A new Prime Minister is to begin. And well meet a yemeni entrepreneur defying all odds to keep the countrys famed jewelry tradition alive. Hello everyone it is a crackdown on press freedom a report from the committee to protect journalists accusing china of stopping journalists in hong kong and taiwan from reporting freely it details an increasingly constrained media environment in hong kong where pro beijing outlets outnumber the independent ones probating groups are accused of scaring off companies from advertising with independent outlets who can be critical of china the report says theyve been repeated unprovoked Police Attacks on journalists in hong kong have been covering the protests the committee to protect journalists says these are the effects of chinas. Rising influence on a region that once had free press sarah clarke in hong kong looking at this report today and i believe the author of the report actually been speaking as well. Yesterday as you mentioned this report discusses and focuses on the changing media landscape in hong kong and taiwan and nazi increasing number of chinese controlled Media Outlets other report called one china one since it notes that the the increasing number of media ownership from Chinese Companies and chinese the Chinese Government as well as the increasing direct influence it is that those Media Outlets with a pro china slant see greater income a greater advertising and greater investments from the chinese or probation Companies Operate is it not so it pays to be pro china in the current Hong Kong Media landscape and thats of course translated to greater pressure on the independent outlets which at night decreasing in number since the indie but independent Media Outlets who question china have been starved of revenue from weatherby advertising our investment now another point also noted quite heavily in this report discusses the violent behavior or conduct towards the media in the last 6 months particularly on hong kong since the extradition bill was introduced in a better course with joan and in the current environment now its increasing number of attacks on journalists on the front line would it be through the probation groups all through the police and we spoke to report all the one of the coauthors a fellow called Stephen Butler and says what he had to say about those violent confrontations or the increasing number of attacks on journalists its put the media on the frontline against police and weve seen many instances of police. Really gratuitous attacks on journalists journalists who were standing at the side who were tear gassed or you have to spray or in the case of one journalist who was hit by you know a live rubber bullet embossed or eyes one eye sight. And theres no. Justice none of these cases are being investigated. And the police are not being held to account and so i think this has led to an increasing divide. This is all results mostly result of the protest reporting on the protests where we actually with the protests still continuing another week say usually quieter. Than the number of protests the number of people attending those rallies has dropped in the last couple of weeks weve had a couple of flash mobs on monday across hong kong on the weekend we had some small confrontations between the player beijings supporters in the practices as well as the police and now this week theres been a general strike called from tomorrow to a thursday another general strike was called last week but that didnt actually eventuate and i should say its well known on monday the Hong Kong Government has taken out a number of global newspapers in the us here in australia saying that hong kong will soldier on no i think its been tough but hong kong is a free and open society and it respects that one country 2 systems policy now hong kongs chief executive carried out his car in beijing shes making she can ping in the next 24 hours or more turn to hong kong on tuesday but this morning on monday she met the premier league and he is noted in a press conference at hong kong is not out of its dilemma yet it still faces a challenging year at the economic you know Financial Year ahead thank you sarah clarke in hong kong so the news in India Supreme Court will hear petitions challenging a controversial new citizenship law on weapon state. The anger over the new law is now spread to College Campuses scores of people injured when police raided a university in the capital new delhi late on sunday the new measure offers citizenship to persecuted minorities from some neighboring countries but excludes muslims critics say it violates indias secular constitution. At least 4 people are now known to have died during sundays powerful earthquake in the southern philippines rescuers continue to search for survivors after that magnitude 6. 00 quake hit the island of mindanao the region still recovering from a series of quakes in october more from jimmy the island there were family members of the missing are still waiting for news. Were in the town of for that in davos sore one of the areas bearing the brunt of the earthquakes devastation we are right in front of what used to be a 3 Story Building now this is whats left of it this was a grocery mart where people used to go to to buy their provisions both the tome and their offices it is believed that several people remain still trapped at the ground floor of what used to be the ground floor of this building from where i am i can still hear rescuers trying to break in breaking glass is hoping that there will still be survivors rescuers have been telling us they have been working overtime since the earthquake struck sunday afternoon several bodies have already been pulled out and they said that as early as monday morning someone was still able to send a message asking for help from inside they have already lost contact since over there some of them are actually relatives of those missing hoping for some good news about their loved ones weve spoken to the mayor and the governor of davos sore and they were telling us basically with that they are asking for is for people to stay calm people here on the edge afraid of the earthquake and its aftershocks and its not only here in davos or the region of mindanao many parts of it has been battered by a series of earthquakes over the last few months thousands of people have already been displaced but what the government is trying to assure everyone that they are prepared and that they are able to send aid to those who need it most. The u. S. Special envoy for north korea has top young young to return to the negotiating table to discuss denuclearization stephen bacon says its time to get the job done tensions have been rising in recent weeks after north korea conducted a series of weapons tests youngling has previously warned it would take a new path by the end of the year if the u. S. Did not stop her. It. Lebanons president is due to begin consulting Political Parties to find a new Prime Minister after another nice violence light on sunday Security Forces in beirut fired tear gas and rubber bullets at protest as they gathered outside parliament theres still angry at the possible nomination of. You who resigned as Prime Minister in october after weeks of demonstrations protesters want to overhaul the political system which they say is corrupt and sectarian with more now from beirut. A 2nd night of violence in central beirut tear gas was again used by Security Forces to Disperse Protesters who are outside Parliament Square there gathered here in a show of defiance a day earlier Parliament Police used what Amnesty International described as Excessive Force against an overwhelmingly peaceful protest many now fear state intimidation against the leaderless protest movement is growing. I dont think its possible for people to see. The way that this aggression and the way that they treated protesters yesterday and kind of turned a blind eye even if they were afraid it seems like they understand that unity numbers are really what creates momentum that keep us going. Dana was among the dozens of protesters beaten up by Security Forces during saturday nights confrontations the worst since the uprising began in mid october both sides accused each other of instigating the violence there are fears this could be the beginning of a new phase what has largely been a peaceful opposition movement. Seems to be a decision by those in power for the army and Security Forces to confront the protest and this is dangerous from the start of the uprising the army took a decision not to be harsh with the protesters but the situation has changed in the past few days all of this is are making it clear they will not stand down. Agree to the demands of the protesters would mean giving up how much they have long benefited to the Security System and government by a choice of the state resources and now they have to maintain support in their communities and that the muslims are bordering on themselves over the makeup of the next government the lack of government makes it difficult to pull lebanon out of its worst economic crisis in decades which is why the protests began were not going for weapons we only need one needs we are asking for all we need for hospitality for our hospitals for our medication. To eat to have jobs all people here are jobless. People who are working they are having their salaries this is not a life. Their calls for change are not being heard politicians seem to be sending a message that they are ready to use what ever means necessary including force to protect their power center for their beirut. Iraqs president has until the end of monday to nominate a new Prime Minister. Stepped down after more than 400 people died in weeks of antigovernment protests but demonstrate is either not satisfied they want like there been an overhaul of the political system dosage of bari reporting now from baghdad. A constitutional crisis is looming in Iraqs Parliament the summer the 1st was when m. P. s accepted the resignation of outgoing Prime Minister. President barham saleh has until december the 16th to nominate his replacement who will have to form a new government within 30 days. If the deadline is not met will be facing a violation of the constitution and that means all options are available including holding the president responsible for breaking the law as well as early elections. Complicating things further one of the largest Political Coalition blocks of parliament which includes the crisis ali party say they are not going to support any candidate proposed by the president widespread anti western sentiments here only deepen the political divides the new Prime Minister must be able to balance the fragile relationship iraq has with both neighboring iran and the United States this banner reads that whoever the next Prime Minister is going to be they will fail because he hasnt been elected body people here its every aspire now despite all the security threats it is demonstrators face on a regular basis the president is not of the security presence here and those include for nothing d its a stabbing through fighting thats going on between various militias they continue to come out on a regular basis but the longer this border for uncertainty continues the longer these demonstrators remain vulnerable to attacks since the latest series of protests began here on october the 1st of these 460 people have been killed and thousands injured many blame the crackdown on militias backed by iran not in any branch nor that by coming to the square were taking a risk we may be detained we may be killed but it is still out we cant just sit at home and do nothing we want to civilize state. And if we have to die for it then thats the price we pay for freedom and. I dont feel safe here the government hasnt done its job in making these areas secure abductions are on the rise the people who are supposed to protect us here are not whats the point of having Security Forces one armed. Shia gunmen loyal to iran were blamed for killing 25. 00 protesters in their home on the square in baghdad on the sumburgh the 7th the government says it launched an investigation but no one has been held accountable. And on friday protesters reportedly took matters into their own hands when a 16 year old armed with a rifle was reportedly spotted shooting at them from the roof of his home the teenager was beaten to death and his body hung from the traffic lights as the protests demanding political change more jobs and less corruption go on and the security situation continues to deteriorate day by day iraqis are also crying out for leadership and stability door such a pari al jazeera back down. And im see International Says irans government is carrying out a quite vicious crackdown following the outbreak of nationwide protests there in the middle of november it says in a report at least 304 people have been killed thousands injured this unrest triggered by an increase in fuel prices and seem to nationals calling for the Immediate Release of all those it says have been arbitrarily detained. In the news ahead we will tell you why turkey is considering deploying troops to libya. And after weeks of antigovernment protests demonstrators in chile get a different kind of platform to tell their leaders block they want the van feature. Out of there are still some big thunderstorms around in europe or right on the edge of europe just flowing through greece and towards cyprus in fact the biggest downpours recorded in cyprus 150 millimeters but thats just discrete rainfall and this is frankly dying out whats happening rather more obviously is this string of cloud in western france is still in fact a warning of flooding all the way down through Southwestern France borders science words and thats largely because its a more or less a river of rain in the atmosphere but it is buckley and its now focusing more on portugal and maybe a bit on the fronts of the next couple of days whereas all of Eastern Europe seeing quite a weather and a southerly breeze will actually see temperatures slowly rise maybe some persistent fog and thats an indication here but its not quite as cold as i think about the sunshine itll fail it let me take you into tuesday and this is Development Area the western med once again its cold with some snow on the highest ground in spite but most were talking about rain rain showers probably and here its all settled and warming up slowly if you dont in the fog so ken is going to be affected northwest africa or about 20 degrees is going to be a wet one on monday and windy not rain extends down to Western Sahara and spreads eastwards towards our geria staying in morocco on tuesday. Discover the world of aljazeera. The best films from across our network. 6 boys need to go to one of the citizenship fresh perspectives and new insights to challenge and change the way we look at the world. The top stories this hour on aljazeera the committee to protect journalists c p j is accusing china of preventing journalists in hong kong and taiwan from reporting freely probating groups are accused of pressuring firms to stop advertising with independent outlets critical of china at least 4 people died during sundays powerful earthquake in the southern philippines as a continuing to search for survivors after the magnitude 6. 00 quake hit the island of mindanao and lebanons president stupid begin consulting Political Parties to find a new Prime Minister after another night of violence Security Forces a fire tear gas and rubber bullets of people protesting outside the palms. Turkeys president is promising help for libyas internationally recognized governments including troops could lead to a direct confrontation with the u. A. E. Egypt and others who backed the warlord. Hes been trying to take over the capital tripoli for months now. The u. N. Recognized government in tripoli is under attack. Or lord Khalifa Haftar as called for a decisive battle. Nearly 8 months after his offensive began. Last week his forces shot down a turkish drone and captured an important camp for militias allied to the government of National Accord south of the city now turkey has offered to step up its support to the tripoli government president or to one recently signed maritime and military deals and says hes ready to send troops to libya if requested. With these agreements the rights of both turkey and libya will be protected in the mediterranean the individual cold huffed are is definitely not a legitimate president or Prime Minister he is just a person who appears to be illegitimate. Turkish military support could put it on a collision course with the u. A. E. Jordan and egypt which are backing have to. President sisi says its in the regions interest to end the conflict. In libya today if we look at whats happening in libya of the last few years and why the government there has not been able to have real free will speaking frankly its because it is hostage to the interest militias that exist in tripoli in the meantime every country is dealing with the situation by so on its own interests it is in our collective interest that this region goes back to stability. Cats are which also supports the tripoli government wants to see a political solution who will be will call on the in to do it said the we see proxy war supported by many nations in libya which is cool as devastation for the people we want the libyan people to rise from these troubles we want to see peace between the factions and a clear political direction between them. Complicating matters further libyas u. N. Recognize government says hundreds of russian mercenaries are also fighting for have to the russia denies this is after his souls seems likely. To give up its commitment there is danger of an escalation of this. Regional issue the tripoli government has not accepted the offer from turkey yet if it does a Quick Reaction force could be sent capable of fighting on the ground sky and sea and or chapell aljazeera. Democrats are demanding 2 prominent white house aides give evidence if there is an impeachment trial against President Donald Trump Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer the acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney and the former National Security advisor john bolton to testify house of representatives is expected to vote in the next few days to impeach the president that would set up that trial in the Republican Controlled Senate shepparton say with reaction to the democrats request in washington. Well the silent majority leader whom this letter is addressed has said he will consult with the democratic leadership about the format of any trial in the senate however hes also made clear that currently hes taking his cues from the white house is coordinating very carefully with the white house on how a trial would would would have a photo thats going on the democrats words now we have this letter from the Senate Democratic leadership because they want to get their voice out there notably it saying we do what witnesses we want witnesses for witnesses but most notably john bolton the former National Security adviser known not to have been a fan of Donald Trumps actions in ukraine with the Ukrainian Government and acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney who said quite openly to 2 journalists at one point yeah there was a quid pro quo that some politics works but then quickly retracted that statement pretended it ever he never actually he never actually made it now because it all has made it very clear. Weve had through all the leaks he doesnt want a long trial he doesnt want witnesses at least initially what hes been visiting is a 2 week trial the democrats from the house come to the senate make their case the white house then to make that make a great their case in defense and if theres a need for witnesses maybe maybe they will be called but mcconnell has said weve understood that directly that he said look this is would be mutually assured destruction for both republicans and democrats he does not want any of these people so these people to testify as only the white house would not want any of these people to testify so it does look like its a tall order it is catholic sounds Independence Day and many people are marking it with protests against the government of president kasem youre not talking. Straight is a demanding Economic Reforms and an end to corruption and also calling for the release of all political prisoners. Least 10 people been killed and several more injured after a fire broke out in a factory on the outskirts of the capital of bangladesh this is in the area on sunday earlier this week another factory fire in the capital killed at least 17 people. People in chile have indicated in a vote they want the constitution the beds back to the days of the military dictatorship to be scrapped now the results from the poll shows more than 80 percent are in favor of an overhaul. In America Edison to see a new man reports from santiago. I mean discipline worker calls out to sleepy residents to cast their ballots. Either from home or by going inside the town hall this working class neighborhood to use the computers. Much of the voting in a nationwide consultation was exclusively online so many like 75 year old little needed help dealing with what they called the new technology. Yes they voted for a new constitution we need change. This was the 1st time since antigovernment social protest broke out 2 months ago the chileans were consulted directly about what it is they want. They also asked to identify those 3 most important priorities such as Public Education health care and pensions. All the questions dealt with the social agenda and the demands that demonstrators have been screaming for on the streets people 14 and were allowed to vote in order to incorporate young people who have been at the head of the protest movement in this part of town which is normally an epicenter for the protests theres a band out here trying to encourage the. People or a sign that says no constitution or nothing but significantly in the 3 while 3 as witness apologies of santiago and of the country the question of whether people want a new constitution or not isnt even on the ballot it illustrates the resistance by traditional conservatives to systemic change. In the end participation and support for a new constitution was far greater than organizers had hoped in what is regarded as a preamble to next years official referendum. Its not only about a new constitution although thats imperative for a fairer and more equal society we think this will contribute to a moderate path for citizens to participate actively within the Democratic Institutions even if the extremes on the left and right try to boycott it. The results of the consultation are only referential but given the overwhelming support for a new constitution and social reforms it will be widely seen as morally and politically binding you see in human aljazeera centrality finally mention crafters under threats in yemen from violence and restrictions imposed by saudi arabia in the ongoing war but a young mother is fighting back to preserve the countrys famed jewelry tradition she overcame male domination to be hailed as the queen of our great and now wants to pass on her skills to the next generation. Has her story from santa. 30 year old self begun to have love affair with precious stones more than 10 years ago she knew yemen was home to germs that prized the world over and if she learns all she could about turning stoon into beautiful jewelry and other objects she would be able to in a living and have her own shop. But ill tell you in a school i started to get involved in the business of agate after 3 months of training on a course organized by you know sco and the ministry of culture its taken love and dedication but with my experience i was able to set up my own business but it wasnt easy being the only woman in water vibrationally has been a business dominated by men suffer says people looked down on her in the beginning particularly when she tried to sell her products in the marketplace while many criticize me for being the only woman to work in this business but my love for the profession has convinced them otherwise her talent quickly sharp through craftsman deeply rooted in the tradition and culture of yemenis tune did recognize her ability and dedication. For the from a very mundane of train software and found out that she loved the business and quickly learned all of its aspects shes even become our point of reference because she knows the best kinds and how to perfectly ship them out. It wasnt long before software was dropped the process of argot and she was able to encourage other women to follow in her 4th steps some fall in the process too dangerous. The 1st year many are getting comes from mines in the mountainous region of the run anas 150 kilometers south of the capital sanaa. They are popular because of their colors banding and unique theaters through the centuries they have give you did their own full glory some say get ring has healing powers or can word of a evil. There are many things people still believe today about you me i guess thats why they can be worth up to 3000. 00 each especially if they contain inside the image of an icon or a well known character for example an egg of a shadow of a man was sold for 10000. 00. About the war in yemen and now in its 5th year is threatening the future of this craft and stuff im a loser business thanks merely to restrictions imposed by the saudi quality and fighting yeah many. But so far has 2 Young Children says shes determined to carry on regardless believing she owes it to her sisters to pass on her skills to the next generation of craft workers. They are on aljazeera and these are the headlines a report by the committee to protect journalists is accusing china of preventing journalists in hong kong and taiwan from reporting freely pro beijing groups are accused of scaring off companies from advertising with independent outlets were critical of china it also highlighted heavy handed tactics used by Security Forces against journalists whove covered the protests in hong kong its put the media on the front line against police and weve seen many instances of police. Is really gratuitous attacks on journalists journalists who were standing at the side with tear gas or pepper spray or in the case of one journalist who was hit by you know a live rubber bullet and lost horizon one i said i on and theres no justice for any none of these cases are being investigated so far as we know. And the police are not being held to account and so i think this has led to an increasing divide. That headlines indias Supreme Court is due to hear petitions to challenge the controversial new citizenship law on wednesday. Scuse me anger over the new law has spread to College Campuses dozens were injured when police raided the university in new delhi on sunday the Measure Office citizenship to persecuted minorities from some neighboring countries but excludes muslims. At least 4 people are now known to have died during sundays powerful earthquake in the southern philippines rescuers continue to search for survivors after the magnitude 6. 00 quake hit the island of mindanao the region still recovering from a series of quakes back in october and lebanons president is due to begin consulting Political Parties to find a new Prime Minister after another night of violence Security Forces fired tear gas and rubber bullets at people protesting outside the parliament Prime Ministers son who resigned in october after weeks of antigovernment demonstrations they go youre up to date with the headlines on aljazeera the latest edition of inside story is coming next. Counting the costs of. Tax cuts for big business is how the stairs see for the poor is just the perfect cocktail for street protests speak to the Vice President of ecuador can be as cash crunch the competition winding up take netflix is. Drowning the cost on aljazeera. U. S. Politicians say democrats should fear the Election Results in whats in there warning any candidate to possible left could face the same defeat as the days opposition labor leader Jeremy Corbyn but is this really true what lessons can the u. S. Saw from the vote across the atlantic this is insights. And theyre very warm welcome to the program im Julia Mcdonald well the style of the u. K. s Prime Minister Boris Johnson is frequently compared to that u. S. President trump the johnsons want to resign doing that so we in the u. K. General election u. S. Politicians are paying very close attention to what happened and its opened up a

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