A. Deadline to disarm gunmen blamed for an outbreak of fighting in the capital of the Central African republic the a few hours left to surrender. Or the day sporting kidding. And he. Returns from entering to leave the bucs to win over the Chicago Bulls all the n. B. A. Action coming up later. But we start with breaking news out of iraq where thousands of protesters have entered the secured green zone in baghdad and marched to the u. S. Embassy most of members of the iranian backed Popular Mobilization forces one report suggests some have pushed down the door and broken into the compound they condemning u. S. Air strikes on sunday on bases belonging to an iranian backed shia militia in iraq u. S. Embassy stuff and the ambassador are reported to have been evacuated the u. S. Says the attacks against the hezbollah brigades were a response to the killing of the u. S. Civilian contractor the funerals of at least 27. 00 shia fighters killed in those strikes a taking place in baghdad now the embassy in baghdad is the United States largest diplomatic post in the world and also the most expensive to build it sits within the heavily fortified green zone in the citys center or some other 14 joins us now on the phone from baghdad and some other way hearing all sorts of stories about whats actually happening inside the embassy bring us up to date on this protests. 6 but im currently setting about 100 metres away after a while at the embassy there so a quite a lot of black smoke rising at the scenes that protesters have managed to set part of the outer wall of the embassy actually on the retired theyve also been one of the protesters now a chanting behind me no no to america they have also been telling stones at the embassy and weve seen quite a lot of and of and to pass to quite a few people were injured as a result of the smoke with also heard here guys and found 2 inmates being deployed i cannot tell who was that playing both whether it was what it was the american personnel inside protecting the embassy or whether it was Iraqi Security forces but still its a large expense we can basically see iraqi forces handing by allowing these crowds remaining very close to the embassy and basically not seeing really much to 1st pass out front again we have one of those ambulances pass by carrying one of the people who were wounded as a result of inhaling the smoke and the smoke actually keeps rising and it appears now to be also coming from not just the outer walls but also inside the Embassy Compound but i cannot really exactly tell what is burning what they should actual building on whether its something that was across the world. Richard although the really great album. In the background we could hear some of the protests around you what is. Being supports about evacuations inside the embassy can you tell us more about that. Well i have not been able to confirm this from my point. I have not seen any helicopters for example lead the u. S. Embassy compound but of course this is a very large compound attack several exits gates and it is possible that the staff were evacuated through a gate that is located in another place where i can see them both been trying to reach the spokesperson of the u. S. Embassy but we have not been able to get a response but of course d this kind of crowd being so close to the u. S. Embassy is something that we havent really seen here in fact that i mean up until now the only threat to the u. S. Embassy has basically been as a result of rocket attacks targeted at the embassy but most of the time these rocket attacks so many fall anywhere near the embassy they dont really injure or hurt anybody put to have. Hundreds or thousands of p. M. S. Members strength in uniform some of them carrying guns this close to the embassies certainly perceived as a significant threat to the Embassy Staff though you did touch on this just a little bit earlier but i want to just go back and explain to us about how the protesters have managed to get this close to the embassy and exactly what Security Forces there are doing you were signed before by appeared to be allowing the protesters to just toss. Indeed and lets be very clear these protesters are not the same protesters who have been demonstrating against the government for free months these are crowds are p. M. S. Members or their supporters the majority of people are wearing military uniforms there are some civilians but theyre also appear to be supporters or loyalists of the pm because not a broader presentation of the. Iraqi population or the protests that have been going on but this is basically basically began gathering at around 10 oclock local time on the other side of the river and marched across the Hanging Bridge into the fold to fight them the Security Forces were supposed to protect those gates standing by basically letting them pass without any effort whatsoever to prevent them from reaching the u. S. And because this is video ironic also for me as someone who resides in fact that because i have had many times if you actually enter these gates to try to meet u. S. Officials theres always many permissions that are required and right now im basically standing very close to you embassy was surrounded by hundreds of p. M. S. Members and Security Forces are basically have just down on their usual security procedures letting people go in and out as they. Just for viewers now as well bring us up to date and place this protest in context there with the american strikes the other day against these iranian aligned militia weve seen iran and the. Catawba hezbollah both denounce the United States have been threats of retaliation as well and the funerals for those who were q. Strikes plus this protest now in that broader tone text that what weve seen play out in the past few days. Basically was. A saying that this is just the 1st. Warning. 9 face and they have heard. A again u. S. Soldiers based here in. Iraq so d i dont prefer all the end of it that was chris another ambulance again speeding away from the site where the fire is ongoing so i dont believe it will be the end of it this is just the 1st public show of defiance a fine. One to really send a message to the us that they are going to that they are able. Theyre able to enter the green zone without any forever which implies certain support from the Iraqi Government proposed this comes at the back of an unprecedented escalation with never had the u. S. Tried. In iraq or at least admit to that in public so were likely to see further escalation as the p. M. S. Militarily but it is also a pledge that it takes us in parliament to formally request to withdraw all pulling troops from iraq. Thank you for that some of the full team there of course well come back to some of it was those protests continue and for any other developments now among the protesters that the u. S. Embassy is. Hes an iraqi politician closely linked to tehran next to him. His political leader because ali was recently placed under u. S. Sanctions lets go live now to Dorsey Jabari in the iranian capital tehran and just a. Particular bit. Can you tell us about them with links to iran. Well we know that how the other money who is the head of the brother organization and his party is part of the leading kolisch in iraqs government in parliament that and how the a number he has expressed his allegiance to iranian leadership the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei as well as the head of the courts force of the revolutionary guard Major General hossam solomon and so his legion says are never questioned he has said in the past that he identifies with the ideologies of the Islamic Republic and even during the 8 year iran iraq war the armory fought on the iranian side against Saddam Hussein and the iraqi forces so his presence now at this event is significant not only because he is now part of the official government in iraq but its sending a signal its a very strong message to the americans in iraq and that is that iran is never far away from its its influence is never rather far away in iraq and also his companion the crisis ali is also another figure who heads a Political Group and theyre also in parliament weve also seen pictures of. The hundreds who is the head of the popular move in front of all these groups that weve been mentioning are part of the Popular Mobilization front which are part of the Iraqi Government so these are all high ranking officials at this event which means that this event was not an impromptu gathering that they had a message there was a deliberate a purpose for these leaders to show up at this rally and that is to say to the American Forces in iraq that their presence is not welcome then this is a warning many believe that they will not be tolerated their presence and their attacks on various installations in iraq will not be tolerated you know and those who are at this point we should probably clarify who these groups are they have links to iran the history of these groups the Popular Mobilization fortunes and for with iraqis against us all have been integrated all suppose the integrated back into rockys iraqs Defense Forces but also mind tying these alliances to take is true that makes playing these groups for. Well these various groups really started popping up in iraq after the fall of Saddam Hussein and when the United States began their operations in iraq these groups took up arms and they said that they wanted the occupiers out of their country and they fought against u. S. Forces for many many years and then eventually they laid down their arms there were cease fires. Agreed upon in these groups lay down their arms and in 2018 they became part of the government part of the iraqs army and they call them the Popular Mobilization front now the iranians for their parts have said in the past and specifically Major General hossam solomon he has said that they are supporting these groups with training and arms and that that that is not a secret and this is where the problem lies with the americans they say that they dont want the iranians involved in iraqs business and that is what these attacks have been about back and forth and this is where we are today the americans believe that these attacks will deter iran from reaching out to these groups and supporting them but as weve seen the scenes unfolding in baghdad today there are only strengthening their position that they dont want the americans in their country at any cost to also thank you you started of course well come back to you when we need to run a mansoor is a Research Fellow at Chatham House in the on the middle east and north Africa Program and project director of the Iraq Initiative he joins us from london its good to have you with us i want to pick up on with Dorsett Jabari our reporter in tehran lift off and that is the question of iran irans involvement in iraq how the United States see that and what these protests are telling us about that today because that up 1st and take us through how you analyze the sort of shifting politics in the influences that were seeing on the ground here right now. Well since 2003 when the u. S. And its allies invaded on top of the us and regime there has been this to this question there has been this kind of back and forth between which side is stronger the u. S. Or iran and this has been a question amongst iraq it political circles its been a question of in the region who will have the upper hand and whereas that was once an actual question with and the answer was unclear i think in the last few years its become clear that in the post 2003 iraq iran has turned out to be the more powerful actor iran has strong relations not only with the security groups that we talk about that weve been talking about but also with the Political Groups with the institutions with state and nonstate actors inside iraq and across the political spectrum from senay shia and kurdish groups if you look at the condemnation that the iraqi president the iraqi Prime Minister and the speaker of parliament came out against these american airstrikes its very clear that america is kind of has its back to a corner right now and it doesnt have that type of leverage either with institutions with the iraqi state or with the government that it supposedly helped build after 2003 whereas iran at least with some of the more powerful leaders remains quite influential so iran has kind of come out on top if it will if you will in that sort of question of where does iraq go between america and iran and that really 3 into the instability that were seeing in the rocky politics right now because yes we did see the rocky president all those condemned those u. S. Strikes weve also seen the iraqi president refused to. Allow the nomination or to accept the nomination of the pro iranian nomination for president for promise to the us dani there is so much swirling around inside iraq right now how do you factor in that that political instability to the protests we see here the american strikes and you runs and visions inside iraq. Yes thats right thats exactly right the Political Landscape in iraq is not clear there isnt a clear leader there isnt a clear one side or one party that is the most influential inside iraq these protests against the u. S. Embassy are as much about regional and International Politics as they are about their own domestic politics what weve seen in the last few months are protests erupt in their square and much of the south of iraq protests that are actually going against these armed groups these militias and these paramilitary groups protests that are saying iran out. And so at the back of it i think we cant conflate these are 2 different protests the protesters who are marching on the u. S. Embassy arent the same protesters who arent here square who are marching against iran and irans influence in iraq so its a its a very confusing Political Landscape very clearly what this means is all iraqis just because theyre against iran doesnt mean that theyre with america and so even into heres where those protesters who are saying we are tired of iranian influence dont necessarily say we welcome the u. S. And are also against the u. S. And because of that have also expressed their condemnation of these airstrikes and fundamentally iraqi nationalism basically saying that we dont like any country feeling like they have the ability to strike in our territory and kill our citizens and. The same protesters are also saying that they want the government gone but one of the Prime Minister gone he resigned they want the president gone they dont accept this latest nomination for Prime Minister they want a complete political chimes in the country so this is a a critical juncture recent for iraq we are all of these things a feeding into each other to find a new direction in the country. Yeah thats right i mean its clearly this is probably the most existential moment of post a 1003 iraq this is a bigger moment than i would say 2014 when isis took over much part you know mosul and other parts of iraq because that was a very sort of local program for us for a problem with a clear solution theres no clear solution in sight nobody knows you speak to politicians you speak to different political actors and no one knows where iraq is going you have these protesters in the south and but who are calling themselves revolutionaries and calling for an end to the system not an end to one Political Party not an end to one leader but a complete change turn over of the post 2003 system which they feel has not represented them then you have certain leaders trying to maintain that system and so you have a friction between those looking to maintain the status quo because they benefit from it and when i mean those i dont just mean the shia groups but also kurdish groups and sunni groups and basically the elite and then you have a majority of these protesters who are saying were tired of this system and so off the backs of the whats happening with the u. S. In the u. S. Airstrikes is to some extent linked but also not linked to the bigger question i think 2020 would be an interesting year for iraq because unlike previous protests which weve seen whether that was in 20161511 or 2009 these protests in Tahrir Square but that today are different a much Younger Generation of protesters fewer have jobs fewer are married they have less to lose they have less to live for and theyre just willing to sit there with and wait it out and call for change so we havent reached that mutually hurting still yet to say that we can go into a new go into sort of negotiations so many are beginning more and more beginning to think well maybe we need another election and well have to see but very very sort of certain is the lack of clarity of iraqs Political Landscape moving into 2020 not just the idea of one more question i want to ask you but just as. Were speaking were getting some pictures coming through live and you can see those pictures theres a lot of black smoke coming from the area around the. Latest pictures im being told from the area and have been all sorts of reports about the about the the doors being pushed jean about potential evacuations inside the embassy we do know that these protesters including some people loyal to the militia groups who are supported by iran have been able to march right to the doors of the American Embassy doors apparently being pushed in potential evacuations and were looking at those latest pictures there of black smoke billowing from around the area so going to keep an eye on that and of course keep an eye on the protests months or hes with us hes from Chatham House i did want to ask you one final question before we pushed on or not and that is about how you see the next steps the next few days really playing out between iraq and the United States clearly the u. S. Is going to see this march on the embassy as a provocation it is said that it reserves the right to strike again against these forces and iran of course has condemned those attacks inside iraq given that power struggle that proxy battle of iraq and of iran and the United States inside iraq how do you see the immediate future for that. Yeah i mean this is the big question and were all looking for hints to try and see where this goes i think there are some things that are clear the 1st thing thats clear is the u. S. Dont really have an institutional ally in the iraq state there have been condemned by the president Prime Minister and speaker and keep in mind in the past the u. S. You would have strong relations with the Prime Minister there was a time when the the iraqi Prime Minister and the american president would speak on a weekly basis so those are the relations used to be very strong under malikis 1st term or under a by the more recent he now the Prime Minister hasnt been invited to washington since hes become Prime Minister and neither has the president of iraq so the u. S. Dont really have those kind of institutional allies to have that leverage to be able to influence politics or even if they dont the question is whether they even want to to some extent very clearly there has been a push as well to remove u. S. Troops from iraq completely and i think what well see in the days forward are for those calls to reemerge and to be much stronger there was a group of iraqi politicians a bit more moderate who thought it was important to keep american troops to maintain american support not just because it means american support but theres many other allies from European Countries for example that are there alongside the americans whether its a coalition to fight isis or to sort of rebuild the iraqi state and so theyre all looking at americans however those moderates who are calling for American Forces and american support for iraq will face a harder time trying to make that case as very clearly across the iraqi political spectrum now there is widespread condemnation for this type of attack that the americans have conducted on iraqs territory so i think this will be a bigger sort of another impediment another time of weakening americas sort of influence in iraq which has been waning in recent years but not as its been good had you on the program thank you so much prefer providing that analysis of course on the run as these events continue to unfold were not sure the Chatham House. The u. S. Strikes on sunday have added to instability in iraq antigovernment protesters have been demanding fundamental change to the political system for several months demonstrators object to what they say is irans increasing influence in iraqs internal affairs tehran has called those demonstrations riots and is demanding strong action and this deadlock in parliament over the nomination of a new Prime Minister following the resignation of their mufti influential shia cleric ayatollah Ali Al Sistani has accused the Political Class of being unable to deal with the crisis lets get more on this now with our senior political analyst marwan bashar who joins us now in doha and theres a lot to pick through here politically for iraq and what the immediate future by look like but i i do want to get your thoughts immediately on this protest those pictures are becoming increasingly dramatic were seeing black spoke now billowing from the area talk of evacuations of doors being pushed in were still trying to confirm all of that but from where you sit watching these protests unfold what do you take away from it. Well its clearly a reminder of previous such attacks on u. S. Embassies starting with the attack on the u. S. Embassy in tehran in 79. 00 onto the attack on the u. S. Embassy in tripoli just several years ago leading to the death of the u. S. Ambassador tripoli and consequently leading to a major diplomatic crisis and political crisis within the United States about whos responsible for what so you could tell that in us far as u. S. History in the region and the attack on its embassies on its various installations in the region do tend to create diplomatic crises because this is not just any other country thats being attacked or its investment in fact its the United States same country that occupied. Iraq for several years the same country thats been deploying its forces for 16 years in iraq and the same country thats having major diplomatic and other crises with iraqs neighbor and to some degree patron iran so all in all of course the proxy conflict the involvement of the superpower the the the major complex there within the iraqi political scene itself all of that of course is leading to further complicating the political scene in iraq ok and just on that political scene in iraq how does that feed into what were seeing here because there is so much in the mix were just discussing that with an argument that there are the protests is you dont want iranian influence but they dont want the americans either they want a complete change of politics youve got the president you would accept the nomination of the lightest nomination the Prime Minister saying he will resign all of that political instability set against the backdrop of these protests and the american strikes that we saw just this week. Well thats why. I think its important not just differentiate between. 2 protests of 2 protesting streets in iraq because there is one that is basically as we see today that of against the United States and there was another thats been going on for several months now thats been directed against iran its our allies in iraq and the United States but whats important here is not only as i said to differentiate between the 2 i would i would argue that hezbollah the Popular Mobilization and other allies of the who are on any iraq. Have basically taken on of this new task today to deflect from the part this movement against them in the shiite streets in iraq so this is important for them because theyre trying to divert the attention from hostility towards iran to hostility towards the United States and since there is so much. So much pent up tension and hostility towards both iran and the United States in iraq each street h. H. H. Group tries to bring their people or their supporters and so so forth to worse one protest movement or another and i think in that sense practical is speaking and im not you know describing in any way why approach of any sort but its smart but it took a smart on the parts of the part of. Our allies in iraq to be diverting attention in the way theyre doing and they were there attacking the u. S. Embassy the way they are leading to an International Crisis and potentially a humiliation for the United States in the region by a simple call for a protest against the u. S. Embassy after the attack on their forces its a really fluid and fascinating and very critical time in iraq now and thank you so much for that moment bring us up to date there in analyzing what weve been seeing and let me just bring you up to date on what were seeing those are the pictures that weve been following throughout the day those are pictures of the hundreds of protesters that weve seen whove marched through the green zone and to the American Embassy according to our reporter on the ground apparently Iraqi Security have allowed those protesters to go through among those protesters are also members of the militia aligned to the militia that was attacked this week by the United States weve been seeing pictures of black smoke billowing into the. Talk about evacuations inside the embassy doors being pushed down all of those things still to be confirmed but were going to continue to follow the story here on aljazeera. Now in a few moments well have the weather with if its in fox but still ahead on aljazeera tit for tat expulsions over iran a white president the escalating dispute between spying believe and mexico. The penguins rattled the senate isnt the end. Of the action in schools. Hello there well while were not expecting any fire drenching rain across the southeast last friday rather than next couple days we should gradually see the temperatures falling away at least by the end of the weekend albeit temporarily because this area is this cold front making its way through some clouds and rain just nothing down away from victoria pushing over into the open waters and then behind me we have another system and the 61 which will wrote us where crossed the by side for the next couple of days just not those temperatures by mistake like the kind of rainfall weve had in posix is in the northwest of victoria oh yeah this is 29 160. 00 millimeters of friday its that driest year on a record and thats on a par with this but see that kind of rainfall in central parts of saudi arabia so it has been bone dry lets get on to the hague now plenty of heat around as well but its but around the coastal sea breezes just pushing in and thats helping to just pack those temperatures back a little bit as we go on into thursday you can see a similar thing but take a look at this adelaide 42 celsius what those numbers found the perth and thats a sign of things to come as we go into the end of the weekend tempters here we nearer to 20 degrees. Good weather sponsored by countdown anyways. Big stories generate fountains of headlines these protests are saying down with the system and down with all of the parts with different angles from different perspectives just because we came to prison doesnt mean the right stopped at the gate separate the spin from the facts the western media jumps on stories we dont taking down the misinformation from the journalism its about telling the stories of those human beings on the ground with the listening post on aljazeera when the news breaks in the moment today the current government has lost trust the people they cant do anything because the protesters are against it when people are to be places like working the refs. The lofty goal for opponents of rex its drawing from the conservatives aljazeera has teams on the ground right now hopes the meeting in paris will push politicians to create a competent and credible government to bring the moon blue documentaries and lighting on air and online. Theyre watching aljazeera he is a reminder of our top story this hour in iraq thousands of protests event at the secured green zone in baghdad and botched the u. S. Embassy most of members of the iranian backed popular. Forces one report suggests some of pushed out the door and could enter the compound there condemning u. S. Bases belonging to or with iranian backed shia militia in iraq. When we get more now on those fires in australia some of the eastern parts of the country have come on the orange and red highways as bush fires right out of control another fire as a burning in every state have a look at this news a fireworks have been cancelled in the capital and other cities as the changes worsen the studies of victoria is among the hardest hit more than 260 new fires have been counted in just 36 hours including the the tourist town of charlotte bills has more. As a Massive Wildfire rolled to woods the town of miller kusa 4000. 00 people fled towards the beach those with boats went one step further is now the 5 fronts come through. The front side the sound its got to get out of the dogs up the crowd that supplies about i never see them or get. The fire was burning across 730 square kilometers is the day began it encircled residents and turned data nice this video was recorded at 9 am were just getting some invisible and i have a new side i reckon that they say. That its the wards of the north east at the moment and its studying the town of military to get me a military there is currently under attack at the moment theres a number of houses we believe was lost in and around that community weve got 3 strike teams sitting in with the community literally standing saw us all with our community at the beach front victorias premier looked towards the straining Defense Force for help while fireball says try to come residents not just in mullah kusa but across the state but a number of communities are actually isolated and again this was a scenario that we forecast a number of guys ago so our focus today is very much about how we can get in how we can support those those impacted communities. In the neighboring states of new. South wales scenes repeated the community of burma gooey camped at the local surf club with the ocean as they exit and this wasnt bateson bay during the new years holiday coastal towns a popular vacation spots with already said verge tens of thousands of holiday make is to go or harm or cancel their plans because of the brave and fair Evacuation Center out of florida is really bad heart. Apocalyptic this is the middle of a very. Major cities have not a skanks the choking smoke and flames on monday 100000 people were urged to evacuate from 5 melbourne suburbs this was filmed in western sydney on tuesday. A strain is wildfire season is breaking records. The 1st major fires started in Early September before the arrival of spring the product of soaring temperatures dry ground and strong winds theyve now destroyed more than 40000 square kilometers of land at any given time dozens if not hundreds of fires are burning the full heat of summer has yet to arrive charlotte dallas aljazeera. The former chairman of the multinational john has fled to lebanon from japan where he faces a trial of allegations of financial misconduct colace going has a lebanese pos board and was arrested in tokyo in 25 released on district conditions he said hed escaped injustice and political persecution his lawyers said his legal team held 3 of going. Inexcusable june joins us now live in by richard we hearing anything from tell us going home. Then all weve heard so far is the statement that was released by mr belin spokesperson luigi a little bit more of that he said i am now in lebanon im no longer hostage to a biased japanese judicial system where the presumption of guilt prevails or discrimination is widespread and were human rights are violated this in total disregard of the laws and International Treaties that japan has ratified and which it is bound to respect now apologies for all the noise we are in eastern beirut we are outside of mr goh in residence there is an ambulance thats coming through the street where were standing at the moment there are 2 internal Security Forces vehicles that are here outside of the house not her. Looks we will put a severe i know its very loud there but given that way you are and given that action that were seeing around you there are once again a sense of what lebanese officials my my all this and how secure callous gone might even be in the country. And this is a very good question and weve been trying to get any comments from lebanese officials weve not been able to get that yet nobody has spoken publicly about this but whats interesting is that mr goh and is seen by many here as somebody who is very respected some of some people here. See him even as a bit of a hero in the last couple of years when his trial was going on you had. Many officials across the political spectrum praising mr go in saying that they believed his trial was unfair that the charges were unfair were waiting to get confirmation from lebanese officials about if perhaps Lebanese Security may have coordinated his arrival if perhaps they know when he actually arrived but we just have not heard any at this stage and were trying to get more let me just mention one other thing as i said before stan you know there are many people here that due respect mr goh in some in the past few years have even suggested they thought that he should come here and try to rescue the economy and that he might at some point be a good candidate for Political Office really. Good work come home and i was almost deafening that sounds a thank you for sticking with a mom agenda in the in the middle. Well hong kong is bracing for more protests to disrupt new years celebrations several rallies have being planned the governments canceled the territorys traditional fireworks display for the 1st time in 12 years due to security concerns and government demonstrations and now in this 6th month florence of the rejoins us live from hong kong far to another from experience having lived in hong kong just how spectacular it can be on new years eve but not this year. Thats right now as you mentioned the spectacular Fireworks Show has been cancelled the government scientists security concerns so how are people in hong kong going to ring in the new year while very much the same way theyve spent the better off of this year and thats with more protests now we are in collin district this is one of the main shopping areas in hong kong and normally this road would be filled with shock but taurus with people waiting to catch the fireworks with people waiting for the big count down instead its filled with heavy Police Presence you can see behind me the dozens of Police Trucks that popped on both sides of the street you can also see police in full riot gear now the protests as youve mentioned have called for more protests that is the whole idea is to disrupt the shopping festivities on new years eve and that seems to be working 1 now if you just take a look at the streets here the shops are open but its really very quiet its not at all the hong kong but the new years eve that people in hong kong are used to but its very much in keeping with the past events of the last 6 nearly 7 months and these protests have been going on now and theres no indication that they will stop and in fact protesters are calling for more protests. Florence on new years eve is probably a good. Stock of what weve seen this year 6 months of these protests and they dont seem to be letting up as you say the threatening more protests into the next year and you still have this standoff between the government and the protesters and they want political change in the country so we need to you see this hitting what is 2022 and to bring. Well theres no indication from all of us saw it that theyre ready to back down now lets take a listen lets hear 1st from what carry on had to say she delivered a new years message today the chief executive of hong kong and she said hong kong is facing challenges the likes of which its never seen and these challenges have caused anxiety disappointment and even rage she says hong kongs new years resolution should be to restore order and harmony to society now the government has often repeated the lying that things part of the reason why these protests have gone on for so long and have turned violent sometimes is because of the huge wealth disparity in the Hong Kong Society the government says its rolling out measures to address that but it hasnt said anything about meeting any of the remaining 4 demands that protesters have been full and thats why the protest this time now theres a new slogan that were seeing on social media which is dont forget 2019 persist in 2020 theres every indication that they intend to go on and even though the protests have been theyve reduced in terms of crowd size and in terms of intensity there is still something happening every day the Anti Government sentiment and the protests momentum is still very much alive in hong kong. Thank you for that farce of this. Gunman blamed for an outbreak of fighting in the capital of the Central African republic has a few hours left to surrender local people said the todays deadline in bunky thats off to at least 40 would q. During days of fighting between market traders and groups the United Nations has now sent more troops. Has more from bunky. Traitors in the p. Q. 5 neighborhood markets count their losses and repealed wild reconstruction work starts trouble is threatened. Visual and just who are protecting traitors in the community are no longer welcome. The traders have set up a Crisis Committee which is empowered to declare war on the armed groups we gave them a 40 hour ultimatum to surrender their weapons and reintegrate into the community they dont surrender we will resume hostilities with them Government Authority has to be restored in the p. K. 5 neighborhood. That threat is whats making people here in the us fighting started on tuesday when an armed militia man was killed when he refused to pay a shopkeeper for an item you wanted his group retaliated and over the course of 3 days 40 people were killed and dozens of in hospital 40 shops in the market or destroyed people in this market in the future 5 neighborhood say militias have long been exporting traders here and the actual violence that broke out last week one of the 1st in 2018 the United Nations mission in Central Africa attempted to stop extortion. By the time it operations is over more than 40 people i mean. The United Nations mission here is struggling to keep the peace more troops are patrolling the area but they may not be able to deal with a major attack the main issue is that there is no lookout for police and military then we are also applies to sense. List but not the russian army base in the area our fosters are conducting battles. But then we dont have enough force there with the need to increase. Families on both sides are left to mourn their dead and fear more attacks. The Central African republic a good civil war that started in 2013 and killed thousands of people. Since then more than a 1000000 of the 5000000 population have been forced from their homes many couplet abroad for now there isnt an easy calm on the streets of benghazi but as everyone here knows it will only take a spark to ignite another wave of killings in a country while warlords control more territory than the government. Meant to greece. Spain says it will expel 3 bolivian diplomats as part of a tit for tat move off to bolivia is interim president to spanish diplomats and the mexican ambassador to leave the country the growing diplomat disputes starting with mexico granted asylum to former bolivian president evo morales John Heilemann has more from mexico city. Libyas caretaker president jimmy 9 years says shes had enough shes kicking out not just the mexican embassador but also to spanish diplomats she accuses them of meddling in her countrys affairs not only in most of what we cannot tolerate is the abuse and arrogance of rulers who are clearly trying to cover up and protect criminals that have committed crimes of sedition armed uprisings and terrorism her anger is directed at 9 bolivians including allies of ousted president ever more as whove been given asylum inside the mets can embassy the government wants them out and under arrest i am anti moralist protesters the keeping vigil outside alongside police to ensure they dont escape when spanish diplomats turned up for a meeting with their mitts can counterparts some thought it might be cover for a getaway the Spanish Security team waiting outside the embassy were harassed and scared off and their diplomats left stranded eventually they go back to base but the believing government remain deeply suspicious if they dont want every this group of mexican and Spanish Government representatives has seriously affected the sovereignty and dignity of the people and the constitutional government. Spain denied trying to interfere and announced it was expelling 3 bolivian diplomats in response. Its coopted not to go to perhaps im willing to further inflame tensions that began when it granted asylum to have a moral is in november not we havent got the intention to break diplomatic relations with the livia and i embassy will continue its work in bolivia of course there are. Questions beyond this situation chief among them is where this caretaker government has the right to make these big Foreign Policy decisions its not just in this case its also broken with former allies we got closer to form the series despite the fact that its an elected only meant to bridge the gap until a fresh vote. Pumps the biggest question is when those elections will be held so bolivians can choose a permanent government that too has yet to be resolved john homan how does it make screw city and thats the latest in sport now his son thank you very much to stand with the n. B. A. Where the Milwaukee Bucks have ended the year on a high with a win over Chicago Bulls. Will was back in action on monday night it was raining and the people there scored 23 points and grabbed 10 rebounds in his return from a back injury is the leagues 2nd leading scorer with an average of 30. 5 points per game and in this one the bucs pulled away in the 2nd half to cruise 2123202 win. And miami heat have suffered one of their most stunning losses of the season to end 21000 in washington and was is jordan mcrae scored 29 points and garrison matthews added 28 points to help the Washington Wizards cool off the miami heat it with 123205 victory. Mondays only game in the n. H. L. So pittsburgh climb to 3rd in the east and now conferences standings on home ice the penguins are easing to 52. 00 victory over the Ottawa Senators in indian market and the star man with 2 goals for pittsburgh patrick. And Dominic Simmons and taken also on target to make it 3 straight wins for the penguins and 10 victories in their last 12 matches. Scottish club Glasgow Rangers say they expect all measures to be taken after one of their plays was racially abused during the match against their fierce rivals celtic on sunday colombian freedom our last i was sent off off the diving to try and win a penalty at the end of rangers 2 on when he made just says to the crowd as he walked off the Scottish Police havent yet received any complaints the man who led spain to euro 2020 cause occasion before leaving the job under a cloud the has taken training with his new team Robert Moreno is a now in charge of a. S. M. Want to go in the French League moreno left to his role as spays a caretaker boss in the van but after permanent boss you sorry k. Decided to take the job back following a period of mourning a for his daughter and q. s moreno of disloyalty in that wanting to stay in charge of Spain National win us and what are your sources i spent over those years by his side i am grateful to him you already know what happened in the last few weeks will be all that is in the past now. Another man carrying big expectations. Do so at a book a genius he was introduced as head coach by the club and when osiris on monday also returns to book with the copilot better though is the big target they havent yet to achieve being champions of south america since 2007 when he was last in target or winning the cup on a bid to doris it brings that many rewards for flamingo coach georges its seen him receive a knighthood the president of portugal presented with the on the 65 year old only took over as head coach of the Brazilian Team in june has become a hero with the flamingo fans by delivering a long awaited national and continental titles. Wall. But to me i was given this great holder for my achievements in soccer but for me its more important than soccer i always felt that when coaching flamengo i was coaching a Sporting Team but at the same time i was representing my country and when i celebrated the copa i carried portugals flag after numerous complaints about the way the English Premier League have introduced the volatile the season the sports law makers are the issue guidance to referees. Suggest that the reviews are being used too much and 3 gently for doing good of the game fans players and managers have made regular complaints and one coach has suggested an even more radical solution if you want everything so correct then in the end just do away with laws referees put drones up use Computers Artificial intelligence and on shore get all the decisions correct but i dont think anybody will really like football anymore i think football at times is really unfair but also so good about it its not like sometimes you get on the wrong end of a decision and you have to get on with it whilst top tennis players are preparing for the 1st arment of 2020 the new a. T. P. Cup team event but in a very unusual circumstances well number one rafael the bell is in perth where hell lead spain in the group 3 and a half 1000 kilometers away impressed when a big arrival Novak Djokovic with serbia after the group stage the teams all head to sydney for the knockout matches tournament begins on friday and has a 15000000 dollar prize fund. Thank you for that and thats it for this news hour will leave you with some pictures of some of the years biggest stores. Demonstrators united position to opposed extradition. Now is the Summer Office called. For to say has become about much more than the proposed law was about the future of the city halls closed at a record breaking day for hong kong elections by Democracy Party secured a Record Number of songs. Played. Away the political and social unrest sweeping south america. They talk about. How long will you feel is the man that challenges his legitimacy when some day he is still the president of bolivia by live they choose day. And the next so was this is how the end of 50 years of looked when president already bashir was deposed. After 18 months of protest and 4 months of negotiations sudans reading minutes with him down and the Opposition Coalition and so fine a power sharing deal. Protests time to celebrations of the news and both of his resignation. Its not about where your allegiance is lie in this deeply divided sectarian country. All walks of life are united against the political leadership. The panic among the crowds of protesters as gunfire as opposed to around central baghdad protesters say they want to live in an independent iraq not one thats a puppet of the United States and you ron. Thanks. To our. Entire school systems. Collapsing we are in the beginning of a mass extinction and what you can talk about is money and fame details of challenge Economic Growth how did you. What words to the Prime Minister can adequately express the pain and suffering of new zealand stock as they walked words capture the anguish of muslim communities targeted by hatred and violence. Carnage in churches and one of the most important days of the christian calendar. This is what the end of isis self declared caliphate looks like. A movie a car al baghdadi is dead. That chinas now run out. With the opportunity to serve the country i. Boris johnson returned to damning street triumphant the conservatives have redrawn britains political map. The result was never in doubt article one is adopted on the drum as the 3rd u. S. President in history to be and its a disgrace indeed administered kashmir has been cut off from the outside world the Indian Government has revoked the regions autonomy. A Nobel Peace Prize winner the playing for years by the military now defending them and herself against charges of genocide. I accept this award on the awful video bins in the experience especially those who made the ultimate sacrifice in the cause of peace this girl is so resilient is so hot this is so. A city defined by military occupation theres never been an arab state here at the capital of jerusalem everyone is welcome but this default structure that maintains the can only project thats what we diffuse it was one of the founders of the settlement with this and the story of jerusalem through the eyes of its own people segregation occupation discrimination injustice this is apartheid in the 21st century jerusalem a rock and a hard place on aljazeera. The pollution is palpable. Delhi shares the symptoms of many modern metropolis but its unique features have been gotten a crisis. People in power investigates the toxic mix feeding the citys invisible killer and asks why more is not being done to relieve its citizens to these deadly aired on aljazeera. Hundreds of iranian backed fatahs botched at the u. S. Embassy in baghdad condemned sundays strikes. This is al jazeera life also coming up thousands of stranded in eastern australia as more than 250 new fires are reported in a dye and a half. Ago in flames corruption charges in japan and the form of the chief its a surprise arrival in lebanon

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