alien went on a gruesome spree of deadly violence he viciously shot one man going about his daily work he approached a woman sitting in her car and shot her in the arm and in the chest he walked into a convenience store and wildly fired his weapon he hijacked a truck and smashed into vehicles critically injuring innocent victims one of the victims is a terrible terrible situation died 51 year old american named rocky jones rocky was at a gas station when this violent criminal fired 8 bullets at him from close range murdering him in cold blood rocky left behind a devoted family including his brothers who loved him more than anything else in the world. one of his grieving brothers is here with us tonight jody would you please stand jody thank you yeah i would jody our hearts we for your loss and we will not rest until you have justice senator tom tillis has introduced legislation to allow americans like jodi to sue sanctuary cities and states who want to love and want her. as a result of these deadly could feel the a good of the day i ask congress to pass a justice for victims of sanctuary cities act immediately. the united states of america should be a sanctuary for law abiding americans not criminal aliens i would find in the last 3 years i says arrested over 5000 wicked human traffickers and i have side 9 pieces of legislation to stamp out the menace of human trafficking domestically and all around the globe my administration has undertaken an unprecedented effort to secure the southern border of the united states 100 before i came into office if you showed up illegally on our southern border and were arrested you were simply released and allowed into our country never to be seen again my administration has ended catch and release was a if you come illegally you will now be promptly removed from our country i would very importantly we entered into historic cooperation agreements with the governments of mexico honduras el salvador and guatemala as a result of our unprecedented efforts illegal crossings are down 75 percent since may dropping 8 straight months in a row 100 top and as the wall rapidly goes up drugs. seizures rise and the border crossings are going down and going down very rapidly last year i traveled to the border in texas and met chief patrol agent role ortiz over the last 24 months agent ortiz and his team have seized more than 200000 pounds of poisonous not the ticks arrested more than 3000 human smugglers and rescued more than 2000 migrants days ago agent to a tease was promoted to deputy chief of border patrol and he joins us tonight chief ortiz please stand. will cause the the the a grateful nation thanks you and all of the heroes of border patrol and ice thank you very much. al build on these historic gains we are working on legislation to replace our outdated and randomized immigration system with one based on merit welcoming those who follow the rules contribute to our economy support themselves financially and uphold our 'd values would leave every action my administration is restructuring the rule of law in reasserting the culture of american freedom. thank. goodness working with senate majority leader mitch mcconnell thank you mitch. and his colleagues in the senate we have confirmed a record number of 187 new federal judges to uphold our constitution as written this includes 2 brilliant new supreme court justices nailed gorsuch and brett kavanaugh they lead 100 line. and we have many in the pipeline. my administration is also defending religious liberty and that includes the constitutional right to pray in public schools. 100 law in america we don't punish prayer we don't tear down crosses we don't ban symbols of faith we don't muzzle preachers and pastors in america we celebrate faith we cherish religion we lift our voices in prayer and we raise our sights to the doria of god. just says we believe in the 1st amendment we also believe in another constitutional right that is under siege all across our country so long as i am president i will always protect your 2nd amendment right to. begin to own. in reaffirming our heritage as a free nation we must remember that america has always been a frontier nation now we must embrace the next frontier america's manifest destiny in the stars i am asking congress to fully fund the art of this program to ensure that the next man and the 1st woman on the moon will be american astronauts using this as a launching pad to ensure that it was a day she. began . writing to stray she has also strongly defending our national security and combat ing radical islamic terrorism thank you can last week i announce a groundbreaking plan for peace between israel and the palestinians recognizing that all past attempts have failed we must be determined and creative in order to stabilize the region and give millions of young people the chance to realize a better future. 3 years ago the barbarians of isis held over 20000 square miles of territory in iraq and syria today the isis territorial caliphate has been 100 percent destroyed and the founder and leader of isis the bloodthirsty killer known as al baghdadi is dead and lead the taj we're joined this evening by karl and marsha miller after graduating from college their beautiful daughter carla became a humanitarian aid work she once wrote some people find god in church some people find god in nature some people find god in love i find god in suffering i've known for some time what my life's work is using my hands as tools to relieve suffering in 2013 while caring for suffering civilians in syria kayla was kidnapped tortured and enslaved by isis and kept as a prisoner of al baghdadi himself after more than $500.00 horrifying days of captivity al baghdadi murdered young beautiful kayla she was just 26 years old when the night that u.s. special forces operations ended al baghdadi his miserable life. the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff general mark milley received a call in the situation room he was told that the brave men of the elite special forces team that so perfectly carried out the operation had given their mission and name task force $814.00 it was a reference to a special day aug 14th caylee's birthday karl and martian america's warriors never forgot kayleigh and neither will we thank you al and the in every day america's men and women in uniform demonstrate the infinite depth of love that dwells in the human heart one of these american heroes was army staff sergeant christopher hate. on his 2nd deployment to iraq in 2008 sergeant haig wrote a letter to his one year old engage i will be with you again he wrote to gage i will teach you to ride your 1st bike build your 1st sandbox watch you play sports and see you have kids also i love you son take care of your mother i am always with you daddy. on easter sunday of 2008 chris was out on patrol in baghdad when his readily fighting vehicle was hit by a roadside bomb. that night he made the ultimate sacrifice for our country sergeant hate now rests in eternal glory in arlington and his wife kelly is in the gallery tonight joined by their son who is now a 13 year old and doing very very well to kelly engage chris will live in our hearts forever he is looking down on you now thank you i literally didn't bid the the thank you very much thank you both very much. the tears responsible for killing sergeant haig was casino cell a mani who provided the deadly roadside bomb that took chris's life solomon he was the iranian regime's buzz ruthless butcher a monster who murder ordered thousands of american service members in iraq. as the world's top terrorist salah money orchestrated the deaths of countless men women and children he directed samberg assault and went on to assault the u.s. forces in iraq was actively planning new attacks and we had a very hard and that's why last month at my direction the u.s. military executed a flawless precision strike that killed solid many and terminated his evil reign of terror forever alley led the intellectual siege to the terrorists. you will never escape american justice if you attack our citizens you forfeit your life alexandra will erode in recent months we have seen prouder rain ians raise their voices against their oppressive rulers the arabian regime must abandon its pursuit of nuclear weapons stop spreading terror death and destruction and start working for the good of its own people because of our powerful sanctions the iranian economy is doing very very poorly we can help them make a very good and sure time recovery it can all go very quickly but perhaps they are too proud or too foolish to ask for that help we are here let's see which road they choose it is totally up to them alan . if as we defend american lives we are working to end america's wars in the middle east in afghanistan the determination and valor of our war fighters has allowed us to make tremendous progress in peace talks are now underway i am not looking to kill hundreds of thousands of people in afghanistan many of them totally innocent it is also not a function to serve other nations as law enforcement agencies these are war fighters that we have the best in the world and they either want to fight to win or not fight at all we are working to finally end america's longest war and bring our troops back home ally in our places a heavy burden on our nation's extraordinary military families especially spouses like amy williams from fort bragg north carolina and her 2 children 6 year old eliana and 3 year old rowan. amy works full time and volunteers countless hours helping other military families for the past 7 months she has done it all while her husband sergeant 1st class tallinn's and williams is in afghanistan on his 4th deployment in the middle east amy's kids haven't seen their father's face in many months amy your family sacrifice makes it possible for all of our families to live in safety and peace and we want to thank you thank you amy iggy i don't. today friday me to go there is one more thing tonight we have a very special surprise i am thrilled to inform you that your husband is back from deployment he is here with us today i was. beginning . to get. a. degree. was. bigger. and bigger. was the it was was was was was was was welcome home sergeant williams thank you very much. as the world bears witness tonight america is a land of heroes visit place where greatness is born where destinies are forged and where legends come to life this is the home of thomas edison and teddy roosevelt of many great generals including washington pershing patent and macarthur this is the home of abraham lincoln frederick douglas a 1000000 ehrhardt harriet tubman the wright brothers neil armstrong and so many more this is the country where children learn names like wyatt earp davy crocket and any oakley this is the place where the pilgrims landed at plymouth. and where texas patriots made their last stand at the alamo. was the beautiful beautiful alamo the american nation was carved out of the best front here by the toughest strongest fiercest and most a term and men and women ever to walk on the face of the earth our ancestors braved the unknown tame the wilderness settle the wild west lifted millions from poverty disease and hunger vanquished tyranny and fascism i should the world to new heights of science and medicine laid down the railroads dug out the canals raised up the skyscrapers and ladies and gentlemen our ancestors built the most exceptional republic every to exist in all of human history and we are making it greater than ever before was the in the this is our glorious and magnificent inheritance we are americans we are pioneers we are the pathfinders we settle the new world we built the modern world and we change history forever by embracing the eternal truth that everyone is made equal by the hand of almighty god the it thousands of america is the place where anything can happen. america is the place where anyone can rise and here on this land on this soil on this continent the most incredible dreams come true. this nation is our canvas and this country is a masterpiece we look at tomorrow and see unlimited friend tears just waiting to be explored our brightest discoveries are not yet known our most thrilling stories are not yet told. are grandest journeys are not yet made the american age the american epic the american adventure has only just begun our spirit is still young the sun is still rising god's grace is still shining. and my fellow americans the best is yet to come there. was. we have just been watching president donald trump give his 3rd states over union address the same rich ignorance of his administration primarily around the economy the unemployment and the trade deals he has struck has also brought in many special guests the largest name of course being the venezuelan opposition leader one rider once who quit standing in solidarity with the venezuelan people a certain reality t.v. flavor to the events with some of the other special guests he brought in rush limbaugh a conservative media personality gets in the middle of freeman's freedom rather made speech and of course that's made for t.v. moments when trump reunited a woman with her husband who had been serving over seas this speech has been taking place of course in the chamber where president trump was impeached but it's no mention of that at all let's get more now from our white house correspondent kember the whole kit she's live for us at capitol hill kimberly this of course is the u.s. president's opportunity to sum up the states all of the nation the state of the country and even before that speech started the message appears to be of a country more divided than ever before with the president appearing to snub speaker pelosi tell us more. there were a couple of moments in there you talked about the importance of the chamber of the house of representatives where in fact this is where the articles of impeachment were voted on of the u.s. president was impeached and while he didn't mention that in the speech you're absolutely right it hung there in the balance throughout the speech where the president tried to focus on the successes of his presidency and avoid the stain on his legacy but it was not successful not only at the beginning but also at the end we saw 2 very remarkable moments the 1st when the house speaker nancy pelosi was receiving the speech from president trump she seemed to briefly extend her hand as if to shake the president's hand he did not shake her hand whether that was deliberate or accidental were not clear but certainly at the end there was another very striking moment and that was as the president had his back turned as he finished his speech that had been very well received in moments by both parties but mostly by the republican party that stood very often divided in showing that in those wide shots we saw of the house speaker nancy pelosi tearing up the speech the president had just delivered not once but multiple times it was very clear she was sending a message rejecting everything that he had just delivered even though there were some moments in there for example trade where the u.s. m.c.a. a very significant trade agreement that was worked on and it is an achievement of this presidency worked on by both parties in concert but that was certainly not something that was celebrated in that moment the striking image as the president ended his speech was now the house speaker tearing that speech out indeed there was a big. talking points in the speech a lot to chew over see the economy of course was one of the major themes as was immigration more specifically illegal immigration and it's safe to say we're going to be hearing quite a lot of these in the upcoming campaign and the remove and so front seat of the union kimberly felts where we were in the capitol we were at a campaign rally. absolutely what i think you've summed it up very well in terms of this speech this wasn't about the state of the union this was highlighting donald trump's talking points moving forward on the campaign trail some of them somewhat surprising when he talked about immigration one this is particularly controversial in the united states the president focused heavily on that talking about his border wall for example that is not really a campaign promise achieved because very little of it has been constructive in contrast to what the president promised still he mentioned that also talking about another very controversial aspect of his presidency a merit based immigration system cutting down on the number of illegal crossings into the united states apparently the white house has calculated this is something that they believe will help him win reelection nother interesting point throughout this the theme of the president seem to be something almost taking direct aim at someone he believes may be his opponent on the campaign trail that is bernie sanders senator bernie sanders who may ultimately become the democratic presidential nominee a self-proclaimed socialist donald trump coming out very hard a number of times saying in fact that socialism destroys nations not just in the fact that he believes a socialist form of health care would not be right for the united states but also in his acknowledgement of want why don't the the opposition leader in venice well i'm having a moment where he was recognized standing up in that chair. the president very much rejecting the leadership of the venezuelan leader nicolas missouri very pointedly saying that his belief is that socialist policies would not work in the united states that is very much what we expect to see as a campaign talking point moving forward one more point that i think is important to talk about as well this wasn't largely a domestic speech this was really geared towards the american voter there were efforts to kind of talk about foreign policy what he sees as some of the successes talking there about the killing of not only general soul and body but also abu bakar al baghdadi the ice a leader these are things the president believes that he can trumpet on the campaign trail and while it wasn't sort of a huard focus of the speech is certainly was something important he wanted to project the message that when it comes to terrorism he believes he is tough on that and his exact words were you will never escape american justice these are some of the successes i think in addition to the economy as you touched on but certainly what we're seeing here are essentially a very muted campaign rally speech by president trump ok. international aspects kimberly we did hear. a renewed value to withdraw u.s. troops from afghanistan and from the region this is something that he trumpets is on the campaign trail back in 2016 do you think we will hear more of this and who is are these kind of overtures likely to go with the american public because this is an american public quite keen to see. the u.s. withdrawal from the court their endless wars in the middle east but that's not something that trump a lot of success with thus far. you're absolutely right in fact i was surprised to hear that in the speech because it's it's a promise made but not a promise kept and that was a major talking point for the president in 2016 that he promised to end america's endless wars to withdraw troops from the middle east but in fact that it's ok kimberly i'm afraid i will have to cut you off kimberly i'm terribly sorry we're going to head across to hear the democratic response to the state of the union let's i mean to listen it's a good respond to what the president just said so instead of talking about what he is saying i'm going to highlight what democrats are doing after all you can listen to what someone says but you know the truth watch what they do michiganders are no different from americans everywhere we love our families and want to good life today and a better life tomorrow for our kids we work hard and we expect our government to work hard for us as well we have grit and value loyalty and we still root for the detroit lions we and all americans might be weary of today's politics but we must stay engaged our country our democracy our future demand it we're capable of great things when we work together we cannot forget that despite the dishonesty and division of the last few years and that we heard tonight from the president of the united states to gether we have boundless potential and young americans are proving that every day by taking action that's what i want to focus on tonight. monny scott is 13 years old and lives in muskegon heights michigan money street was covered in potholes they were ankle deep and he got tired of waiting for them to get fixed so he grabbed a shovel and a bucket of dirt and filled them in himself during my campaign people told me to fix the damn roads because.

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