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To cheer for the champion some extra time when i put liverpool on top of the world. Protest against andy his new citizenship law becoming the biggest domestic challenge to Prime Minister that into morty since he came to power 5 years ago opponents say it discriminates against muslims and is an attack on the secular constitution meanwhile Rights Groups accuse police of using disproportionate force against protesters at least 23 people have been killed and more than a week of demonstrations so being a stressed out reports from new delhi. Police in the Northern State of it there but they are not taking chances. Did franz was firing tear gas at protesters who are defying a government ban to congo. Kate in large crowds. Every tactic is being used to quash nationwide protests against a new citizenship law the police are being accused of using Excessive Force was what started as a student demonstration has grown into a Larger Movement to denounce what governments often and say is divisive and discriminatory legislation. The law excludes muslims from neighboring countries from receiving indian citizenship which goes against india secular constitution the unrest in india has been discussed at a conference of Muslim Leaders in malaysia Prime Minister matti mohammed said the indian law is unfair to exclude streams from becoming citizens even by duplessis i think is unfair so we have ways. Disagreement with this kind of treatment india rejected his comments saying the law doesnt impact the status of any indian citizen or deprive any indian of any faith of her or his citizenship the malaysian Prime Ministers remark is factually inaccurate we call upon the to refrain from commenting on internal developments in india without the right understanding of facts. On saturday protesters back the streets of new delhi despite the governments ban on large crowds was 7 d d. Lawyers from India Supreme Court and high courts joined the outcry we are running over in the discriminate among those 6 jenny jones and muslims if overcautious have allowed us a lot everyone would outside the journey i merely asked me if thats still where the 1st yes. C joining. The art students depicted the constitution and the governments attitude to it by painting this street its amusing. To the nation and. Its also this. Just wish. That every human being every one in this country would be affected and. Indians here are vowing to continue their defiance revolt against the law and say they wont allow the government to destroy the very fabric on which their nation is built on. To be national to aljazeera new delhi india as well as take a closer look now at the civilian ship Amendment Act and why its prompting opposition across india it creates a pathway to citizenship for minorities who face religious persecution in pakistan bangladesh and of stand by it excludes muslims opposition parties and protesters say that violates and the a secular constitution but that is not the only dynamic the ruling b j p has promised to implement a National Register for citizens where everyone across the country will need to prove their citizenship and if they cant they could be put in Detention Centers or some communities could still be given citizenship through the citizenship Amendment Act but its feared that millions of muslims unable to provide proof would be rendered stateless even if their families have lived in india for generations but i dont cotton as professor of law or legal theory at the university of oxford and general editor of the indian law review and earlier he told my colleague dying to abrogate a why the law has provoked so much anger. Look this government has been chipping away at indias constitutional fundamentals for the last 6 years but this act does it so blatantly and so. Expressly that theres no plausible deniability in an institutions constitutional solution so fail to stop the government from doing what it has done to the constitution and ultimately it seems that the people have decided that its upon them to save indias pluralistic Secular Democratic constitution why is the citizenship law thats caused all these processed seen by many people as a threat to indian democracy as a whole so the been a lot of threats to in a democracy of late but this is the most blatant because for the 1st time in india as democratic independent history we are going to write religion as a qualification into us citizenship laws the law in giving fast track citizenship to basically non muslims would also some other its a jew say these to muslims some of these communities are not covered but in the seats and jews are covered that is that is just so blatantly against the very core of the Indian Constitution identity which is to seek to build a nation that is not based on religious identity that is secular that is pluralistic that its diverse and its celebrated that day diversity for the last 70 odd years so that its its the explicitness you know a lot of these governments policies have been sort of dog whistle politics of Everybody Knows the gold is anti muslim but now the government felt emboldened to do not feel the need for force for dog whistles its just its blatant misses as was egregious. Lets move on to other news now and a turkish ship has been seized off the coast of northern libya by forces loyal to warlord Khalifa Haftar that happened just hours after Turkeys Parliament voted to approve a military agreement with libyas internationally recognized government to have the Spokesman Says the naval forces approached the box near the city of donor so they could search and verify its cargo its crew being questioned now 3 people have been killed in libya and the latest drone strikes by half those forces they attacked the town of the latter in the northwest of libya the internationally recognized governments of the drones a being used by the United Arab Emirates which supports have to rock without the has more from tripoli. The Government Forces tried to enter the homeowner city about 65 kilometers to the south east from the capital tripoli to horner is the main stronghold for have to his forces and it has the Central Command from where from which i have to the generals along with the Russian Military experts are running their battles in southern tripoli thats according to the government of National Accord so Government Forces tried to open new front lines near the city but they withdraw they say that they face to edify x. By have to draw and fighter jets meanwhile a new city has witnessed clashes in its vicinity near the city of the horn the city of them silat which is about 88 kilometers to the sub southeast from the capital tripoli the city of tears among the civil cities that have recently declared Mass Mobilization to prevent have to his forces from entering the capital tripoli now so that it is facing have to the forces and its southern vicinities after the Government Forces withdraw from the area and local sources in there say that hundreds of civilians have left their homes because of the fighting and random rockets have been landing inside the city 3 people were killed and a dozen others were wounded according to medical sources sources in the city of. Emergency workers say conditions feeling but fires across the australian state of New South Wales are as bad as it gets the fires have killed 8 people and destroyed hundreds of homes across the state in New South Wales and queensland the fires have burned through a combined air thats larger than belgium the major roads are closed and people have been urged to delay travel because the fires could shift directions unexpectedly now jessica washington has been in the Blue Mountains west of sydney and reports there are fears that the worst is still to come this is usually one of sydneys most popular Tourist Attractions the normally picturesquely mountains bordering the outskirts of the city. Much of it now decimated by bushfires. Theyve been burning across large parts of australia for months now with flames as high as 70 metres high in this region alone has destroyed an area 7 times the size of singapore. But this isnt just bush land its home for thousands of australians fire crews are working tirelessly to protect residents Robert Beecroft is a former volunteer firefighter hes seen many bushfires in his time but this one is different for being here for 67 years ive seen a lot of forestry the mountains actually in my younger days for quite a few forms but. I havent seen so many out of control back to the b. Crops like so many families here face a difficult choice leave everything behind or stay and potentially put themselves in danger its a little bit stressful but you just got to remain positive us suppose its hard to think of what you want to keep and everything but just get what seems important at the time to go and im sure therell be other things that you think about later but just be prepared i guess its just bad timing obviously around the holidays but what can you do really. Score is pretty confronting. Volunteers for such a strong finish and some of these fires have been burning since july but authorities are warning that these are catastrophic conditions its the combination of extreme heat strong winds and low humidity that makes the situation on the ground incredibly dangerous firefighters are battling the blaze on the ground and from the air the intense heat has even generated its own thunderstorm nearly all the men and women fighting the fires are volunteers some havent seen their families in days for locals who risk losing almost everything some are just trying to do whatever they can to spend difficult having their older get much sleep and its part anxious sobeys problems as ward this is just the beginning of summer and many a fearful of what lies ahead for the rest of the bushfire season just a washington aljazeera blackheath. Still ahead on the bullish on my own universe electron pakistan and sentenced to death for blasphemy office social media. And of russia vows to press ahead with a gas pipeline despite the pressure of u. S. Sanctions. Hello again welcome back well here across parts of china things are looking too bad down towards the south but we are watching one weather system starting to make its way off the coast but for shanghai that still means some rain in the forecast here on sunday with the temps are a few of about 12 degrees a better day on monday you can be clearing out plenty of sun in the forecast maybe coming up to about 13 degrees there and hong kong where your temperatures are coming down to about 22. 00 and more clouds in the forecast well for the philippines we are going to be seeing the rain across much of the south starting to increase with a system that is pushing through to the north though things are looking quite nice for manila partly cloudy conditions there with a temperature of 31 and jakarta over the next few days it is going to be raining your forecast may be getting quite heavy by the time we get towards monday and a temperature of 31 degrees and sri lanka well you can be seen some better conditions across the western part of the island but down here towards the southeast the rain will continue colombo though youre going to be in and out of the rain not as heavy as what we have seen over the last few days 29. 00 is expected high there but we are going to be seeing a better day towards the north kokoda partly cloudy conditions at 25. 00 degrees few but up towards new delhi it is going to be a little chilly clouds will be rolling in by the time we get towards monday evening we do expect to see a tempter there of 1000 degrees. Sponsored. Aljazeera london brule car center 2 special guests in conversation this is the chance to start the revolution. Uninterrupted we need to do away with the way. Conversation should begin. Can be this is the beginning of friendship this is the beginning of love were getting somewhere we can really break through the studio unscripted on aljazeera. Hello again as a problem and with the top stories this hour at least 23 people have been killed and more than 1500 arrested across india and violent protests against a new citizenship the rest is becoming promised in the near the border biggest domestic challenge since coming to power 5 years ago and. Drug attacks by forces loyal to libyan border for half the have killed at least 3 people the strikes came a week after half the announced a final offensive to take the capital tripoli his forces also seized a turkish ship off the coast of. An emergency workers say conditions fueling bushfires across the australian state of New South Wales are as bad as it gets the blazes have destroyed hundreds of homes across the state and killed 8 people to chill an Hour Congress has passed a bill to increase pension subsidies for the poor by as much as 50 percent but people still arent happy calling for a complete overhaul of one of the worlds most controversial pride. Pension systems a latin america editor lucien human has this report from santiago. Its the Holiday Season and bedtime want to see nurses making the christmas cake but not for her family selling these cakes is just one of the many ways the 62 year old pensioner tries to make ends meet. She also fixes clothes like other pensioners and her low Income Neighborhood but at the has to keep working because after 35 years of factory work her monthly retirement check is 133. 00 well below chiles poverty line. You put him on the same street there are 4 grandparents in there 83 and 3 still work the other is too ill and she lay retirements nothing to look forward to. Who lives in an upper middle class area agrees she retired at the beginning of last year after working 37 years 1st as a nurse and then as a University Professor with a masters degree she used to make nearly 2000. 00 a month. If were to look for anything but when i went to do my retirement papers i discovered that i had a poppers pension i said is this a joke and i was told no madam its like this for everyone the 300. 00 i am getting isnt even enough to pay for my health insurance. Nothing infuriates jillions of all walks of life more than their compulsory private retirement system or a. F. P. It was created under chiles military dictatorship and was supposed to guarantee pensions equivalent to 70 percent of ones last paycheck. Instead of 10 to 20 percent is the average with good reason the a. F. P. s are the number one target of millions of protesters from. Chillies Pension Funds make massive profits which are not redistributed to the contributors even as pensions drop would get them all on the floors and you know this model was designed with the objective to transfer the worker savings to Capital Markets like banks the big retailers except thats hopes create large economic groups that have concentrated wealth in a few hands as never before and worst of all its forced millions of chileans to live in misery. So in chile the suicide rate for elderly people has soared and one of the prime reasons is because they no longer have enough money with which to survive amid all the protests the government has actually raised the state pension subsidy but even after doubling that subsidy for people over the age of 80 it is still nowhere near a minimum wage at a time in life when people have greater expenses for medicine and for doctors. The governments offer to partially compensate for the a. F. P. s shortcomings with tax payers money has only added more fuel to the fire and its unlikely to be put out without a Major Overhaul of the Pension System that only seems to be benefiting those who dont pay for it see in human sente i will. At least 18 people have been killed in a prison riot and on the us 16 more were injured in the fighting in the coastal town of tayla a place yet to say what caused it although local media reporting a clash between rival gangs now west African Leaders have ended a summit in nigerias capital abou jahjah amid increasing cross Border Security concerns leaders from the 15 member Economic Community of West African States discussed fund raising to support the fight against increased in Violent Attacks in the sahara region well the vast and remote area of the 7 Sahara Desert spans many borders and includes areas dominated by groups affiliated to iceland and al qaida but addressed reports from a butcher. The 56. 00 ordinary summit of course was anything but ordinary these are particularly difficult times for the region as attacks by armed groups of escalated in recent months. The rising violence in the hell in other parts of west africa dominated the speeches. Nigerias president whose country has had to deal with the threat from boko haram for the past 10 years says closer cooperation is needed along with more International Support terrorism remains the major threat to the keys and progress of egypt. Attacks by terrorist groups remind us of the edges to lead and do added Security Partnership to come round to the even close to that tenet is. A cause chairman and they just president was country recently lost 71 soldiers in an attack by an isolated group is in no doubt about the effects of the violence on member nations. Not usually do not approve a bill is a fact that autistic is sometimes if you should assume our very gentle has been hit hard by terrorist attacks which have intensified with every passing day threatening the Many National and regional achievements we have made the terrorist attacks continually test our resolve to fighting this scourge the leaders in the last meeting in september agreed to set up a 1000000000. 00 fund to pay for armies to fight the armed groups 100000000. 00 of that is distributed but with many countries in the region having to fight that individual but as a low it is fear that more than a 1000000000. 00 will be needed to achieve peace. Is in United Nations special representative in west africa theres no question that the more robust response is required because what we are seeing is that the terrorist groups are still a lot of resistance and where is the resilience and capacities which we have and estimated at this knowledge there has to be a response to address the root causes of violent extremism the meeting also reviewed guineabissau us president ial elections and importantly the plan for single currency next year ek or says 7 countries now meet the criteria for a single currency but its not clear if french speaking countries using the west African Financial Community front the c. F. A. Will ditch it and when they come is like nigeria and ghana would want to adopt the planned common currency the echo which is shuttle to roll out in 2020 homage to greece. At least 11 people have been killed in airstrikes by syrian Government Forces and their russian allies in the latest attack on edler province a busy market was struck in the town of the darkened and then the main voters people were fleeing the attack syrian troops are advancing on the countrys last rebel held areas capturing to move or that is on the southern edge of adlib the u. S. Secretary of state might pompei as has russia and china have blood on their hands after theyve vetoed a u. N. Resolution to allow cross border aid into syria on friday while mullard fadel is inside and he says tens of thousands of people are fleeing the bombardment thats a little. Russian in Syrian Government military jets continue to target many towns and villages in the countryside. Here in the town of samarra keep a popular market and Residential Homes were hit many civilians were either killed or injured by the strikes. At the same time other towns and it leaves eastern and western countryside were targeted. Is on the highway connecting aleppo and damascus tens of thousands fleeing areas under attack such as marital newman use this road the targeting of the main towns and highways used by the residents now worsen as the humanitarian situation. To pakistan our court has sentenced a University Lecturer to death for blasphemy janae her face was arrested in 2013 accused of insulting islam Prophet Muhammad on facebook he spent nearly 6 years in solitary confinement waiting for his trial pakistans controversial blasphemy law carries an automatic Death Penalty it has yet to actually carry out a death sentence for the charge but the law has drawn widespread condemnation from Rights Groups as there explains from islamabad a face came to pakistan from the us and he was hired as an English Literature professor. If a fulbright scholar enough god had also. Prayed for did i get to make work however a group of students then objected to his Facebook Page a cute game of blasphemy and printed 13 able to read stayed and charged with blasphemy under buckets tangs all to 95 of the penal code i did a bucket on penal court anyone who defies the name of the profits. It provides for the sentence of death in this particular case has been in jail since granted been long. A number of the judges have already been killed and today they werent big boys read out under maximum security inside the prison because back in 2014 his lawyer was gunned down and. He god according to reports was kept in solitary confinement because of fear had voted live by that particular judgment coming out inside the jail and moreton. Now russia says construction must continue on its gas pipeline to europe despite threats of u. S. Sanctions President Trump as a balanced penalties on firms helping russias state own gas company finish the north stream 2 pipeline trump says the project would weaken ukraine in its long running confrontation with russia and give russia too much influence in europe now only that but as a political analyst at Stanford University belin and he explains why the project has become so contentious well it is not something that pops up in the last year or so it is a project that has been ongoing for a long time and theres a reason why its called north stream tool that is the north korean one already and they just double the capacity of what is used as a pipeline to bring gas directly from russia to germany which makes a number of actors in the 2 political scene upset 1st and foremost the transit countries dont get revenues from acting as transit countries secondly its against the European Unions interest of an integrated Energy Policy and 1st and foremost and thats the main reason for the United States to impose sanctions on this was company that builds the pipeline is that the u. S. Wants to sell gas from fracking from the United States that can be shipped as liquefied gas to ports in europe and so russia is just a competitor and the United States want to sell their gas to germany. Now one of the biggest football clubs in the world has added the Club World Cup to its trophy cabinet for the 1st time european champions liverpool beat brazils the flamingo in saturdays final here in doha but it took an extra time goal from the 2nd strike of a battle for me now to break a stalemate for the top english Team Liverpool becomes the 12th European Club to win the tournament south american sides have one together for no other will host the tournament again next year as part of his preparations for the 20. 22 feet from world cup our correspondent Andy Richardson was watching the final and they can offend a national stadium. While liverpool manager youre going to club said it would be like the club taking a lunar leap forward if they could win this title and they have indeed taken that giant step and won the Club World Cup for the 1st time albeit in a very tight final against flamengo of brazil so what ironically decided by when to buy a brazilian striker playing for liverpool rebirths i feel mean im scoring the winner just as he did in the semifinal against monsour a little poll now straight back into premier League Action as they tend to win that title for the 1st time in 3 decades huge disappointment for flamengo and the thousands of fans in might the long trip from brazil a title that means so much to the consonants and the country they couldnt quite repeat their heroics of 981. 00 when they beat liverpool in the intercontinental cup final that was the forerunner of the Club World Cup as for this tournament well it returns in this format to qatar next year as the country continues to build up to the main world cup in 2022 after events fifa president john in france you know intends to expand its were 24 Team Tournament hosted by china in 2021 hes talked about his desire to have more powerful club seems around the world sort of a global so please perhaps in the future as well what you can see on the horizon for an organization like fee for who have traditionally been involved in organizing international Team Tournament is a bit of a power struggle as they attempt to get more influence over and money out of the club game. Hello again im of the problem and on how but the headlines on aljazeera at least 23 people have been killed and more than 1500 arrested across india and protests of a new citizenship your opponents say it discriminates against muslims and as an attack on the secular constitution. And police have been accused of using Excessive Force against protesters a turkish ship has been seized off the coast of northern libya by forces loyal to warlord Khalifa Haftar it happened just hours after Turkeys Parliament voted to ratify a military agreement but libyas internationally recognized government meanwhile drone strikes on the libyan town of him so large have left 3 people dead the internationally recognized government says the drones are being used by the United Arab Emirates what supports have to mark more that the one who has more the city of homs alert is among the several cities that have recently declared Mass Mobilization to prevent have those forces from entering the capital tripoli now so that it is very singular have those forces in its southern of the vicinity after the Government Forces withdraw from the area and local sources in the lugger say that hundreds of civilians have left their homes because of the fighting and run the rockets have been landing inside the city. And the Agency Workers say conditions are fueling bushfires across the australian state of New South Wales are as bad as it gets the fires have killed 8 people and destroyed hundreds of homes across the state in New South Wales and queensland the fires have burned through a combined area thats larger than belgium west African Leaders have ended a summit in nigerias capital of buddha and that increase in cross Border Security concerns leaders from the 15 member Economic Community of West African States have discussed fund raising to support the fight against Violent Attacks in the sahara region at least 11 people have been killed in airstrikes by syrian Government Forces and their russian allies in the latest attack on edna province a busy market was struck in the towers that arc him in the main violent people were fleeing the attack syrian troops are advancing on the last rebel held areas. Well those are the headlines on aljazeera do stay with us inside story is coming up next thank you very much for watching. Alonso mox decision by the International Criminal court to open an investigation into alleged war crimes in the occupied palestinian territory israeli expresses outrage and says the court has no jurisdiction so will there be a full investigation and what can you achieve this is inside story. And welcome to the program back to bowl after nearly 5 years of preliminary examinations the International Criminal court has announced there is enough evidence to investigate alleged war crimes committed in the west bank. And the gaza strip by both israelis and palestinians palestine referred the case shortly

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