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All the days sport including brazil told mango booked their spot in the final of the Club World Cup in doha maybe in saudi arabia as all hell 31. U. S. President donald trump has issued a stark warning to democrats saying that if they pursue impeachment against him they will be declaring war on american democracy republicans and democrats in congress are debating the rules governing the Impeachment Vote against the u. S. President which is expected to go ahead on wednesday but has called the hearings a sham. The whole impeachment thing is a hoax we look forward to getting on to the senate were not entitled to lawyers were not entitle to witnesses were not entitled to anything in the house its a total sham and when you have a guy like shifty shift go out and make up a statement that i made sure he said this is what he said but i never said it he totally made it up well donald trump has written a strongly worded letter to House Speaker nancy pelosi describing the process as an m. P. Each moment crusade which is unprecedented and unconstitutional and its abuse of power trump writes that the House Democrats are declaring open war on american democracy. Well i want house correspondent kelly halkett joins us live now so it seems as though President Trump is trying to frame this not as an attack on him but as an attack on the American People in all parts of his 2020 lection strategy. Yeah theres no question that the president is slamming the impeachment case against him as you played there those sound bites from the Oval Office Just minutes before he sat down alongside the leader of guatemala the u. S. President sent a scathing letter on white house letterhead that really was almost like a summation of the tweets the vitriolic tweets the president has been sending out for many weeks throughout this impeachment inquiry as you pointed out some of the highlights of that letter but what were seeing in all of this it is really. The fact that its come on official letterhead is kind of what the weight of history behind it the president saying thats what he intended but the language is it time so one president ial that it certainly is shocking and is certain to stir up the president s supporters the president says that he has is accusing the democrats of open warfare on american democracy he says he has been denied due process likening this to the salem witch trials of the 1600s where in the United States there were people accused of witchcraft they were put to death by hanging without any chance to defend themselves it is its certainly shocking and surprising to see this coming from the president of the United States whats also shocking in all of this is that the president has once again to maintained no wrongdoing saying that he takes 0 responsibility for impeachment accuses the democrats of viewing democracy as an enemy you have found nothing these charges the president s been charged with abuse of power and also obstruction of congress he calls them disingenuous meritless and baseless ending his letter with a bit of a threat saying that the democrats behind this will be held accountable in 2020 you will not be forgiven for your perversion of justice and abuse of power very serious allegations on the eve of this historic. Impeachment vote expected in the house of representatives right some more vitriolic language being used by President Trump meanwhile on capitol hill that have been more disagreements between republicans and democrats on the on establishing the rules for a trial if and when that finally takes place and also the order of events and proceedings that take place tomorrow when were expecting that vote in the house. Yeah its a very cumbersome process but i think the message you have to take away from this especially in the context of the letter and the charges by the u. S. President is the other side of the argument for the other 50 percent of americans who believe that the democrats are protecting democracy they see this president as committing buzy the powers of his president see that he is unrepentant the that he doesnt seem to see anything wrong with the phone call that he had with the ukrainian president where its alleged that he used his powers by asking for a favor to under corruption and dig up dirt on his political rival former Vice President joe biden thats the foundation of all of this is so what theyre arguing is that the president has invited interference in through the 2020 president ial election and this impeachment process has to move ahead because the feeling is of democrats is that if this doesnt happen the integrity of the upcoming president ial vote will be eroded thank you so much a crate tilt to discuss thats about to get even busier tomorrow isnt it thank you our White House Correspondent kimberly how can indeed well the United Nations is called on the International Community to do all it can to end the escalating crisis in libya a spokesperson for the u. N. Secretary general antonio terra says a political solution has to be found. We continue to call for deescalation and for active support by all libyans and International Actors engaged in libya to find a peaceful and political solution to end the conflict and by addressing its underlying causes i think its important that the International Community as a whole rally around the efforts of the libyan people of course and also the efforts of the secretary generals. Representative mr sullum a trying to find a political solution all this comes as a sleaze for minnesota which into my eye is in libya where hes meeting people on both sides of the conflict the mio held talks with the warlord kloof after in the eastern city of rajma earlier he also met fire as a storage the leader of libyas u. N. Backed government in tripoli now is he is criticizing both the tripoli government of National Accord and turkey for what it describes as that mistaken approach towards the ongoing conflict. Well theres also been a surge in fighting on the outskirts of tripoli between Government Forces and those loyal to her life after the u. N. Back government launched artillery attacks against have those troops whove been trying to take the capital since april after those forces have been conducting as strikes last week called for a final offensive to take tripoli mahmud up to why has more now on the latest government response. In the context of the ongoing fighting in southern tripoli several cities in the worst of the country in the west of libya have been declaring Mass Mobilization or general mobilization to defend the capital tripoli against what they call have to the forces aggression you know that have to us forces have been using get media statements to. Test and intimidate that adversities and the worst of libya the last was have to ration of the hour on thursday to encourage his forces to enter tripoli we know that the recent declarations by these cities to join the battle or to defend the capital tripoli against half of his forces is interpreted as a kind of media war to counter have to the media war it also shows that these cities are insisting or trying to show that the are insisting on continuing the battle to defend the capital tripoli against have to force an aggression but again this depends on sending more troops sending this depends on making change on the ground until this moment there hasnt been any major advancement on the ground neither one of the warring factions has been able to achieve a substantial progress on the ground despite heavy fighting that continued on tuesday with the heavy artillery is on both sides we have been also getting good reports from military sources with the government of National Accord. Confirming 2 progovernment fighter is dead 3 others wounded. Like lunch should by a fighter jet loyal to the world Khalifa Haftar on tuesday on a Government Forces location in the coastal city of sit it east of the capital tripoli libya has been in conflict since the overthrow of mama gadhafi and 2011 its divided between warring militia groups which mostly back to rival governments the un recognizes the government of National Court based in tripoli it is supported by turkey and other western powers including italy which fear the fighting in tripoli will falls more people to cross the mediterranean now in the east the tobruk based government the center of power for Khalifa Haftar and his Libyan National army thats what he calls them he is backed by saudi arabia egypt and the u. A. E. Also france is accused of providing military support and russian snipers have teamed up with have to us troops as well intensifying the situation the turkish present russia type one says hes willing to send troops to libya to defend the government of tripoli if invited its a complicated situation lets break it down a bit with William Lawrence visiting professor of Political Science and International Affairs at George Washington university. So is turkey really prepared to deploy troops to defend tripoli from holy 5 does attack did you take those statements seriously. Absolutely and its increasingly likely that the turkish government is going to increase its Security Cooperation following a new new agreement signed in november there are a 1000 new russian mercenaries deployed to tripoli according to 2 u. S. Officials and one source in moscow quoted in Bloomberg News sudanese in chad in mercenaries are all assembling on the front lines for what theyre calling the final push so its increasingly likely that turkey will deploy something to help defend tripoli if needed by the g. And a so right now theres a sort of several layer game of chicken going on but heft or is trying to test both the libyan alliances and the International Lion says to see what he can sort of kick into motion and what is the full strength of the enemy that hell be facing so a lot is going on right now its a lot like 2011 or 2014 right before major major conflicts so this this week could be on really a major precipice in libya right now from what youre saying if you have turkey stepping in to defend tripoli that puts. Diametrically opposed to the u. S. Egypt russia and according to some reports france who are allies how could Something Like that change the war in libya. Well the escalation could could go either way depending on the quality of the troops put into place but on another aspect of this is that the russians are going on a 2 track negotiation with turkey visa vi the syria conflict and the libya conflict and there are some analysts who are saying that they are pushing in libya to get concessions in syria or vice versa so thats part of the game as well we did have a moment 3 years ago where British Special forces with the misrata nts almost came into contact with French Special forces with heft r. And that was averted but this would be a 2nd time where Foreign Forces might be fighting each other on libyan soil and increase new libyan say they feel like theyre watching a foreign war of it isnt even really their war anymore but its a bunch of foreign armies cause any further escalation will hurt civilians the most thank you very much William Laurance from George Washington university. Here with the news hour live from london more still ahead agreement in south sudan rival political leaders about to form a transitional unity government. Indias Prime Minister Narendra Modi once again defends his new religion based citizenship goal that is on nationwide protests. And in sport liverpool are looking to become club of well cop champions for the 1st time i have the details of my semi final preparations are. Pakistans phone president Pervez Musharraf has been sentenced to death in a treason case share of current lives and dubai and was tried in the pakistani capital islamabad in absentia the case relates to a state of emergency imposed off to suspending the constitution under his rule in 2007 right on the one that has an all. Pervez musharraf has been living in exile 3 years fighting to clear his name the court case that hands him a death sentence involves a decision he made back in 2007 as president of pakistan he imposed a state of emergency and suspended the constitution saying he needed to fight what he called rising is a missed extremism he also fired the chief justice of the Supreme Court which led to nationwide protests prompting his resignation a year later since then hes been living in dubai the sheriff has maintained that he wasnt given a fair hearing in the summer about his lawyer says the sheriffs decision to suspend the constitution was in the interest of the country is going to all cases related to this case are also wrong because this case should have been filed by the interior secretary with the approval of the cabinet the emergency the public declared on november 3rd 2007 was done with the advice of the Prime Minister and with the consultation of everybody. Who share a 1st seized power by leading a minute she cool in 1909 the case against him has been pending for 6 years since his old political rival no washer raef was in power Pakistans Army has denounced the death sentence saying jude Legal Process was ignored analysts believe it could set a legal precedent. Is concerned actually hes one of the most popular guys among the rank and file of the Pakistani Armed forces so theyll be really here in this war to be honest and the market is concerned theyll be extremely happy they were attacked our get a piece of. Machinery for a long time. And probably think. This is the 1st time a former president or army chief has been handed the death penalty. The court is sentenced to death which is certainly a good step and in accordance with justice but my question is whos going to bring Pervez Musharaff to pakistan to carry out the sentence who is going to carry out the death sentence. While the decision is a significant moment its unclear what impact it will have on pakistans Political Institutions or its leadership Mohammed Al Jazeera will marry malik adam a secretary general of the all Pakistan Muslim League she says that the musharraf trial was unconstitutional. But you get into the arithmetic error which is although we dont think its both. Evil. What you which. Is what is the constitution. We try. Him without. At least 14 civilians have been killed in the latest russian attacks on the last rebel held areas of northwestern syria shelling in air strikes on ad lib province of escalated in recent weeks comes as the government of president bashar assad appears to be preparing for a ground offensive to secure the main highway linking the capital damascus with aleppo and then in yemen a new report from the United Nations World Food Program is saying that more than 11000000 people in yemen still struggle to get enough food this despite the program expanding its Food Assistance the country by 50 percent since the start of 20195 years of conflict has destroyed yemens economy but the price of basic goods out of reach so many people. Political developments in kuwait now the countrys formed a new government a month after the previous one resigned over around between members of the ruling family and the parliament the new government is led by shocks about a suburban a former foreign minister and features 3 women ministers but the cabinet does not include the previous interior and defense ministers. Both up our full members of the ruling family and have faced allegations of corruption by Parliament Well in south sudan the president salva kiir says that he and the main opposition to react in charge of agree to form a transitional unity government the decision follows a 3 day meeting in the capital juba it was aimed at resolving differences that had prevented them from agreeing to a new government by november 12th deadline that was set by the United Nations the conflict in south sudan began in 2013 and care excuse machar of an attempted coup sparking violence that left hundreds of thousands of people dead. More in this we can speak to my one more tatty is a south Sudan Political analyst so do you have faith that this is a government that will last that it will avoid collapse as we have seen in the past. Not really are we really have to wait to see. What is the only government that kind of february. In order to result to peace before we could move to anything else like subsequent actions we need this interim government at least to work. Were going to work or are we not sure because if the defense secretary you feel how deep and how long running is the sort of basis and the vision but i mean silva care and react much are in these 2 different sides because this is a war this is a conflict that has been going on for years. On and off i mean we mustnt lose the fact that they have forgotten or the same cycle much of the liberation period but that this p. D. S. Goes back even to the day of the recession and there was a small truce to tourists independence the pushed up the divisions but that did not live very long to go to 2 years before the clock. Conflict but i think it can be resolved if the if their position is generally. Certain things happen put into place like you are and it could have a power sharing that would make each faction feel. Threatened that you know. A sufficient part of the case moving forward into the future that enough theyre not going to be disadvantaged then that could work and that is the key to it if you start to have those differences been resolved as each side feel secure enough in this coalition in this partnership or could we see the situation descend into ethnic conflict again. I think this truce is nothing to do with shipping or even agreement because as we speak does steve talking trying to resolve some of you know some crucial star studded issues but i think both sides that are this war a target this would fatigue i think there is. A cook mission from both sides i believe that the cause has been too hard 4 100000 subsidies as you said have dices 2013 that is about a 5th just like less than a 5th or the people who died in the entire degree shipped here for 50 years so there has been a very high cost the economy has collapsed or the hopes of you starting a new country or a good footing have been lost so and then the economy start working they have become popular so i think they are doing it to some extent against their will and that they have no no cards left created for them to play well for now there is a chance for peace despite the setbacks of the pos thank you very much for shedding some light on this forest mon. Thank you to us there about south sudan students in algeria and holding protests for the 43rd consecutive week in the capital j is latest protest is a day after adam achieved to boone was formally confirmed as president for the next 5 years spite widespread on happiness and his election hole 5 candidates in last weeks vote were associates of unpopular former president idolizes beautifully and demonstrators want a complete change. When out to india Prime Minister has again defended his controversial new citizenship role but as spot protests across the country are under modi says his political rivals have created what he described as an atmosphere of lies to scare Indian Muslims from Office Citizenship to prosecuted religious minorities from neighboring countries but it excludes muslims from that so how raman has more from you danny. We want freedom the students are just slowly a university in new delhi are making their voices heard their mood is upbeat and support for them is growing was many a muslim and everyone here is against the citizenship Amendment Act passed last thursday they say it discriminates against millions of people from minorities across india especially muslims. On sunday fighting broke out between civilians and police who started it is disputed. Video showing police dragging out students and beating them have gone viral dozens were injured students say it supports their accusations that they were specifically targeted. On choose day lawyers representing the students and Civil Society took their allegations to india Supreme Court the chief justice ruled that there were so many complaints on such a wide issue that high courts an individual state should hear them while students marshal traffic past grain crowds on the other side of the Capitol Police were firing tear gas at protesters several were reportedly injured. Students here say the Prime Minister is falsely accusing them of being involved in the violence actually a lot of people from the look at it it came and become a combined with us mix with the other guy mr and actually they hijacked the whole protest of demolition im a student and then theyve been to what the police and everything ive been up to down. There certainly noisy but there was see there are so Just University the situation is very different thats what happened on sunday theres certainly no police around but also students and Civil Society groups here supporting the whole community but of course things like this are being replicated across india and it seems like this is a bringing more war people out onto the streets. As more people gathered not far away riot police stood ready to boot. Opposition leaders have also criticised the police. Said. The government has a text you didnt buy interim university so we will fight for the constitution of india weve stated time and time again that we will fight against the government. 6 but protests like these are some looked likely to continue large demonstrations are being planted states opposed to the p j p like government of the citizens about but act. People from across the political divide a telling Prime Minister to read robertie that this legislation strikes at the very heart of it is secular constitution and theyll fight it so Robert Al Jazeera you deli. In the news hour live from london more still to tell you about after 52 years of Restricted Military orders Human Rights Watch says its time palestinians in the occupied west bank had equal rights with his writings. Are as johnson unveils his plan to make sure the u. K. Leaves the European Union before the end of next year and pakistans prime a fast bowler has made the National Team tracy angry explain why. Hello there are very unsettled weather picture across much of western europe the cloud is streaming in of the last year as plenty of rain coming in with this as well but look at this slice across the southeast clear skies here although we have got some foggy conditions in the Morning Hours this is actually budapest in hungary and look at that all the murky start of the day so even though some fog doesnt always close the days go by and in fact we have got a fair amount of trout around as well but mild look at this 14 sells his book rest has about 9 degrees above the average out to the west we have got clouds and we have got rain very unsettled in the central med but just look at this. Whiting in the wings in the atlantic this huge band of rain heavy at times will work its way across really much of western europe to the north that exist in snow and that through scandinavia heavy rain at times pushing calls de france on in particular into most central areas all of spain in the meanwhile well in compass of a Central Europe in the showers all my way eastwards across if they are not surprising then plenty of cloud across northern sections of africa some showers around as well certainly on wednesday well see those rain working their way through northern algeria so what day in algeria is that clay is quite quickly but that next system it will trail down and could bring some showers across into northern as america. To you is a very for gracing the damage caused to the precious cross lots of chile is being revised with one of the worlds biggest have a conservation project. Theyre pretty emblematic of the patagonia and south if theyre plentiful and theyre like this one is then you know that the system is going back and that they feel no friends works and thats why youre on par 3 wilding pot to go nya on aljazeera. Welcome back a look at the headlines now the u. S. President on the trunk has written a strongly worded letter to House Speaker nancy pelosi describing the impeachment process as a crusade and an unprecedented unconstitutional abuse of power trump is expected to be impeached by the house on wednesday. Cities from a solution to my oh is in libya by his mentor wardle cliff after an eastern city of rajma and the leader of libyas un backed government in tripoli his visit coincides with a surge in fighting on the outskirts of tripoli between Government Forces on those loyal to have to. The former pakistan president Pervez Musharraf has been sentenced to death for treason that relates to an emergency he imposed after suspending the constitution in 2007 the ruling has been condemned by the countrys military. And now Human Rights Watch has released a report highlighting what it says is more than half a century of israel depriving palestinians of their human rights with no end to the occupation all the peace prize or any Peace Process in sight would says it its time for israel to provide palestinians equal rights especially good name reports on this now from east jerusalem. Oh and with his bright pink shirt of della abu rama was easy to spot in the crowd on this day 3 years ago he was arrested near the separation wall at the end of a bike rally he organized commemorating the neck or the day the israeli state was the stablished in 1988 the Israeli Military is well acquainted. This long time activist he says since 2005 hes been arrested 8 times it has spent more than a year in prison for protesting against the occupation yet the mythos. Dealt with those prisoners in a violent and bob barrack way with inhumanity and humiliation the last time they threaten to push me out of a speeding military jeep and say that i tried to run away this is a threat that is most dangerous and most terrifying. On tuesday Human Rights Watch released a report highlighting the israeli armys use of military orders in the occupied west bank it says for 52 years these orders have deprived palestinians like abu rama of their human rights by targeting activists protestors nongovernmental organizations and journalists the group says these military orders were intended for short term use under emergency law not for a more than half a century occupation but it is now time for israel to grant and respect the rights of palestinians the civil rights of palestinians all of the human rights of palestinians using as a benchmark the right sick grants to Israeli Citizens we spoke to correspondent and author bob who recently published a book delving into the balance between protecting Israels National Security and human rights in the west bank its good that you know the world you know focuses and looks at you know is israel doing enough its good to have that pressure on the other hand again i think whenever groups want to criticize israel or say you know having done enough its a point to recognize reforms have been done and its important recognize that it will israel is operating in an incredibly challenging environment and the terrorism isnt sort of like a fake thing a rama says his treatment by the israeli army is intended to silence him and other palestinians who are resisting the occupation with. Violence despite the months spent in prison the huge amount of money spent in legal fees and fines and the trauma to his family he says hell continue to protest in hopes others will as well natasha does iraq occupied east jerusalem. I mean a lot of hair the british Prime Minister Peres Johnson says he will use a large majority want to last weeks general election to ensure there are no delays to leaving European Union Prime Minister will be putting forward an amendment to the brics a law on friday saying negotiations must be complete by the end of next year and in baba has more here. Back in the commons and finally in control Boris Johnson won the election by convincing enough people including traditional labor voters that hed get it done on tuesday before parliament reconvened he chaired a meeting of his new cabinet it looks much like the last one but parliament certainly doesnt and johnson reminded his colleagues that in many cases the public had in his words lent the conservative party their votes it was a quite extraordinary it was a seismic election but we need to repay that trust and work 24 hours a day work flat out to deliver it and. Of course of the 1st 100 days were very busy 140 days or whatever it was you may remember was a very frenetic type. But you aint seen nothing yet folks. On friday after the queens speech when the monica outlines johnsons legislative agenda the new parliament will vote for the 1st time on the bricks it bill the governments now amending it to ensure the brics a transition period wont go beyond the end of 2020 between now and then the opposition will try to make sure johnson keeps his promises in areas like protecting workers rights the Prime Minister in the campaign made many many promises and therefore has tremendous responsibilities to live up to hell be judged on whether he keeps those promises or not by the communities that hes made them to our job in the labor party will to hold this government to account after all the deadlock the United Kingdom now has a Prime Minister who couldnt get his legislative program through parliament of course what we dont know is exactly what kind of bracks it is going to deliver theres been some speculation johnson could go for closer alignment with e. U. Rules than hardliners in his policy would like but with the new amendment his room for maneuver is reduced you have to remember the Boris Johnson resigned over the checkers proposal which to reason may propose which was kind of not even really what we call a soft brecks it may be a kind of medium bricks it so you know his preference has always been for kind of as much divergence from e. U. Rules as possible so i think really i think his his main aim is for a Free Trade Agreement with his large majority Boris Johnson will be taking britain out of the e. U. By the end of january the bigger challenges hes admitted will be healing a divided nation the dean barber al jazeera london. And joining us via skype is professor sarah hall a senior fellow at u. K. And changing europe and i should have so what is your interpretation of taras johnsons plan to make it illegal for the government to extend the brakes a transition period is he effectively ruling out a softer accent by doing this. So on paper yes if the m. If he passes his amendment in with the Withdrawal Agreement then transition would not be extended beyond the end of 2. 20 and we would be looking at a heartbreak there however this is a big but i think the evidence that weve seen so far in 29 teams suggests theres not strong support either in the u. K. Or on the e. U. Side for a hard no deal breaks there and because of that i wouldnt be surprised if we saw a slightly different tack adopted by the Johnson Administration in the 2nd half of 2020 craig sample we might see more of a bad bones trade agreement trying to be negotiated that focuses on only a few sectors and with continuity of others and equivalence with the e. U. In and yet others Like Financial Services essentially trying to buy time say that theres more time to continue negotiation into 2021. But the European Commission president sort of on the lame has said that 11 months is is just not enough its too insufficient to reach any kind of comprehensive deal so what as far as johnson hoping to achieve from this. So i think the timing here is really important reno from other Free Trade Agreement negotiations that 11 months is extremely tight and i think the other important point to note here is that usually when youre negotiating a trade agreement youre seeking great a convergence between the 2 trading partners i mean in this case the one of the main driving forces of breaks there is the u. K. Seeking a degree of divergence although we dont know what form the divergence will tank i think the other critical element in this potential trade negotiation is that from this point on the e. U. Member states would each have powers to to ratify them would need to ratify any future Free Trade Agreement and i think thats where the real pressures on the timetable might emerge because you might see domestic interest from other Member States being brought in and to the negotiations and therefore and using up more of the clock essentially thank you very much appreciate it from the u. K. Not changing your professor sarah hold joining us thank you now sonias president has apologized after the countrys interior minister called finlands new Prime Minister a salesgirl son omarion became the worlds youngest serving head of state at the age of 34 last week after forming a female lead center Left Coalition government as sone as president said she was embarrassed by mahers hounds comments and opposition politicians of calls now for him to resign from the leads estonias far right conservative peoples party. In france transport workers have demonstrated across the country against the governments plans to reform the pensions trains and flights have now been disrupted for 13 days and that could continue through the Christmas Holiday period workers affected would need to work 2 extra years before getting a full pension under new proposals government says the changes will balance the budgets and create a fairer system Prime Minister Eduardo Phillips says his government is determined to push through the plans. Now reports. Of the nearly 2 weeks of transport strikes and disrupted services and frauds the frustration and wariness is starting to show in paris people battle to get on the few trades and metro still running. The mountains has been a nightmare for over a week even though i live in central paris just going one kilometer to hours possibly cause a classroom experience its frustrating because i wasnt the one who came up with the pension reform i feel completely taken hostage im starting to feel quite angry in the center of the City Transport workers joint teachers students and Health Workers to protest of the governments plan Pension Reforms these protesters not be taking aim at me with the fact that i did the governments response they would have to work until the age of 60 in order to have more time and thats too easy but now they say that without a doubt the possibly cost of read my books a good deal to do this if we think retiring at 62 is already very old so talking about 64 well what next tomorrow 65 and 66 i think its time for the government to act because we know very well that the longer a conflict lasts the more difficult it gets. The demonstration was mostly peaceful that there were some clashes between police and protesters. During a heated debate in the National Assembly the french Prime Minister defended the governments plans he said the reforms would could. A fairer and more efficient pension system. Clearly stated im going to create a universal can consist of more determination old versus the governments on the absolute calmly its absolute the government says it wants to avoid a problem standoff with the trade unions but for now neither side is showing any sign of backing down with the Holiday Season just days away it seems that theyll be little respondents for people trying to get around potential butler just 0 powers. Shares in boeing or fall in after the u. S. Aircraft manufacturer said it would suspend production of its best selling 737 max jet for next month the plane has been grounded since march of the 2 crashes in indonesia in ethiopia killed 346. 00 people its cost boeing will the 9000000000. 00 so far the u. S. Companys board made the decision at a crisis meeting in chicago. Chinas 2nd Aircraft Carrier and the 1st to be built domestically has formally entered active service in the south china sea. Carries 32. 00 fighter jets and 8 helicopters and vastly increases Chinese Naval power in the disputed region president xi jinping attended the commissioning ceremony at the naval port of sandia chinas most Southern City u. S. Defense secretary mark esper says he needs to speak to his turkish counterpart after comments by the president are one that he would shut down interdict airbase made the threat in response to warnings by the us of possible sanctions for purchasing a Russian Missile Defense System and its military operation in syria since 2011 washington has flown drones from the turkish base and used it to carry out air raids against i still base also hosts u. S. Nuclear warheads. Well now a surge in violence in the saha region in west africa is endangering the economy there as well as peoples lives and its Eastern Region the to of tell of barry is come under repeated attack by armed groups clued in offshoots of eisel address has more from bomb. This is a military household full celebrations to want to be generous republic day. But for the soldiers taking part its a particularly difficult time. Last week fighters are allied with i still crossed the border from mali and killed 7 to one of their colleagues. Security conditions are deteriorating on the border with mali terrorists are attacking Common People and mostly tribal leaders kidnapping in executing them terrorist target Army Personnel with explosives. The border between egypt and mali stretches for hundreds of kilometers too long to be protected by the understaffed and ill equipped armies in the region. Say its a situation exploited repeatedly by armed groups with devastating results on one of the poorest countries in the world. Insecurity always has a heavy mental toll this is part perpetrators i met they know that a skilled person cannot be productive and thats why education is their prime target. The us economy to live is taking a hit these days fewer customers come to the market here into liberia apart from the shortage of supplies people are to impoverish for the. Lack of security into low barrier has gravely affected businesses many of the shops of closed down as commercial areas are always targeted how can businesses function in a situation where security is deteriorating day by day. Apart from the 720 just soldiers killed last week more attacks were recorded in brooklyn a fossil and molly. Boko haram on its our light armed groups have also been active in the region regional armies are struggling to prevent these attacks because of lack of enough manpower and equipment to cover vast territories the United Nations has a large presence of more than 15000. 00 troops in mali alone france also maintains thousands of troops in the region yet countries like somalia continue to suffer from these attacks and thats not only course in concerns from the local population but also on much of it aimed at french troops blaming them for not doing enough to protect civilians but he agrees aljazeera by michael. Now the u. N. Secretary general antonio the terraces called on the International Community to carry out new strategies at finding strategies to try and prove their lives for refugees he was speaking at the Global Refugee Forum in geneva this is really the 1st form of its kind bringing together World Leaders Business People monetary and also refugees themselves i urge you to be bold and concrete in the pledges to make this is a moment for him bishan it is a moment to jettison a model of support that too often left refugees for decades with their lives on hold confined to camps just scraping by unable to flawed or contribute it is a moment to build a more equitable response to refugee crises through a sharing of responsibility human kind came together to address many huge refugee challenges across the 20th century we should be able to do the same in the 21st. Meanwhile those criticism from turkeys president. That many countries that fell to provide the funding they promised to help Syrian Refugees living in turkey. In order to find a sustainable and permanent solution to this issue we have to take global steps forward in cooperation is but we havent yet reached the desired level of global ownership of the graffiti crisis our hope and pray that the Global Refugee Forum here in geneva will be instrumental in terms of implementing previous commitments and the only solution to the outstanding problem of the refugee influx crisis coming out of syria is far from being confined but it is a political solution this is a burden that we have been bearing for the last 9 years we need to find a formula that allows the refugees to remain in their mother lands and the ones that have already come to turkey to be peace really returned and resettled in their motherland well theres growing concern that the number of people refugees being forced from their homes because of Climate Change well bank estimates that 5205143 1000000 people will have been displaced from their arms in latin america Subsaharan Africa and Southeast Asia alone just 2 years ago 18000000 people were forced out of alums because of Climate Change related issues and natural disasters and they were forced then to look for safer places to live currently nearly 1000000000 people are living in areas of high or very high risk areas of climate exposure of francoise as a presser of environmental geopolitics and migration dynamics at the Paris Institute of Political Studies says that a lot more Global Cooperation has to be done to counter this. Well clearly Climate Change is no become world of deleting drivers of migration in this basement worldwide only last year in 2817000000 people were displaced as a result of disasters so these are more people displaced by disaster but by war and violence for example so weve started risking the issue and i would say that at the moment there are 3 ways through which the issue is addressed one is through the climate negotiations and here we look at all these can be funded and the other way is through a new Organization Called the platform on disaster displacement which was created in 2016 and this platform looks at oh these people can be protected and then of course there are 4 are like the global for one refugees where here the issue is to look at 0 ds mag ration is placement can be managed so i would say these are the 3 avenues of police the response of the moment between the the need to address this right know it is not just up a looming dissent threat this is a reprieve the reality that needs to be addressed right now because these at the forefront are those that are the most impacted and those that experience already large movements of people as a result of Climate Change and thin air with a few beans about bangladesh about small island states about morocco about a countries in Subsaharan Africa and then a number of European Countries if stepped up to a says their own thinking of no way is sweden switzerland france germany but clearly there is still are a lot more to be done and were not yet at a state where there is a kind of Global Response about this. Well as much will set a head on the program were going to be hearing from the real madrid camp as they prepare for the biggest match of the spanish season so far the details in sports. Business updates brought to you by Qatar Airways going places to get the. Business updates brought to you by Qatar Airways going places together. Sport now. Marion thank you so much Brazils Flamengo and booked their spot in the final the Club World Cup here in doha the south american champions had to come from a goal down to be asias top side all hell out 3 2nd half all saw them take the match 31. 00 them and are looking to win the tournament for the. Time and you can the 4th Brazilian Team to be crowned Club World Champions our correspondent Andy Richardson watched the match at the Khalifa International stable. This title is of huge importance to south american fans at a time when so much of their young talent drifts away to play in the european leagues this is a chance for the continents really reassert itself on a global stage thousands of fans of my the long trip from brazil to cats are for this semifinal against asian champions. Of saudi arabia now those fans have seen from go come from behind in key games so far this season already most notably a couple of its interest final against river plate they had to do the same this time out they were trailing one nil it half time before hitting back to win 31. 00 and move on to saturdays final will be expecting to play european champions liverpool who face monterrey of mexico in the other semi on wednesday now liverpool find themselves in the rather bizarre situation of being expected to play 2 games within 24 hours on to different continents it means a young team was left behind in the u. K. To play in the English League cup while the full squad is over here in qatar a situation that a manager youre going club isnt entirely happy with if you would ask me beforehand if i think that there should be a Club World Cup in the middle of our season i would say no its about honest opinion but. Maybe speak about it constantly about these kind of pictures the important is easy we are here so its the most important competition in the world for us for this moment because here we are now we try to do that but its all about planning going to be a even bigger tournament the future i dont know also going on to say he wasnt to excited by faith his plans to expand this tournament in 2021 to include 24. 00 teams and move it to june july a slot that in that year clashes with the africa cup of nations which will involve some of his key players including strikers mo sila and saudi oman in the meantime though he die. The chance to do what no other liverpool manager has done and that is when the Club World Cup but before he can think about that they have to get through that semifinal against the north and Central American champions. Theres a huge game coming up in spain on wednesday with the 1st of the season between barcelona and real madrid the teams are locked together at the top of the league out on 35. 00 points but its barsa who lead on goal difference the game was originally scheduled to take place and october but was postponed following political protests in barcelona. Were all happy we can play in such a game as the classical i remember this is a players this is the kind of game you live for so right now were only focused on the game italys top flight Football League syria has apologised for using paintings of monkeys as part of an anti Racism Campaign follows widespread criticism even from the tally in clubs roma and ac milan cytherea initially said the paintings were intended to spread the values of integration multiculturalism and brotherhood are the leaks chief executive has now conceded in a statement that the artwork is inappropriate for a time africa player of the year yeah yeah toure was says mesut ozil was wrong to speak out against the Chinese Government over its treatment of weaker muslims and china a former Manchester City and Ivory Coast International has just completed 5 months playing in a chinese 2nd tier club the 36 year old says his fellow muslim she just stick to playing football the world cup winners criticism of beijings crackdown engine zhang led to arsenals match being pulled from chinese t. V. I was for them is. I think. Point of view for boys solving a video for a little thing food off to sleep with food and pollution to pollution because you cannot be involved with just kind of things because its going to truck a lot of problems and grow things and to get us to sort of. The most risk complicated surveillance. Is choice hes been doing is committed but i think it was about to say that pakistan had coach miss ball hockey has blasted star fastball or one of the mare or walking away from the countrys test team at just 27 years old america quit the longer format to focus on his one day career and the highly 20 format without a mare pakistan were humiliated in australia losing to test by an innings and they failed to bowl sri lanka out in last weeks drawn test in real pindi which was progress on the 1st time test for over a decade in their investor you invest so much in these players and when preference should be given to the country they go elsewhere its not the right thing to do we are thinking hard to be the lines and soon we make a policy on this it could be a problem for pakistan in the future. Ok and that is all your support for now its now back to maryam and london all right thank you for that wraps up the news hour but i will be back in a moment with much more of the days news including of course all the latest elements from washington were going to bring you all the days top stories in just a couple of minutes i will see you in a bit. A bombarded city. Can be rebuilt. Its buildings restored. But can shattered lives be mended. Scars randy and traumas shaped minds children and survivors of mosul share their stories. I still tomorrow i witnessed documentary on aljazeera. Driven by outrage and spanning generations the real hinge of demonstrators gathered on the very day a widely criticised repatriation agreement between the governments of bangladesh and me and more was to begin the anger was all too apparent and the fear was probably if you dont like were so afraid that if they send one of us back to myanmar today tomorrow theyll send back 10 and the day after tomorrow theyll send back 2030 or if we were given citizenship in myanmar then there would be no need to take us back there we would go back on our own we must remember the rancho among the most persecuted minority youth in the world. What was the last thing the president said to you about impeachment when you last spoke to him for oz Multicultural Society its not about. The dummy delegation it was only years ago how worried are you that the conditions are still like for another i think they are right join me maddy huff and as i put it up from questions to my special guest and challenge them to some straight talking political debate here on aljazeera. Whole impeachment thing is a hoax. Us president on old coals is impending impeachment by House Democrats unconstitutional and a declaration of war on american democracy. Hello im Maryam Namazie in london with al jazeera also coming up on the program. The United Nations calls on the International Actors involved in the ongoing fighting in libya to find a peaceful and political solution to end the fighting

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