Justice. A call for peace the leaders of germany and russia agreed to hold an International Conference in berlin to try to end the war in libya. More insult on the long time ruler known for promoting peace in an unstable region his cousin haitham been todd akin saeed is named the new leader. Maryanne demasi in london with the top stories from europe including malta as ruling party votes for a new leader after the fallout over the murder of a journalist brought down the Prime Minister. Would have all the sports know that youre which sets up a clash with the bell serbia and spain reach the final. 2 international you know the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking about the plane that was shot down in iran lets listen. Canada and the world still have many questions questions that must be answered earlier this morning i spoke with president rouhani of iran i told him that irans admission that its own armed forces unintentionally shot down flight 752 is an important step towards providing answers for families but i noted that many more steps must be taken a full and complete investigation must be conducted we need full clarity on how such a horrific tragedy could have occurred families are seeking justice and accountability and they deserve closure i reiterated to president rouhani that it is absolutely necessary that canada participate in this investigation we expect the full cooperation of iranian authorities currently 3 visas have been approved for members of the Standing Rapid Deployment Team we expect that the lead members of this team will arrive in tehran around 4 pm today and establish a presence on the ground to support canadian families Additional Team members will follow were working with our partners who are facilitating the process by which visas are granted currently the iranians are cooperating in granting visas. If it would please dont do any she began my danny if i have it on my cornea. I have all. The actions. Which get him that is the canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau hes speaking from ottawa and hes giving an update on the plane that was downed in iran he traditionally does speak in english as well as french both languages so some of what we just heard him speak in essay in english is that canada is their man doing full responsibility and accountability for that flight wants to me lets listen in once again aberrate to give closure to the victims deescalate tensions in the region and continue this dialogue our focus remains accountability transparency and justice for the families and loved ones of the victims as minister shopping said yesterday our government is taking additional steps to provide more support to those grieving ive asked the clerk of the privy council to set up an Emergency Task force which convened earlier today additionally consular an immigration officials have been dispatched across the country so they can be in direct contact with the families of canadians affected by this tragedy the minister mendicino has set up an Emergency Line to ensure that officials from immigration canada are available to help with any visa issues. The minister shopping in one name continual Mcconnell Air and myself will continue to be in contact with all the Government Agencies to make sure that the families receive the support they require us to be to. All the leaders and i mean ministers and whenever canada canadians see great difficulty they stand in solidarity is that we think with each other was and we would be here for our neighbors for our communities our citizens of us they said compassionate acts to comfort those touched by this tragedy but on that had. Come and will not cease to own ask and demand on says we will be here i will be here to watch that the light will be shed on these events theres as are my ministers last night i spoke to Prime Minister of japan who is on his way to the middle east and i will soon be speaking again with ukrainian president zelinsky and swedish Prime Minister love. Minister champagne has been in touch with his counterparts from iran switzerland turkey sweden and ukraine in part to discuss progress on issuing visas for our teams he will also reconvene a 2nd call of the International Coordination and Response Group for the families of victims of p s 752 to coordinate our response for the Families Together with representatives from ukraine sweden afghanistan and the United Kingdom who are also grieving. The minister get to think. Of it these are 2 at the front says. It was best to. Assure you that all those discussions will be ongoing i want to end by sharing with you a bit of what i did yesterday i had a chance to sit with some of the families of the victims they are hurt angry and grieving they want answers they want justice. What iran has admitted to is a very serious shooting down a civilian aircraft is horrific iran must take full responsibility. Canada will not rest until we get the accountability justice and closure that the families deserve. Going to. See that when the notice met that limit not on the gifts you were serving now take actions we were to not you could be running after him Prime Minister another to iran has admitted guilt. Are you can more confident that families are going to be able to bring their loved ones home and is there a time line on that. These if mission of a rare and of responsibility in this horrific crash is a very important 1st step and we have seen from around 0 willingness to facilitate consular access support for the families but is just too early to have a sense of timelines and terms of when they will be able to return for their family members you sit its a chance to speak with rouhani i mean should iran compensate canadian families here that is certainly something that is it going to need to be part of the mix i sat down with a number of families who are absolutely devastated with a loss of loved ones they are facing a financial challenges on top of the extraordinary grief that they are feeling right now and we need to make sure that those families get the justice that they to surf so math youve corey brother kind of and them or of a mere wraps and committee in process but after him dad month see i wanted to see about the air and you t. V. Do you have if you please though from president rouhani that this there will be of full an independent investigation how much trusts do you put in the iranian authorities its as full sit be and easier i think that fact that theyve accepted responsibility for the missile strike which brought the plane down that be i think that establishes already that theyre open to having an investigation to find out exactly what happened we need to make sure that its a credible investigation with independent International Investigators involved but. Once irans took responsibility for what happened there has been every indication that they were open to an open investigation obviously there have been calls for a credible International Investigation from the very beginning the fact that iran has now taken responsibility for the downing of that aircraft means that it is likely that they will be full participants and fully allow a credible independent International Investigation with all partners involved we still have work to do to ensure that happens but the question of responsibility i think takes us a step forward towards truly having a very credible and thorough investigation. And think its only offered in the iran draws a direct connection between this tragedy and the conflict with the us. Do you make any such connection. To answer i think that in times of conflict and tension thats precisely when innocent lives are lost. Obviously in this context in the middle east these days that contributed to this tragedy but has a rand did the right thing and took responsibility for the downing of this plane and for this tragedy. Mr Prime Minister the you said that the tensions in the region sort of contributed to this and you expect iran to take full responsibility but iran is still pointing something 1st at the United States as are many others for raising tensions in the 1st place do you share those views and do you plan to speak with the u. S. President and in discussing ive had a number of conversations with the u. S. President recently recently and will continue to the reality is there have been significant tensions in that region for a long time and what we are calling for now is and deescalation to ensure that there are no more tragic accidents or loss of civilian life as well as moving forward to the peace and stability that is deserved by everyone in the region our focus right now is primarily on ensuring accountability and answers and closure for the victims and that is what we are engaged with. The Ukrainian Airlines executives are quite questioning why iran didnt warn them about this that there were potential missiles in the area that they dont close the airspace. Are you confident that this was actually an accident this is one of the issues that we certainly need better answers to and thats why this 1st step of the mission of responsibility is an important one by around but there are many other questions like that one that will need clear answers to in the coming days and weeks ok so. Thats good. Actually burke c. B. C. Most part of the. Prudential canada id like to know a lot of families have said that theyre angry and upset whats your reaction Prime Minister are you also upset answered yes im furious that there are canadian families that have lost their parents their children their spouses its a huge tragedy for the entire country not just for the iranian community. The Iranian Canadian Community is a community that has contributed greatly to canadas prosperity they work very hard. Theyre very involved theyve believed in this country and the future that theyve built here for many of those families that has all been struck down out of the blue. By irish team that they had fled in the past that they believed they had gotten away from this is an accident or an incident that is truly horrible and i am angry im disappointed but i am firmly committed to getting answers and compensation and help and justice for the victims i am of course outraged and. Furious that the families across this country are grieving the loss of their loved ones that the Iranian Canadian Community is suffering so greatly that all canadians are shocked and appalled at the senseless loss of life. The Iranian Canadian Community is one that has contributed tremendously to this country hardworking proud canadians contributing every day to building a Better Future for themselves and their kids and to many families are destroyed. Many of these families have fled or fled the regime trying to build a better life for them elsewhere and to have the of regime that they have left behind except responsibility for this is it a bitter pill indeed. Well move away from the. Prime minister speaking in ottawa take you over. To the ukraine. On the very same issue of the plane that was downed in iran canada to Great International Investigative Committee but. Our rescue group arrived when there are 9 of january at 930 i spoke to the president here on expect regarding quick operation in the investigation that experts received excess to. Remain sealed. Off the aircraft as well this black box is. The. Ukrainians secretary of the National Security council and if you key version in this league ations on the 9th of january which is what we have selected. D. N. A. Samples of. People involved in the crash. I have holding consultations with the presenters of canada britain and sweden. And i stress that. It is necessary to do course in investigation. We then have announcements from u. S. Canada. And britain about this ability that the aircraft could have been shot down by a missile but we were working very hard. To find out the causes of this catastrophe. I spoke to the state secretary from paris on the 10th of january. And the American Ambassador in ukraine christine who delivered me very Important Information that we got in investigation. Very Important Information also was supplied by Melinda Simmons British Ambassador to ukraine i would like to say to stress that ukrainian experts in iran are working very hard at it and. They also show that. The hard work didnt allow to hide the truth and today the iranian oil for it is admitted the fact that the ukrainian craft was shut down and they are the guilty party. International support played a. Big very big role and i would like to thank you to their leaders so the u. S. And us canada and Britain International are in the organizations behalf as the ukrainian people. Ukrainian experts continue to work in to have them and they need to follow the processes and reconstruct remains of the aircraft. When i talk to the president of iran with we agreed that he will issue orders and. We will get the systems to identify the remains of the deceased this should happen in the near future we also agreed that we will start working. Recordings in the black boxes. Discussed compensation to victims. And this will be probably done in the. Ukrainian Prosecutor Office open of the criminal proceedings as per fact of murder of ukrainian citizens. And ukrainian state will support. Victims families you know there are to achieve compensations. On Ukrainian International partners and entire International Community to be consistent in demanding all details of this aircraft tragedy. We need all of us need this investigation so all people would feel safely in the air or. On International Waters because life is the highest. For every nation every state in every politician dear ukrainians. Just in these difficult days i would like to say the following. I will make sure that all victims. Would be returned to their families and those families would be able to say goodbye to their loved ones we will make sure that the big deal to a party will be prosecuted and ukraine will retain this sense of security. And you should be rest assured that ukrainian the state will defend ukrainian citizens citizens everywhere whenever they are in the world. We were just listening to a statement that was put out by the ukrainian president. Speaking on that plane that was downed in iran and he was addressing the nation after the admission of responsibility by iran he did say that findings by ukrainian experts in iran meant the truth about the plane crash could not be concealed and he said that hes agreed with the iranian president on beginning. The beginning of joint work to decode the black boxes and right before we played out that statement by the ukrainian president we were also listening to the canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau he was speaking from canada and he said that canada still has many questions about iran shooting down of the plane when he said that we need full clarity and to go also said that he spoke to the iranian president Hassan Rouhani by telephone and demanded full clarity and he said that the he does expect full cooperation from iranian authorities but irans admission that it shot down the plane is an important step and just a reminder that iran and canada do not have formal diplomatic relations while those comments by the 2 leaders ukraines president and canadas Prime Minister come hours after iran made a dramatic u. Turn and admitted as were saying shooting down that ukrainian airliner describing it though as a disastrous mistake 176 people were killed when the plane crashed on wednesday a commander with the revolutionary guards. Apologized to the nation and accepted full responsibility he says the plane was brought down by a short range missile soon after takeoff from ron it was the same night iran launched missiles that iraqi bases housing u. S. Troops. Meanwhile whats happening to ron is that crowds of students in the center of the capital are protesting the governments response to the airliners down. They chanted death to the liars and called for the resignation of those responsible for shooting down the plane the protests of university where a vigil for the victims had been held earlier in the 70 official Fars News Agency reported some protesters tore pictures of. Chanted against the iranian leadership. A few moments well cross over to mike hanna to get reaction if any from washington d. C. But 1st lets speak to dorsetshire bari whos joining us from tehran and get to what the president and the canadian Prime Minister had to say a moment ago but 1st talk us through the reports of protests going on in iran. Well this was a vigil that was held at this university in central tehran where 6 of the victims from this plane crash were students so there was a number of people that gathered to have paid their respects and have a vigil at this university and then to this vigil quickly grew into a protest the anger clearly there from the people at this university at the authorities who heed the truth from the rain in public for over 48 hours about what actually happened to the splayed there demanding that those are responsible should leave they should be held accountable there are demanding that they lawyers be held accountable and prosecuted there did it chanting they want the revolutionary guards to leave the country these are very strong statements were hearing from this group of protesters at this university and as far as we understand were getting reports that the demonstrations are still ongoing outside this university at this hour as we were saying we were just hearing from the ukrainian president and the canadian Prime Minister both men leaders saying that they have spoken to the iranian president Hassan Rouhani in there and demanding a full investigation points of an investigation where do things stand right now. Well the head of the countrys judiciary has asked for all the evidence to be passed on to his department so they can start the investigation we know that they are calling for an indepth look into what actually took place the head of the revolutionary guard will be meeting with m. P. s in a closed door session in parliament to explain what actually took place how this happened this catastrophic accident really is what theyre calling it we also know that the president Hassan Rouhani phone conversation with canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau just a short while ago the iranian president expressed his countrys willingness to cooperate on all levels he also stressed that this. Is because of the insecurity thats been created in the tensions that are ongoing because of the United States and their policies in this region so again the iranian officials are trending this narrative into one that is blaming the United States in the presence of them in this region after the assassination of Major General hossam still the money which took place in baghdad just last week so there is a certainly an increased tensions and theyre saying this was a horrific accident the revolution guards taking responsibility for it at all levels of government are looking into how this could have happened but at the same time the reunion officials are also pointing out the tensions that have resulted in this shooting down of the passenger plane was as a result of the United States and their actions earlier ok lets find out of there is reaction to that and bring in mike hanna door so thank you for the time being mike there you are joining us from washington so any reaction from. No theres been no formal reaction whatsoever from the trumpet ministration President Trump has been tweeting in the course of the morning but this has to do with domestic matters it appears that on his social media at least iran and iran said knowledge when to bring it down that aircraft is not on his radar in the course of this morning no formal reaction either from state department it would appear generally that the air of attempt to deescalate the situation still continues here within d. C. President trample clearly arse wanting deescalation hes publicly stated as has the secretary of state might compare so very much a sense of restraint no formal reaction to irans claim of responsibility or iran circulation that this was part of an incident in a wider context for which the u. S. Must also share the blame all right like or leave it there thank you for that update from washington. So lets remind you of what we know about the cross Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752 took off from International Airport just after 6 on wednesday morning local time the jet was headed to the canadian city of toronto via the ukrainian capital kiev and there were 9 crew members and 167 passengers on board but just 2 minutes after takeoff all contact was lost the debris from the aircraft was later found strewn across a field about 10 kilometers from the airports lets bring in now that has to me hes the director of the center for middle east studies at the University Joining us live via skype thanks very much for speaking to us on aljazeera we heard from the ukrainian president of the canadian Prime Minister just a few moments ago demanding accountability demanding responsibilities saying the admission is an important 1st step how much pressure does all of this put on to the government there. Its very important that the International Pressure continue i would argue that without that International Pressure iran would not have admitted responsibility for the shooting down of that aircraft so these are very dark and difficult days for the Islamic Republic because not only are they facing International Pressure for accountability and full disclosure but internally theyre also facing a lot of public anger not over not only over you know the shooting down of the jet but really. Over economic mismanagement political repression lack of you know openness theres a lot of feel internal problems so i think the the Senior Leaders of the Islamic Republic youre being squeezed from both sides rights and when you look at the sort of the domestic issue in the protests that have now gone on as a result of the downing of that plane how do you see them playing out. Well i think this is a disaster for the leaders of the Islamic Republic because they were writing high after the assassination of some soleimani in the sense that they were able to change the narrative in iran away from the legacy of the november protests the demands for democracy political accountability and human rights they were able to whip up this nationalist fervor or revolving around the themes of nationalism and anti imperialism and this was a you know a gift from god for them it was a way of shifting attention away from their own domestic shale years now the pendulum has swung in the opposite direction were now people are angry theyre demanding accountability the reputation of the revolutionary guard forces has now sunk to an all time low when just a couple of days ago the regime was very confident that they could you know they could elevate people like Qassam Soleimani and have them presented as a role model for iranians to emulate so this is a disaster for the leaders of the Islamic Republic i think theyre in a deep state of shock and paranoia over you know what to do next and we just have to wait and see what happens in the coming days and weeks to what extent do you think or do you agree rather with iranian officials when they say that the shooting down occurred in the midst of hostilities with the u. S. And this and 5 for something that Justin Trudeau just insinuated in his press conference where he he was asked about this particular issue and he did say that tension did contribute to the plain tragedy. Well obviously they did i think objective lee the policies of donald trump bringing the region to the brink of war is a huge factor but lets be Crystal Clear the responsibility for shooting down that jet the responsibility for keeping that airport opened when it should have been closed lies with the Senior Leadership in the Islamic Republic of iran 1st and foremost we can then have a conversation about 2nd and 3rd order responsibility and i think thats where donald trump and u. S. Policy comes in to the city to the equation so i would completely agree on the 2nd and 3rd order responsibility but fundamentally this is something that the Islamic Republic has to own they made a decision to keep that airport open and so they have to they have to own this all right well leave it there for me thank you for joining us thanks much now the leaders are russia and germany say they support libya peace talks to be held in berlin a lot of reports in an angle a miracle how the joint conference in moscow just hours before a cease fire in libya planned for saturday at midnights turkey on russia on the u. N. Representative for libya have called for the ceasefire but the warlords find if i have to it has refused to adhere to it you remain the. Minute we welcome the German Initiative to have a conference in berlin on libya and we would like to invite all involved parties and states all decisions should be coordinated with those involved in the libya conflict and we should also have mr salami as the u. N. Representative. Joining us from moscow to talk us through what the takeaway message was from that press conference that. Well it was clear that the main visit for merkel to come to moscow us to get everyone on board for this peace conference in berlin and one of the reasons that this peace conference can actually happen is that it needs to be a ceasefire in libya and thats what she discussed with president putin put in and erdogan earlier last week called for this ceasefire to happen at midnight in a little less than 4 hours from now and put in a still optimistic he sat in the press conference that this be a decease fire will actually happen he didnt only talk to merkel today he was actually quite busy diplomatically he called also the crown prince for the United Arab Emirates earlier in the morning also someone who was actually on the side of countries on the side of for Khalifa Haftar and he also had a conversation on the phone with the emir of qatar so although it has said that he rejects any calls for a ceasefire there might be some plan here that has been cooked up by president putin and well have to see in a little less than 4 hours if this is actually going to materialize interestingly also that during this press conference or it was a bit of an awkward moment when the president putin was asked about the allegations of by turkey that russian mercenaries are fighting on the side of 200. 00 to thousands of them and theyre put inside that well there might be a russian citizens but theres nothing state sponsored here and theyre also not being paid by the state but this is allegedly the walking out of the socalled walk in a group who sends these mercenaries and this is a close confident of president putin. Merkel of course is anxious to be waiting for this feast ceasefire to materialize because she doesnt want any more bloodshed and shes also worried about more refugees coming to europe or specifically germany ok its time for some thank you. On the what are the i had this in tripoli inside that has yet to be seen if you can convince have to it and those forces to implement the fire on the grounds of cease fire does not seem to be accepted by the both. Warring factions because as you know that have to has rejected this cease fire call by both of them and putin and meanwhile fighting. Today in southern tripoli and the Government Military sources say that they have killed sudanese mercenaries fighting along where they have to his forces in a couple of axes in southern new tripoli but the question now is whether or not this cease fire call would be translated into action on the ground as you know that many people here in especially in the west of libya are calling for calm actually the government of national called have accepted the cease fire agreement but again its not being implemented on the ground but the question now is that many people are asking here in the west of libya whether or not prison putin can put pressure on have to his forces to stop the military escalation in southern tripoli as the question he answered about the wagners russian mercenaries fighting along would have to say said that they do not belong to this state and they dont get paid by the state but they get the russians and theyre making a change on the ground they have been helping have to his forces taken control of several locations they have been escalating the fighting in southern tripoli and some dramatic is an Affairs Analyst on libya at the sadec institution he says the peace conference to be held in berlin is an effort to unite the International Community. Well the conferences actually have almost all those members only look at the actual content on the opposite ends of the conference its a conference that i can get International Players to agree among themselves about who theyre going to support and again its not a conference within both parties whether an offer on a ball on the general or place of god thats not the thats not the subject of the conference the subject is even more startling when we think well theres so much this unity in the International Community will happen have a conference about quality you know all question marks themselves with all the people bringing against the bill thats the main issue here is that there are sunlight what is being said about its mushy Community Supports the gentle lets the the u. N. But arent in truth they offer almost little to most of all which has been the case for the last month months which is one helicopter has not been function one is not due to a band of ones looking criticized a much more than you are but let me youre pretty happy go lucky for Foreign Military support over the last month and a half thats really what we thought upon in that its the its the i thought it was a number one it was being called into question and thats what what was poland conferences i think were very very far away from a peaceful settlement policy and i think whats because there seems to be only just more of a fire to reign in on the battles of the month theres really important things that could be one moms a bottle with probably the 1st one thats going to walk on the local faction the believe the pontiff that its one of the. 2 American Service members have been killed in afghanistan after their van cola struck by a roadside bomb they attack happened in the Southern Province of kandahar the taliban immediately cant claim responsibility for the attack and cons as the taliban and the u. S. Are trying to revive efforts to negotiate a peace deal. Online has declared 3 days of mourning after the death of its leader. The regions longest ruling monarch died after a long illness at the age of 79. 00 his cousin. Has been sworn in as his successor. Reports from last nights. Omans new sultan hate them been taught it called saeed was sworn in a few hours after the longest ruling monarch in the region and the founding father of modern day oman. Sold on hate them made it clear in his 1st speech to the public that he will follow in the footsteps of the late sultan. We remain guided by the late sultans wisdom Going Forward we will preserve and embark on the achievements he made this is what we are adamant to do to follow in his footsteps with respect to International Relations we will follow in the same course set out by the late sultan we will embrace foreign policies based on peaceful coexistence without any interference in Domestic Affairs of other states the succession ceremony was swift and smooth dispelling any concerns about uncertainty or instability in one of the oldest dynasties in the gulf region the new sultan will have several roles he is the Prime Minister controls the government the armed forces finance and foreign affairs. His biggest challenge is balancing a budget that relies on revenue from dwindling oil and gas supplies. To better the death of silt on comes at a critical moment tension has grown in the region after the us assassination of Iranian Military commander qassam solomonic his killing has shattered any hopes of a diplomatic solution oman has in the past played a crucial role in narrowing differences between the 2 rivals it has a longstanding neutral approach to the problems of the region. In 2017 when saudi arabia the u. A. E. Egypt and bahrain imposed a blockade on qatar oman refused to take sides calling instead for dialogue. It also plays a central role in International Efforts to end the war in yemen the new sultan has insisted he will maintain his nations neutrality and on are the legacy of. The late ruler who came to power in 1970 at a time when oman was underdeveloped divided and facing a rebellion in the south but managed to overcome those obstacles and turn it into a modern state faced another challenge in 2011 when thousands of people protested demanding better wages and more jobs as the arab spring was spreading so fired members of his government gave more powers to the consultation of counsel and began reforming the Public Sector the late monarch will be remembered by his people as a unifying figure and by the world as a shrewd politician who turned what many considered a small country into a major regional player same bus ravi ultra 0 muster cinesias facing further political instability after parliament for jack said a new cabinet proposed by Prime Minister doesnt thats how many the president now has 10 days to choose a new Prime Minister the governing and top party was forced into months of negotiations with other parties fell to win enough seats to form a majority in elections in october. Taiwans problems abandons president has been reelected and landslides it sighing when 157 percent of the vote giving her more than a comfortable victory over her probation opponents as i said her reelection was a sign that taiwan wont bow to wont battle to intimidation from china scott had no reports in the capital taipei. In a Major Political comeback after being nearly sidelined a year ago taiwans incumbent president signed where it was headed a historic victory winning the most votes of any president in the islands election history and the comeback in victory are likely a result of the increasing tensions with china and how beijing has crackdown on prodemocracy protesters in hong kong. I saw in her Pro Independence Democratic Progressive Party led the charge against chinese pledges of reunification iran or egypt or whatever the taiwanese people reject the one country 2 systems model we respect democracy and our sovereign rights as the president of taiwan i must deal with the cross trade relations according to the will of the people. Sized main competition hon quo you called and congratulated her a few hours after the polls closed he and his Party Strategy with china was engagement its a big victory for sign when and the d. P. P. Yes because it means another 4 years in the president s office but it also sends a strong message across the straits of taiwan the majority of the people here want this island to remain independent from china and they think shes the president to do it with the added importance of this election nearly 75 percent of eligible voters turned out more than the last 2 president ial elections you know what you are going to people of my age the threat from china could not have been more real just time. Where there is pressure from china there is resistance and the need for. To speak out against. That this is on unlike previous elections we have more young people are speaking up this year their voice is louder and hurt during this election. So how do things move forward some think there will be major changes in the way Beijings Communist Party or p. R. C. Has been managing the tension. I dont think the p. R. C. Is going to suddenly decide that you know well i guess we have to work with her because shes been reelected but i also dont anticipate that they will view this as an immediate provocation that they have to deal with. Whats the victory has been savored one of the major task for president size 2nd term will be getting beijing to respond to her promise of their willingness to start a positive dialogue its got to either aljazeera type. Well in under an hour voting closes a multi thats where the Ruling Labor Party is electing a new Prime Minister to replace joseph must scots lets cross over to our european Broadcast Center for the latest. Thats right there in muscat announced his resignation just last month of his connection to people accused of killing a journalist Daphne Koller want to see i was killed in 2017 when a bomb in her car detonated as she tried from her home in the last aljazeera is neves barker reports to us now from the capital the latter. It is forever summer in malta but a shadow looms over the mediterranean island allegations of crime and corruption in big business and high office and now people want change why not journalist a blogger daphne car either delved deep and then did up dead killed by a car bomb in 2017 near her home her son matthew heard the blast when my mother live there our side of human see it i heard them last i knew straight away that this was a problem so i ran out of the sun i saw the fire i saw the smoke bomb there was absolutely nothing else with it are. This criminal organization has thinking gone through a single lever of the state and is using get to fire at my mother as they will she where our country is greet us the enemy. 3 men arrested in connection with the murder awaiting trial last november 1 of multis richest businessman youre going fenech was arrested and charged with being an accomplice to the killing he denies involvement fenech implicated the maltese Prime Ministers chief of staff Keith Schembri as a coconspirator schembri was interrogated by police and released without charge he later resigned. Revelations led to rare protests demanding Prime Minister josep muskets immediate resignation many think his office had a hand in the journalist death phase they could print minister. To public pressure and step down kick starting a race to replace him former Health Minister chris fern is the clear favorite few expect hell be able to cure voltar of its political ills i dont think there will be overnight change with regard to stall structural issues i think the new leader which will be eventually been your Prime Minister of more. L. O. L. No will not be able and i dont i dont think there is even the will to change all this. For the final address to supporters on friday Joseph Muscat says he took the decision to resign for unity to win over hate recent scandals have led to a political awakening here in all of the large protests against the labor party yes the mainstream huge and enthusiastic. Supporters and may have more to have Something Like the image crisis on a global stage the question is was there a change of leader will really make a difference in the European Unions watching the crisis in its smallest member state closely its accused baltar of allowing dirty money to flow into europe using the island as a back door multitude lose e. U. Voting rights if its next leader doesnt bring crime under control he park aljazeera the letter. Demonstrations of been taking place and the polish capital war saw against a controversial or that could see judges punished if our critical of Court Reforms polands parliament passed the law in december defying warnings from the European Union the law allows the government to fired judges for their remarks or test to say it risks the independence of the judiciary in the country at him barbour is in the polish capital this demonstration here in warsaw as attracted many thousands of people including judge isnt public prosecutors room around the country would also from other European Countries as world 3 judges whove been around the country campaigning to spread the message the profession is under tight clearly they have got a fair amount of support at least here in warsaw next week the senate will be judging or miss reform bill theyre likely to reject suits because the opposition controls the opera house in parliament but it will go back to the lower house which is controlled by the ruling lure Injustice Party in the next few months low this issue is likely to hotter up here in poland in our the news more than 100. 00 migrants including 50 children have been rescued in the Mediterranean Sea they were picked up on 3 separate missions by the german own rescue ship the scene watch 3 a migrants who were found off the multis and libyan coasts at been attempting to reach europe from libya meanwhile in france the Prime Minister edouard phillipe is often a major concession to the unions there have been striking of a planned Pension Reforms for leaps as hes prepared to a drawl the plans to raise their time in age to 64 if certain conditions are met move comes as tens of thousands of demonstrators march through paris for a 5th the week violence broke out on the fringes of the demonstration as place fired tear gas at people who were vandalizing property well now to scotland tens of thousands of people of Marchers City of glasgow in support of Scottish Independence Glasgow City Council estimates as many as 100000 people have taken part in the march follows a landslide victory for the pro independent Scottish National party at last months u. K. General election its the 1st of 8 marches planned for this year. And then some other news to bring you the main Political Parties in Northern Ireland have met in the Regional Parliament for the 1st time in 3 years to form a power sharing government democratic unionist parties foster was sworn in as 1st minister Michelle Oneill the leader of the opposition shin fein was appointed deputy 1st minister restoration comes after a deal was brokered by the british and irish governments. And thats it from london for now well have more in about 10 minutes time lets get back to terrain and our marion thank you will one of the effects of Climate Change is rising sea levels which sciences say will displace millions of people but indonesias capital jakarta is facing another problem its sinking at an alarming rates were the mohamed reports from jakarta. Around 4000000 people live in water on the north coast of jakarta many stay in unsafe buildings and partially submerged streets like this is the water has had to raise the foundation of her home because of the high tides and rain that of course flooding in the area and thats because part of indonesias capital sinking of our own the land and sea used to be the same level unlike now then they started Building Hotels and thats led to flooding we keep trying to raise our land higher but water keeps coming in. Under water digging and growing development is causing the land to sink in jakarta bay as water is pumped out the ground gradually subsides only 60 percent of jakartas population has access to a piped Water Service which means many have to use wells flooding is also common especially during the rainy season some of the rivers that run through the city are unable to drain water in 2017 a powerful deluge hit more about or destroying hundreds of homes. When the wall broke i heard a noise like an explosion water came in like a little too my husband was pushed by the watch and broke his collarbone we had to rebuild everything. Parts of north dakota have sunk by up to 20 centimeters a year and several areas along the coast below sea level this mosque couldnt be salvaged now left lying hof submerged the government has since built defenses to protect the citys coastline but theyre also sinking into the mud. Built by the government to prevent the sinking of the sea water is still seeping through the cracks and many here say that without a Long Term Plan to cause or could be lost in the coming years and parts of a sea wall collapsed last month adding further pressure. Authorities have also tried to enforce restrictions on extra. Water and new pumping systems experts say its not enough to save part of jakarta from going under water fast response. Against the sinking and of flooding in and in but it is like a painkiller only so we need to find a cure for. A subsidy to do grown what i believe they should so we asked for what the bitter Water Management to the government all the while sea levels are still rising because of Climate Change and many here in jakarta say they have nowhere else to go. Here mohammed al jazeera jakarta. Lets get an update on the sports news with peter there in thank you very much the worlds top 2 tennis players have set up their 1st title clash of the new year and we havent even got to the Australian Open yet little spanish team will face another talk of each in the final of the inaugural a. T. P. Cup spain sealed their spot by beating hosts australia in the semis 1st. Got the better of nick cheerios in the 6162 victory and then the girl was forced to 3 sets by alex demeanor the world number one prevailing 61 in the decider all the more impressive when you consider his teams quarter from the belgian finished in the early hours of the morning. Or have been a part of a getting of the match others have been playing at the very very high level and for me it was the energy was a little bit lower than 9 years old yes there have been a very long day. But yeah i have been a very emotional evening for me have been a pleasure to play in front of all of you guys. With serbia already one up in the tar joke of each was also pushed by russias daniel made that a v. And he semifinal jacket which found himself a breakdown in the 2nd sense and that wasnt the only thing to get broken just look at that. Jock which taking out his frustrations on his record but boy by a boisterous pro serbia crowd in sydney before back in the 3rd set the patience and great struggle which clinched the decider and with it a place in the final considering his initial criticism of another team event so sitting down to be enjoying himself down and. To get to share this kind of quality moments on and off the court with them it feels like youre travelling with a family and and. That that gives you even more. Reason to keep on playing. Saw those preparations for the Australian Open of hits something of a bump the defending champion was knocked out of the Brisbane International in the semifinals by title holder catalina pliska the czech saved match point in the 2nd set and came back to quito socket in 3 it ends the japanese players biggest career winning streak at food 2 victories. And in new zealand top seeds arena williams took just 45 minutes to be 18 year old amanda and miss the most and reached the final of the open classic show face jessica peculiar for the title 3 is also into the doubles final event playing alongside carolina wozniak. Slatin abraham of h. Is back in the goals for ac milan on his return to italy said they are he scored the 2nd in the 2 know when that on saturday was his 1st goal for milan leaving and here is the 38 year old as rejoin the club as it struggles to establish itself at the top of the game. In the English Premier League liverpool have the chance to open up a 16 point gap at the top of the table right now they lead 10 at totton earlier 2nd place leicester were beaten at home by ourselves i am certain and marcus rush would score twice on his 200 Manchester United appearance as they beat bottom side nor h. For no united up the 4th place also wins on saturday for chelsea and everton. For 100000 kilometers from madrid the citys top 2 sides are preparing for a dalby clash in the final of the spanish super cup. In jeddah with saudi arabia hosting this revamped tournament for the next 3 years that lets it go d knocked out champions barcelona in the same reason coach Diego Simeone he says they are ready to spring another surprise you get him. Yesterday afternoon i was showing the boss a lot about educating 5 of the players watching like when youre a kid and watching with admiration looking for a little mistakes but its great for me gives me strength when it is my players when i see them doing well i have my fear. Ok well leave it there for now ill be back again a little bit later with another sports bulletin all right well see you later peter thank you and thats it for the news thanks very much for watching well hand you over to our teams in london with you in just a moment well have much more of the days news coming our way thanks for watching by. The 21st century began with extraordinary Economic Growth across much of latin america. But since this halted in 2008 theres been a political shift to the right on a continent with socialism once a thriving. Politician goes on a journey to me leading leftwing ficus to understand why that politics have lost ground so dramatically. Latin america a giant in time Oil Coming Soon big story sounds like the media angles in this story are too numerous for comfort. With different angles from different perspectives things never really being believed. Muddying the water even separate the spin from the facts and the misinformation from the journalism is so clear and sounds to me and here people just think that with the listening post on out 0. 00 explores prominent figures of the 20th century and how why borys influence the course of history beginning with the giants of the struggle for civil rights the amount of nonviolent resistance it was over were both very old boot of the 1st movement we can continue to make roles to be defense but what everybody thought about malcolm x. And Martin Luther king face to face on 00. A diverse range of stories from across the globe from the perspective of a network journalists on aljazeera. A disastrous mistake irans military admits it shot down a ukrainian passenger plane killing all a 176 people on board. A low i Maryam Namazie in london you know with al jazeera also coming up on the program a man barry sells and a moose the peacemaking leader who transformed his nation into a modern bastion of stability. A landslide victory for taiwans probably dependents a president whos won a 2nd term in office and already delivered

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