wool han is really a big Manufacturing Center and it has really been impacted by the coronavirus. Thats right south korean come and you fracture couldnt date has essentially stopped production because some crucial parts that they sourced from china had not been available and that was just a couple of weeks into the lockdown so because this is such a globalized world such a connected world that if youre missing. One parts from your production chain it could essentially hold the antia say so this supply chain effect is good to be very important but is still just to the International Level even if its 8 domestic business and you are selling to the domestic markets but if you are some sourcing your supply from why youre really stuck so good to see just after this should i 1st supply the us something i want dont want some in shandong and not put on my action one basket so does still mean to be a big reshuffle in sync even after this virus is all over what about Peoples Trust in the information thats been provided by the Chinese Government i mean is there a sort of a long Lasting Impact here. Citizens confidence in their own government because as you recall the 1st few days of the coronavirus the Chinese Government was accused of mishandling the information that they were putting out so is the credibility of the government on the line here a long term. Problem is that very often. Aging to china there is a lot of local Decision Making so even when on the National Level there are certain broad policies its up to the prudential the city the village to decide how things are implemented and how the local officials will disseminate information what is detrimental to business to the economy is the fact that there has been no adult alert gurgling from test no problem one week and then to insulate to its a long down there is no way for a business to be able to make a turnaround in its policy said that strategy in dealing with something so great usually there is some sort of an alert in china because of the frontier ition the various sides of the country local levels you never know whats going to happen even in some belief just people are being told one person from every household are allowed to leave the house once every 2 days to get basic groceries i mean this is the sort of thing that means that the workers cant get to work even if the lockdown results are so this is going to be a very long term impact ok our polling long we thank you very much for speaking to us from hong kong. Still ahead on aljazeera. Forced to keep hospital locations the secrets we meet the doctors in syria who fear being targeted by airstrikes. Boys and by pollution in bangladesh how doctors main source of Drinking Water became a toxic stream details coming up. Hello again welcome back to International Weather forecast for this hour want to start here across the eastern part of the mediterranean we do have one storm system that is pulling out but still would be seeing some snow in turkey were going to be seeing some rain across parts of syria as well as into lebanon by the time we get to sunday also some rain here across the northern part of egypt some of that rain will push inland as well so for cairo you could be seeing a rain shower too as we go towards sunday night now that system starts to weaken we still have some clouds left over across much of the levant pushing into saudi arabia as well over here towards iran youll start to see some rain over the next few days particularly on monday baghdad though youll be right in between the rain seeing some sun with a temperature of about 27 degrees doha though a nice day for us on monday with a temperature of 27 as well well here across the southern part of africa very heavy rain is expected as we go into the southern portion area of mozambique some of those showers could be quite heavy and could lead to some localized flooding as well johannesburg it is going to be a rainy day here on sunday with the temps of 23 we are going to be seeing some much Better Weather that front makes its way a little bit more towards the north drier across south Africa Cape Town it is going to be a sunny day for you at about 28. 00 degrees in johannesburg a little bit cooler at 23 degrees for you. Gives you a deal dead and did you get the peace prize too soon. Is this going to hurt or help Donald Trumps reelection chances and in theory for one thing you could shoot somebody on 5th avenue and not have any consequence this is not a muslim issue this is a human colony issue join me mary huff and as i put up from questions to my special guests and challenge them to some straight talking political debate here on aljazeera. Hello again the top stories on aljazeera u. S. Senator Bernie Sanders is claiming victory in the vada caucuses the latest stage in the race for the democratic president ial nomination if confirmed it would cement his status as the front runner to take on President Donald Trump in november. Italy has seen a surge in coronavirus cases in the north 79. 00 people are confirmed to be infected and 2 people have died the government says it will forcibly lockdown affected areas. Meanwhile china has reported an increase in new infections of the epicenter of the outbreak and. 630 more cases were confirmed on saturday from almost 370 the previous day 96 more deaths were also reported. To get more in one of our top stories the nevada caucuses in the United States and tonights victory there by senator Bernie Sanders lets bring in reynolds with Bernie Sanders supporters and. So what have his supporters been telling you whats the reaction there rob. Well as you can probably hear and see very the supporters and volunteers for senator Bernie Sanders are partying here in the streets of las vegas they are very enthusiastic celebrating what was indeed a very formidable victory by sanders who racked up twice as many votes as the d second place finisher joe biden he did so by welding together a coalition of young people let tinos and liberals who responded to his platform of universal Health Care Immigration reform and forgiveness of all student debts now the army of sanders volunteers many of whom you see enjoying the night behind be knocked on doors thousands of them spent weeks or months working on the campaign pounding the pavement and now they are enjoying the fruits of their victory the attention will now shift to the South Carolina primary which they place one month from now what excuse me South Carolina primary which takes place in a week and but more importantly to the super tuesday on march the 3rd thats when big diverse delegate rich states like texas california thats a choose its a virginia all vote on the same day and there is no question but that ads of this moment Bernie Sanders has the momentum moving into super d tuesday now centrist opponents of sanders like people who judge argue that the senator is true left we and his ideology would not appeal to a not for americans to be able to defeat President Donald Trump if he were to be the democratic nominee in november and that debate is going to go on but tonight the streets of las vegas belong to the bernie supporters and the vadra belongs to Bernie Sanders all right thank you for that update from las vegas. South sudans rival leaders have formed a unity government declaring an end to a civil war thats killed more than 400000 people the former rebel leader react my char has been sworn in as president salva kiir is deputy its the 3rd time theyre trying to form a coalition have a morgan reports from juba. In a scene similar to that witnessed in april 26th after a peace deal signed a year earlier Opposition Leader rick machar is once again sworn in as the countrys 1st Vice President. And so began a new transition period for south sudan after more than 5 years of war 1st say well to take this opportunity to congo to lead the people of the republic of south sudan for a turning peace. I went to a sure you we will work collectively to your long suffering. 3 other Vice President s were also sworn in a 5th is yet to be appointed it comes as part of a revitalized version of a 2015 peace deal ended ending the war which started in 2015 the deal brings together several opposition groups besides the main opposition led by the now 1st Vice President rick machar it also gives all sides shares in the government cabinet and the Legislative Assembly such it is swearing comes after several delays to the formation of the Transitional Government from may to november 2019 and then another 100. 00 days its also seen several opposition and government figures being sanctioned with every delay for those of you who have followed this process weve got to this day because we heard from a painful decisions and compromise we made. Compromises for the sake of our people. And for peace. And stability in the country the your neato word. May have been long. And difficult but we are finally here i want to i assure you that the peace we have signed. Finally here but swearing in Vice President s is only the beginning the new government has many challenges ahead before elections are due to be held in 3 years time as part of the deal to end the war south sudanese are suffering from high inflation as a result of the years of conflict with hundreds of thousands unable to afford basic goods corruption is also a concern and with the humanitarian effect of the conflict many are hoping for improvement during the transitional period. A quarter of the countrys 12000000 people have been displaced as a result of fighting and more than have rely on food aid with 1200000 of them being children some analysts see the work ahead should also focus on the relation between the now power sharing partners we can respect complete trust different parties but thats why there is the frameworks made within the Peace Agreement on what to do what and how and when. Who to do it but there is an element of a basic trust. Each of the you know. Representatives in the government needs to have like i can have a basic trust that we can deliver on a task we dont need to like each other but we have a task together after a lot of hope is spent on the new government after years of conflict some hoping that there is enough peace for them to finally return home others hoping the leaders to focus on the countrys interest and put an end to the damages done by the war people morgan al jazeera juba. Doctors in syria as in the province are keeping the location of their hospital secret fearing they may be targeted by Government Forces 70 hospitals have closed through with though a few field hospitals are still operating despite shortages of staff and supplies. Reports from Turkish Border with syria. And i have both worked in hospitals that were bombed rebel held areas their paths converged here at an underground clinic they want kept secret the u. N. Accuses syrian Government Forces and their russian allies of deliberately targeting medical facilities. Where we are constantly bombarded by Government Troops we work nonstop we have decided to operate with a minimum just in case the hospital is bombarded if the situation doesnt improve in coming days and. When the syrian army stepped up its offensive in a doctor his family to turkey and says he wont give up on his patients the very few field hospitals still operating in rural lip are desperately short of medical equipment and i mean we have volunteers here and we will continue offering assistance but weve decided to keep only basic equipment you never know when we may have to pack up and leave doctor and his family recently moved to it live city from the town of 7 as in italy province the family home there was destroyed in an airstrike a few months ago the family was pulled from the rubble. I have 5 children i have to say i thought about sending them to a safer location but im very attached to them we will continue moving from one place to another hoping for the better pull the time being doctors nurses and paramedics will continue their work of the last 9 years of the war treating the wounded and helping the traumatized doctors in worry they may not be able to cope with the growing number of patients when medical facilities are bombed theyre also frustrated at what they describe as the international communitys betrayal in the face of the worst humanitarian crisis since the start of the conflict in syria and to 1011 has. Delivered as a one turkeys border with syria. Dozens of Opposition Party supporters have been detained in kazakhstan during a crackdown on antigovernment demonstrations testers gathered in the cops of. The countrys largest city if. There is anger regarding restrictions over the creation of Political Parties the Opposition Leader. Has been detained for organizing the rally. Residents in bangladesh. Have been living along some of the worst air quality in the world over the past few days officials there are warning of Serious Health effects but its not just the air thats polluted in the city the main river that used to be a source of Drinking Water is now toxic as Bernard Smith reports. That taking a bath in a poisonous soup of decades of untreated waste water from tanneries battery and pharmaceutical factories and other industries on which bangladeshis economy relies. Of high polluted it is but where both men and when where around here this is where we have to wash now the government is finally making some progress against the worst polluters with a High Court Order forcing the closure of 231. 00 illegal tanneries but the pollution continues licensed tanneries as opposed to pump their waste to this new Treatment Plant but its not yet fully equipped to operate at capacity so every day thousands of liters go straight into the river. Because the court has ordered us to make sure that a fluid Treatment Plant is performing up to a level so were going to take over operations from the chinese who are running it not in the government shares the same attitude and mindset to tackle the pollution problems 64. 00 freshwater fish species in bangladesh are under threat because of pollution 9 a critically endangered according to government figures. Used to provide Drinking Water now its toxic and black and cracking down on polluting industries is part of the governments plan to clean up the rivers. Here a market built on illegally reclaimed land is being ripped down all this area up to the road will be dug out again on the river return. And to its original wit the borrower or the money borrowed orrible there are a lot of influential people involved in land grabbing even members of parliament and big industrialists who own many of these industries are polluters but at the same time Public Awareness is growing in regard to the environment and pollution and a strong desire to save these rivers. For years the government has turned a blind eye to the garment related industries which contribute 20 percent of the countrys g. D. P. Activists hope this court ruling will set a precedent for other rivers 38 of which they say a dying jew to bridle pollution and land grabbing Bernard Smith aljazeera dhaka. Hello again the top stories on aljazeera well senator Bernie Sanders is projected to win the nevada caucuses the latest stage in the race for the democratic president ial nomination a resoundingly victory would confirm his status as the front runner to take on President Donald Trump in november. Delighted to bring you. Good news. We. Won the New Hampshire primary. In 2 claudy 3 networks 38 eat we have done and that is that. Italy has seen a surge in coronavirus cases in the north of the country 79 people are confirmed to be infected and 2 people have died most cases are in the lumbar t. Inverness a regions the government says it will forcibly lock down affected areas meanwhile china has reported an increase in 1000000 factions of the epicenter of the outbreak and who by a province 630 more cases were confirmed on saturday up from almost 370 the previous day 96 more deaths were also reported. Which are has been sworn in as south sudans Vice President says he forms a new Coalition Government with the former rival president salva kiir theyre aiming to end years of conflict ahead of elections to be held within 3 years its the 3rd time theyre trying to form a coalition dozens of Opposition Party supporters have been detained in kazakhstan during a crackdown on antigovernment demonstrations disasters gathered in the cops a long time on and in the countrys largest city if there is anger over restrictions on the creation of Political Parties the Opposition Leader. Has been detained for organizing the rally thousands of people have rallied in algeria as capital it marks the 1st anniversary of the start of protests that forced longtime president. To step down but demonstrators also want his allies removed from power as well as the entire political system to be overhauled. You have to dates with the headlines on al jazeera well have more news coming up right after. We talk about 2 of the biggest problems facing and they are the endemic corruption and we listen so if you put in place china as an enemy of ours and thats really then yours we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter just 0 is 00 saying suchi complicit in war crimes or even genocide against the Rohingya Muslims of myanmar on up from one of her closest allies. I met the house also on the show there was a lot of optimism when emanuel the crown came to power in france in 2017 but all 4 through his term the french president is facing some of the worst protests and strikes in his countrys history so how much is he to blame especially for excessive use of force by the French Police thats our debate but 1st in january the International Court of justice ordered me out to quote take all measures within its power to prevent genocide

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