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Patrol with un peacekeepers and the Congolese Army in east india and see that you try to stop the rebel attacks that have already cost 1000 lives coming up in sports well see whats next for Manchester City as they take their punishment for breaking financial fair play rules to sports culture pale. So just in the past hour or so the u. S. Defense secretary has called china the biggest threat to the global order he was speaking at the Munich Security Conference markets accusing the Chinese Government of seeking advantage across the world by any means and at any cost and he again urged European Countries to stay away from the chinese tech giant huawei a demand that has been rebuffed by european allies. Under present shes rule the Chinese Communist party is heading even faster and further in the wrong direction more internal repression more predatory economic practices more heavy handedness and most concerning for me a more aggressive military posture it is essential that we as an International Community wake up to the challenges presented by chinas manipulation of the longstanding International Rules based order that has benefited all of us for many decades so thats not what john holl in munich hi john i mean we were really focusing a lot of afghanistan with this conference to start with and now suddenly china front and center. Yes absolutely secretary of state michael and the defense secretary mark one after the other offering really a pointed rebuttal of the idea that many seem to have of the u. S. Heading into isolationism under donald trump of a failure and lack of leadership in the Transatlantic Alliance anything but they both say signaling instead what looks like the beginning of a new era in u. S. Foreign and defense policy aimed squarely at the rise of china let me bring in my guest under rasmussen joins me now former secretary general of nato thank you very much for joining us so how significant is this move by the u. S. Pointedly marking china out is sort of enemy number one the biggest threat to the world i think each quite significantly and i fully agree we have seen how not alone in china but all too although talk mrs have turned still margaret if in that world we need a strong cooperation between the words democracies of free societies under the leadership of the United States to fight to counter the adventuring autocracy is people do talk here in munich and elsewhere about her lack of leadership by the United States in the International Alliance infrastructure particularly nato and the u. N. Is this a rebuttal of that is this the United States signaling that it is as my compose said squaring facing down these challenges and unblinkingly doing so. In a way i think charlie yes i have been a concerned about color and lack of American Global leadership we need them to and i was encouraged by the speech of secretary pumpin today because he was really our he made a strong case for American Leadership i fully agree and instead of. Him i mean racing competition. Between europe and theyre not just states we need to join forces we need to realize that its. End of we should set the norms and standards internationally for the use of new technology but otherwise you autocrats will do it that set a fairly heavy handed message do you think to european allies over their potential use of Chinese Technology qua way in building 5 g. Networks mr esper said that if they were to continue down that path particularly likes of the u. K. It could compromise nato by destroying trust in an intelligence sharing yeah and i fully agree. And i think in europe we see an increasing. Relation we see less navy chief so i think to get to an eye to states we should develop a credit but i would turn to to while away. You will have been part of the news last night as well about a deal struck with the taliban by u. S. Negotiators for a 7 day period of reduced violence which could in turn and in time lead to a Peace Process how viable is all of that do you think yeah thats a good question but i support or fs to bring peace to the Afghan People but of course we have to make sure that women try its. Protection of minorities are really respected so thats the issue can we make sure that at dealing with guarantee all those rights until now we have been disappointed whenever deals have being made or theyre tried to make deals with the taliban hopefully this could be one step forward you will it you you were involved of course as nate the nato secretary general deeply in nato mission in afghanistan and you will know that the Biggest Issue is trust of the taliban its all very well to have their agreement to this period of reduced violence do they even have control do you think of their own forces to be able to implement it in the past 15 no they didnt so it remains to be seen by stander i think we should appreciate all the steps. Try to hand over responsibility for security to the afghans themselves so lets try this but i think we should guard the protection of women triage and to protection of minorities and as for us muslim former secretary general of nato many thanks for your time and from the Munich Security Conference back to you and out of a thank you journey a journey there with the former nato secretary general as we said the current one young stoltenberg has been speaking in munich as well and insisted there will never be a hasty would draw all of troops from afghanistan 16000 nato troops are training the Afghan Forces so they can fight terrorism and create the conditions for peace we are not leaving afghanistan but we are prepared to adjust our force level if the taller bomb demonstrate the will and the ability to deduce violence and make it really compromises. That could pave the way for negotiations among afghans sustainable peace and ensuring the country is never again a safe haven for toasts. Wardak with us now from kabul a security analyst the Founding Member of transparency afghanistan which is an ngo focusing on the eradication of corruption in afghanistan habib thank you for your time a one week peace deal ceasefire however you want to term it between the u. S. And the Afghan Taliban tell us what that could actually achieve because on the face of it a week sounds like nothing when theyve been fighting for 1000 years. When 1st of all and when the americans and the taliban order to go shooting last year the fear is that we would have every now and then would be called a Peace Agreement early and 22020. 00 just about 4 months down the line when President Trump card those peace talks off through his tweets this is now a deduction and violence agreement we understand that reduction in violence agreement does not translate into a Peace Agreement however it could be a very good step towards a very Good Platform 2 words a sustainable peace and i will understand but it will still be very early to just say that and their reason behind it is the could to get an interim african dialogue which will be followed and 23. 00 weeks down the line. For one week the taliban has promised. They would reduce violence they would be monitored which would serve as a confidence Building Measure for the entry Afghan Dialogue but we have problems in kabul i asked photos the entry of dialogue is concerned the problem is the lack of consensus in kabul between government and. Other political elites in kabul president romney has sort of and his government has so far failed and creating doubt consensus is required a shoe will represent the Afghan Government and the Afghan People at large when did go and talk to the taliban and out. Dialogue. Going dialogue will then if done successfully will pave the way for a sustainable long term peace and does it have very. Sorry to interrupt you does this have consensus because as you rightly pointed out donald trump blew it all up previously just with tweets i mean it was going to be a washington meeting you know all this and suddenly disappeared do you feel everyone is actually on the same page here. Well i dont see everyone being on the same page you still have hawks in the Afghan Government who unfortunately Still Believes that talking to the taliban is not a good idea who Still Believes that a slight bit of modern military pressure would sort of up to 10 and advocate them this is kind of difference that we havent called its not that everybody agrees that we need to go and talk to the taliban now and then the other issue being is what do you want to do what do you want to achieve when you go on to the table into when you talk to the taliban the taliban have their demands very glad but on the afghan side day dont know what is it that they want because you have talks you have. One trying to outsmart the other groups so its weird if this reduction in violence frees gets gets on successful and we are talking about dialogue that is supposed to start somewhere and by by maximum it march and we have still afraid to create a group of negotiators who are going to go and negotiate with the taliban on from the afghan side do you feel has done enough to talk about this is that it do you feel that this opportunity now being the one week reduction or anything that comes from it can be more successful than previous attempts as i pointed out i mean we are going back to 2001 when the u. S. Invasion happened and this has been going on and on theres been attempts at talks theres been attempts at wiping out all these things and nothing has worked. Well this is the perfect opportunity yes it came after 18 years that you have the International Community the americans and specifically and majority of the africans who d. L. Is that you cannot fight it out you need a peaceful way out of this but you still have people in kabul who things like military pressure will do the job who has problems and times who dont political future if the taliban comes and mudge and merges into the political system so that they were trying to best to sabotage this whole process president president on the 1000000. 00 question will be what happens to defeat of the elections that that happened 5 months ago and we are still awaiting did result of them so if they are going to enter Afghan Dialogue what happens to has followed the next 5 years these of kind of questions that the administration in kabul is trying to find answers for it and try to go out of round it but on the other side the did the taliban have it very clear that they know what their demands are day know who they want to speak to and they have been very clear that they would want to talk to all politically leads Civil Society minorities journalists and so on and so forth but how will the political elite in the Afghan Government unified themselves and go out and form a united front and confront the taliban at the entrance when dialogue is is very tricky at the moment its been great talking to you thank you for your time and your expertise. Here is whats coming up he won this news out. In not centers where farmers and elephants are fighting for survival. We sure wish he were here today. Right and in support 3 weeks after his death like a star kobe bryant is announced as a candidate for basketball all right. Well the World Health Health Organization Says china is running more than 80 trials for the treatment of coronavirus the director of the emergencies programs is calling on nations around the world to work with beijing to fight the virus more than 2600 cases were recorded in china on friday which is about half the number reported theres a previous. Different trying to trying to right now everything from Traditional Medicine all the way through. And naturally in collaboration with trying to explain. To interest. Thats an incredible and function just basic knowledge over the next 2 to 3 weeks for. 2 to 3 weeks. Well earlier chinas foreign minister accused some countries of overreacting to corunna. Some countries have stepped up measures including quarantine measures which are reasonable and understandable but some countries have overreacted and which has triggered unnecessary panic why. In hong kong to pick up this one lets just start with those numbers in china 1st of all there are 2600 cases reported on friday which is half the number so i mean does china take that as a quote unquote when. Clearly china is trying to get that message across globally that its got this outbreak under control weve had to Chinas Deputy foreign minister in germany today saying that the new infections outside of who by. Calling for 12 days in this 1000 patients have recovered from the crime as far as infections and then being discharged now theyve been critical of other countries are they saying were overreacting i have a china as a strategy or plan to quit trying to contain this outbreak when we just had reports that a Chinese Tourists has died in front of me believe this might be the 1st chinese person citizen to die in europe so certainly the situation is changing but china is certainly getting it the propaganda message out that it has this case under control but said it with regard to the number of infections we were talking about the the one of the diamond princess which is the cruise ship electric cruise ship which is in new york to hama and that is part of particular people on board the passengers have been stuck in there in quarantine for some time and the latest is the last couple of hours weve had reports of 67. 00 new cases own board the diamond princess which takes it to 285. 00 cases all up on that particular cruise ship but again chinas trying to say that theyve got this epidemic out of control theyre saying that they thats the economy the impact of this epidemic will be short term and temporarily on china at this stage infections outside without that 1st case of the chinese resident in europe or in front to the book reportedly died as a result of the corona virus infection and serve us whats been happening in hong kong today protests there i mean weve been used approaches there for a long time but one of the specifically been about. Weve had a number of protests across hong kong in about 5 different locations the New Territories calderon and on hong kong on and one in particular whether a number of arrests and these are the Community Protests these are people who are angry at the government sign the government hasnt consulted them over setting up these coronavirus treatment clinics in these various locations now what theyre saying is that theyre being like titan set up in areas which are highly populated and therefore they risk a Community Outbreak those arrests happened in one of the New Territories on the border we had one where we are now in aberdeen where the people marched to that particular like chanting we dont want to community at pride here so clearly theres a lot of anxiety in hong kong given the access and the location and proximity to china and a number of people including Health Officials in hong kong have been pushing for the full closure of borders to china but that hasnt happened and now of course the government here is trying to set up these of these clinics around hong kong and across the city and their argument is theyre trying to ease the pressure on the hospitals which are dealing with the increasing number of infections in hong kong sarah clarke in hong kong thank you for that and now to geneva on skype with us Margaret Harris is a spokeswoman for the world Health Organization margaret thank you for your time trials more than 80 trials for treatments of coronavirus in china what more can you tell us about those and i guess how hopeful you are about them. Well this is a fantastic example of the global Scientific Collaboration that we seeing and its been right from the stone the scientists the experts in this area have have been working round the clock a couple of days ago we had a meeting where we brought together the people who expert in this area together to geneva we have to most of the people from china who are expert couldnt join physically but were on the phone and we asked them what do you need and one of the things they really needed was help running these trials because 80 trial sounds fantastic but what you need is for everybody to be doing that in the same way so that when we get some results we can really analyze and to give that to a maker analysis and very very quickly get some information you need to know for instance outcomes and of course the most serious and the one we really dont want to have happen is death but there are other outcomes what side effects what at what stage of the onus should you give it to people is it something you want to give to people who have severe illness of can you give it to people who have a mild illness to prevent them from going further well thats what i want to ask you so if i can interrupt you while you know that point is this the truth instead of going on is this more specifically for treating people or is this and is this separate to the idea of a of a vaccine will something similar to it. Right a vaccine is a Preventive Mission so its completely different from the treatment you give people a vaccine to prevent them actually getting ill you give it to Healthy People so that if they have to get exposed to the virus theyve already got antibodies in this is them that will protect them and prevent them from getting ill so youre quite right its a separate issue and yes there is also a lot of with there of but full candid at the same potential vaccines have been identified and again thats another huge area where thats going on that was discussed at the meeting last week and you know the race is on the works already begun. Put in which there are going to about cooperation you talked to us in the 1st month you were saying you know the Global Science Community working together one of the problems has been this sort of hesitancy towards china and Chinese People and even the Chinese Foreign minister was just saying before you know people are overblowing this is saying its worse than it is what we have saying the terrible stigmatisation and as i think you probably discussed on this program were fighting 2 fronts were fighting an Infectious Disease if they make and were fighting an info demick where there whole sorts of rumors and dreadful terrible things i mean its a crazy idea that because you are if nikolay belonged to a you what have one particular if new city one particular set of genetic background that somehow you are associated with the virus the virus that could in a so geography but it is appalling the attitudes that have been expressed to buy in some coaches harriss from the world Health Organization in geneva pleasure talking to michael thank you thats a pleasure being on your program thanks. To syria now has a military offensive in the last rebel held region in northwestern syria is causing the largest single displacement of people since the conflict began 9 years ago 800000 people have now fled the fighting since the start of december on thursday Syrian Government helicopter was shot down as well. As a reporter from the turkey syria border this is the moment another Syrian Military Helicopter Shot down in aleppo province none of its crew survived they were taking part in a military operation to recapture opposition held areas on the outskirts of aleppo city its the 2nd helicopter downed by rebels in the same area this week. Fees fighting continues in neighboring province its a critical time for the rebels who are constantly retreating after losing ground. Is their last stronghold if they are defeated here the war will be over. Many syrians are continuing to flee their homes this woman has been forced from the countryside of aleppo province she feels abandoned by everyone that it matters its very cold and no one seems to care about whats happening to us the situation is more than tragic no one is helping look at the people leaving i dont know of any safe area where i can take my family almost 150000 refugees have fled to worse the border with turkey in the last 4 days joining more than a 1000000 forced from their homes since the start of the syrian armys offensive in it live last april. Has been forced to flee his village. As well as refugee camps at least 4 times over the last few months. I recently moved with my family to the city of bin ish think you will be safe and far from the fighting then the syrian army stepped up its offensive a week ago we packed and left i dont know where to go next i feel like my next move will be towards the unknown. As the humanitarian crisis deepens turkey is deploying more troops into it live uncut accuses damascus of violating the terms of a cease fire agreement that was we 2 years ago between turkey iran and russia the deal established safe zones and implemented a cease fire but violence never stopped the syrian army seems determined to defeat the rebels and continue its advance towards the city of idlib thats a red line for turkey its ramped up its military presence in and has given the syrian army until the end of this month to pull all. Behind turkish observation post a face a tougher response. On talk is border with syria but lebanons former Prime Minister saad hariri has accused his successors government of pushing the country to near collapse this was his 1st speech since becoming part of the opposition and hariri cast doubt on whether the government would even be able to win foreign support and a father with more from beirut. Lebanon 3 time Prime Minister appears to be planning a political comeback sad how d. D. Invited supporters to his home to commemorate the 15th anniversary of his fathers assassination former Prime Minister rafik heidi. It coincides with lebanons deepening financial and political crisis how do you use the event to reposition himself in the opposition camp blaming his one time Political Partners for failing to implement reforms that he says would have prevented lebanons near economic collapse i never strike my house i am not going anywhere i am staying in my country in my home and i promise you regardless of my political position i will not leave any stone unturned and i will tour the world to defend lebanon. Formally announced the end of his alliance with the governing Coalition Led by hezbollah had it is calling for early elections a core demand of antiestablishment protesters who have been demanding change for months how did he began his political career by confronting has a lot he was eventually forced to leave the country to the premiership in 2016 but the result the main political deal with the ally president michel calculations cost him some. Of his friend theres no allies. The presence of high ranking members of onetime allies at the ceremony could be a sign that had a pro western alliance known as the march 14th coalition could be. We born probably probably what we need is a new coalition in new form of. Local and international coalition. To support the lebanese in order to rebuild their country was out there. How did he enjoys International Standing but hes not as influential as his father and in recent years a shaky relationship with longtime backer saudi arabia weakened him. Today when it comes to. His. Collapse now. Are very slim and. How did his resignation in october nationwide protests was seen as an attempt to gain Political Capital he did try to return as Prime Minister of a government he would be able to control he failed is now promising a new path that could change his political fortunes there. Rob is here with a look at the weather now that is a particularly nasty looking storm right behind yeah same as last weekend more or less is actually Hurricane Force winds and a very deep winter low ive put that up here we put the i suppose on which is if you like is an indication of the hole in the atmosphere and the deepest as it rakes you fix the center about 930 may mean nothing to say thats a very deep hole in the atmosphere produces very strong winds just those are very cute 256 kilometers from winds one gust up at 6 hours of gusts over 160. 00 not a record but not far off i have to say so the winds are strong and of course thats whipped up the ways we measured just the west of ireland Something Like 20 meter waves you do not want to hit the last weekend ago this was not just this particular threat we knew. So fall iceland is going to be a nasty day today and its starting to encroach our from the British Isles but a week ago the British Isles suffered from strong winds and heavy rain so a week later the warnings or again and we have goals and this is the sunday really increasing the strong winds in the blue of course is the rain the wind might gust to 160 again but they may not be as damaging as they were last week and the amount of rain might be is falling on southern road this is a key races rain over that storm period the origin is in excess of 100 millimeters on the ground thats already flooded or something its not looking good not at all thank you for that rubble seen again in our next news our other only half way through this one still to come. The sound of the pharaoh is why saving one of the worlds oldest Musical Instruments has become this mans personal mission. And sport was only one champions decided to take their new car for a spin as those how can the to maintain his dominance of the sport. Plane if you were looking at this from the outside you would really wonder what was going on what what is this who writes is it a religion that they have an indepth exploration of global capitalism and our obsession with economic drugs this is still the center of capitalism there is no limits i view myself as a capital artist we are trying to pave the road smaller and smaller we dont want to base that realistic in the world we would rather have a fantasy growing pains on aljazeera when the news breaks. When people who need to be heard the general situation of course is affecting both of any of the landfill and graphics and the story needs to be told with exclusive interviews is a country that is used to being polarized and indepth reports movie whom have i felt quite good how does iraq has teams on the ground there saying that theyre against you on the united to play moore to new documentaries and light news. Whos. The cool. Oh. Youre on the news hour and these are out top stories the u. S. Defense secretary is calling china the biggest threat to the global order mark asper accuse the Chinese Government of seeking advantage across the world by any means European Countries to stay away from the chinese tech giant by the way as well europe has recurred recorded its 1st death from coronavirus often elderly Chinese Tourists died in fronts while the world Health Organization says china is running more than 80 trials for treatments of coronavirus and that there can be results in 2 to 3 weeks time. And a military offensive in the last rebel held region in northwestern syria is causing the single largest displacement people since the conflict began 9 years ago Government Forces are trying to take one of the last opposition held areas. Rebels are continuing their attacks in democratic republic of congo despite an army of soldiers and un peacekeepers trying to stop them a threat of further attacks on villages in the Eastern Region of benny is forcing many to seek safety to a 1000 civilians have been killed in this 4 month military offensive to root shops the i. D. F. The allied Democratic Forces catherine soy as this exclusive report. A patrol by congolese soldiers and un peacekeepers in the banya region and no one to be seen in several villages. People say theyre facing unprecedented attacks by the on my Democratic Forces the a. D. F. Originated in western uganda in the 1990 s. To fight for the creation of an Islamic State their rebellion was crushed by ugandan for. A. D. F. Fighters then cross the border into the neighboring biase where theyve remained for nearly 20 yes human rights campaigners in beni say more than 400. 00 congolese have been killed in the last one month alone hundreds have fled their homes are still there you know theres no one here because of the attack that happened last week people are afraid to come back only soldiers are patrolling. Security forces have increased patrols in remote areas where the attacks have been happening 64 people were killed in this village of the last week. That talks are happening at the same time as a government offensive against the a. D. F. Security forces this is their campaign started last october theyve killed dozens of a. D. F. Fighters including top command as they say are the fighters have been captured and their bases destroyed completely to give new frenzy we must defeat they are terrorists to call upon or people to support us so we can neutralize the enemy and help civilians return to their homes. Thousands in beni protested against the u. N. Force known as. Accusing peacekeepers of not doing enough to protect them a u. N. Base was banned down and peacekeeping operations in the city what paralyzed for nearly 2 weeks when the commanders say troops are now working even more closely with the soldiers to target the a. D. F. Says the prices we have it has our activities. Ourselves. Trolls also with us. She continues. As we just worked with continuing violence its increasingly dangerous for Health Workers to reach people possibly affected by the ebola virus bennys the epicenter of the latest outbreak in the d. R. C its also where many of the rebel attacks have happened recently making it even more difficult for a ball or respond is to do their job safely catherine saw a. This or all modern birds in that report is back with us now to talk more about this bureau chief of the uns peacekeeping mission in the omar thank you for your time. President xi cicada had talked about all this being done by december about the i. D. F. Being defeated by december but now obviously things happen in war there is no timeline but somethings not quite going according to plan and a 1000 civilians have been killed. Thank you very much indeed the plan was to conduct this offensive operation is and to carry them on from october and the aim was to finish with this deadly armed group the other Democratic Forces by december when i must say that we have had serious successes in flushing out the from their stronghold mangos the forest which is a very dense Tropical Forest and now the d. C. The goodies military with our support and have occupied a large number of their former basis now having said that the elements down there had been flushed out of their stronghold and started operating in a new area of operations in a new location on the western side of the baby and this is what were trying to do not retract attractive and make sure that we can literally the threat coming from these armed groups has the strength of the a. D. F. And their ability to do as he said you know trying to flush them out of these jungle areas but they clearly still there as well has that strength surprised you in the end the forces who are trying to fight them. It was not a surprise we know that every time we put pressure on the a. T. F. Ourselves with our partners they tend to move quickly out of their areas and adopt even more pessimistic warfare and by doing that they start moving around in a very mobile very agile wage in small groups and taki civilian populations this is for 2 reasons one to retaliate against our at attacks in order to pressure us to stop the whole things of operations but also to do resupply of food medical material and so on so this does not come to us as a surprise and thats what we have doubled our efforts both in the jungle and on the other side of the jungle where now they are more appearing to be active and in order to stop them and make sure that we neutralize the threat and protect the civilians in that area how do you respond to those people in beni who say that the un peacekeepers havent been doing enough to protect them its easy to understand where theyre coming from havent a fallen people have died but its i mean im sure you would be saying you know youre doing everything you can. Absolutely i mean we understand that there is an. Outcry for us to do more and we have heard that outcry ourselves with our partners the Congolese Military and the Coalition Police have doubled over and hurts we have now started conducting mechanized and foot patrols together jointly with our partners and there is at high risk we also have started conducting joint plans and radios to start conducting joint offensive operations we are reinforcing our presence weve got weve brought into the zone very specialized military units from other sectors to help us in this fight because as you know the zone is very very large the force is very very dense bill is that right specialized trainers who have been training the communities military but also are forces in job in warfare its a very specific very difficult terrain to operate and where im standing frustration we are actually working very hard to make sure that we protect civilians that we knew to last this threat and that we provide peace and security in the region on a board from the uns peacekeeping mission say thank you for your time sir. Thank you now coal fired power stations in germany they are all due to be closed within the next 18 months but the government is accused of breaking its promises to replace coal with more environmentally friendly sources of electricity and coal mining is even threatening some communities this report is from dominic k. The guards violent mine has been here for decades producing lignite or brown coal to fuel the nearby power station which produces more energy than any other in germany a symbol of the countrys continuing dependence on fossil fuels in 2019 brown coal and hard coal or anthracite provided more than 29 percent of the electricity used nuclear provided 14 Percent Renewables accounted for 46 percent but ministers are committed to combating Climate Change by reducing emissions and spent much of the last year deep in discussions about how to meet those commitments then surely they found a compromise we have both forms of coal will be phased out within the next 18 years thats hard to these were tough negotiations they took a long time in my view too long but you can see the result where the 1st country with a binding agreement to exit coal and Nuclear Power and thats an important signal internationally. Felix martis was a member of the commission which advised the government to prioritize a steady phasing out of coal he says theyve not taken that advice and broken their promises in doing so their viral loads are to dis recommendation of the study phase out the pathway at the moment is to wait until the year 2013 and to wait until the year 2038 and shut down the major share of the listener plan troll to leave before abuse the clients one of the consequences of that will perhaps be felt most here bare for heart just down the road from guts failure with the mines immediate future guaranteed its owners want to expand it by buying the properties in bear the heart relocating the residents and then destroying the houses to mind the coal underneath already some people here have taken the money and moved out but not litter cox whose family has lived here for 6 generations she is fighting to stay we need to go back on to the streets we must show people above all we must show politicians that what theyre planning to do is absolutely that we must show them that we wont put up with it ministers are clear that mines will one day disappear and that renewable sources of energy are. The trouble for the People Living round here is there will have to go 1st of all this white the government stated commitment to a green future dominic came aljazeera. And while germany is planning an end to coal australia is committing to a massive new mine lets say brian well have that story for us on our show here on sunday. Now in the increasing confrontation between people and hungry elephants 121. 00 sri lankans and more than 400. 00 elephants were killed last year as male fernandez reports animal conservationists are criticizing the government for distributing shotguns to help protect farmers crops and on the production is struggling to cope with the loss of her husband the 31 year old special task force policeman was killed by elephants here in aid whoever just over a year ago it was a half but it was his last day of a 5 day break at home we were both getting work done around the house in the evening he went to buy provisions as he would only be coming back in a month it was while returning home that he ran into a herd of elephants. Last year was the worst year for conflict between people and elephants 121 tree lankans and 405 elephants were killed sri lanka is home to around 6000 Wild Elephants 70 percent of them live outside protected areas which means they share their habitat with people farmers see they are vulnerable when travelling to their fears to work or when protecting their crops from night dream. This family was rushing to harvest their paddy before the elephants got to it but the elephants are threatened with 500 shotguns handed out by the government the minister of wildlife has given the guns to Civil Security personnel to protect farmers and their crops he told aljazeera the weapons will be used under Wildlife Department supervision only to scare the enablers of. The sunday law we have issued bird shot you can shoot and kill elephants with these they will fire up into the elephants are scared of guns because they have been used by villages for many years these guns will be used in a disciplined way. Conservationists say the guns are a bad idea and will only make things worse but the point is at any point in this confrontation bill if one turns against you youre going to run a bird really reinforces our vision an elephant and the next time the elephant comes in contact with somebody who doesnt know that that person doesnt have a gun and is not going to shoot or to hear probably kill that 4000 kilometers of electric fences have been built to deal with the elephant problem but the battery is mostly in the jungle and are no obstacle for hungry and determined elephants instead he says fences must be used to protect villages and crops. These farmers are doing just that. Theyre going to cut under the you know make it this middle post will have electricity running through it like the base and other wires the elephants can pull it out at any point now we can get some rest at night earlier we had to stay up. Deaths on both sides of this battle are rising every year and a National Policy to conserve Wild Elephants is yet to be fully implemented 14 years after it was introduced but protecting these farmers and their crops is the biggest challenge for the government one that carries important votes in a finance as aljazeera area of a North Central sri lanka. Now to one mans mission in jordan to revive a Favorite Musical Instrument of the pharaohs 3000 years ago his search took him to the banks of one of the middle easts most historically important ribbons and how 2nd name has that story from the jordanian capital amman. Its the sound of the wind skipping across the desert campfire or the waves on a tranquil beach as the sun sets the knives or reed flute is one of the worlds oldest Musical Instruments paintings on the walls of pharaohs tombs show ancient egyptians playing it. Coming directly from nature we just clean it make it straight and its an instrument rated to use this idea for me was kind of magical in that the as giving us an instrument to hear that and. Not be as there are cots passion for the night is rooted in his reverence for the arabic music of his ancestors 5 years ago he decided he wanted to learn how to play the ny however he couldnt find the instrument or a teacher in jordan even though the reeds grow in the valley of the jordan river he was saddened that an instrument that literally grew from his countrys land and was a joy by generations of jordanians was in danger of becoming an artifact he spent days searching for the reeds in the wild and learned how to make and play than i. Taught me that is more because there is no moving like the other every need is like a different personality of each 3 than using. The record cofounded the house of ny in 2017 to revive the instrument through lessons and concert dont be fooled by this simple looking instrument. I still havent been able to make a sound come out the recut says he wants people to feel comfortable picking this up and playing it without aiming for perfection to spread this traditional arabic music the house of ny has been Holding Workshops in and outside of that men reaching hundreds of jordanians 16 year old tarek rabat attended one of those workshops in the small town of as rock now he teaches other children and is hoping to become a cultural in basad or. Visual but others are going to feel and i want to attract tourists to enjoy the environment of acid rock teaching them to play the ny is giving them a window into the musical culture of. Connecting the past with the present crafting something from nature and savoring the music across the generations there are cut hopes hes reigniting an appreciation of an art form that transcends music and can continue d for many more millennia natasha guinea zeroth man. And from music to sports in just a moment in the teenager who just cant stop scoring goals on the german late goal well have that in the rest of the sport in a. Frank assessment the one good thing about these bushfires usage really wiping out the. Climate change informed opinion economy i think is actually whats keeping donald trump afloat right now critical debate sequel of those 2 schoolchildren know what the law is all about this argument is astonishingly patronising indepth analysis of the days headlines this is the beginning of a new iraq of the new conscious and aware views about still against an ethnic sectarian kota inside story on aljazeera. Examining the impact of todays headlines you use the misinformation ive used the term by setting the agenda for tomorrows discussions how unique is this in terms of modern American History when it comes to racism you have the makings of a neo fascist Moment International filmmakers and world class journalists bringing programs to in spying. On aljazeera. Talk about were talking sport now with all thank you very much english football giants munches to city say theyll appeal the 2 season ban from the European Champions League and a 32000000. 00 fine for breaking financial fair play rules european governing body said on friday that the premier League Champions committed serious breaches of its regulations on overspending it centers around leaked emails that suggested much of what citi was declaring as money from its at the how to sponsor it was actually from the clubs owners the Abu Dhabi United Group the clubhouse refuted the claims accused of prejudice and is taking the case to the colts of arbitration for sports or Sports Correspondent lee wellings joins us from london late this appeal to cas could take months will another team get their Champions League place for next season how are the other english clubs feeling about all this. Well i think the spotlight world move now from you wife who have in fact sickly said what they want to do about this and how they feel about this so the premier league who will not of wanted this to happen and so will not want to be put in this position but firstly well be looking in Manchester Citys finances and Manchester Citys practices themselves and i think that will have already have started over the past few years and also they will need to think about what theyre doing about the premier league places qualifying for the Champions League and of course english clubs get for positions much of the city would inevitably qualify for one of those for if its not my interest the city then we start looking about whether the 5th place team can qualify this is extremely problematic because lawyers of course will be getting involved theres no guarantee of whats going to happen so the part really caught my kitty promise is your wife or cant make any promises with which car finishes 5th so it could get very messy but its also bear in mind that Manchester City in a position where their lawyers will be confident of getting something out of this that are being prepared up about it for over a year by the feel that the way its been had to do is wrong theyve called it a Kangaroo Court when it goes to the court of arbitration for sport can i get the 2 years removed or reduced if its changed into a fine that was so then they wont supply Champions League football so the other clubs like whether its not just united tottenham and chelsea or wolves who feel unless the that theyre in a position now d a better position to get one of the spots in the Champions League theyre being courage by this but theres a long way to go on. Now city manager Pep Guardiola was of course brought in to win the Champions League how does this affect his legacy and his future. Its extraordinary isnt it that much the city have had so much success in england in the premier league one of the worlds top 2 riches clubs put in so many big players spent so many hundreds of millions of dollars but they have not won the Champions League that i want this now this season might represent their last chance for a while its not easy to win this competition their opponents are the most Successful Team in european history in the last 16 via madrid then will they be out of it for 2 years now football revolves around speculation of course people will look at Pep Guardiola inside was he happy anyway will this be the nudge to leave not necessarily there could be other reasons that have guardiola would want to leave Manchester City will be able to attract top players because of the wages but what or even be a change at the top of my just a sense of the backers will they want to look at things differently after this guardiola is in a position where he is desperate to win the Champions League but it puts so much pressure on this season and it does give that excuse for god yet it is like everybodys against us but in fact city of course have all of this money and should have won the Champions League by now already. Very interesting and complicated stuff is all Sports Correspondent in london thank you very much thats all weve got time for for now so are 100 to come on here thanks to interrupt but this is the Chinese Foreign minister why new speaking at the Munich Security Conference didnt think. You could. Hire. These kind of cuts off once again untouched isnt it immediately i told you to go into it so hard im not synonomous. Sue from deep is something that you can for the meal i want. Fuss something taken root. As many state leaders noted it is admirable that the Chinese Government and the people have shown sod it resolve in their response the high speed and the massive scale of chinas response ive rarely seen the world chinas speed scale and efficiency the all reflect the advantage of chinas system. Maybe the front line in this battle yet will one is not try to. Build we chinese across the country stand funnily with our brothers and sisters who hand and. Scientists and away such as have been working day and night in less than 7 days they isolated the 1st virus straying and developed the task of the agent. 20000 Health Care Workers in more than 100 medical teams from across the nation who are hailed as heroes in harms way have gone to support a whole day the hardest to hit profit. Exemplifying professional education or medical workers are saving lives around the clock this by the risk of infection. And exhaustion from overwork. Should. Another group of people working around the clock for several 1000 d engineers and the construction work because of the 2 specialized to hospitals with 2500 beds in less than 15 days braving freezing Weather Community aware because leave no stone unturned in checking on every block room to make sure that no family is left on attended turned around 300000 tens of thousands of volunteers are working nonstop to help deliver supplies and assistance to the affected region is overseas chinese around the globe made donations in cash or kind to keep it that oh so how come that told the outbreak winter will pass and a spring is sure to come true chinas a rigorous and a sorrel majerus are paying off. As of february the 14th. To number of confirmed cases outside who has 3 quoted a tough day consecutive top 100. And the outbreak and who began who hand is managed more effectively indicating that overall the epidemic is controllable through. The number of killed cases exceeded 80000. 00 yesterday the case fatality rate has been capped at around 2. 29 percent nationwide and. 0. 055 percent during our side who bay. These are show that the disease. Is largely curable. Just as presidency set we have no confidence capacity and determination to defeat the epidemic. Derivable dawn is breaking to venture and we are seeing light coming through. The epidemic has posed a severe challenge to chinas economic and social development to nonetheless the difficulties will be temporary and a short lived where there is strong resilience potential and a vitality the chinese economy is well positioned to overcome all risks and the challenges they found a mentos sustaining sound Economic Growth have not changed and will not change from after the storm comes the rainbow we are confident that china will emerge us stronger from the epidemic. Is pent up consumer demand and Growth Potential will be quickly on the eastern reporter and china will enjoy even more sound and a sustainable economic and a social development. Drawn from the chinese nation has been through all kinds of trials and tribulations here and his history which forged a National Spirit of perseverance and resilience this epidemic there will be no exception it will only make us stronger and more tenacious our country will march on a more determined a strides to russia in moderate prosperity in all respects to eradicate absolute poverty and to realize the rejuvenation of the chinese nation the history of civilization is one of struggle against a disease virus all respects no borders that is why we have attached a great importance to International Health corporation from the us actually strong in the spirit of openness and transparency with promptly notify the world about the outbreak and the genetic sequence of the virus you have been working closely with oh he invited International Experts to join our ranks and provided assistance and facilitation to foreign nationals in china which are 2 dates or 2 war confirmed cases outside of china

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