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Eruption well have an update from ground 0 plus. If its the night shift you know theyd be too as much as the. Creation forces accused of attacking refugees and migrants the border with bosnia. And in sport new problems and more delays for organizers that Australian Open qualifying for air quality from ongoing bushfires followed by heavy rain in melbourne. Irans president is warning u. S. Troops and all other Foreign Forces to leave the middle east in a televised Cabinet Meeting and rouhani said european soldiers may be in danger his warning follows britain france and germany launching a dispute which could mean more sanctions they accuse the iranians of breaching their commitment to the 2015 nuclear deal and the cold on the u. S. To reverse its withdrawal from the agreement. Because it will probably get stop making mistakes return to the way we are ready return and choose a path that leads to the stability and security of the region an american trooper today is insecure and tomorrow the european soldier may face the same insecurity lets establish security we dont want insecurity in the world we want to get out of this region of course not by war but by wisdom lets walk a path that is to the interest of the world and the region. Well as had begun just now live from tehran that said those words there by the iranian president shows theyre still determined to put the squeeze on the u. S. Presence in the region right. Absolutely and obviously this has been the iranian line more forcibly since the assassination of gen carson for the money but its important to link that that insecurity that he spoke about and the potential danger to the United States troops and possibly e. U. Troops to what he called the insecurity in the region he says that the United States is behind this insecurity you mentioned syria you mentioned yemen and also the. Withdrawing from the j c p o 8 and said that the insecurity could lead to the danger of possibly the european troops in the region he says still said that they want stability they want the world to return to stability in this region and want to work towards that but ultimately runs goal is to oust the United States troops from this region he also spoke about the Ukrainian Airline crash this morning and said that there needs to be a inquiry the military and the government need to Work Together on it and he asked the armed forces to explain to the people why there was a delay in letting people know that they were responsible for the downing of that Ukrainian Airline he said that is still a mistake unimaginable mistake they never thought that this could happen but there needs to be transparency and accepting responsibility of Foreign Forces may know of left the region but there are reports of the departure by the British Ambassador to iran how is that being interpreted. Well there are reports that you came buses just to iran has left the country now from what we hear the u. K. Say its a working visit and he will return but there has been mounting pressure on him on saturday evening he was detained briefly after attending a vigil for the victims of the Ukrainian Airline crash but since then weve had strong statements come out from the government the Government Spokesperson said it was unprofessional and undiplomatic yesterday the judiciary spokesperson said that he was an unacceptable individual and under International Law he would be persona non grata and that he should be sacked today that one of the need prosecutors has called for his sacking and also yesterday there was a demonstration where they burnt an effigy of the u. K. And bust the Robert Macaire now this could be a working visit or this could be a way for the u. K. To relieve the pressure on him as an individual and from the rain perspective the u. K. Ambassador attended a vigil that turned into a demonstration where antigovernment cho they were they were Anti Government chants and this wasnt a vigil organized by the government where diplomats from Different Countries are invited to this was a vigil that was organized on social media and the presence of the you can bust that has deeply upset the iranians or less thank there for his reporting lets continue this conversation and bring in harman is a professor of Political Science at the university of tehran joins us live from there how do you interpret then the words of the iranian president do you see them as a threat to western forces. I dont believe its a military threat i mean iran is not saying now that it will militarily retaliate such as it did after the killing of awesome soleimani are nevertheless i think youre on will start a lot of diplomatic negotiations with regional countries to hopefully convince them to force the americans to leave in tehran Many Political id say probably every political faction sees the u. S. Presence in the region as a National Security threat for iran how line how likely do you really think it is that particularly some of the gulf arab countries are going to really. Come around to irans thinking as some of them at least host us forces partly out of a fear for of iran its absolutely going to be very difficult especially in countries you know such as battering and call wait and nevertheless in countries such as iraq and perhaps even afghanistan its going to be easier we have to also understand that even within the United States there are many calls for a u. S. At least reduction of troops in the middle east in fact that was one of trumps promises during the election in 2016 but essentially especially in the past few months the u. S. Increase of troops in the middle east and the sending of you know very sophisticated military equipment to the region is being seen enter on as a military threat to iran and essentially iran wants to push back the americans talking about the nuclear deal is there any chance of that being put back together. Its very unlikely now i mean after the assassination of them so they money essentially the chances of negotiations and reaching a deal with the americans has become next to 0 unfortunately and with the europeans from terrans perspective the europeans are acting very hypocritically because triggering the dispute resolution mechanism regarding iran is really not acceptable by tehran because a year and a half ago when the americans decided to leave the deal in place sanctions were placed on you on the europeans essentially did not nothing to shield iran from these sanctions or is in reality they promised iran that they would you know work towards relieving the iranian economy and for all whole year iran obliged by all of its obligations under the deal and at that during that time the iranian economy essentially collapsed i mean right now iran is actually selling less oil than it was before the deal was signed so i think the deal is on life support and perhaps it will even die in the next few months or a good to get your thoughts on that thanks so much most of the. Our cutters foreign minister is in baghdad and is urging all sides to respect iraqi sovereignty 100 been a drama and in jazz. Just met his iraqi counterpart from the valley and heikki carters foreign minister called on all sides to work towards the escalation thats after tensions between washington and tehran rose following the killing of iranian general classrooms for their money in a u. S. Drone strike. Editor more fear this visit comes at a critical time witnessed by iraq and the region my visit aims at having talks with these excellent c. The foreign minister of iraq about how to keep iraq away from conflict tensions are all over the place and everyone and every country have to decrease tensions that are together with some friendly countries is trying to decrease the tension we have made some contacts internationally for more consultations with our allies to the we see signs of decreasing tensions and we hope these continues what. We discussed ways to decrease tension in our region we have our common efforts in our lives where the iran of the United States our talks have been based on this relationship and weve concentrated on iraq not being a scene for regional conflicts we support free navigation in the gulf and we need to go to countries to make their own decisions and supervise the freedom of maritime activities in this area and iran can is live for us from the iraqi capital we know that qatar has good relations with both the u. S. And iran is a mediation effort coming together iran. Certainly looks that way judging by the language that both Foreign Ministers use the key word that kept being used was sovereignity iraqs sovereignty this is a very crucial moment in iraqs history where people here are actually very worried that the u. S. And iran will use this as a battleground for their fight and there are many iraqis that you speak to are looking to outsiders to. Try to help us certainly here in the Foreign Ministry i was speaking to people before the press conference began and the other work that was being used was crucial this was a crucial visit for the iraqis to try and calm down tensions now remember shaikh to mean that the rule of that was actually in tehran just a few days ago he held meetings with all the key players there and now his foreign minister is in baghdad with the same message that things need to be right so it looks like qatar is getting involved it looks like has a message to bring to the people of iraq in the leaders of iraq and after this visit to the Foreign Ministry will be meeting with the speaker of the parliament the president the Prime Minister all right imran khan there from baghdad now rockets have been fired and their base in iraq that houses u. S. Troops at least to catch you sure rockets were 5. Base just north of baghdad that have been no reports of any casualties no group has claimed responsibility either. One of the bases was the al asad airbase 0 has been given access to the strategically important facility. Its rare to be targeted by a Ballistic Missile and lived to tell the tale this is one of the 7 damaged locations inside the base currently home to around 2000 u. S. Danish norwegian polish and french troops u. S. Soldiers see a combination of luck and preparedness help to avoid casualties when irans i. R. G. C. Launch their missiles one left a nearly 6 meter wide crater and a shockwave knocked over blast walls each of these requires heavy equipment for installation maybe i mean weve got one of our bunkers they were used during the time we had one individual that was inside their journey attack. While he says his bible was the most precious thing he lost in the ensuing fire which destroyed his living quarters when you could feel the shock of everything that. Just blew up. I was with the person with me were basically hugging each other holding the ground. And about 10 seconds after we got out of the bunker to go check on the person down here all the time was the last job was guarding one tower on the outer wall and saw the missiles coming in oh stephanie we scared and i was worried for the other people on base of course i was i was so scared because. The sprawling 6 mile perimeter is one of the major training recognizance and air logistics bases for us that troops inside iraq and neighboring countries are thinking we would get rocketed and that rocket attack would be followed by a base incursions i would wager that if you know there was a high value target on base to hit it would definitely be our air assets. Sit on target because it believes the base was used to launch the drone which. Killed silly money and for drone pilots such as cost and keeping those air assets off the ground was a priority as soon as they heard about the attack a few hours before a top and we carry hellfire missiles. We do which is Intelligence Surveillance and reconnaissance we launched as many aircraft as we could as were capable of. To to cover as many bases as possible try to keep people safe or at least give early warning. To all of our. Other people around iraq this is what remains of the sleeping quarters of 39. 00 soldiers who were stationed at this unit they say that theyre here to do a job and for them it does not matter what the politicians say regarding their presence in the country. The Iraqi Government says after this in a money assassination Coalition Troops are more focused on keeping themselves safe and Iraqi Security forces should not have to be of the additional responsibility of protecting them in on the militias such as an age of on cafe has been law of war and that their attacks will continue until foreign troops leave iraq the coalition recognizes that iraq is a dangerous place there are continued threats from isis as well as other groups. Were ready for those threats weve taken defensive action to prepare for those threats weve paused Training Operations to ensure we can focus on anything that we are required to do to protect our troops and protect our regular partners from the threat of rogue militias and other terrorist gangs and yes a lopsided suspended rightists is not happening. So what are you guys doing up here. To serve us something that you have actually talked to probably arent sure about because one creature. Senior military leaders including the secretary of defense has ruled out u. S. And Coalition Troops pulling out for now here remain briefed with a heightened level of threat so im a big joe we dont have the era. Iraq. To libya now where the top of the base government aligned with ward for over half the says a ceasefire with the tripoli based government is over according to the u. N. Recognized government of National Accord fighting has broken out south of the capital and is responding to attacks with artillery fire on monday the g. N. A. S. And huffed began talks in moscow to end the conflict but general haftar left without the deal being agreed Russias Defense Ministry says half the needed time to discuss the agreement with his allies moved up to the wire joins us live from tripoli so all of that not a very good sign for the cease fire. Not out of an old fags here on the ground indicate that this cease fire is so fragile at least for the time being as you know that the government to military operation the military offensive thats the counter offensive line should to appeal have to the aggression on the capital tripoli they say that they have documented their civil violations by have to his forces in southern tripoli including get firing randomly at residential areas and also they said that they supported the pro have to draw over tripoli last night meanwhile help those militants also. Block the road the main highway between tripoli on the starter in an area called or a bully east of tripoli and opened fire on a progovernment patrol securing the area there meanwhile the speaker of the pro have to. Parliament that the parliament based in the eastern city of tobruk stated that this cease fire is collapsing and hes also confirm. The military operation by their forces is going on inside them to police sporadic fighting where witnesses. Were witnessed yesterday and also overnight according to the Government Military sources meanwhile. Have to allies local allies here are not agreeing on this ceasefire and meanwhile it seems that. The peaceful settlement for this conflict for this conflict might take a long time and therefore it sammy all right thanks so much mahmoud. Or cloudier good xeni is senior libyan analyst at International Crisis group she joins us now from rome good to have you with us so in your analysis is this cease fire over. Well its a very tenuous cease fire there has been fighting in the tripoli outskirts but i think before we can definitely put a nail on this cough and well have to see where were going to witness more sizable operations i think as long as the violations include minor movements of forces on the ground we can still say that its kind of holding if and when we start seeing airstrikes drone strikes or even as some members of the tripoli based government have threatened counter attacks by aerial forces in support of them on hafter installations then in that case we can say that this cease fire is definitely over but its not looking very bad i must say where does this thing leave the upcoming girland conference. Well foreign leaders are expected to together in their lin this sunday the conference which is being planned for months was supposed to be. A stage in which 10 foreign leaders from Key Countries because internet members of the u. N. Security council and outside actors involved in the libya crisis was supposed to make a united strong call for a secession of a still ities and a roadmap of what should happen. Now in the light of the failure of the moscow meeting in which putin and their dough on tried to. Pull britain cease fire agreement and in the light of the tensions that have ensued its very hard to tell what can come out of bed and now berlin was supposed to be a foreign leaders only conference the news of yesterday is that both hof there have been invited so it could be that the chancellor merkel is still hoping that some kind of deal can be inked in berlin between these 2 need is but judging on the on the rhetoric of huff there and his supporters it seems that they are on a completely different mind frame and continue to oppose. The written deal that was put on the table in moscow which which is a reflection of the proposal that should be discussed in berlin so. Little chances of actually moving forward and i think the test will be whether we see high level representation in berlin on not this was aimed to being a high level conference with the need as heads of states but as far as we know trump will not be there most probably sisi will not be there so this will be an indication to how much regional powers also are putting their weight behind this conference or whether or not. Or i thank you so much for your analysis claudia good. But more still ahead on the news hour including. A desperate search for survivors as almost 100 people die in avalanches across pakistan will have to. Tell you why cambodia is most prominent Opposition Leader is on trial for treason i would sport tottenham target the 1st wave of 2020. With that story. Now 40000 people have been forced to leave their homes in the philippines as the tal volcano spews ash and lava into the air several new cracks of opened in the ground nearby Scientists Say a bigger eruption could be on its way and want the area completely evacuated lets take a closer look at the dangers this volcano poses is on the main island of luzon in the province of i think its 70 kilometers south of the capital manila its part of what is known as the pacific ring of fire the volcano is on another island in the middle of lake tile and is a complex series of overlapping cones and craters the surrounding area has been designated home in an. Robin bryant is near the volcano he says the government may soon adopt stricter measures to get people to leave the area. A lot of anxious eyes now cast towards the whole volcano to see what it might do next tens of thousands of people from around the lake here have a left or they are seeking sanctuary in Evacuation Centers but the government has a set of potential danger zone of some 14 kilometers radius which is a big area all around this lake where some half a 1000000 people are located urging them all to leave and as they do so it does seem as though this wednesday afternoon the government may be taking tougher measures to try to force people to move away from here this wednesday afternoon they have suddenly the city and also the Tourism Department given an order that all the hotels the restaurants guest houses around this lake be closed down everyone should move out that is why we are here we have had to leave like everybody else were now at a roadside further around the lake and the dust that you see around us is not and i think that has come from usually from the volcano but this is all of the action dust that was spread on sunday on monday across a huge area of the island of luzon which still obviously hasnt been cleared with the traffic and as the winds whip up during the day it all the once war starts circulating people have been looking at the volcano looking at the plumes of smoke and ash which have been getting left it has to be said of the last day or so but the vulcanologist here the experts vulcanologist weve been visiting have been telling us that the other readings do seem to indicate that still a big eruption could well be imminent things like the amount of sulfur in the air the intensity and the frequency of some of these tremors and earthquakes i mean this that to heart still remains part. Really very dangerous now for the 1st time ever Environmental Concerns have dominated the World Economic forums annual report on long term risks to the planet the report warns of an increase in extreme weather events and the global failure to adapt to the effects of Climate Change 2020 is called a critical year for nations in tackling Global Warming but it also says a greater commitment is needed from the Worlds Largest emitters and it warns increasing geopolitical turbulence and the retreat from multilateralism will only exacerbate the crisis in pakistan winter storms have killed more than 100 people rescue workers are battling harsh conditions to reach those stranded in the largest than them pakistan administered kashmir. Full cost suggests the harsh weather will continue on high that is in islamabad he says poorly built homes have contributed to high death tolls. Most of the launchers took place and pakistani administered kashmir near the line of control where most of the board relation. Live on the slopes and the fact that so much snow came in such a short duration actually caused the real problem although people tell you that they did not unusual to see this kind of nobody would normally comes in and takes about 4 to 5 days to accumulate that accumulated that kind of you know ever within that period before. The flow came down quite heavy and thats what caused all the. North ridge standing the fact that there are very poor infrastructure. Poor populations most of the houses are made out of and were not stand a chance against heavy rain or heavy snows the government needs to go on certain trade on how to mitigate the fake thread by reinforcing and rebuilding some of those homes great draw down and do it all cubans. All right its time to get the weather here is kevin so its not your average joe regulus no fold in the area is it kev no as come all said its a lot of snow but it was in a very short period of time and im going to show you what had happened in this particular scenario normally we see weather systems coming out of the northwest near the caspian down towards parts of pakistan but in this scenario this particular weather system actually started out here in the eastern part of the mediterranean you notice the clouds right there we are watching a storm system right now in the in the system that happened with this with area of low pressure came out of the Eastern Mediterranean moved very quickly across much of the levant it picked up even additional moisture down here across parts of the arabian sea and its with that moisture as well as very heavy snow that came out of the system up across parts of the Higher Elevations of pox very very quickly the snow fell across many areas in some locations of course we saw up to about one meter to 2 meters of snow across this area now of course were also dealing with some very cold air across much of the region right now only seeing a temperature of about 2 degrees this is below average for this time of year we dont expect to see any more any more systems coming out of the area in the near term but in terms of the tempter take a little 3 day forecast for quite a we are looking at still temperatures well below average nobody has time of year we see a daytime high of about 11 degrees daytime low of about minus 3 what were seeing temperatures still staying well below average minus 12 to minus 11 so were watching this very carefully but the good news is no rain no snow coming into play the other big system we are watching is what is happening here across parts of india another system bringing very heavy rain and into the mountains were going to be seeing some very heavy snow as well simmering back to you. Thanks kevin well still ahead here on aljazeera. So that puts downer of all by members of a disbanded spy service well tell you what led to the crisis. Why protesters in lebanon have declared what theyre calling a week of anger. And its called a reversal of fortune for the team used to settling the highest standards in basketball. Against. All dizzy right explores prominent figures of the 20th century and how libraries influenced the course of history beginning with the giants of the struggle for civil rights the amount of nonviolent resistance to the evils over the veil of those who oppressed people look at me and continue to teach the negroes to be different that what you mean by malcolm x. And Martin Luther king face to face. Tensions could cut Global Economic growth by north point 8 percent we bring you the stories and developments that are rapidly changing the world we live in one example china be a drag on the Global Economy in 2020 counting the cost on aljazeera. The u. S. Is always of interest to people all around the world people Pay Attention to focus on now does it is very good to bring the news to the world from here. You choose youre watching out just 0 time to recap our headlines now irans president is warning u. S. Troops oh no other Foreign Forces to leave the middle east has some raw honey is also called on the us to reverse its withdrawal from the 2015 Iran Nuclear Deal cutters foreign minister is in baghdad calling on all sides in the region to work towards deescalation tensions between washington and ron bros following the killing of the rainy and general possum soul a nanny in the u. S. Drone strike in the wrong 40000 people have been forced to leave their homes of the philippines or is the tal volcanoes spews ash and larval in to be yeah Scientists Say a larger eruption could be imminent one the area completely evacuated Police Office is in cray sure of being accused of attacking refugees and migrants on the border with bosnia and herzegovina people say theyve been assaulted own robbed to buy Border Guards and illegally ejected cray share has recently taken on the presidency of the European Union critics say its trying to show it can protect the borders of the you law and slay reports from the bosnia croatia border but the disused factory they buy their time over 2000 of them desperate to get into europe for either asylum or work but how meat is going to have to wait a bit longer before breaking cover again the Croatian Police broke his arm in 3 places a few days ago if you are in in the daytime you know they dont be too much but if its the night shift you know they beat you as much as they can and do a lot of people in here to do they will say the same thing yes some of them got beaten some of them not beaten you know it depends on how many times you try again we call it a game i dont know if you know if you lose it you come back again strange if you want to get into the European Union from both mia means crossing the mountains and the game involves dodging the Croatian Police they are now widely accused of brutal assaults routine theft of money and phones occasionally shooting migrants a group of officers raised the stakes recently writing a joint anonymous letter admitting it and claiming they were being told to do it theyre using. Illegal. Ways of communicating like to stop or viber or to private phone says so none of this is. Being. Yes. Nothing is controlled and nobody knows what the content of this exchanges were. And then they use civill clothes they use civil cars journalists have also accused the croatians of attacking them so he got the bosnians to his court as the truck the migrants take this is also the external border of the European Union croatia which just became president s of the e. U. Wants to join the free market. Movement schenkkan zone that means signing up to fortress europe last year nearly 50000 people left bosnia and entered the European Union here illegally and once the done so croatia was far happier to let them carry on through italy or wherever than here their asylum claims in that sense many people think that croatias tough guy act towards the refugees and migrants is really a game of its own designs approves of the European Union how good he sees it security. Over the last few days the great and the good from the European Union have been in croatia and the Prime Minister has spent every News Conference stressing how committed his country is to border enforcement he always glosses over questions about Police Brutality from a legal perspective violence at the borders is Never Acceptable its acceptable to which it is illegal isnt it illegal yes any this is of course acceptable for a country to protect its borders to monitor and to prevent people from coming in in accordance with International Standards but it is not acceptable to use violence the apparent tolerance of Police Violence towards Asylum Seekers here is the starkest illustration of how the e. U. Now regards security as the only game in town migration flows are not what they were a few years ago but nor human rights slee aljazeera on the croatian told. Only a goal is Senior Researcher for Eastern Europe and western balkans and Human Rights Watch she joins us via skype from the hungary and capital budapest good to have you with us so 1st of all how well documented are these alleged cases of abuse at the hands of creation authorities. Unlawful pushbacks the often accompanied violence in these pushups is a very well documented your rights watch has been documenting this for years and we are certainly not the only ones the Un Refugee Agency the council of europe in rights commissioner and other n. G. O. S echo the very concerns that weve been putting forward for years now and from what youve documented is it possible to say whether these are just isolated incidents or part of a bigger pattern that well indicates there might be a deliberate policy at play. Now were not talking about isolated incidents this is a systematic practice that has been going on for years and its actually not only under question bosnian border that we have documented similar violations on the creation serbian border as well so its very clear based on the documentation that we have made clear is that this is not and were not talking about isolated incidents here this instance is the magic practice that is put in place in order to remove people from patient territory in an unlawful manit whether its back to bosnia or into serbia and often those what we call push backs are accompanied by various levels of violence im wondering if youve contacted then creation authorities what sort of response youve had a family from the. We have been weve been in touch with christian authorities on numerous occasions raising our concerns and basically question authority is to continue to dismiss any and all allegations particularly when it comes to raising concerns of violence i mean theyre going so far as to even accuse the migrants and Asylum Seekers themselves of causing the injuries that we put forth as part of our documentation or indeed accuse human Rights Groups and that of this for impersonating creation Police Officers and then beating migrants and Asylum Seekers all in the effort of making the question honestly that we should move across rights well what ultimately is happening to people then who are able to cross from bosnia i mean anecdotal observations would indicate that this seems to be more and more people who are getting stuck in bosnia is there any sort of system to support them there then. Well the people that are being pushed back into bosnia i mean essentially theyre stuck as was mentioned earlier reports many people try several times dozens of times to cross into question and the situation right now in bosnia is quite alarming because you have several thousands vibrance and signing seekers in in very poor conditions scattered particularly along the border area because of. Political bickering in bosnia and a complicated political system there where we have seen for months now. A complete disarray particularly in the border region where people have been left in absolutely atrocious conditions are on the boston side and so obviously there is a need also for boston authorities to address the situation and to how migrants and Asylum Seekers in in a humane way fashion ok thank you so much for bringing your perspective lydia gore where. Sudans government says its put out an armed revolt by members of the disbanded Intelligence Unit who are angry at the terms theyve been offered for dismissal 2 soldiers were killed and 4 injured is the 1st major challenge from within the security ranks for the Transitional Government it took power in august head of morgan reports from khartoum. Tuesday in hard soon started like this. Members of the operation 2 units of sudans general Intelligence Services opening fire in the capital there rejecting a severance package offered to them after the unit was dissolved months ago and they opted to retire rather than join the military tensions were high as people came out just what. Was going after some clubs are firing their weapons what are we waiting for where are the Security Forces to stop this. Sudans government only months old deployed soldiers to try and contain the situation tanks patrolled the streets while military choppers flew over her tom skies as the main airport was shut down the Operations Unit in the Intelligence Services was dissolved as part of reforms by the then military council which ousted the countrys President Army in april following months of protests protesters had demanded the Intelligence Services be restructured accusing them of corruption and committing crimes against civilians the government described todays event at the meeting and called on the members of the unit to lay down their guns its accused their former leader who resigned days after bashir was ousted of being behind the shootings minus good. We will no longer remain silent what happened today is behind it this force operates under his command his ordering this force and his commanders plotting against the country in secret they are trying to incite internal strife that up. This planned in the coming days they want to stop problems in the country. The gun battles played out in residential neighborhoods with people reporting stray bullets landing in their homes and surveillance entered people are on high alert and not only because of the event but because of what they may signify theyre worried that this would set the revolution back and that the military will try to tighten its grip on power to restore security in the capital and elsewhere. Some analysts are blaming the government for the outbreak of violence and if they couldnt know. There was a mistake in how issues were run after the sting of bashir and especially in dealing with a pair ations unit in the Intelligence Services and how they were integrated were no talking about a key least 3000 people who are well armed well trained indian Intelligence Forces and they werent properly released and didnt hand their weapons. Tuesday in how to end it the way it started with the sound of gunshots filling the air the latest bout of violence is a reminder to sudanese that they Transitional Government remains fragile and there are still many Security Issues to be resolved. Sco now to him she joins us live from khartoum have on the stand theres some new developments about arrests whats going on. While following todays events weve heard the attorney general saying that there were several members from the Operations Unit of the general Intelligence Services who have been arrested and his calling for the law to be used and to be implemented on them now lets go back to the law that hes asking for as per the laws of the general Intelligence Services this is a mutiny or revolved and therefore those who have been arrested will be sentenced to death or life imprisonment but following tuesdays events there were lots of questions that have been raised and out of the incidents now we already know that this was the Operations Unit from the general Intelligence Services who have rejected joining the military and they are safe and have opted for retirement and they were complaining about the severance package but the questions that came out following the events on tuesday is if those units were dissolved months of why were they still armed thats question that a lot of people have been asking for the tomb then theres a question of where did the money go that was initially issued according to the to the council there was a large amount of money that has been released but and that was given to the head of the general Intelligence Services but then it was not handed over to the members of the Operations Unit so there are questions on who is involved and how far up does this conspiracy asper the suffering comes from how far does it go and people are wondering if the military and the security Intelligence Services are trying to indeed tighten their grip on power or have a morgan thanks for. Now protesters in lebanon have been out on the streets once again issuing a new call for action following 3 months of antigovernment unrest theyve regrouped for what they call a week of anger under the slogan the revolution is coming back on tuesday Night Protests in the capital beirut turned violent lebanese troops fired tear gas to disperse demonstrators who smashed windows of banks as part of a symbolic assault on the countrys Financial Institutions so a holder is in the capital she explains why theres been so much anger directed towards the banks. Anger is escalating people are growing increasingly frustrated because of the near economic collapse in the country as you can see behind me banks have been vandalized cash machines destroyed hombre in central beirut a commercial district was a battleground for hours they were running battles between Security Forces and protesters which began outside the central bank a few 100 meters from where we are standing protesters tried to storm the central bank and Security Forces intervened people are angry because the Banking Sector theyve imposed capital controls basically theres only a certain amount of money you can withdraw from your savings dollars r r r in shortage and theres even a cap on the amount of lebanese pounds so people feel the Banking Sector is keeping peoples money hostage and theyre also blaming the banks for the failed policies in recent years that led to lebanons worst economic crisis in decades but at the same time some of the protesters who were on the streets yesterday are supporters of the Ruling Alliance and that many believe that this was a message a message to the Banking Sector as well as the head of the central bank that they want him to go for 2 reasons those in the Ruling Alliance those who hold power in this country believe that banks in one way or the other are imposing this controls to create more anger in the streets to turn the streets against those in power the Political Class and its not just they do blame. Me for implementing u. S. Sanctions against the iranian backed Group Hezbollah which leads the Ruling Alliance so a political message at the same time. Now an Opposition Leader in cambodia has gone on trial for treason for treason rather in what is being widely condemned as a sham reporters on the public were banned from cold. Protested his innocence he faces life in prison if convicted of collaborating with the u. S. To overthrow the government Prime Minister who has been in power for 35 years hes facing increasing International Pressure for cracking down on critics dissolving so khans Main Opposition Party the trial is underway in the capital lumpen all reports of long slow is that. There have been concerns about this case from the very outset that u. S. The e. U. Members of parliament some Asian Countries have urged the cambodian government to drop charges against cancer and now there are concerns about whether or not this hearing is going to be transparent the court did not issue process to media or civil Rights Groups instead it issued passes to embassies and their representatives some of whom gave these concerts to a couple of reporters and theres no likely to the proceedings so members of the public conscious of the trial and one opposition supporter would all angry about that he told al jazeera that it says a lot about this government that it gets to decide who is able to trial and who is that the City International has accused him both in government of weapon i think its criminal Justice System as a way to eliminate its main political and Human Rights Watch said cant be the victim of a sham trial on bogus charges of treason remember i can so its been tried in 2024 remarked that he made in 20137 years ago now he is recorded thing at a Public Meeting that he cant buy from us experts on how to win an election that is the basis of Treason Charges against him and civil rights activists are both appointed to how youve been treated we trial there was no prison. In the end they think. Its taken more than 2 years for the government to bring. In more than a prison and more than they get under house arrest and even when he was released. One of which was that hes not allowed to participate in. Many to include that not only the charges against him. But that its going to be a struggle for him to get a hearing. Now the cuban government is warning its citizens to prepare for shortages of cooking gas because of u. S. Sanctions many homes in cuba depend on bottled gas people are being told to save as much as they can. Force the state Energy Company to cancel purchases of liquefied Petroleum Gas washington has been tightening sanctions on cuba to pressure. The government of venezuelas nicolas maduro. In sports Major League Baseballs. Profile victim. Rives time to catch up with all the sports and andy is here thank you so much sammy will Major League Baseballs cheating scandal has claimed another victim alex corps is leaving his post as manager of the Boston Red Sox a League Investigation said cora organized an illegal system of whats known as sign stealing while he was coaching at the Houston Astros a camera was used to record and decode hand signals made by opposing players during games that meant his teams batters would know what type of pitch was coming their way the red sox will let you to hold a press conference with a few more details later on this wednesday in a statement so far theyve said well this is a sad day for us given the findings in the commissioners ruling we collectively decided that it would not be possible for alex to effectively lead the club Going Forward or we spoke to American Sports broadcaster Michael Colson who doesnt expect seems to be stripped of titles as a consequence of this investigation. Sign stealing has been part of the game basically since signs began and signs are used by basic mostly by the catcher to signal to the pitcher which i need to pitch he wants thrown and made most Major League Baseball pitchers can throw a variety of different pitches i dont feel like the punishments need to be any more draconian a sign stealing perceval if youre smart enough player to be on the base pass and to be able to read another team science and decipher them i dont think that thats cheating i think its gamesmanship basically and its smart play i do agree that that using the using the technology is a different level of gamesmanship and it is cheating and i would like to see them simply ban the Technology Im not quite sure how you walk back on that but maybe maybe taking away the the chat the whole challenge procedure might be a start on that there is a sense in which we now because were used to watching sport on television because we think of sport in a way. More like a video game and less like a live actual event maybe we want to return to that and return to the days when no one calls were made mistaken and became famous having rain and caused major disruptions at the Australian Open qualifies for the 1st grand slam of the year and heavily impacted by smoke from the australian bushfires equity of a melbourne was officially writes it as unhealthy causing the start of plights a bit of late for 3 hours games were also held up the day before play was and completely washed out by heavy rain later on the rain has at least basic hopes to clear on thursday and several players are upset at being forced to play matches in these conditions not least of any is a private she had hired from her much on choose day with breathing difficulties. We are 1 used to pollution like a plane china polluted countries but i mean this is small piece Something Different that for sure we are not used to it and i think i mean citizens and everyone was advised to stay inside and im we didnt expect that we will be playing yesterday there are also been calls for a Players Union to be set up separate sex competitors canadas. Roger federer and rafael nadal for not standing up for the lower ranked players he said its got to come from the top guys roger and rafa are a little bit selfish in thinking about themselves and their career is the organizers are just trying to shove us on the course because we qualify as a world number one the dow was one of the top tennis stars to turn out for an exhibition match in melbourne parts raise money for those affected by the bushfires the join of a jock rich and Serina Williams who will all be challenging for the 1st grand slam of the year in the main job begins on monday. Welcome back to his try to 20. Obviously thats why you so touched by what youve been saying yes 20 years its been my home and had so many great matches on this court and in this country and so thats why were are here tonight to support and to help. Tottenham of won their 1st game of 2020 beating 2nd city middlesbrough in the english f. A. Cup team without a win in 4 games heading into this 3rd round replay spurs were ahead inside 2 minutes after an goalkeeping era set up that chance for giovanni. Or come out of school time 2nd with his team aiming to win their 1st trophy since 2008 for some of the form but late on from middlesbrough but it finished c one so last seasons Champions League final lists. Manchester united of cancel plans to stay in the gulf region for Training Camp next month manager early going to socialists is the same when i stay in europe due to security concerns when i turn this wednesday united will play wolves in the 3rd round f. A. Cup reply. Weve got them in a couple of weeks again in the league so we were. We we know we played a decent 1st of last week it was the last week last time we played them 2nd half was a bit disappointing so but at home we want to we want to make sure that we go through im sure you know want to go through as well because this tournament is one that we all dream about winning in the n. B. A. The Golden State Warriors are closing in on their worst losing streak for 19 years on tuesday they were thrashed 124 to 97 by the Dallas Mavericks and 9th defeats in a row in the 2002001 season they lost 13 straight its already their worst run under 3 time championship winning card state. A record breaking moment for norways chess grandmaster Magnus Carlsen the reigning World Champion on the left has now gone a 111. 00 games unbeaten after drawing his latest match in the netherlands 29 year old carlsen suppressed the previous mark that was set by russias guy severe hof in 2005 hes multitalented last month he was top of the official premier League Fantasy football rankings ahead of more than 7000000 rivals ok more for me throughout the day but that is it sir for now some banks and the bad seeds from a sam is a down for this news hour will be back in a moment with more of the days news to stay with us here on aljazeera downs back in just a moment. Frank assessments the one being about these bush bars is that really wiping out the politics of Climate Change informed opinions economy i think is actually whats keeping donald trump afloat right now critical debate sequel on posters dont even know what the law is all about this argument is astonishingly patronize a indepth analysis of the days headlines this is the beginning of a new iraq of a new conscious and aware youth about struggle against an ethnic sectarian kota inside story on aljazeera across europe immigration is high on the agenda and in hungary its presented as a pressing issue we dont have immigrants at all 0 immigration but this is the one political topic anybody and everybody is discussing the far right is preparing for battle and their opponents or anyone who is different. Prejudiced some fried in hungary on aljazeera. Its a tough time for the afghan Security Forces taliban attacks have increased their suffering heavy casualties and the prospect of a withdrawal of u. S. Forces hangs over them yet young men are still joining up some for putting reasons for others is the only way to get a job despite the risks midways karimi was an Army Bomb Disposal engineer in Helmand Province he knew the risks he was blinded in both eyes and lost a leg when a roadside device exploded as you try to defuse it always aware of the danger of seeing friends wounded while working on mines i wasnt scared to lose an arm or a leg is to sacrifice we have to like to serve this country. They rein in president Hassan Rouhani says foreign troops must leave the middle east and warns that the e. U. Forces could be at risk. Well im down jordan assad is there a live from doha also coming up the ceasefire in libya is over says a top official a lot of the warlord and even half ton of his forces attacked areas close to triple. The town volcano shuts down large areas around the minute as experts warn of an imminent eruption well have an update from ground 0 plus. If its the night

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