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A quarantine cruise ship in japan as hundreds of passengers are finally allowed off. American to be bullied or influenced by anybody and the u. S. Attorney general is reported to be considering quitting his job as anger grows over the president s attacks on judges and prosecutors. On his 4 titleholders a little full face an uncertain future in this seasons Champions League liverpool beats in spain both lets go madrid in the 1st leg of the last 16 tie. Now the United Nations says its hoping to resume talks aimed at reaching a ceasefire in libya the internationally recognized government suspended involvement in the discussions in geneva after the port of tripoli was attacked at least 3 people were killed on tuesday when rockets were fired by forces of. Khalifa haftar now the port is the main entry point for supplies into libya have to Us Forces Say their target was an arms depor tripolis government is now insisting that the talks can continue until the well to firmly responds to what it calls have to violations have to has since met with russias defense minister sergei show who well russia says the pedigreed that a political solution is the only option for libya well enough whatever wahid is standing by for us in the libyan capital tripoli but 1st lets go to a different james bays who is in geneva where do we go from here how these peace talks going to get restarted if at all. Well the u. N. Has been trying to pick up the pieces of this Peace Process in the last few hours off that late night announcement by the internationally recognized government the g. N. A. T. That they were going to pull out of the process remember they gathered here they say in good faith. Choose day and sat down with the other side with represents is the general have to and as they were meeting the rocket attacks starseeds all newport of tripoli i have to say that the delegation from the g m a although they said they were pulling out have stayed in geneva we believe there may well have been the meeting between them and the u. N. Special representative gets on salami and about an hour ago his office put out a statement saying they were hoping to restart the the talks that have been stalled and have been started this morning because of this situation that followed a late night statement in which the u. N. Said the attacks on the port of tripoli were deplorable but it is a confused picture weve also heard fresh news from tripoli saying that they still arent sure that they will rejoin the talks so not clear but both delegations are remain in geneva the u. N. Working very hard on my suspect mr salami is not just speaking to the delegations hes also trying to engage International Actors in this because remember there is a resolution last week from the u. N. Security council pushing this process and only a couple of days ago in munich Foreign Ministers from all the Key International players were saying that this was the way for with these talks and that included countries that is supportive of both sides in the libyan conflict ok outs of quiet meetings going on then there was this meeting in moscow between have to and the Russian Defense minister and what if anything came out of that. Well i think thats interesting because clearly gen half was in moscow and i dont think he travel to moscow of. The overnight problems and breakdown of the talks that was of c. Preplanned suggesting perhaps that hes not fully in control of the situation of use out of the country maybe kimonos on the ground and not following his orders that is an area that will have to explore but what is clear from the words coming out of the russians both in moscow and at the u. N. Security council in new york is the russians at least in their words are saying they fully support even now this process and ceasefire talks must continue if what theyre saying publicly is what theyre telling general have to privately that he may well have got a little bit of a scolding to be told to stop and the attacks and get back to the table here in geneva james bay is there for us live from geneva thank you very much james well lets now go to tripoli where our correspondent up i had joins us live with all the latest developments what this hole to negotiations al is all of this being viewed in 70. Well the still a kind of frustration especially among civilians and the government of National Accord is partly blaming the International Community as it sours that. The bad prime minister. Sad told reporters today as he was touring in the targeted seaport there must be a strong signal from International Players who are trying to talk to us as you can see here that the conflict is intensifying and the regional backers backing both warring factions are also. A strong support to their local allies turkey the president of egypt of the van stated that they will continue supporting the. Government to government of face of he also stated that the European Union has no right to make decisions concerning libya so now the government of National Accord here in tripoli is not very hopeful louis gardening get resuming the peace talks despite the fact that the United Nations support the mission in libya is still hopeful that this Peace Process will work out but the situation on the ground is not at legg that especially with the have to his forces continue targeting get his attention as you know that the government of National Court has set forward a prerequisite to continue talks that have to the forces must hold hostilities or stop targeting the state facilities that is the areas this is as a prerequisite for the government to resume the peaceful talks or the peace talks in geneva are not going to go by had there for us on the ground in tripoli thank you matt. Now turkeys president is warning that an operation into Northern Syria could be launched imminently resupply to one once Government Troops to withdraw behind military positions in the province and he says turkeys demands havent been met during recent talks with russia the kremlin says its strongly opposed to any Turkish Military operation the Syrian Government is currently conducting an offensive to retake the last rebel held areas while taki says its planning to establish a safe zone in Northern Syria well lets go live now to house and had say in turkey for us how some youve already seen so much suffering there from civilians who are heading for the border how likely and how imminent is this offensive. What it could be just about sort of to a time before before before theres an agreement if theres no agreement that i think the chance of that an outright war between syria and turkey was significantly increased the article 15 now is about syria no from a turkish perspective the latest advance of the syrian army is a violation of the terms of the agreement that was signed between russia turkey and iran in 2018 and that established save zones in its live thats violation explains from the turkish perspective the need for them to send more troops on the ground to monitor the situation but ultimately to prevent president bashar assad from moving forward towards it now they havent seen any indication that syrian army is going to hold the offensive and this explains why president as if they. Had delivered some of the strongest rebuke so far to the syrians and to the russians about the situation it live lets listen to what he had to say. To you. But on the subject of it turkey has made all preparations to carry out its own operational plans but as with every military operation on this subject ill say we could enter it suddenly one not yet were more clearly the operation in libya is imminent to the regime and those who encourage not having understood our determination on the subject we will not leave it lip we spoke to mr trump on saturday and i shared with him our findings we have no intention of blatantly shouldering the burden that regional developments will put on our country we are determined to turn it into a secure place both for turkey and for the regions people at any cost. Thats the turkish perspective now we comes to russia and Syrian Government they Say Something different they say basically that groups like the show which is the most organized and powerful alliance of rebel groups operating in libya is a terrorist organization and therefore is excluded from the ceasefire agreement syrian army has also been saying that its offensive will continue until it live which is the last stronghold of the rebels in syria falls back into the control of the Syrian Government the next coming days theres an ultimatum that has been put forth by the turkish government which is the end of february by the end of february if there is no agreement about a new ceasefire and about the Demilitarized Zone so the chances of a military confrontation will was significantly increase and this is something that could just further compound exacerbate this humanitarian situation that has been unfolding in the northern part of the country. Across all those developments for us from turkey thank you. Well theres plenty more ahead here on this news hour including they say theyre on a mission from god but theyre peddling drugs we investigate the evangelical traffickers of rio de janeiro. Choosing between a dynasty more than 50 years old or a new Leader People in tokyo get ready to fight. And unfortunately losing the 10 to tour action for the newly crowned astray and i think champion. Now u. S. Attorney general william ball is reportedly considering stepping down i have a conflict with President Donald Trump the Justice Department has locked in a dispute with an association of judges over the handling of the sentencing of transform advisor White House Correspondent candy how it has the story. Less than 2 weeks after being acquitted by the u. S. Senate of abusing his president ial powers dont. Trump is once again facing similar accusations as he fights his own department of justice somebody has to stick up for the people trump is being criticized for intervening in a case involving close friend and political ally roger stone convicted last year of lying to a Congressional Committee investigating whether trost Political Campaign colluded with Russia Federal prosecutors recommended stone go to jail for at least 7 years trump tweeted the recommendation was a miscarriage of justice that same day his attorney general william barr downgraded the recommendation prompting for federal lawyers to quit the case complicating things further bar took the unusual step of admitting publicly the trumps tweets dont help if i do make his job harder i do agree with that i think thats true now as Trump Defends bar and lashes out at federal judges and prosecutors a Group Representing the judges is accusing trump of overstepping the legal boundaries of the presidency with unprecedented involvement in politically sensitive judicial cases their actions Trump Defense im allowed to be totally and im actually i guess the chief Law Enforcement officer of the country but ive chosen not to be involved in reality it is the attorney general that is the chief Law Enforcement officer in the u. S. Not the president but that hasnt stopped trump from undoing other sentences through a series of pardons for high profile individuals including convicted Financier Michael Milken former new York City Police commissioner Bernard Kerik and even former democratic illinois governor Rod Blagojevich convicted for trying to sell former president Barack Obamas Vacant Senate seat once Obama Took Office and president says he may continue to try and influence the legal case involving his friend roger staubach. Around stone sentencing is set for thursday and trump hasnt ruled out pardoning kim kimberly help at aljazeera the white house. Joins us now live from washington d. C. Patty there was initially some speculation about whether bobs comments about trump a genuine or if it was about trying to emphasize the independence of the Justice Department but now it seems there is a real rift developing now if this is pretty classic washington so we saw barr getting a lot of heat we saw 2000 members former members of the Justice Department writing the letter saying he needs to resign there were people in congress saying he needs to be impeached because this is really an unprecedented move that he is so directly helping the president of the United States to democrats theyre saying hes forgetting that hes actually the chief Law Enforcement officer of the United States and acting more like a personal attorney lets not forget this is not the 1st incident where william bars integrity has been called into question when it comes to serving the president remember special counsel Robert Muller he submitted his report to bill barr and then barr put out a statement basically what he said was a summary saying the president didnt commit any crimes and then he let the moeller reports basically sit in a shelf for about 3 weeks and then he came out in the motor report was really different from what bart initially said it was so democrats have been pretty harsh about bars integrity threw out his tenure and so what is happening now is youre seeing him send a message to the president through the press he already did it once on television now hes doing it through the Washington Post saying that he might resign heres what he had to say though when he was interviewed about the roger stone case lets listen. As i said during my confirmation i came in to serve as attorney general and im not going to be bullied or influenced by anybody and i said it and whether its Congress Newspaper editorial boards or the president im going to do what i think is right i cannot do my job here at the department with a constant background commentary that undercuts me well given all of this how do you what are you hearing from the white house is this likely to change any behavior at all it was very strange this is a president who when anyone criticizes him no matter who they are he lashes back and you saw in kimberly story there the president was saying very nice things about bar that he has confidence in him that he does make his job harder that is a very unusual admission from the president so we saw this so far took these actions the president tweeted are did an interview the president continued to tweet now hes sending the message through the Washington Post that he might go in keep in mind this is a president who hasnt seen a lot of his cabinet members quit hes fired up plenty of them but they dont tend to quit and we know this is a position that is very important to President Trump he has said that we need somebody who can be his protector in that position so this is bar using that through the media to send the message the president that he has his limits now will the president hear him this way when he hasnt heard him all the other way as well well have to keep our eyes on twitter and see what he has to say about that and just that. There for us in washington d. C. Thanks betty. Now after weeks trapped in quarantine on a cruise ship in japan hundreds of passengers have now been able to leave but the corona virus is still spreading around the diamond princess increasing concerns for the hundreds hundreds who remain on board now another 79 cases have been confirmed on tuesday and its all raising questions about how effective the quarantine was in the 1st place robert bride reports from yokohama. This was the day all of the passengers and crew on the diamond princess have been waiting for the start of disembarkation after 14 days of quarantine people who have tested negative for the corona virus were allowed to leave yokohama support in a stream of vehicles through wednesday some sharing their experiences on social media continuing journeys that they had expected to complete weeks ago the spread of infection through the ship during the quarantine sickening hundreds more people has raise serious concerns here and internationally thats been made worse by an Infectious Disease expert taking to social media to describe his visit to belowdecks i never had a fear of getting infection myself for. A south. Because i know how to protect myself but inside prisons diamond ever thought scared i was scared of getting caught between 19 because there was no way to tell where the virus the no green zone not red zone everywhere could have virus and everybody was not careful about it there was no single professional Infection Control person in the ship. The japanese government insists its happy with the way the quarantine has been handled. Its going. Since february 5 weve taken thora action to prevent infection such as asking passengers to stay in their rooms and reduce risk to the entire ship we conducted small tests of the earliest time for priority passengers such as those who are symptomatic and the elderly and if necessary taken them to medical facilities we are taking measures with utmost consideration for the health of passengers and crew members. Even so Health Officials in japan will continue to monitor its citizens who were on board. But for many passengers even finally getting off the ship doesnt mean the end of their journey countries like the United States and australia are telling their citizens to wait another 2 weeks before returning home or face another stretching quarantine if they go back now. The whole disembarkation process is expected to take several days with those infected being transferred to medical facilities on shore the occasional wailed of ambulance sirens a reminder that this outbreak is making even more people seriously rob look bright aljazeera yokohama japan well chinas government has now offered incentives to Health Workers to encourage them to work in the epicenter of the corona Virus Outbreak the government has been struggling to contain the spread of the illness and restrictions on movement are being tightened katrina you reports from beijing cleared at the new coronavirus these blood donors are hoping to contribute to a cure that plasma antibodies that could help patients who are seriously ill their identities have been concealed to avoid them suffering any stigma when they return to their communities because my blood may help more patients to be here and a critical conditions go home and reunite families as i did. Chinas military has said more supplies and medical staff equal bay to help fight the outbreak there are almost 12000 critically sick patients in the province alone in addition to salary bonuses the government has announced new incentives for Health Workers the children of frontline Health Workers restores 10 extra points in the High School Exams younger children are given preferential access to public kindergartens and those who die fighting the outbreak given rational miters status meaning their family allowances and benefits after they pass away tough measures have been imposed to protect the healthy tens of millions of people have been restricted from leaving their homes and have to rely on local teams to deliver food the World Health Organization says controls on movement have helped to contain the outbreak measure on the Movement Restriction of delayed. The dissemination of the outbreak of 2 or 3 days within china and and few weeks outside china to 3 weeks so based on these then choose the measure if well implemented could have an impact on the propagation of the restrictions have brought much of china to a standstill but some 3 just starting to resume production some analysts say the outbreak will slow chinas growth by up to 2 Percentage Points this quarter but its still too early to count the longer Term Economic cost of a coronavirus katrina you aljazeera beijing or lets go live now to adrian brown whos in hong kong about developments there and also on the mainland where were now hearing reports of china expelling 3 wall street journal reporters it and weve been talking a lot about how the Chinese Government is trying to control this narrative is this a crackdown. Well i think its possibly a warning shot to other western news organizations operating in china i cant recall a time recently when so many journalists from one organization have been expelled from china they seem to be paying the price for an article that appeared on the opinion page of the wall street journal recently under the headline china is the real sick man of asia well that i think was clearly a red rag to a bull for the officials that monitor the western media in china and as a result the Foreign Ministry on wednesday afternoon addressed journalists and said that the article in their view was racist and denigrated chinas efforts trying to contain the virus now the phrase no sick man china the sick man of asia references i think a period in the late 19th and early 20th century when china was often referred to as the sick man of the stage or this was a period when china was riven by internal division war and what it was forced to sign a number of what it saw as humiliating treaties like the one that forced it to hand over hong kong to britain so its a very sensitive subject but we also have to see it in the context of what happened 24 hours earlier when the trumpet ministration announced it was going to tighten restrictions on 5 chinese news organizations operating in the United States they now have to seek approval when they want to buy property and also submit the names of all their employees to the state department so i think we have to see it possibly in that light as well or very sensitive at my age and im also saying that even as the number of new infections in china is dropping seemingly were also hearing about more deaths in hong kong. Yes we had one more death in hong kong that was announced on wednesday this was a 70 year old man he had an underlying condition reportedly diabetes another man who died 2 weeks ago also had an underlying condition and thats been a sort of common theme of the deaths weve seen so far in hong kong and also on the mainland the number of deaths in the mainland though is beginning to fall as is the rate of infection now also in hong kong the government has announced tonight wednesday that its sending an aircraft to japan to bring back more than 50 home kong citizens whove been on that cruise liner the diamond princess there are 3 150. 00 hong kong citizens in total on that line up 52. 00 of them have been confirmed to have the virus but 200. 00 others have been tested negative but once they are brought back to hong kong theyre going to have to undergo 14 days of quarantine which means in total they will spend a month in quarantine including the 2 weeks of course on board the diamond princess and with a very long time until it adrian brown bear and hung around for us thank you very much. Well now its time for the weather and richard is going to tell us about the bad weather over the leavened thats right yes and certainly across the levant region and the eastern side of the mediterranean weve had some disturbed weather through the gym youve had some very heavy rain of last couple of days some big rainfall totals being reported further east its still looking pretty disturbed here this shot comes from the gaza strip you see the children making the most were pretty appalling conditions in this city being fairly cold here also you can see is around the sequence of the rainfall that it generally seems to be just dying away and that is a general trend because what were going to find is that the main focus of the rain is going to transfer further towards the east so lets move out again and look at particularly iran and iraq and northern parts of syria eastern parts of turkey and its here where weve got this weather system which is a run the sequence develops into fairly heavy rain you can see on the border of syria turkey the some snow developing and that extends into parts of iraq and also iran so they should focus for wednesday moving on to thursday you can see the intensity here re some very heavy snow fall down through the psych ross mountains that could be up to meter snow at the highest elevations and further south theres also going to be a fair amount of rain moving to the middle east region generally across arabia theres even a chance theyll share coming into dough and what we will find over the next few days is temperatures coming down quite significantly and look at where theyre highest of just 22 degrees. Thanks very much richard while still ahead on aljazeera the future of Artificial Intelligence in the European Union leaders meet to discuss ways to compete with the u. S. And china. A message in a bottle a new show in london tells the story of the hardships and the resilience of refugees. And then also i began transfer the 2 heavyweight boxers aiming to end each others unbeaten records. Americans live side by side in 2 parallel universes the truck parts of america are getting in trouble here there is a poll out a few weeks ago that you had almost 30 percent americans believing they were on the cusp of civil war both sides accuse each other of doing things that are so blatantly wrong the bottom line on us politics and policies and theyre affecting the world. Its a tough time for the Afghan Security forces taliban attacks have increased their suffering heavy casualties and the prospect of a withdrawal of u. S. Forces hangs over them yet young men are still joining up some for potshots at reasons for others is the only way to get a job despite the risks midways karim he was an Army Bomb Disposal engineer in Helmand Province he knew the risks he was blinded in both eyes and lost a leg when a roadside device exploded as you try to defuse it i was aware of the danger of seeing friends wounded while working on mines i wasnt scared to lose an arm or a leg to sacrifice we have to like to serve this country. Hello again and the stars you take and a reminder about top stories this hour the u. N. Says its hoping to resume talks aimed at reaching a cease fire in libya after the internationally recognized government suspended its involvement and comes as russia says war Khalifa Haftar has met with their defense minister and that both agreed a political solution is the only option for libya. Turkeys president is threatening an imminent military operational problems if a Syrian Government forces dont withdraw behind its military positions russia says its strongly against that narrative. And 79. 00 new cases of corona virus have been confirmed on a cruise ship quarantined in Japan Bringing out total to more than 600. 00 hundreds of passengers who were declared healthy were allowed to leave after 2 weeks of being stuck onboard and south korea has seen a rise of 20 new cases in just one day. Now followers of after brazilian religion say theyre facing prejudice and even attacks as evangelical christianity grows across the country in rio de janiero the situation has become serious enough for a department that specializes partly in religious hate crimes too of incest up john holmes has more. This is new on the sermon the real that you know you know its just one of brazils african influence religions which follow us and those of cunt another african based face that been struggling against as evangelical christianity gains ground in the country. From discrimination from family members to abuse in the street where they were close to their religion to worse me theres a 3rd in 20177 temples in the block right behind our place were attacked but these attacks have been happening for a long time across the country just unreal that youre nato there were 200 complaints of religious discrimination in 2019 movent double that the year before and 176 temples with african based religions shut. Things were bad enough that a Police Department was set up in the city to investigate those attacks along with other hate crimes chief joe but stephen a joke told us the worst case is a link to a bizarre phenomena evangelical drug traffickers from the pure 3rd cmon gang who feel theyre on a mission from god one was even a pastor some of the bosses down south and say i do not want. African religions be cracked here anymore cause they belong to the evil and they started are there in cream enough other criminals should get inside of those samples and tell people to stop stop their reach roles stop wearing their clothes us and everything men off the times they call themselves. The cream in the halls of quad soldiers of jesus. That something they should far down south im sure that really really just people want to accept that stephen a jew emphasizes the off to work from his department attacks have gone down. The religious leaders say federal government which relies on evangelical support is not doing enough to protect them theres a sense that its a serious blow to them in tolerance and violence against the choice and that sony courage more to the many like to see how the it is a racial element to. This is basically a way of breaking black peoples legs these temples are places of empowerment welcome in care as black people become stronger these institutions will face more attacks. The fights on to preserve beliefs that for some brazilians are as much part of their identity as sand and see. John homan. Through the generic. Voters in togo head to the polls this weekend and then theyll be choosing between a dynasty thats led to the small west african nation for more than half a century or a new anita in the 1st of a series of stories on the election amid address went to the capital to find out just what matters to people there. What is at this Nutritional Supplement plant race to beat or days. But no matter how hard they work they can only meet 15 percent of customer demands because the plant lacks the capacity to handle large orders young entrepreneurs like. I could strain birdlike of funds and government support. We want the government to act on 2 parameters to create a bank to support young entrepreneurs and to invest more in skilled use instead of wasting resources trying to appease every unemployed person this way the skilled individuals can set up businesses to employ young people but reviving the economy is not the only concern for 2 goalies in these elections. In rural areas where most of the population lives about 60 percent of the people like access to electricity and clean water. There is widespread poverty among the population there is little or no Economic Empowerment for the poor some voters want to change to the current regime to them that will mean Economic Freedom togo is rich and as the president himself acknowledged resources are currently controlled by a few individuals this is unacceptable. Campaign rallies are underway as Political Parties try to convince the voters to support their. Members of the i said before being in power here since 967 many talk on short change in the ongoing assembly will make any difference but president for your summer supporters believe he provides the security and stability of the forward needs but the opposition insists only it can grow the economy and bring prosperity to trouble. But many voters are less confident of a quick fix to the economy and their living conditions. With im not going to vote because the congo in queue up to cast my ballot for change that never comes when i know my vote will make a difference maybe ill change my mind for now shes passing up the thrill of casting our 1st ballot and like our many others think the politicians are out of tune with aids how might you grease how does the. Hundreds of dutch farmers have taken to their tractors to protest against a planned government emissions policy the protest comes a day before the government is due to debate a plan to control the amount of nitrogen pollution released into the air from a say theyre being targeted by lawmakers arguing that other Industries Like aviation and construction on major polices. The airplane manufacturer boeing has announced the discovery of debris contaminating the fuel tanks of 737 max jets the particles were found during maintenance of several planes its unclear just how many were affected the jets were built in the past year but were not yet approved for the use of Airline Customers boeing 737 max planes have been grounded since march last year following 2 fatal crashes which together killed 346 people now the European Union has unveiled its proposed strategy for Artificial Intelligence including regulations on transparency and Data Protection brussels plans to put more than 200000000000. 00 into the sector over the next 10 me is it proposes creating European Data spaces where research is governments and businesses would store and have access to shared data it also wants new rules for the application of Artificial Intelligence particularly in high risk sectors Like Health Care and policing well for more on this lets speak to neve baka who joins us now live from brussels need weve been hearing this over the last hour or so the European Commission announcing all these new initiatives whats the main priority here for them. The main priority for the European Union is to balance the rights of its many millions of citizens with the desire to actively compete with the United States and china the have much more relaxed attitude when it comes to data regulation so what the e. U. Have done is come up with a white paper that they hope after months of consultation will end up being the backbone of future legislation Going Forward that will essentially dictate the kind of direction the e. U. Will go in the years to come will indeed of course the e. U. End up being able to fight off potential competition from outside the bloc that is the big question so some of the details of the white paper that have been discussed cover everything from facial recognition use in public spaces it looks like the e. U. Have backed away from a total ban for the next 5 years leaving it down to individual countries within the to decide what kind of legislation they into g. s theyve also talked about how environmentally Sustainable Data storage needs to be and all susie mentioned earlier those high risk areas that extra bits of protection may be needed were talking about access to Health Care Records or security or policing records as well so Going Forward as the e. U. Has a tremendous amount that it needs to think about and it does of course come at a major major financial commitment were talking about many billions of dollars over the next decade or so money that the e. U. Insists is a vital to ensure that the public here across the east 27. 00 states have trust in technology. Have it live for us in brussels thank you name of well lets dig into this a little more with mako whole bag hes a member of the high level xpect group on Artificial Intelligence for the European Commission and he joins us now from komo in italy on skype so mark the e. U. Isnt really thought of as being very active when it comes to ai the us has its tech giants china has the government leading the charge whats fueling this push in the e. U. Because i think the u. S. Is not afraid to sue some p. To eat sweets us to china. And i understand the full that there is no. Financial commitment there are also impressed. From the export specter of i think its an opportunity for europe to to leads. Not lead perhaps in consumer goods but leads for an ethical approach to ai and i think we can see if we see what the g. D. P. Our general Data Protection regulation does and how it see my other countries start the new i think theres a theres a good chance for that theres a 70 sort. To make to kind of combine you know patient and ethics will need botanist saying there is this tension here right between trying to regulate the space but also to expand it at the same time so how do you try to walk that fine line. It is in the. Difficult balance to strike. I think its important to have an approach where over the line theres clarity on regulation what the e. U. Will do what we have in this document but i think its that theres too much. Things are too open too much possibilities for regulation are present and its not very clear what he was actually going to do in terms of details regulation a good example is the environment and Climate Change i think what else could be done as much more clear requirements. Instead we see. Some vague references to the importance of responding to destroy homes and. I think from an ethical point of view i want to fly to see more more concrete requirements and more sort of framework for question the regulation in this area mark i want to ask you more about that because this white paper thats released was leaked already some time back and theres already been quite a lot of criticism about the lack of consideration given to the Environmental Impact and i feel like a lot of people dont think about this a lot i was looking at some numbers here the volume of days a store across the world that they said that would be used to train Artificial Intelligence would likely quadruple by 2025 i mean to 175 bytes thats quite the Carbon Footprint when it comes to all the hardware needed to do that. Exactly many many people forget that its a kind of information stick knowledge in general that they actually do not immaterial theyre not just virtual things also software its all connected with material with viruses with infrastructure its like data centers and these are made for searchers and with your own devices they have to be produced and there is a sudden she they they consume energy themselves so its important we do see a new development if we now have an opportunity to regulate this new technologies to do caesar but youve got to also. Do it in a way that. Not only not environment but also positively contributes to dealing with Climate Change and thats a space will continue watching very closely indeed my bag there a member of the high level expectation on Artificial Intelligence for the European Commission thank you for joining us on aljazeera thank you. Well now what do refugees breakdancing and the music of staying all have in common its an unusual combination but together theyre telling a story of human resilience Jessica Baldwin reports from london. A new show is opened in london. Message in a bottle it tells the story of refugee 3 siblings clean their village after its bombed and held by armed militia and more ive researched and gone into the more human side of the story of refugees the more ive seen that theres a way in art to try and present it to provoke thoughts to. Maybe humanize the situation a bit more to try and help us approach. People have been forced to flee their homeland. But one standing. The music is all still familiar songs that take on new relevance putting words to grueling experiences faced by millions. The message in a bottle was 1st released 40 years ago when sting was with his band the police the songs of alienation and isolation have been repurposed to tell the story of refugees leaving their homes and all they know for an uncharted future. Hip hop popping breaking contemporary dance at its most dynamic the troupe of downstairs from 7 countries also can snap into live improvisation even the warm up for the downstairs is physically demanding the show involves changing styles varying speeds early on in the process thing came to a workshop he said he was moved by what he saw and how the down service had interpreted its music using songs that already have a fan base helps convince theater producers that seats will be sold. Of course from a commercial product to having a back catalog where people go in knowing that they already know and like the music thats a huge loss. Ultimately this show is about human resilience but not all refugee stories and on an upbeat note the creator hopes after seeing the moving portrayal of people forced from their homes at least london audiences will get the message Jessica Baldwin. While still ahead. Its anger i feel like ever single guy over there needs a beating and a sport baseball is chasing scandal continues to provoke strong emotions. Business leaders is by no brass paul. Business leaders the 2 by no brush paul. Well our time has gotten and hes going to tell us all about the asian Champions League thank you to stars here some results just coming in japanese titleholders your karma if you continue the perfect starts the group stages of the asian Champions League the 2nd straight victory coming against sydney f. C. Minus were crazy what is in this one basing their australian opponents 4 nil when included 2 goals from last seasons japanese part of the year tara hate so not regard for marriage by australias managed even by australias former National Coach postecoglou now top of group h. Another Japanese Team making it so in france a vessel coby scored in the final minutes here to grab a one nil away win against south koreas see one player wins how the top the standings in chief. Now liverpool need another big Home Performance if theyre to stay in this seasons european Champions League Mohamed Salah and co beats in one nail by flexcar madrid spain in the 1st leg of their last 16 side the premier League Leaders didnt manage a single shot on target in this. Emotion and there is a logical syria it was so emotional there are nights you never forget it tonight was one of those nights people the best team in the world came here undefeated for so many games and we beat them we didnt qualify but we beat them. Early holland stunning run of form continued for brushed dorman the 19 year old scored twice says his team beat perry sanjay mounting one in germany thats 11 goals in just 7 games for holland since he joined the club. Tona manager joe is a merino has been getting philosophical out of his teams game against germany of the leipsic tottenham were facing something of an injury crisis on young men could be out for the rest of the season with a fractured arm in one caps and harry kane also sidelined marino using the analogy of climbing a building to try to describe the same situation we got this. Closely but immediately in the beginning the broke you know we are you go. In the balcony in the 4th floor. And know you have 2 options one. Is to give up another way is to focus. d because theres parents. Who are quite bust people legend lebron james has waded into the cheating scandal consuming baseball the Houston Astros been allowed to keep their 2017 world series title despite admitting to illegally using cameras to steal pictures signs applies escaped punishment by major league bosses in return for cooperating with the investigation but many within baseball feel thats not good enough and its now crossed the sporting divide with l. A. Lakers star james sharing his thoughts on twitter he said i know if someone cheated me out of winning the title and i found out about it i would be irate listen here baseball commissioner listen to your players you need to fix this for the sake of Sports League commissioner rob manfred hes in a huge pressure hes been defending his decision not to take the title of the astros going as far to describe the championship trophy as just a piece of metal he now says he regrets that comments. You had a long day on sunday i think i did 45 minutes on camera and then i did a press conference. I have to say i made one mistake. It least i referred to the world series trophy in a disrespectful way and i want to apologize for that theres no excuse for it there is no greater pleasure in this job than awarding that trophy i understand what it means and again it was a mistake to say what i said but in the main some more and more players from of the sames are expressing but they would send see spring training ahead of the new season you know yankees are in charge one of many who wants to see the astros stripped off the sites and i feel like the players involved you know need to be you know punished and you know if i go out there in an archie to game on i think i think darvish was the one that said you know if youre you know if youre playing the olympics you want to go metal you come find out you cheated you dont you need to keep that medal i feel like every single guy over there needs to be thing. You know its wrong theyre in there messing with peoples careers. You know i know were all competitive and were all were out there competing but theres right ways of doing it wrong ways to do it and. 100 percent disagree with the way they did it. Any crowned Australian Open champion severe canon has made a losing return to action playing in her 1st format since clinching the title in melbourne the 21 year old american has beaten in 3 sets a body and seeded alaina. Of how 6th down. For just over a year since their memorable 1st meeting in the ring dion say walter and tyson fury are ready for the rematch the pair arrived in las vegas ahead of saturdays heavyweight concepts fury is undefeated at the british fighter is without say heavy weights heights all at the moment w. B. C. Champion the world also gets a taste of fate when the pair faced each other in 28. 00 seen the fight ended in a controversial draw this is living with that being is going to happen people can come together and make the best point happen for the fans to see because thats only when we really truly know who is the best in the beers and as a heavyweight you know its been it was down so many years and now its on fire its amazing really just to be a heavyweight right now this is the biggest fight the last 50 years and have a Great Division so both trying to put on the line the fans are the only one here to start today night because we both have a lot to lose and the drive involved in a huge cross at the daytona 500 rice is now conscious and able to talk a statement from ryan newmans team said the 42 year old american is a white now in speaking with family and doctors newman has been leading mondays rice heading into the final lap when he was hit from behind and spun in see the circuit seem ok but as you sport finance starts thanks very much andy. Well south korean movies have a long struggle to win Global Recognition but since the film parasites won the oscar for best picture and made International Headlines new doors have opened for local filmmakers from 3 has more. Fresh from their oscar victory last week film director. And cast members of parasite help their 1st News Conference back home in saul but. I feel happy that its now come to a happy and i worked very hard i was thinking about taking a break but Martin Scorsese told me not to resist its been a long road to success for bone who was once on a government blacklist created during former president lee myung box rule from 2008 and expanded under his successor park and. The list was intended to cut off state funding to artists deemed too critical of the administration box involvement in that led in part to demonstrations against her and her eventual downfall. In the past decade south korean entertainment has made waves abroad its pop music known as k. Pop has become a global phenomenon while korean dramas have gained a loyal following in asia it is a little. Film connoisseurs believe parasite could herald a new era for korean films many of them are all who saw korean film for the 1st time in their lives this number of all this will be potential film market and i was also told. Us. Who just began to. Sickout more films into. Parasites theme of income inequality resonates with its audience but ironically the film was only made possible with backing from c. J. Groups a family controlled conglomerate these companies known as chaebol control much of south koreas economy and are often seen as perpetuating the wealth gap the success of parasites has now cast a spotlight on chaebol is rolling in the movie industry many such firms own cineplex and film studios and have been accused of investing mostly in formulaic blockbusters rather than films that promote creativity and diversity so thats why. I made my debut a 999 green movie industry has seen a Splendid Development over the past 20 years however at the same time its become more difficult for young directors to make more unique and adventurous a team and young talented directors rather than being absorbed into the movie industry now make independent movies a film critic says south koreas movie industry is at a Pivotal Moment i think of this is to take more take risks with younger filmmakers. Try finance here independent films that encourage. And ensure that these younger directors have opportunities many are hoping that parasite to lead the way to a bold a path for south koreas Film Industry Florence Li Al Jazeera and. I remember you can keep up with all the latest on our website thats aljazeera dot but dr hutton and thats it for this news hour but dont go away ill be back in just a moment. Frank assessments the one thing about these bushfires usage really wiping out the politics of Climate Change informed opinion the economy i think is actually whats keeping damo trouble afloat right now critical debate sequel on those 2 school board lawyers on d the boat this argument is astonishingly patronize a indepth analysis of the days headlines this is the beginning of the iraq of the new conscious and aware youth about still against an ethnic sectarian cult or inside story on aljazeera the dissolute mother waits on the border between ukraine and russian occupied crimea. For news of her missing son. Numerous Young Country men have disappeared following her arrest these disappeared other victims of a crackdown on the top population of crimea by russia since its occupation in 2014. Before the invasion of 2014 crimea was a part of another country ukraine really formed when the soviet union broke up into separate states but Many Russians including the president Vladimir Putin were unhappy with. Russia is determined to keep its alleged abuse of human rights away from public scrutiny. As the only indigenous groups to local Community Policing the tradition. Russia sees this Muslim Minority as a sort of. A unique endangered biodiversity lives in the heart of one of the produce tropical jungles there was a lot of misinformation about the i knew most of the half year and now the probability is becoming by so their self conservation their communities aljazeera journeys deep into the rain forest to follow a scientist untouched to save the flora and fauna so precious in the region women make science ecuadors Hidden Treasure on aljazeera. The. The u. N. Tries to get libyan talks restarted after iraq has attack on the countrys main port sees the tripoli government suspend its involvement. And again i missed all the detail and this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up turkeys president threatens an imminent military operation to push back Syrian Government forces and the province russia warns against it. In set pieces. And was scared adopted talks of deplorable conditions on board a quarantined cruise ship in japan as hundreds of passengers

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