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Town of man is seldom serious living there say the talks at the school with hospitals markets and homes targeted here rescue workers are struggling to save a young girl stuck under the rubble of all of them and not at the man. That tal in northwest syria is seeing some of the heaviest of talks in the almost 9. Public and guy goes the old fans have spilled onto the streets on friday hundreds in protest at what they call the neglect of their plight by the International Community they also called for swift hole to the bone but. We are the people of south of the countryside where i was in a protest and it lib city condemning the bombardment and the targeting of the evacuees as they tried to flee the house. On the protesters were on the march of the friday prayers in the small town of soma just a few kilometers from the border we take the town as a hub for aid going into syria fighters from the opposition hired to his shop said the body is to stop the protesters from walking towards the border but they failed Turkish Security forces say they were forced to send reinforcements to ensure the protesters didnt cross the border with a intensified Bombing Campaign forcing thousands to flee their homes in many face a cold and hungry winter official comes on the syria turkey border of food forcing many of the displaced to live in flooded makeshift camps where a deliveries of food and fight between an animal or woman abusing these pieces of cloth this family consists of 16 people nobody helped us we use all kinds of materials including shoes in the stove to warm up our children fuel prices have more than doubled in the past 2 months and charities are hospitals say theyre struggling to respond to the crisis Mohammed Atta well just stumble. Protesters have returned to the streets of chile as capital angry about delays in negotiating a new Constitution Police used tear gas and water cannon to disperse demonstrators in santiago on thursday Congress Approved a referendum on changing the constitution which dates back to the countrys military dictatorship the International Criminal court wants to open an investigation into alleged war crimes in palestinian territory or palestinians how well can the decision but israels Prime Minister says the i. C. C. Has no jurisdiction to investigate and the u. S. Says its an un justified inquiry that unfairly targets israel this is a dark day for truth and justice. The i. C. C. Prosecutor has apparently decided not to dismiss outright the palestinian claim against the state of israel this is a baseless and outrageous decision the court has no jurisdiction in this case the i. C. C. Only has jurisdiction over petitions submitted by sovereign states but there is never been a palestinian state. Crowns in india have again defied a ban on public gatherings to continue their protests against a new citizenship law rallies were held in new delhi and elsewhere with protesters saying the law is anti muslim thousands of people have been rallying in beirut against the nomination of lebanons next Prime Minister and they are as promising to form a technocratic government of experts within 6 weeks to solve the countrys economic crisis polands parliament has defied a warning from the e. U. And passed a nought that would see judges punished of the critical of Court Reforms the judicial changes have sparked protests in poland well those are the headlines on aljazeera do stay with us jerusalem a rock and a hard place is coming up next thank you for watching. This is people who are believers or muslims but also watch a little of that done as if the process or humanity. The jewish person jerusalem runs through not just our psyche al part of our soul but it is in the veins in the blood of every single jew no matter where they are in the womb this is appetite in the 21st century it is inhumane. The same god that creates the will decide to give this land to his people the jewish people which in fact he did. People are more important than that. This is something that the Zionist Movement could gunderson. Some voices inside this is think let us improve the conditions in the cage without understanding that we put a thing as a fuse to live in the cage to begin with. I can not leave in a c. T. Thats discriminate people in some grotesque way. What im middle of the has to for. For a short piece on the business the visual. Cake a beautiful swirl of them up and its little. Window to the old and. New just in the soft money not been im so and and all but im sort of. A local to do with a lot i deal mold a little etiquette like as a kids will absorb the shifts. But it does because the kids that there is the known to be not here are 10 items famous and that means among them the lord works who resemble live lives that it. Will fed into and the hope to hold it absorb that build that the image of. Playoffs was a day. The tinana moment of. Intel cradle to pick up my head of the thumb a call to. The local town on a store what a lot of good little hole theres. Going to sell for hold it that. Way again. Ah that they have said monday are sort of the short so pretty. Considerable process that it will take. That a. Lot of them have been in. The ball with and the tools with a lot of them and. That both the money and without it could live on one of us are thought of them and so. On account of the work other filter. Number of the seed of been on just a 2nd it would spin and food the money oh come see in. The form of it can mentality im not a cause im not a homeowner to do it it will matter the whole say im. Feeling a muslim had to get out of the flow nice monotony for the last 2 fish out of. And a lot of the life i had to live the toys dusty old for the old what are you gonna listen to by sleeping on another head in the wood i descend feeding the. Last of the chalet in the mushroom hole he could be unemotional and if. I may ask who fall of the swat. And the a ship sort of my. Way and its off. And on guys you know and if theres a way. I want to ask you know. To the to the how not the one the building of the human blood in a Little Community that in the home soon after that time it was a difficult enough lot of it it was in a village in the new heart of the little you allude of the folly of the lawyer of a novato to a post office and you know hold on the news that they have a lot of dough and by going to diminish we want a night out of our steam bath and for those. In miami most old and live in the. Quality of the come to sort of. Look good enough to feed. Us the how to excel you can have me. Knock on the new year and the job was always on and come up me. At the hollow an inlet on a sleeper on the grand national center. You know what man a lot of his overlooks all sort of out of the law sort of assault and assault by the un has a lead let there set up law liam had left him going to she can. Get the money which. Our own. Was. Mond. So were driving now to a boat or a very significant rooftop to see the whole of the holy basin if were talking in terms of this battle between east and west jerusalem your view is need to understand there is no such concept of arab East Jerusalem today there really isnt theres only a small area called the holy bison which the arab world really wants which they obviously could never get the battle of the conflict is over one particular area which is the old city and the area around the old city for the 1st. Were not a secret organization its a very very well known normal regulated Nonprofit Organization and its not hidden. From me here you get to see what we call the center of the jewish world center of jewish life history heritage everything about our connection to jerusalem. Starts and has continued for 3800 years from here calling it the pumping station of the jewish world jerusalem runs through not just our psyche our part of our soul but it is in the veins in the blood of every single jew no matter where they are in the world theres 225000 jews live in East Jerusalem today nobody is moving those 215000 my parents were brought up in a very zionist traditional and religious home and it was obvious that one day they would come to israel which they did when they got married in fact. I was in some ways start off my life here because i was conceived here in israel but at some point my mom who was pregnant went back to australia and thats why our branch in the up in australia and 25 years ago i basically returned home and my body may have been a stray but thats all and israel is a beautiful country but it was never can refer to it its home home has always been here you came here well 3800 years ago you know i came here 3800 years could do is no difference between the host of jews that have lived around the world and ive tried to come back every religious jew and every traditional jew that speaks about jerusalem also believes that there will be the 3rd temple its not something that we can actively do today because Something Else existed that has to be respected and so that again but that doesnt stop a jew from believing dreaming and even praying that one day gods house will be there thats. 3rd temple will be on the temple mount and obviously we dont have the right atmosphere today the right conditions for that and thats why were part of whats called the unfolding redemption process called the design is a dream which is being realized thats taking place here and were part of that the same god the creates the world can decide to give this land to his people the jewish people which in fact will deal. There was nothing here this was desert remember there was nothing outside the walls of the old city so when i he arab state talking about they got a connection with the generations no such thing. The only people there connection here the only people who sovereign rights the other jewish people theres never been an arab state he was the capital of jerusalem theres never been a palestinian state this talk about palestine palestine ive never heard of anything more absurd. The philistines were mentioned in the bible. The palestinians who lived in jericho 12000 years ago knew how to cultivate the land tax we know this because they have stored wheat. Even the science is that its come on light tunnels the one that leads from the spring all the way to the poles down the down the road used to come with my. Maternal grandmother. Literally we used to come and have basically have a bath right here when were young and thats exactly where jerusalem began it began precisely because of the spring the only spring in the region. In life maternal family for example who lived really literally up on on this health they cultivated the land on the slopes of mount of olives for many generations my father started in this school. Way prior to 948 and the only high school which was a dish of the my parents home my grandparents home but then a family just 3 or 4 minutes from from here i have roots in this area and thats going to change history unfolds in many ways. We dont have any exclusive claims we dont try to have a monopoly on even the historical narratives everyone is welcome but this depot structure that maintains the can only project thats basically what we refuse. I mean jerusalem right i mean for the stinney and im sure i do not put them in the order theyre all on the same level for. My Old School Back to the time of pentecost the 1st century that our 13th edition is christian families in jerusalem. Its the place where my grandparents met my parents whats made it. My life is just awesome. This was a business for palestinians in jerusalem i remember when i was a little kid i would come with my family this was the most expensive part of jerusalem it was an Industrial Zone. As israel decides to build the wall that connects to street there used to be a street that connects with all of the different communities in East Jerusalem they come they build their wood and they shut it and they see you are no longer have access to your neighbor do you no longer have access to your school you no longer have access to your work the alternative for somebody is to travel for an hour or 2 hours to possibly make it to work to possibly make it to school making it for students palestinian students living in jerusalem to access the school that they used to go to with their classmates and their friends it is you have to pick quadruple. As an island does not want the bad image of bringing their soldiers and forcing people to be evicted from their houses today in the 21st century is there and uses new techniques to make it impossible for you to live in these neighborhoods so that you willingly leave. Because if you need access to health care there is no access to health care in this area if you need access to a job theres no jobs in this area theres no social life its empty its a ghost out. Behind the wall is an Industrial Zone the government bring settlers gives all kinds of benefits for people to start an Industrial Zone forcing the people over here who used to be factory owners who are going to daily wage if the are granted the permit and the permission to work in effect and in addition there is an. Israeli only highway palestinians living here from East Jerusalem need access to industrial jordan for work no one can be accessed the israeli only roads. We palestinians and israelis them have become invisible. If you want to be a tourist or a pilgrim coming into this land that many called holy you dont see the palestinians you dont see the destruction and the devastation that is happening here. Theres plenty of negatives happening in jerusalem but the reality is one segregation occupation discrimination injustice this is tied in the 21st century and the world the silent. Communities within churches have been divided communities in schools have been divided families have been separated if you are on that side of the wall and on that side of the wall and you decide to get married its easier to apply for immigration and to move to canada or the u. S. And this was happened with my family members of mine then to live over here and to go through the bureaucracy of the israeli government. Its amazing how were residents of a country that we were born if i was born or should have some sort of citizenship or something being born in jerusalem as an arab we cant get us and shipped anything our jordanian citizenship so we have were for travel were not actual citizens of jordan israel controls jerusalem we dont have israeli citizenship so were just stuck in the middle. The picture is larger than most powerful individuals i see it ethnically deliberate systematic i know the statistics a quarter of a 1000000 palestinians lost their i. D. s between 19671994 thats the beginning of walsall its really confusing how do people in jerusalem they were born here as arabs they dont they dont own anything on paper i was born here and im not allowed to live here anymore so the story of our of the son as the story of a typical listing in bright energetic highly motivated young son who want to really to make it and mom would try to or you dont have to find a decent job. Its the story of many youngsters many of us in unix those. You dont have to be freud or young to destroy to realize that your son is really depressed and one day to teach told me that theyre going to keep taking money from you and we both understood what you know his to what his statement meant we both went silent. We knew that if my mood was asking for my blessing if you will that he would have it outside the country. To the United States in this case what he would ultimately flourish. But his was his idea and today he comes here as a tourist and that hits. When mom says that he does not understand why it was evoked i think hes echoing this you know egalitarian sense of belonging this thing to a service we deserve better not go up with us he knows where human beings who happen to be living in the spot of the world its a position of strength when i recognise the humanity even of the people who are causing me distress because any colonial project will definitely chip at the very humanity of both local by it on a core by both of us was over humanity weve become even subhumans less deserving less getting less. It shouldnt be the case its extremely difficult to try to explain the situation the situ a political situation that we have here to people abroad because they dont understand it so how are you born in a country but cant go back into it they ask you asked simple questions but if you try to answer them in simple and layman terms then understand it because nobody understands us theres no simple way of explaining why they revoked id or why they took it from me and its really complicated. Imagine the it would dusty of passing such a law in the United States that we consider the need to femina concerns Indigenous People as foreigners you provide them now with a green card rather than citizenship and then you tell them all you broke the law you have to leave the country thats exactly whats happening with his recent nights. Since the morning weve only been travelling in less than one kilometer square but we have to travel around 30 kilometers to reach from one point to another from a palestinian neighborhood to another we are within one kilometer square from the course still in jerusalem kalandia is jerusalem and the war does not the present the borders of the city of jerusalem. We are a circle by jewish only roads up the roads israeli roads Industrial Zones military installations but when it comes to tax paying everybody in this neighborhood and in all of the decent neighborhoods be taxes to the municipality while if you are a palestinian neighborhood you do not get any benefits back from the municipality. The purpose of the war was to exploit empty land and this is why you see where the 3 is are and where there is a population concentration like before our like kalandia it is to disconnect them from jerusalem. In one night that israeli army came with bulldozers and they came and they said were demolishing 18 homes and they destroyed the whole structures even the commander said you no longer need to watch aljazeera or stevie or the news to see syria this is were making a new cd at you and just going around the city over here you will see one house after another being destroyed to ruins. When it comes to East Jerusalem 4 out of every 10 houses of the demolition so that one of the has the machine orders and being processed as i know as it is its destroyed houses you destroy families and when you destroy families you destroy communities. With one of the highest murder rates in the wilds the main challenger one of Central America smallest countries is gang related violence you are a country thats not technically a war but you have levels of. That look like a country that the president of the dallas salvador. Talks to how does iraq. Trouble began at the end of the countrys civil war when most people started returning home from refugee camps. Ammo more horse trucked and killed during a demonstration to 4017 is buried right here in the middle of the street as a sign of resistance to the Mining Companies and government to offset a new this time the. Nations mules and displacement between the community the Mining Companies and the government has now escalated to west africas Regional Court the community has taken its case before west africas Regional Court because they say the people have little for use in the justice system. A football tournament like no other and at the beginning we used to play football in the streets using a soccer aljazeera world meets a group of sudanese boids determined to win against a backdrop of conflict and uncertainty. When i walk in the street people stop me on my hand its because a. Door for football for peace on aljazeera. I know all of the problem in doha would be headlines on aljazeera thousands of civilians are fleeing syrias adla province to the Turkish Border after a dramatic increase in bombings by the government and russia u. N. Observers say 18000 people have been displaced in just 24 hours 7 people were killed on friday morning after at least 19 civilians were killed on thursday made was out of russia and china have vetoed a u. N. Resolution that would have allowed that would allow a deliveries to millions of syrians another year another news protesters have returned to the streets of todays capital angry about delays in negotiating a new constitution riot police have been in a standoff with the demonstrators for several hours using tear gas and water cannon to try and disperse the crowds on latin america editor loose in human has more riot police on motorcycles plus some on foot have just made their way up this avenue this is one of the main thoroughfares of santiago theyve been playing cat and mouse with protesters now for hours and hours there are about 300. 00 protesters just about 80 meters from where we are right now and this is just been going on as i say for a long time very very violent weve seen people injured with pigs pellets even a 1st aid center thats just a few meters from here but outside street was attacked with tear gas so its been quite chaotic here. The International Criminal court wants to open an investigation into alleged war crimes in palestinian territory palestinians have welcomed the decision but israels Prime Minister says the i. C. C. Has no jurisdiction to investigate and u. S. Secretary of state mike pompei oh says its an unjustified inquiry that im fairly targets israel large crowds of india have again defied a ban on public gatherings to continue their protests against a new citizenship law theyre being values in new delhi and elsewhere with demonstrators saying the law is anti muslim thousands of people have been rallying in lebanons capital beirut against the nomination of the next Prime Minister lebanese troops fired tear gas at demonstrators who are talented by throwing fireworks and rocks Prime Minister designate house and the obvious promising to form a technocratic government of experts within 6 weeks to solve the countrys economic crisis. Well those are the headlines on aljazeera do stay with us jerusalem a rock and a hard place continues next thank you for watching. When you see the plan the purpose of the is connecting to a settlement with the city going through the city and neighborhoods have confiscated most of the palestinian roads most of the Palestinian Land for the purpose of making life easier for settlers this regarding the benefits of the Palestinian Community unfortunately to d. It is its very clear it is the right wing zionists control of those that i. E. Political who are you know they are the ones who really mended the policy of the government and most of the mentality of young israelis was very much right wing we also have some problems with that israeli left we with some voices inside this is who think let us improve the conditions in the cage without understanding that people are saying is a fuse to live in the keech to begin with. I want to ask you 1st what part of the us you know as one new jersey and new jersey is 1st you know i do not i mean last week i was in and they scoffed and. I see myself as a zionist because i am proud that our people have their state but our state and our people have principles and one of them is that not everyone was created in the image of god some see jerusalem as united city and some people see its very much divided between east and west and with a. But the friend population no question about it i think anyone that knows anything about jerusalem would say anything else is true islam is is gravely neglected in every possible way in terms of the infrastructure most of the neighbors of East Jerusalem dont have sewage system just about every possible Public Service you can think of is under budget and lacking in East Jerusalem the only thing they get a lot of is perking fines and housing demolition orders thats what thats those are the only things that they get an extra supply i mean growing up and so on because we lived on the memories of truth 3 in 1948 we were also very much and solidarity with. With the survivors of the holocaust but for us we see you and i mean it is i dont speak this as person early to you but it is we see you or her son and so on but the people who have come with her or not to have the spoils us to us from want to learn from our roots be we appreciate that our son was open minded and wanted to build mosques or churches but i would go with synagogues of jerusalem at that time had synagogues had mosques you know that wasnt something new that he would have offered us there had been grave injustices and i think that what we can do is try to correct them and thats what i say there isnt any parallels between us and the just communities and around the world the most innovative americans but to me all the talk about the history has to come later because were still living in what i think is my job. Its the counsellor as addressed in the my as an israeli jew is to do everything i can to correct the wrongs and make this country a more just place to live in for everyone so you play monopoly of you in your free time now actually this is a funny story this is a present from the. They are 2 members of the city council. This is a monopoly drucilla game and i dont remember if i did even write a letter of protest in the end but this is what we were given as a present for the holiday and what you can see here is this is jerusalem right but you have here the city of david you know the dry the mountains the knesset. Montefiore windmill the market instead of mash i mean and act is not here. The church of the holy several career is not here and basically what you have is a bunch of jewish sites and and various other allusions to things but its not a very balanced picture of jerusalem. This is the middle of the city of david theres about 85 families here very big to reason because theres massive archaeological digs this is there one of the oldest lived in areas where jews have been for since king david has tons of jewish and cea. Names a very important so how you represent this i call the city of david thats what the jewish world calls its was the thing you dated before with the one thats where there were just like the in our village was they she lowered the she lowered village of the yemenites before it was still once what i call the the one. If you listen carefully youll hear arabic the kids. The homes we are deeply rooted in this land and we always will come to those who came here and in fact at one point. And had a Small Community of yemenite jews we could have went and stayed until 943. 00 save in this particular area but they were part of the social fabric very small minority we cannot say that the policy in years did not include jews at the same time we should not say that this stand was ever homogeneous with one people. This is a very important place on the main road between the damascus guys and the western wall. Is a massive complex ariel sharon the apartment in the building a 987 basically saying the jews have a right to leave anywhere near every when you jerusalem and he boards officially one of the apartments in this building that used to be an old hotel a conviction here unfortunately has been born with a lot of jewish blood and we opened up the shop front to add a sense of security for jews walking along the road from the damascus gates to the western wall. From on the no home. Give the look i know my house and. Home in the end of the month old time something to live to do my for the looking forward looking for both with additional. And im up with me on in school with the. Door. Well theres up to 100. 00 for the. So called a bust almost for sure because of the. Look of it. Almost to show that much to list could one of us fell with us to what it all means to them and how the world was. Flat out about to show up at the henry who do. Just. Command the world to come and have to go by. You know what that and let us hear from him but id mention shape short an aspect of things and ill build up a how to commission will. All sort out when im away that not small i did not come to the dog son or daughter of a boy when they were come to. The slaughter without the fear and in the left doing it when im 80 ish. Instead of. Going to say im afraid of the premier. That the present moment. That Michael Moore was a plausible story of out the bottom of the file to you know to do you know should or should that is hollow should claw a limb with thought of my eye one of whom i have been for limber up to that who were there as a in one of. The. Room a another know to be sure to use him because of course we all wear it and as a book im believe one of us who miles are usually it about time ive been in a town about that mamma i cannot help smitty a little window. And have the bottle out the system to set the unloaded on the store he she or effort to shift the show for the norm wish list to head the little buddy about a load the result another cup typical market. Well sort of ideal may not to be and if the motivation the help. Or how tough a story allude there for that not all that is i learned of a book going for sure and from. What i have a dish but i learned more than the doctor who did all of could learn to come on come on im a chef a commodity here but of the mud a little said little head of us doesnt on a does when on a tip of a muffler tins it then ribbon emission so we should both those with the p n n malmo did their job but as dutchman and but fair not to trouble too often and. I know good morning. To you do you to see you. Really know all. The new lets what is going on in this city its for in one thing see that. You are from others and you know what part of argentina from when i say something. And whether its your own decision or part of your family that you want to know if my father was a. Survivor so i grew up in a in a zionist family it was very clear for me from the beginning death we really believed in this country and when they arrived here i was right there. And he belonged to a right wing Zionist Organization which organization. Built out of was the name. Of course. They live in their core 3 month after i arrived i. Entered into the army to go to the army because they say that this is my or or zionist should go to the army and fight for the country. Why do we have in jerusalem people saying it is or have to work for the jewish people or i have to work for the Palestinian People because this is the. Narrative of the right wingers of the right wingers for them we are in the middle of. Conflict and we are fighting a. Against. Them is not the healthiest if you are united city no its every Everybody Knows that this is not the united city and Everybody Knows that this is a city were discrimination is running what they succeed to do for the 1st time in jerusalem is to show. How this discrimination works and and do demeaning go of the discrimination with Empirical Data it was defeatist that one doubt to succeed to im allies the municipal budget. Or yes it was very difficult 1st of all because for the municipality and for the people in jerusalem you are kind of china. You work for the palestinians not for the jewish people how can you do it and i try to answer them try to explain them its a mistake what i am doing i am doing for the freezer and for the jewish people because they are convinced that if the patient will do you israel will collapse in some way try to explain that they are more. The right wing because the right dream to stay king has to work at thats true for you. 6 and i am trying to save my son to you from our selves. We are talking here about 40 percent of the population and the budget its still 11 percent no more than 11 percent and the scaring very much the people in the municipality or it was a. Yes how do you do eat the do you do you have to shame you cannot publish this document they are responding by saying more jewish areas citizens in the city and the connecting. Palestinian neighborhoods yes it is not an ethical response but it is the response of the municipality the strategy that they use is to say we best do under 8000000 shekel in East Jerusalem. And its true yes the best and that of millions of shaken but when you look at the overall budget dan you realize that this under that of millions of shakers the have just schnall a very short bout of the general budget you can call it. Religious discrimination rational discrimination ethnical discrimination it doesnt make any difference. But yes discrimination we are living here in the city that discriminate 40 percent of the population i cannot live in a city that discriminate people in. Grotesque way its. There are days that they couldnt sleep in particular when the municipality did the money houses but the how can i as a jew that we suffer from this creamy nation over centuries how can we in our country the screamin 8. Judaism and discrimination can not live together so some sync very hard its up and to judaism in discussion 3 what is the 4th of you know this picture this is target feature or this is incredible look at this. This is from the nasa german. In 36 the swords of who is not saluting the just 11 guy in the crowed that was not silly it is he there this this this is for me not how i think it is a this is what makes us the this is what makes us different. But those are the people that history will remember. And my era devitt is. Did out of the us and that the call. Bush recession. Im not the cologne at the can only bush a. Shadow of the whole lot also. But i just missed out of this mess it up. In me at the how the so initial. Cool down in the book when to have and. Look when a imbecile bedroom sounds so bored. But my head will ball when they battle shit and i. Know im smiling as a muckle then. And im smiling the. Whole stash of sudden decision. 101 that i said no. Im a star lunch avenue and an assault. Assassin unknown bullets we can beat and as i have blogged and hala the human who i am that issue number 7 is. Thats not the. Play of. The other segments of the scene. Im alone on the come and tell you move my. Song. For the. Game and they on the day it all out of. The data how to video of it. And as a little bit of. Their own ability. Not to hang on my chill about the mathematician there for. Most of the cases its young kids they get arrested in the middle of the night and the very difficult circumstances they become very vulnerable to be themselves are victims. On national law in the land. Israel says ok if you did not throw stones who threw stones and you were the butt and this is how they tried to make people collaborators with the military so its also very common when israel address the child the 1st thing that they threaten them is if you dont confess guilty were going to take away the work permit from your father from your mother from your rather from your sister and so on. Ordered him to do honestly most interview and much more civilians at the mcmartin i was too good a loose isnt some sunni warm shell of the thumb up the. Walk from piece of tissue to look at since. The metal would have been there yet oh im going to. Run. Out of the trap. This maybe its the. Little bit i would. Look to do with as you said to do it all we all we had. In the house the nuns if. It was. When the moon set down shed been sort of. I asked down and suck. The. Homework hours you did that have been long enough but a cool but a cool. Bonus of the q. For a condom out solo to retrain for the. Just a woman advocate on the coolness a little put on. An. Absent. From whom i love with it if it had with the. Record ought to snow. When i. Sort of. Have a draw that. They do at the head of a good ship bush us of a daughter and son bond and. The dungeons and nova true from the north and the nothing to eat food no banana needed well im home. In my body of the day in an update i should be. Headed to studio. With me. For the. Resin on the law then after a while the headers. And i bought in the lot feel. That i had then though and im stuck. On im just a snapshot and move on so all of that come. On at the bell and. Develop bhatia. On top of the. Bottom of. The noise 2. Hello at the moment the weather in the u. S. And count is relatively quiet its cold theres an invasion of cloud coming across the plains states which might just stay as crime coming down the Pacific Coast from washington into california will be rain which will turn into snow in the rockies and the cascades but developing here in the gulf of mexico surprising little area of low pressure now that might develop and then move inland east was so all the southeastern states deep south could be pretty wet come the end of the weekend everywhere else is generally fine not as cold as it was to be honest unless youre in San Francisco where wet seems a better word. Now in Central America and typically in honduras its been recently i think that rain will carry on its also concentrated on the coast of costa rica or panama received the biggest showers in colombia and more recently in peru which of course flash flooding and some damage to roads that could be a repeat performance anytime the next couple of days significant showers throughout the heart of brazil has been french guyana can seen some pretty heavy downpours as well but this is the concentration now through paraguayan brazil which will produce steady heavy possibly useful rain particular area. Is really the creation of the world. When i when i used goes back to school to find out the secret to their. Own how did they are. This is al jazeera. And on is it a problem and this is the news hour live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes bombing intensifies and 3 is lost in rebel held prominence as a u. N. Bed to get aid in is blocked by russia and china. The International Criminal court says it could investigate allegations of war crimes in palestinian territory israel calls it outrageous. Protests against a citizenship in or spread across india 6 people were killed on friday as crowds defy a police baton

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