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West african nation for more than 50 years. Thousands of people are being screened in towns and cities locked down in several countries around the world as rich as the world races to contain the corona Virus Outbreak thats killed more than 2300. 00 People Health officials are now worried that they cant trace the origins of hotspots appearing around the globe the infection rate is slowing down in Mainland China where the outbreak began more than 76000. 00 cases have been reported but numbers are surging elsewhere at least 5 people have died in iran which now has a total of 28. 00 cases some pharmacies that are running out of masks and Hand Sanitizer in europe a dozen northern italian towns are effectively in lockdown after 2 people died and at least 51 were infected many of whom had no direct link to china and south korea has recorded an 8 fold jump in cases in just 4 days with 433 infections most of them linked to a church and a hospital at least 3 people have died bride reports from the city of daegu. The streets of daegu are eerily quiet fear of the disease means most people here are heeding warnings not to venture out those who do are careful about where they go and whom they meet. For more math as long as were a mask and wash our hands properly we can get through this i think ooh i hate wearing a mask but now i have to wear it all the time its hard to go out and i avoid cafes business in this normally bustling city of 2 and a half 1000000 has been brought to a virtual standstill 102. I opened my shop today just in case there might be some customers but theres been none so ill soon close up and go home nearly half of the infections are linked to a church in this building which is locked up and deserted Church Members have been told to quarantine themselves while medical teams are quickly testing them for the corona virus in daegu in the neighboring county of chung though more Testing Centers have been set up and hospital wards designated to treat the flurry of new cases who counted you know you and im worried its like the whole city is in lockdown and people are afraid of coming here a large number of the new cases have been at a hospital in chango that could be linked to the outbreak here in daegu the infection has spread rapidly among patients and staff prompting the authorities to lock it down the government says the situation is still manageable and that while new cases are being detected across south korea they seem to be people with links to this part of the country rather than from new clusters and. Further investigation is needed many of the cases confirmed today are linked back to the cluster just a hopeful sign for south korea as it races to contain the spread but not much comfort for the people in daegu wondering how bad this outbreak will get. Well the bride aljazeera daegu south korea in northern italy public gatherings including sunday masses and football matches have been suspended while schools and shops have been shot at and stones. The lumbar the region of northern italy is in lockdown as more cases of the covert 19 coronavirus are confirmed could donya is effectively a ghost town after at least 3 people there tested positive for the virus the sudden spread has led local authorities to take swift action urging businesses schools and churches in several towns to close their doors several train stations are closed and tens of thousands of italians have been told to stay home as a precaution if. There is a hard level of panic now where in a mosque is the right thing to do but i think there is too much paranoia plays now and if you treat going too far its going to keep it on a woman that there is a lot of panic the situation maris us all we can do is wait and see what happens doctors suspect a hospital near cafe have helped spread the virus and theyre trying to limit the outbreak. To meet this. We are working to identify the people who came into direct contact with those who are confirmed to have the virus these tests weve done so far appear to show 3 more cases of the coronavirus the corona virus has spread to 8 countries in europe including germany france and the u. K. Catherine stansell. In iran 2 cities have been put on lockdown and authorities have ordered trains and buses to be cleaned daily beggars in toronto with more on how iranians are reacting to the outbreak. The government has been announcing some measures to deal with this virus now we know that all cultural events concerts including Film Screenings have been canceled from tomorrow in the cities of iraq the schools are closed for a week the religious schools in calm where the Health Ministry thinks that this virus started from again closed tomorrow now on state t. V. Theyve been showing videos on how to wear the face masks properly and how people can wash their hands properly now iraq has also suspended flights between the 2 countries iran has closed its land borders between the 2 countries and thats only been or only open for a week after they have been closed for 4 months because of the insecurity in the protests that were taking pace in iraq iran doesnt think it was safe for the pilgrims to travel but now again those borders are closed we know that kuwait are suspended flights between the 2 countries now there is concern out on the streets of that ron we saw people Wearing Masks we saw people question the governments account and also asking how many people actually affected they dont really trust the government and partly due to when that ukrainian airliner was shut down the government spent 3 days deny again people are suspicious but yes the schools are closed the cemeteries are closed concerts Film Screenings everything has been closed now to stop large numbers of people congregating. South sudans rival leaders have formed a unity government declaring an end to a civil war that killed more than 400000 people. Form a rebel leader react machar has been sworn in as president salva cares deputy its the 3rd time theyre attempting to form a coalition the worlds youngest nation collapsed into conflict in 20132 years after winning independence from sudan millions of people have been displaced by the fighting the president here insists that peace is here to stay. We so mentally so morally sure of that. We will Work Together to preserve the lives of our people and preserve their unity it will be our responsibility to restore peoples lives and to inspire them once again to believe in the republic of south sudan have been all that is in japan says there are still issues to so tat. Lets remember 1st of all that this Transitional Government has been sworn in just under an hour ago has been formed after 9 months of delay so people are looking up to the government to see what kind of change they can bring and weve seen this the newly sworn in vice for the Vice President s office to be direct machar and the countrys president salva kiir holding several meetings over the past 2 days both saying clearly that they are still a lot of outstanding issues the most prominent being the issues of security arrangements but they said that after the swearing in and after the formation of the Transitional Government and appointment of cabinet ministers and they will tackle those issues so people on the street and countrywide are looking to this government to solve the issue of the economy how could i mean facing higher inflation as a result of the years of conflict in the country theres also the issue of the humanitarian crisis more than the countrys top of the population are in need of food aid to survive so these are the things rather the challenges that this Transitional Government will have to tackle in the coming few years before they go on to elections. Voting in the democratic vote a caucus begins in less than an hour a poll that will play a key role in deciding who will take on u. S. President donald trump in november election lets take a look at the candidates well veteran senator Bernie Sanders is still being seen as the front runner leading the last 5 opinion polls in the state he lost to Hillary Clinton 5 years ago hes taken the lead ahead of Barack Obamas former Vice President joe biden who finished poorly in the 1st 2 states to vote as did senator Elizabeth Warren who still expected to pick up some more votes now d the race has moved into a state with a more diverse electorate also hoping to make gains in a state with more minority voters is people to judge who took the win in the iowa caucus and came 2nd in New Hampshire but minnesota senator amy closure will be challenging him for some of the same voters she managed 3rd place in the last poll in New Hampshire rounding up the pack is the billionaire businessman to. But he failed to get enough support to qualify to take part in the nevada t. V. Debate and notable by his absence though is another billionaire Mike Bloomberg despite outspending the other candidates hes not taking part in the nevada caucus but is focusing on other states from next month well lets go to rob reynolds now whos in las vegas had a row tell us who is ahead in the contest in nevada now and how will the outcome affect the rest of the primary campaign. Well were here in a High School Cafeteria where people are starting to gather theyre talking with one another and the caucusing will begin as you said fairly soon as you also mentioned Bernie Sanders is on top here he has a lead in all of the polls so really this comes down kind of to a race for 2nd place so who will come in 2nd Vice President joe biden had been in 2nd place in the fairly sparse polling that was done prior to today but the vice proforma Vice President has been sliding pretty consistently so we dont know if you will be able to maintain that position a win for Elizabeth Warren that is a 2nd place showing for Elizabeth Warren would be a big boost for her she would then have some more momentum going into the super tuesday primaries which feature big states like texas california new massachusetts and North Carolina that happens in early march and pete put a judge in amy clo but char not doing very well here it is thought that that is partly due to the diversity of the electorate they just havent been able to get a lot of traction here one thing that is complicating or augmenting all of this spending on how you look at it is that about 70000 people are estimated to have voted earlier so they voted last week they wont be here today to caucus many of those results therefore are already baked into the cake and what ever else has happened this week including in a debate here in las vegas probably doesnt matter to those people who already voted charlie. That fast in iowa was mobbed by confusion help a pat of the democrats in nevada. It was marred by a lot of technical glitches and a lack of training among people of a so taking a lesson from that nevada has ditched a lot of the tech theres no app no cell phone or Smartphone App they are doing some of the calculations on tablets but the votes will be all tallied up on pieces of paper and this is something that the state Democratic Party decided very late in the game just paper and pencil do the math and then phone it in to Party Headquarters where itll all be tabulated so theyre trying to avoid the debacle of iowa by going low check nevertheless weve heard that some people have complained about lack of training there is reports that some of the voters here are not familiar with the complex new caucusing system where you have to choose 3 at least 3 candidates are ranked in order of preference so there are a lot of factors will be following it all hopefully will be getting some results from the caucuses early on Charlie Brown dont fly fast and nothing else thank you still to come on al jazeera. The doc says still caring for ed lives victims in a hospital they have to keep secret in case its attacked. And from the shop fronts to the front line we look at the remarkable divides in a tripoli still dominated by conflict. Hello again welcome back to the National Weather forecast i want to start this hour down here in turkey we have been talking about all the snow that they have been receiving over the last couple of weeks take a look at the video here now they have seen a blizzard coming across much of this area 70 villages have reported to be cut off because of the very heavy snow up to about 6 meters of snow was reported across much of this area as you can see though the sky is much better so they have time to really clear out now as much of that snow is going to stay in the region temporist had to be quite cold in the Higher Elevations there and as you can see on the forecast map really no more snow in the forecast here on sunday were still watching what is happening up here across much of Northern Europe now its still going to be quite windy here across much of Northern Europe with a lot of rain in the forecast for the u. K. Here on sunday you are going to be seeing a break in the winds but notice that storm system in the atlantic that is making its way towards the u. K. We are going to be seeing some snow or towards the north were going to be seeing some rain down here toward south and were going to be seeing some winds as well down towards the Iberian Peninsula things are looking quite nice weve seen plenty of sun in the forecast madrid 20 degrees as your forecast high if you are traveling to italy it is going to be a nice day in rome actually a few nice days there with a temperature of 17. Is peak neves in libya but staging current bike trails in. It comes with its own particular risks our club couldnt take part in the 26th because we were fighting a war to tyson said ill just try to believe just to see how school we can do the fun you know country did he. Hold on. A reminder of the top stories here on aljazeera towns and cities have been locked down in south korea iran and italy as the spread of the coronavirus continues only 78000 diagnoses have now been made. A unity government being formed in south sudan in a move that its hoped will end years of fighting former rebel leader rick machado has been sworn in as a Vice President to head of state. And hopefuls for the democratic nomination to be u. S. President facing another test as voters in nevada make their choices Bernie Sanders is leading the polls followed by lizabeth lord of the church. Turkeys president says he will meet the russian and german leaders in the next 2 weeks to discuss the humanitarian crisis and it lives in syrias edna province the area the last held by rebels is on the day people involvement as Government Forces aim to retake it doctors there are now keeping the location of the hospital secret fearing they may become targets or new a few remain open as reports. On the border. And i have both worked in hospitals that were bombed rebel held areas their paths converged here at an underground clinic they want kept secret the u. N. Accuses syrian Government Forces and their russian allies of deliberately targeting medical facilities. Where we are constantly bombarded by Government Troops we work nonstop we have decided to operate with a minimum style just in case the hospital is bombarded if the situation doesnt improve in coming days. When the syrian army stepped up its offensive in a doctor sent his family to turkey and says he wont give up on his patients the very few field hospitals still operating in rural and it lives are desperately short of medical equipment middlemen and i mean we have volunteers here and we will continue offering assistance but weve decided to keep only basic equipment you never know when we may have to pack up and leave dr has shown when his family recently moved to live city from the town. In italy province the family home there was destroyed in an airstrike a few months ago the family was pulled from the rubble. I have 5 children i have to say i thought about sending them to a safer location but im very attached to them we will continue moving from one place to another hoping for the better pull the time being doctors nurses and paramedics will continue their work of the last 9 years of the war treating the wounded and helping the traumatized doctors. May not be able to cope with the growing number of patients when medical facilities are bombed theyre also frustrated described as the international communitys betrayal in the face of the worst humanitarian crisis since the start of the conflict in syria into 1011. On Turkish Border with syria. The iranian conservatives appear to be on course to win a majority in parliamentary elections the interior Ministry Says candidates affiliated to the revolutionary guards and leading in the capital tehran predictions indicate reformists have been beaten taking only 17 seats in the 290 Strong Parliament the conservatives are expected to take more than half of the seats fridays vote has been criticized as being stacked in favor of loyalists to Supreme Leader ayatollah ali khamenei. A palestinian man has been shot dead by Israeli Police in occupied East Jerusalem officials said the man tried to attack buddha of offices with a knife at the lionsgate in the old city a woman was also injured when police shot at the man israel has increased security in jerusalem over the last few weeks off to us president us president unveiled his contentious middle east plan which the Palestinian Leader has rejected. The United Nations envoy to libya says the fractious ceasefire talks between the warring sides are going in the right direction but for those living in the capital the conflict is still part of everyday life particularly for those living on the frontline and reports from tripoli with the 2 tales of one city. This is the neighborhood of algiers in central tripoli its known for its high end shops and cafes the streets are calm but talk to people here and you are reminded that libya is at this im at the thing i cant say today feeling nervous im afraid unless theres a lot of people around and only then do i feel comfortable enough to walk in the streets. And the fact of the people is completely different depending on where in tripoli you are its gone for the people here but the problem is for the people near the front lines but we are all affected by the war is psychological because youre constantly known your countrys at war. When you drive south things start to change the traffic begins to thin theres less people on the streets. And theres evidence of shells landing in civilian neighborhoods this cafe is around a kilometer from the frontline a few people still come to drink coffee here but the atmosphere is tense a builder hussein lives close by his fear that the bombing is random we live on our nerves any moment a bomb a rocket can hit its especially bad at night we are too afraid to sleep we have to be ready to run immediately people now even know the types of bombs by their sounds and this is supposed to be a ceasefire we continue to drive south past this man checkpoint to a neighborhood where they say for the fighters their own no signs of life. There is no evidence of a ceasefire here it took us 20 minutes to drive here from the peaceful streets of old europe where life on the surface at least seemed normal. But here in the neighborhood of someone who dean virtually every building has been to the damage or completely destroyed its getting late in the day here now and commanders on the ground are telling us that they are nervous because this is the time where the majority of the shelling starts this area was populated by thousands of people and they have left they have all fled the fighting it shows you just how much of a contrast there is between this neighborhood and the neighborhood of joba that we were in earlier this is a war of attrition it seems and despite the cease fire the fighting goes on staff at aljazeera southern tripoli. Hundreds of iraqis have protested in baghdad demanding an end to corruption unemployment and Poor Public Services at least 2 people have been injured in clashes with riot police near the capitol hill and the square offices reportedly fired slingshots and rifles at demonstrators more than 500. 00 people have been killed since antigovernment rallies began in october thousands of protesters have hit the streets in the capital of algeria marking one year since historic antigovernment demonstrations began police have used water cannon against the protesters analogise as they chanted against the government is the 1st anniversary of protests that forced former president Abdelaziz Bouteflika to step down but demonstrators also want his allies were moved from power and the entire political system to be overhauled and. Around 100. 00 protesters have been arrested in kazakstan during a crackdown on antigovernment demonstrations protesters gathered in the capital and the countrys largest city our theyre angry about restrictions stifling dissent and stopping the creation of Political Parties Opposition Group leaders. Was arrested before the demonstrations could take place. The 1st day of a week long reduction in violence between the taliban and u. S. Forces in afghanistan appears to be holding but that comes as its revealed that more than 100000 civilians have been killed or injured in the past decade nicholas cage reports. An unusual come in wardak province southwest of the Afghan Capital whats called a reduction in violence agreement between us forces in the taliban is underway for the next week providing a brief pause from attacks by both sides the taliban gave al jazeera permission to visit wardak very moot a meeting with me now are a mere have a tall order to us not to clash with anyone in any of the areas that we control we completely about him according to the full meaning of this would the sound of sirens and bullets is common in the capital kabul but so far its been quiet some minor clashes have been reported in parts of the country but not a side has publicly said what would constitute a violation of the agreement. Or charter member member i hope the one week truce will be extended until we reach a final peace in afghanistan physically going to we feel very happy and we hope the ceasefire will be real and final but its not to actually a ceasefire. The agreement is a test of trust for both sides as a step towards ending the 19 year long war americas longest peace talks have been held over the past year in qatars capital doha if this agreement is saying to be a success a pace deal is expected to be signed on the 29th of february. A new u. N. Report has highlighted the human cost of the war it says just over 3400. 00 civilians were killed last year with the taliban and other and he Government Forces responsible for about half of the deaths afghan Government Forces and the us allies were responsible for 43 percent 35500 afghans have been killed in the past decade the total is 100000. 00 when the injured are included of course peace will not come overnight there is time needed for that people sheesh and all those things about us. Afghan Government Forces say theyll continue operations against asa lendell qaida which is not part of the current agreement the next few days will show whether a more Permanent Peace is possible to gauge al jazeera floods in southern peru have killed at least 3 people cars in the city of tact know was swept away in the deluge of the heavy rain hit the region others were trapped in their vehicles and struggles to get to safety the victims include a father and son whose car was flipped over by the floodwaters. Polls have closed in togos president ial election after 15 years in power president far enough is likely to secure a 4th term extending his familys harsh century rule the president replaced his father who led togo for 38 years of the seizing power in a coup nothing very faces 6 opposition candidates in the race with preliminary results expected in 6 days but addresses in the capital low and says the president is benefiting from divisions within the opposition. The opposition is still divided. After several attempts especially by opposition parliamentarians to field a single candidate to confront president for you its interesting in this election they all feel that everybody went away and the fear of their supporters is that the vote that is supposed to go to an individual who could effectively tackle president election is now will not have to be divided among 6 other people or 6 candidates running for different Political Parties and the ruling party is capitalizing on and hoping to cringe probably entrenched the current president and his Political Party in power for the next 5 years and probably beyond because there has been a recent amendment of the term limited law in the constitution that allows a president for years to be to run for another 5 year term and then probably run again after 5 years. Or you can find more on all our top stories on the website and the address for that is w w dot aljazeera dot com our top story at the moment is the spread of the corona virus in south korea. The top stories on aljazeera the World Health Organizations express concern that the number of new coronavirus cases with no link to china nearly 78000 diagnoses have been made globally with most in china although the spread appears to be slowing but south korea has recorded an 8 fold jump in the number of cases in just 4 days with 433 infections and 3 deaths doctors remain concerned about the potential spread to nations without robust health. We know that more than 80 percent of patients have mild disease and we recover but the other 20 percent of patients have severe or critical diseases ranging from shortness of breath is to septic shock and multiorgan failure this patient. In. Using it so i just you know its an example of missions that are as you know we short supply in many. Countries meanwhile towns and cities and other countries are being shut down to stop the spread in europe 12 northern italian towns have been sealed off following 2 deaths in 51 cases with no apparent link to the outbreak in china and schools and universities are being closed into central iranian cities after 5 deaths in the country. A new unity government being formed in south sudan in a move that its hoped will end years of fighting former rebel leader react machado has been sworn in as 1st Vice President to head of state so if a kid. Hopefuls for the democratic nomination to be u. S. President off facing another test as voters in nevada make their choices senator Bernie Sanders missed out on the states not 5 years ago but is going into the caucus as the front runner. So you. Polls have closed in togos president ial election which is expected to see the president hold his familys grip on power for a nothing day is unlikely to secure a 4th time in office or that the results wont be known for several days those at the top stories stay with us listening post is up next. Mike Bloomberg News affecting the Campaign Finance and works 300000300 ads prehistory a story all over t. V. Broadcasters that it might actually. Have to take the actual. Triggering of. Hello im richard gives birth in europe the listening post among the stories were covering this week its an Election Year in america and the battle for the democratic nomination has Bernie Sanders and the Corporate News media at odds freedom of speech has returned to angola and the satirists have the knives out for the political establishment a tit for tat diplomatic spat between beijing and washington has american and chinese news outlets caught in the middle plus a strange idea the wildfires the climate crisis

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