embassy compound here in the iran. top u.s. democrats demand that trump's former national security advisor testify in the president's impeachment trial after all it's a damaging information in his new book. we'll have the latest results from things regional elections where the right wing party appears to have failed it expands to overturn decades of the left wing rule. one of basketball's greatest players kobe bryant has been killed in a helicopter crash in the u.s. state of california the former los angeles lakers player was one of 9 people who died bryant's 13 year old daughter was among the victims the helicopter went down just outside all of l.a. . tributes have been pouring in from the world of sports and beyond large crowds gathered to pay respects at the staples center in los angeles that's home to the l.a. lakers the n.b.a. is calling bryant one of possibles most extraordinary players former u.s. president barack obama described the loss as heartbreaking as the chief indicated there were no survivors we have a manifest in the case and there was 9 people on board the aircraft and the pilot was he individuals. there are white speculation that it is our or however it is be entirely inappropriate right now to identify anyone by name until the corner has made a dedication through their very deliberative process and they may have made notifications of next of kin. rob reynolds joins us now live from near the scene of the crash rob what's happening there. oh well darkness is fall in here in college bassus california outside of los angeles jim but the crowds are still here the media is still here many people have arrived wearing the purple and gold colors of the los angeles lakers the next stages in this in an investigation of what exactly happened in the crash that killed kobe bryant his daughter giana and 7 other people will probably have to wait until morning when investigators from the federal national transportation safety board arrived an 18 person team was assembled in washington and they are either on route or just about now arriving in california they will not only poor over the wreckage on the hillside they'll also look at the flight manifest at records of the maintenance of the sikorsky $76.00 b. helicopter that crashed the whole record of the pilot or pilots and they generally take their time so i would not expect an immediate. verdict or cause 'd of the crash to come out in the in the immediate coming days as you mentioned kim plaudits and praise and grief coming in from across the spectrum not only from sports figures but also from presidents and i think it's also a worldwide phenomena of course basketball is one of the most popular sports across the globe and kobe bryant would have been a figure that is known it is known from him from beijing to berlin and beyond so many people i think are shocked right now there was one basketball game in the n.b.a. played today in the denver nuggets. and used in rockets for the game began there was a moment of silence players looked down shaking their heads kim and of tony bryant was an l.a. lakers man for his entire career what's the reaction been there. well of people in l.a. are just devastated you're right. at 17 years of age right out of high school called the right was actually drafted by the. carolina hornets charlotte hornets but then was traded to the lakers that he played for 2 decades as a laker thrilling people in l.a. who became really a symbol of pride of the city. figure i talked to a young lady who said i play basketball and the reason i play basketball now is because of colby that's why i wear is his jersey another important thing i think that i wanted to mention to you is that i spoke to a lady who lives not far from here she heard something that may turn out to be very important and she said that in the morning around the time of the crash she heard a helicopter then she heard an explosion and then she heard another explosion and then she heard an enormous bang and crash so if that lady's recollection is true is accurate could be very important i'd leave it up to the investigators to say exactly what it means but it could possibly mean that something happened to this of course ski helicopter before it hit the ground. thank you. let's get more now from our sports presenter eddie richardson who joins me in the studio head looking through kobe bryant's records his accolades he really was a superstar of the game yet and rub your fur into their i mean it's really in basketball in the water sporting world really in a state of shock as you're seeing one of the fans saying it feels like the city is bleeding right now just that's how it was felt he was he was a real part of the city and community and it's really hard to overstate just for his contribution was to the n.b.a. when michael jordan stepped away from the chicago bulls in 998 there's a real concern within the n.b.a. about where the league would go next when they have the global icons take the league forward well it turns out they did and it was kobe bryants who immediately stepped into that role and really in many ways took the lead on a whole new level really saw the potential for its become a global league with fans all around the world he saw that the value in the olympics and was very sort of committed to the u.s. team taking part in not taking the his game in his his fellow teammates to it to a brand new audience and the dominant position that the n.b.a. has now in the the affluent position it's in and the the luxuries that the players enjoy now is due in no small part so what so what kobe bryant left behind we're seeing these images from the staples center many people you know an outpouring of grief what's the reaction been to his death across the world. yeah i mean it's not just about basketball. former presidents football players around the world paying tribute it's worth remembering that he was brought up in italy as father was it was a former player one over there to play it's was the end of his career so from the ages of 6 to about 13 i think he was brought up in its early years big ac milan fan so even ac milan issuing their own tributes to the football team assuring that she beats earlier today neymar when he scored a goal from paris and your man again issuing attributes soko be so he's known all around the world and one of the things i think people really respected about him was that ok he was a he's a teenage prodigy that was destined for greatness but he had that work ethic and that's why that's what translated that promise. when he was a 17 year old making his debut in the n.b.a. becoming a 5 time n.b.a. champion in suits our military gold medalist and he also had accomplishments outside of basketball didn't want to see those year i mean his post possible career in many ways with was only just getting started he was beginning to get involved in coaching instilling that work ethic in some of the young players that he works with there and also. it won an oscar. he was involved in a short animated film called the basketball which which won the highest prize you can get it in filmmaking i think one of the other tragedies is his daughter giana who was killed in that in that accident he didn't have any sons but she was making it absolutely clear that didn't need to be any boys in order to continue the brian legacy she was a very good high school player she was determined to go and play at college level perhaps go on to play in the w n b a and one of the awful aspects of this crush is that not only would we not get to see what bryant was going to do next kobe bryant was going to do next but also what potential john had so one day become a top female player as well a very sad day indeed so thank you for that and the richardson thank you. well gary it was spun is the boston globe n.b.a. reporter he says bryant was a fair this possible platt who will be remembered as one of the best he was one of the great basketball players of all time depending on you know your opinions on who is number one a number 2. you can't name off $73.00 basketball players of all time without naming kobe bryant on that list of one of the top players of all time you simply a special player a great score a very amazing competitor someone who uplifted his teammate someone who was just had no fear on the floor and he kind of galvanized a sports community a community after the retirement of michael jordan there was a lot of concerns of what direction with the n.b.a. go and what's going to happen with the n.b.a. once the greatest quote unquote of all time michael jordan is gone in kobe he was definitely one of those players who took the n.b.a. to a nother level another plateau him obviously along with like a lebron james but colby was. you know mainly responsible for taking the n.b.a. to another level after retirement of michael jordan he made a lot of current n.b.a. players consider him their hero they're a little young to have seen michael jordan play but they definitely all remember kobe bryant playing and so there's a lot of players many players i would assume all of them who are just devastated right now because he was a hero to them. thank you morehead on the news including my god and i are going to . protest against the gambia as president 10 violet's tell me what demonstrators are demanding. and further erosion of a russia tattoo brokered cease fire and moving. the u.s. embassy in baghdad green zone has been hit by rocket the 1st direct hit on the facility 3 rockets landed in the compound with one having an embassy dining area 2 other rockets fell there by a solid than today's is in baghdad and says the iraqi prime minister has condemned the attacks so far we have not had any claim of responsibility as there has been no claim of responsibility in the previous attacks as this these attacks have intensified when the assassination ice incident monday and maybe an understood place in general. and there's been multiple rallies which would be to fight in the green zone and aimed at the u.s. embassy come the last time we heard from iraqi security forces was in the saffron area where the trace the launch cut of these rockets which were fired inside that greets on iraq the prime minister has commented saying that this is something that you beacons iraq something that brings iraq's refuge into question and the safety of diplomatic missions as the roster spots of unity if it continues to maintain that we've also heard from the iraqi security forces who have so far dr anyone has been wounded in this attack but we are all right here in new paltz of some aerial traffic multiple helicopters and other aerial assets in the air after this attack we also heard the sirens going off at the u.s. embassy after this attack took place and these sources have confirmed to us there is something significant to say complex. mark kimmitt is a retired brigadier general in the u.s. army he says it's a significant attack that could lead to retaliation from washington if it's a large number of american citizens were killed in there i think it's one level of response of who is a small number i think it's another level of response but it's clear that after the killing of sort of money in the response that our last side there were many were saying that deterrence had been reestablished with the iranians but if the iranians are backing a proxy that conducted this kind of attack on cyber news as territory to my mind it is clear that deterrence has not been reestablished of the united states would have to send a message perhaps even stronger the next time to make it very clear that the united states is prepared to take actions in response to these kind of attacks on sovereign u.s. territories and american civilians earlier in the day iraqi security forces fired tear gas and live bullets as anti-government protests turned violent in baghdad the crackdown began after a influential shiite cleric. withdrew his support for the protest as of saturday dozens were injured in baghdad and in the southern city of nasiriyah as police try to play is this in the camps. and donald trump's former national security advisor has been so kill a sing in published book which outlines his potential testimony in the u.s. president's impeachment trial that's according to the new york times it says trump told john bolton an august that he wanted to continue a freeze on military aid to ukraine and till it helped with investigations into political rivals including democratic presidential hopeful joe biden bolton has said he is willing to testify at the trial senate republicans are resisting attempts by democrats to include witnesses in the proceedings let's bring in that christian salumi who is in washington d.c. kristen tell us more what else is bolton saying. well not only does this book according to the new york times. directly contradict the argument that the president's legal team has been putting forward namely that the delay in aid to ukraine was not connected directly to the investigation of democrats like joe biden it also contains other information according to the new york times that could be helpful to democrats case for impeachment revolving around what other members of the president's inner circle saw namely john bolton writes that mick mulvaney the president's chief of staff was present for at least one call between the president and his legal counsel rudy giuliani a call that involved discussion about the bastard to ukraine who was later essentially fired from her job removed from her post by the administration. the book also talks about secretary of state mike pompei oh and apparently according to john bolton pompei o agreed with john bolton that the ambassador to ukraine wasn't corrupt as rudy giuliani had been suggesting and both pompei oh and bolton according to the book had concerns that giuliani was pushing this theory for clients of his own on the side and not for the good of the country so what we have here is a story i should point out that is only being reported in the new york times and it's based on people who have seen this book which has been submitted to the white house for review this is standard procedure when a former official writes a book it has to be cleared by the white house for security concerns and privacy concerns and things of that like so at this stage the only people that are reporting this are the new york times based on a number they say unnamed sources who have given them information about it so there's no guarantee at this point that the book in this current form will ever see the light of day and christine this is obviously going to be very welcome news for the democrats what's the reaction been so far. yes democrats are already seizing on the story and tweeting about it adam schiff he's the one of the house managers that be president and his supporters love to hate he's been tweeting about it he said the president blocked our request for bolton's testimony and now we see why bolton directly contradicts the heart of the president's defense if the trial is to be fair senators must insist that mr bolton be called as a witness and provide his notes and other documents we've also been seeing tweets from chuck schumer and the senate majority leader another democrat he says that john bolton has the evidence it's up to 4 senate republicans to ensure that john bolton mick mulvaney and others with direct knowledge of president trump's actions testify in the senate trial of course democrats need for republicans to support their call for witnesses in order to get a majority and make that happen that vote could come later in the week so far it has been a case that few republicans seem willing to support democrats clearly are hoping that this latest information will help them convince republicans to change and support the calls for witnesses think that christensen with a live from washington will be to matthews is a professor of political science at cypress college and joins us now from los angeles to talk a little bit more about this so democrats they're saying this undercuts trump's whole defense what do you think. they've got a good point some would call this a lightning bolt that here finally is bolton the book which the draft that the york times had which claims the president actually did withhold the aid in order to get an investigation going or at least announcement of it of joe biden or the other people who are democrats and that's completely unconstitutional i think there's a lot in both this very well could be the smoking gun that we'll see if we get bolton that bolton can actually testify and if they'll if the senate will vote to bring him because he wants to be subpoenaed so he can testify yeah he clearly clearly does i mean how much pressure though do you think this puts on republicans to allow you witnesses i believe democrats need for sanitas to side with them do you think they're going to have the numbers 4 years 4 to 53 that's a possibility because people like susan collins and lisa murkowski are running from swing states where they need to be perceived as being fair and open to a real justice and so i think there's a good chance if this comes out even more and discussed more in the news as it's being done that the american people will say look we want to have witnesses especially john bolton now that he's such a person who is very close to the center of all this action and we want to know what the evidence is and you can have evidence on this you have witness so i think there's a good chance that a few republicans might bolt change their position and vote with democrats to require a subpoena of bolton that would certainly make things more interesting trying to say was laving dhaval said he doesn't want bolton to testify because he believes it's a national security issue what's your thoughts on that. so many presidents have used the national security comma to actually hide the truth which was not a national security issue in this case on the usenet is not a national security issue if it's what bolton saying is true and he's to be exposed so we can actually clean up our democracy and abide by the rule of law it's all about the rule of law is the president of the law or easy not under the law like everyone else i believe the 2nd is true and this bold enticement make a big difference i think they should go forward with it to see what happens if 1st see is followed if witnesses ah given the go ahead could the white house go to court to stop john bolton from testifying what is the process they can try again they think go to court and don't forget there was an earlier ruling in a lower court judge back in october i believe that said that yes than it is the executive branch official who is below the president can be subpoenaed presidential staff person can be subpoenaed and must us by because of the checks and balances provision in the constitution congress has a full right to call and subpoena witnesses in order to check the power and in order the power of the president if he's abused his power so the courts decided in favor in the lower courts let's see what happens now i think i think it's been clear now that bolton can testify if he subpoenaed and if goes to court again i think it'll be ruling against him we'll have to see we will an interesting week ahead thanks that peter matthews there a professor of political science at cypress college just in the. health officials around the world of racing to prevent a pandemic of corona virus the head of the world health organization is going to china the virus has already killed 80 people and infected more than 2000 others i was still too early to know exactly how dangerous the viruses chinese health authorities say it can spread between people before symptoms showed that can take up to 14 days new measures to contain it spread have been put in place china has stopped nation nationwide rather cells of wildlife and while hong kong won't allow people to enter from a province that is if the center of the city of han is currently building more medical facilities to deal with the outbreak and health workers there expect around a 1000 more patients in the coming days let's go live to hong kong now and bring in adrian brown for the legs adrian efforts to contain the virus in china continue what's the latest there. well it's quite clear kim that this virus is spreading before the symptoms start to show as you point out the incubation period now ranges from just a few days to 14 days so it's possible for someone to have the infection not realize they have it but pass it on we've also been hearing from the mayor of new hand who has conceded that in the days before the lockdown in the middle of last week up to 5000000 people left that city and remember for a movie and you can fly to around 40 international destinations countries like you zealand australia the united states europe and of course is a hub city so you can also fly to other destinations within china as well as travel by train so that is why i think you know officials in china are slowly starting to press the alarm button normally at times like this kim you know the chinese government policy is one of this now we're seeing one of transparency which is why i guess you know we have to worry here in hong kong the chief executive kerry continues to insist there is no need to close the border between hong kong and the mainland that is what many people in hong kong want to do what is now happening though is the government says it will bar entry to anyone from province but of course that's going to depend on honesty you know people could come to hong kong via another city if they left you know before the lockdown came into effect so here in hong kong we have 6 confirmed cases now and 382 suspected cases so the number of suspected cases is rising quite sharply compared to this time yesterday i'm saying also china is extending their new year holiday by 3 days to next sunday again in an effort to contain the virus i mean the scenes that we've seen on the streets of just empty streets what's it like there in hong kong. well you know you mentioned let's talk about that as well i mean it is eerily quiet there from the reports we're getting there is food but of course people are too anxious to hesitant to venture outside on social media the main complaint from people seems to be lack of official information also on sunday we heard that hospitals in the more provincial areas were so desperate for supplies they were appealing to the public for help here in hong kong it has to be said there are no sort of obvious signs of panic there is i think you know deepening concern more people now are wearing face masks across the border in guangdong province in fact the authorities now say that it's mandatory to wear a face mask when you go out in public when you go to a shopping mall on public transport if you don't you risk a punishment although what that punishment would be hasn't yet been specified thanks for that update that said adrian brown there in hong kong let's bring you more now on our top story the death of u.s. basketball star kobe bryant he's been killed in a helicopter crash just outside of los angeles marc spears is seeing n.b.a. writer for e.s.p.n. the undefeated and joins us now from oakland california thank you for your time mark are covers being honored at the grammys of same tributes are pouring in far and wide not just from the basketball world what is his legacy to you. this is a really hard day. this is something we should be talking about now or we're not only talking about you know an amazing basketball player but an amazing person somebody that was just on the start of her career in entertainment. and he cared about people who are colors of you know men and women they cared about women sports they're just so much more than he was about to do and so to see this is just heartbreaking for not just basketball fans but as people who knew how special he was on and off the court he loved it loved loved basketball and wrote about it talked about it talk to me about what he called this man mentality. he just believed he could beat anybody. he came to win by any means necessary every night a game you know the term is 110 percent if there was a way to get past that he would give it. you know i remember him like blown out as a killie's tendon in a game and shooting a free throw before he had to come are. very tough minded. talk a lot of trash and earned it earned the respect of everybody from michael jordan a magic johnson secure or no to the bron james when he walked into the room even when the bron james is playing for the lakers it was roti it was amazing to see him sitting courtside against in recent years and he just so beloved in los angeles that even with the brand on the floor they're not paying attention to the lakers they're paying attention to him he does have that much of a presence in or interact is the greatest most popular figure in los angeles history speaking on take take a look at these pictures now live pictures from los angeles where people are out in the streets you can see his images is up there on the big screen and people are out in the thousands that looks like a paying tribute this really and a public outpouring of grief kobe bryant has been in the public eye for decades and people really felt like they knew had didn't they mark. in but but he made you know again like when he had to go meet people he would scout the people he was going to meet the same way he was scout as opponent he wanted to know where they were from what they did what made him special and when you met him he would ask you a question about yourself which would you know take people off guard is that the legendary kobe bryant he doesn't why should he care about me and by the time you were done with that conversation you just felt like you just talked to just the average joe on the street and not just the greatest basketball player of his time so he just had a way of connecting with people in the community in los angeles worldwide he spoke spanish he spoke italian obviously spoke english he also spoke slovenian to an n.b.a. player recently he wrote books about people of color that just came out and we wanted people of different races to be in the book so his kids who are mexican and have african american could could relate to it to see people that look like him a love of women's basketball and. always said that you know women basketball players were great to emerge as a champion a sport so my they cared about the human race and it was because of that their people felt like they knew him and and he lives so much from their hearts just finally what's going on and that you well always remember. actually put it on twitter. when he was named when he was at his jersey was you tired or sort of finance his shirt was retired with the los angeles lakers and he was leaving he made a point throughout a man to sit at night never buy the canned written several low to star and say hello to me and actually congratulate me on my career and what i've been doing which is just stunning to me when i do this is your night where you are you doing there just that disabled you you know yeah i considered him a friend and he gave me love and cared about me as a person even on one of the biggest nights of his life and today is one of the worst lives one of the worst days of my life and sure we appreciate your time mark mark spears there seeing him be a writer for e.s.p.n. c under faces. early results suggest a sleaze right wing leader matty ourselves in it has failed to win an important regional election votes are still being counted in the traditionally leftist a 1000000 or manja region projections puts all the unease league party several points behind the center left democratic party the former deputy prime minister was hoping to cause an upset and topple the country's governing coalition sonicare god joins us now live from berlin yes sir on your looks like saudis hopes have been dashed. indeed and when he gave a quick press conference a couple of hours ago he did knowledge to some extent that they party and he himself front and center of that had fought hard in an attempt to try and win over this left wing bastion and turn it into the far right lead parties consolidation of power of national politics but with 90 percent of the votes counted here you have the democratic party candidate and i want to cine already ahead with 52 percent in the lead party trailing with 43 percent that said he has maintained that this is just the beginning of a right to try and turn the region towards the lead party however that is an enormous challenge in a region that is historically leftwing since the 2nd world war and there's a very good reason for that because this was one of the bases for the uprising the part of that movement which helped to overthrow the regime of benito mussolini the fascist leader here initially back then however there is also. victory so far would also be thanks to the flash mob grassroots liberal movement known as the sardines for their supporters so fearful they were of a leak party when they hear that they packed the squares in a sort of defiant way. show force really to show their antipathy towards the party but not just in blowing yet so but across the country and it's reinvigorated perhaps a very lackluster left wing. part of italian politics which. into klein for several years if this is the way that the left wing is going to be revived and this is something that they're going to try to consolidate throughout. the into the future even though it's early is still going through some quite precarious. governmental political scenes here thank you that sunday go there live from along. in the gambia police used tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse thousands of protesters calling for president adam about to step down when barack came to power he had promised to step down after 3 is now he wants to stay on to complete the 5 year presidential term they call us up or. it ended before it started after multiple requests to protest against president out of a barrow were rejected the government gave demonstrators a short 3 hour window for what was supposed to be a peaceful protest but minutes before it began police fired tear gas into the crowds who were rewarded for prison but. if you want for coming in on the power we were going we are not going to accept that so this is what or do and we will not relent we are 100 clips and we were told by one. of the presidency. thousands fled some were beaten many were left injured others killed. maybe only. as the injured were taken to hospital military deployed back in the security forces organizers of the march and several local journalists were arrested al jazeera was not granted a critic taishan to cover this demonstration democracy this is a democratic government and we are committed to ensuring that those democratic mandates. protesters accuse bearer of breaking intellectual promise he made to the people of gambler who brought him to power in 2017 shortly after being sworn in barrow told al-jazeera at the time he would only leave the country to its transition to democracy organizing elections in which he would not take part with 3 years into his presidency he says he will instead complete his mandate until 2021 for protesters it seems barrow is tightening his grip on power just like his predecessor john me and so for many the fight to protect democracy in the gambia is not over it's just the beginning because hawk al-jazeera. israel has officially allowed its citizens to visit saudi arabia for the 1st time this they're on a religious or business trip but travelers would still need to seek saudi arabia's from mission to enter currently the government in riyadh does not allow israeli passport holders to visit the kingdom unless for muslim pilgrimage the announcement comes just days before u.s. president donald trump says the release his middle east peace plan gideon levy is a columnist at haaretz newspaper says israeli saudi connections are finally surfacing. for a long time it's very clear that there is some kind of unity of interest between israel and saudi arabia namely visa v the big and then be iran and now is the 1st time that those things are coming above the surface with the leg any kind of confirmation from saudi arabia let's remember that it was the minister of interior of israel who announced this but we didn't get any confirmation from south there are be a on the other hand we didn't get or so and he denies it but by the end of the day let's just not forget there is no bypass to serve the palestinian issue and israel is looking for ways to bypass the palestinian issue and this will restate it goes hand to hand was the deed of the century which is mainly the deal of the smashing the palestinians and leaving them no room for any kind of hope and it goes together with 2 leaders in washington on their own tribe in jerusalem benjamin netanyahu both struggling. on their own fate on their own charges and who are both facing elections and it's all connected and the best the politics and foreign policy connected here more than ever. the fiance of noted journalist mark shonky spoke in office air after concerns the saudi government were willing to spy on her hostage and is now lives in the u.k. the authorities there have been warned by the u.s. intelligence agencies that saudi arabia had the ambition and intention to monitor her because of he was killed in the saudi consolation it stumbled in october 28th i think in an interview with al jazeera she says she never expected to be spied on. this. is true what happened was a very big and scary event but i think a person would never imagine the thumping like this would ever happen again especially now they're waiting for the punishment of this criminals the ones who killed jamal inside the saudi consulate in turkey the word is waiting for the truth in this situation how can we imagine a new plan or scenario that could involve spying on a victim like me when i spoke to officials about this they told me nothing will happen to you because you're traveling to the u.k. which is a safe place in libya at least 11 u.n. backed government soldiers have been killed and 100 others injured in heavy fighting that broke out near the western city of misrata forces loyal to the wall of hell if i have to are we're trying to advance on the town of it. is libya's 2nd largest city and is home to groups who oppose hostile after launches offensive to seize tripoli and april last year a spokesman for half past says that the solution in libya can only come through fighting. however the low overhead we went to moscow and to berlin and before that we went to several other countries we were not searching for a solution we know that the solution is in the gum the solution is in the ammunition and in the hearts of our men still we always try to listen to the international community and the mediators until the world is pretty convinced that we are fighting criminal and terrorist groups. lebanon's new government is due to arrest aside this year's budget is the 1st time parliament will convene since protests began in october protesters blame rampant corruption for the country's economic crisis sarkari reports from beirut. ali is struggling to find a job after being made redundant last year he's one of many victims of lebanon's financial crisis worried for his future he's been taking part in anti-government demonstrations that have come out the government needs to put its hand our head it has to look after us enough they're fighting corruption we just want to live the biggest challenge facing lebanon's new government is its naked lapsing economy it's keen to ratify you soon as possible the 2020 fiscal budget agreed upon by former prime minister's saddle how to use government last year now going on is one of the most indebted countries in the world with a public debt burden of 150 percent of its gross domestic product or g.d.p. its projects a deficit of 7.4 percent of its g.d.p. far larger than 0.6 percent originally planned this year's budget is $10400000000.00 it plans to cut government spending by $666000000.00 member of the finance and budget committee allowances the budget focuses on reducing government expenses and improving its deficit but will have to address the difference or restructuring of the debt the way or another will have to grow and to ending the deficit of electricity. go for international help in order to secure some liquidity while the boat is due to go ahead opposition members say it's unconstitutional. there are a lot of violations this new government has no right to adopt the budget before it gets a vote of confidence in parliament. the government says the budget said last year is binding and it must push ahead with it quickly to save time and money not everyone believes though that last year's budget plan won't work with the current situation in the country i look at that as being a bit if you really think about why it's because it's just the being an expected axis yanni. exceeding the total expenditures which is not very any less the only stick which is not acceptable last week newly appointed finance minister says he wasn't set a priority to secure $4.00 to $5000000000.00 the soft loans from international donors to buy wheat fuel and medication the budget is the 1st symbolic practical step both symbolic and practical but there's the have to be other steps after that lebanon has a lack of foreign currency and it imports at least 80 percent of its needs since october demonstrators have been calling for sweeping reforms to deal with the crippling economic crisis and widespread corruption protestors on the street say that this is too late budget is a legacy of the previous government and yet despite some amendments made so it's in december it's still not clear whether tackle the economic reforms that both they and the international community have been demanding sort of higher up beirut al-jazeera. the prime minister of the netherlands has made the 1st ever apology on behalf of the dots government for the wartime persecution of jews mark whitaker was speaking at commemorations ahead of the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the afterwards birkenau death camp on monday some survivors attended the event in amsterdam only 38000 of the 140000 jews who lived in the netherlands survived world war 2. more than a 1000000 people mainly jews were murdered said the are sure its birth canal camp and cult about 200 survivors will take part in monday's commemorations with their numbers dwindling this could be the last major anniversary attended by those who lived through the camps horrors don't hold reports what was once a factory of death has for 75 years been a factory of remembrance some of the artifacts of 1100000 lives most of them jews but also poles roma jehovah's witnesses homosexuals and prisoners of war these are the places where they froze and starved where they were experimented upon huddled together and killed this is what is left behind but only a dwindling few know how it felt 94 year old leon vine tribe was 18 when he was separated from his family at auschwitz you can imagine a son of the love of a mother i have 4 early voting systems i was there for. a service. how exhausted i was i. do not remember wrong thinking of what happens with my mother my sisters i didn't know the program was there in my own. guess chambers killed. the victim of a. each year there are fewer and fewer survivors left to tell their stories the bricks and mortar will survive them of course as a visual reminder to the millions who visit each year but quite soon that living connection to the horrors of the holocaust will be lost is their 1st time it's their head in the history. of such. zyzzyx in their field killings to kill a whole nation for 3 quarters of a century those who survived have been around to tell the world that what happened here must never be allowed to happen again when they are gone birkenau will be left with one ultimate purpose that no one should ever be allowed to forget jona whole al-jazeera auschwitz birkenau death camp. still ahead on al-jazeera in sport we'll have more reaction to the news that possible the gents' kobe bryant has died at the age of 14. and. the number of women in afghanistan reporting cases of harassment has been on the rise to his rights advocates say that's a sign more women a speaking else but with the taliban resurgent and many some women a worried that any progress will be short lived zain bus ravi has more from kabul. in the. the threat of gun and bomb attacks makes walking down the street potentially dangerous for women there is the added fear of verbal physical and sexual assault anyone that they know it is a level of complain about how distant phobia koofi is a former member of parliament who started her own political party she received many complaints from women who say they get demands for sexual favors something that has become common in the workplace this is a part of our identity to be honest 25 years back to the years back when i was a child when i was a stew that when i was a teenager we did not say the same expedient for a woman we do not know. so i can most of it has come to conflict and culture of impunity law afghanistan is still deeply conservative and publicly accusing someone of harassment can mean risking your life but high profile scandals brought the problem into sharp focus in 2018 the sexual abuse of players in the national women's football team came to light and last year managers hiring staff at the presidential palace refused the offer in jobs in return for sex but no one's been brought to justice experts point to a trust deficit in the system but the fact stories of abuse have come out at all maybe a sign of progress i think that i think change what i see possibility is the fact that people women's aspirations has changed a great deal and i think general aspirations have changed but specifically women's aspirations when you women that i talk to you got most of where they come from are men are who are different parts of the country they have the best part of life different than grandmothers. they were not asked prior to necessarily public lives are even be educated but they know that it's not ok to be at home for instance in recent weeks as part of ongoing peace talks the taliban has said that if and when the group returns to the political fray the world should be ready for a return in afghanistan the taliban rule which would mean rolling back the clock on women's freedoms. but enough for the time to start the by redlight campaign to try and give women a voice in the future of going to stand all your talk about what about me that if the taliban are coming back to suppress another generation we will resist them it doesn't matter if they're stronger unless there is equal justice for all afghans it cannot be considered peace. even the fashion shows women remain outnumbered but in the years since the fall of the taliban women are better represented in the workplace in government and have more freedom in public life but many afghan women now fear their hard won rights will be compromised in any deal. pushes both social and gender norms as couple's 1st and only female tattoo artist a controversial job and it's going to. even for a man she's been widely criticized but has her father support and says that's all she needs to keep pursuing her passion. from businesses owned by women entrepreneurs to women's only health clubs there are signs here that women are steadily carving out more space for themselves in afghan society saying basra be old to 0 a couple. well it's time now for sports harris andy thank you so much kamal tributes saw whoring in from all corners of the sporting world in memory of the life of basketball legend kobe bryant's he died at the age of $41.00 in a helicopter crash son hamish reports on the career of one of the sport's crites ist of a place. for 2 decades kobe bryant rose above every challenge that came his way in boston was indeed to be the n.b.a. one of the game's all time greats he spent his entire career with the los angeles lakers winning the n.b.a. championship and 5 occasions bryant also won 2 the limpid gold medals for the united states. is a giant in the sports world it goes far beyond the n.b.a. goals for far beyond basketball he is a world wide giant in sports. is hard pressed to fly anymore and it doesn't know cobie he was bigger than life is one of the biggest most well know in the 8 players while it's on after michael jordan he is one of the players that made the n.b.a. into a global school into going into this 'd next situation was after excel ing on the court at high school in philadelphia bryant opted to skip college and find his 1st n.b.a. contract 8 just 17 at the time of peace deb you in the 19962997 seas. and he was the youngest player ever to appear in an n.b.a. game. he more than lived up to that early promise famously teaming up with shaquille o'neal to win 3 consecutive championships with the lakers in the early 2000. bryant retired in 2016 and his post basketball korea had only just begun. was he won an oscar for the animated short film india basketball. when he scored his final n.b.a. points in 2016 he was 3rd on the all time scoring list. only on saturday with his mark passed by a present day great bron james bryant's final social media post congratulated james on continuing to move the game forward was something brian had done throughout his own career. well reactions to the news on social media putting his influence into some sort of contacts former u.s. president barack obama says carvey was a legend on the courts and just getting started in what would have been just as meaningful a 2nd backs referring to brian stelter who was also in the crash he says to lose giana is even more heartbreaking to us as parents checking the nail he played with bronze and the like is insulting 1004 saying there are no words to express the pain i'm going through one of the former like the highest point scorer of all time kareem abdul-jabbar posted this video message on twitter. for to call the family i want to send my most sincere and heartfelt regrets and prayers and i thought some with the. hope he was an incredible family man he loves his wife and daughters he was in the heart of a bowl athlete and a leader in a lot of ways he inspired all generation of young athletes use one of the 1st ones to leave high school and come to the n.b.a. and do so well dominating the game and becoming one of the best scorers that the los angeles lakers as ever seen the n.b.a. games have still being taking place with present day pies taking a chance to pay their respects there was a moment of silence a bronze before this game between the houston rockets and the denver nuggets images in sense minutes that were echoed across the lake. he needs a lot to me obviously. you know he's such a great opponent you know. that's what you want to see us. yet that the d.n.a. needed. to very few athletes could ever have you know tiger woods and. michael jordan's. is one of the guys that. cry broke the hearts of the celtics more anybody has ever played. and in his last year our guys were all sneaking around getting his shoes and everything else just like everybody else right now. you know i know a lot of our staff did too you know like it's just. it's so sad we'll talk what set the news midway through around the gulf solomonson california a friend of bryant's and i like his fan since childhood he gave this reaction. he brought each and every night i'm on both ends of floor i mean not too many guys can see and say that throughout n.b.a. history that he'd lock up on the obviously he was dominant on the office of science but. a time used in the game had to take on the best player and the shut down for it all for you that it's and. that was one of the more impressive things i think there are this entire career and crowds of fans on are gathering in los angeles the focal point for many is the staples center which was bryant's high marina facade of many years the n.b.a. has issued its own statement saying for 20 seasons coby shows what is possible when remarkable talents plans with an absolute devotion so winning ok that is it from a fanatic and it's that and a bedsit from me for this news hour stand down to the next with more of the day's. india a nation of 1300000000 people really religious desperately divided i think good clean you know daily action which is potentially catastrophic what's causing this crisis of identity is making the get back the police's off these incidents and why is it getting worse. joining me are you on my journey in search of india's soul coming soon on al-jazeera. a unique perspective on nigeria we have so much more we just don't snore money this most that we have. through the eyes of the celebrated african photographer. who simply enjoy us no one can still be us want to destroy. it 3 years on how has life changed. rewind ga 30 on al-jazeera. it's been dubbed the project of this injury. is the real cost of china's new silk road project. investigates. trouble began at the end of the country's civil war when most people returning home from refugee camps. were struck and killed during a 4017 is buried right here in the middle of the street as a sign of resistance to the mining companies and government are set in your. accusations. and displacement between the community the mining companies and the government has now escalated. the community has taken its case before west african regional court because they say the people have little for use in the justice system. oh. shock is the basketball world remembers one of its superstars kobe bryant is about people killed in a helicopter crash in the u.s. . this is al jazeera. life and also coming up i'm some of the job in now tell you about the need to tack on the u.s. embassy compound in the iraqi capital. top u.s. democrats to donald trump's former national security advisor testify in the president's impeachment trial.

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