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and the 1st u.s. presidential primary ballots are cast in the race for the white house. and in sports each on gold medalist le bron james is ready to make an olympic return having missed the 2016 events james in the u.s. a provisional lost for the tokyo in its. we begin in syria where government forces are fighting on 2 fronts and regaining the last pockets of opposition held territory turkey's president is promising swift revenge against syrian backed forces and it may be after they killed 5 turkish soldiers on monday. the. order of the syrian regime got what it deserved but that's not enough he will pay a heavy price for attacking turkey's soldiers i will announce the actions to be taken about the syrian issue after i meet with my parliamentary group tomorrow opposition forces have shot down a syrian government helicopter and these are the images the pilot was killed in the crash and there are reports that syrian government forces have now captured the entire m 5 highway that links damascus with aleppo well let's take a look now at the state of play in syria right now president bashar al assad's forces are firmly in control of almost the entire country except those opposition controlled areas marked in graeme and kurdish held parts in the north marks in yellow there there are reports that for the 1st time in syria's civil war government forces have seized control of the entire m 5 highway by driving opposition find his out of that area west of aleppo and that's important because it's the main trade route running from the north all the way to the southern border with jordan it connects the commercial hub of aleppo with major cities like damascus homs and hama and will make it easier for assad's forces to move in and capture if that will sit in kosovo is inside syria at not far from the turkish border city more salacious on the ground. well the clashes continue between the syrian government forces and armed opposition groups around the area mainly to gain back for the opposition to gain vacs iraq and they are also fighting over the full control of and 5 highway as you have also sad there are reports saying that the syrian government has the full control over the main artery of the country but we are hearing from our sources on the ground that this still there are clashes and there are still some small place that the syrian government has to has to gain before taking full control the latest is that the syrian opposition today regained control over it near our village which is a critical place in the outskirts of the rocket and also the syrian government had a strikes over in the city center where i was actually in the city center was actually known to be a very safe place until until recently and we were able to go there even in the last hour when we were here last august but now there are videos circulating on social media that the marketplace right the heart of it lips at the center has been blown by the syrian government forces and 12 civilians have lost their lives have been killed this is a critical time for it because this is the 1st time it live city center has been targeted directly by the syrian government forces they were already very close to the city center less than 10 kilometers but. people are saying that they're not going to attack the city centers but surround the area to force people. to force people to more north but the serious strike came and the riyadh. action from the opposition is known yet but they say this airstrike over it looks at the center was an answer for the open at us or to the opposition who shot down syrian government's syrian army's helicopter earlier today thank you for that update that city live from baba how are we going to breaking news now out of pseudo i'm with the country's transitional government has agreed to hand over former president omar al bashir to the international criminal court he faces charges of genocide war crimes and crimes against humanity of the conflict and darfur the she was asked in april after months of nationwide demonstrations let's go now to heber morgan who joins us now live from khartoum but this is a major development given as we wanted by the i.c.c. for a long time now why is this happening now. well what's happening at the moment is that the sudanese transitional government is in talks with various armed groups in the south sudanese capital juba some of those groups are from darfur where war has been raging since 2003 and one of the main conditions of these armed groups is transitional justice specifically having a former president on one of bashir handed over to the international criminal court now what the sudanese government announced just under an hour ago is that they have agreed with the da for the armed groups that they will hand over the former president and of those who also had arrest warrants issued against them to the international criminal court they say this is part of achieving transitional justice and they've also said that there will be a hybrid court that will be established to make sure that various of the crimes that were committed not just in dar 4 but other regions in sudan are also tried for and have and those criminals held to account they also said that they will strengthen the chief or rather traditional system in the country to make sure that people who have been affected by the war are get some kind of justice now let's go back to the cost of the war over 300000 people have been killed and are 4 alone and more than 2000000 people displaced so the groups are saying that this unless the sudanese government agree to handing over the former president to the international criminal court then the talks can all go forward and that is what the government has agreed to now what comes next is for them to settle security arrangement before they sign a final peace deal and then that becomes official what does this tell us about the transitional government's i mean they've been in power for what a few months now what does this tell us about how they want to put sudan back on the international stage. well it seems that from what we heard from the transitional government and from the armed groups they say that they were very keen to try to achieve peace to make sure that there is some kind of stability in the conflict in the various parts of the country is the reason why sudan's economy has been deteriorating and they see decor the course of lucian to try to restore the country's economic economy once again is to try to bring stability so it looks like what they're trying to do right now is more of an internal issue to try to make sure that they don't have any words of friends and that there is no instability especially since as you say the transitional government is in that although it was just formed in august last year after months of political turmoil after months of talks between the protest movement known as the forces of freedom and change coalition and the transitional military council that ousted former president ahmed bashir now they have previously also said that this is not their case that handing over the former president to the international criminal court is not up to them but up to an elected government but it looks like that the talks between the groups and the government has reached a point where they had to offer some concessions and it looks like handing over the former president and those who are also wanted alongside with him is a concession they made to try to get the talks moving so that they can sign a deal before the deadline that they agreed on which is the 14th of february thinks that that sounds is there as he moved in there live from. plenty more ahead on the news all including more protests in lebanon as the parliament decides whether to accept the new government's proposed policies. sauce mourning and neda thousands pay their respects in 10 years to a former president with a mixed legacy. and in sport the sprinter from the dreams of an olympic medal and not dashed by restrictions on testosterone levels in c. male athletes. the number of people killed by the corona virus outbreak has now passed 1000 chinese officials announced another 109 deaths the biggest single day jump since the outbreak began in december the government has also followed officials in will hunt for the handling of the epidemic catrina here has more from beijing. in his 1st public appearance since the corona virus outbreak began chinese president xi jinping came to rally the troops against an invisible enemy. let's fight this war with confidence let's fight these people for war we must build up more confidence we will eventually win. speaking from beijing in a video called he thanked medical staff in the city of one hon for what he called the heroic efforts saying the virus had revealed the strengths and shortcomings of china's readiness to fight the outbreak shortcomings which was partly addressed this week with the firing of 2 senior health officials and local leaders have been criticised for downplaying the severity of the outbreak and being too slow to act the province has been locked down for weeks and nationwide many businesses and workplaces are closed she jinping has promised to minimise the economic impact of the virus but companies have already begun laying off staff and hundreds have applied for emergency bank loans to keep going in mohan thousands of coronavirus patients are in critical can do. facts that say the period for the illness could be longer than 1st thought up to 24 days but there is some good news the number you need on those patients is going down gradually. so that's good news she's in pain some religions comes as the government faces mounting pressure over its handling of the crisis the communist party is scrambling to shift the focus away from its failures and towards more stories of resilience and solidarity but so far it's done little to improve the road here in china where morale remains low and the fear is high the trini are al-jazeera beijing. but speaking as adrian brown who joins us live from hong kong adrian we've seen some dire predictions coming out from at least one public health official about possible transmissions globally what can you tell us. yes the head of hong kong's public health faculty at a hong kong university has said that if this virus is not contained then it could affect 60 percent of the world's population that is a very dire prediction outcome from a professor cole got real young he's a very respected epidemiologist here in hong kong and his comments really echo those of the world health organization chief who has been addressing a forum in geneva today on choose day he said that his big concern was that so many people who have not yet stepped foot in china are being infected with the virus the disease is spreading further and further so he also said that the other big worry for the world right now is that we simply don't know enough about this virus and there are so many questions that need our answer well a world health organization advance team is now in a province that team is being led by a man who led the body's response to the a bowl of virus one of the 1st things i think they want to do is to work out how to prevent you know the disease spreading even further not just in that province but also in the rest of china the other thing i think they want to address is how many people may have been affected are at home trapped can't get to a hospital to be treated today we go to another warning from the government that people who will not be allowed to get treatment outside of their district if they fall ill in their home they were going to go to other towns and cities to get treatment that's a new restriction that has been applied today but certainly i think the big worry is that we don't know how many people one treatment but haven't been able to get it all we're getting at the moment are those official figures for the people who are actually sort of within the health system at the moment meanwhile looks like we're seeing the beginning of a pageant public officials in china. you know this moment was always going to happen state media reported on choose to say that 2 senior officials from the who bay health commission have been in its worst removed from their post these are the highest ranking officials to be brought down since the crisis began they've been essentially accused of basically not coming up not not being clearer earlier on about the extent of the of the outbreak sitting on news about the outbreak and of course one of the reasons why they may have done that is because there was a very important political meeting happening in. january and perhaps they didn't want that to sort of over that public health emergency to overshadow such an important meeting also they approved an annual banquet attended by 40000 people and then just a few days later announced that lockdown so at the moment you know it's not the leadership in beijing that's being held accountable it's public officials local government level. has that that say john brown there live from hong kong. then on the problem it is meeting to take a vote of confidence in the new cabinet of prime minister haasan dhea but protesters have spent months calling for a political overhaul of rejecting the new government they say it's an extension of corrupt traditional political parties they're gathering outside parliament where m.p.'s will decide on whether to accept the abs proposed government and his policies take a look at what the lebanese prime minister is promising. economic policy includes plans to deal with the deep financial crisis and corruption in the country he wants to retrieve stolen public money and revive the ailing banking sector they are planning to reform the judiciary and introduce laws to ensure its independence he also wants new legislation to protect women's rights and his foreign policy will feel lebanon keeping itself away from regional conflicts. well you know what it is live for us. just tell us what's happening where you are. well military and security personnel used excessive amounts of rubber bullets water cannons to disperse protesters who were trying really to breach the security cordon outside parliament square since the early hours of the morning protesters the. protesters have been camped out at various locations in central beirut hoping really to scuttle the parliamentary session but they weren't able to do that because of as you can see behind me hundreds of security personnel how to avoid to ensure that roads remain open for that so that members of parliament will be able to reach the parliament building the discussions deliberations over the government's policy statements are continuing but the new government is expected to receive the vote of confidence simply because of the ministers were appointed by the political parties that make up the ruling alliance who control the majority in parliament but really the biggest challenge of this government is facing is to gain the confidence of the people people believe that this government is not going to do much that its policy statement is very similar to policy statements that have been issued by previous governments and they believe those in power are not going to fight corruption because they accuse them of being corrupt so how do they live for us from beirut thank you. iran's president tells on rouhani has addressed tens of thousands of people in tehran on the 41st anniversary of the islamic revolution this year celebration comes at a time when tensions remain high with the u.s. just last month washington killed iran's top on the army rather general cause some sort of money to run retaliated by launching a missile strike against an army base housing u.s. soldiers in iraq already called the military you don't run us what is the u.s. looking for the u.s. wants the nation to surrender they want to plunder is land remorseful government rejecting responsibility that's the mistake by the u.s. the u.s. doesn't know that the government the armed forces the 3 branches of the establishment the nation they are all moving under the banner of the islamic republic and the leadership and will remain steadfast the americans just want to create problems with respect to basic needs. mourners have been attending a public memorial service in nairobi for former kenya president up noise it had the country for 24 years until 2002 he died last week at the age of 95 catherine sillies in nairobi and explains the mixed legacy president more left behind. those who. are as president say that he was larger than life he was an enigma the president will follow everywhere there was so much fear at that time that people even those who are not interested in politics will see aren't to speak out about anything because those who are standing next to you it could be. a lot of other people are saying that he was a dictator who presided over a government that. consented to detention and torture they thousands of people arrested there. was tortured during the present mores reign them died as well people saying that he brought the economy to its knees the crime rate was really struggling during his time but then there are those who say that he's seen some crazy to hand over power in 2002 after 24 years. he kept the country relatively stable when other neighboring countries was essentially in conflict he helped build many schools and universities and tried to keep children in school through providing. milk he also had a companion for a station planting a building put the case and to prevent the russians giving him credit people are saying let him be guarded but out of the thing no matter how he started no matter the things that he did he legacy the legacy that he leaves behind is more bad than good. 30 people have been killed in an attack in nigeria members of the armed group boko haram are being blamed it tack happened in my degree in the northern borno state gunman set fire to cars parked along the road most of the victims were travelling in their vehicles or had a mohammad has more in a warning you may find some of the images in this report disturbing. this is what's left after a suspected rampage by the on to group. in the nigerian city of my degree charred bodies and burnt vehicles at least 30 people were killed while travelling overnight in the town of al know on a major highway in borno state witnesses say most of the victims were burnt to death while sleeping in their cars and. we were just sitting in the front seat of the car and heard them shouting god is great and then the shooting began so it was the 1st killed a lady in the front seat of the car and then we started running away they also burned. in abducted a number of men and women of the victims mr 5 pm curfew to pass a gate leading to my degree they were forced to stay in our no after the military reportedly shot the road. but our town has come under attack before and that's angered the residents here who want answers. all presidents muhammadu buhari has condemned the attacks the governor of borno state says there isn't enough support given by the authorities to protect the people we met at the employment that i belittle tablets are going to do. they are no no but as you noted it's like oh look they're close to get a look at. the army has promised to rectify this. we will fix the problem we are working for you not for us and we will make sure we continue doing that. while there has been no claim of responsibility boko haram has been fighting an insurgency in nigeria for the past decade the city of my degree you. to be a stronghold of the armed group but government forces have since driven them out the area has also become a target of the islamic state in west africa while nigeria has made some progress in terms of reorganizing its own internal operations in the terms of bill your cooperation with the neighboring states it's a difficult environment you know the. challenge is further to the north in the cell picking up faster the continuing uncertainty in libya and broader changes in terms of islamist violence in syria and iraq i think create a space that i think in this world government part of now each year particularly in the northeast violence if he was have been able to exploit the violence in the north east has become all too common for the people here and many continue to live in constant fear mohammed al jazeera palestinian president mahmoud abbas is expected to address donald trump's proposed middle east plan at the u.n. security council later on tuesday palestinian leaders have rejected the proposal which they say extends israeli control over their land on tuesday a vote on a draft resolution was supposed to take place but got delayed because of a lack of international support that's not yet clear when any resolution will be ready for a vote let's go live now to stephanie decker who's in west jerusalem stepmom or abbas is going to speak about this plan but they won't be a resolution vote on what's going on. well that's right what the palestinians wanted was a show of unity behind their position and they outright rejection of the american plan the so-called deal of the century well that is not going to happen and yes we are going to be hearing from president mahmoud abbas in the next couple of hours at the u.n. security council also going to be hearing from the u.n. secretary general and then you could there and also from the u.n. special envoy to the middle east peace process nicholai mlodinow of now we do know that the u.n. positions for all the previous security council resolutions are in line with what the palestinians want which is 2 states along the 167 lines with east jerusalem as the capital of the palestinian state however what we understand from our sources at the united nations is that there has been incredible and intense u.s. pressure on the members of the security council the current countries that are seated in there. the really they didn't want to see a majority show of hands rejecting their plan so i think this shows you that they have managed to to use that leverage to use their political negotiations and pressure to be able to get the palestinians to according to the palestinians delay the plan whether we're going to see a resolution come back to the table and come to a vote in the future or we're not sure at this point in time think that that stephanie deck of a live from western. people in baghdad have woken up to a surprise with snow fall blanketing the iraqi capital is common to snow in the north of the country but in a lot of those around baghdad it's unusual the last time it snowed there wasn't 2015. well time now for the weather and here is everything with more on the middle a snow fall yeah that's right not expecting the snow here in doha but i suspect tomorrow will be a coldest day of the winter so far the snow has been further north of course as you've been saying fair bit of clout there just around pushing out across the caucasus towards the caspian sea that's where we see in the other the biggest fulls of course is anchor a little dusting of snow here we've had some ice into georgia further south significant snow fall heavy snow in syria and that's caused some problems this young man's got a nice big snowball as a result of that south of the border stumbles won't quite separate but time for a snowball fight nevertheless and you can see a lovely dusting of snow here or so it's good over the palm trees it will quieten down over the next couple of days but certainly staying cool enough structure to get to double figures there for baghdad and for kuwait as we go on through wednesday here we go with that strong wind here in doha 16 celsius it will feel much colder than that when you add on the strength of the winds certainly well worth wrapping up warm we keep the steady wind as we go on into worth the day not quite as cold temperatures starting to recover but look a little further north still a bit of snow there there's a risk of avalanches croisset eastern side of turkey as we go on through the remainder of the week that wintry mix continuing to push its way across northern parts of iraq more than there is of seeing some very heavy rain a little cooler into round to the top temperature 10 degrees can thanks that still ahead on al-jazeera we take a look at how india's governing body is doing in crucial states elections plus. i'm going to meet in bangladesh now i'm in india. people were killed in january alone by the india border force for making just one simple mistake. the most expensive piece of sports history ever sell that auction is set to go on public display and he's here with that story. progress. or a serious mistake. intelligence is slowly invading every aspect of our lives. but very few of us really understand its capabilities for better or worse. in a new documentary i'll just 0 explores the impact of a are accessing vast amounts of our personal data data. coming soon. whether online like probably regarding being one of the worst routes to being who really are about. or if you join us on same terms or different in diversity and inclusion and overseas sometimes isn't always sincere this is a dialogue sanctions and the ways in which they're applied to iran are an act of what's fair everyone has a voice we as a society that is simply to get to they need to sit down and listen join the colobus conversation on al-jazeera. the arab. you want to god is there a reminder of our top stories this hour turkey's president is promising swift revenge against syrian government forces and after they killed 5 turkish soldiers on monday meanwhile there are reports the syrian army has out had to the entire m 5 highway that links damascus with aleppo. the number of people killed by the corona virus has passed 1000 comes as beijing accuse local officials and forbade province of being true so to acts during the initial outbreak. of unknowns parliament is meeting to take a vote of confidence in the new cabinet of prime minister us on the protesters who have spent months calling for a political of the whole or rejecting the new government. a coronavirus is having a strong negative impact on the chinese economy that's according to analysts and leading government think tank believes i hope percentage points could be wiped off economic growth this year while independent economists estimate growth of just 3.6 percent in the 1st 3 months of this year that's way below their previous 4.8 percent prediction that more than $300.00 companies are waiting for loans worth 8200000000 dollars to stave off job losses it's also causing disruption to trade and events outside of china foreign soil has more from the singapore and. it's one of the biggest highlights. for a few moments. shadowed by. pirates. taking place today top to the. seas resorts in the 2nd highest level in the womaniser taking. to turning away people well but more than 70 companies have pulled out of the. movie is somewhat more subdued especially in the exhibition hall where. they rest a bit too hard but also scaled back its presence at this year's shows and the saudi arabia really already reacting. to mate. in 2018 generated nearly $250000000.00 in spending on a pirate he's having and him on the aviation industry and analysts we spoke to said well he described it ready as a crisis but says industry is resilient. and it will be able to read about now as to how long it's going to take to come back that's more difficult to predict especially considering the world health organization that it's still too early to tell whether or not the virus has. also on the site speak to gareth lever in london he's a senior economist at the firm capital economics where he specializes in asian economies and emerging markets thank you so much for your time sir so china is obviously feeling the impact of the crowd a virus but saltillo too will the global economy according to all reports what are your predictions yeah i think that's right but china's going to have to you will be initial it but the impact of this is going to be spread around the world initially it's going to be tourists will towards industries is going to be hit quite hard much mostly in east asia or southeast asia so thailand on call general point on it will be pretty factory slammed shut downs in china are extended it's going to be a big. rest of the world economy use their exposure to chinese. company for example in the u.s. course keep china you know if it doesn't have enough to start getting them back up it's going to cut their some point shut down production and as it were the story of the search for example him dying chris can't sue him for such a shipwreck. problems imports from china yes actually just saying that said general motors south korea and you know it is also planning to suspend production at one of its factories how the might other advanced economies feel the effects. i think that's going to be the main one additionally i mean it really really just depends how long it takes for chinese factories to reopen its record some tactics although they were supposed to ruin a monday are being ordered by local officials to stay shut and even those that are trying to rear a man having trouble getting the right number of staff because a lot of them still back home after work but chinese new year or. so there are cities that work here so the destruction is like it's not a big money yet if containment measures are not eased in the coming weeks what happens then. i think the shortages that you already see for example in korea are going to become a lot more severe and that there will be bigger factory shutdowns not just in asia the world as well and then you'll also potentially start to see shortages certain goods especially electronics which are especially vulnerable. in china are becoming scarce thank you so much for that that is gas level there there in london a senior economist at capital economics and the race is on to fast track a vaccine for the coronavirus that a major breaker isn't likely for months scientists say a lack of cooperation globally is slowing progress of a broad reports from seoul china's prime minister leaker chang visiting scientists at the forefront of his country's efforts to tackle the coronavirus initially criticized for its slow response to the outbreak china very quickly shared the genetic map of the newly identified virus prompting an international race to find a vaccine for it but it's likely to take months supply it's always difficult to give a precise date but in any case nothing before the autumn so this means will have a product by september or october when we can say for so endanger we can use it on people. frustratingly for scientists the development time for a new vaccine often means it's not available until the outbreak they need it for has peaked or is dying out but at least research is working on this corona virus have a head start thanks to work already done on similar viruses at the international vaccine institute in seoul as elsewhere staff have experience dealing with other members of the same coronavirus family including mers from the middle east and the sars outbreak of 2003 but typically how pray ganz and concern ends and then funding and then you know we have a number of vaccines we have for sars that haven't ever been tested in humans in the absence of a specific vaccine antiviral drugs for other conditions are also being tested it's lead to more scientists calling for a coordinated development of prototype vaccines able to deal with entire families of viruses that can be adapted for a future outbreak because the goal of course is to have one on the shelf that you could use against the next virus that might emerge as well as the one that we're currently dealing with the global response to this outbreak could be a step towards greater cooperation probably broad al-jazeera sold. india's governing party looks set to lose a major state election its 1st electoral test since antigovernment protests began 2 months ago without counting almost complete the liberal party is on track to secure the most seats in the delhi legislative assembly trouncing prime minister narendra modi's b j p the government has been under pressure since passing a new citizenship the opponents say it violates india's secular constitution and discriminates against minority muslims there is a problem is in new delhi and says the b j p had a very divisive campaign. there are celebrations already at the headquarters of. people saying people telling us when we were there earlier that this is a vote for things like development education health care things that the common man party really campaign dawn and a seen as having delivered on rather than the b j p's very divisive politics and campaign as we've been reporting you know the election took place is taking place after some of the biggest protests against the big government over the citizenship law which is widely seen as being discriminatory against muslims the b j p really chose to campaign on this issue on the protests on ending the protests you know many analysts say that this is one of the most vitriolic campaigns that they can remember to be j.p. politicians were banned from campaigning one after comparing protestors to rapists and murderers and saying that they wanted to make india a muslim country and now the said that protest is should be shot so. whether they were saying bash we'll just you know campaigning on ending the protests judging by the results campaigning on this one issue will not be enough to win a local election just one more thing to know these results is we're talking about i mean which will be about the b j p it looks like india's oldest political party the congress party the party of india's founders mahatma gandhi and. nehru have once again. that they'll get 0 seats in this election so they perhaps will they will be the biggest loser. at least 5 people have been killed and several injured in a suicide attack in afghanistan's capital civilians were among the victims when a car bomb exploded near a military academy in kabul no one has claimed responsibility for the attack. at least 15 refugees have died and dozens of missing after their boat capsized as they tried to escape bangladesh authorities say the incident happened near st martin's island in the bay of bengal the coast guard navy is searching for survivors they say they have rescued 67 people more than a 1000000 rohingya refugees live in die conditions in camps in bangladesh 750000 fled from me and following a brutal military crackdown in 2017. and 15 bangladeshis were shot dead by indian border forces in january 1 of the worst months in decades that's despite india's promise to stop using live ammunition and as bernard smith reports the border between the 2 nations is often on mugs making it dangerously easy to cross by mistake. it can be hard to tell where bangladesh ands and india begins. that stone marks the divide. put a foot wrong and it could cost you your life is all raman was found dead early on january 21st he had a single bullet wound to his chest his mud caked feet a typical of someone who's been working in a rice paddy. 2 days later dawn kamau hussein went to tend the paddies later that day his body was brought back to his family wrapped in a shroud a lot of dead police that he was brutally killed by the indian border guards we want justice for this he was the only breadwinner now he's dead we are totally helpless now how are we going to manage. by the end of january in just one month the indian border forces had killed 15 bangladeshis over the past 20 years more than a 1000 people have been killed according to human rights watch borders and we don't want any more killings in the border there can arrest and can punish the people jailed them or find them but instead they're shooting them dead they want to get what it is our there are sometimes the indians will take people just for crossing a few centimeters into the other side by mistake and detain them for years we want some fair justice and a peaceful border this is our request to the government this is india's border fence but the practice internationally it set back from the actual boundary line it's in the indian territory between the fence and the markers that the shootings happen now add to this easy to stray from bangladesh into india you can just about make out india carved in the stone there now in all parties have repeatedly promised to bring the number of border killings down to 0 and to introduce non-lethal weapons but it's clearly not happening. the indian government has said is fighting illegal cross border cattle trading al-jazeera did not receive a response from the government to our questions about the killing none of those killed in january was found with lethal weapon. was not irani some sums it was also shot dead last month he could have been punished or jailed instead she says. bangladeshis home minister said this week he's taking necessary measures at a diplomatic level to stop the killing. similar comments have been made several times over the past years but india's border guards a still opening find. bernard smith al-jazeera on the bangladesh india border the philippine government has told the us civil and a major security expert tween them the agreement allows american forces to train in the philippines the u.s. embassy says the move has serious implications to me there are in the open has more from manila who parity has ordered the cancellation of the visiting forces agreement which is causing fear and anxiety in different security sectors here many security experts say this is ition of the philippine government has long term consequences in the coming years over the last few weeks 230 has been attacking the us government after it cancelled the us result of this former police chief who is believed to have been behind he so called drug war which has killed thousands of filipinos over the last few years when the turtle was sworn into office in 2016 he promised a more independent foreign policy moving away from long standing ally the united states and building closer relations with countries like china and russia but now many are questioning do terror to busy actions they are questioning whether this is truly independence or a capitulation to xi jinping government. china's foreign ministry has rejected u.s. allegations that members of its military hacks the personal doctor of nearly $150000000.00 americans the u.s. department of justice has charged 4 men with breaking into the systems of equifax credit reporting agencies and 2017 and one of the biggest dasa hacks of history john a says its government and military never engage in cyber 5th washington says the equifax hack was far from an isolated attack this kind of attack on american industry is of a piece with other chinese illegal acquisitions of sensitive personal data for years we have witnessed china's for racist appetite for the personal data of americans including the fast of personnel records from the office of personnel management the intrusion into marriott hotels and and some health insurance companies and now the wholesale saft of credit and other information from ethical sacks polls have opened in the new hampshire 4 would be us presidential primary election candidates are looking to get ahead in the race suffer a delayed start in the iowa caucuses last week recent polls show amy will be chars ahead with bernie sanders not too far behind while the 2 thirds of voters in new hampshire are independent of these watches play an important role in selecting the party's nominee and this is their is that kristen salumi reports that can make the outcome hard to predict. new hampshire resident jonathan blitz says he leans republican sue inly will board lean democrat but like many voters in the state they don't belong to a political party this is serious stuff and we need to change the direction of the country they were among hundreds of voters who lined up to see democrat pete would a judge in a school auditorium on balancing between p. and burning right now although i do like even close to a little bit. with no clear front runner for the democratic presidential nomination these independent voters are in high demand particularly by middle of the road candidates like buddha gedge when you're coming up here to run for president you're not just appealing to the members of your own party but you're also trying to reach those folks in the middle who might vote for your party but not want to identify with it maybe are not as ideological maybe a bit more pragmatic minded 42 percent of the electorate here has no party affiliation and unlike voters in other states independents in new hampshire can vote in either primary democrat or republican that's led to some surprise finishes in the past. in 2016 bernie sanders who comes from the neighboring state of vermont beat party favorite hillary clinton here by more than 20 percent with this strong base of support he could win the primary again in 2020 but this year is like none other due to the large field of democrats and a president who's loved by his base despised by the left. so if you're a voter who doesn't like bernie sanders you're not just thinking which candidate do i like more than bernie sanders who currently which candidate who's not bernie sanders do i like can i support who i think has the best shot of beating him it's a job these voters take seriously we're still debating but i think he would be an excellent choice for the president of the united states and excited about to what i've heard a warrior more like what i hear sounds like you're still not decided. to close in on not making the outcome hard to predict kristen salumi al jazeera nashua new hampshire less than one percent of americans live in new hampshire so you might be wondering why it's always 1st on the primary calendar has entered. so why does new hampshire one of the smallest u.s. states play such a pivotal role in choosing the democratic nominee much is due to tradition candidates have braved the cold to try and woo new hampshire voters for the past 100 years in this 1st in the nation primary now the state's election laws require it to be 1st let's go but the primaries seem to be increasingly irrelevant for democrats because the state's demographics no longer match up with the rest of the nation americans in new hampshire are on average wealthier whiter and older than the rest of the country 42 percent of voters there hadn't made up their minds as of last week winning in new hampshire can breathe life into a campaign after a setback in iowa as it did for hillary clinton in 2008 we want to thank the people of new hampshire and for donald trump in 2016 his 1st primary win that year bernie sanders won by more than 20 points and he's hoping for another decisive win in the granite state unlike that chaotic caucus in iowa which saw him effectively tied with pete who did it now losing in new hampshire won't necessarily spell disaster for a presidential campaign bill clinton george w. bush and barack obama all lost in the state before going on to win the white house . still ahead on al jazeera and spoil the characters sound schoolgirls have started the country's best a women's ice hockey team and finally andy will be here with that story. business wagers what you know brown's power. business leaders resort to buy no brass power. war. as an afterthought here then thank you so much kamal tits on gold medalist le bron james says he's ready to make an olympic return having missed that's 116 events he's in the u.s. is provisional roster for the tokyo games a bronze at los angeles like the western conference right now james had 17 points 9 assists and a rebounds in this one of the phoenix suns it was there like his 40000 of the season the 35 year old missed the last olympics citing fit sake my name is a man. you know and it's always predicated no one my body how my body shaun of the new season i have to make a long playoff run. and then mine is in there with my family serious so there's a lot of factors but my name is and how well the denver nuggets are hot on the heels of the like is in the west denver we're training the son and son his 1st by 22 points for nickel a young kid found your mom are in the 3rd quarter. their partnership kept getting better as the deficit turned into a commanding lead for the nuggets murray had 26 points in your speech 19 as they secured the win by 7 then the now just suit games behind the lakers that's up. already over kept up his perfect streak against the dallas mavericks the utah jazz john scored with all 17 of the shots against the texans this season just winning this one wants 23 to 190. son says the football legend is suffering with depression and is reluctant to leave the house to to his poor health the only apply it's a win 3 world cup titles will be 80 in october the brazilian has suffered with complications from hip replacement surgery and many of his recent public appearances have been in a wheelchair with rosalynn he's pretty fragile with his mobility since he had a hip replacement and didn't have adequate or ideal rehabilitation so he has this problem with mobility about to set off a kind of depression imagine he's the king he was always such an imposing figure or another world cup when you're going klinsmann has quit says her to bill encouraged us to just spend weeks in charge she says there was a lack of support and trust that the german bunds league a club down in 14th with just one win from their last 5 and the gangs. i was reduced schedule of games in the asian champions league all great matches involving chinese teams have been postponed until the end of april jutes a coronavirus defending champions our hell out campaign underway with a win the saudi arabian seen bits in iran's. in dubai says 2016 games between the rain and saudi teams are being played at neutral venues because of political tensions between the 2 countries so any strike or other toivonen scored the only goal is the melbourne victory beat chiang rai united of holland one nil the tight seem also to play a sense off lights on is a much needed win for victory who sits 3rd from pots and in the australian elite ouch. fans of video review technology in football look away now this pretty handy goal from joshua going to help his sights of victory in the a.f.c. cup and shoes they know v.a. are available for this one and the on field officials failed to spot him slapping the ball into the net. now to france one again but now is set to make his 1st appearance of the season at home in the tour of colombia the 3rd edition of the race begins with a same song trial in the city of zawiya all 6 stages are above soon a half 1000 meters which is above the highest points of that sort of france $161.00 of the world's best as a competing including by now he won the 1st columbia saw that was back in 28. for sure i want to go there are 2322 who are good grace want to show. people how the rise i think that this is one of the most important things to share a bit of time with them but it's really a limping season for sure i will not be counted be there 100 percent because the big goal is is to look to the plant. now world athletics testosterone restrictions of censored on caster semenya legal battle but many more runners are being affected a minority saini of new jersey was the 3rd fastest woman over 400 meters last year and has qualified for this year's olympics in tokyo but after being barred from the world championships she fizz the new rules will limit her to running in her weaker events of 10600 meters it could deny the 3rd medal in the game's history or world athletics brought in rules for runners with differences of sex development last year saying they were ensure fair competition for women they only applied to events between 41500 meters which ruled out south african 800 meter olympic champion some men yahoo still challenging the legality of these rules athletes can be eligible to race if they have treatments reduce the testosterone levels some think but new olympic hope is refusing to do one. they asked me to take a treatment i refused i said i didn't want to take the treatment i only want to concentrate on the 10200 to see how it goes i feel a little bit sad because if i ran the $400.00 metres i could have won an olympic medal but on the other events there are a lot of athletes that are better developed so it will be difficult. well you have to kurdistan played in its 1st men's ice hockey world championships the central asian country now has its own all female team school girls from a village 400 kilometers from the council bishkek have been training for the past 3 months on frozen farm land belonging to their coach or news reach their target is 4 in more traditional hockey countries leading to donations of pro hockey gear from switzerland with only male seems to play against so far they're hoping to inspire other women to take up the sport despite some initial reluctance from their elders . him clinician that is too much of course i was against it at the beginning and only recently i categorically forbade her from playing ice hockey a puck hit her in the eye she received a concussion but she's better now and now she has come to play again. on the most expensive piece of sports memorabilia ever sold at auction is set to go on public display the original manuscript of the cuban sons 18 speech which they tell his plans to revive the olympics was bought by a russian billionaire off a nearly $9000000.00 last december all the documents will be put on show at the olympic museum in switzerland ok sport throughout the day that that is how it's looking for now thank you so much for that and deal with that set for me for this news hour but don't go away i'll be back in just a minute with more of the day's news. frank assessment the one thing about these bush fires is that you really wipe them out the politics of climate change informed opinions economy i think is actually what's keeping donald trump afloat right now critical debate sequel on both through school you've been told what the law is all 'd about this argument is astonishingly patronize an in-depth analysis of the day's headlines this is the beginning of a new iraq of the new conscious and aware youth about struggle against an ethnic sectarian kotor inside story on al-jazeera one of the really special things about working for others here is that even as a camera woman i get to have so much empathy and contribution to a story i feel weak or this region better than anyone else working for it is you know it's very challenging liberally particularly because you have a lot of people that are divided on political issues we are we the people we live to tell the real stories are just mended used to deliver in-depth journalism we don't feel inferior to the audience across the globe. radicalism is on the rise across the globe and we're told it's everywhere we're told we're supposed to be highly suspicious of everybody and everything but our government policies aimed at tackling radicalization in fact pushing youngsters to the fringes of society the impact is utopian on them and there's only so much we can take before you say ok that's me rethinking radicalization part of the radicalized youth syrians an al-jazeera. a unique yet endangered biodiversity lies in the heart of one of those tropical jungles there was a lot of misinformation about the animals that we have here and now the probability is becoming by so their self conservation their communities algis their journeys deep into the rain forest to follow a scientist untouched teams effort to save the flora and fauna so precious in the region women make science ecuador's hidden treasure on al-jazeera one. day a. heavy price to pay turkey's president vows swift revenge against syrian backed forces fighting and it. came from al this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up. objective remains containment the death toll from the corona virus passes $1000.00 is the chinese government fires officials and their handling of the outbreak also. 3. on. the 1st u.s. presidential primary ballots are cast in the.

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Jerusalem , Israel General , Israel , Caspian Sea , Oceans General , Oceans , Afghanistan , United States , Bishkek , Kyrgyzstan , Hong Kong , Brazil , Nairobi , Nairobi Area , Kenya , Syria , Zawiya , Diyaláz , Iraq , Netherlands , Martin Island , Washington , Sudan , Tehran , Iran , Khartoum , Al Khartum , Iowa , Ecuador , Libya , Tokyo , Japan , Damascus , Dimashq , Kosovo , Seoul , Soul T Ukpyolsi , South Korea , Thailand , Kotor , Kaluzhskaya Oblast , Russia , Chiang Rai , New Jersey , Singapore , Saudi Arabia , France , Darfur , Gharb Darfur , Turkey , Australia , Dubai , Dubayy , United Arab Emirates , New Delhi , Delhi , India , China , Beijing , Aleppo , Lab , Kabul , Kabol , Manila , Philippines , Nigeria , Kuwait , Italy , Switzerland , Georgia , Doha , Ad Daw Ah , Qatar , New Hampshire , Gareth , India General , Texas , Lebanon , Cuba , South Africa , Borno State , Borno , Colombia , Riyadh , Ar Riya , Melbourne , Victoria , Jordan , Denver , Colorado , Germany , Beirut , Beyrouth , Bangladesh , Baghdad , Geneva , Genè , Phoenix , Arizona , Juba , Wilayat Bahr Al Jabal , South Sudan , Farit , Karbala , Dallas , Utah , Nigerian , Americans , Australian , Bangladeshis , Sudanese , Saudi , Turkish , Brazilian , Iraqi , Lebanese , Israeli , Russians , American , Texans , Holland , Chinese , Russian , Syrians , Saudi Arabian , South African , German , Syrian , Cuban , Kamau Hussein , John Brown , Stephanie Decker , Hong Kong Adrian , Los Angeles , Mahatma Gandhi , Omar Al Bashir , Clinton George , Heber Morgan , Mahmoud Abbas , Muhammadu Buhari , Bernard Smith Al Jazeera , Barack Obama , Bernard Smith , Mohammed Al Jazeera Palestinian , Adrian Brown , Hillary Clinton , Bernie Sanders , Bashar Al Assad ,

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