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Welcome to the program iran has hit back at the u. S. In retaliation for the assassination of one of its generals tehran launch more than a dozen Ballistic Missiles that 2 iraqi air bases which host American Forces well this is in response to the death of general customs of the money who was killed in a u. S. Drone strike on friday in iraq meanwhile irans foreign minister says they dont want war but they will defend themselves against any aggression and the u. S. Federal Aviation Authority the f. A. A. Has banned u. S. Airlines from flying over the region and washington has warned american ships in the middle east that iran could attack its maritime interests well this is all happening is finally laid to rest in his hometown of catamount after 3 days of mourning. Well lets show you exactly where those iranian strikes took place 2 iraqi bases were hit one of them is an arab ill in iraq semi autonomous kurdish region the other one was the i know asset base in Western Province u. S. President donald trump visited american troops stationed there back in december 28th. Well we have a team of correspondents monitoring all the developments amount of fault in iraqs capital gable elizondo well have more on president trumps reaction and as a baby is in tehran will be speaking to them in a moment but 1st this report from rob matheson. This is irans promised response to the u. S. Assassination of top iranian general seem solomonic Ballistic Missiles soaring into the night sky their targets to Iraqi Military bases housing thousands of u. S. Soldiers iranians are taking the credit to hit back directly they wouldnt even leave their proxies to deliver the message that their american. Kind of saving face for them because killing soleimani is its an insult from the americans. Iranian establishment to Iranian State all and therefore i think youre ronnie and has to retire on twitter this was u. S. President Donald Trumps response all is well hes added casualties and damage are being assessed and said so far so good hes also said the u. S. Has the most powerful and well equipped military anywhere in the world by far the question is whether that military will be used to retaliate against these attacks u. S. Troops are based at the side air base in iraq one of the 2 targets hit by iranian missiles ever since president scott of the. There has been. Escalation and that either side can afford it or look weak the leaders of both sides have committed to this escalation and its hard to see how. You know where they are so i dont want. The u. S. It says its killing of. The leader of irans elite revolutionary guard in an air strike was in response to an attack in iraq in which a u. S. Contractor died and for which the u. S. Blames iran. And iran huge crowds have been in mourning and demanding revenge for sort of martins death an immediate diplomatic solution to the crisis seems unlikely both sides have to be really gauge and diplomacy and right now i. Bring in the capital where the Supreme Leader ayatollah ali harman is speaking lets listen in to what he has to say. At the time you did not see that event but that day the memories of that they are alive from which we should learn some lessons. The past should be the torch for the future. Event on the 19th of the month of day it was to defend. The new position of the great leader of our. The lucian who was not there in iran at the time the people of color may not have to defend him. They came. Against that. And brutal force is the. Bridge enough shahr they did not have the people are not armed they do not have anything in their hands. What made them come to the streets was their faith. Their faith in religion and their honor. Their faith and their religious honor that. When those people. And there were some of the people of the common problems of course when they came to this street stater to the streets and they confronted the police. Forces of the regime. That some of them were modest some of them were. Injured. You know what kind of. Elements of the regime day thought they have defeated the people. But the people of color. Neither the kind of calm nor others they were not thinking that this movement would be tough. What kind of huge Even Development not only inside iran but outside iran as well. It was this movement this was the. Action by that people and compliments because of the faith and just. When this happened you know god responded and god bless this movement this action and this continued. Belt. Made and encouraged people that. More people to come to the streets and our great leader and mom khomeini and lead this very well and led to do they were lucia enough there next year after following year which was. 5757. 00 of our calendar and so. Action for some fair people and a compromise actually was the start of this great dilution there were other factors of course that could be taken into consideration that should be studied whether what is important is that it starts off their. Departure point of this whole revolution was actually based on this movement bias people who was. Based on their faith and religious honors. Their blessing of our faith and not ours who we can do great things. And also. This. Event. Great things happened. Which led to the revolution. Revolution that shook the whole world shook the course of the history of our country the course of the history of the region. Even maybe the course of the history of the world lives which will be judged later. Of god we should look at this even from this angle that the instruction of god and the power of the hand of god should be looked at looked at this way and their impact on our lifes. Actually on that day the people were not armed. But today we are armed like. The nation of iran. Today against the. Least of the world. But relying on military means is not sufficient of course. Military means can be useful when. Its accompanied with faith and religious honasan thats why that thats when military a trip in military means can be effective and help for open new avenues. Today we can see this and we can look at this whenever we are confronting the enemy that. Ballot that i think. When god actually talks about this and the koran this is a regular example of this thing that. Sometimes. A small number of people can actually overcome a huge front a huge number of people when its based when their will is based on this faith and religious tolerance. That. We should not allow this lesson to be forgotten my dear friends. When it comes to our scholars and other colleagues in charge of paper published relations. With. Our youth active and cultural issues whether. Public we should not allow this unique lesson that we have to be forgotten. That is. The lesson for the star stuff. Me that this movement that was based on our faith and our are not that blessed by god. And these huge events are created as a result. Of my to god. And mentions this and koran. Repeatedly that they should not forget that. Things of this nature should not be forgotten. And he clearly mentions in the koran and this verse. About the last. Days there are lots one day had such power that although there are men and women and children she. Pression after federal laws but they managed to get rid of the fellows so. They resisted. God that. Opened a new avenue for them. When the federal laws. Were abolished and these very lights. Later on said. That one. After a while. And the lapse of time they came out of that. Thats situation they became their hearts became more brutal on. The fate they had and guard the resistance they had that they lost everything and. The result was. Going to that they lost. Those good qualities. This is a verisign distillation the koran actually is one of the most important ones one has actually told. You that until yesterday. Until the pressure when you want under the pressure fed or if. You have different attitudes but that we have forgotten all those things you know that is you know lessons from history and you know these are some of the things out there i should always emphasize up on quantity and quality faithful youth. Who are committed to the revolution if we compare it to the beginning of the revolution there are more faithful now there are more committed in our youth to be our young people we should be more careful that we. Take the right path. And learn these very important divine. Lessons as. God has mentioned and this verse and the koran we should not forget these lessons. About what their masters. Would like to. Mention to our 3 points about our their mark. Awesome so their money. One is about his personality. Character these days we hear a lot about this great person this great friend of ours this brave friend of ours on this very fortunate friend of ours who has joined the heavens now. We hear a lot about him which all of which are good are accurate. But i would like to also mention a few points about. About him and i think theyre important 1st of all martha so lemony was brave and also was a person with initiative that he wasnt only brave some people are brave. But they do not have the right to wisdom and now should have to use that braveness. Some people have initiative by it but theyre not brave. But this their martyr of ours had both the brevity braveness was an affair afraid of any dangers. Not only in the recent events but also during the. Our sacred war when he was a commander of the sar law. Army he was he was both with somebody with initiative. And braveness he had the wisdom for he had the logic for each action he was taking. This greatness and it should have. Been issued was not only in the military everynight was also in the political field as well but numerous occasions as. Used to tell all my friends who are active and their political i was mentioning that. Him to their colleagues he was brave what a politically. In the political area he was both brave and with initiative he was very convincing very. Different if effective. More important was his faith his sincerity. Their means of initiative and playfulness that he had. He was spending them forgot you was and he was with them full sincerity which is so important there was no hypocrisy in him we should exercise these qualities. He also got a quality if. He was a. Brave. Brave warrior in the military field but he was also paying a lot of attention to. Religious issues the sharia issues and their. Military field. And the battlefield sometimes some people forget. About god and about the limitations god has provided us with but he was very careful. For example. When there was no need for using. Military force or arms he was not using armies he wasnt using military force at all. He was making sure that there was not nobody is 0 plus. And he was taking precautions. That some people forget about them or think theyre not necessary but he was i think a lot of attention to them. He was facing facing danger but he was also making sure that the lives of others are protected his 5 colleagues companions as soldiers his friends as colleagues that military and other countries. Who were accompanying him he was so careful about their lives yet. Another important point is. That when it comes to that domestic issues. Issues that i mentioned of course they were about his activities outside iraq but when it comes to his activities inside iran he was not large these are not all of that. But he was evolutionary very strongly that. Lucian on being the evolution it was has are. Going and going to you should make shore that youre paying a physician to this quality or from us completely absorbed absorbed in the revolution. That. You was absorbed in the revolution. Being that evolutionary is was has a red line. I have. All of these Political Parties political factions partisan issues he was not interested in them are all but when it came to the revolution he was the strongly committed to the revolution will recommend to the us to that blessed course start that been set for us by our mom khomeini. One example of braveness. And his initiatives. His enemies are familiar with this maybe his friends are not it was when he was with the help of nations in the region or by helping the nations of the region he was able to actually for you to do our way with all the illegitimate plans of america and west asia. This way. The spare someone is now actually managed to. All those plans that. Assisted by the american money. American system she can diplomacy and americans willing. Politicians especially in. Countries. That he managed to stand against all those plans. And that had been prepared for the west a share regionalism and he managed to get the really region rid of all those plans there my kind of. Plan for palestine. Was to phillis to make sure that the issue of palaces forgotten. Their plan was to keep their palestinians weak so that they cannot resist so they can have the struggle for their freedom but this man who. Put a lot of things in the hands of the palestinians to help the palestinians. And the gaza strip a small area. Has a strip called the. Gazans you know. The struggle so much that there is rarely a government with their force that power. To accept a ceasefire and for his 48 hours this ones. Money well managed to do this while being there our Police Standing in front of that brother. Stand in brothers of repeatedly misunderstood meaning they acknowledged as acknowledged their role of. His role when palace and leaders visited us they have mentioned all that like knowledge all the assistance they had received from him and. I mean you know. Meetings that we had with them she. Was sitting in a corner and he was it wasnt even. Visible he was so humble saw something really used to look for him in the meetings because he was an amount of showing off next. To. The u. S. Plan in iraq and syria and lebanon. Because for. For a with the help of this there martyr because there are. Want to. Turn a rock into the air regime similar to. Showing our north to the regime off so their idea unites and then. Were going to become. Like you know. How they want to turn iraq into a melting cow. Afraid. People will lose our friend or our religious leaders in iraq they resisted against this plan now its possible. That it has helped all this huge front hasnt advisers and i can give advice. And huge support such. Similar to this. Happened then syria and lebanon levanon the americans are willing to want. More him on. That they want to get rid off as below which is the most important. Important movement after independence so that lebanon can be undermined by. Israel like it happened then. They can go. About law thanks god has been just becoming stronger and stronger and their the hands of lebanon there the oil is off lebanon. Natural show you know and the role of great i watched their martyr was that every boulder very important one which would do it and has raised my son has a National Hero that. Brave man john had. More time. On helping rather than nations are waking up. But theyre all off that theyre martyrs. And the local. Leaders. Like every. Day he got. Mad additional job a great man a brave man and so on but when you. Looked at his face it. Showed how faithful he was charity around humanity he. Has a face it was a divine one i got to live one day. Not the soul and money was the friend but like a clue. Company enough such people who manage to do great things. So just was that you can talk a lot about our there martha. Sufficient for the time being. Another chapter but to let money. Is that blessings off this great martyrdom that quality that the blessings that have been created by this martyrdom that. Whenever there was a. Rebel reports already. Than given to me by him. Was in my heart i believe that was. Commending him. But today. What he has his martyrdom has created i actually power to it. He. Was a great. Resurgence in one. Direction a good just selection actually. Led to disgrace that didnt exist but. Look at what the how are they rocky people how they ran in people. React to that and cause a man in baghdad and now and. What they did. And. Where the bodies of the smartarse. We are thankful to has clean. The spirit and soul from our from the dip tough our hearts show. His martyrdom. That. Shows the liveliness. Of our revolution to the world. You know some people want to come on today show that the revolution is dead in iraq. But some people also trying to make sure that the revolution becomes dead like his martyrdom shows that the revolution is alive you saw in tehran you just have that shadow you saw in other cities of iran the. Kid wont be but the. Underside even send a carom on when the some people lost their lives during the ceremony for so many are very sorry for them and im very sad for that and. And i would like to express my condolences to their families. And i wish their. City parents their souls. Joined the soil of celeb money the soul of celeb money to. Change martha so that money made us awake with his martyrdom. Man on the enemies that. You know when they saw the magnificence. Of the magnificence of iranian nation when they saw that they became so belittled. And maybe there would they want to show at. The end any me. That and tries to when it comes to this degrades you know all the leader off the fight against god if you terrorism when that enemy tries to introduce him as a terrorist and saw these unafraid of these laws americans will call you know yea. To this year nonsenses you telling americans. You know the nonsense that rick cannot give like you know any value to me you know but the other day when a nation ive been. A huge blow to their mouth. Was. God. God. God. God. God god has told you that for america was. Was slow god and israel was. God. God. God. God you can look to him Public Knowledge do you know another important point is that ok now what should we do this important thing has happened back into. This show off were living just at the finish you all of us you need you have been you know that this will last night do we slap them on the face massively again this is a funny show. God. God god god. God. Dont take it that a mad moment. More him when it comes to confrontation. Between shooters in military action as of this year on in the car and our knots and nuff on jim i mean what is important is the whole new day is the president s face hold better and easier on

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