And russian jets return to the skies above it live despite the cease fire agreement. That made it official now the u. S. House of representatives delivering the articles of impeachment against donald trump to the senate it makes him only the 3rd american leader to face such proceedings this is after a vote in the democrat controlled house where 7 members have been assigned as managers of the trial the support from the castro capitol hill. Inside the locus are the articles of impeachment documents accusing President Donald Trump of abusing his power and obstructing congress the 7 newly ordained impeachment prosecutors follow democratic members of the house who will argue that trump should be removed from office the president is not above the law he will be held accountable he has been held accountable he has been in huge the senates reception of the articles marks the beginning of the trial phase of the crimes impeachment the 100. 00 u. S. Senators will soon be sworn in as jurors with arguments to Begin Next Week republicans hold the majority in the senate and their leader Mitch Mcconnell has voiced strong opposition to the impeachment if the senate blesses this unprecedented and dangerous house process by agreeing to complete case at a subject of basis are enough to impeach a president we will almost guarantee the impeachment of every future president. The party when the house like that bird trump is only the 3rd president in u. S. History to be impeached he denies the allegations that he withheld u. S. Security aid to ukraine in order to pressure ukraines president Volodymyr Zelinsky to announce an investigation into joe biden new evidence continues to emerge in the case on tuesday impeachment investigators released Text Messages and notes from an associate of trumps private attorney Rudy Giuliani get the lewinski to announce that the biden case will be investigated wrote the associate who had been dispatched to ukraine and in a letter addressed to the president of ukraine giuliani says he is acting with trumps knowledge and consent witnesses may tell the truth and witnesses may not tell the truth documents joe generally like whether the new documents or potential new witnesses will play a role in trumps trial is an open question the president s defenders say no the polling shows the majority of americans think the senators should hear new evidence in order to have a fair trial the senate is on trial as well as the president does the senate conduct the trial according to the constitution to vindicate the republic or does the senate participate in the president s crimes by covering them up at least 4 republican senators would need to agree to open the trial to new witnesses thats possible but the odds for conviction and remove all are much steeper support from 20 Senate Republicans will be required to make that happen but a historic trial of a president is now guaranteed heidi joe castro aljazeera washington but of reaction here from alan barron has a former special impeachment counsel to the house of representatives and believes this trial is really more of a political than a legal matter. I would expect that the democrats in their Opening Statements will allude to all this evidence that they has recently come up in the last 24 to 48 hours about mr giuliani about documents that suggest that the president knew exactly what was involved with regard to getting a concession from the president of ukraine with regard to investigating the bidens this is a political process if we if it were purely constitutional law might be a good idea to have all the major constitutional scholars participating in this this is the this is both political and legal but primarily political and for the president to say in effect you are not you the president of ukraine youre not going to get this money unless you do a favor for me that benefits me personally politically i mean that in a nutshell is what went on here to my mind that is far more serious than anything involving bill clinton with his. In getting involved with that in turn in a sexual liaison i mean were talking about an ally in a hot war and the president is playing games with getting them the aid they desperately need so that he can get some political gain out of it. This is not this is very serious stuff and if the president is not impeached and removed because of it well. It just shows how political this is. But while all this was happening the u. S. And china are actually signing an initial deal to mark a pause in their trade war thats damaged both countries economies its supposed to open up Chinese Markets to more u. S. Companies but at the same time it actually keeps most of the terrorists President Trump placed on chinese goods mike hanna with the full details in washington. It was a lovely white house ceremony crowded with have to members lawmakers and executives from large u. S. Corporations President Trump hailed the deal as remarkable. Today we take a momentous step one that has never been taken before with china toward a future fair in reciprocal trade as we signed phase one of the historic trade deal between the United States and china together we are righting the wrongs of the past and delivering a future of Economic Justice and security for American Workers farmers and families. The sentiments echoed by chinas signatory to the deal. For. China and the United States with the larger picture in mind have taken a serious approach to our differences and work to manage them or appropriately reaching the phase one try to greenmount it is good for china for the United States and the world. The reality though that this is just an initial deal and many problematic issues in the u. S. China relationship remain an address i think that has moved the needle a little bit with with china and it has made some progress but at the same time i dont think that it achieves the fundamental structural changes that are going to need to happen for us. The u. S. Tech sector in particular to really feel comfortable President Trumps political opponents insist hes been outsmarted by his chinese counterpart i greatly fear that president xi is laughing at us behind our backs for having given away so little at the expense of American Workers farmers and businesses the administration in order to get a deal at all costs before the 2020 alexion. Has thrown the American Worker and American Business overboard and theyre going to be the ones left to face the consequences of the smiles and celebrations the awareness that this is not and end to the trade war as it is at the stage merely a truth. Aljazeera washington. Analysis now from don wang who is in an analyst at the Economist Intelligence unit and shipping in china has given up more than the u. S. In this new trade deal. This looks to me a very big concession on chinas side and i genuinely dont see how china can fulfill its commitment of 200000000000. 00 more dollars a purchase from the us will without increasing its fiscal subsidies to domestic producers manufacturers dramatically and if china along the way of those 2 years. Actually cannot fulfill some of the commitment and then were expecting to see a collapse in the 1st one deal and that means the phase 2 in phase 3 will never happen it looks like for example the agricultural deal in this 1st one it is more than twice the amount of the 27000. 00 level and in order to do that actually a lot of the domestic producers farmers will suffer a lot on china was certainly increases government purchase prices and Expenditure Program but overall that missed competition with chinese farmers started mostly small scale and in that area china is not competitive and another thing thats funny to me is that by signing to steel actually china has to commit to buy more agriculture goes from the u. S. And that means buy a lot less from other countries for example canada and the e. U. And by signing this studio in fact between china and the u. S. It is china it is the u. S. Allies fundamentally bear most of the cost and. Warnings of another volcanic eruption in the philippines of prompted thousands more people to leave their homes Evacuation Centers across the province or almost full access is limited but weve got this drone footage showing one town near the top. Is devastated by the ash fall with several buildings collapsing under the weight of about 54000. 00 people are in the Evacuation Centers across the tongass province that is where we join jim. Some thoughts from our city hi jamilah bring us up today. Well just to tell you where i am i mean one of the big. Evacuation sites that have. Was is usually a Public University weve spoken to the site manager manager you says now that this university the entire campus is full to the brim as of last counting theres almost 3000. 00 evacuees here now theyve had to turn several of their several batches others and redirected them to different other evacuation sites because it is full here so far there is no major issue in this Evacuation Center despite the space and limited shelter because there is still in a food and medicine and were seeing a lot of people coming in donating much needed clothes blankets food and medicines and whatever it is that they need here however the bigger concern here is the long term impact of this crisis they are unsure exactly how long they will have to provide for these thousands of people for these hundreds of families because at this point the alert level of the volcano is still on alert level 4 which is described by the government as a hazard to him as are doing at the hazardous eruption is in fact in minutes so this is a waiting game for everyone everyone is on the edge but what is important according to the government is to move these civilians out of the 14 kilometer danger zone and bring them to safety so the threat of another eruption Evacuation Centers getting filled up and on top of that this and we saw the pictures before this layer of the layer of ash covering everything. Definitely i mean the situation is difficult to we have been here over the last few days weve traveled to different areas across but on this province across have been there when its sunny and its dusty it is very difficult to see where youre going visibility is difficult and when it starts to rain the journey becomes even more complicated and thats for us journalists trying to get to far flung areas is even more complicated for those conducting rescue and rescue and evacuation efforts those are local government officials Government Operations working on clearing the operate out clearing the roads so how can get to those who need it most at the same time over the last few days there was a very strong smell of sulfur ash continues to fall in some parts although its less present now its less visible now but in some areas there is still these continuous volcanic chamar surface quakes that spouts meeking preparations operations very difficult its also adding to the fear and anxiety of people here ive spoken to a civilian just about 30 minutes ago who told me that he is just really worried about the future its been separated from his family they are in different part different evacuation sites they are safe but they worry about when they can return home or if there is even a home they can go back to camilla and organ painting a extraordinary picture for us there in the philippines thank you. In the new years ahead rule change in russia we will look at why the entire government resigned and also why venezuelas Opposition Leader had to hold a parliamentary session here is what. We have seen a rise in temperature has brought the steady rise there has to be said across so the poor. Actions of the Arabian Peninsula things a little bit below the average for this time of year meanwhile to the north but a similar rain in the forecast as a system sitting through the eastern end of the mad it doesnt make much headway on thursday we have got a few showers the some of those snow flows into the northern sections of iran and then youll see all that bad weather that really impacted pakistan that is now on its way into Northern Areas of india by friday that system in the east a mad does begin to push the rain along to these coastal areas really across into israel lebanon on up into syria but why do scottish across areas of iraq and also to the north will see some snow and some rain showers into southern areas of turkey and also with this strong szell flow because he wanted to rain showers into more Northern Areas of saudi arabia than we had down into Southern Africa again weve seen quite a bit of activity here its been a dry and warm week or 2 across into southern portions of south africa so if youre in cape town the 1st day that he sells is that the showers all on their way very heavy amounts of rain once again into central areas of madagascar a better day on friday a drive day that though is when the showers put in the cape town and is cooler with a high of 23 degrees. You out on the streets protesting the run line you feel the weight of the system you walk through each and every layer for the further into the jail or if you join a sunset the tension has to start. Again youre in detention or youre on course this is a dialogue everyone has a voice for their states its a quarter of a call right to be varying accounts but i want to give people the reason for joining the conversation. This is al jazeera and these are the top stories this hour the u. S. House of representatives has delivered the articles of impeachment against donald trump to do u. S. Senate that was after a vote in the democratic controlled house with 7 members were also assigned as managers of the trial. The u. S. And china have signed an initial deal marking a pause in a trade war thats damaged both countries economies includes a promise from china supply more American Goods however the u. S. Says it will keep most of its existing tariffs in place until phase 2. And towns near to the top volcano in the philippines have been damaged by ash for more than 60000 people have been forced to leave their. Well back to our top story one of the people who could be pivotal during Donald Trumps impeachment trial is the man who will preside over it that is the u. S. Supreme court chief Justice John Roberts even though his task is mandated by the u. S. Constitution and his domestic politics that could complicate his role but during the trial and in his day job was on jordan explains. John roberts has been the u. S. Supreme court chief justice for more than 15 years the upcoming impeachment trial of u. S. President donald trump will test roberts efforts to stay impartial i dont think hes going to you know put up with many shenanigans here and many bogus defenses while some think roberts could play an active role he could issue subpoenas he can make rulings. And his rulings would have to be overturned by 51 senators so republicans would have to hold their lines pretty strongly the fact is roberts role is more ceremonial than pivotal hell read senators questions outloud and he may analyze whether various bits of evidence should be presented however its the senators who will decide what evidence to introduce or which witnesses can testify not roberts and more important its the senators who will decide whether to convict analysts say roberts will move carefully he doesnt want to be seen as favoring one side or the other in a political brawl but might also influence roberts is trial performance his day job critics have attacked roberts both for supporting president Barack Obamas Health Care Program and for defending the right of corporations to spend unlimited amounts of money on political campaigns and this year roberts will have to weigh in on trumps financial records abortion rights and the possible deportation of the some 700000 young people known as dreamers congratulations mr president. Then theres the dust up between the president and the chief justice after trump accused a federal judge of bias back in 2018 this was an obama judge roberts did the unthinkable he fired back but we do not speak for the people but we speak for the constitution our role is very clear. We are to interpret the constitution and laws of the United States and ensure that the political branches act within that trump then attacked roberts on twitter its not too much to assume that if the senate convicts tromp he will lash out at everyone including at the chief justice who presided over his impeachment trial rosalyn jordan aljazeera washington russian jets have resumed bombing at province syrias last remaining rebel held area despite the ceasefire that was supposed to come into force on sunday several times reports not least 19 people are reported to have been killed. But today lull in bombing ended on wednesday as russian and syrian jets were reported to have attacked several rebel held town in the Northwest Province of activist video showed vehicles damaged buildings and casualties being treated a representative from the white helmet search and rescue group said civilians were among the casualties and it lives city. In the afternoon ellipsis he was targeted by sukhoi 23 jets they hit the Industrial Area and Alcohol Market most of those hurt have serious injuries. Alqaeda linked groups are the strongest forces in these areas but the u. N. Says some 3000000. 00 civilians remain here too under the cease fire brokered by turkey which supports the rebels and russia which supports the Syrian Government as strikes were to have ceased on sunday mostly says its been targeting rebels whove been attacking civilian government held areas in what was supposed to be a deescalation zone brokered in 2018 also by turkey and russia the u. N. Says some 700000 people have been displaced and lived over the last 8 months turkey and russia are reported to have been negotiating the establishment of a secure zone in the region where those displaced can find safety during the winter in addition moscows announced look safe corridors have already been established to allow residents of ad libbed to cross over into government held territory but its unclear yet as to how many have chosen to do so she ever time to see aljazeera. A senior u. N. Official in lebanon has blamed the ruling elite for failing to tackle an economic collapse its reignited protests in the capital demonstrate has again targeted lebanons Financial Institutions as part of a symbolic attack on the governments economic plans is also still anger of a corruption and a fall in livingstone senators in barrett for us and explains now why there has been so much anger directed towards the countrys banks. Running battles in the streets of the lebanese capital for the 2nd consecutive nights antiriot police using tear gas to Disperse Protesters who as you can see are out in force raise growing frustration is growing at 11 on it is now the force months since antistatic. 7 people took to the street to the mound of change in leadership the countrys economy is in near collapse a close close to us. There are banks people vandalizing banks so destroying cash machines really venting their anger at the Banking Sector the banks closed down all capital controls was prevented from accessing their deposits savings there is a cap on the withdrawal of the us a pop in the withdrawal of lebanese pounds tear gas is being used by my right to do so earlier protesters were outside at least that was how you say. Yes it was it was such a feat so very very tough something without a government is a political vacuum and the end of october a people are going on the cover that well say i think oh heaven. And so what what the politicians have been doing is suffering among them down. Over the top of the United Nations for the warning that the situation is quote dangerous dangerous chaos in lebanon and blaming really the politicians for a failing financial system. Russias Prime Minister has stepped down in a move seen as paving the way for president Vladimir Putin to hold on to power when his term ends in 2024 Dmitri Medvedev says his resignation will allow for putin to introduce sweeping changes to the constitution this report now from john hope it was dramatic and entirely unexpected except the just hours before the resignation of russias Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and his entire government the president Vladimir Putin had called for government change. Me but i would list the as hes give you the we is the government of the Russian Federation should provide the president of our country with the opportunity to make all necessary changes to the political system in the annual live televised state of the nation address putin said that the constitution should be amended to the loud parliament to choose candidates for Prime Minister and the cabinet a power now enjoyed soley by the president and the president t. Said should in future serve a total maximum of 2 terms putin himself is currently serving his 4th the proposed changes would substantially limit the power of whoever succeeds putin as president after he steps down in 2024 as hes constitutionally bound to do supporters describe the movers deepening democracy empowering elected members of Parliament Critics however suggested office a concrete pluta russias hottest political question what happens after putin if the answer some believe is more puton the main result of putins address tweeted kremlin critic alecks in novell me what kind of idiots and door crooks are all those who said that putin would leave in 2024 the only goal of putin and his regime is remaining leader for life taking ownership of an entire country and appropriating wealth to himself and his friends the russian president seeks to it continue to exert control or the russian of political sphere even after he leaves the official office of the president so as sasha more is intended to change the structure of the russian government and sasha way esther which into possibly move to a different position from wish he will be able to do so but the me of putin has said nothing of his intentions post presidency but he could be planning a repeat of these 2008 move to become Prime Minister or take on another senior role a weakened presidency might pave the way for russias longest serving leader since stalin take power with him when he goes on a whole aljazeera. The past decade was the hottest ever recorded on this planet and its only getting worse the findings published in a new report also show the arctic is heating up 3 times faster than the rest of the planet is a joint study by nasa and the u. S. National oceanic and Atmospheric Administration scientists a stream where whether it will become more common if our current levels of Greenhouse Gas emissions assists. Venezuelas Opposition Leader says he will continue trying to convene parliament after armed groups on motorcycles prevented members from entering the building and house is the only branch of government there remains beyond the control of president. Latin america and is on the scene human reports now. For the 2nd time this months than israels opposition majority leader. Was obliged to improvise a Parliamentary Chamber in a remote auditorium hours earlier armed groups of oil to the government had prevented opposition lawmakers from approaching the National Assembly and firing weapons in the losing of the crowbar to attack one of their vehicles. Some depart is managed to press Police Barriers and were brutally ambushed they have taken over the palace moved. By the dictatorship. Heavily Armed Security forces had already surrounded the legislators palace where why the law had planned to convene Parliament Meanwhile government strongman. Arrived chair the constituent assembly a rival legislative super body created by president nicholas that operates from the same building he told aljazeera the opposition didnt have anything more to do in parliament in fact its not clear whether the mainstream opposition will ever be able to hold another session here in the legislative palace again the governments strategy seems to be to occupy this area permanently. The next step will likely be to allow the Supreme Court controlled by model loyalists to appoint a new electoral council. But its not possible to reach an agreement in parliament stipulated in the constitution the Supreme Court has the right to the clear a legislative mission and proceed to make the appointments. Last january the United States and more than 50 other countries recognized why those. The president of parliament as the countrys interim president as well. They argued that macdougall had rigged his 2018 the election but a year later harsh economic and diplomatic sanctions to try to force my little to hold new National Elections have failed. And its now why dog was on the defensive as the military backed government uses all the means at its disposal to isolated defiant but increasingly powerless opposition you see in human. Cataracts. Past the hour on aljazeera and these are the top stories the u. S. House of representatives has delivered the articles of impeachment against donald trump to the senates this is after a vote in the democratic controlled house with 7 members were also assigned as managers of the trial so the senate will then become effectively an Impeachment Court as early as thursday though significant proceedings arent expected to begin until next week. In other news the u. S. And china signed an initial deal marking a pause in a trade war that damaged both countries economies china has committed to buying an additional 200000000000. 00 worth of u. S. Goods and services by 2021 of the most existing american tariffs on chinese goods remain in place for now tons close to the tile volcano in the philippines have been damaged by ash fall more than 60000 people have been forced to leave their homes many going to Evacuation Centers across the tigris province but theyre nearly full german alan duggan is one such center. I mean one of the biggest evacuation sites that it was was is usually a Public University weve spoken to the site manager manager you says now that this university there in terry campus is full to the brim as of last accounting theres almost 3000 evacuees here now theyve had to turn several others several batches others and and redirected them to different other evacuation sites because it is full here russian jets have resumed bombing province syrias last remaining rebel held it was done 1st attack since the beginning of a ceasefire brokered with turkey several times of been targeted and at least 1000 people have been reported killed and senior u. N. Official in lebanon has blamed the ruling elite for failing to tackle an economic collapse thats reignited protests in beirut demonstrators have targeted the financial institutes in the lebanese capital. And russias Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev and his entire government have resigned saying it will allow for president Vladimir Putin to introduce changes to the constitution critics though say putins trying to hold on to power beyond his term limit of 2024 youre up to date with the headlines on entre 0 the stream is next. Frank assessments the one thing about these bush fires is its really the. Climate change informed opinions economy i think is actually whats keeping donald trump afloat right now critical debate cyclone goes to school youve been told what the law is all about this argument is astonishingly patronize an indepth analysis of the days headlines this is the beginning of the iraq of the new conscious and aware of that struggle against an ethnic sectarian cult or inside story on aljazeera. Ok and join the stream today will social media manipulate the 2020 us election well talk to a cambridge analytical whistleblower about how big tech could be undermining the democratic process you too can be part of the conversation really easy to send us your questions and comments. You changed. Ringback my memory is correct not have i lol i am my. First in uganda and you know in this. In 2018 it was revealed that the now defunct Political Consulting firm

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