dabbles president trump says he has turned around the u.s. economy and dismisses climate activists as prophets of doom. after months of uncertainty lebanon finally has a new government but the unrest on the street is far from over. the u.s. announces its 1st case of a new virus that's claimed 6 lives in china and several countries are ramping up measures to block it spread. say then the impeachment trial of u.s. president donald trump has begun with senate republicans blocking a democratic attempts to obtain documents and evidence in a bitter debate over proposed rules democrats accuse republicans of a cover up trump is charged with abuse of power and obstruction of justice she have returned the reports on a long opening day that stretching well into the night. our founders trusted the senate to rise above short term passions at the last moment senate majority leader mitch mcconnell altered his proposed rules for the impeachment trial gome was the possibility that the evidence collected during the various house inquiries might not be entered into evidence in the senate trial of the democratic party house managers and white house lawyers would now have 3 days and not 2 to make their opening statements that left the issue of witnesses and documents house democrats argue that they were withheld in the course of their inquiries into whether donald trump was withholding congressionally mandated military aid for ukraine in return for an investigation into former vice president joe biden and that these must be produced in the senate trials a leader mcconnell wants a trial with no existing evidence and no new evidence a trial without evidence is not a trial it's a cover up the white house argues that the request for more evidence proves the democrats don't have a strong case against the president they said in their brief we have overwhelming evidence and there are afraid to make their case think about it think about it it's common sense overwhelming evidence. to impeach the president of the united states and then they come here on the 1st day and they say you know what we need some more evidence the white house also argues that the documents and witnesses are privileged in order to shape foreign policy the president must be able to have private deliberations with advisors and that's an argument rejected by the democrats make the argument that the president's conduct here was was it was conduct that every president should be allowed to engage in and i think that most americans don't believe that that mr chief justice i yield back the democrats failed to pass their amendments on the mcconnell's rules that they will be another chance to debate the need for more witnesses and documents but only after opening arguments and the cross-examination of the house managers and white house lawyers he just watch donald trump was reported to be monitoring proceedings while attending the world economic forum in switzerland his position remains unchanged that was a hoax. all right let's live for is there he is on capitol hill is back on the senate floor i guess in a sense all these amendments just to show you because they're never going to pass the public and must. we're on the 4th amendment now which is probably likely to go to a vote quite shortly because trump's lawyers the white house lawyers are rebutting the democratic case and we're not sure how many more we can expect possibly some sort of this address of either 3 or 4 more amendments what they've done is they began with requests for specific documents from specific specific entities so documents from the white house documents from the state department documents from the office of management and budget which which don't which doles out the money that was supposed to go into ukraine and did eventually go to ukraine and now they're going through the witnesses that they want to right now they're discussing mick mulvaney the acting chief of staff at the white house that will soon go to a vote it's not certainly not going to be going to pass and then we're not sure whether they will they will talk about they will they will propose further witnesses individually we know already that they want of these 3 more witnesses john bolton the former national security adviser and a white house aide and the office of management and budget official so we're wondering whether they're going to go through each one of these people in turn may be even more maybe better rudy giuliani left part of the movie the the lawyer for who was born in ukraine who has become of the center of center of the story as well we're not quite sure how long this is going to go on but we have a sense of why they're doing it mitch mcconnell and his rules which are likely to pass at the end of all of this says we will have a vote on documents and witnesses but only after opening statements and cross-examination then we'll have 4 hours of debate and then we'll we'll have a vote on admitting more witnesses and documents all the democrats says yeah but that's just a blanket vote what we want to get on the record is each individual thing that we feel should be part of the senate trial for the record and also the american people know what they're potentially missing out on. she had leave that she had returned to the capitol hill let's bring in ellen baron now he's a former special impeachment counsel to the u.s. house of representatives joins us from washington see has been joining us all the way through these proceedings up until now and what is your assessment of where we are. well this is kind of show and tell at this point nothing substantive is going to pass. the they're going through all these different things that the democrats want to have brought into this trial assuming there really is a trial but this is just filling out the buying spilling in the forms nothing is going to happen at this point of a substantive nature and the next thing that we have to look forward to is the. presentations by the house and ultimately by the senate through argument i mean they keep talking about doing you know presenting evidence it's not going to be literally evidence they're going to be arguing and then the apparently the senate has agreed now they've changed their their original position that the evidence that was admitted in the house will be admitted in the senate proceedings but only after each side is presented interview with the case. any sense that we may have any republicans jumping the fence down the line that this whole issue of what this is of course is still to come. well on these issues that are currently being discussed the answer is no. several senators have made o. bleak noises the best way i can carrot characterize it that they may be amenable to . later all you need are for republicans to join the democrats to vote in favor of having witnesses and documents but i i would hate to bet the ranch on it. i don't know it would be very real profiling courage let me put it that way it would be a profile in courage for republicans to for republicans to step forward and say we want and we are voting for documents and witnesses to be presented a profile in courage why because it would be risky for them because nobody really knows what john bolton might say and it might actually damage their position as republicans and i told the president. it's because they are bucking the. establishment they're basically telling their republican leader that we're not going to we're not going to play ball we're going we're going to do what we think is right and we're going to break ranks with our republican colleagues that takes a lot of courage they have to live with these people after this is all over right if this is going to be a shoo in for donald trump he will be acquitted what will the fallout be will it be any food given that this is an election that will be going to the polls in november . is well i think there will definitely he's going to be acquitted let's you know i think and pie in the sky to be speculating about oh i wonder if he's going to be. convicted it's not going to happen you would need 2020 republican senators to come over to the democrat side it's not going that are not going to happen but the important thing is the record that the democrats are building here for the november election and they are not going to just let this die after all this this effort. and nobody's going to hear about this again you know in the months to come i think there's going to be a drumbeat by whoever ends up being the democratic nominee relying on a lot of the stuff that's come out to say is this the kind of person we want for 4 more years in the oval office i think it's a pretty compelling argument in my view the charges against trump or so much more serious than the charges that were brought against richard nixon certainly the charges that were brought against bill clinton this is these charges are extremely dangerous where the where the president for his own political advantage and gauges a foreign country an ally that is defending itself against the russians and in effect is blackmailing them even though the congress has has committed this nearly $400000000.00 in assistance that they desperately need he is sitting on it and saying well i have this favor to ask of you for my political benefit before you get they say that that is horrendous. and that full special impeachment counsel to the u.s. house of representatives appreciate that thanks a lot. well while all this is going on the u.s. president himself donald trump is off well the way of the world economic forum in davos and he's delivered a not being to address telling the gathering of political and business elite the america was experiencing an economic boom like never before on diplomatic editor james bays has now from doubles on the day of the start of his trial for peach but this was the daboll style version president trump all the world stage in a place surrounded by business leaders where his advisors knew he would look presidential it's clear from his recent comments and his posts on twitter that the u.s. leader is obsessed with impeachment but this was a speech over half an hour long in which the i word wasn't mentioned once today i'm proud to wear that the united states is in the midst of an economic boom the likes of which the world has never seen before. we've regained our stride. rediscovered our spirit in reawakened the powerful machinery of american enterprise america is thriving america is flourishing and yes america is winning again like never before. many of the world leaders who were in the room know how much now depends on the u.s. electorate this could be troublesome last stop loss but they're preparing to for the possibility of a 2nd term this is a global forum dealing with global issues and so we have more and more conflicts breaking out across the world that need everybody around the table to solve them and we need the united states as part of that conversation and the united states needs an effective state department needs an effective diplomatic corps and soft diplomacy as well in order to be a true partner and i think people are genuinely worried that this is a place where donald trump feels comfortable he was never invited to speak a dab also as the head of the trump organization now he feels part of this elite club as the u.s. president his advisors cleverly using this as a backdrop for a speech to a domestic audience james plays out 0 doubles are plenty more ahead on the news hour including. the citizenship lauren india supreme court judges get ready to hear the 1st complaints. coming out to the world number one how you rolled into round 2 straight. right now 11 and has a new government after hezbollah and its allies reached a deal ending 3 months of political deadlock the president michel own signed off on 20 new cabinet ministers after meeting with the prime minister and the but the announcement has angered protesters then a halt to reports now from beirut. lebanon's new prime minister has sunday has finalized his cabinet lineup it took weeks of political horse trading even though those who are fighting over seats are allies and part of the ruling alliance jobs critics call him a pawn of the political elite but addressing the nation he tried to defend his cabinet at a time of mass protests over lebanon's worst economic crisis in decades was a family party to him we will endeavor to answer that demands to ensure that we have an independent judiciary to bring back stolen money to fight corruption to protect the poor of social classes from high taxation to tackle and employment and to put in place a new electoral law that brings everyone together under one national identity that the street has asked for the use of the government announcement brought protesters who have been demanding a new leadership back onto the streets they gathered in central beirut the epicenter of a 3 month old movement to topple the political class they accuse of mismanagement and corruption protestors disputed insistence that the 20 ministers who are specialists with no political loyalties i'm here because i don't trust this new government that's going to be formed because it came from the people who have been in charge for the past 30 years and in bad doesn't bring good and bad only brings bad. the. government is also being criticized for being controlled by the iranian backed hezbollah and for being one sided political opponents of the ruling alliance including outgoing prime minister saddle heidi refused to join the government. they're just playing the same move that the plagued 100 days ago so as of the just stopping us in the face are laughing at us still like who are those people and what are they doing on the streets the government faces many challenges in the midst of an unprecedented nationwide terror. uprising deb's government is expected to receive a vote of confidence in parliament but it is the support of international investors and donors that lebanon needs to get out of the economic and financial crisis the last time the un created international support group for lebanon met in december it made no financial pledges and instead called for a credible government that listens to public opinion expressed in the ongoing popular uprising. 2 for weeks many lebanese have been struggling to make their voices heard yes seen told the security forces protecting parliament building that the steel and concrete barriers won't be able to protect those in power. i'm here to demonstrate against the corrupt regime that has been. raping this country for 30 years or more they were the only words that have killed each other and the sex groups to kill each other. there is determination to continue their struggle or what people here call the revolution but the government announcement on tuesday sent a clear message that the established parties are still in power lebanon's crisis is not over sena for their beirut. the street not the german karl who's a policy analyst at the arab center in washington d.c. joins us now from allington in virginia mr my car and the new government is in place now it doesn't look like it's going to quell the street does it. it doesn't look like you were when i thought what some of the names are a renewal some of them of a good many of them general of the sector most of the government is not independent it's a status quo government. gets them cv the political class b. out of the scene basically running the show we don't see independent races we don't see especially in key economic and financial flows we don't see names that give the impression of reform so. the problem of the parliament in support of this problem of this problem and it is in the hand of the of the of the voting class members no way out of the if the if we don't do it no league election so is your sense of the protests that we've been seeing on the streets and we have been seeing tonight in beirut it will continue. looks like error this week and live on the with us or the kid there the week of anger because it's been more than 90 days in the was really no urgency from the from the politicians leaving for the count they have this form so we don't see any. merit and new on this because this is the view that it was a shock for it's a shock effect for a sense of urgency we don't see it up to now we have to see the transition know that we do not have it and you know especially the interior minister he counseled that if you'd like to see how they were did with the protests it's a good deal of a secret of the past week which is more confrontational with us those overseas more like to be used for some relief plan it's like autism but that this point i think the 1st question is is bad and therefore it's going to be in the butts thought somehow doing that too. but the question i think we have to see how much security measures would be thinking right it was that old what action do you think this new government could take what would be the shock of reform if you like the sense of urgency what do they need to do to calm the sense of anxiety on the street. the biggest shock is to see you some some. investigation some maybe some people in jail and some money returned some clear economic with civil reform cutting expenses fucking a lot of the corruption the coppers and put into into giving controversy there's a lot of middleman between the cushion and the 100 can become through that sense. the door is wide but i think you have to stop with the justices that will believe you are ready to. fix to quote politicians from all political sides the one who really would be involved with the drug of the money that what they could out of the company of them spoke of $1.00 of the things that have been done but getting the names and a good with the government that's cool we hope that's the impression is wrong. but we have to watch and see very briefly if you would the finance minister has asked for international recognition government should be internationally recognized why is that necessary and will they get it. it's definitely an important thing given a lot have money and now they need support from the west from the from the west but ministers of that have learned not to visit. saudi arabia and others through the beach and i voted because they have most of the gun i think the main test would be the us this is the us government it can deal with. it's going to change everything if you say yes we the government of hezbollah will sanction then we haven't really crisis at home and in the front that's the thing is that ok we'll leave it there on that we appreciate your time thanks a lot. at least $27.00 people have been killed in air strikes on rebel held areas in northern syria the areas being increasingly talked by the government and its russian allies despite a cease fire reached early this month alexia brown has this i was in syria this is what a ceasefire looks like desperate efforts to put out the flames and come and waste in aleppo the syrian civil defense group known as the white helmets blames russian warplanes for the attack. in a nearby village the air strikes killed an entire family. since this morning russian warplanes have been good ducting air strikes on the west and countryside of aleppo strikes hit close to it resulted in a massacre a family of 9 were killed 6 children a mother a father and a 20 year old man monisha say russia which supports the syrian government is trying to push rebels away from the city of aleppo and to most away linking it with the capital damascus russia and turkey which back some rebel groups announced a ceasefire here earlier this month but it never really took hold. of the villages it's had a sports center and houses nearby with displaced people were taking refuge to people syrian civil defense has pulled out the injured moved taken them to the closest medical facility. doctors here a struggling to cope dozens of facilities have been destroyed in a strikes in recent months putting immense pressure on makeshift clinics like this one and a camp for those displaced by the fighting. called with people looking to safety the u.n. says more than 350000 to fled their home since the beginning of december many have had to do this more than once. i'm from home so we were displaced from. them from. them from jena we went to jam at the so from one place to another and they were running out of place. has to go camps are overwhelmed and the northern border with turkey is closed while the syrian government's vowed to retake all remaining rebel held territory aid groups say the recent escalation marks a dangerous and deadly turning point in the conflict. and yet again it's innocent civilians who are bearing the brunt of the fighting alexia brian al jazeera. china's health ministry has confirmed there are now 9 deaths and more than $400.00 cases of the nearest grocery illness it's warning the corona virus could mutate and spread further the 1st cases been confirmed in the united states with others reported in thailand and south korea in japan and in taiwan from the future leadership of though we have received reports from 13 provinces and municipalities with confirmed cases of 440 death cases 9 new cases 3 all of them are cases in well . let's speak to our correspondent adrian brown who joins us live from hong kong and agent sounds like things are getting more serious. yeah that's right in that news conference you just heard from that senior official from china's national health commission he also confirmed that china would be inviting w.h.o. representatives to go to work along with scientists medical experts from hong kong and macau this is an attempt i think by china to want to be seen to being more transparent about this fire us and the spread of this forest now president xi jinping on monday said that the health and safety of the people was absolutely paramount and it's quite clear that he is demanding and calling for absolute transparency another senior communist party official on monday said that any official who attempted to withhold information would be nailed to the pillar of shame for a turn and see some colorful language coming out of the main line but it does demonstrate that perhaps we are. are seeing the communist party responding this time in a very different way to the way it did when the sars outbreak happened in late 20022003 when of course more than 300 almost 300 people died here in hong kong a total of 800 people perished so china wants to be seen to be doing what it believes is the right thing but the problem is this new you know when this virus 1st broke out. in late december last year officials were very slow to come forward it seems with what they knew they said there was no evidence that this virus could be transmitted from human to human we're now they've confirmed that in fact that is the case so china is starting to do what it can to rein in this disease but there's a possibility that it could be too little too late there's no doubt you know that china has the wherewithal to try to contain this far as you know locked down large parts of the country it wanted to we could essentially quarantine and then of course may come to that i want to give you also make a flavor of what's being said in the newspapers here this is the apple data the most popular paper in hong kong very graphic picture on the front page but reporting there that there are 325 cases that of course is now changed we now know that it's rocketed to more than $400.00 and this is another paper this is a pro beijing paper. saying pow it has a picture on the front page of the market in will hand the seafood market that's believed to be the source of the outbreak now although it's a seafood market this was also a market where wild meat was sold exotic wild meat and of course part of the problem is that it seems that not all that meat had been properly quarantined as and as we know from the a bowl of virus people caught you know a bowler from you know eating animals. did it come from the jungle and there's a growing suspicion here amongst the medical community that perhaps the same sort of thing has happened in china that the source for this virus is likely to be some sort of wild animal and what about precautions one of the advising about people were precautions should they take especially given and yeah. well as with the. epidemic 17 years ago people to you know to wash their hands to use good hygiene but you know the symptoms for this virus pretty normal you get a cough you get a sore throat you get a fever you get diarrhea and you know what doctors are saying here is that if you do have those sort of symptoms get medical attention right away but that the focus of the moment is for people to wear face masks when they're on public transport but also to wash their hands thoroughly and regularly that was the advice of course during the the sauce virus epidemic thanks very much agent brown reporting that. i had here on al-jazeera. brazil's worst industrial disaster almost a year ago. wondering if they'll ever be allowed home some of the 100000 filipinos sheltering in the shadow. tell their story. hello there is some more rain on the way across into more central areas of japan but also plenty of rain developing into southern and central areas of china and this will begin to accumulate over the next couple of days you can see these dog blue areas that particularly that is where we could see about $100.00 millimeters of rain so that rain pushing across was a crimp in and beginning to push into those western areas of japan again pretty heavy at times some yellow popping up that means some heavy thunderstorms and some pretty trench will downfalls but pretty mild ahead of a system 16 celsius in osaka 9 celsius in seoul and still find a draw in hong kong with a high of 20 for those very widely scattered throughout much of indonesia but a dry day generally wednesday across much of borneo the showers a further to the west very widespread across this amount should the mill a peninsula and again we'll see in developing late in the day across into most central and western areas of the java and then across into india national lanka more in your forecast that meanwhile up to the far north of india we've seen the clavicles who have seen the fog has been lingering look at this this is actually up to the north but this is the morning commute absolutely dense fog mixed in with the small making things feel very cold 18 celsius in new delhi on wednesday at best. they join one of the world's most notorious ahmed groups. but found a way out rebuild their lives and now help but it's. a tale of course recruitment child soldiers and the refit exploitation of women the door to. part of the radicalize nude scenes tunnel designer. we know what's happening in our region we know how to get to places that others and all i was just you know you. by the parties on purpose i desire has the time and its programming to go live on its own to go live to work another story that may not be mainstream have but the fires are still ongoing i'm sure. the to be cut by. the way that you tell the story is one can make a difference. you are born . how we got your watch the odds are a reminder of our top stories as the u.s. senate has been voting on rules that will govern the impeachment trial of president donald trump republican majority has voted against a democratic bids to force the white house and think the public to release documents democrats say republicans are covering up evidence that trump used his power. and lebanon has a new government self to hezbollah and its allies reached a deal ending 3 months of political deadlock but i agree protestors returned to the streets repeating that demand for government of independent experts to have only elections. china's health ministry has confirmed there are now 9 deaths and more than $400.00 cases of a newer spiritualists it's feared the corona virus could mutate and spread further . well the 1st cases being diagnosed in the united states is bob reynolds. the man sickened by the corona virus entered the u.s. via seattle international airport on january 15th he's a resident of snow home ish washington north of seattle officials say he had traveled to the region around china where the outbreak began the 1st case of novel coronavirus is a washington man in his thirty's who returned from ohio and subsequently got ill sought medical care and with promptly identified the man is being treated and closely observed in a seattle area hospital he's described as being in stable condition. the corona virus is believed to have originated at an outdoor market in wool han that sold fish and wild game it has sickened people in china and other individuals in japan south korea taiwan and thailand several people are known to have died from the virus it causes fever severe respiratory distress and organ failure chinese officials say it can be spread from human to human travelers returning from rouhani should be on the lookout for a fever and best between can for example a cough and difficulty breathing at the have those kind of symptoms they said call their health care provider quickly last week officers at the international airports in los angeles new york and san francisco began screening travelers who began their journeys in woodland the seattle airport does not have extra screening the world health organization will meet this week to consider whether to declare the outbreak an international health emergency rob reynolds al-jazeera los angeles well donald trump's impeachment trial is underway the president is more than 6000 kilometers away in switzerland attending the world economic forum the theme this year is sustainability with scientists warning of catastrophic consequences if more is not done to have the climate emergency the trouble used in speech to criticize climate activists calling them prophets of doom jan hall reports now from davos. he didn't come to davos to talk about climate change but with the world economic forum pushing climate and environmental risks to the top of the agenda not even donald trump could ignore it this is not a time for pessimism this is a time for. optimism fear and doubt is not a good thought process but to embrace the possibilities of tomorrow we must reject the perennial prophets of doom and their predictions of the apocalypse among those prophets of doom the u.s. president presumably counts teenage swedish activist grettir totenberg her debut on the world stage was here just a year ago now she's one of the world's most famous climate activists and everyone is listening our house is still on fire your inaction is fueling the flames by the hour and we are telling you to act as if your loved your children above all else think thanks rump certainly has done nothing to put out that fire but the world's most famous climate skeptic did say the united states would join a global initiative to plant a trillion trees the scale of climate ambition this was optimism in light. oh it's far away from enough i mean it's clear that right now we're in a climate emergency so what you need from the united states is an understanding of the situation the risk to that country and its citizens and a rapid phase out of greenhouse gas emissions and not drilling for all of this new oil and gas and coal. with climate change leading discussions among corporates and governments protesters were never going to be far behind several 100 spent 3 days marching towards dumbass there were only a much smaller number who are allowed to gather in town in the short term if we can get some of them to support good projects that's great and at the same time i'm to build alternatives we know for example that 2000000000 people in the world don't have access to energy to decentralize renewable energy is the way but the corporations can make money that way so it's not happening it's pretty extraordinary that protesters in significant numbers of people allowed to reach this close to the most protected areas at the heart of davos the signal one assumes from the world economic forum that all sides are being heard in the climate debate even if as gratitude and others have said simply being heard is nowhere near enough the message to governments banks and businesses know if you care about your children's futures go to whole al-jazeera davos. well conflict poverty and natural disasters force almost half a 1000000 afghans out of their homes last year alone of the some families internal displacement has become a part of life that crosses generations desperation is tending many men into the ranks of armed groups as embers robbie reports from the western province of herat local authorities are struggling to deal with the crisis. it's in the provincial districts the police are fighting for afghanistan's future where the bodies of members of the taliban are displayed like hunting trophies. for reassurance to rural communities that they're safe a warning to armed fighters. what to expect from others can district governor chief but in remote areas of afghanistan local officials know security does not only come from the barrel of a gun gaining the confidence of afghan people is equally important difficult than the backs that day of the poorest of the poor and really need a lot of help definitely these men have no other choice but to become teledyne criminals or join an insurgent group if they don't find a job we try our best to help them but the insurgents also try their best to easily recruit them despite ongoing challenges herat province is doing better than many other parts of afghanistan making it a destination for people trying to escape the 1000 year long war in their country with camps been here for 2 years the men women and children living here fled fighting in nearby provinces to the relative safety of herat but living conditions here are very basic tents are barely standing most people are exposed to the elements all the time there is no medical help and there is never enough food. places like this have become the blindspot of this conflict. unseen and unheard people here are angry. he has no idea who is in the general there is no one representing ordinary people in peace talks with the taliban so how can those talks be successful these people lost their family members but no one even came to show sympathy for them mohini was born after his family came to this camp 2 years ago this winter the only place he ever knew is also where he died. all his father has left of him is a single picture on his phone. and there was a lot of snow for that day we were staying in the tents that took our child to the clinic i didn't have money for my son's treatment so we came back to the camp that night it was very cold the next morning my son was dead father was father is worried she might be next she's been running a fever for days there's no one to turn to for help. we're living in these things no one helped us with proper tents and no one's helping us with food and went to supplies. everyone seems to have a story of a family member who's died from a preventable illness they hold out registration cards for benefits they say never come or are not enough. and that it is very cold and we are shaking because of the coat we do not have anything to keep ourselves warm people give us little time and little help. if the u.s. leaves it will get even worth afghans are already killing each other the taliban killed 4 of my family members including my husband tonight brother i fled my home with 4 children and came here americans measure the cost of the longest war in their history in the billions of dollars and in kabul doha and washington they're trying to negotiate a deal with the taliban that would make it possible to withdraw u.s. forces from the country. but in displacement camps all over of the honest on fathers and mothers measure the cost of the war in lost lives. iraq afghanistan at least 36 people have been killed after the time by armed groups became a facet that happened in 2 villages near bus a logo in the north of the country on monday 3 others were wounded the government has announced 2 days of mourning. u.n. secretary general intended to terrorise a genie libya's warring sides to join foreign leaders in fighting and finding i should say a diplomatic solution to the country's civil war if alos a summit in berlin on sunday in which world leaders pledged to end foreign meddling and help deescalate the conflict my message is accept fully the conclusions of the bill in summits and assume that the leadership in a situation like these is a leadership for peace is a leadership for a united libya able to be ruled by libyans in peace in security and corporate thing we did slavers in a positive way the israeli army has shot dead 3 palestinians who they say crossed the border from gaza and through an explosive device israeli media say the 3 men made it around 400 meters into israel under cover of darkness and bad weather before attacking soldiers who arrived on the scene as since early 2018 people have been protesting at the border every friday to demand palestinians be allowed to return to their ancestral lands they were forced to leave when israel became a state in 1988. at least 10 people have been killed in the last 2 days of escalating protests across iraq the caretaker prime minister has warned that blocking roads in educational institutions have nothing to do with peaceful protests straight to say their actions which started in october will continue until the government. reports now from baghdad. police have continued between protesters and iraqi security forces they throw molotov cocktails and rocks and the police responds with tear gas and bullets after the weeklong deadline expired they have been coming out to numbers to major highways it's a simple strategy disrupt life so people in power take notice. we don't want anything except the corrupt parties to leave because of them in the sense of dying for how long can the stay the same. the mahomedan in multiple bridges across the capital have become battlegrounds have been wounded in 2 days of clashes many here say they will fight until they see real change. we will not retreat shoot us with live ammunition stun grenades. we will not give up we will force you to leave whether you like it or not. activists say government heavy handedness and intimidation tactics only strengthen their resolve. this is the blood of a martyr he was hit in front of us with a tear gas canister in his mouth his blood is on the highway whoever wants to carry on with it. let them see this plot and imagine that the next one who dies will be that. these were the scenes in 48 hours the nation might escalation has resulted in more debt over $100.00 protesters wounded and a further $88.00 arrested in baghdad. and basra more than 500 people have been killed and over 25000. it took 48 hours after the latest escalation for the outgoing prime minister to comment he assured protesters their demands are being worked on and also gave them a warning that the more you admitted you move them or you. if you have the support of the people then why should you deprive people from going to schools why should you cut off the street so people cannot reach the shops this is not right this has to stop with no concrete steps taken to deliver jobs basic services or candidates which are not seen in the king did by corruption or abuse of power the protesters are unlikely to see the government's response seriously many iraqis are undeterred and say they will stay in the streets the government can either kill them or leave their divorce and the protests some of the. fact that at least 3 police officers and one protester have been injured during anti-government demonstrations in colombia hundreds of protesters have gathered in the capital to rally against the president's social and economic policies of the songs around p.r.t. has a story from bogota. protesters repeatedly clash with the police here in the capital bogota in a number of cities across colombia in the 1st day of protests in 2020 a continuation of the national strike that story that's the end of november and continued almost until the end of december people of protesting for a number of reasons but the day protest was called because of the continuous killing of a social leaders in the country 20 were killed since the beginning of the year practically one every day we know that in the clashes at least 90 people have been detained and at least a dozen wounded to true out today both here in and bogata and other cities and this puts to test a new protocol that was designed by the newly elected mayor. cloudy a lot of ways to try and avoid violence to confrontations focusing on the use of civil mediators and trying to use anti-riot police as the last force but as you can see in many cases he said the mayor has decided to use the police and their violent confrontations followed. prosecutors in brazil have charged 16 people with murder of reminding that it was awesome that killed more than $250.00 people last year the collapse in the southeastern state of the nest jihadists was brazil's worst industrial accident unleashing a torrent of toxic waste its owner the mining giant valley has also been charged with environmental crimes along with a german firm certified the structure safe. even american journalists correct glenn greenwald with cyber crimes he's accused of helping to hack the cell phone of justice minister sergio mora when he was a judge handling a major corruption case last year greenwald website the intercept published damaging conversations that showed more advice in prosecutors in the case against former president lula da silva greenwald who lives in rio and has denounced the charges as a to radical attempt to silence journalists. opposition politicians in venezuela have called off an attempt to enter the national assembly saying they're trying to avoid violence they ended up holding a makeshift session in a public square away from congress security forces and civilians have been blocking the entrance to the opposition controlled congress for several weeks and its whale has been facing an ongoing political crisis after one quote declared himself interim president labeled the reelection of nicolas maduro as illegitimate. 100000 people in the philippines remain in vacuum ration shelter and since the threat level from the volcano remains high it erupted last week crushing homes and damaging crops now instrumental in indonesia reports those who are displaced facing new threats. liz it is desperate she had to flee her home with her 5 children when our volcano 1st erupted more than a week ago now there is this community school in a town hosting thousands of evacuees across this province but. we are afraid of the continuous earthquake but also whether we still have a home we can return to. her story is repeated many times over here more than 100000 people are now displaced and staying in temporary shelters like this one. though is on the alert level for which means that they hazard is eruption is imminent within days or even hours the evacuation has put a strain on several towns but officials see they are doing the best they can the food supplies we have enough for the next couple weeks. willing and more than willing to accept and take charge of this evacuation even if they're from different towns but there are growing concerns about the says that may develop due to difficult to do. in temporary shelters this field hospital was set up just days after the initial volcanic eruption there are birthing surgical and observation areas this can handle as many as 100 patients a day from different evacuation centers and it operates for 24 hours mostly they are respiratory coming back for a skin disease. you see says hybrid battlefront and those kind of people. back at the evacuation center louis said the ground the weeks for a life that has never been more uncertain her husband is sick and her home has been destroyed like many others here who we saw grew up around will cain know they loved and did mired now they wonder how something so beautiful can be so terrifying. dogon al-jazeera but this province northern philippines. supreme court judges in india are preparing to hear the 1st appeals against a new citizenship law it gives persecuted minorities from 3 neighboring countries the right to apply for citizenship but not if they're muslim and that provoked weeks of protests calling the legislation discriminator and unconstitutional so how rahman has more now from new delhi. from east to west from north to south india has seen protests big and small many extremely noisy. indians have come out in large numbers angry at the law passed last month granting citizenship to people from persecuted religious minorities from neighboring countries but not if they're muslim opposition politicians civil society activists young and old and many students have been at the forefront of the peaceful demonstrations of turned violent in states mainly controlled by the ruling b j p party of prime minister and remote police have been blamed for numerous deaths and injuries in uttar pradesh the death of this young restaurant worker walking home after a shift caused outrage and prompted an investigation into police violence. protests have taken various forms. in song and the art of these creative minds gather to explain how they feel about the events of the past few weeks to indian history as indian. not necessarily this or that community or caste or religion. i just stick together. in calcutta opposition politicians have made their position clear. regardless of religion they say the reality of the national register of citizens the n.l.c. and the citizenship amendment bill the c.a.v. is becoming clearer thanks toward the end we had a dungeon games and in those detention camps 60 percent of people in those would engine games were bengali hindus so in this in by a story about an odyssey and c.b. is not really been sent to get all it affects everybody it affects in incidence and . prime minister narendra modi is clear about what the citizenship law is mob are bigger than the muslims who were born on indian soil or whose ancestors are children of mother india they have nothing to do with the citizenship law or the national register of citizens neither are the muslims being sent to any detention centers nor are there any detention centers brothers and sisters this is a white lie. and it's here at india's supreme court that the final decision will be made the chief justice of india will hear almost 60 partitions objecting to this the citizenship law the government will get his chance to explain the details of the legislation and then we expect to hear long and lengthy argument the debate will center around whether the law is discriminatory or whether it's fails to live up to the spirit of india's secular democratic constitution. until a verdict is announced millions whose indian identity and their right to live here is being questioned will continue to fear for their future so hold raman al-jazeera you delhi. a former head of interpol has been sentenced to 13 years in jail for bribery in china manga hallways trial was one of the most high profile during president xi jinping is anti corruption campaign he went missing after resigning 2 years ago after his arrest in china he admitted receiving $2000000.00 in bribes while government minister russian police have opened a criminal investigation after a fire at a siberian sawmill that killed 11 people most of the victims were laborers from pakistan emergency services believe the fire was caused by a short circuit in the heater. electricity workers in france served up part of the world's largest fresh food market in the latest phase of their pension protest emergency power came on at the market in the south of paris and there was no disruption to trade but it marks a change in tactics by trade unions which ended a 46 day long strike on monday they've been trying to stop president to mentor micron's proposed pension reforms. and sport tennis world number one rafael nadal surged into the 2nd round of the straight and open on tuesday that's one of the biggest names in the women's game could have played her last match at the top want them stokes this. sunny skies in melbourne meant organizers could catch up on the games that have been rained off on day one and there was a bright start to the tournament for rough in the dial. sprains world number one was almost flawless against the unseated bolivian player hugo delhi and he wrapped things up in straight sets the downs chasing grand slam number 22 draw level with the all time leader roger federer but he's only won this tournament once before and that was 11 years ago if i reached 20 fantastic if i reached 21 better if i reach 90 and so perhaps i would all the things that i did in my dentist carry and australia's hopes for a men's champion rest with nick carry us the streets around to the bad boy of tennis has won some fans over recently with his efforts to raise money for the country's bushfire victims and on that subject germany's alexander's very red made a big pledge after his 1st round when i know i'm not the favorite to win this event but if i win this event i'm going to donate every single sensor bushfires that would work out at around $2800000.00 meanwhile full c. daniel medvedev is looking to train his 1st major title after reaching the final of the us open back in september the russian was made to work hard against frances but came through in 4 sets. there was a big shock vote for canada's youngster felix seem. seeded 20 for this tournament he was knocked out by the world number 256 ernest gold this. elsewhere joe wilford some got pulled out of his 1st round match with what looked like a back problem a frustrating end for the french men who reached the final back in 2008 the women's champion that year was maria sharapova who may have played her last match in melbourne given a wild card this time around she was beaten by dawn of beckett's it's now 3 slams in a row where she's lost in the 1st round and she set to drop out of the world's top $350.00 she couldn't say if she'd be back next year. it's tough for me to tell it's going to happen in tournaments. no issues though for the 2nd seed carolina police given she safely into round 2 after a comfortable whenever christine m. 11 of each top seed ashley barty is back in action on wednesday david stokes al-jazeera. well that's it for me in a cloud for this news about my colleagues ironically right here another half hour of news in just a couple minutes i felt. big stories generally sounds like the media angles in this story are too numerous for comfort with different angles from different perspectives thing has never really been believed deep modern a war to even separate the screen from the facts the misinformation from the judds on this show is clear and sounds to me and here people just think that we've listening post on al-jazeera frank assessments the one thing about these bush fires usage really wiping out all of the climate shit informed opinions economy i think is actually what's keeping donald trump afloat right now critical debate sequel goes through school you've been told we're always going to follow this argument is astonishing to me apart from my very in-depth analysis of the day's headlines this is the beginning of a new iraq of the new conscious and aware of youth about struggle against an ethnic sectarian cult of inside story on al-jazeera. my name is america. aka time off american and my mom's side of the family is native alaskan. my mom's village has one of the last subsistence salmon cultures in the world but their way of life could disappear for now it persists and i feel really grateful to be a part of it. for many including my family fishing and hunting is vital to survival here. just the knowledge you need to have takes a lifetime to acquire so when you're talking to another it's just like opening up an encyclopedia of. living off the land as a necessity of here. we have fundamental issues with a relationship to the planet there's been lots of instances that i've seen where indigenous communities just have a better model. president trump's impeachment trial is underway in the u.s. senate as the republican majority blocks efforts to release white house and state department documents. played. along the whole robin you want your observer live my headquarters here in doha also coming up. this is not a process for. this is the process for redress democrats accuse republicans of covering up evidence of the president abused his powers also thousands of climate.

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