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Month we look at the reasons behind the unusually high Child Mortality right at a Public Hospital in india. And there have been more airstrikes in iraq which we understand have targeted the iran backed Popular Mobilisation forces its happened near a camp in taji north of baghdad the Reuters News Agency is reporting 2 vehicles were his killing 6 people speaking on the phone al jazeera. Said the Popular Mobilization forces in the convoy was full of medics not fighters but according to poke limitless forces the paramilitary wing. And the local. But Republican Forces or syphilis in that convoy have it discussed yet at the start because on you go i visit iraq which leaks 2 words the area intelligent which is also home to me theres a coalition there are various speculation that there was some come off of one of the big 8 who was in this critical convoy because it allegedly by the u. S. But so far a couple of like vision courses that made a bit of a and b. That this was a better convoy to close touch because so attention good needs. To be made they tried to be seen in the last few hours more about i think for the streets being closed in baghdad of disputed positions of. This and of course its. Well the u. S. President donald trump said hes forces acted to stop a war with iran not stop one by assassinating my general counsel im solomonic now he added that the u. S. Is prepared for any reprisals so the money who later irans elite forces died in is striking baghdad on friday solemn 80 has been therapy trading acts of terror to destabilize the middle east for the last 20 years what the United States did yesterday should have been done long ago a lot of lives would have been saved just recently salim a he led the brutal repression of protesters in iran where more than a 1000 innocent civilians were tortured and killed by their own government we took action last night to stop a war we did not take action to start a war. Irans Supreme Leader. Has warned of severe revenge for in his words the criminals responsible for killing iranians protested after friday prayers chanting death to america iraqs Prime Minister says the assassination will light the fuse of a destructive war and as other leaders around the world expressed concern and condemnation the u. S. Has ordered all of its citizens to leave iraq straight away and its military personnel have been put on high alert smaller faltering wraps up developments from baghdad. Heartbreak in the upper ranks of the Iranian Military at the official announcement of the death of Major General custom so that money the commander of irans quds force the revolutionary guard unit responsible for foreign operations so the money was killed in a u. S. Drone strike in baghdad. And a spontaneous outbreak of joy in iraqi cities over the passing of a man many see as the embodiment of irans meddling here i sure wish i didnt have to listen to me i feel happy about killing solo money the reason is because of his foreign interference in iraq would you accept that all the intervening that all the families issues everything has been on trees. In the early hours of friday morning shortly after arriving at Baghdad International airport a u. S. Strike targeted a convoy of soleimani and his close ally hondas the deputy head of the iraqi Popular Mobilisation forces an iranian backed part military group other members of the group were also killed for irans Supreme Leader ayatollah ali common a stolen money was a trusted confidant a member of his inner circle and he warned there will be revenge the cruelest people on earth assassinated the honorable commander who courageously fought for years against the evils and bandis of the world sulaimani is martyrdom well make iran more decisive to resist americas expansionism and to defend our values with no doubt iran and other freedom seeking countries in the region will take his revenge. While there is talk of revenge many iranians dont want to see war their own fear with our support and it will definitely increase violence but i fundamentally disagree with violence and conflict i believe people moving toward peace in negotiation to reach the goals is much better soleimani enjoyed some support when he led the charge to displace islip from iraq a strong. Holds but many iraqis now blame iran for instability and interference in their country and soleimani directly for a violent crackdown on antigovernment protests which began in october the us assassinations are the most extreme escalation in tensions between to head on in washington in recent years and many in baghdad fear it will continue to play out on iraqi soil and if in any state that has she you may say and we condemn this its unacceptable for Something Like this to be happening in our country its a tween america and iran and in the end we will be hurt our situation is already not stable many iraqis oppose iranian and american interventions alike. Earlier this week mohandas himself let a crowd of Popular Mobilization forces supporters as they attacked and besieged the u. S. Embassy in baghdad he walked alongside. Another senior military leader of the pro iran group who has now called on his followers to take up arms against the american presence iraqs caretaker Prime Minister are the of the to condemn the u. S. Strike as a violation of iraqs sovereignty and the rules of engagement of the american presence here he called the death of mohandas an aggression against the iraqi state. Parliament is due to hold an emergency session on sunday but analysts say the government beleaguered and divided after 3 months of antigovernment protests will struggle to mount a decisive response Iraqi Government is very weak for the time being there will be no more than statements coming out of the. Caretaker Prime Minister or from the ministry of Foreign Affairs other than that i dont expect anything from the Iraqi Government but probably the Iraqi Parliament will. Call for an immediate session and will discuss the current. Americans in iraq agreement and probably they will ask for the department of the American Forces from iraq. Whether their response to u. S. Presence in iraq will be political or military the assassinations have put an end to a precarious balance of power that had dust far accommodated both u. S. And iranian interests in iraq the iraqi capital already a battleground for tensions between the u. S. And iran is bracing itself for the aftermath of the biggest escalation yet with both u. S. And iranian backed troops on the ground the country risks being caught in the middle of a military fallout between washington and tehran seem wonderful to an aljazeera but that well in the u. S. Reaction to say the money is assassination is split between the major parties Donald Trumps republicans appraising his actions while democrats are questioning why the president did not consult congress before approving the strike. Has more from washington. President donald trump trying to justify his decision to order the killing of Iranian Revolutionary guard commander qassam sulaimani by claiming the sulaimani had been planning eminent and sinister attacks on americans in the region we took action last night just stop. A war the us president said sulaimani was responsible for the deaths of thousands of American Service people over 2 decades solemn 80 has been perpetrating acts of terror to destabilize the middle east for the last 20 years what the United States did yesterday should have been done long ago trumps republican allies in congress agreed for to all this evil man operated without them strike and countless and often have suffered for now his terrorist leadership has been and democrats say trump ordered the drone strike that also killed the leader of tehran back Iraqi Militia groups without Consulting Congress and warned of serious consequences this is the equivalent of the iranians assassinating the u. S. Secretary of defense i do not believe the administration has gamed out. How very badly this could go for the us and our interests this action may well have brought our nation closer to another endless war exactly the kind of endless war the president promised he would not drag us into. Iran has promised retaliation the u. S. State department issued a security alert urging all american citizens to leave iraq immediately despite the secretary of states claims on u. S. Media that americans in the region are now safer after sulaimani his demise while no one is accusing president shrub of ordering fridays drone strike for political purposes and does overshadow all political headlines in the u. S. Including trumps impending impeachment trial the u. S. Senate was to begin this new year by taking on that as their 1st order of business and instead senators are preparing for briefings on the u. S. Military strike and whatever response it may bring heidi joe castro aljazeera washington. Well irans foreign minister has described the assassination as an act of international terrorism. In half the Islamic Republic of iran holds the right to respond any time and in any manner and it will we will not be involved in americas smear campaigns and their blackmailing we will give a proper response in any manner in time we will as stated by the Supreme Leader of iran has told the u. N. Security council that it reserves the right to selfdefense about his killing Gabriel Elizondo has been. Their i remember ambassador to the United Nations sent this one and a half page letter friday evening to u. N. Secretary general andrew good 10 days and the Security Council and in it he says that iran reserves the right to respond based under International Law and he also had some very strong comments in it as well saying that the assassination is solely a money quote by any measure is an obvious example of state terrorism and a criminal act that constitutes a gross violation of the fundamental principles of International Law and the principles of the u. N. Charter so thats the statement thats going out to the u. N. From the Iranian Mission so far the americans at the u. N. Have not responded but earlier in the day u. N. Secretary general Antonio Gutierrez did say that he is deeply troubled by events going on in iraq right now the republican strategist rich joins us now on skype from briston in virginia good to have you with us. The assassination is being justified on the grounds that. He represented a threat to the United States thats the justification the question is was or was. Well certainly this administration has to provide some reason for something if you ask me my gut tells me that the president said lets do something lets throw this in the face of iran and show that we need business and that we are not leaving the attention to normal diplomatic channels and were not going to do things the way the previous administrations have done them markedly the Obama Administration which shows the negotiate and in trying to me and my thing really just put america behind not put america 1st when he dealing with iran so in essence or how he says they dont washingtons day is that great many republicans are think you know what this is my president this is the guy that chooses to act this is the guy who chooses to defend a very tough stance on a situation that frankly is not unfair he Foreign Policy circles reports for some time there are people here tonight in Washington St mary down unchartered waters rife i think the government when youve never been in chartered waters the question now is that where it goes to from here iran is threatening revenge that then rises questions about what the United States would do in retaliation for that we entering a tit for tat escalation size in this conflict. You know its hard to tell because the future is hard to breathe for many reasons partly because of the president and his ability to really see from him many times that that is what he does best and brantley republicans are raising that and they are almost even throwing out all the norms in particular and be informing the congress that should happen or something of this magnitude takes place this is the most spectacular the most substantive the most really truly. Killing weve seen in our era and bigger than osama bin ladin and i think that what republicans are doing now is pretty everything to the side and saying this is the way we will operate from normal our what chart says is our Foreign Policy and what happens next was going to happen in any case its. How whichever republican president chose to confront this regime so theyre less worried about what comes next and more concerned with what are celebrating this day when of our men across the globe people tonight are saying it was or that man was somebody deserved to be taken out of the thank you for that ribbon shot joining us there from breaston in virginia well the diplomatic editor joins but as is in new york which some have been asking if this strike was legal. The u. N. Security council has been meeting to discuss the situation in syria but im told in the margins of the meeting there were various discussions between ambassadors about the killing of general sort of money in diplomatic circles there are questions being asked about the legality of the move and whether its a violation of the u. N. Charter. We just for further deescalation this is what we need no we need deescalation we need stability in the region and we would really encourage everybody. To work for further this case is that a violation in chinas view of the charter at the Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson has made our. Position america we are and paying close attention to the situation and. In the use of. Force in International Relations the suffering and territorial integrity of iraq food be fully respected meanwhile the u. N. Secretary general antonio good terraces issued a statement hes called for leaders to exercise maximum restraint he says the world does not mean another war in the gulf. Where the state in the jones mentioned wasnt well received by Agnes Calabar who reports to the un on extrajudicial executions that she tweeted there is no more pressing time for the un and its leadership to step up there now but this statement does not bode well you have the legal tools and the platform please use them and she included the hash tag world war 3 well the Agnes Calabar spoke to our 0 she said its unlikely so the money is killing was justifiable. The International Demand International Legal justification for the killings are very high because its not only a question of whether. The us acted unlawfully in central defense which is questionable. It is not only a question of whether they a wall is an International Armed conflict and that so huge issue here you know nobody wants to address it directly but these seas are very much at the heart of the conversation the statement that twitter paul vi did yesterday and the fact as we knew them seemed to n. T. Kid treaty ition the statement provided today by the president this afternoon seems to be anti kitching and anti see patrie self defense. Which is there was imminent threats even though plans for can get action suit against the United States i am not in a position to reach an exclusion as to whether or not the seas and justified under International Law is in full mission is far to lead these why i am suggesting that we need an International Inquiry in order to get into the details. Lets have a belt some other news libyan warlord who they for half the us says his fight is now against a foreign occupier after Turkeys Parliament agreed to send troops to libya after us forces have laid siege to the capital tripoli since april libyas u. N. Recognized government asked turkish president richard typo to one for support the u. S. Or oblique express concern about turkeys decision shortly after have to those comments civilian districts of tripoli were targeted with new in strikes more than 20 rockets in the capital and at least one person was killed. One of the largest evacuations in australias history is underway amid warnings of strong winds and hot weather will worsen the raging. Tens of thousands of people fleeing at risk towns in the states of New South Wales and victoria some with the help of the if it were the conditions of the coming days of being described as catastrophic minister Scott Morrison has announced 3000 Defense Force reservists will be called up the hill with the bushfire response jessica washington is in maria in the New South Wales south coast where more evacuations are underway. The situation is changing incredibly quickly here in maria just in the street behind me most of the residents have already evacuated because fire has already hit this part of New South Wales but authorities are expecting that the fire will once again return so police are doing further checks of that area making sure that there are no residents behind me there now as we just heard from the Prime Minister theres no end in sight to this crisis the rain thats required isnt expected for at least another couple of weeks now bushfires in australia are a normal part of summer but this year they came much earlier than expected and theyve been much more ferocious and thats part of the reason that so many areas around the country are calling for this National Response what were hearing from the authorities here on the ground is that people need to stay vigilant because the situation is changing so quickly in the southern part of New South Wales we know that there has been increased fire activity with some of the major roads have already been shut off police are going checking houses making sure that they arent residents in areas which are unsafe residents have been warned since since last night and since this morning to to make their way out of any areas if it is safe to do so we know that many of the Evacuation Centers around town full and this is a crisis which is expected to go on for much longer crews are exhausted some of them have been on the ground for months now and theyll still have some difficult weeks ahead a shortage of medical equipment at a Public Hospital in the indian state of raja style has been blamed for the deaths of nearly 1000 infants last year an investigation was launched after the deaths of 100 babies last month it also revealed conditions at the hospital were so poor that pigs were living in the compound. This encounter the hospital where the infant deaths occurred. This mother has just heard of the news of the death of an infant her daughter was just 15 days old but doctors have not yet told her the reason of her babys death now there are many such families just in the month of december in this hospital in dr hassan in india a 100 infants died and even though the local government has ordered a quick cleaning operation the hospital is still pretty dirty you can look at that pile of garbage its just been covered in front of our eyes have a look at this window this is right outside the modernity ward there is that garbage bin weve seen women cleaning the floors still pretty dirty and that garbage bin very close to where the intensive care units of the ailing infants is now the hospital Authorities Say that this infants are dying because they already come in a very severe state theyre suffering from septicemia pneumonia and to have low birth weight Botched Commission for child rights protection their officials are also coming out and they say that they have with their own eyes to see biggs roaming around theyve seen that this number of caregivers are far fewer than those who need care and that Life Sustaining equipment the ventilators have not been functioning many of them if not all according to the report. Ventilator in this hospital meant for infants are not currently functional now earlier today we saw a truck full of garbage leaving the premises of the hospital but the local government insists that the rate of infant deaths in the state over the years is going down and not increasing. Indian workers have been demonstrating against the governments handling of the economy they are happy with rising unemployment privatization and slowing growth and the frustration isnt just coming from the opposition the union behind these protests are affiliated with the governing party so raman reports from the capital new delhi. The roads are busy in indias capital these day laborers sit here from Early Morning their bags of tools at the ready theyre masons carpenters electricians and painters with no formal contract and no Financial Security many have worked for days they say there is little work in the construction industry. Is from the Northern State of protests in your was there ever since i came to delhi ive been working i didnt have a chance to sit down on the roadside before the contractor would pick me up and take me to the site to work since more the year i work a stock and ive been sitting here. Hes not the only one this gathering of b. J. P. Supporters is not happy these daily wage labor is on the union that supports them what the government to act according to government figures the last financial quarter of 2019 so inflation rises to nearly 5. 5 percent while food prices went up by 10 percent and manufacturing went down by 3. 8 percent the real estate business has seen a slump to. Moderate income or the. Union leader and b j p supporter no ryan and wants the government to rethink its economic direction one that he says will benefit the working class. But i would say its all the. Nationalists are making. Is something strange is not going. On voicing their frustration is about all the things people can do you hear anyone say what they intend to do but its the government that money chain. Policy and in turn the Economic Future of all of those here. Is usually 1st one of indias most respected economists says the government needs to spend in order to stimulate the economy the immediate measures required are demand because this is very clearly a shortage of demand in the economy workers dont have money to spend there isnt enough employment businesses are not investing somebody has to spend and it has to be the government. Its been difficult for the government to explain or even show the benefits of its new sales tax or why it removed all banknotes 2 years ago and replace them with higher value notes the International Monetary fund has acknowledged Indias Economic slowdown and its urging the government to work on a stimulus package that can benefit the working class and revive the economy. The worry for Prime Minister dread remote government is that its over supporters not criticising its economic policies if it doesnt act soon seems like this may become a common sight so robert aljazeera. Thousands of teachers have taken part in an Anti Government protest in Central Hong Kong choose the citys leaders of turning teachers into scapegoats for the ongoing social unrest the government has launched several investigations into protest related activities by educators mass demonstrations in hong kong and out in the 7th months. A budget cleanup is underway in indonesias capital jakarta after some of the worst flooding of landslides there for 2 decades more than 40 people have died and at least 180000 people are displaced between the u. S. More. Just commercial district is usually bustling with shoppers but for now its mud and sludge not customers keeping store owners into to busy theyve begun cleaning up after 2 days of heavy rain caused some of the worst flooding in years. Ive suffered big losses i cannot seem goods to my clients everything is wheat we so busy cleaning up we cant take care of silos i dont know who i can blame in the situation but us Common People have become the victims. Who are submerged. In 3 rouses she says the damage will cost her more than 20000. 00 but many others have lost much more yeah. Im disappointed because the government is not helping us Business Owners i wish they would pay more attention to us because weve lost all our capital most of my goods can no longer be used i cant sell them torrential rainfall began on new years eve quickly overwhelming the citys rivers and canals streets were turned into rivers and strong currents hampered rescue efforts dozens of people died tens of thousands have been displaced. The indonesian capital frequently floods but analysts say the city was ill prepared for a storm of this scale. The impact of this flood is bigger than the years before its massive more people or a directly and indirectly impact is households stores and companies all their assets are gone their houses destroyed and cars damaged and. Authorities have promised to push ahead with the flooding infrastructure to prevent future disasters but thats little comfort to those whose homes and livelihoods have already washed away the city of rivers have returned to normal but with more heavy rainfall expected this month residents say the cleanup is far from. Aljazeera. And you can find much more on our website the address for that is w w w dot aljazeera dr. Phil this is aljazeera these are the top stories there have been more airstrikes in iraq which we understand have targeted the iran backed Popular Mobilisation forces it happened. North of baghdad the Paramilitary Group says the strikes hit a convoy of medics. Has more details. But according to Popular Mobilization forces the paramilitary wings of the Iraqi Government to be heard that is active and you know that he. Probably they can put his various affiliates in that convoy have it discussed yet at this time with a con you go i visit iraq which leaks to hurt the area intelligent which is also home to a major coalition a very a speculation but there was some come off of one of the big 8 who was in this critical convoy because it allegedly by u. S. Reports of that attack time in the 24 hours off the u. S. Strikes killed Iranian Military commander some solomon a u. S. President says he ordered the killing to stop a war not to stop one what the United States did yesterday should have been done long ago a lot of lives would have been saved just recently salim a he led the brutal repression of protesters in iran where more than a 1000 innocent civilians were tortured and killed by their own government we took action last night to stop a war we did not take action to start a war irans Supreme Leader ayatollah ali hominidae has vowed haase revenge for the killing of some us all the money and irans foreign minister is warning appropriate retaliation is imminent. In other news libyan warlord says his fight is now against a foreign occupier to turkey agreed to send troops to libya after his forces of light siege to the capital tripoli since i feel are the largest evacuations in australias history is on the way amid warnings strong winds and hope weather will worsen the rising bush pause 3000 Defense Force reservists have been called up to help with the response well those are the headlines the news continues here after one hour one. When the news breaks today the current government has lost trust the people they cannot do anything because the protestors are against it when people are to be coming to places like working with represent the law for sure for opponents of brechts its drawing from the conservative aljazeera has teams on the ground right now hopes the meeting in paris will push politicians to create a competent and credible government to bring the moon documentaries and lightnings on air and online. They are the voiceless and vulnerable post to work against they will millions of people it condemns to lives of slavery he didnt remote areas behind factory walls and didnt break killings where abuse is common to solid but still going on but to a lot. Better now the fight against slavery is going into space we are able to say to the local n. G. O. S here is a brick kiln that we believe has all the earmarks of slave labor 101. 00 eastern

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