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Philippines forced thousands more people to abandon their homes. And begin in washington where the senate launched proceedings for the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump House Democrats read the formal charges triggering the Legal Process chief justice of the u. S. Supreme Court John Roberts is about to be sworn in as the presiding judge all 100. 00 senators will also be sworn in they will act as jurors during the proceedings the trial which donald trump has denounced as a calm job by the democrats will start on tuesday President Trump is accused of freezing an aide to pressure ukraine to investigate a political rival donald j. Trump has abused the powers of the presidency in that. Using the powers of his high office President Trump solicited the interference of a Foreign Government ukraine in the 2020 United States president ial election he did so through a scheme or course of conduct that included soliciting the government of ukraine to publicly announce investigations that would benefit his reelection harm the election prospects of a political opponent and influence the 2020 United States president ial election to his advantage i do you castro is live from capitol hill in washington d. C. So how do you proceedings are underway what happens now. Well we just heard that chief justice of the u. S. Supreme Court John Roberts he has arrived in the u. S. Capitol building and what we expect to see in just moments time will be 4 senators 2 democrats and 2 republicans escorting chief Justice Roberts into the Senate Chambers upon arrival he will take the oath to become presiding officer in the impeachment trial of President Trump and then he will in turn swear swear to god minister the ost into that to the 100. 00 senators who will serve as the jurors in this trial part of the oath that they will be taking is to be is to deliver impartial justice in the matter however many observers are looking at this and say this impeachment trial is very different than any sort of judicial trial that we are accustomed to seeing as much political ad that is judicial and of course as we all know its the president s own Party Republicans who hold the majority in the senate so it will be members of his own party who will ultimately determine his guilt or innocence and whether or not he remains in office but before we get to that point we expect to see these oaths and minister to those 100 senators they will answer verbal leaving their assent and then they will write their names down in a book at the front of the Senate Chamber is forever to be in try and in u. S. History this of course is only the 3rd time that this has happened to a u. S. President to be impeached and now to face that impeachment trial then we look forward to tuesday that is when we expect to hear opening arguments the case laid out by those democratic impeachment managers serving as prosecutors in this case to try to convince those senators who are the jury of the president s guilt in the eyes of democrats for withholding u. S. Security aid. Ukraine in exchange for getting political dirt on a political rival all of which of course President Trump and his republican defenders the and the only deny i did your question for the time being thank you very much a lets bring in alan baron is a former special impeachment counsel to the house of representatives he was involved in the impeachment and removal of 4 federal judges and joins us now from washington d. C. So. How strong is the legal case being presented here. I think its enormously strong you know if you compare the facts in this case to earlier impeachment for example the case against bill clinton involving what was essentially a personal sexual peccadillo which he lied about. Clearly not to his credit but in the big scheme of things no threat to National Security or anything like that or betraying a. Company country with which we have a relationship. Even the investigation into Richard Nixon which never resulted in an actual impeachment because he resigned involve domestic politics shabby but not threatening to the National Interest this case is so much more serious factually i mean actually a bad old ally is dealing with the russians is desperate to get support from the United States which has been allocated by the congress and the said the president for his personal political gain will not turn it over to them unless they will do his bidding against a political opponent i mean that is so much more serious than anything that has ever arisen heretofore involving an american president tell us about that didnt tell us about what happens with trump himself an enormous on the stand he gets a summons asking him to on so the challenge is is that is that likely to be it is that always in writing to us through the kind of procedures for what the president himself is able to do with this trial. Well you know he doesnt have to show up i mean he will not physically i would be very surprised if he physically shows up at all at any time he will have surrogates his lawyers will respond for him and i dont i dont think youre going to see donald trump in the Senate Chamber at any point in this proceeding and what about the the senate as themselves and there will be sworn in and the idea is that they have to be impartial will they be able to be i doubt it. I think its something of an anachronism unfortunately the best you can hope for is that they have open minds and are willing to at least listen attentively and for haps be persuaded if the evidence is Strong Enough remember theres a lot of evidence that swirling around out there that was not even presented in the house some of which has come up in the last 48 hours which is very significant now will they even let that evidence be heard i mean thats a big indicator as to whether theres any chance that any republican senators might switch and vote for conviction but. Do they swear that theyre going to be completely neutral walking into the chamber to hear the evidence but in fact political reality tells us otherwise and environ thank you very much indeed for the time being i want to say im barna new to theres more evidence and an aide to Donald Trumps lawyer claims the president knew exactly what was going on with efforts to pressure ukraine into investigating for Vice President joe biden and his son a White House Correspondent kimberly how it has more news from washington. Really like the explosive allegations came from this man lev parness he says he was an associate of donald trump and worked in ukraine with the president s personal attorney Rudolph Giuliani now hes speaking out i want to get the truth out. In an interview parness who was in court for various financial and corruption charges describes delivering messages directly from the u. S. President to the ukrainians it was an effort he claims to dig up dirt on trumps political rival former Vice President joe biden whos running to replace him President Trump know exactly what was going on he was aware of. These new allegations come at a sensitive time for the president as the u. S. Congress begins the trial phase of his impeachment trial it was impeached in december on charges of obstruction of congress after busa of power after reportedly pressuring the ukrainians to investigate bidens son hunter who sat on the board of a Ukrainian Energy company thursday a congressional Watchdog Agency released its report stating the white house violated federal law by withholding military aid to ukraine part of the quid pro quo allegation. Lets take you live now to capitol hill and to the Senate Building where chief Justice John Roberts is going to be sworn in as presiding presiding officer in the impeachment trial of President Trump lets have a listen. Senators i attend the senate in conformity with your notice for the purpose of joining with you for the trial of the president of the United States i am now prepared to take the oath you pay sure left hand on the bible and raise your right hand do you solemnly swear that in all things appertaining to the trial of the impeachment of donald john crumb president of the United States now pending you will do impartial justice according to the constitution and the laws so help you god i do. Thank you very much at this time i will administer the oath to all senators in the chamber in conformance with article one section 3 clause 6 of the constitution and the senates impeachment rules will all senators now standard remain standing and raise their right hand. Do you solemnly swear that in all things appertaining to the trial of the impeachment of donald john tromp president of the United States now pending you will do impartial justice according to the constitution and laws so help you god. The clerk will call the names in groups of 4 and senators will present themselves at the desk to sign the oath book mr alexander. Volves are you watching the senate where chief Justice John Roberts has just been sworn in to preside over the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump and he is now in the process of swearing in all the senators they had to stand up and be sworn in initially but theyre going to go and sign individually to to become effectively jurors in the trial of President Trump lets bring in our castro whos watching this from capitol hill this is quite a moment that talk us through the kind of the role of judge roberts him what hes going to be doing all. Sure lauren so the constitution says that the u. S. Supreme Court Justice is the presiding officer in this case and its interesting because for most inch pietschmann trials when were talking about lower offices of politics this wouldnt be the case why is it that this is so solemn and so serious that it requires the u. S. Supreme court chief justice to be the presiding officer well because if in the case of president s removed of course would be the Vice President who then replaces him and normally its the Vice President who is a presiding officer in the senate simply that be a conflict of interest here and so that is why were seeing the chief justice take on this role and that has a lot of people talking about just how much influence roberts may have as presumably the person driving the show in this trial but that is actually not the case he is not acting as a judicial judge he is stepping out of his role as chief justice of the Supreme Court and hes more taking on a legislative role which is really ceremonial in getting the action moved along step by step the actual Decision Making as far as whether or not to call witnesses as far as any questions that the senators may have if the senators themselves who will be voting as and as a simple majority they will be acting as judge in a sense to answer those pending questions as they emerge within the trial so an impeachment trial very different than a judicial trial where you see a typical defendant a judge and jurors in this case it is those jurors the 100 senators who will in essence act as both a jury and judge and deciding in answering their own legal questions and exactly how these proceedings will unfold and we expect the very next step here after they finish putting their names in this book is that the senators will then issue a summons to the. White house to President Trump which will officially invite him to respond to these impeachment article charges you are hearing from our guests its very unlikely that the president will come to the Senate Chambers in person to say anything more likely and hes indicated he will do this President Trump will be sending his attorneys to then argue his case and as early as next tuesday is when we expect for these Opening Statements to begin in the impeachment trial of President Trump 1st with democrats presenting the case against the president why he abused why they believe he abused his power and obstructed Congress Presenting the evidence that may take several days and then the president s attorneys will have equal time that to represent their case that their client the president is innocent and ultimately it will be a 2 thirds majority of the u. S. Senate who would be needed to determine whether to convict the president and we look at the numbers here with republicans of course the president s own party dominating this chamber it is highly unlikely at this point that enough republicans would agree to defect from their president in order to convict him and remove him from office thank you very much indeed as this and to continue to sign the book for the trial thank you. Onto other news now the Syrian Regime and russian warplanes have resumed their attacks on province the countrys last remaining rebel held area at least 21 people have been killed in recent days of hundreds of thousands have been forced to flee as a ceasefire declared on sunday failed to hold such an oppressor day on his will. The damage caused by one of several air strikes in the Northwest Province of survivors trying to salvage whats left. Emergency crews combed the rubble to recover the body of a child at the hour. It was other civilians were among the casualties and it lit city i was lucky that i did it it was your point that in the afternoon it lapses he was targeted by stroke or 23 jets they hit the Industrial Area and a hallmark it must of those hurt have serious injuries. In a nearby hospital friends console a father grieving his son was a ceasefire which started on sunday was shattered on a one step 6. I was in syrian and russian jets attacked it that city as well as several rebel held town was the ceasefire was brokered by turkey which supports the rebels and russia which backs the syrian governments 9 month offensive thank fighters are going to al qaeda are the strongest forces in these areas home to around 3000000 civilians according to the u. N. Close 2400000 syrians have been forced from their homes and it lives in the past 10 weeks no time no shelter no food people are starving to death in this governor and theyre not being bombed theyre dying because theyre hungry the kremlin says its targeted rebels whove attacked civilian government held areas and whats supposed to be a socalled deescalation zone i russia and turkey are reported to have been a go she to be a sample isman of a secure zone for the displaced during the winter and russia has announced humanitarian corridors have already been established to allow people in its lips to cross over into government held territory its unclear how many have chosen to go katia llopis with a yawn aljazeera. Germanys foreign minister says the libyan warlord highly for have to is committed to a ceasefire even though one that started on sunday failed i come us talks with that would hate to have to cut his stronghold in the libyan city of benghazi this comes ahead of a conference on libya planned for sunday in germany which have to says he may attend his forces have been trying to take control of the capital tripoli since april meanwhile turkey has started deploying troops to tripoli to support the un backed government base there sin and cos who has been speaking to Turkish Military sources in istanbul who say they dont plan to see frontline action train the forces of the tripoli government of National Accord the g. N. A. T. And also act as a deterrent. Since of the it has been signed between jna and turkey we heard 35 troops were deployed there i spoke to the military officials in ankara they involved giving and in numbers exact numbers about how many troops have been deployed there and how many will be there theyre just telling us that at the number of the troops over there changes depending on the day and depending on the need and they are avoiding to say the targeted number of troops to be deployed to evolve any speculation by the involved parties but we know that d. N. A. In turkey as stablished a Coordination Office to run out this defense and security deal between the 2 forces the troops turkish troops will not be combat they are training the genny forces over there which have. These 56 or 7 factions we dont know the exact number and even for the future im told that there is no name for combat forces this is just for training them but why i prisons add on repeated the Statement Today as if it was something new is important it seems that our don is also trying to give a message to gen have to who has left the negotiation table in moscow who said that he wont be abiding with the ceasefire so the meaning of Turkish Military presence in libya is much more about the turns between jenny and have their forces. Despite International Pressure to abide by its 2050 Nuclear Deal Commitments iran says it will continue to enrich uranium in a televised speech president Hassan Rouhani said iran has now surpassed the limits set under the agreement a statement comes after 3. That were party to the deal north a dispute mechanism that could lead to additional sanctions being imposed on iran. When the us pulled out of the nuclear deal we contacted the other parties and expressed our preparedness to fulfill our obligations however today we in terms of the Nuclear Power we have no limit we are in a much better situation compared to before the deal are you rhenium enrichment today its much higher than that stipulated in the deal we had signed up we cannot sit on our hands at their bundle their obligations we will reciprocate. Canada has convened a meeting of countries that lost nationals in the downing of a civilian aircraft by irans military last week all 176 passengers on board the Ukrainian International Airlines Flight from tehran to kiev were killed investigators are trying to establish what happened in the flights last moments but investigation is being undermined by regional tensions new barker reports from london. A moment of reflection for the 176 victims of flight p s 752 countries united in grief together in the british capital theyre demanding accountability compensation and eventual closure canada lost 57 people its the merged as the leading voice in the fight for justice there are many many questions families want answers all of the countries assembled here today want answers and the International Community wants answer the world is waiting for those answers and who will not rest until we get to them iran initially denied responsibility for the crash a plane technical failure but later admitted that it shot down the aircraft mistaking it for a u. S. Cruise missile it happened several hours after iran launched a Ballistic Missile strike against u. S. Forces in iraq and response to the u. S. Drone killing of top iranian general kassam selim ani and investigations now underway in iran experts from several countries have been allowed to provide Technical Assistance in the probe ukrainian experts are analyzing the planes black box data recorders but so far few details have been released getting to the heart of what happened to flight p. S. 752 will require cooperation between all of the countries involved but in recent days rhetoric surrounding irans controversial Nuclear Program has escalated and now the u. K. France and germany threatening new sanctions against the country. The deal was agreed in 2015 to limit the countrys Nuclear Capabilities in return for lifting economic sanctions washington withdrew from the agreement in 2018 irans been dropping its commitments ever since and is now enriching more you radium the before the nuclear deal responding to the threat of fresh sanctions president. He said european soldiers in the middle east could be in danger this tense Political Climate of mutual distrust and suspicion could hamper investigators working together to establish how and why so many lives were lost. London the taliban says it has offered the United States a temporary ceasefire in afghanistan of up to 10 days is being seen as an opportunity to restart talks in doha between the 2 that President Trump called dead in september the taliban wants foreign troops to withdraw well the u. S. Has said a reduction in violence would see forces pull out in return for security guarantees pakistans foreign minister says the taliban offer marks a positive step towards peace. Because the taliban have shown their willingness to reduce the violence which was a demand and i believe that this is a step towards an agreement towards a Peace Agreement over. Southern africa is facing a hunger crisis on an unprecedented scale thats the verdict of the United Nations Uns World Food Program says 45000000. 00 people there are an urgent need of food aid and only has half of the 500000000. 00 it needs to respond to the emergency its blaming drought flooding and Economic Hardship half of zimbabwes 15000000. 00 people face chronic Food Shortages that zambia is so thorough and namibia and so badly hit thousands more people in the philippines have been forced to abandon their homes because of the threat of a major volcanic eruption Evacuation Centers in areas across batangas province and the most full buildings in towns near tower volcano which are up to them sunday have collapsed under the weight of falling ash and seismologists say there are signs a 2nd eruption may be coming to me now linda grant is in one evacuation camp at a University Campus in santa to my city is one of the busiest centers in the area. Weve spoken to the site manager earlier who told us that there around 3000 evacuees here already and that there are many more supposed to be arriving but they are moving them in different sites its important to know there are that there are at least 100. 00 over 100. 00 evacuation sites across the provinces of but angus and give it well now the situation here although its getting crowded old a little difficult is manageable were seeing a lot of aid coming in from different organizations different groups bringing in much needed food blankets clothes and medicine there is also a daily supply of water beyond the physical discomfort here weve spoken to civilians who say it is the agony of waiting that makes it difficult that is because alert level is still at the alert level for which means the hazard just eruption is imminent so theyre not exactly sure when they can go home because they had to leave everything that they worked hard for behind their children are unable to go to school so now this is exactly what the National Government is asking everyone to be patient because what they need to do is to ensure that when that has or disruption actually strikes almost everyone is ready out of the 14 kilometer danger zone the new house of russias parliament has overwhelmingly approved because we sure as the nations new Prime Minister he succeeds Dimitri Medvedev resigned over the entire government on wednesday after president Vladimir Putin announced major constitutional changes and reforms could retain major influence have a policy even ought to be end of his final term as president in 2024. Well the 100. 00 migrants landed on the shores of the greek island of less boss on thursday Officials Say at least 255. 00 migrants arrived in the country by sea in the last 24 hours latest influx comes as the government announced the creation of a new Migration Ministry to deal with a rise in a rival zx and over crowding of camps. The cost of the bushfires to the Australian Environment is clear and now the Economic Cost of emergency is soaring and national lost a 3. 00 in our 1000000000. 00 that is the latest estimate as jessica washington reports from below pin in New South Wales Fruit Farmers are among the many whose livelihoods have been left devastated by the disaster its summer in a strange and this orchard would usually draw hundreds of visit has become to pick their own fruit this is just one of many Small Businesses devastated by the bush fire is almost old apple trees were destroyed by flames the trees were uninsured and it cost the family about 1000000. 00 to replant them and repair the damage my parents have ended for in the business for 35. 00 yes and yeah its it takes a bit of a toll emotionally when you say you put so much blood sweat and ts into producing the fruit and to say it go up in fines its just devastating so many farms around australia had already been suffering through the relentless drought and this bushfire season has just made this situation so much worse but the Financial Impact of this Natural Disaster wont just be felt on farms it will be felt around the country. This is a strong longest bushfire emergency the fires began months earlier than normal and. The most severely affected areas only account for about one percent of the economy but the disaster is having a global impact. Of tourism coming into this country people are already canceling. Costs associated with the image of a strike. Analysts have downgraded for costs 1. 00 of his strategy is biggest banks westpac estimates it could slash half a percent from Economic Growth already there are around 1000000000. 00 worth of insurance claims and the government has committed around one and a half 1000000000. 00 to rebuilding infrastructure but it says they could be more money if its needed Scientists Say the bushfires season has been exacerbated by Climate Change and thats put a strain as leaders under more pressure to raise targets to reduce Carbon Emissions but coal is one of his biggest exports and Prime Minister Scott Morrison has said although policies could be involved he wont engage in what he called reckless job destroying targets the government has indicated there may be a formal inquiry into the fires including any role Climate Change may have had in sparking one of australias most expensive Natural Disasters ever just a washington aljazeera built in australia. Or mine to the top story. The senate has full proceedings for the impeachment trial of u. S. President donald trump House Democrats read the charges triggering the Legal Process. Chief justice of the u. S. Supreme Court John Roberts has been sworn in as the presiding officer the trial which donald trump as does that denounced as a condo by the democrats will start on tuesday President Trump is accused of freezing aid to pressure ukraine to investigate a political rival donald j. Trump has abused the powers of the presidency in that using the powers of his high office President Trump solicited the interference of a Foreign Government ukraine in the 2020 United States president ial election he did so through a scheme or course of conduct that included soliciting the government of ukraine to publicly announce investigations that would benefit his reelection harm the election prospects of a political opponent and influence the 2020 United States president ial election to his advantage Syrian Regime and russian warplanes have resumed their attacks on the province the countrys last remaining rebel held area at least 21 people have been killed in recent days and hundreds of thousands forced to flee as despite a cease fire declared on sunday that failed to hold the u. N. Says 350000 syrians have been forced to flee the province since early December Germanys foreign minister says the libyan warlord highly for have to is committed to a cease fire even though one that started on sunday it failed i come us held talks with have to at his stronghold in the libyan city of benghazi this comes ahead of a conference on libya planned for sunday in germany which have to says he may attend as forces have been trying to take control of the capital since april. The taliban says it has offered the United States a temporary ceasefire in afghanistan of up to 10 days its being seen as an opportunity to restart talks in doha between the 2 that president called dead in september. Theres the top stories to stay with us next the stream asks who are stronger g. s new influences or news after that i think. The days monday today might be a little harder of a slower than the usual monday because saturn is about to go retrograde saturn is a planet of discipline and structure and having to just go with the growing so rather than focusing on so much the outer Authority Like your boss writing you to heart you have to listen to your in authority and get it in touch with your own sense of discipline im sam reynolds and astrologer and you are in the stream. And im really could be listening to my inner authority its unclear when human beings started looking up at the stars and planets for guidance solace our comfort perhaps astrology is as old as humanity itself but something a lot newer the digital age has kickstarted a global us

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