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might pompei only meets one quite a. and protecting the world's most famous ship wreck the treaty between the u.s. and the u.k. to preserve the titanic's remain. so the u.s. senate republican leader mitch mcconnell has announced the rules that will govern president donald trump's impeachment trial and they're designed to end the proceedings as quickly as possible trump's lawyers have filed papers calling the case against him flimsy at the 2 articles of impeachment accuse the president of abusing his power and obstruction of congress the trial is scheduled to start on tuesday let's go live straightaway to she returns a who's standing by for us in washington d.c. and she had these rules will shape the way things are going to run over the next few days tell us more about the rights of the trial begins on tuesday as you say with a discussion of this of this proposal from from mitch mcconnell and maybe this is just an opening proposal and he's prepared to compromise or something is very very speedy or as has been reported he does actually have the votes for it to pass this as it is but. the contentious spot to begin with is that each side has 24 hours to make their case the house it beats what manages the democrats and the white house lawyers they each have 24 hours to make their arguments but over the course of 2 days beginning wednesday so that mean the democrats make their case wednesday thursday using up 24 hour 24 hours and then the republicans make their case friday saturday if they wanted using 24 hours that's got the democrats rather upset barack using husing mitch mcconnell of trying to try the president in the middle of the night because each day proceedings begin at 1 o'clock in the afternoon if you want to use 24 hours you say if they have 12 hours a day that means and with breaks and all sorts of other things to go on with the trial could go on until the wee hours of the morning so the democrats aren't terribly happy about it so others are saying well you know what maybe this isn't such a bad idea given this is mainly about public opinions and all trump is almost certainly going to be acquitted by the republicans if the democrats fashion that message for prime time between 8 and 8 in 10 to 811 or whatever and they have a sort of small succinct message maybe it's better because it was so in the house they felt a sense u.s. public opinion and light with their arguments maybe of a more focused succinct are going to it may not be so but let's go on with the timetable so then so each side has 24 hours to make that case over 2 days of a crab's wednesday thursday republicans friday saturday if they need it then we have debate cross-examination rather 16 hours of cross-examination by the sentences . to the to the house managers and the white house lawyers this isn't done bubbly though this is done through written questions given to the chief justice john roberts is providing over over the trial and then he asks the questions following that there's a debate of 4 hours on whether witnesses and documents should should be should should be entered into this trial this is a very contentious issues the democrats save more witnesses where this is need to be introduced partly because going to. mation has come to light also because they weren't able to speak to key figures like former national security advisor john bolton during the house the house inquiry a republican say look you have now said already that you have the case for impeachment why do you need any more evidence if you need a witnesses and maybe your case isn't terribly strong or is it the debate of a 44 hours on babs on whether to bring more witnesses documents if it is decided and some republicans have said they're interested in hearing from witnesses perhaps just because they want to show that they are taking this all very seriously that they will be they will be votes on each witness and each witness will be deposed and then they'll be a further vote on whether that witness will then appear at the trial so there's a long process to get witnesses on to the on to the senate floor if however if however that is decided to pounce off votes in order to bring witnesses and further documents this could all be over by the end of next week conceivably with a vote on whether to dismiss or. to dismiss but also it could be that's not final vote on whether to impeach the president this could all be over by the end of next week conceivably if there are no votes if the votes aren't there to bring witnesses and documents and that does fit in with the schedule we've long heard which is which this is the white house which mcconnell for that matter one all of this to be done by february the 4th and the state of the union address in a few tuesdays time she had thanks very much for the member let's bring in bill schneider who's a public policy professor at george mason university joins us now from washington d.c. . bill schneider pretty much as predicted these rules aren't they and the democrats are never going to like them or they. know they're not they want to hear more witnesses they want to see more evidence it's possible that could happen but under these rules the senate has to vote on allowing each new witness and there's a majority of republicans in the senate and they have to vote on whether to allow any new evidence to come in that is very unlikely unlikely and also says that they can vote on a president what the president is proposing. which is just to throw the case out i don't think they would ever do that because that would look very peremptory and unfair but they are allowed to do that under these rules and as far as witnesses is concerned we're looking in from the outside it's a complex process is that the impeachment process looking from the outside you would think that says without reason that you should have witnesses that any kind of trial and. while there are some witnesses who would like to who have said they would testify by john bolton the former national security advisor no one knows exactly what he'll say but he's very much involved in white house operations there is this other fellow mr parness who is working closely with rudy giuliani we're peers to have a lot to say although he faces charges himself and may have all teary or motives so there are some people who have not yet been heard from and their hearts want them to be heard from the republicans want to get this over as quickly as possible but you know what's important here is that the real jury isn't the 100 members of the senate although by the constitution they're the ones who vote to remove the president or not the real jury is the american people and that verdict will not come until november so really this is all a play for public opinion and for voters support yeah so you'd say it's pretty much an absolute foregone conclusion that president trouble be exonerated. well he will not be removed i exaggerated his strong work care a lot of americans would quarrel but let me remind you about something americans get trials they've been watching trials on television their entire lives for years one of the most popular programs on television remembered by older americans was the perry mason show every week i watched the new trial and then more recently there was the o.j. simpson trial which people were glued to day after day month after month americans understand trials and if anything in this procedure impresses americans as unfair or unreasonable the senators are going to hear from their constituents or i believe that the members will be talking again over the coming days bill schneider thanks a lot. a 4th person has died in china from a mystery virus that spreading across the country and it's also appeared in other parts of asia the world health organization has called an emergency meeting in geneva on wednesday of the latest victim died in the chinese city of han where the risk for a tree illness was 1st detected more than $200.00 cases have now been confirmed and officials say they have evidence of human to human transmission so after is sent of for disease control and prevention has also reported its 1st case a chinese woman who flew into inch in city from 100 on sunday has been quarantined . one case being confirmed in japan early in january into in thailand 6 days ago for more on that let's cross live to katrina use study by for us in beijing a train of this is getting more serious. that's right and i think there are concerns of a half ass as a spreading in china as allies you mentioned more than 200 cases about 219 and we've got cases that were confirmed outside of the 1st time yesterday in beijing and in guangdong and now today we've got more potential cases in other provinces so we've got special cases in sichuan in you 9 guangxi and chandon which are in different areas of the country so i think the concern is how fast this is spreading so we've heard from john schon who is china's key expert on this and he admitted that that there has been human to human transmission and that in fact about a dozen medical staff who are treating patients have been infected and it's thought . it's potentially that they were infected by one person and he was mentioning that the priority now is to stop what he called super spread is one person who might be affected by the virus was potentially able to infect a number of people he's also recommended that anybody in watch who has symptoms be restricted from leaving. i think one of the things that is a comfort at the moment if there is any of that in this story is that all the people who have who are suspected have the virus or who have confirmed to have had the virus do have come from so we haven't had any cases so far people who've just been in contact with people in hunter have all come from themselves and we've also had she didn't say yesterday that this is a top priority for the government to ensure the safety of the people here in china so it's very much being taken more and more seriously as we see these numbers quickly rise road these developments especially coming to focus as millions of boarding trains and planes for the leaving new year. that's right so if this perhaps couldn't have come at a worse time this is the peak travel season in china the government has always boasts of the during chinese new year you see between 2 to 3000000000 trips of people made across the country and $100.00 as a city is not a small city it's about 11 as in a population of that $11000000.00 people who are traveling it out of the country not only within china but as we've seen already overseas as well it's a major transport hub and what we went around and we spoke to some people traveling yesterday in beijing a very busy train station a lot of people leaving the city to visit loved ones back home for the holidays some of them weren't really aware of the situation others were concerned or seem to think that the government had things in hand but more and more on social media were reading this morning people are concerned that just generally the public is not taking this seriously enough they're not taking these warnings to to cover your mouth wash your hands seriously enough so it's starting to be more and more of a public concern here in china or could you leave the country to your reporting. more ahead on the news hour including. anti-government protests came a mentor across iraq with fatal consequences. why gun rights rally in the u.s. state of virginia prompted the governor to declare an emergency. and also head in sport which delights the crowds in melbourne peter has yet seen from the straight you know. so it makes going to thora teams have arrested dozens of central american migrants who forced their way across the border from guatemala immigration officials and national guard officers made the arrest after hundreds of migrants waited through a river at the border to get into mexico they had been stopped from crossing a border bridge connecting 2 countries and those who were arrested say mexico should be helping them not detaining them. but. we've all come peacefully we're not coming with bad intentions we're calling on the mexican president to help us with political asylum or permission to cross just like lots of knowledge it just across because they know we're not criminals if they were criminals they wouldn't have allowed us to we have come in legally but we're not criminals. john holdren is in ciudad algo on the guatemala mexico border and he says most people don't want to stay in central america. we spent much of the farm family of them on the mother and 2 young children as they tried to work out how they're going to get into mexico they actually wanted to get here for asylum she said that she can call the kids by going to guatemala city to some of the home during times when the story. would be trying to see all the see basically don't take the drugs i mean the food in the home not everyone is in the bridge to do that bridge between what the mama chapters to you by the down good south and south mexico 3. actually had to do in the petition to the mexican government. you allow them to get the government's about to be possible not everyone thank you reynolds it sounds and underneath it for the rich are the troops only about. what he did and then came up on the right side of the national guard. militarized police force a way to. european union foreign ministers have agreed to look at ways to support a long term ceasefire in libya but only if warring parties stick to the tentative truce they agreed this month it could include a monitoring mission and restart a naval operation to uphold the un arms and bog annex hebron as this report. the future of the shop is that a mark is in tripoli is being discussed thousands of kilometers away in europe the foreign ministers are trying to work out how to secure a shaky truce that's been in place in libya since earlier this month i want to stress once again the fact that we are not the state in a cease fire. we are no troops. which is stable and you know true scum be several times a day on sunday in berlin world leaders committed to stop interfering in libya's civil war and to uphold a weapons that's been in place since 2011 but the talks failed to deliver that serious dialogue between the warring parties warlord khalifa haftar and the un recognized administration in tripoli. and now all have come to realize that there is no military solution to the crisis in libya despite the fact that haftar and his forces do not believe in diplomacy nor a political process we hope that after hours allies and supporters have also come to this conclusion and would recalculate their moves in order to revive this political process. half dozen battling to take over the capital since i froze and fighting have killed close to $300.00 civilians and displaced hundreds of thousands more but this civil war is also a proxy conflict each side has several powerful international backus analysts say europe is trying to prove it's still relevant and united european ambassadors have been given 4 weeks to present concrete proposals on how to implement the un arms embargo which has been repeatedly violated by both sides. in a way libya is a kind of cancer a kind of tumor which is growing throughout the region it's spreading. despite the diplomatic efforts have to as forces continue to blockade oil ports in the aist causing output to almost 00 oil is central to libya's economy its largest export and a financial lifeline for the government in tripoli oil itself is. it vital in terms of supplies the power stations all spittal and other key facilities libyan citizens use daily so i expect also deterioration in humanitarian terms in libya in addition to what we've seen throughout the. war the u.n. is inviting top generals from the 2 sides to geneva next week and yet another effort to end the armrest. al-jazeera. government protests have escalated again in baghdad and several other iraqi cities at least 5 demonstrators and 2 security officers have been killed in southern iraq hundreds brought to main road in main roads in a number of cities and many 500 people have died since protests began and imran khan reports now from baghdad. in one of the main squares in central baghdad police and protesters confront each other it began in the early hours of monday as protesters tried to block the road leading to the square they want a change of government and accuse the current one of corruption a call had gone out to protesters to block main roads in baghdad a major highways in the south access. police used live ammunition and fight a gas in attempt to disperse the crowds in the capital but a standoff a suit lost in several hours angry iraqis are determined to get their message across that. the idea isn't just blocking the roads all the people here often straighted so we make noise here to make sure that we are heard. for months no one has listened to our demands they're killing us it's just bloodshed. throughout the day took took 3 wheelers have been ferrying to guess victims to makeshift hospitals like this one tent. i went to tyrone square in baghdad and the people wanted me to help them i was also attacked by gas i felt down the security forces have been using tear gas and live ammunition. iraq's national security council has authorized the arrests of protesters but so far that's had little impact on the movement there wasn't the same level of violence elsewhere in the country as the wars in baghdad and the roadblocks in the south the protesters considered a success the real question for the protest movement is where do you go from here once you started blocking off roads in the south of the country effectively cutting off the south from the rest of the country where do you escalate your demands being listened to and that's really angering the protest movement now it really remains to be seen whether the blockade of the roads is going to work and whether the government will listen as a result of it imran khan al jazeera baghdad well 3 katyusha rockets have landed inside the iraqi capital is heavily fortified green zone to them fell near the u.s. embassy no casualties have been reported it's not known who fired the u.s. secretary of state might pumpin has promised more support for venezuelan opposition leader on going to the 2 men met in antiterrorism summit in colombia called on world leaders to help remove president nicolas maduro from power describing his rule as a terrorist as several countries including the united states recognize quite as venezuela's leader amazon to ramp yes he has more from the summit in bogota. the issue of venezuela was front and center in this regional conference against terrorism where the u.s. secretary of state mike compel accused venice well of being a failed state and a supporter of terrorism saying that the government of nicholas about bhutto is sheltering and assisting groups as the land the last active rebel group from colombia or dissidents of the former rebel group are far and also accusing my daughter of assisting cells of its ball or the iranian proxies operating he said in latin america tanks to nicolas maduro and that's why he praised the government such as colombia and another a number of governments in the caribbean and latin america that have decided to label a terrorist organization. the really regimes. and . this is an acceptable one of the surprises here was the arrival of a dog the leader of the venezuelan opposition who arrived here in colombia defying a travel ban imposed by the government of nicolas maduro he met with pompei on the sidelines of the conference and talking to journalists here announced that there will be new actions that will be taken by the united states to put more pressure on the government of nicolas maduro but no concrete new sanctions have been announced. we undertook this tour precisely to find the tools to take action against the dictatorship and to continue back in the years long struggle of the venezuelan people. start on wednesday he will travel to brussels to meet with the chief diplomat of the european union joseph burrell and will then travel to dabis in switzerland for the world economic forum where he could meet with the united states president donald trump the question is if this trip will do anything to break the deadlock in venezuela where the military still stands behind the president of my daughter and where my daughter himself seems to stand on firmer ground where he was for example a year ago the last time that wedo tried to ramp up pressure against him thousands of gun rights activists who rallied in the u.s. state of virginia there are posing plans to introduce new gun control laws there including universal background checks the measures were proposed after the killing of 12 people in a mass shooting virginia last year he really was on the was at the rally in the state capital of richmond thousands of gun owners surrounding the state capitol in protest against new gun control laws. it's legal to own and carry weapons in public in virginia and most did it order to show defiance to a package of new gun control laws working their way through the democratic controlled legislature so we came to support these folks and to talk to people and find out what's going on with them the rally was held amid heavy security the governor banned weapons from inside the capitol grounds and called a state of emergency wanting to avoid a replay of this. violence at a 2017 white nationalist rally in charlottesville they killed one person. gun violence has hit close to home in this state recently last year in virginia beach he disgruntled city employee shot and killed 12 people. organizers of monday's rally were eager to get off the impression they were peaceful law abiding gun owners and everybody outside this was you could bet your boots and probably aren't well i haven't heard one shot at you not homewood thank goodness i've heard one shot. gun so it's a problem there were worries of potential violence of outsiders and teeth and anti-government militia groups coming from the outside trying to maybe stoke violence here at this rally but we have seen absolutely none of that so far it's been a completely peaceful event here large numbers of people all of whom say here that they're out here with their guns to show that this is their right and they want to keep that right and protected gun owners like bill gardner who brought his assault rifle to the rally a gun he says he does not use for hunting you hear all these parents and start talking about what do you need to arrive here at this animal has nothing to do with them it's a check on. gun control advocates cancel their plans for a counter-rally on monday to avoid provoking confrontations. this was a day for those who love their guns to show that they are holding on to them tight and don't plan to like go. gabriel is on doe i'll just richmond virginia. the ash edition trial for a senior executive of chinese telecom giant well way has started in kind of a it will determine whether the main ones who is sent to the united states to face fraud charges the american government cuse her violates u.s. sanctions by selling equipment to iran mains lawyers say she should be released because those sanctions owns recognized by canada. still ahead here on al-jazeera. the psychologists who helped develop the cia's torture program face a potential grilli in court. in the dr is a time our high tech is helping disabled people in australia to take more control of their lives. and why the cheese fans are getting shifty head of their 1st super bowl in 50 years peter will have the details. but. we've got some wintry weather just making its way across northern parts of japan clearing out of the way want to true when the flower is right sleet and snow pushing out so. will the postle conscious well as well as you can see. there for tokyo and for soccer we're getting in sioux falls and 5 for a soul a little colder than that but lots of sunshine here into central parts of china where we can see the main weather activity as we go on into well wednesday this area cloud right thickening up becoming quite intense at times as well some heavy rain pushing over toward shanghai but you can see by wednesday japan is largely dry southern parts of china also last dry a lot of dry weather to the southeast asia the philippines certainly except that over the next couple of days we do have a rash of shabbas as well but it's spec's more heat in the days i was really into a good part of borneo maybe southern sections of somalia also sings mother have a right pushing down towards java as well at least for a time but lots of sunshine in between also sunshine to see where india at the moment a little more cloud across those northern pass a least for a time up just a little bit of rain into the northern plains on tuesday we have got some shallots that the sri lanka. they joined one of the wilds most notorious ahmed groups. but found a way out rebuild their lives and now help our vets. a tale of course recruitment child soldiers and have refit exploitation of women the door to is a palace a bad part of the radicalize you'd see in the tunnel designer. clothes while technology. leading the way in the digital revolution. making a difference in the unlikeliest of places. this week tackling sexual health things that africa and the engineering social change in london inspiring young people to talk to soldiers police are using my heart to. the final episode of life sucks while the laughs on al-jazeera. are going to welcome back you're watching al-jazeera her amount of our top stories this hour and u.s. senate republican leader mitch mcconnell has proposed rules for president donald trump's impeachment trial is no guarantee that with the susan evidence new evidence can be called the democrats say they will offer amendments. a 4th person has died in china from a mystery virus that spreading across the country and has also appeared in other parts of asia the world health organization has called an emergency meeting in geneva on wednesday. you assert your statement pompei has promised more support for venezuelan opposition leader for the white are to met at the antiterrorism summit in london. sharp divisions over syria have once again been exposed at the united nations on monday russia presented its case disputing whether the syrian government used chemical weapons in an attack on the city of duma in 2018 and attack the problem to u.s. led strikes against the forces of president bashar al assad my kind of reports now from u.n. headquarters in new york it's more than 2 decades since russia last called a meeting of the sky and the open aria format in which interested parties hold discussions but no resolution is tabled the purpose to maintain that the syrian government was not responsible for the chemical weapons attack in the town of duma back in april 2018 the contention to that the fact finding mission report of the organization for the prevention of chemical weapons was deeply flawed. the argument was made by russia's representative to the o.p.c. w. and included photographs taken by russian military which purport to show that the syrian air force could not have dropped the canisters containing the chemical gas and that they were instead placed there by opposition groups on the ground the meeting was also addressed by a former weapons inspector who also expressed deep reservations about the fact finding mission report should be enough to him but the real problem is that these common sense and logical concerns come up against categorical rejection from a number of western countries led by the usa it's becoming absurd now any comments on the work of the mission are immediately presented by our american and british colleagues as a slap in the face and slander but the russian contention was dismissed by a number of nations in particular the united kingdom and the united states which describe the russian allegations as nothing more than brazen dissin formation we must not be fooled by theatrical or meetings designed to sow confusion about whether chemical weapons are being used in syria and who is the culprit it is the assad regime december mason and distractions like today's meeting hosted by the russian federation only serve to shield the assad regime from being held accountable by the international community and perpetuate n.p.n. a-t. . the debate is likely to simmer long after the end of this meeting but one thing is certain it will not be taken to a formal session of the security council because of the vetoes which have been consistently wielded by all sides in the debate. the 2 psychologists who developed the cia's program to torture terror suspects and to give evidence this week at a military tribunal in guantanamo bay it will be their 1st time testifying in open court about so-called enhanced interrogation also in jordan and this. the 5 men on trial for allegedly planning the september 11th attacks were all tortured by the cia before they were moved to the prison at guantanamo the self described ringleader khalid shaikh muhammad was water boarded 183 times now muhammad and his co-defendants may be sitting in a military courtroom this week when the psychologists who created and then participated in the cia torture program testify about what they did and why trust this is the 1st time that these men will be talking openly publicly in court about the pattern and practice of being the galahad that they were hired by the u.s. government to engage and james mitchell and bruce jessen were contract workers for the cia from 2001 to 2009 they've always defended working in the enhanced interrogation program in cia secret prisons but after several former detainees sued them in 2015 justin and mitchell claimed the cia had forced them to keep waterboarding beating and humiliating suspects so they would talk legal experts say in the case of the 911 defendants this is a critical matter to explore really have a death by shooting you need to know. what was done to this person what this person did and what was done to them in order to make a reasoned moral judgment about their culpability the 911 suspects statements to the cia won't be used as evidence in their trial and after hearing mitchell and justin's testimony the trial judge could decide to block the statements defendants gave to the f.b.i. once they arrived at guantanamo it's not clear whether the public testimony from the architects of the cia torture program will make a difference to americans 19 years after the september 11th attacks. rosalyn jordan al-jazeera washington. now the world's most famous shipwreck the titanic is now under the protection of the u.s. and the u.k. in a new agreement the british government says the wreck will be treated with sensitivity and respect following the signing of what it calls a momentous treaty with the united states it grants both countries the power to authorize entry to these sunken ships and the removal of artifacts the titanic sank in 1912 off the eastern coast of canada and its wreckage became you know s.k. protected site 100 years later as we know who's a professor of history and anthropology at shawnee state university joins us now from athens in ohio in the united states via skype welcome to programs what is this all about ray why is it necessary for this protection to be put in place. thank you . in 2001 you know asco issued the 2001 convention for the protection of under will to. ocular logical and cultural heritage sites and so that was intended to essentially provide some form of protection for. kill all dickel and you know monuments sites cultural heritage sites if you will to provide them with some form of protection but it really was a convention that essentially allowed state parties who are involved in that to make up the rules and decide on how they want to do it essentially is a call a mechanism or a means for these concerned parties and states to do able to call parade and part of that would be to allow us concern states today and declared interest in these sites and i believe that this agreement that was signed is essentially a outcome of that convention in that as a result of the united states and great britain declaring an interest to be consulted they then issued this agreement which essentially gives them the power to grant or deny licenses authorizing entry and remove from the rock was the right it was applied when it reckoned she under threat where people go into it without authority. i mean he's old sites and old rights are under threat some obviously more another depending on how deep they are where they're located where they lay located in international waters or even territorial waters etc the titanic however because of the extreme interest the let's say how famous it is any. coverage from it to obviously have a huge amount of value and add the wreck had been you know if you will visited and i would quite comfortably use the word pillaged if you will. or a grave or all because it is essentially an underwater grave for over 1500 people and this has caused you know that a lot of concern for a lot of people so. you know in order to prevent further authorized axes by private or even you know businesses entities etc from continuing to access the site this no places century for the 1st time some sort of lead straight or regulation that permits only. the united states and great britain at least in this case to provide access or licenses and it reinforces what came out of the 2001 can vent unesco convention for the protection of maritime cultural heritage sites around was great too thanks very much. and cue the 50th world economic reforms underway in doubles so the climate is expected to top the agenda new report says environmental concerns dominate the top 5 long term global risks for business leaders investors and policymakers the international monetary fund is called a virgin direction and international cooperation. the countries need to cooperate in multiple fronts to raise grow old and spread prosperity they need to reverse protectionist trade measures and result the impasse over the world trade organizations appellate court they must adopt strategies to limit the rise in temperatures of the severe consequences of weather related national disasters a new international taxation regime is needed to adapt to the growing digital economy and to curtail tax avoidance and evasion while ensuring that all countries receive their fair share of tax revenues well hundreds of protesters are calling on world leaders to do more to tackle climate change activists from across what's meant to be marching for 3 days from the city of london called towards double 5000 swiss troops are being deployed ahead of their arrival of the ski village where the annual summit is held demonstrators accused delegates are fueling the climate crisis they want companies to stop investing in fossil fuels and want an overhaul of the global economy to better protect the planet it's estimated up to $3600000.00 new citizens live in the united kingdom after the break the transition period ends at the end of this year they would all need to prove they can stay in the country the e.u. settlements came in an online application that grants legal status to remain but a new report shows that many feel it doesn't provide them with a sense of security charlie entre has more. catarina roo pick is anxious for the past 8 years the 32 year old german has called the u.k. her home she studied here rent a home here is employed and pay taxes here but when asked to retrospectively account for her time in the u.k. time she spent abroad unemployed but she does not have a continuous record online application granted her preset old status while her boyfriend who followed exactly the same trajectory but with the u.k. employer was given settled status there to status and one of them is better than the other and obviously i've been here since 2012 that's obviously the one i would want to go for and ultimately i still feel that even the home office can't really tell us what the status is as well as wes so i would like to try and rent again find a new flats let's try and apply for a new job or maybe even want to buy a house and how is that the stakes perceive a new study shows those concerns a shared by many launched by the campaign group 3000000 they say some who had not yet completed the online application were being discriminated against they cited evidence of employers withholding job offers people being denied health care and others prevented from opening bank accounts so in the survey we have a quite a high number of people who are choosing not to apply for different reasons and the one high bracket there is people who don't apply out of principle a lot of them have been at home in the u.k. for a very long time and that clearly is playing a fact a part in their decision not to apply they feel revolted disgusted by the fact that they even should have to apply and therein lies the crux they say if it was a registration system we might well do it but enough to cation system very different it's estimated that tens of thousands of people have still not applied and when the deadline expires in less than 18 months will be left without legal rights risk of a victualling detention and deportation. the home office say 2500000 people now have secured digital status and for the majority of the application process is working well but according to this report 90 percent of people say they want a physical document to prove their right to stay in the u.k. rather than just rely on digital evidence without it they say they will feel unsettled and on monday the house of lords supported that request contradicting the government own advice in a move that would be welcomed by all citizens who call the geek a. child al-jazeera london workers have held protests outside indonesia's parliament against a number of planned laws which unions say will weaken people's rights a president joko widodo wants to overhaul labor laws to boost investment and create jobs being southeast asia's largest economy in the knees is the economic growth has been like for several years. and government rescue crews in nepal have intensified this for 7 people who went missing when they an avalanche and struck a popular trekking route for the south korean tourists and their 3 nepali guides have been seen since it hit the mountain opponent travel friday or other trekkers in the region have been safely rescued on sunday the search had to be called off due to pole weather conditions. most of the world's piracy attacks are now taking place in one area that's the gulf of guinea and the number of ships being hijacked has doubled there in the past year west african navy chiefs are meeting in senegal to try to find a solution to this growing problem as nicholas hart reports now from dhaka. senegal special forces on patrol on newly purchased boats it's a training exercise but the threats are real more hijacking attacks take place in the gulf of guinea than in any other waters in the world. the brits operating here are looking for sailors to kidnap or merchant ships to hijack the only way to stop this is to patrol our territorial waters to secure our borders and 2014 huge reserves of oil and gas were discovered in waters senegal shares with mauritania a potential of billions of barrels of oil in a trillion cubic feet of gas the navy fears that once it starts to flow this new found wealth could come under attack from piracy gangs as it happens regularly in the niger delta and so it's been a buying spree for dozens of new high speed boats. it's both like this that are used by the kenyan levy on the gulf of aden to try to fend off pirates also by the colombian police trying to stop narco traffickers and while this is it and this tool to stop piracy that alone will not stop armed robberies here in the gulf of guinea. the heads of the various west african navies are meeting indycar to find ways to cooperate more closely on security 90 percent of global trade takes place in these waters. maritime insecurity is a threat to the stability of the coastal countries and despite the growing menace and the political will to tackle it effectively little has changed. the number of attacks has doubled in the gulf of guinea and although the united states is pulling out many of its troops from west africa the us government is funding the region's navy fleet this issue goes beyond the borders of africa it's a world while issue that we've seen in asia in the middle east this well however specifically for africa we have seen that with the pullback of the international troops many of the nations are being required to step up and protect their own territorial waters. the piracy gangs are often made up of fishermen who are struggling to earn a living and who have no access to this newfound wealth has not yet suffered from such attacks but once the oil and gas starts to come on stream possibly in 2023 the navy wants to be ready nicholas hawk al jazeera to car to australia in a social insurance scheme for people with disabilities as pari a wave of innovation it puts billions of dollars into the hands of the disabled to spend on services as they see fit and that's proved a boost for startups especially those with technology cool under thomas has more now from sydney. a decade ago this wheelchair was the height of technology in the disability sector for macs bert's it was a life changing innovation but now he's developing his own applying even more modern technology to services but innovation is a website that guides people with disabilities to places they can access this cafe has stairs leading down from its front door useless to people in wheelchairs the app shows an unsigned alternative entrance through an office block being there through provides a style where it's i you're going there for major roles. so for example you move you could. you care. to name a good story. in time bert types mapping apps will integrate information to show wheelchair friendly routes innovation is taking off in australia because of a new tax payer funded $22000000000.00 australian dollars or $15000000000.00 us dollars a year national disability insurance scheme supported by both the country's main political parties grants a given directly to people with disability to spend on the services they need we're seeing investors are really taking this spice seriously with the advent of the national disability insurance scheme saying that government is is increasing their spending from around about $6000000000.00 a year to $22000000000.00 a year it's a it's a market that is really unparalleled in lots of whys many startups like those represented at this networking event have flourished technology is at the heart of most pat and glen methods with the help of one of them higher up is an online platform that helps people find hire and manage their own support work it's traditionally agencies would find work is people with disabilities. i have little choice over who they got and that person would change frequently in the us i had no choice in who supported me it was very disempowering now i have full choice and control with have supporting me but when they come in with. the platform means people with disability can choose their own support workers based on availability and mutual interests but at least a consistency and often to friendship without technology you wouldn't be out to have this immediate connection with paypal so if we grant within 30 minutes god sent a message send a message back and arrange to meet up the next day i started working with technology in the disability sector is often thought of only in the physical realm increasingly it's online for the powering the innovation andrew thomas al-jazeera sitting. so they had their dogs or. the gold double as america turns almost all of the winter using the baits people have all the details. or. for. our let's get on this board has pizza. thank you very much australian open organizers are hoping for better conditions on the 2nd day of the year's 1st tennis grand slam rain rather than bushfire smoke disrupted the should rule in melbourne but thanks to the roofed stadiums there was still a fair bit of action on monday as david stokes reports. so we know williams might have needed extra time to tie his shoe laces but she took next to no time to win the 1st set of her match against anastasio potter pobre 6 love in just 19 minutes. gave her. she didn't hang about in the 2nd set either dropping just 3 games on the way to a comfortable when the 7 time australian open champion just happy to be out on court nearby bushfires had barred the build up to the tournament but rainy weather although disruptive has at least improved air quality. that is still a concern for think pretty much everyone in you know every single day we get so that's been really good to see that the australian open take their stance on that defending champion amy osaka was also in action and like serena showed off her power game sometimes a bit too much power. this serve in the 2nd set actually ended up breaking the net but after a quick patch up job by the officials or soccer went on to wrap up her 1st round match against members kober in straight sets. after which the japanese star responded to a woman on twitter who unprovoked had heckled or calling her boring and annoying. were her children thing he's going to come on the internet for no reason in doing t.v. i always wonder like people like this if they see you in person i wonder what they would do another rising star of the game is 15 year old american coco golf for the 2nd time in a grand slam the youngest player in the tournament beat the oldest 39 year old venus williams gulf war in straight sets and heads through to the 2nd round but have. 1st australian open top seed and home favorite ashley barty made a shaky start to her campaign losing the 1st set against lacy a serene coach but she's top of the world rankings for a reason and recovered brilliantly to win the next 2 sets 6161 to storm into round 2 i in the men's draw defending champion novak djokovic also dropped a set in his match against young leonard stroke but he came through in 4 to stay on track for a record extending 8 australian open title roger federer is chasing title number 7 in melbourne and grand slam number 21 he too may safely into the next round the swiss breezing through his opening match against american steve johnson david stokes al-jazeera. fans of the kansas city chiefs are getting their travel plans in place after their team reached the super bowl for the 1st time in 50 years the a.f.c. champions t. shirts were already in the shops just hours after their victory of the tennessee titans and they've been flying off the shelves on monday the excitement of the showdown with the san francisco $49.00 ers has also spread to the chiefs a liberty supporters actors paul rudd and eric stonestreet had this message. it started started last week it started in september now what i say it started in august it started. yeah this time with an old fart's penalty. and you respond in. oh. oh. speaking of miami monday saw a landmark moment for the city's newest sports team the players over into miami took to the field for the 1st time at the pre-season training camp they 1st m.l.s. fixture is on the 1st of march at l.a. f.c. into stadium still to be completed and the final squad lineup is not yet confirmed . brazilian teenager rainier joy in spanish giants rail madrid on monday for a reported fee of $33000000.00 the 18 year old playmaker helped flamingo win the cup about orders last season rainier will join rail at the end of february after playing in the qualifying competition for the 2020 alone pick games the really geisha of rugby champion saracens for breaking salary cap rules in england won't temple the national team that's according to england head coach eddie jones 7 of the squad for the 6 nations play for the club including captain owen farrell that's not a concern for me my concern is picking the best price and then the best price come we can pay playing with pride and passion. it's obviously disturbing for the club competition but i'm sure like everything else it work then. it's taken the united states team 11 days of competition to strike gold at the winter youth olympics but was well worth the wait and it was a golden doubled through at the nascent park slope style course singles on 1st up cannon fagan won the mains free ski title the success coming just 2 days after his 18th birthday and that was followed by another unit's victory in the snowboard slopestyle 16 year old dusty henriksen wowing the crowds on his way to told he's from california and i me tell you there's not much snow in that state. and there was a double gold for 3 years marco verger in the ski jumping competition on monday he added the mixed team title to his individual gold as austria underlined that they stated his favorites for this medal with a comfortable victory. ok we'll leave it there for now we'll see you again later for more sport thanks peter and that's it for the news say rahman will be here in the hall from me the clock is by. al-jazeera explores prominent figures of the 20th century and why bill rees influence the course of history felt that he did not get enough credit for ending up but he wanted to be the big historical figure but he was mandela the biggest icon in the world the prisoner and the president who came together to end apartheid in south africa nelson mandela and f.w. de klerk face to face on. when the news breaks if you went today the current government has lost trust the people by god to anything because the projects are against it when people to be cut 1st what work will represent the law for sure for opponents of rex's drawing for the conservatives al-jazeera has teams on the ground at the hopes the meeting in paris will push politicians to create a competent and credible government to bring a new man or woman documentaries and life moves on air and online. a healthy environment depends on the healthy insect populations but across the world. numbers are dwindling. countless creatures are declining as a result of human activity. people in power investigates the extent of the crisis and asks what can be done to abate it. insect to get in on al-jazeera. was. the u.s. senate republican leader proposes a quick impeachment trial for president trump democrats immediately call it a coverup. logs the whole rama you're watching al jazeera live more headquarters here in doha also coming up china says a 4th person has died following a new viral outbreak as it confirms human to human transmission also foreign powers climbed to shore up a shaky truce in libya and turned it into a cease fire. attempting to build momentum for the venezuelan opposition like compared meets one.

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