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Election in favor of donald trump. 18 years of war in afghanistan could end in a little more than a week a deal that calls for a 7 day reduction of violence takes effect in half an hours time and after that the taliban says it will sign a peace deal with america the u. S. Involvement in afghanistan began in 20011 month after the 911. 00 attacks washington launched air strikes and a Ground Invasion to remove the taliban from power well than 12000 american soldiers are still in afghanistan thousands more from nato allies and partners countries are also there some 2400 american troops have been killed since the operation began and the u. S. Is estimated to have spent more than one trillion dollars during its mission. Jordan joins us live from washington d. C. As a resident a lot resting on this reduction of violence do we know what it what will be judged to be enough of the induction lauren we dont know what is the standard for nuff of a reduction in violence and that is the rub because that essentially gives the United States military to say well there wont be a signing ceremony on february 29th because the taliban have not held up their end of the deal multiple u. S. Officials have been else this question both within the state department and at the pentagon and no one wants to put a figure on how much violence is enough for the deal to go forward and for the signing ceremony to go forward between the u. S. And the taliban theres also the question of how much of offensive strikes does the United States military have to stop carrying out how much does the Afghan Military have to stop carrying out this isnt just being on the taliban soldiers all 3 components have to actually stop or reduce significantly the amount of fence of strikes against enemy targets in order for next saturdays signing ceremony to go forward and off of that if it does will go to plan what would the timescale be for for instance a reduction in u. S. Troops. Well that really is a political question thats already kicked off here in washington lauren and thats because there are any number of military experts who say that previous experience has shown that if the u. S. Military draws down its forces too quickly or if the number of forces in a country is too low that it can lead to an outbreak of new violence of new conflict and the concern for many of these analysts is their view that the Afghan Military simply isnt Strong Enough on its own to protect against any potential attacks within its borders much less to a protect from any outside invasion or attack from another country and so a significant u. S. Military presence is required in order to help the Afghan Military build back a pasty something which these experts say simply isnt happening overnight of course when you consider that the u. S. May have invested more than a trillion dollars in its military presence in afghanistan since the end of 2001 there is the question of well what is the u. S. Getting for all of that money if the Afghan Military cant defend its own people in its own territory and in jordan thank you very much indeed. Iranians have been electing a new parliament the result is expected to change the face of the countrys legislature as thousands of moderate and reformist candidates were barred from running thats going on now to pass and bake in tehran whats the turnout been like so far. This specific polling station this busy all day long but the queue is coming to an end the whole of the polls said to end in about half an hour but there are other places in tehran but it has been considerably quiet and we are expecting the voter turnout to be lower than the average the average of the iran is usually around 47 percent we think thats going to be considerably though because they are places around the ground i mean very very quiet and also around the country there are some places that have been very quiet now people have been staying away from the polls we did speak to people in and around the iran many were upset at the Economic Situation many have said that reformist and moderate candidates have been displaced fired from standing but also some people say that the cost of living has been increasing that the price of food is increasing the price of meat is increasing also the fuel price hike back in november which led to widespread Anti Government protests and the governments handling of that was criticized we still dont know how many people died during those protests the government hasnt released those official figures but when 10 act is though its usually the conservative faction that gets the majority of the seats that because thats because they have a dedicated support base that comes out no matter what unfolds for their conservative candidates what about the candidates who are part of me have how upset are people that they didnt have a choice in that way. As. Well. The Guardian Council is the body that vets those kind of candidates that 81 of those a parliamentarian is people already in college. There has been considerable noise about that even president rouhani in directly criticised some of those disqualifications but despite that he people to come out and vote she said even if you candidate isnt standing by to vote because the more people come out and vote look the United States will be angry at them upset if the voter turnout is lower there will be happy so hes trying to get the country to unify around these elections but yes people have been staying away from the polls because those reformist and moderate candidates that have that support people have not seen the candidates standing then theyre not going to come out via many people have said to us that whats the point of voting nothing is going to change but even if the reformist candidates are disqualified. Their popularity has decreased because it was the reformist in the modest under president rouhani that signed that 2015 nuclear deal with the United States and they promised many Economic Reforms and promises but that hasnt come through the countrys been reading on u. S. Sanctions and the situation isnt great here just last year the inflation was stationary it was 40 percent unemployment has increased so even if there were reformist candidates the popularity has decreased as a big thank you very much indeed. Attacks on civilians in booking a fuss over displacing more than 4000. 00 people a day thats according to the uns Refugee Agency which says armed groups are carrying out raids with increasing frequency many whove escaped have reported murders rapes and the pillaging of villages 700000 people have fled their homes in 12 months you know a quarter of those have left in just the past 3 weeks. Italy has ordered the closure of public spaces in 10 towns after a number of corona virus cases quadrupled in just one day 14 new infections have been reported in the wealthy northern Lombardy Region with another 2 in next door beneteau its not known if the 2 clusters of cases are connected many of them represent italys 1st cases of secondary infection when he was caught the virus locally without travelling to china. We are working to identify all the people that entered into direct contact with the confirmed cases the swabs. Suddenly shown in the last 3 cases so weve reached 6 cases of positive tests for the corona virus a south korean city of daegu is in a state of lockdown with millions of people urged to stay indoors schools closed and some Mass Gatherings banned 204 cases are now being confirmed in the country and 2 people have died from a bribe reports from daegu. The city of daegu is at the center of an outbreak of the corona virus that has the whole of south korea worried with nearly all of the new cases of infection linked to this church a branch of the shin changi church of jesus its believed people attending services here became infected some of whom then travel to other towns and cities in south korea infecting more people daegu and the neighboring city and now the focus of a National Effort to contain the outbreak children hooked into the government will take special measures by designating the daegu enchong areas as special care zones as a sudden hike in numbers of the confirmed cases have been reported from there its thought many of the new cases of infection were due to one woman member of the church who also travelled widely around daegu city before finally being diagnosed the man has ordered everyone to remain at home bringing the city of 2 and a half 1000000 to a virtual standstill special medical centers have been set up to treat the expected increase in new cases in the capital seoul preventive measures are being taken while other branches of the sheen changi church of jesus have been closed. And large scale rallies that usually take place at the weekends have been banned. With the spread of the virus we plan to take momentous measures in order to protect the elderly who are vulnerable to this contagious disease sold ban the use of public squares where many citizens gather back in daegu people anxiously wait to see if this outbreak has been contained or if this is the start of something bigger usually on a friday evening this downtown shopping going to Entertainment District would be packed with people on this evening its nearly deserted as most tuesdays stay away and wait to see what happens next rob mcbride aljazeera daegu south korea into. Several health and communist Party Officials have been fired after hundreds of people were infected by the corona virus while inside prison most of the 258 cases are in 2 jails in shyne dong and provinces 271 cases have also been reported in prisons in here bay province the epicenter of the outbreak but officials did not say when they were diagnosed the government says preventive measures were poorly carried out. Still to come on aljazeera stranded in syria we meet the families displaced by war and in desperate need of aid. And police are deployed to germanys mosques as the government warns the threat of far right attacks remains high. Hello again a welcome back to International Weather forecast well were still going to be dealing with those very gusty winds here across much of the northern part of europe over the next few days the next round of storms are pushy and right now across the u. K. And with it we are going to having more rain here across the u. K. On saturday as well as into sunday but really take a look at these winds that we are watching right now across parts of scotland as well as into southern scandinavia that will continue pushing into the baltics as well and with it we are going to be seeing some rain over the next few days now down here toward the south across much of the benelux region heavy rain is expected here on sunday but for denmark we have not seen any snow all winter long and thats going to continue take a look at the 3 day forecast as we go towards copenhagen we could be seeing some very gusty winds possibly flight delays here on saturday winds start to calm down as we go towards sunday as well as into monday but the rain will continue over the next 3 days here for the northern part of africa clouds across much of a libya as well as into egypt over the next few days particularly on the coast and we could be even seeing some rain here as we go towards sunday mostly towards parts of northern egypt for cairo you could be seeing some rain as well but mostly over here towards alexandria across the area as well as some gusty winds so cairo rainy day as well as 17. Motor sport is big news in libya but staging car and bike crowds here comes with its own particular risks our club couldnt take part in the 26th rally because we were fighting a war a concise answer to aljazeera world travels to the Libyan Desert to see how schooled on full we its come to be a Unifying Force you know war chill country video a rally for hope on aljazeera. From one of the top stories here now to syria a 7 day reduction of violence agreement between the us and taliban is due to come into effect in afghanistan in around 15 minutes is seen as a significant step towards lasting peace for the war torn country. Iranians have been electing a new parliament the result is expected to change the face of the countrys legislature as thousands of moderates and reformist candidates are barred from running. Italy has ordered the closure of public spaces in 10 towns after the number of coronavirus cases or tripled in just one day 14 new infections have been reported in the world the northern number the region with another 2 in next over the. South sudans president salva kiir has dissolved his cabinet in preparation for a new unity government is also appointed the rebel leader react machar as 1st Vice President to former rivals will lead the new government from saturday in an attempt to end years of conflict which has left little 400000 people dead. The sutures Prime Minister has failed to show up at court where he was going to be charged with the murder of his strange wife thomas to bonnie was due to appear over the death of his 2nd wife who was shot dead 2 days before he took office for a 2nd time 2 and a half years ago his personal secretary said he traveled to south africa to see a doctor about his current wife my cea has also been charged with ordering the killing both deny any role in the murder of the miller is in the sutras capital mesirow where she says its not known whether to bunny will return for his hearing. This is where Prime Minister tom to bonnie was due to appear early on friday to face charges of murder and attempted murder following the 2017 shooting obviously a strange twice deep or lower. Barney once the Prime Minister didnt appear in court there was intense speculation around his whereabouts and if in fact he was still in the suit to this is a Prime Minister who had previously fled the country when there was an attempted coup when he said his life was in danger in this case time to bonnie is in south africa where his office says hes receiving medical treatment the Prime Minister had to be taking to russia for this emergency a medical check up because it is a flag that what is happening in the best address. Especially he smiled and also taking into consideration that hes a very. Good to beat up shit thats why we had to make sure that he uses force of africa but when it comes to bed. He. Pled to the magistrate he charges against him and plead do with me wanting to plead its likely that the court will set a new date for to barneys appearance perhaps in the next week or so but what remains uncertain is whether or not to bonnie will return to the suit anytime soon and make his way to this court to face those charges his wife my sire is also facing the same charges she appeared earlier in the week and is due back in court in the middle of march now both have said that they had nothing to do with the murder of deeper Lortab Barney this is a development that really has caused a lot of Political Tension especially within the all buses a convention thats the governing party here in a suit to the party that leads this is a party that isnt united some want the Prime Minister to resign immediately while others may wait for him to leave office at the end of july when he says he will retire and when he spoke to people in a suit is saying that he would retire he didnt at any point deal with the charges hes facing nor did he say that is the reason he is stepping down. Shes 5 talks between libyas internationally recognized government and warlord holly for have to as opposition have resumed United Nations led talks in geneva are aiming to end the conflict and the nearly year long battle for the capital thats displaced at least 150000 people tripoli based government pulled out of the talks on tuesday after have to forces shelled the capitals port where there is diplomatic editor james bays spoke to the uns representative for libya as an salami in geneva. We remember those military talks in most collapsed earlier this week. The 2 sides gathered here in geneva and generals have to say forces at the same time started a barrage of rockets towards the seaport and the airport in tripoli well the un managed to keep the jna delegation here because at one point they said they were going to walk out and right now the u. N. Special representative gets on salami says there is some progress and hes pretty positive about next wednesday there being wider talks political talks but when i pressed him on general half intention he answered with a general answer about there being people in libya who had a plan b. A military plan b. I am sure that a lot of people in libya still believe that either they can win the battle through war or that they cannot stop the other side from waging a war and therefore they are still trying to have new i munition and other quality of weaponry and superior quality of of weaponry and probably more medicine that is and supplant the forces but this as long as it is planned be the challenges on us to push forward the plan a well those political tops are very much in the dari for wednesday next week but its worth telling you that the military talks are not over yet theyre still trying to work on a ceasefire those talks will go on into the weekend. In stark language the u. N. Has warned that fighting in Northern Syria could end in a bloodbath Government Forces backed by russian airstrikes have been trying to take the last remaining rebel stronghold province thats been that close to a 1000000 people have fled towards turkey and theyre now in desperate need of assistance. Reports from had near turkeys border with syria and we promise asim is the head of an extended family his origin only from the town in the south of italy when the town was have a little past him and his family fled a few days ago they arrived here in a rebel held village in the countryside north of italy destitute hes planning to join the thousands of poor and displaced syrians living in olive orchards here in the city. I need a please fight turn for my large family their dog me to buy them but its cost around 250. 00 in Pinellas Fatima malise from hellfire a town in the rural hama when Syrian Government troops advanced closer to her village she says the family left a rebel stronghold in aleppo fatimas husband was killed 3 years ago now she lives in this brick built by Turkish Charities with financial contribution from germany. The place doesnt provide any protection from the rain and cold but when i remember what we went through and the day to bombardment this feels fine for me and for my kids this is what it looked like. In some other 3 months ago civilians converged on this town north of it live hoping for shelter food and warmth but when some of those attacked a few days ago the displaced dishpan till their talents and flat. The school this struggle to set up is now deserted for now thousands of syrians seem to continue their long journey looking for shelter and these for the hundreds of thousands of people who have recently been uprooted by the fighting the only way they can go home is if there is a ceasefire agreement one that guarantees syrian Government Forces will and the military campaign but cease fire agreements have never lost long in syria and this explains why people have lost hope in interNational Efforts to solve the crisis diplomatically possible al jazeera how tight the kremlin has denied claims its interfering in the upcoming 2020 u. S. President ial election to boost Donald Trumps chances according to u. S. Media reports intelligence that intelligence officials warned members of Congress Last week that russia was meddling in the vote russia has repeatedly denied u. S. Intelligence communitys assessment that it interfered in the 2016 president ial election lets go live now to Patty Culhane in washington d. C. To tell us more about where this all came from. Well this is coming from the New York Times in the Washington Post there saying that basically the House Intelligence Committee got this briefing from the person in charge of securing the elections within the director of National Intelligence office and she described things like what we saw in 2016 that the Intelligence Community has pointed to russia as being behind a Facebook Post social media post trying to sow discord in a country thats already deeply divided but the briefer apparently told the members of the house is they believe that russia has a definite preference for donald trump and the quote there is to try and get President Trump reelected is why theyre doing this this was really controversial in the House Intelligence Committee apparently there were democrats who said see this proves that the president s doing nothing to stop election interference republicans taking up the president s line saying hes been tougher on russia than any president before him citing examples that they say prove the russia wouldnt want him to be elected and apparently then one of the members of the Republican Committee told the president that this in fact had happened and then there was a shakeup within the for the top job in the Intelligence Community the director of National Intelligence its not at all clear that theres a direct line between this briefing the president making this decision because the person whos in the job has been active just of mcguire he was always supposed to leave by the middle of march because under law he has just 6 months or he has to be given the job permanently and be vetted by the senate but recently in the last few days we saw the president announce that mcguire is out in the news was made by who he chose to replace him its Richard Grinnell he doesnt have any intelligence experience hes a huge trump vocal supporter of trump hes the ambassador to germany trump tweeted out when this story broke quote another Misinformation Campaign is being launched by democrats in congress saying that russia prefers me to any of the do nothing democrats he goes on to call it yet another hoax so hes also sending the message that grinnell is not going to be in the job for very long he said. In a tweet that they have for good candidates and theyll be picking in the next couple of weeks thank you very much. Germanys interior minister says the far right poses the countrys biggest Security Threat that comes after 9 people were killed when a gunman opened fire at 2 shisha bars in the city of one hour on wednesday extra police are now patrolling mosques train stations and airports the mccain reports. For many of these friday prayers have a particular resonance wednesday nights murders have taken their toll on the congregation several were killed others wounded those who were not fearful irma di maria says he worries for his childrens safety. My son said to me daddy i feel afraid if i go outside will someone try to hurt me. That sentiment is widely shared among han ours Muslim Community and across this country the flag is. The question that we are all asking especially the affected people of the muslim faith in our land is what has to happen next in order for Something Like this to happen many among the Wider Community also feel revulsion at the attacks carried out on wednesday the floral tributes here in the main Market Square a clear sign of the rejection of the violence of the far right. But there is no doubt this atrocity has shocked the political classes and forced the government to act. Since we will increase the Police Presence across germany and we will increase the protection of sensitive institutions especially in mosques. Meanwhile the investigation into the murder is concentrating on his social media postings and what was on his Computers Office is admit he contacted them several months ago as an attention seeker but no action was taken this is comments were not openly racist they are clear his motivation for wednesdays murders was from the far right separately the f. T. Party has caused its own controversy by including a link to the murder his manifesto in a tweet while saying it deplored the shootings the far right party has itself now been condemned for its link to the site the current christian democrat leader says the f. T. Is to blame for creating a basis for exactly the kind of thinking that led to the shootings but back in high now such thoughts pale in comparison with the suffering of the victims and their relatives many of whom had come to germany with the hope of a new life and instead found themselves targeted by a racist murderer dominic cain aljazeera hanau. Thousands of algerians have rallied to mark the 1st anniversary of protests that toppled the ruler former president. Which s. Is demonstrated regularly. Since he was forced to stand down last year demanding the removal of allies who are Still Holding on to power they also want greater democracy and Better Living standards are jarius current president of the imagery to boone is released dozens of detained protesters and announced plans to amend the constitution. The french government has launched a campaign to combat a mounting infestation in parisian homes and hotels the culprit bed bugs the growth of International Travel has been blamed for the number of mites rising along with the resistance to insecticide the ministry of Housing Campaign includes an emergency hotline and dedicated website one candidate in this year is election for mayor of paris has promised to clean up the capital in 100. 00 days on the run you can catch up anytime with all the stories were covering much of here at our website address that is aljazeera dot com and you can also watch us live by taking on the orange live icon out of there dot com. I want to top stories on our syria a 7 day reduction of violence agreement between the u. S. And the taliban has come into effect in afghanistan is seen as a significant step towards lasting peace for the war torn country if its successful both sides say theyll sign an accord paving the way for talks between the taliban and other afghan groups also in jordan has more. We dont know what is the standard for nuff of a reduction in violence and that is the rub because that essentially gives the United States the ability to say well there wont be a signing ceremony on february 29th because the taliban have not held up their end of the deal multiple u. S. Officials have been else this question both within the state department and at the pentagon and no one wants to put a figure on how much violence is enough for the deal to go forward and for the signing ceremony to go forward between the u. S. And the talabani to reign in civilian acting a new parliament its set to become more conservative after thousands of candidates were barred from running irans constitutional watchdog most of those banned where a reformist or moderate candidates. Attacks on civilians in booking a fast so displacing more than 4000. 00 people a day thats according to the uns Refugee Agency which says armed groups are carrying out raids with increasing frequency many whove escaped have reported murders rapes and the pillaging of villages italy has ordered the closure of public spaces in 10 towns after the number of coronavirus cases quadrupled in just one day 14 new infections have been reported in the wealthy Northern Region but another 2 in next door benito. In one of the south korean city of daegu is in a state of lockdown with millions of people to stay indoors schools closed and some Mass Gatherings banned a church is thought to be at the center of the countrys creative it Virus Outbreak with 204 cases confirmed. South sudans president salva kiir dissolved his cabinet in preparation for a new unity government has also appointed the rebel to direct match as 1st Vice President to former rivals will leave the new government from saturday. To stay with us up front is coming up next after that. Is only complicit in war crimes or even genocide against the Rohingya Muslims of myanmar on that front also one of her closest allies. Ive met the hot sun also on the show there was a lot of optimism when emmanuel the crown came to power in france in 2017 but all 40 through his term the french president is facing some of the worst protests and strikes in his countrys history so how much is he to blame especially for excessive use of force by the French Police thats our debate but 1st in january the international court

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