is being used. and in sports arena williams makes a winning return to fed cup action after a 5 year absence at williams a secured have 14 straight win in the event. we start this news all with breaking news at least 12 people have been shot dead in thailand police say a soldier went on a shooting spree in the city of korda swaine hey joins us now on the phone from the thai capital bangkok away and just bring us up to speed what more can you tell us. yes there's still very much an ongoing in the developing situation as you rightly said in the city of coal right otherwise known as not going russia kima this is a city about 250 kilometers to the military east of the capital bangkok according to reports some of the police are now beginning to confirm as well as all just within the last 2 hours or so began shooting on a military base in the city near the city. and killed a commanding officer and at least 2 others on the military base then stole a military vehicle and drove towards the center of knock on what you see not shooting at people as we went towards a shopping mall called terminal $21.00 of the shooting that is going to be inside the shopping mall there could be as secure late in social media and clearly is a very loud gunshots multiple gunshots coming from within the shopping mall itself it is believed that he has the hostages inside that building as well even serving screaming the shooting on social media or facebook posting regular updates up until about 30 minutes ago or his facebook page is now being taken down one of the his last posts suggested what he said in his post that he's tired now instead of a calm move my finger anymore his photos clearly being posted on many social media sites as well so the police have the entire area on the lockdown they've been joined by the military as well some police come on those being floor and also from the capital bangkok so still very much a developing situation and when the images that we're seeing the from the scene right now looks like we're looking at images that are coming from inside the mall we've also seen some images from outside the mall this looks like it's a very busy area a lot of people there. yes certainly not going to see emerge as a busy city it's very much known as the gateway to the middle east again pretty close to the capital bangkok it is a bustling 6 high city and the shopping mall as is the case in many areas all thailand would be the same to all the action on a saturday evening at around 7 o'clock so about an hour ago when this was all beginning to filter through on social media and in the time media would have been very busy in that area as a face the police the military very much have a cordon in place now locking the area down there is a mistake made by a police spokesperson by the people who like the area to move right away those who live in the area to stay indoors and listen to instructions from the security offices so it's still very much and i'm fully situation never say and i mentioned that the social media posts that he has been posting one of the things that he said again about an hour ago on facebook what should i surrender so it seems perhaps that the situation may come to an end soon or lease of course that is the hope but again the situation still changing as we speak when how unusual is it to have a mass shooting in thailand. mentions a very rare head you know dung crime is relatively common access to guns is relatively easy there are strict rules around the down ownership in thailand but it is very easy with corruption being so rife with the black market being so strong it is relatively easy to get your hands on on that and on guns this man is again we should point out is believed to be a soldier serving soldier in the thai army the again the shooting spree on an army base so clearly access to weapons the easier than it would be for a civilian member of the public but generally mass shootings in thailand are very rare they don't happen very often bought again gun crime is common we should also point out that the military in thailand plays a major role in the life you have the military is often in voltaire in politics it is involved in business in thailand and some would say that it is the most powerful organization in this country and one of the again one of the posts that he has made on social media referred to were again we don't know the motives for the shooting we don't know much about the soldier himself but one of the things the big pointed out on social media was making a reference to corruption again too early to say without it the main motivation for the shooting about corruption is a major problem within the military many other gay sions all of them being involved in the illegal business illegal trade so they do play a very large pots of time. details of time show will come out in the aisles in days from now for now thank you for that that's when hey just recapping there at least 12 people have been shot dead in thailand the active shooter is apparently a soldier he went on a shooting spree in the city of korda and is believed that there are now hostages being held inside that mall and we will bring you more as it comes to hand. let's move on now to other news sent the corona virus outbreak shows no sign of slowing down as authorities in china continue efforts to bring the epidemic under control across china at least 722 people have now died the u.s. embassy has confirmed the death of a citizen in the quarantined city of harm a japanese man has also died there after a suspected corona virus infection hong kong has started a mandatory 2 week quarantine for people arriving from mainland china to try and stop the spread of the virus and in japan thousands of people are being quarantined on board a cruise ship in the port of yokohama the ship has 64 confirmed cases of coronavirus record gupta has the story. the owners of this luxury cruise ship describe it as a home away from home and for those on board there is now no choice about 3700 people on the diamond princess are being quarantined for at least 2 weeks off japan's yokohama port that's after mood in 60 tested positive for corona virus you know are all instructed to stay in their own cabin. you know that people from the insurer haven't been allowed up there on yak and they may have had a chance to interact although they've been instructed that they a meter or from each other so it's hard to read. the mood of the other passengers without a contact with them i see you know some people are very worried on the internet and social media japan is already dealing with cases of the virus and has imposed new border controls to stop it from spreading it's turned away another cruise ship from taiwan the world had organization says there is no need for alarm there's over 3700 people in crew and this is after extensive searching for cases and testing and testing of many many people so if i don't get my month's wrong that's that's less than 2 percent of people so. it's still about it's not a great number it does show the virus has spread in the ship but again let's be careful here not to overreact the outbreak that began in china has spread to at least 25 countries in kazakhstan the reports of violence between kazakhstan and a.p. quake community over fears of coronavirus chinese restaurants and businesses have reportedly been burnt down singapore has increased its alert level after new cases of corn a virus not linked to previous infections or travel to china were reported people are rushing to supermarkets to stock up on food and essential goods and around the world war people are buying mass and what's called personal protective equipment or p.p. pushing up prices and creating shortages the world is facing severe disruption in the market for personal for president and protective equipment. demand is $200.00 times higher than normal and prizes not up to 20 times higher the u.n. agency says more than 80 percent of corn a virus cases globally reported can be considered mild and is calling for nations to work together to fight the outbreak priyanka gupta is here orchestrating us live for us in beijing and joins us now katrina as the numbers continue to grow the way that the government needs to respond is is changing what's the latest that we're hearing from beijing. that's right so we have more than 34000 cases now more than 700 deaths including as we've had today a u.s. citizen in hand today but just outside of those numbers we have to remember that this outbreak is affecting tens of millions of people across china either directly affected by the lock down and and was hot in some of these surrounding cities but also just across the country and cities like beijing and shanghai where so many restaurants remain close public gatherings are are not allowed or discouraged in and offices are also close so this is been really massively disruptive and what we do find is that this fear and panic around the corner virus is now sort of morphing into more frustration and anger and how the government has been handling this the numbers are continuing to rise despite the efforts by the government and people are really turning their attention to some recent as we had this week the death of a doctor named. dr lee and he in early in january was 1 of the 1st whistleblowers if you like to sound the alarm over the severity of this virus and he was actually punished and so he passed away this week from the krona virus and there's a lot of anger growing in social media over his death and his treatment as well as that there are some other citizen journalists and who have been posting videos some very disturbing disturbing videos of of the conditions some awful conditions and some of inside some of these hospitals and one of them has gone missing as well so there's really some some anger about the attempt to really silence any criticism about the handling by the government i think the communist party is certainly more more aware of that she came out on friday and said that he's declared what he's called a people's war on virus and saying that no effort is being spared in in trying to contain this outbreak and china's world health organization has said that really this battle is far from over and the authorities really do need to remain vigilant katrin to you there thank you. russian officials are set to meet with the turkish counterpart cement growing tensions in syria's it's a province syrian activists say turkey has set up a new al post and if that comes the syrian government forces continue to advance on the province that is still in question although reports turkey is determined to stop the us syrian government forces in the suburbs of surat camp hours before distributed town well after fierce fighting with the syrian rebel defenders. so racket sits at the junction of 2 major highways and was seen as a major obstacle in regaining control of the province one 3rd of which is now under syrian government control. turkey has warned put the mask his forces to back off no arkie unfortunately the syrian regime does not believe in political process and thinks peace can only be possible by a military solution and i have to say they are wrong about this they have stepped up their aggression turkey has 12 military observation posts positioned around the globe to escalation zone agreed with russia and iran in 2017 but 9 of them have been surrounded by advancing syrian government forces to protect and stop the advance troops yes stablished for more post which ended up in direct clashes between the turkish and syrian army's solve little mission with the hook up some of them use the local should get tax responded to within the scope of such offense from now on any kind of attack will be responded to appropriately and observation post will continue their duties. the syrian government has intensified its attacks since last november and backed by russia has targeted civilians this triggered a new way of a migration with hundreds of thousands of people fleeing the violence in the 9 year long civil war in syria that was where the displaced could find refuge but it looks at the center is now under threat as the syrian government forces captured so rocket and just 7 kilometers of way see them go solo al-jazeera bubble howa northwestern syria well hashim about a joins us now live from istanbul hashem this is a very crucial meeting at a very precarious time for russia and turkey isn't it. indeed kim this is going to be an opportunity for both parties to set aside their differences and see how that incorporates when it comes to the latest developments in a syrian activists are saying that hundreds of turkish soldiers along with their equipment have crossed into and then moved to areas on the. in what looks like an attempt by the turkish military to set up new military posts and this is clearly an indication of growing tension in the region and it seems that the turkish military after the syrian rebels lost the city of sirte is trying to move towards turner's and that must form or on the southern outskirts of . and to prepare in that case the syrian army decides to move towards the city of this against the backdrop of the warning that was issued by the syrian by the turkish government about 2 days ago to damascus that if the syrian army does not pull out from the demilitarized zone in by the end of february then the turkish military would have no other option but to use force i'm going to is making those threats but at the same time it has a lot to lose doesn't it already has nearly ends all the syrian refugees in turkey and i assume it would be wanting to avoid another wave of people coming across the border. everyone is worried everyone is concerned including the united nations the u.n. envoy to syria expressed the same concerns about the potential for must exist if the syrian army continues its push to take over the city of kim we are dealing with an extraordinary political situation in. because in the past when the rebels were losing ground or territory the civilian as would move north to worse rebel held area but it live now is the only part in syria which is under the control of the rebels wish me is that if they lose it then the civilian has about 4000000 civilians will have no other option the has sealed the border with syria and this is going to create behalves one of the worst humanitarian situations for the international community and today the turkish along with the russian diplomats are going to try to see how they can diffuse tension how they can redraw the political map around the city of love to ensure some sort of a buffer zone where the syrian military has to stop the to stop this is a prerequisite for the turkish government we're expecting president of the government to address a rally anytime now and most likely he's going to address the issue of. i doubt we'll be checking back in with you then let's have some about it there live for us in istanbul. find more ahead on the news all including. tomorrow will this day i'm playing we're all going to train together to keep. better tabs on the 7 hopefully vying for the democratic presidential nomination take to the stage once again. and we look at what evolves in india's capital may mean for prime minister narendra modi. in school was a new start for the main gaming to win over football fans in the united states. the united nations is working towards a ceasefire in libya the u.n. secretary general antonio protests made the announcement at a summit of african union the doesn't ethiopia as mohamed vaal reports from the capital addis ababa fighting in libya is affecting other countries in the region. libya is in a high strategic location it boasts the largest oil reserves in africa it commands desert and suits which african migrants use in their tens of thousands each year to reach western europe and since war broke out there several years ago armed groups have taken hold some of whom are linked directly or indirectly to al-qaeda isom all ingredients that make it a challenging issue to discuss when african union leaders meet in the ethiopian capital addis ababa libya is an african country but the war that's been ripping it apart for years is nigh the entire libyan you know african factions such as the self declared libyan national army that by the world are coming to have talks and other groups and go support from foreign countries. have to with the help of the united arab emirates russia egypt and even fall some want others is fighting to remove the you and recognize the government in tripoli he launched his latest campaign from eastern libya early last year and has already captured large areas including the city of silt in the north but his attempts to take the capital tripoli have so far failed. it's in this climate that african leaders must find a road for themselves a u has no troops in libya to enforce peace and as far as negotiations are concerned it's countries like germany that are leading the talks a u. high committee on libya under the leadership of congress president dennis ross and whistle was among the last to be invited to the berlin summit on libya in january and talks both in berlin and in moscow our view of the little results if team of this year is a u.s. summit in addis ababa is silencing the guns and to do that in libya african leaders will need to bring new ideas to the table. let's get more now from ahmed valvo joins me from madison mahmut how are african leaders looking to find those roles for themselves in finding a solution to the libyan conflict. that's subject to be developed tomorrow when they meet on the 1st day of the 2 day summit and we have been listening in the last couple of days to some of the statements by heads of delegates here about how important africans are trying to focus this time around on libya africa feels that it has been marginalized with regards to peace efforts and negotiations in libya as mentioned in the report that you have just saw seen just a while ago the secretary general of the united nations until you go terrorists gave a press in which he used the word scandal to describe what's happening in libya saying that some of the big powers members in the united nations security council are complicit in what's happening in terms of the importation of weapons and also fighters and so on he talked about the embargo that has been imposed in 2011 being violated time and again he talked about the recent tools that has been signed being also violated. and he said it's time for the african union to lend a hand to be involved in this process and the he's coming here to addis ababa to attend the summit as a central message of solidarity and support by the united nations to the african union in its efforts to help efforts for peace in africa and particularly in libya and he particularly mentioned that the united nations is ready to receive some. of service members of the african union to be permanently based in libya within its mission in tripoli as a sign of a new commitment by the united nations to involve africans he talked about peace efforts and peace peace peace troops in africa african efforts to combat terrorism and saying that should be of source supported among other things so it's time africa the united nations saying for africa to play a major role not only across the sahara but also particularly in libya i think that that's mohammed while there live from. and u.s. president donald trump has fired 2 major witnesses in his impeachment trial barely 48 hours after the senate acquitted him the ambassador to the european union golden sun flint was recalled just al softer lieutenant colonel alexander venom and was scored it from the white house both men were critical of president trump's handling of military age to ukraine and the gawker reports from washington. gordon sunland was considered a close ally of president trump's the 61 year old businessman gave trump's inauguration committee a $1000000.00 became ambassador to the european union and is said to have had the president's number on speed dial all that changed after someone's explosive testimony into the president's handling of military aid to ukraine was there a quid pro quo as i testified previously with regard to the requested white house call and the white house meeting the answer is yes another pivotal witness in the impeachment korean to president trump was lieutenant colonel alexander that man was a highly decorated soldier an expert on ukraine been means testimony was said to have been breached the president is improper for the president of the united states to demand a foreign government investigate a u.s. citizen and a political opponent it was also clear that if you create pursued an investigation into the 2016 elections the bidens and it would be interpreted as a parson play. on friday lieutenant colonel than him and his twin brother a lawyer at the national security council risk order from the white house by officials both have been reassigned just hours after the president commented on the lieutenant colonel well i'm not happy with the 1st to be happy with the fact that it is midnight in washington senior figures in the democratic party reacted angrily to the firings adam schiff who took a lead role in the president's impeachment tweeted lieutenant colonel that man did his job as a soldier in iraq he received a purple heart then he displayed another rare form of bravery moral courage he complied with a subpoena and told the truth he upheld his oath when others did not. one of the president's senior adviser said the firing sent a clear message that not backing the commander in chief will not be tolerated following the impeachment inquiry in his acquittal it seems that president trump is bent on retribution that means lawyer released a statement saying the most powerful man in the world boyd by the silent pliable and complicit as decided to exact his revenge it came as no surprise to many that 2 key witnesses in what president trump called a hoax and now gone the question is who's next and a gallacher al jazeera washington. former u.s. national security advisor john bolton is accusing the white house of trying to censor his new book the room where it happened is due out next month and denies it contains classified information but the national security council has warned bolton's lawyer of its concerns bolton was sacked by trump in september before the complaint by an anonymous whistleblower which led to his peach meant. the polls are open and ireland snaps general election opinion polls are predicting a shift away from the 2 main center right parties would be the republican party while ireland has the fastest growing economy in the european union the main concerns for voters are a crisis of public health care and a housing shortage. on the back joins us now from dublin made something that is to distance itself from those old ira 'd associations and get this what looks to be a search. is going to be very very difficult i think for for sinn fein given the fact that there is that historical link with what happened here in ireland over a period of 30 years 20 years ago of course 3 and a half 1000 people were killed in a period of viruses tree known simply as the troubles and during that time the shin fein was very much for god it is the political wing of the paramilitary group the ira but should fain is trying to refocus the attention back on the main issues here in ireland it has put housing homelessness and health care at the center of its campaign and in doing so it's trying very very keenly to try and push support away from the 2 main centrist party finegan phina for who have dominated politics here in ireland for a very very long time indeed for the past 9 years finegan have been in charge with the prime minister lee overact at the helm he has presided over a period of cultural change in what is a socially conservative and at least traditionally catholic country abortion is now legal same sex marriage is legal right has also been at the helm of brakes in negotiations too but he and the main opposition feel full of been accused of not focusing enough attention on grassroots issues as i said health care homelessness and housing and that's where she faded hoping to make significant gains what does it mean that both major parties have ruled out working with say. well it means that historically at least they regard themselves as being done i make to the metrically opposed to what shem fein represents as a set they occupy the political center ground their difference is slights they go all the way back to the early days of the formation of the modern state here here in ireland but as famous of people he said time has moved on and they say that they would be willing if they do make significant gains across the country to work together with the other parties possibly in forming a coalition government the question is given that they are so historically different can they seriously begin working together to form a stable government and start tackling all of these key issues that are dominating voters' minds as they go to the polls i think that that's naive back there live from dublin the polls have now closed in a regional election in india's capital new delhi the delhi assembly vote is seen as a test for the country's ruling j.p. following weeks of often violent protests both in the capital and nationwide against the new citizenship law dozens of indians were killed and thousands detained demonstrating against the law regarded by many as anti muslim. democratic party candidates in the united states are hoping to secure the presidential nomination of how their latest t.v. face off a new hampshire before next week's primary the front runner has peeped through the judge and bernie sanders faced criticism from rivals in the a.b.c. news debate laura but in many reports 4 days from now the voters here in new hampshire will weigh in 7 democratic hopefuls head to head to the hoop to convince new hampshire to vote for them in chief day's primary the debate started with messages of unity and the matter who wins this day i'm putting we're all going to stand together. but it didn't take long for the presidential hopefuls to start trading barbs 38 year old pete was singled out for his perceived lot of experience he was ready for the criticism if you're looking for the person with the most years of washington establishment experience under their belt and you've got your candidate and of course it's not me the perspective i'm bringing is that of somebody whose life has been shaped by the decisions that are made in those big white buildings in washington d.c. and when tsongas addressed social welfare issues you raise the minimum wage to $15.00 an hour was not going to give tax breaks to billionaires foma vice president joe biden questioned whether money would come from him it will cost more than the entire the entire federal budget we spend now when questioned on the impeachment proceedings biden prompted a standing ovation mcconnell alexandr that had been a key witness to the trial and fired by trump stand up and clap for veterans can check out. thank. you i was. for a lot of these candidates the answer is do or die well but your doesn't break in the top 4 here she's out of this race if war finishes a distant 3rd again she's in very bad shape and if biden isn't very. at the top he's really real and the old foreign policy of british judge was asked if you would make the same decision as trump in killing me rain in general because i'm still a money in the rocks that if we learned nothing else from the war in iraq it's that taking out a bad guy is not a good idea if you do not know what you are doing you cannot go around saying you're a bad guy we're going to assassinate you. and then you're going to have to if that happens you're opening the door to international advocacy after tuesday's primary could very well decide on tuesday if in the race. this was an opportunity for him to make that case with sandison buttigieg seen as the one to beat. manly out. of time now for the weather and hair is kevin that's right and that storm system right behind me that is a storm that caused some widespread chaos across united states we're talking flooding we're talking severe weather tornadoes as well the snow and icing and we're not done with the storm yet the storm right now just off the canadian maritimes is really starting to deepen even more and over the next few days the storms can be crossing across parts of the atlantic and towards the northwestern part of europe tomorrow with this storm system it's going to be a very bad day here across parts of the u.k. as well as into r.l. and it we're talking it is going to be a windstorm take a look at this forecast map here and sunday and you notice these lines here these are what we call isobar as the close of the lines are the stronger the winds are going to be the warnings are already up across parts of ireland as well as u.k. very strong winds we're talking possibly over 100 kilometers per hour winds across much of this area and that also translates to we are going to be seeing airport delays if not cancellations also problems with ferry service across much of this area not only the u.k. but over here across parts of the benelux regions france as well as into denmark here on sunday this is going to be accompanied with some very heavy rain as well as we go towards monday the storm system continues to make its way across parts of northern europe and we are going to be seeing still some more problems for many areas in terms of amp's tim one of the cities we're talking about wind gusts on sunday up to about 100 kilometers per hour so we'll continue to watch the storm of the next few days thanks that kevin still ahead on al-jazeera. i'm alexia brian in new south wales a stray which is seeing some of its. biggest rain since the fire season began and find out why that's got some scientists worried. plus could a black comedy from south korea take the top prize of this year's academy awards. and sports why there was a hit and miss stocks of the new football season in japan. radicalism is on the rise across the globe and we're told it's everywhere we're told was supposed to be highly suspicious of everybody and everything but our government policies aimed at tackling radicalization in fact pushing youngsters to the fringes of society the impact is you don't really know me and there's only so much we can try before you say ok that's me rethinking radicalization the cult of the radicalized youth syrians an al-jazeera when the news breaks. when people need to be heard the general situation of course is affecting both the venue and samantha and graphics on the story needs to be told with exclusive interviews as a country do still in polar and in-depth reports. have i phone 50 has teams on the ground there saying that they're against you on the right to play in the league documentaries and live news. the. georgiadis is there a reminder of our top stories of song a soldier is holding people hostage in a shopping mall in thailand of the shooting deaths at least 12 others the victims in the northeast city of course that's include the soldiers commanding officer. hong kong has begun or 2 week mandatory quarantine for all people arriving from mainland china it's an attempt to stop the spread of corona virus still partially destroyed to bring the outbreak under control the u.s. embassy has confirmed the death of one of its citizens of the epicenter of the onus of. the russian and turkish delegation due to meet some of the growing tensions in syria's deposits it comes as turkey's military is warning offer telling action against further attacks in the province of the a turks were killed by syrian government shelling this week. the winter weather has worsened conditions for syrians living in a refugee camp and lebanon's bekaa valley it comes as the ongoing economic crisis in lebanon is having a serious impact on humanitarian programs a shortage of funding means a few of families are receiving support this year. joining us now live from a syrian refugee camp in the bekaa valley sergeant tell us more about what you're seeing there on the ground. yes when asked which is in the back of fire and i tell you it's so cold over here when we 1st arrived there was not want to hear the kids have come out just because they're really curious about seeing a camera but if you look at the conditions just behind me it's mighty there's snow on the mountains and it's quite horrific time of year for them it seems to be getting harder and harder every year in this competition we have $400.00 people around that with a few families and they can't build any permanent shelters because the lebanese government is quite clear that they are only here for a temporary period of time so they're only allowed to live in what you can see just that plastic tents very flimsy very cold non-rival we just had a word with some of the syrian refugees living here and they said to us for a couple of them said to us we prefer to die than leave live in these horrific conditions of course because the economic crisis at the moment i'm so cold i can hardly talk because the economic crisis in the shortage of dollars it means a lot of them that do receive some form of age from you in h.c.r. say they can't even cash that money there's not enough machine cash in the machines as well and a policy statement was false just a couple of days ago by the cabinet and in that there's a call saying that refugees should be able to turn back to their homes if it's safe enough now the lebanese government is saying that syria has become a lot safer for the syrian refugees who are living here there's almost 1000000 of them that's according to statistics in december now and a few of them say that they don't want to return because they're not clear if it is safe enough but also the conditions here are pretty harsh on some level nice people have even brain the syrian refugees they say for the strait it's almost the economic crisis nepalese government says it has no choice but to send them back in fact there were some forced to poor taste sions just a few months ago so we'll keep you posted on the situation here but it's very harsh some of these children we've been speaking so i don't know if you can just see down there or bare footed very difficult tough time for them thanks for that that sarkar there from a very cold looking back a valley thank you. well strawberry harvest time for farmers in gaza with most of the berries heading to consume is in the occupied west bank but israel's blockade means getting them there is a challenge stephanie decker reports from bad luck here and the northern gaza strip . it's warmer in here than outside on this crisp february morning the sweet smell of ripe stew a breeze fills the greenhouse abu sami's family has been farming this land for generations this is because they're here. he said 82 years old abu sami doesn't only have a lifetime of farming knowledge but is also witness the constant change of this political landscape couldn't wesa work when. we used to sell our product in israel when we were under israeli occupation but says 20061 how much took over and israeli imposed the blockade we can't sell in the israeli market so farmers income has decreased a lot now the main market for gaza store breezes the occupied west bank around an hour's drive from here before the guillotine for the meo issue in filmy year israeli products compete with us even in the west bank because my product takes days to get there as it has to follow certain look to procedures while israeli produce takes just a few hours to reach the market the client prefers freshly picked rather than mine is 20 percent of quality along the steering this umbrella. certain fertilizer is a banned by israel citing security reasons and that too we're told is affecting the quality of the strawberries but despite that things are moving forward now this is a relatively new way of growing stories they started having them around 3 years ago and farmers are telling us that they get around 3 times more strawberries using this technique rather than just keeping them in the ground and there's less risk of disease because they're protected by the greenhouse and also for from the ground this hanging method also maximizes the use of space and it's also pretty while we're filming a group of visitors arrive but i have not heard that silvio either so what are we doing i think selfies individuals and i will upload them to social media i did not know that we have these homes they're fantastic and i don't think many people know about it i think we should publicize this and increase awareness of the good things we have. but the restrictions of the blockade are felt in every layer of this farming process and there is the never ending cycle of escalation between israel and the various armed groups here. the darkest period in our lives after 2006 the siege is really tough and it's meant all our movements it affects every part of our lives and our fortunately things are getting worse you simply cannot predict today what will happen tomorrow. perhaps a small response is the reliable cycle of nature the changing seasons and the harvest they bring and if you managed to drown out the constant buzzing of the israeli drone in the sky you could just about imagine a very different reality stephanie decker 0 and distribute fields of beit lahia northern gaza. flood warnings have replaced bushfire alerts in southeastern australia rain in new south wales has some of the heaviest in almost 20 years but the combination of fire and rain has sparked new problems. facebook is taking an israeli cyber citizen surveillance rather firm to court next week for allegedly hacking uses of its encrypted messaging service wants to have the social media giant accused n.s.o. group of hacking into the phones of nearly 1400 users back in october mung them were human rights activists political dissidents and journalists and so group disputed those allegations promising to fight them vigorously amazon chief executive jeff bezos has previously said n.s.o. could have provided the software that saudi arabia used to hack his phone there are several instances where and i saw has been caught out the f.b.i. is reportedly investigating the firm of the way its software has been linked to hacks and to dissidents particular cases in saudi arabia in 2018 researches in canada identified $36.00 operate is that they said we're using n.s.o. technology on targets in $45.00 countries including on lizzie's a saudi critic of the disease later alleged in a lawsuit the same software was used to target dissidents jamal khashoggi who was murdered by saudi agents in 2018. well it speak now to muslim australians in london he is an international law professor at city university london has also been advising the plaintiffs in a case against n.s.o. group in israel thank you so much for your time mr masri the n.s.o. says it's take knology is used by governments to target criminals do you buy that. well in many instances we've seen that the technology was used to target reporters journalists. human rights lawyers activists and opposition figure figures like these who are working in using peace peaceful methods so the saying that it exclusively targets criminals and terrorists has been proven to be false you were advising as we said plaintiffs in a case in israel 5 and it seems that in a so group is facing litigation on quite a few different fronts yes there are a number of cases that are happening at this stage so there are 2 cases in israel one against. any so affiliate in cyprus and there's also the case in california by what's up against in this over because they used what's up and what's up and for such or to attack or to surveil people and to. infect their phones i'm interested because these cases that we're talking about have been going on for a few years the allegations of you know refer to a few years ago or going back a few years is the law able to keep up with this kind of cyber surveillance technology. well generally speaking the. when it comes to technology technology develops much faster than the law and we can see this in all areas of technology and specially when we it comes to human rights implications of technology but what the law provides us is a set of principles that could be used in order to hold companies such as in sorrow and other spyware companies to account for the technology that they produce how prevalent is it in a star group and this technology i mean listing off those countries it seems that there are a lot of governments using this software. well we were talking about the industry of about $12000000000.00 a year. and it's not just in a so there are also other companies but for and it's always technology seems to be one of the most developed technologies and they have and looks like they have a long list of clients and these clients do not particularly hold human rights in high regards so we can see them targeting journalists and human rights activist rather than just focusing on. limiting the use of this technology to criminals and terrorists what's interesting here and now is to. companies such as whatsapp and facebook decided to put an end to the exploitation of their platform and that the technology that they use by a n.s.a. and decided to take in his or to court to end this exploitation which is something which is a good step forward because that makes it harder for companies such as innocent or to actually use this technology and to also target. individuals who have nothing to do with crime or terrorism think that that's 3 they're an international law professor. now the south korean film parasite has emerged as a surprise contender at the academy awards this weekend the dark comedy thriller has been nominated for 6. private parts. but i was honestly since its release last year the parasite has had south korea talking mostly about the social injustice of a younger generation not able to better themselves no matter how hard they study and work. it's becoming harder to imagine improving your social status as generally accepted within our generation. because i found nothing to be fascinated about it equality problem it's been here for a long time kind of a time exaggeration in the movie the movie focuses on a poor family living in a semi basement who trick their way into the service of a much greater family with darkly comic consequences. i don't think in the region people are that stupid but suspend your disbelief for the duration of the movie and parasite becomes an intro fable about the struggles of the have nots all too painfully aware of the comforts enjoyed by the haves that they're living alongside it's a thing what resonates not only here but also in a world where the whitening wealth gap that gap is no better illustrated then go along one of the last shanty areas of seoul starkly contrast with the towers of neighboring kenya the brashly opulent district parodied into global fame by gangnam style displaced poor families when it was developed many of whom moved to korea and who now scrape together a living doing the menial jobs that gangnam needs much as in parasite i think it was very realistic in the way that it portrayed arse. saidee especially in korea and further development threatens to move these residents again locked in an ongoing battle with the government for proper compensation. as south korea has developed it has become easier for the rich to earn more money while it has become more difficult for the poor to make a living it's an issue that has to be resolved. from its comic opening parasite quickly descends into in the cup tragedy in their own struggle the people of korea hoping for a far happier ending rob mcbride al-jazeera cell and al-jazeera is also up for an oscar nominated for best documentary short subject is saying if men as a taste of the documentary you can watch it on full on sunday every night that 20 to 30 g.m.t. for now is flat you have 5 go yes i have to would like to say it's not you don't learn about 5 years night something else happened on august 9th. 18 year old michael brown was gunned down 2.13 something very similar to me i saw my son in 15. years that i mentor. and i felt like you know at this my time to stand. still ahead on al-jazeera sports roger federer and rafael nadal helped set another tennis record sale of that story to. every attack in europe creates fear and division amongst its citizens where stories of loss go untold. a sweeping association of islam with violence leaves erupt in muslims facing the stark reality of being ostracized by the very communities in which they live love and moon the tragic loss of life choice of victim and on al-jazeera. to sign up a sport to santa thank you very much it came also reno williams has made a winning return to fed cup action in her 1st singles a matches in 5 years williams that put the u.s. team at 2 up in their match up with latvia the 23 time a grand slam champion beat former french open champion they are not having to go in straight sets and washington state in the sweet means a 14 straight win in the top team event for women's tennis the winners of this best of 5 tie will qualify for a post that cup finals. earlier the u.s. made a flying start in everett thanks to sophie at home in the fresh off her debut grand slam when i feel free and open 21 year old beat out of. the way in 2 sets the tie will conclude later this afternoon. and stop power of roger federer rafael nadal hold to set a new attendance record for a tennis match the charity event took place in south africa almost $52000.00 people came out to watch 2 of the games all time greats at the cape town stadium built for the 2010 football world cup at the moment no top to attend to our moods are held in africa. this is so much more than just tennis. and i really hope we can do it again oh prophet could do it again one day come back to this beautiful country i'm so proud of standing here. and thank you very much for coming everybody really is so so special. well the president also france's eyes sports federation has resigned and the sexual abuse investigation. has a step down off to 4 athletes claimed it's been abused by former coaches had employed a coach or who have been the subject of 2 misconduct inquiries and had been found guilty of committing serious acts against young skaters. less than a week off to the super bowl a revival football league is a starting in the united states excess fellow relaunches later this saturday 2 decades on from its initial failure. and you know me good features 8 teams and it's being passed by billionaire wrestling for most of the. role of have been a tweak to it to encourage fos the highest scoring games original x f l a for the off to just one season into 2001. success for us will not be measured in the 1st game the 1st weekend or even the 1st season we're taking a long term view and we understand that we're going to earn our stripes with fans so there are no hard and fast metrics for the 1st season we're simply looking forward to game going by introducing our form of football to the world if you love football you're going to love the x f l it will be familiar football in 100 yard field moving the ball down the field for down to the time that people are accustomed to but we have some real innovations that we think make the game faster uptempo and safer for our players or you us a sports broadcaster michael calls and believes the league faces a huge commercial as sporting challenge. my gut feeling right now is that it's probably going to be a miss in the long term and the question will be how long how deep the pockets are in able to in order to sustain the league the problem the x f l faces is a lack of stars to attract an audience it's going to be perceived as as a as a lower level of the game and what they're trying to do is to make up for that by making it a more attractive game that could work and it could have an influence on the n.f.l. to sort of look at their rule changes and and maybe and maybe take them on board but the n.f.l. right now is such a. big and dominant business with the 1st call on players that unless they want to start spending money to track star players i think it's probably going to be something like a minor league there is a big appetite for actual football in america the question is whether that appetite will be a swashed by by a spring time league with players who are not quite up to n.f.l. standards. in south africa are reportedly in talks to join. a top international tournament in the meantime getting ready to host hold as wales in the 2nd round of this year's 6 nations matches both teams that won their opening games . and japan's new football season got off to a hit and miss start. to pick up but went to a penalty shootout off of the cell coby 233 with all the oklahoma knows the teams combined to miss 9 consecutive spall kicks colby eventually located than that to win the season opening title. and that's it for me back and thank you so much sun and that's it for me for this news all be back in a moment with more of the day's news do stay with us. from passion into transformative science that brings about change obviously or it goes on a journey with 5 scientists who are determined to use scientific knowledge to say that human cloning we have dolphins in our sanctuary and we can monitor them. or their job or the photos from behavior bureau how they're adapting to their new environment women make science coming soon on al-jazeera. the exclusive undercover report that captured a peaceful protest ruthlessly put down by the military they seem to be testing the ministry the standing over there with their guns ready it seems as if the start of the crackdown is now beginning. to. think they. know where they almost oh my god 10 years on what has changed rewind inside me in ma the crackdown on al-jazeera. around the world council and cities are working to manipulate and influence us trolls thoughts fakey just out rhythms that if developed and designed to push content that says click me every click we make you sad you just saw. one and in the 3rd of a 5 part series i think 3 is in mexico examining how propaganda and proper shape content into the algorithm on the jersey of. our jersey. and. police in northern thailand say a soldier opened fire inside a mall killing at least a dozen people hostage situation is under way. hello i'm convinced this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up. i would understanding this growth impossible to predict where it is going to. die warnings from the world health organization the fight to stop corona virus is far from over the last. stand up or climb for frederick contributed. candidates during the you.

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