Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWS LIVE - 30 20240713

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The hundreds of women smuggled out of burundi every year and whats being done to help them. He chip says it rejects any move by turkey to play a bigger role in the libyan conflict libyas internationally recognized government has given the go ahead for Close Military cooperation with turkey it could see turkish troops deployed to the capital tripoli to help defend it from warlord police to have to really challenge. Libyas warring forces are on the move here soldiers of highly for have to Libyan National army advance west theyre a break in now and hoping to open a new front its for months theyve been fighting on the outskirts of tripoli against the army of the government of National Accord on thursday the u. N. Backed g. And a announced its agreed to receive greater military help from turkey but that. After after an as an office site is receiving support from home this is known to all whites or raj with his lawful and legitimate government and not receiving any support currently based on us why decide and provide them with the assistance we can afford. This is a proxy conflict that splits the middle east and north africa and beyond the u. A. E. Saudi arabia egypt and russia have all given greater or lesser assistance to have to but if we have to or might topple the government of National Accord has spurred turkey into overt action for turkey their interest is not libya itself anybody who looks at a map of the mediterranean will see that egypt to turkey south south cyprus greece and potentially libya if it falls on the half that and therefore goes into the u. A. E. Or bit is forming a sort of maritime choke hold on to turkey for taking libya is the final chance to prevent this chokehold from taking place although libyas g. N. A. T. Has ratified the security and military cooperation deal it struck with turkey last month is not immediately clear what kind of military support turkey might offer libya or when but it reinforces turkeys role in influencing libyas future like with syria russia and turkey have taken different sides increasing their diplomatic leverage and corporation. We russia by the way are in permanent contact with mr seraphinas government with marshall have to we continuously communicate with our partners including those in turkey in europe in other countries in our opinion the best solution would be to find compromise between the 2 sides of the conflict. At the u. N. Aljazeera asked the secretary general spokesman for his take on turkeys military assistance i think the secretary general a couple times yesterday was very clear in his expression and frankly of his i would say is frustration at the situation in libya of the constant flouting by various Member States of the arms embargo and of the continued fighting that were seeing in and around tripoli and other places in the country but now fighting certainly isnt over yet lori chalons aljazeera the man chosen to be lebanons Prime Minister has asked his divided country to give him a chance to lead it out of crisis but its a tough sell to protesters who spent months demanding a total overhaul of the governing system and see how sandia is part of the problem tony birthday reports from beirut. 24 hours ago he wasnt even in the running but on thursday last sunday ab was appointed lebanons new Prime Minister and given the difficult task of leading the country out of its worst political crisis in decades you will have no new deal of unease and if it should focus on preventing the collapse of restoring confidence and safeguarding National Unity by consolidating bridges of understanding between all lebanese people political and security stability is a priority today and it is a cornerstone for the protection of their country 5 years ago mr de Service Education minister in a cats government now hes promised to be a Unifying Force and has asked the country to bury its divisions and give him a chance not everyone is prepared to do that many see him as part of the old political order they want overhauled they want someone that resent us you know and as. Our guys say is not related to anyone from all the parties and all the politicians this country and doesnt belong to the whole sectarian regime. And the idea is that weve been 60 days on the streets and our demands are very clear. Lebanon has suffered from nearly 2 months of often violent and disruptive street protests over government corruption spiraling inflation and a dire Economic Situation but there are those who believe mr can succeed look now and lebanon is suffering serious military and economic pressures and risks a social explosion the current social revolution may lead to insecurity and instability and we all have to help the app is a technocrat and specialist and everyone should understand that the former University Professor was not elected unanimously the large influential sunny bloc led by the former Prime Minister saad hariri did not support mr diablo or nominate its own candidate he was backed by the predominately shiite Hezbollah Alliance the media in israel has already described mr diablo as hezbollahs man. And this shows that as well as dealing with lebanons pressing domestic issues he was also juggle the interests of outside powers such as iran syria the us and israel which have all played a part in the countrys political instability. And was after mr diablo accepted the nomination people will still out protesting although in fewer numbers but in sunny areas of beirut and lebanon the 2nd largest city tripoli there were reports of roads being blocked and tires being burned mr diablo begin talking to all parties this weekend but its clear that not Everyone Wants to listen. Theres still a lot of talking to be done before has and the ad is able to head a new government and that process can still take months but the question is how will his nomination translate for the lebanese people and will it be enough to stop the violence and the demonstrations tony burke 3 aljazeera beirut. The battle against bush fires in australia is about to get even more difficult extreme heat and strong winds are forecast for saturday raising the fire danger level in the most populous states to catastrophic at least 50 bushfires are still burning out of control the New South Wales where an emergency has been declared to volunteer firefighters be killed on thursday when their truck was struck by a foreign tree near sydney more than 700 homes have been destroyed jessica washington is in sydney and looks ahead to this weekends worrying whether its. Conditions will get west tomorrow which will be saturday here in australia its this dangerous combination off the heat wave and those gusty winds now we have been in a heat wave this whole week but it is expected to get much worse this weekend there are 50 fires burning out of control but more than 100 fires burning in New South Wales alone that is really as most populous state but this is a nationwide crisis we just heard from authorities in the state of South Australia where theyve had to actually shut off how much is some parts of the city the state just to Keep Community safe you know one of only is crisis is unfolding and escalating this week there has been a bit of a political storm as well of australias Prime Minister Scott Morrison hasnt been in the country this week hes been in hawaii with his family on holiday and many people here question the appropriateness of a proper Prime Minister going on holiday well such a crisis is unfolding well so much of the country is on fire i have just heard a few hours ago from Prime Minister morrison who said in a statement that he deeply regrets if hes holding a cause any offense to the many australians who have been affected by these bush fires. Trafficking hundreds of women are being smuggled out of burundi every year and subjected to forced labor and abuse a poor economy and insecurity is pushing many to look for opportunities in middle east countries catherine is in the commercial capital bujumbura. Every woman in this room has a disturbing story to tell they travels to the middle east to become Domestic Workers and this is a support group for those who time. So who are on duty says she feels traumatized by what happened to her she used a human traffickers to take her to a mine and saudi arabia on different occasions she says she was mistreated overworked and not paid in the years she was abroad. To night. I went there because my mom was sick and i needed money for her medication but they did not pay me and she died they did not even allow me to come for her funeral when i returned from amman life was still difficult so i had to try a saudi arabia the treatment was was the. Traffickers started targeting mostly women in after and rest broke out in 2015 following a disputed president ial election and with a struggling economy life has become more difficult most of the women come from poor areas like this one. That desperate to get any kind of job to feed their families traffickers know this and take advantage of it. Trafficking campaign is see an average of 300. 00 women are being smuggled out of the country each year the traffickers face a prison tom for up to 20 years if convicted more than 20 people smugglers are in jail and several job agencies have been shut down. The law is helping but then needs to be a Good Environment for women to report many are often scared to do so especially. If they have been sexually exploited they think will not be accepted by a real family. Nor a debt has just returned from saudi arabia after one and a half years just promised a salary of about 200. 00 a month but says everything ended up with the traffickers. I got sick and they would not let me go home i want on a Hunger Strike and they finally gave me back my passport when i asked for my salary they said the only nothing. Nor a gear ss life is now even harder and when she left for saudi arabia she sells pineapples making about a dollar a day she says its hard to survive but hopes will never again be forced to make another desperate journey to the middle east catherine saudi al jazeera would you were opportunity. The weather is next and then growing protest against indias controversial citizenship war we made women who say they rallying for their childrens future and chinas president praises 20 years of success in a former portuguese colony. Halliwells Eastern Europe is still surprised me warm for the time the other west is surprisingly wet rag and the idea why from looking at the cloud this is a figure from northwestern spain 100 members of there about as warning out for northern portugal on there will be repeated warning i suspect for watch go because that cloud just is neverending which means forecast wise portugals going to be wet wet and spain then france to some degree elsewhere as well a last one front goes east of provide snow for the alps southern slopes and rain if its not on the alps and want to the east of that the next one comes in just to add to the rain in portugal and it keeps going that way for friday and indeed for saturday some easing maybe but the next one is going to be nice way and these temperatures really are quite surprisingly high 14 book arrest 10 in vienna and 10 in warsaw we should be near single figures or even lower now thats all taking place in the european mainland but theres been some spillover as there always is for morocco algeria tunisia this is the forecast for friday try to rain just touch the robot or a bit to the north it probably wont produce anything up in the mountains this time the clouds prezzies for saturday theres a breeze out of the interior as its 22 degrees as a disappointingly cloudy 22 degrees. In 2008 just near undocumented a groundbreaking skiing. Preparing some of indias poorest children for entry into its toughest universities d. We returned to see other students and the skiing and helping change the face of india. Super 30 anandas era. Youre watching aljazeera his reminder of our top stories egypt says it rejects any move by turkey to play a bigger role in the libyan conflict libyas internationally recognized government has given the go ahead for Close Military cooperation with turkey. The nomination of. Lebanons new Prime Minister has sparked more protests a group of people gathered outside his home to reject the nomination has asked to be given a chance. Firefighters in australia are preparing for even more severe conditions as they tackle dozens of bush fires burning out of control to volunteer firefighters book youll get on thursday when their truck was struck by a falling tree near sydney. Protests have started up again in new delhi and elsewhere in india thats against a citizenship law that opponents see is anti muslim 3 protesters be shot and killed on thursday and hundreds were detained the new law makes it easier for refugees and migrants from 3 neighboring countries to get indian citizenship but excludes muslims protest this goes against indias secular constitution. New delhi and joins us now people still turning out despite this. Protest as whats expected today. To rice now were going to university john. And some of the 1st protests to behind me you might be able to see some of the people who are gathering chanting for freedom and it is true that section 144 has been imposed and these protests are not supposed to happen soon but people are insisting that they come and nash numbers are coming coming in and this is just one of the places where the protests are happening and its also important to note that yesterday a lot of places where the protest protests turned violent it was mostly in the. States and theyre moving government state so despite everything people over here are saying that they are going to keep on protest. Zorba notable the role of women and the role that women are playing in these protests it was about. So what weve seen is a large numbers of women are coming out every contrary to the idea of like women in not coming out the streets and protesting women have ended up being the face off this protest so we were in a league or a few days ago where people especially students were really fearful for their lives for their University Degrees and what happened was the women students as well as mothers and sisters they all came out and they were in the forefront facing the pulley. On any other day these markets and in india would have been heaving with people now all the shutters are down and police can be seen standing in every corner. Many of the residents here have instead been doing this. Mothers and sisters of students of good Muslim University where police cracked down on protesting students have now taken the movement outside the campus they too are now protesting against the new citizenship Amendment Act a law that allows religious minorities from neighboring countries to apply for indian citizenship the legislation specifically excludes muslims how might a man protest or joy approaches started because of the Police Brutality against students of m. You and john mia. Im not how we are housewives we are now on the streets for the future of our children the residents here say they have never felt this anger before you know this so theres anger not just against the citizenship Amendment Act which which of course is the but also against the Police Brutality. The crackdown on the in. Nent and on allowing people to assemble and protest peacefully so i think that has that has increased the scope and the width of the issues that are being protested regardless of your views on the citizenship Amendment Act you should be there protesting against this kind of crackdown on the right to protest and the right to criticize and the right to freedom of speech and expression. Security forces are here in large numbers. Gas and rubber bullets the Security Forces of here are saying that these women dont have the right permission to protest over here about the women are saying that they have gone to all the required authorities to get that permission but that has not been forthcoming and now its a standoff. In many parts of the country including the capital new delhi the government has imposed restrictions on public gatherings of more than 4 people across the country civilians have come out to protest nevertheless and have been detained while the government is willing to review provisions within the law they are not willing to retract it this will likely lead to a larger standoff. Soon what weve been hearing from protesters from the civil rights activists is that this is not just a protest about this is it is about the constitution of india there is no crisis is an existential crisis and a very fundamental truth about the country stands for so they are saying now that the protests will keep continuing and it is it is going to be interesting to see how the government will respond. To thank you. For chinas president has wrapped up his visit to macau on the 20th anniversary of the head portuguese colony paying the gambling capitals progress since the return to chinese rule and he warned against foreign interference in both macau and hong kongs internal affairs if you go along joins us now live from mccowen patriotism was really the big thing with the speech wasnt. Indeed very much so so front and center of the speech a chinese president basically said mike how successful our success lies in the foundation of its patriotism not to speak more on this let me just bring in my guest agnes lamb who is a politician here in macau with the Political Party civic power and a legislator agnes thank you very much for coming to speak to us today you were at the speech today youve been a part of the events that have been taking place as the chinese president was in macau can you tell us how the speech was received today and the tone of the speech from the president xi jinping i think. We see. People that they welcome and also i think up to talk to some of the people that is said so. So i was saying that they find is time the ok the information or. Not maybe the call man was very useful ryssdal and also daylight. Has the sea set that on the hong kong issue should be our easter and then so he may think that we should not allow the country to interfere and so then some people found that thats a good thats a good speech yet many people were seeing the speech and the president s visit this is the 1st time yes spent so long in macau its a 3 day official visit that many people feel that it was also a message to hong kong as you said can you explain to us what kind of a message it would be for hong kong and whether the people of macau see it that way actually having done so at this summit. For 3 days and then 5 years ago ok to choose to. Talk to the new leadership and so then he stayed for like 2 days this it was only around 24 hour us so it is true that he stays a lot longer and so i think that one message she might want to give to hong kong is that maybe not only home call but macau and also maybe everywhere everyone the world he said that one can change to a system works and so is this something that even at them show me in 1980 s. And so then this is not new new new way of handling the historical this well you know with other countries so that they they believe this this is good that meth off of the system as so then i think he wanted the whole world all that ok if you look at macau you actually you look at all coming in that economic in the us and then like the social welfare those are you can see that people slide. A lot and so youve just been for this point and so you have to say what he he missed that ok you see that one can choose. This 7 is a principle we should stick with yeah right so the one country 2 systems the only 2 cities in china are hong kong and macau gives greater freedoms greater freedom of expression than the rest of china but the fact remains in hong kong weve seen these protests people feel they can speak out freely there is in that same sense in macau particularly with the National Security act there were people had applied to protest here that was turned down over the summer can you explain why the protests havent spread to macau and if there is a more restrictive here would you say the government in that sense as far as freedom of expression and chuck hagel say that we have more we shouldnt you know by law but what happened during the summer was that ok when there was one protest trying to come to support home all but then there were other protests on life huge protests on my posts about this protest you know i mean so some some what they want to protest for the hong kong people and that a lot of. You know all the all the new even the top of the nation and they protest about the protests so it became very sensitive and so the whole show side she was found on talking about ok so we dont want what happened in hong kong coming to work out so we dont want to have the same kind the riot all and the kind of violence in macau and so done so so i think what the government was reacting to was up on the fox i can stream up and hope he was saying no to death the protests im sure that for the one that chunk of all the nuts that would feel on the press you know and the ok now youre not into a lot but if you look at the law as so i called in the macau law ok so the police they can look into the issue and say its not. That but so. Its up to dumb to say that with that be any kind of social support with us ok so i think that they. At that time because the heels. To that hotel was a show that i think that they were saying yeah ok thank you very much that was. A legislator here in macau speaking to us about the impact of president s speech and visits here in the city of macau thank you dear donald trump is demanding an immediate trial in the u. S. Senate a day after being impeached by the house of representatives but House Speaker nancy pelosi says she wont send the case until she knows how the proceedings will do managed in the senate which is controlled by Trumps Republican Party Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell has already called leads to correct what he calls a toxic impeachment meanwhile the 7 democrats who want to replace donald trump hold their final debate of the year in los angeles there were heated exchanges over everything from the economy to Climate Change but as rob reynolds reports the hot topic of the night impeachment. The impeachment was topic number one all the candidates support president Donald Trumps of peach rant and all said they would be the best nominee to beat him in november but my job is to just go on and make the case why he doesnt deserve to be president not in states for another 4 years you cannot have a president with that temperament wins dishonoring the presidency of the United States we need a candidate for president who can draw that sharpens distinction between the russian of the administration and a democrat who is willing to get out and fight not just the wealthy and well connected but to fight for everyone else thats why im in this race no matter what happens in the senate it is up to us in 2020 this is our chance to refuse to be taken in by the helplessness to refuse and reject the cynicism of like in previous debates Climate Change played a prominent role i believe im the only person here who will say unequivocally this is my number one priority and baby just baby instead of spending 1. 8 trillion a year globally on weapons of the structured baby at America President byrd said this lead the world it said a spending whether the body theyre killing each other out baby we pool our resources and fight our common enemy your senator just Climate Change or there were contentious moments. You thought you had to have been so doesnt cover car had you had to drag it on at home here to. Listen to this argument senator Elizabeth Warren criticized indiana mayor pete put a judge over accepting Campaign Contributions from wealthy people the parents just recently had a fundraiser that was held in a wine cave full of crystals and served 900. 00 a. Why is he. This is the problem with the tests you cannot ask former Vice President joe biden and senator Bernie Harris clashed over the subject of universal health care. Just the way you do although i know you know. For several months and Many Democrats believe. In many of them. Probably. Now you can. The top story. Says it rejects any move by turkey to play a bigger role in the libyan conflict libyas internationally recognized government has given the go ahead for Close Military cooperation with. The nomination of. Lebanons new Prime Minister more protests a group of people gathered outside his home to reject his nomination. To be given a chance. Preparing for even more. Control. When the truck was struck by a falling tree. Chinas president has wrapped up his visit to macau on the 20th anniversary of the handover of the former portuguese colony in ping praise the gambling capital progress since the return to chinese rule and Border Guards foreign interference but the cow and hong kongs internal affairs. Protests have started up again in new delhi and elsewhere in india against a citizenship law that opponents see is as he muslim 3 protesters were shot and killed on thursday hundreds were detained the new law makes it easier for refugees and migrants from 3 neighboring countries to get indian citizenship but excludes muslims protesters say it goes against indias secular constitution. Donald trump is demanding an immediate trial in the u. S. Senate a day after being impeached by the house of representatives but House Speaker nancy pelosi says she wont send the case until she knows how the proceedings will be managed in the senate which is controlled by Trumps Republican Party Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell has already asked colleagues to correct what he calls a toxic impeachment democratic president ial hopefuls have faced off in los angeles in the 6 primary debates all 7 candidates of being vying to convince voters that theyd be best suited to take on donald trump been mixed years election the 1st hour focused on policy with candidates offering their different take on issues such as taxes and trade but then the sparring turn to fund raising and wealthy political guns well those are the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera right after inside story. On countering the call to special on investing in a budget. For a white. House Foreign Direct Investment is reshaping the global economy. For the future and globalization a sense of. Counting the cost is here. Whereas in a new president after an election few people want to. Illegitimate so how will he manage his critics and. Demonstrations demanding political change this is inside story. Hello and welcome to the program. For the 1st time in 20 years algeria has a president who isnt. The former leader stepped down an april 1000 people rallied against

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