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Transmission of a new viral strain which has killed 3 people so far with infections rising. This is a politically motivated time and it is an orchestrated attack and africas Richest Woman speaks exclusively to aljazeera responding to allegations she ripped off on goal or to enrich yourself. Thank you for joining us 2 iraqi protesters have been killed in baghdad where Security Forces used gas and live ammunition as they moved in to break down barricades on the citys outskirts many more people are injured elsewhere in iraq in nasiriyah and najaf protesters have attempted to cut off the highway linking the southern oil rich province of basra the demonstrations reignited last week after a brief lets get the latest from osama bin javid in baghdad for us so its nighttime now bring us up to speed for us with the situation in baghdad where you are. Willfully you know we have confirmation that at least 3 people have been killed 2 in baghdad and at least one in. These 2 who were killed one had received to the head and the other one is reportedly to have been shot in the neck go weve been seeing. Gruesome pictures that activists have been showing us about the heavy handedness they say of the Security Forces as they try to push them back these protesters for the last 24 hours have been trying to set up barricades they have been blocking roads main arteries as well as highways to try and tell the government that they mean business it was the deadline that they had set up for the government and they say none of their demands were met weve been speaking to them through the day asking them about what will it take for them to end this protest and one of them said to us that unless the government. Kind of admits to what their demands are and actually takes actions to words meeting those demands theyre going to continue to protest until they die and it is not just baghdad as you mentioned it is widespread protests across the country in the south is very have seen the bigger numbers in baghdad where people have been coming out a many of these bases provincial governments gave them a day of holiday but that did not stop people from coming out and blocking traffic ive also been heading from ordinary iraqis whove been caught up on all of the people who have been trying to go about their daily lives and all of that seems to be coming to a standstill here in baghdad and in other places across the country and so whats been the governments response to the protesters demands. Officially the government so far has not said anything weve heard in the lead up to these protests from the mad the government and his ministers saying that they. Respect the protesters right to come out and express their opinions but they want warn them to remain peaceful and do not damage any Government Properties but people here do not want to hear anything from the government besides them relinquishing the charge to somebody who they trust so far all of the names of previously few weeks ago which were mentioned to have been rejected by the protesters they want to completely sleep they want people technocrats and others who might be coming what might be iraq is coming from abroad to take charge and they do not want anyone who has anything to do with the political elite to be part of these protests also worth noting is that these protests are happening just days before the had called for protests 24 hours ago we heard from his beloved confirming that this was a decision which was taken in the city of amongst all of the factions backed by iran and these are some things that infuriates protesters even further because they are calling for a complete revamp of what iraqi political scene is they want an end to corruption and they want an end to foreign influence be it from the United States or from iran. Thank you very much for that update osama bin javits live for us there in baghdad. In other world news u. S. President Donald Trumps defense team says the impeachment case against him is quote flimsy adding that the whole process has been raids theyre laying out their arguments on the eve of his trial which begins in the u. S. Senate on tuesday the Democratic Party controlled house of representatives approved 2 articles of impeachment against last month hes accused of abusing his power of office by trying to force ukraines leader to investigate a political rival and also of obstructing congresss investigation lets get the latest from Kimberly Hockett our White House Correspondent kimberly tell us 1st about the arguments made by president defense team. Yeah well we can tell you now that the executive summary of that brief that we were expecting is out and we also know from sources that are working with the president s legal team that theyre really looking at this as a whole as the 1st opportunity for President Trump to get his case out they make the argument and im not necessarily sure that this is true but they make the argument that the president hasnt had the opportunity to present its case thus far they say he was locked out of the process during the house inquiry didnt have an opportunity to crossexamine that no lawyers were present again some of that is true not all of that is true having said that what we can tell you is that we have a pretty good sense of how this case is going to be argued by the White House Legal Team its going to be an attack centrally theyre saying the charges are invalid that this is an attempt to undo the 2016 u. S. Election that the president has committed no crime and that theres no need for witnesses add if a witness is called for example the former National Security adviser john bolton well then the president would invoke executive privilege and that would mean that it would then be tied up in the courts take a while to resolve the democrats for their part have been arguing look at the president when he had that phone call with lott amirs alinsky the leader of ukraine he abused his president ial powers and that is the heart of this case what theyre saying is well this may not amount to the expressly stated in the u. S. Constitution high crimes and misdemeanors it certainly embodies the spirit that it was deliberately left vague an open ended so that it could encompass an abuse of president ial power but once again the white house as of this hour maintaining that the president committed no wrongdoing so the child then begins in the senate tomorrow tuesday how is it going to look like what are we expecting. Yeah weve got a pretty good sense now of how it might look the rules we dont have ironed out just yet that will be voted on tuesday but its looking like its going to be argued every day except sunday itll be about 6 hours we know those 7 house managers those are the democrats in the house of representatives that lack like the prosecutors in the senate trial that they are arguing now rate amongst themselves who argues what theyre also going through the senate doing a bit of a walk through mapping out where they will stand that sorts of things but in the midst of all of this what theyre also pushing for is for new evidence for there to be new witnesses because they argue that new revelations have been made since the house inquiry took place for example the ruling by the Government Accountability office that the trumpet ministration acted illegally when it withheld military aid to ukraine these are the new arguments that they are saying that they need to put forward on the floor we know that republicans are pushing back on that the latest republican view that the White House Legal Team who says that this simply is something that should be dismissed thats unlikely but theyre certainly pushing for it ok kimberly thank you for that committee how good life for us in washington d. C. The spread of a new virus appears to be accelerating in asia Chinas Health authorities have not confirmed that theres been human to human transmission the corona virus has killed 3 people since it was 1st detected in the chinese city is chinese city of who on it has since spread to 3 other chinese cities including beijing shanghai and hong kong 270. 00 new cases have been confirmed its also spreading internationally south koreas centers for Disease Control and prevention has now reported its 1st case a chinese woman who flew into incheon city of from han on sunday has been quarantined that follows one case being confirmed in japan early in january and 2 in thailand 6 days ago chinese president xi jinping says the virus must be resolutely contained katrina you has a report from beijing. Stop at hospital are working around the clock to identify a mystery virus which has been linked to stars Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome at least 3 people have died and the number of those confirmed to have the virus is growing the chinese Officials Say the outbreak is under control. New cases have been a been took to a visit to the hospital and we have concentrated resources experts to treat patients in one place she brought the virus which causes pneumonia like symptoms originated in a seafood and meat market cases have been confirmed in beijing and shanghai jen and found in chinese visitors japan thailand and south korea this week marks the official beginning of chinas busiest travel season hundreds of millions are using Public Transit ahead of chinese new use of abrasions checks are being conducted in railway stations and airports but that doesnt mean is the growing concern about the spread of the virus people here are looking to the government to do more to keep them safe. I dont think the government is doing enough because im just not hear enough details about it i dont think. Give us the true number of those infected im worried and thats why i wear a mask when im out others say they trust the governments handling of the virus i believe the government would give us past and Accurate Information i think theyre more worried than the public they were have to figure out how to deal with it so im not worried but the outbreak is bringing back an easy memories of the 2003 saw outbreak which killed almost 800 people worldwide and left more than 8000 sick authorities initially withheld information about the epidemic leading some to question the chinese governments transparency around the virus british researchers say they could be as many as 7100 cases the World Health Organization has sent a Research Team to root for us to fully otherwise the extent of human to human transmission we need to collect more and more information so this is obviously the new diseases and so many think we still dont know videos are circulating on chinese social media of passages being tested on flights from move on but the government has appealed to the public to remain calm 8 people were arrested earlier this month for spreading rumors about the outbreak online but preventing the spread of the virus may not be as straightforward as controlling the spread of information aljazeera beijing ukraine is reporting an outbreak of a bird flu virus the 1st in nearly 3 years the h 5 bird flu was detected on a farm in the nist in the countrys central west the outbreak killed nearly 5000 birds among the rank of 90 fowls and the rest of the frank was slaughtered slovakia poland hungary and the Czech Republic are among other European Countries that have reported outbreaks as well. I still ahead on aljazeera nations from across the americas seek new ways to fight on those accusing cuba and venezuela of harboring fight us. Hello again welcome back to International Weather forecast were here across much of the middle east we are watching one weather system its anchored over chirpy and with it were going to be seeing some widespread rain even some snow in some of those Higher Elevations not just for turkey but down here across parts of iraq as well as into iran notice a trend here as we go towards tuesday a lot of expanding rain across much of the region kuwait not looking too bad here on tuesday but look what happens as we go towards wednesday really expanding rain showers across much of iraq into iran as well as some snow in that Higher Elevations so well be watching this care very carefully possibly localized flooding could be a problem for baghdad though those temperatures coming down with the rain we do expect to see starting at 20 here on tuesday rain continuing as we go towards thursday a much better day but a cool day as well here across the northwestern part of africa it is going to be the clouds its going to be the rain and in the alice mountains its going to be some snow as well heres the air of low pressure we are talking about very stagnant system it has brought a lot of rain to parts of the i. B. M. Peninsula but we are going to be seeing some isolated showers here for algiers over towards tunis as well as we go towards wednesday were going to be seeing a lot of that begin to dissipate but over towards morocco we could be seeing some coastal showers as well but it is going to be a rainy day at 15 degrees. Frank assessments the one good thing about these bushfires usage really wipe them out the politics of Climate Change informed opinion the economy i think is actually whats keeping domino trouble float right now critical debate sequel of those 2 is going to bring forward the lawyers on a bogus argument is astonishingly patronize a indepth analysis of the days headlines this is the beginning of a new iraq of a new conscious and aware youth about struggle against an ethnic sectarian kota inside story on aljazeera. Order. Welcome back a recap of our top stories on aljazeera 3 iraqi protesters have been killed as Security Forces used tear gas and live i mean nation against protesters who were killed in baghdad and a 3rd in karbala many more people are injured the demonstrations reignited last week after a brief loud. U. S. President Donald Trumps legal team has filed their legal arguments ahead of his impeachment trial in the senate on tuesday the white house calls the charges flimsy and accuses democrats of diluting his standards of impeachment and china has confirmed human to human transmission of a new coronavirus south korea has become the 1st asian country to confirm its 1st case of the virus which originated in china patient numbers have tripled in 3 people have died since it was 1st detected in the chinese city of the on. The European Union says says considering ways to support a ceasefire in libya including a possible military Intervention Mission Foreign Ministers have been meeting in brussels a day after a berlin peace conference brought together libyas warring sides and several world powers but more fighting broke out south of tripoli just hours after that summit came to an end the e. U. s top diplomat joseph turow says any peace settlement will need the bronx supports. The charges. It would have been by this whole to come to. The gods. Where the best of the sitting to present to consume concrete proposals include told to implement this cease fire. The new force in the un symbolical. I hope that dish will be ready for the next for being our 1st consul but in the meantime we have to pass from a truce. To a real cease fire. Is in berlin for us he says theyll be skepticism of burrells claim that the e. U. Is impacting the situation in libya. He was basically saying the situation on the ground is must better now hinting that this could be because of the european interference thats not true its because of the agreement between the russians and the turks the 2 of them have absolutely massive leverage over one lot of money for how to and also the government of phases of us the european role in libya has become pedophile absolutely irrelevant and they are trying to say that we are united and we are willing to set aside our differences and our divisions in the past about the it remains to be seen how can the european on their own put together a new mechanism to ensure the cease fire holds and the flow of arms into libya comes to an end without having the 2 key players now russia and turkey on board so until yesterday when they were here in berlin there were they have managed along with the United Nations special envoy to libya to convince to name 5 military commanders from his side and the Prime Minister named 5 minister commanders from his side these are the ones who will talk about all the details of the cease fire agreement when it comes this is why brad was talking about this is just a truce not a cease fire the cease fire agreement once we have full commitment from all the parties the libyans and the International Community to start a genuine suspicion of hostilities on the ground those commanders will be the ones to discuss the logistics and the modalities of that agreement along with representatives from turkey from russia and european algiers mom would have done what had has more now on the situation in libya. Its relatively quiet today compared to the past couple of days but nevertheless the situation on the ground is not as promising as it was hoped for through a bill in conference and now military commanders on the ground spoke to us and it seems that they are determined to continue fighting and concerning the options that europe is looking into in order to enforce this cease fire many military individuals on the ground say that they will continue fighting and the government and military sources say that they are not in need of any foreign or european. Military intervention to impose order and force the seas fire but they say that they can do that by continuing fighting and tell they push after us forces out of the capital tripoli meanwhile the situation on the india oil industry the Oil Terminals in the east of the country is still very key your take as. Prime minister sort of seems to be determined not to sit with the warlords really for have to. Have to is now linking. The distribution of the oil revenues to making peace lifting lifting the blockade from the Oil Terminals in this the country is link it by have to do the distribution of the oil revenues and some commenting that this is rejecting that and it seems that some of us is determined not to sit with a lot of have to. A female suicide bombers killed 9 civilians in chad according to the chaldean military the attack happened overnight sunday in a village of about 7000 people in the west of chad no one has claimed responsibility but the Chinese Military is blaming book coram the area has seen frequent attacks by the armed group in. Africas Richest Woman has denied allegations that she stole hundreds of millions of dollars from angolas government to benefit her own business dealings speaking to al jazeera Isabella Santos has responded to leaked documents which i International Consortium of journalists says implicates her nicola gage has a story. Shes facing allegations of fraud and corruption the daughter of angolas former president isabelle to santos is at the center of an investigation now claiming she siphoned hundreds of millions of dollars of government money to offshore accounts speaking exclusively to our jazeera she called the corruption probe and all chris try to attack against her saying whoa is selfmade and she hasnt done anything wrong this is a very concentrated attack it is an attack that has been very very well coordinated its an attack that is very much where did it between a foreign media that is acting together with the angle of stories to try and create a false perception of my business. Her father show sade what i just santos ruled on kolo for almost 40 years until 27 tane the International Consortium of investigative journalists detained papers which it says shows he gave his daughter big chunks of some of the countrys most valuable resources as she built a Business Empire that stretched from telecommunications to banking and construction prosecutors froze her Bank Accounts and assets last month our investigation which took 8 months and more than 100 journalists to complete found dos santos aided by her sort of qadri of western advisors funneled hundreds of millions of dollars and offshore Shell Companies and from there into all kinds of assets including luxury homes and big businesses before. Being forced out by her fathers successor to run sort is a builder centaurs headed angolas National Oil Company sonnen goal but the new government suspended some of her projects and seized an estimated 1000000000. 00 worth of assets in a corruption drive last month her half brother shows a fuller manor went on trial for corruption hes pleaded not guilty and goal is rich in oil and diamonds but it remains one of the worlds poorest countries with a staggering wealth gap the i. C. I. Jay also accuses angolan government officials as well as western Financial Firms lawyers and accountants of helping isabel to sentosa stash away public funds the portuguese authorities are possibly investigating and other governments around the globe are likely to take a closer look at some of the money thats for their Financial Systems despite her legal troubles to sentosa remains defiant shes even considering running for president to 9. 00 goalless next election in 2022 gauge aljazeera i in that interview is about dos santos told my colleague to irene obligated that she believes the allegations are a coordinated attack against their. It is documents were given by a very small parents outfit so theres a very small parents are going to see action led by 4 people who went away to italy where those documents and when you actually read the documents themselves theres not a single one of them are going to these false allegations let me give you an example the actual report is sloppy it says things like i mean my company said gun land addictions weve never done any land evictions to anyone and us so this is blatantly false and what concerns me is never about land rights that landed us showing you that loud effects in your photo as in the documents its in relation to the Foot Development what says that you did force the election of local angolans from from that it was a moment that you were building on what i well know so and i wonder well it follows thats what im saying there was no line of action and its fast and yes a. G. Received are in tribulation where it clearly stated that the road that theyre talking about was going to be built in the water so the war its like its a reclaimed project you have to clean land from the sea ok so lets look at another i guess i dont what it was so this is the problem the end here and you have refused all right this is what worries me refused to put to good in their report our response now venezuela is expected to be high on the agenda as leaders in Foreign Ministers from across the americas meet in colombia for an antiterrorism conference u. S. Secretary of state my palm pale and colombias president a vandal k. Addressed the media ahead of the meeting their keys venezuela and cuba of harboring members of various armed groups in the region on bail is also expected to hold meetings where then is when his Opposition Leader one by dell and the amputee has more on what the u. S. Secretary of state is pushing for at the conference. From pearl made reference to the lender last standing active rebel group or colombia whose leadership is in hiding and menace well according to the us and colombia also the fact that former rebels of the fact they signed a peace deal with the column in 2016 some of the leadership for the dissidents of the fire also in venezuela and finally from failing on the fact that there are still a ball of the islamic Lebanese Party that the u. S. Also consider a terrorist Organization Also rating in venezuela and propel is asking for a latin american and caribbean countries to do more to stop the cells operating in this country than being able to travel through the atmosphere is a surprise here while the arrival of one white dog the president of venezuela Opposition Controlled National Assembly which the United States and more than 50 countries across the world consider a real president of venezuela he defied the travel ban to come here to colombia and meet with compel something that will happen in the coming hours when bogota and then i do is expected to travel to europe as part of an International Tour to try and put more pressure thats where regime change in venezuela. Now thousands of people have gathered in the usa to virginia to protest against proposals for tougher gun laws ahead of the ronnie virginias governor issued a state of emergency citing threats of violence by hate scopes the state legislature is considering a range of new gun controls after 12 people were killed in a mass shooting in virginia last year campbell elizondo is at the rally in richmond. Thousands of people outside the state capital here in Richmond Virginia which is shaping up here to be one of the biggest gun rights rallies weve seen in america in recent years thousands of people here this is a traditional day called lobby day here in the state of virginia where people can come talk to their lawmakers and politicians about things they want to see done but this is a day where theyre focusing on the one issue and thats gun rights and pro gun owners that have flooded this state capital here. To basically voice their discontent to what they say are restrictive gun laws being put into place by the democratic governor here in this state this is really galvanized the progun or gun rights people from not only here in the state of virginia but all over the u. S. And particularly this region weve seen people drive in from neighboring states as well many of the people here exercising their 2nd amendment right carrying guns over the shoulders in their holsters on their on their belts. Carrying and only and guns is completely legal here in the state of virginia ceasing many people here do that now there was expected to be a gun control rally held here later this afternoon by people that are antigun but they have canceled that is also a lot of police here as well there were worries of potential violence of outsiders and teeth and antigovernment militia groups coming from the outside trying to maybe stoke a violin. Here at this rally but we have seen absolutely none of that so far its been a completely peaceful event here large numbers of people all of whom say here that theyre out here with their guns to show that this is their right and they want to keep that right and protected. Here again im fully back to bill with the headlines on aljazeera 3 iraqi protesters have been killed as Security Forces used tear gas and live ammunition against antigovernment protests they were killed in baghdad and a 3rd protester died in karbala many more people are injured elsewhere in iraq in nasiriyah and najaf protesters attempted to cut off the highway linking the southern oil rich bobbins of basra the demonstrations reaganite of last week after a brief flour. U. S. President Donald Trumps legal team has filed their legal arguments ahead of his impeachment charge in the senate on tuesday the white house calls the charges flimsy and accuses democrats of diluting the standards of a peach mens china has confirmed human to human transmission of a new coronavirus spatial numbers have tripled and 3 people have died since the virus for service detected its also now spread to other countries in the region here opinion says its considering ways to support a ceasefire in libya including a possible military led mission Foreign Ministers have been meeting in brussels a day after a brilliant peace conference brought together libyas warring sides and several world powers but more fighting broke out south of tripoli just hours after that summit came to an end. We charge. It would have been by this whole day come to. The gulps. Where the. Best of the sitting to present to consume concrete proposals will go to implement this. Fiat a new force in the un symbolic. I hope that these will be ready for the next friday your 1st gun sale but in the mean time you really have to pass from troops. To korea cease fire. Speaking to aljazeera the daughter of angolas former president has dismissed the trolls of leaked documents which suggest she siphoned hundreds of millions of dollars from the government into offshore accounts the International Consortium of investigative journalists obtained papers which it says implicates Isabel Dos Santos those are the headlines ill be back with the aljazeera news hour in under 30 minutes time coming up next its inside story with Martine Dennis still stay with us on options here. World leaders meeting in berlin agree to stop sending weapons to libya and for new talks and the civil war but on the ground the fighting goes on so will the many Foreign Countries feeding the conflict back home and who has the power to stop libyas slide further into crisis this is inside story. Hello and welcome to the program im dennis now libyas civil war is now in its 6th year a host of countries is involved with Turkey Russia and france just to name a 3 providing support to the 2 sides vying for power the un backed down

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