U. S. Start screening passengers from china as fears grow about the spread of a new virus. Libyas stage oil from says its been forced to Halt Operations at 5 major oil ports in the east of the country interested as he is have been under attack by forces loyal to ward who have to say the ports revenues are being used by the rival chipley based government to pay turkish fight says the National Oil Corporation says 800000 barrels a day of output will be lost that amounts to 55000000. 00 per day while the uns envoy for libya says oil revenues should be used to feed the people. Leni i dont need to clear our position at the u. N. Is very clear you must not play with oil because it is the livelihood of libyans without oil libyans are starving we have to tell it like it is so we must not clear with oil we must not turn it into a weapon of war we must not allow it to become a matter of division or outbidding. Pause in operations comes ahead of a major peace conference on libya diplomats. On sunday in the latest push to bring an end to that conflict turkeys president has urged europe to support his countrys efforts theyre taking a backseat internationally recognized government of Prime Minister. Its been under attack by those forces loyal to world Khalifa Haftar whos now been trying to seize the capital tripoli since april well take a look at what one wrote in a column in the website politico to leave libya at the messy of a warlord would be a mistake of historic proportions keeping in mind that europe is less interested in providing military support to libya the obvious choice is to work with turkey which is already promised military assistance and if the tripoli government were to fall on warns that groups including iceland alqaeda would quote find a Fertile Ground to get back on their feet while in a moment well speak to her small bar whos in berlin where those talks will begin on sunday but 1st lets go to whatever while hes on the ground for us in tripoli. There is oil ports have been closed in the east since friday any indications yet as to when or whether or not theyll actually reopen. Its not clear. At least until now whether these oil industry nations Oil Terminals in the east of libya when and how they will reopen but the n o c as you know the National Court the National Oil Corporation here the state oil has raised concern over their blockade of the Oil Terminals in the east it says that the oil out of the backbone of libyas National Income and literally without this National Income the libyan people would literally start of so their National Oil Corporation says that its losing about 800000. 00 barrels a day by this book which is estimated at about 55000000. 00 a day plus oil experts here tell us that not only the 2 but the continuing blockade would definitely impact the oil industry and in order to deter and. To. Oil installations in order to return exporting needs. Maintenance effort and time now all these Oil Terminals and. Under the control of forces loyal to the world lordly for have to their National Oil Corporation is really to rating that the Oil Sector Must not be part of this ongoing conflict but as you know that the oil fields and Oil Terminals have been all those at the heart of this conflict since 2011 and a couple of days ago have told us forces shelled or heads and oil industry in southern tripoli destroying get civil. And oil. Trucks so the National Oil Corporation is taking this step as a kind of protection legally to. Obligations and rights as you know because the National Oil Corporation is running these oil fields along with western European Partners so in order for the National Oil Corporation to protect itself legally from any terms or conditions or obligations so it has just declared. Merger in order to protect itself from any legal obligations from the partners. When i go i hear theyre keeping an eye on things for us in tripoli thank you much more and well now lets go to berlin where have some other bar is going to be watching that conference taking place on sunday session is there any kind of unified position amongst the various World Leaders who are expected to be there and and what do they realistically expect to come out of this meeting. I said most of the countries attending. This conference in berlin have different say about the future of libya some of the back parties on opposing sides of the conflict which raises questions about whether they would be able to set aside those differences and bring about a solution to the conflict in libya but the german chancellor Angela Merkel is determined to push for a permanent ceasefire agreement of the conference on sunday and also implementing an arms embargo to prevent all the key players from selling weapons to the rival groups in the east and the western part of the country are they going to be able to achieve their goal this is the same goal that has eluded all the key players that stepped in in libya since 2011 but i have to say this is the 1st time since the agreement that was reached in morocco in 2015 that the International Community is determined to step in and in the conflict because they are concerned this is creating an unprecedented wave of violence more mesler is stepping in libya threatening security in europe and they say its about time to put an end to that and as you were saying that you seems now more concerned than ever about that ongoing and escalating conflict why is that. Because the e. U. Was divided from day one france for example backs general after the war more determined to take over libya the italians for some time war backing the internationally recognized government of the based in tripoli but over the last few months weve seen. Expanding his influence to the point where most of the Oil Installations and oil fields are now and he. As control the italians are now in a very delicate situation are they going to go 100 percent worse without angering the government of National Accord to live in tripoli but what if they decide to back they could further upset. And their investments in the Oil Installations and gas is the latest could suffer a major deal against the backdrop of this political confusion 2 key players stepped in turkey which signed a mo time deal with the day and russia which invited all the parties to sign a truce in moscow a few weeks ago. Europeans made it quite clear that they reject the presence of the turkish government and the russian government in libya and this explains why this time they would like to make sure that the what the ones who take the lead position in putting together a political way out of the crisis in libya are some of our there will be watching that conference for us in berlin thank you hashem well in that same politico article we were just quoting from president russia type area and also want to that instability in libya well lead to more towards europe now more and more Asylum Seekers heading towards europe now many of those hoping to get to the e. U. Go through cyprus which has asked the block to help deal with the huge influx of migrants and refugees critics are accusing cyprus of deliberately making things difficult for Asylum Seekers in order to keep more from coming chalons reports omar has experienced much misery shes not giving her real name to protect family back in syria Bashar Assads massacres forced her to leave via lebanon to cyprus but life here is not happy so do you think the government do you think cyprus as a country wants you. Now you know its a racist country the day after their ship arrived 4 months ago omars husband was arrested hes not being prosecuted but police wont say why theyre not releasing him only that they think hes a Security Threat and. We came from an unjust country we came from oppression from Bashar Al Assad syria and we came to this country thinking theres justice democracy and human rights things on is much better for many other Asylum Seekers people queue for menial jobs and me go welfare coupons through the night to be one of the lucky few seen by a handful of staff during office hours asylum applications can take many years to complete its an overwhelms and confusing system as more arduous routes into europe are restricted the relatively simple journey from turkey to the self declared republic of Northern Cyprus then into the south becomes more travelled 15000 now have Refugee Status here upwards of 15000 more applications are pending now these arent huge numbers on the global scheme of things certainly compared to the millions of refugees in turkey but cyprus is a tiny country and it now has the highest number of Asylum Seekers per capita of anywhere in the European Union cyprus is interior minister says they need european help because the system is at breaking point if turkey is continuously. Pushing people to across the green line to cyprus they are entering the european territory its not a cyprus problem any more than my creation is its a european problem but some on the ground see things differently Doris Polycarp who runs kisa a refugee focused and hes critical of europes inaction but he says cyprus has created a hostile environment to make itself a less attractive destination if you dont do you our job and you are in fear that this will say they will blame you for this situation is very easy to say europe is the responsible for the north throwing so that even instead of saying that we need. We didnt do what we should do as with any refugee stories where the governments run able or unwilling to cope its really people who suffer will reach islands aljazeera cyprus. Now 3 u. S. Airports have begun to screen passengers arriving from china for a new virus that has now so far killed 2 people new yorks j. F. K. Airport along with others and l. A. And San Francisco are now taking passengers temperatures and asking them about symptoms china says almost 50 people have been infected but research by Londons Imperial College suggests they could be actually more than 1700 cases while the u. S. Based centers for Disease Control says it hasnt seen this kind of virus before chinese officials have identified this outbreak as being caused by a Novel Coronavirus a corona virus is a class of viruses that can cause the common cold but it actually can also cause more serious diseases like murs and sars well earlier i spoke to dr Mohammad Munir his electra and buy medicine at Lancaster University and he explains how this family of viruses can be exceptionally dangerous. You know a highly contagious they can force much from one source and one of the very quickly in the short foreseeable time and with lethal impact so arguably detect them better prepared weve carried any action against that so any delay in detection would be. Lethal and as you can remember initially we didnt know the cause for this one therefore probably the largest has moved on to more places than if we knew the cause then we would have done something about it if you really look at the genetic made make up they are very similar to each other and if we look onto the communicants lines they cause the biggest source and this warm source from our lives as they do cause a similar kind of disease so that the current inflammation we have at the moment theyre all highly likely that these wipes does have a Great Potential to cause much more lethal infection that what were seeing at the moment iran is sending the black boxes of a downed Ukrainian Airline a back to ukraine 176 people were killed when the jet was accidentally shot down by the Iranian Military mia terror on canadian and ukrainian investigation in the capital to examine the wreckage canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been calling for the release of flight and data recorders from. 57 of those killed in the crash the canadians now still ahead on aljazeera. The odds on to the flames a heavy rain and a straining eases bushfires but its bringing a new threat to some parts plus. Hong kongs government aims for a more muted Chinese New Year but protesters have different ideas. Weve got some showers pulling away from japan at the moment i can wait for the next weather system asked but not as unsettled as it has been recently main rain band the main wintry weather thats in the process of pushing out of the way is a clear skies come back in behind 9 celsius there for tokyo with the next weather system that will roll its way across the sea of japan heading towards honshu heading towards the katas some more wet at times wintry weather there rolling host more apostle conscious into all kind of as we go through monday temperatures in tokyo theyll pick up to around 13 degrees dont want as warm as thats across the Korean Peninsula northern parts of china but for some fives here come down into central and southern areas generally try High Pressure in charge suppressing the shallows keeping it last he settled and last the sunny well she saw the 2 across the good parts of india china into the philippines last the settle here but we have got the the usual showers just rolling across borneo malaysia sings in big downpours shall assess stretching the way down into indonesia so much as policing the heaviest of the showers as we go through the next couple days but notice how the showers also stretch away across into were born in the last she finds the thailand bangkok with the top temperature of 33. In the heart of the amazon believe me in families but then lions imperiled to harvest brazil nuts. And counting the congo to the capital is an even more dangerous challenge. Risking it to libya. On aljazeera. The e. U. Hello again im a star and a reminder of our top stories this hour libyas stage oil has been forced to halt operate at 5 ports in the east of the country its facilities have been under attack by forces loyal to war clearly for hafta the National Oil Corporation now says 800000. 00 barrels a day of output will be lost. And turkeys president has called on europe to support his efforts in libya ahead of a peace conference in berlin on sunday better one said it would be a mistake of course historic proportions to lift world for have to gain control of the country. And the scale of an outbreak of a new virus in china could be far longer than officially reported a study by Londons Imperial College suggests there may be 100000 sorry about 1700 cases of the new corona virus strain the Chinese Government insists only 50 people have been infected. Us President Donald Trump has unveiled the defense team for his upcoming impeachment trial in the senate and among them 3 high profile lawyer is ken starr led the last impeachment investigation into president bill clinton he was also part of the legal team for convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein well robert w. Ray has also joined the team and he succeeded a star as independent counsel and he negotiated settlements with clinton as he left the white house and then theres also celebrity lawyer and former Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz his clients have included o. J. Simpson mike tyson and Harvey Weinstein but our correspondent Gable Elizondo is in washington d. C. And he says trump is not taking any chances with this legal team. Trump is taking this very very seriously i mean these 2 lawyers that he brought in to be part of this team are celebrity lawyers that are very very well known in washington and have a long history in this city and really in the nation 1st looking at Alan Dershowitz a long time a law professor at harvard hes considered one of the preeminent constitutional lawyers in the u. S. Dershowitz is actually democrats voted for Hillary Clinton however he has come out very strongly over the last 3 to 4 months or so even if before that saying that he believes that this impeachment trial is something that should not be pursued constitutionally and that there are no high crimes and socalled misdemeanors and so thats really caught trumps attention and i think thats probably why he brought dershowitz on his team also dershowitz his peers on television here in the United States as a legal analyst a lot so hes very adept with the media spotlight and i think thats something that trump probably appreciates also you have ken starr who was from the late ninetys where youre well known in washington d. C. As you mentioned briefly he was the independent counsel that helped to prosecute or bring the trial impeachment trial against the then president bill clinton and so i think starr is very well known to and i think thats why he was probably brought on this team as well i think you can read into this that trump wants the absolute best people that he can get his hands on. Well ali i spoke to scott do you see as a professor of International Politics at the university of birmingham in the United Kingdom and he says the lawyers on Donald Trumps defense team are not surprising choices. Donald trump has a history of appointing people to his cabinet to his administration and now to his legal team because he saw them on t. V. Especially fox t. V. Which is effectively an outlet for him and so it is not be on a stretch of imagination that as he faces the trial this week he reached out to advisers and said i want this guy i want this guy i like the way they look after all donald trump made his name as a reality t. V. Star before becoming president but i think even more important is that this is a distraction that National International media been talking for 24 hours about these appointments and you mentioned that key word celebrity because theyre well known what had been in the headlines or what should have been in the headlines is been we have had a series of revelations in the past few days about the extent of Donald Trumps campaign through his lawyer Rudy Giuliani to undermine the u. S. Ambassador in ukraine and then to put pressure on ukraine to investigate his political rival joe biden in fact the man who is at the center of that shock Giuliani Campaign and now indicted giuliani associate name left parness gave graphic testimony on t. V. That said this was trump who directed this but instead of focusing on this evidence especially Senate Majority leader mcconnell trying to shut down any evidence in the trial but instead of talking about the evidence we talk about starr we talk about dershowitz and we talk about celebrity. Well members of venezuelas Opposition Party say they have transcripts of government officials offering them bribes they say the order recordings reveal 700000. 00 was offered for them to turn on leader quieter and sane human reports from caracas. A new twist in the hostile takeover of the news whalers opposition controlled parliament. Nearly 2 weeks ago soldiers prevented opposition. From entering the legislature. While a small group of dissident deputies installed their own man as speaker of the house with the governments full support. Now the majority opposition leadership is showing would it says is proof of how the government tried to buy off deputies to oust why the law including. The things we agreed on 700. 00 initially there was another proposition of 1000000. 00 i suggested 1. 00 but they came back with 500. 00 and said no thats unacceptable so we arrived a bill ground of 700000 which is still money you know. My keenest says he met and taped. A deputy whod been expelled from his Opposition Party offering him the bribe just ahead of the january 5th vote for control of parliament he says only 16 out of more than 100 deputies took the bait and that he and others who refused are now in danger. Today i am being seriously threatened in my physical integrity and that of my family aljazeera tried without success to speak to noriega who nevertheless responded to the accusations on twitter calling the recording a hoax and threatening to take as it uses to court for slander he added if deputy might have had this audio why didnt he make it public 2 weeks ago after the election as the director of the National Assembly he didnt because he didnt have what is a vulgar montage. We asked one of the not the very same question and he responded that it was because of fears for his and other deputies safety now that theyve gone public he says that if anything happens to them they will hold president Nicolas Maduro personally responsible the white house has accused than is willing government of using bribery tactics to oust with regards as the legitimate opposition leadership and slap sanctions on Deputy Noriega according to the voice transcript the socalled turncoat deputies smith was president personally the night before the bribe offer was made to calculate how many votes were needed. None of this is admissible in a court of law but then its the court of Public Opinion that the opposition is trying to win over. To see in human aljazeera practice. Now an f. B. I. Memo says saudi arabias government orchestrated secret missions to help its citizens escape the United States take a look at the heavily censored document that suggests the saudi officials quote almost certainly assist u. S. Based saudi citizens flee the United States legal system the f. B. I. Says saudi officials perceive the embarrassment of saudi citizens in during the u. S. Judicial process as being greater than the embarrassment of being caught evading us in all but the classified document lists and edge crimes ranging from traffic violations to child pornography rape and murder 2 u. S. Senators jeff merkley and ron wyden pushed for that f. B. I. Lesson to be released they warned that saudi will continue its behavior if Trumps Administration doesnt act. Now people in hong kong are preparing to celebrate Chinese New Year but the government has canceled some events because its concerned about violent protests and its also banned the sale of items with any political messages sara clock reports. The streets a decorated in traditional Chinese New Year style markets of Victoria Park essential to the busy and colorful festival plants and flowers signifying hope and promise for a new year. But the government is bad the sile of water known as dry goods any items with a political reference that hasnt stopped prodemocracy Groups Holding their own independent markets because of the protests and also we think that people should take more control on their own freedom and in the moment so we plan to set up this market. Hopefully hong kong people can have their freedom on how to use them on the basis this is one of the number of crowd funded markets being held across the city called. On sila handicrafts and products and message would still hold those came to reaffirm their political stance in the past hong kong that is that raising some problems with bodies. We want to leave us a message to happy chinese feel again and to let them feel happy and the process can show the whole comus if they are around 15 independent organized markets being held out of the Chinese New Year holiday break the location of some of them is not being shared publicly you have to register 1st to get those details in the current climate organizers fear any politicized event will be targeted by Police Security checks are in place across the main festival locations but the government isnt taking any chances the annual fireworks display has been cancelled so too has the traditional Chinese New Year private what was once considered the most significant festival of the. Here in hong kong is rather low key 2020 an antigovernment protest is a plenty another rally on sunday which might further dampen the celebrations sarah clarke aljazeera hong kong. Now after a season of devastating bushfires severe flooding is now sweeping through parts of australia heavy rain has soaked coastal areas of queensland and New South Wales for the last few days charlotte dallas reports. Risk youth from fire now carry from floods last week bushfires came within 10 kilometers of the strain. Never go to come in the park a war. Since thursday heavy rain has left parts of australia is east coast for queensland and New South Wales plagued by record breaking bushfires this was welcome relief i might. Just drinking. In New South Wales a wounded kuala licks water off the road rule fire service has sued rain fell across most of its fires although doesnt still its just beautiful listening to what they are seeing to it on the roof its a long time since weve had it here so were enjoying it up to 300. 00 millimeters of rain fell in southern queensland forcing commuters to get creative 70 percent of queensland is affected by drought. This was the 1st time 14 month old lacey soon had ever seen right. Much of a stretch its been a drought a good 23. Area where the fossils been at their worst if youre looking at really heavy rainfall coming in on the ground the trees obviously being damaged if not destroyed so then i got to soak up the water the ground struck hard they will tend to just wash off so thats why you do essentially get the the flooding. For many astray liams flooding is a small price to pay bryce chapmans farm is in the grips of drought hes been hand feeding his cash to keep them in line d. But i dont care how were treaties i can ride old all the way because far as im concerned weve never had so much rain in germany. The rain is expected to move south over the next few days and bring relief to the state of victoria where firefighters continue to be dogged by flames and they could use more help from above. And i again this is out of there and these are the headlines libyas state oil firm has been forced to Halt Operations at 5 ports in the east of the country its facilities have been under attack by forces loyal to war. The blockade is expected to be high on the agenda as an International Conference in berlin on sunday. Not to leave. Our position at the u. N. Is very clear you must not play with oil because it is the livelihood of libyans without oil libyans are starving we have to tell it like it is so we must not play with oil we must not turn it into a weapon of war we must not allow it to become a matter of division or outbidding the scale of an outbreak of a new virus in china could be far longer than officially reported a study by Londons Imperial College suggests there may be 1700 cases of the new corona virus strain but the Chinese Government insists on a 50 people have been infected. Iran is sending the black boxes of a downed Ukrainian Airliner back to ukraine 176 people were killed when the jet was accidentally shot down by the Iranian Military. U. S. President donald trump has announced the defense team for his impeachment trial in the senate and includes ken starr who led the last impeachment investigation into bill Clinton Former harvard professor Alan Dershowitz is also part of the team his clients have included o. J. Simpson and Harvey Weinstein a declassified f. B. I. Memo says saudi arabias government is helping its citizens avoid prosecution in the United States the document reveals that saudi diplomats and intelligence operatives encouraged suspects to actually flee abroad while those are the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera risking it all stay with us. We understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world. So no matter what. Ill just leave the room well bring you the needs and current. That matter to you. Al jazeera

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