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citizenship. and also how the taliban splinter group in afghanistan is finding new recruits among recovering drug addict. the chinese government is facing growing public anger over claims that early warnings about the outbreak of a new form of corona virus were ignored in december 31000 people have been infected since then 638 have died including a doctor who tried to raise the alarm brown ripples from hong kong. these are some of the last poignant images of lee one liang a doctor who was punished for daring to tell the truth now he's died from the virus that he 1st warned colleagues about late last year. to many he'll be remembered as a chinese here. or there shift in the culture i deeply regret his death and feel sincerely saying for him we need to say if the employer once of his death can wake up anything and i hope he did not die in vain your heart hurt you here he left us when we needed him to fight the virus and he was a victim of the virus too he was unfairly criticized because of his work so we feel very sad and regretful for certain for he said irresponsible attitude toward society and he is honest and faithful so i think the whole society should reflect on this on social media the grief and outrage is more profound is it that hard for the government to admit it's wrong a doctor had to die twice that's a national humiliation and the eyes of the people are clear his death is the top trending topic on china's micro-blogging site way below one of the most popular hashtags before being deleted was we want freedom of speech lee had been in the front line of this crisis falling sick from the virus while treating patients his death was confirmed on the website of one hospital on friday morning leader after all rescue efforts said the statement we express our deep condolence as did an official from china's national health commission. he's in the national your national health commission extends our sincere condolences and respect to the family and wife of dr the one we know that for medical workers on the frontline they sacrifice their own family life to contribute to this battle against a virus the society needs to care more about our medical workers. in december leader had sought to share information about his concerns only to be investigated by police who accused him of spreading rumors lee's passing highlights the huge risks taken by frontline doctors and nurses to treat patients a situation made worse by overcrowded hospitals and an acute shortage of beds the government appears to be listening it's dispatched a team of anticorruption investigators to to its words listen to the concerns of the public and in china today there is no shortage of people with opinions about the doctor and the way he was treated. the virus is spread across china with cases also emerging in 2 dozen countries 2 cruise ships carrying thousands of holidaymakers have been placed under quarantine in hong kong and japan as doctors test all on board for infection and another ship currently in the south china sea has been refused entry by japan south korea and the philippines in china the growing public outrage will worry the leadership as it threatens to create what they fear most social unrest adrian brown al jazeera hong kong. where the world health organization says there is now a global shortage of medical equipment to deal with the virus even though the number of new infections has decreased the body's chief warned it was too soon to assume that that was a sign the west is over. for the last 2 days there have been fewer reported new infection infections in china which is good news but we caution against reading too much into that the numbers could go up again and as you know the a.p. curves go in a zigzag but the last 2 days was showing a declining trend. and medical workers union in the hong kong of now called off a 5 day strike after failing to get enough votes from its members to extend the walkout but union representatives say they will continue did to demand the closure of all border points with mainland china amid the virus outbreak frontline workers are accusing hospital authorities and not giving them enough equipment to protect their safety was treating patients. syrian government forces of captured the town of sada kill bin it live province it's a should teach it clear important part of the campaign to retake the whole province which includes the last rebel held areas of the country the fall of saddam keep in nearby highways clears the way to the provincial capital which is just 7 kilometers away there's also increased threat now of syrian troops clashing with turkish forces who have out both in the area 7 cohere lou is inside syria at our how our crossing point she describes the tensions between turkey and syrian government forces. right now turkey and syria now a turkish and syrian army's risk confronting each other and turkey's president added on sat and he's giving he gave an ultimatum and said that the russia the the syrian army should withdraw from the areas where the turkish military posts are until the end of february of course this is a very huge risk and they risk we're fighting each other but how tricky is going to come from syria while the syrian army is supported by the russian air forces is a question and this this tension between turkey and the syrian military is also increasing the tension on the civilians inside who already are depressed and suppressed because of the internal displacement the russians and turks also have had some serious discussions within the last couple of days as turkey pushed for a more observation post after the syrian government advance from south to north and advance through said argument at the city center the russians claim that it's a turkish reinforcements and a military post were not coordinated with that while the turks claim just the opposite so it was difficult for both sides who's who have always said that they are committed to a pursuit they are santa and sochi peace agreements. now a woman who ran away from home as a teenager to join i saw as last the 1st stage of her appeal against the british government's decision to strip her citizenship should mima begum was found in a syrian refugee camp last year she was 15 when she left the u.k. 5 years ago let's go live now to london of course one of those emma hayward and ever this is quite a controversial case isn't it in the u.k. the home secretary rather quickly deciding that begum is no longer a british citizenship british says i'm sorry yes well yes well when a newspaper last year found. in syria last year it was splashed all over the front of the newspapers and within weeks really such a judge would have revoked shimmy my bacon citizenship and today this special tribunal set up to look at this kind of case or said that he acted lawfully when he did that and her lawyers had always claimed that by doing that they rendered shamima bacon who was 15 when she left the u.k. rendered stateless but the court found that wasn't the case because she is a bangladeshi citizen also for that is interesting because that citizenship comes through her mother and bangladesh have said that they simply don't want her so for the time being it seems that bacon will certainly be staying in the camp where she is at the moment in northern syria so we're saying this is the 1st stage of the process presumably she can appeal and continue. yes well her lawyers have said they will immediately initiate an appeal the could be a judicial review into this and it could end up in the supreme court which is the highest court in the u.k. and that will be the final decision we believe we have spoken to her family's lawyer in the last hour or so he told me that they were very disappointed with this decision they have now lost contact with her but her case the shimmy my bacon cases really shine a light on the case of the hundreds of fighters who left places like the u.k. to go into northern syria and iraq a few years ago what should happen to them now that and what should happen to that statement now all right emira thank you for that m a were there live in london still to come here of al-jazeera the u.s. says it's killed the leader of al qaeda in the arabian peninsula in a drone attack in yemen. and find out what the biggest issue for irish voters is as they get ready to vote on saturday. hello again it's good to have you back we are seeing those temperatures drop here across parts of northern japan over the next few days we do have a system that is coming in off the russian maritimes and with that we're going to be seeing some snow as well so start here on saturday for kaido for sapporo minus 2 degrees overnight lows dropping to about minus 10 to minus 11 but a very chilly day here on sunday we do expect to see a high of about minus 6 down towards tokyo still in the single digits but better weather conditions view we do expect to see 8 degrees as your forecast high well we are going to see some more rain here pushing across the south china sea making its way towards vietnam over the next few days clouds will be on the increase for men attempts are here on saturday of 34 degrees getting a little bit stormy a little bit cloudy or a little bit rain here as well we do expect to see those temperatures dropping to 30 and mostly by the time we get towards sunday evening that is when the rain is really going to be kicking in manila though it is going to be partly cloudy with a few showers in the forecast at about $27.00 degrees for you and also here across much of central india we're still going to see some very heavy rain over the next few days mostly in additional state those rain showers will be making their way a little bit further towards the south before kolkata it is going to be a little bit cooler with a temperature of 22 degrees for you. frank assessments the one good thing about these bush bars is it's really what the. climate change informed opinion economy i think is actually what's keeping donald trump afloat right now critical debate sequel on the streets don't even know what the law is all 'd about this argument is astonishingly country rising in-depth analysis of the day's headlines this is the beginning of the new iraq of the new countries and the real use of that struggle against an ethnic sectarian kotor inside story on al-jazeera. to the. high traverse a take up of the top stories here it out there the death of a doctor who tried to raise the alarm over coronaviruses prompted an outpouring of public anger in china. and who died from the onus was reprimanded by police when he warned about the new virus back in december. syrian government forces of captured the town of salva kiir in italy province is a strategically important part of the campaign to retake the last rebel held areas of the country. and a woman who ran away from home as a teenager to join i saw his last the 1st stage of her appeal against the british government's decision to strip her citizenship. begum was 15 when she left the u.k. 5 years ago. the us president has attacked his political rivals in a speech celebrating his acquittal on impeachment charges and i'm repentant donald trump described the proceedings as corrupt and run by dirty cops as a white house correspondent kimberly halkett reports the address could set the tone for his 2020 election campaign. one day after the u.s. senate voted not to remove the u.s. president from office donald trump was in the mood to celebrate i've done things wrong in my life i will admit not purposely but i've done things wrong. but this is what the end result is. trouble railed against opposition democrats who watched the impeachment effort against him at times using language that was derogatory and profane it was all both. he tried to coerce a now into helping him cheat trump took aim at congressman adam schiff who led the inquiry into whether trump abused his presidential powers by withholding military aid to ukraine in an attempt to get them to investigate his political rival former vice president joe biden a corrupt politician named adam schiff made up my statement to the ukrainian president he brought it out of thin air just made it up they say he's a screenwriter a failed screenwriter donald j. trump earlier that day at a national prayer breakfast trump also went after mitt romney who was the only republican senator who voted to remove trump from office he also lashed out at house speaker nancy pelosi i don't like people who use their faith as justification for doing what they know is wrong. pelosi blasted the president in response and paid hard for him because he's so off the track of our constitution but throughout trumps more than an hour long remarks he repeatedly maintained he committed no wrongdoing it was a sharp contrast to president bill clinton's more than a minute long statement in 1999 following his own impeachment acquittal i want to say again to the american people. how profoundly sorry i am. for what i said and did. to trigger these events thank you. tribe's only apology came not to americans but to his family who he says has been caught up in allegations and investigations since the start of his presidency i want to apologize to my family for having them have to go through a phony rotten deal well the impeachment trial may be over the allegations are not both democrats and republicans are vowing to take this case to american voters in november who ultimately decide if donald trump is a one or 2 term president can really help get al jazeera the white house. now the u.s. says it's killed the leader of al qaeda in the arabian peninsula in a military operation in yemen last month president says kasim was trying to organize and inspire attacks against americans there's been no confirmation of the killing from al qaeda. as more details from washington. the confirmation of this al qaeda leader's death is just emerging but the strike itself took place last month at the cia and american intelligence officials have been very carefully after previous strikes proved that their targets actually survived them so they were careful to check whether this is actually happened but al really is a significant target for the u.s. authorities he's one of the few al qaeda leaders that predates the attacks of september the 11th he trained to camps in afghanistan before going back home to yemen where he was in prison for 5 years for plotting to attack the u.s. ambassador there he actually broke out of jail in 2006 is thought to be behind the attack on the u.s. embassy and is a significant target for the u.s. authorities so we do now have confirmation that the 41 year old was killed in these attacks in this drone strike in fact was a $10000000.00 reward out for him and the u.s. state department says that al qaeda has now been significantly weakened by this strike meaning that both americans and allies on now safe upon his death. drug addiction in the afghanistan is often an issue there's because of all the fighting there but it's a real problem and in the last 2 decades also following the u.s. invasion the number of addicts has risen now members of the taliban have stepped in to provide rehabilitation services such as a the now before that comes at its own cost. iraq city western afghanistan. these men just a few of the millions of addicts in the country today the latest you would figure suggest women and children are as much at risk of ending up like this but diktat opium heroin morphine crystal meth. even when they're high know where it could lead . them every night one or 2 are dying here they are very young and they do not have any family they were once very useful citizens and were not like this before but now their life is in a severe condition and i worry about them that if someone will not take care of them they will also die. this is what a lost generation of afghans looks like. a splinter group of the taliban says it has a moral duty to do something in a heroic smelt in caves they've been running a drug rehabilitation center for 4 years addicts go through what passes for detox here several months of cold showers and long walks in freezing weather a taliban commander offers islam a teachings for inspiration and pain killers for withdrawal once they're clean half of the addicts go home others stay for training weapons and to join the taliban. that's the actual this is up to the bus or who helps us with our military operations he can go 100 kilometers into enemy territory he plants mines an enemy areas even inside their rooms each old 15 to 20 people by planting mines former addicts do these things people inside these centers are encouraged to become a man like him. a new lease on life makes for loyal fighters going to come on as india i destroyed my life my family became hopeless because of me and i was left alone with the taliban not only treated me but also i helped my family financially they seemed money to my family i had the commander's trust and i'm valuable now i want to stay in the street hard you know to the last day of my life. the 2 decades since the u.s. invasion of afghanistan the number of drug users inside the country as well as neighboring countries has seen a sharp increase and addicts have become a common sight in city streets across this country experts say addiction is a symptom of a problem that stretches beyond afghanistan it's borders an open secret of the capital kabul is that all sides of the conflict make money dealing drugs criminal gangs armed groups including the taliban as well as the governments and militaries of neighboring countries. who are drug traffickers down into the terrorist networks and their needs are and they're exploiting the situation right in the instability of afghanistan for their business and this. works for the ministry of counter-narcotics he says despite cases of corruption at the highest levels of government the label narco state is not afghanistan's alone to bear. are far from our summer preceeding a lot of money from the poppy cultivation for what i want the rest for for me if you call it clear there are plenty wrong of. him economy and often very near it increases then $400000000.00. then this money it's right in afghanistan. is it is it in pakistan is it is it in central asia is it in the. it's a complex issue that has for years taken a back seat to the country's more immediate security concerns and more recent efforts to end the war. but how those in power now deal with afghanistan's drug problem analysts agree will dramatically influence the future of the afghan people . a funeral procession has been held for palestinian policeman who was reportedly shot dead by israeli forces the officer was in uniform when he was killed on thursday in jenin at least 2 protesters were also killed and 16 others were injured in separate incidents in the occupied west bank. shocking students in iraq are defying government orders to return to class many schools and universities close when anti-government demonstrations began in october but she didn't say until protests as demands are met there's little point returning to school so mona faulting reports from baghdad. your education is a failure they chant rather than preparing for midterm exams these students from various universities in baghdad skipped class to join anti-government protests they demand a better future a future they say the current system is incapable of providing they don't want to. if this doesn't succeed we won't have another opportunity this is the last chance for us we haven't achieved anything in the protest square yet so we can't return to our studies as usual you've unemployment in iraq is high and one of the protesters main grievances a lot is a 1st year engineering student but without connections she stands little chance of finding a job missing class is a small price to pay. c it doesn't worry me to lose one year because there are 600 people who lost their lives entirely not just one year what is one year compared to the goals of our revolution which is to bring change. what they want is to append the political establishment that rose to power after the overthrow of saddam hussein's regime they reject prime minister designate mohammad. the former communications minister and member of parliament is seen as representing the status quo. as protests continue midterm exams are looming to catch up on months of lost education some received tutoring at private institutes like this one. is a senior in a nearby public high school classes there were suspended for several weeks when protests began in october but even after schools reopened his peers pressured him to stay away. the law of the law. brothers in the protest squares they were asking for support they said they need us some of my friends pressured me don't go to school it's not good it's better to go protest. despite his private schooling of the worries about not achieving the marks he needs to get into university the biggest losers are of course we will get hurt by this we went with the protesters and supported them but it will all come back to us of months teacher and the director of this institute doubts that many students will fail not because they master the subjects but because the education ministry has told instructors to help them pass. the education ministry told us to teach only the important things and skip whatever we feel isn't necessary for us so i expect that this year we will see highest success rate public schools reopened but attendance has been solo many classes have been canceled so private institutes like these are flourishing many public school teachers earn double salaries by giving private lessons classes here cost over 600 students who can't afford private tutoring have little choice but to keep protesting and hope for a better education for all the government and shia cleric thought or have ordered students to return to class penalties for both. of these students are determined to stay on strike the only way to pressure the government to listen to their demands even if it means putting their own future on hold simona 14 i'll just sirrah. the refugees and migrants in serbia have held a protest at the border with hungary demanding to be allowed through its border this week to stop them coming in but the markets say they won't leave until they can gain access to european union countries they're among thousands stuck in the balkans. well the half a 1000000 patients in our land awaiting to see a doctor and that's why with 24 hours ago before the general election public health care tops the list of agents concerns paul brennan reports from limerick in the west of ireland. around cork city political posters gazed down from the lampposts but it's islands health care crisis which the voters want the politicians to look at you know when the end of a woman had to bring in pillows for the mother but during apollo so notice a doctor if you haven't tried this insurance it's it's it's appalling it's no problem for the ordinary man in the street it's not good to see people waiting on trolleys for hours and hours dr sarah fitz given has worked in a deprived area of north cork for the past 15 years her dedication is self-evident and so are her frustrations so a child presenting today with mental health issues that i feel require specialist intervention if i put them on a waiting list they might be seen in 4 years time which is just that's not a service in 2040 nearly 359000 patients were on the public waiting list to see a consultant by 2017 the number had risen above half a 1000000 for the 1st time and in 2019 it had grown to more than 553000. to tackle those relentless increases in the waiting lists the irish government is throwing millions every year of public money into buying private health care in 2019 it was the equivalent of 82000000 dollars and this year it's going to be closer to $110000000.00 and still the waiting lists go up having private health insurance meant that when john wall was diagnosed with terminal prostate cancer in 2017 prompt treatment helped extend his life in the time he has left he's advocating urgent reform frontline staff to their absolute to do whatever they can given the resources that they have but that's the problem they don't have enough resources they don't have enough beds they don't have enough staff and the resources that are being allocated is basically telling good money after bad a universal health proposal called sloan has been suggested but the different political parties have very different ideas of what to prioritize and how to implement it so really what's important here is the population they're going to pull in the next on saturday are really looking for change and it's a change in culture to actually be citizen centered and to put the politics aside to ensure that everybody can have safe timely access to health care it was the threat of a no confidence vote in health minister simon harris which forced the irish tea should be over at good to call this election faced with a combination of public anger and the sense that no one was accepting responsibility on saturday in the polling booths the voters will hold the politicians to account al-jazeera limerick. tavis to take a look at the top stories here about as they are the death of a doctor who raised the alarm over corona virus has prompted an outpouring of public anger in china lee one lion who died from the onus was reprimanded by police when he warned about a new virus in december the world health organization says there's a chronic shortage of medical equipment as countries continue to fight the spread of the outbreak it says testing kits mosques and blogs are being distributed to regions around the world well then 600 people have died so far more than 13000 have been infected w.h.o. chief also says although the number of new infections has been decreasing it's not a reason to think the danger has passed for the last 2 days there have been fewer reported new infection infections in china which is good news but we caution against reading too much into that the numbers could go up again and as you know the a.p. could this go in a zigzag but the last 2 days was showing a declining trend. syrian government forces have captured the town of sada key been it live province is a strategically important part of the campaign to retake the last rebel held areas of the country the fall of saddam even if by highways now clears the way to the provincial capital which is just 7 kilometers away is also an increased threat of syrian troops clashing with turkish forces who have outpaced in the area. a woman who ran away from home as a teenager to join eisel has lost the 1st stage of her appeal against the british government's decision to strip her of her citizenship should mean a big was 15 when she left the u.k. 5 years ago. the u.s. says it's killed the leader of al qaeda in the arabian peninsula in an operation in yemen last month but out qaida has not confirmed. death the u.s. says he was trying to organize and inspire attacks against americans right up to date those are the headlines the stream is next. we understand the differences in similarities of cultures across the world so no matter how you take a. current affairs. tire for me ok and your in the stream today breck said it is finally here the union flag has come down at the european parliament but in places like scotland where they voted 62 percent to stay in the e.u. and northern ireland where they voted 56 percent stay in the e.u. the departure from the european union has sparked great interest in leaving the u.k. it is a show we will discuss whether boxing could break up the united kingdom we want to know what you think your thoughts with us in our live chat. group. if you disobey the you get hot enough.

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Serbia , Afghanistan , Cork City , Cork , Ireland , United States , Hong Kong , United Kingdom , West Bank , Sapporo , Hokkaido , Japan , China , Yemen , Syria , Russia , South China Sea , Brunei General , Brunei , Kabul , Kabol , Ukraine , Manila , Philippines , India , Nowa , Rajasthan , Doha , Ad Daw Ah , Qatar , Tokyo , Washington , Vietnam , Republic Of , Northern Ireland , Craigavon , London , City Of , Pakistan , Bangladesh , Iraq , Baghdad , Hungary , Israel , Kolkata , West Bengal , Sochi , Krasnodarskiy Kray , Jenin , West Bank General , Turkey , Americans , Chinese , Turkish , Russian , Scotland , Afghans , Turks , Afghan , British , Syrian , Israeli , Palestinian , Russians , Irish , American , Simon Harris , Paul Brennan , Al Qaeda , Mitt Romney , Nancy Pelosi , Sarah Fitz , China Lee , Adam Schiff , Emma Hayward , Salva Kiir , Al Jazeera Limerick Tavis ,

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