While in new delhi police fired tear gas and storm a university to disperse students protesting against indias citizenship law. And yemens government says people on its wanted list of escaped the island of socalled helped by u. A. E. Forces. And far as right have all the days sports including question of and all those course twice to leave than it is to victory over it in a city in the area. A 2 week Climate Conference in madrid has ended 2 days overshadow and with negotiators putting off a key decision until another meeting in a years time the un organized cop 25 talks were seen as a test of governments willingness to heed scientific advice and trying to stick to a target limiting Global Warming to 1. 5 degrees delegates did agree on motions calling for greater ambition to cut Greenhouse Gases but brazil China Australia saudi arabia and the u. S. Led resistance to boulder action and there was no agreement on a key objective on Carbon Markets allowing countries all companies to trade slowly reducing emissions permits European Countries said no do was better than a weak one so that will come up again the next talks in glasgow next year our environment head to nick clark reports from madrid. It was a relentless log of endless negotiations whole blocks of nations working at old with a seemingly impossible goal of an agreement acceptable to all ages so decided and when a cold came it was nowhere near enough for many observers you know im not happy i dont think anybody should be happy when you look at the forces outside these halls where people are in the streets it was 8000000 in september you have impacts happening from australia to germany and you have science that is becoming more compelling and more and deniable and the and the things that they have predicted are actually more conservative than what were seeing now i think its time for real action we cant just rehash what we agreed to 5 years ago. In the year of mass climate protest its not surprising that direct action found its way into the exhibition holes in madrid given the kinds of that exists between what science says is required to be done and the snails pace of progress for National Delegations the star of the Climate Movement homed in on the science and why is it so important to stay below 1. 5 degrees because even to one degree. Are dying from the climate crisis. Because those would be United Science calls for to avoid the stabilising the climates so that we have the best possible chance to avoid setting up irreversible Chain Reactions to grab his words had no effect the conference that should have ended at 6 pm on friday went on through the 19th to saturday and on into sunday sleep was a scarce commodity but there was it in policy of all school 6 part of the tax that deals with Carbon Markets the poorer nations saying they were being cheated by the United States australia saudi and brazil you have the floor. This it was because of ambition we are not seeing the ambition all the references to science is has gotten weaker all reference to enhancing the end the seas have gone it seems we prefer to look backwards and looking forward we need to address this issue for those whove been part of the Global Movement calling for action this is been a big disappointment it is really disappointing to see that weve had our for you because i believe escaped in telling us that they were happy about our chins and the fact that were pretty awareness for Climate Change and then we come here and we get the opposite of what they say is so disappointing the arguments here in madrid have been relentless and many are now questioning whether this multilateral approach is fit for purpose so in one years time the crucial Climate Summit in glasgow where National Commitments to cut emissions must match the science otherwise many believe we face runaway Climate Change and the clock aljazeera madrid. You enter general antonio tara she says hes disappointed with the outcome of the summit which he called a missed opportunity and by mental groups have accused the worlds richest nations of showing little commitment to tackling Climate Change and the European Union says it now needs to take the lead it seems that needs to be so you know. We want to be here and we were going to be and thats what we are doing we want to have a plan in the city by 25th and we. Use some green and now we are working on that because we want to build our economy and sustainably. Still we wait we need to understand that we dont need dont have a plan b. Lets talk more about this with alina from the Grantham Research institute on Climate Change and the environment she previously worked for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change thanks so much for coming into the studio to talk to us so so what was the big failure to think of the summit whats the main area that didnt really manage to pull pull off well i think id like to say the summit was very disappointing but i wouldnt call it a total failure i think the most important outcome that wasnt 32 was the agreement on the rule book for Carbon Markets so what i mean that that was a kind of a framework the idea was to give incentives for people to cut their emissions what was it that was so important about that goal so the idea of Carbon Markets is to provide an opportunity for nations which caught emissions below the goals that they have committed to achieve to sell carbon credits to other nations or to companies to help them achieve a mission with actions and i think the major point of disagreement and in motherhood was the strange and serve those roles some countries wanted them to be more flexible while others are good that they should be environmentally and socially credible so i mean is there any i mean obviously that has not been beefed back to next year. Is that each also will be any different in a years time well i think the idea is that the next intermediate conference of the parties the subsidy by this which will meet and born and may that they will take up this issue i think the expectation is that as the urgency of the issue rises next year because qantas in the next year called a conference of the parties in glasgow will be the most important Climate Change summit since Paris Agreement so everyone has to come up with mom this targets and i think the expectation is that there will be more pressure on governments to be mom vicious what would you say would be that the positive development from this i mean new finance ministers were involved understand thats kind of yes i think there were a few other very important thout comes which havent been reported that my. Yes the 1st very important one is the coalition of finance ministers on Climate Change there were 51 ministers of finance and madrid which have committed to take action on Climate Change they have committed to socalled health into principle so they will look into mainstreaming integrating Climate Change into a market of fiscal and Economic Policy in their come to this i think that what i mean in practice though and practice it means that well look at the experience of instruments such as Carbon Pricing and they will look to introduce that in their countries in time it also means looking at regulation that would similar to what france hasnt read just a few years back that would be required investors and Asset Managers to be transparent and to disclose climate related that he asks and then vestment before those so that we can know whether were putting our money into projects which may not be vied viable in the future because of the impacts of Climate Change so i mean one thing that we heard there from the your opinion saying that they need to take the lead but theyve agreed to the target of reaching that 0 emissions by 2050 how significant an achievement is that i think this is very significant and actually the u. N. Process is critical to provide compas and direct countries but what really matters is what we do it home so the National Legislation and National Targets and i think the step by the European Union but also by the u. K. Earlier this year 0 target by 2050 is a very important one and we need to see more countries stepping up next year with similar targets totally of a chunk of it thank you very much indeed for joining us thank you. Police in the eastern democratic republic of congo say members of the allied to Democratic Forces rebel group of killed at least 32 people in an overnight raid the attack happened in beni region which has seen a series of deadly attacks in recent months at least 179. 00 civilians have been killed since the government norge an offensive against rebels in october and stay in the eastern d. R. See at least 30 people have been confirmed dead after a landslide hit a gold mine in it 2 reprograms heavy rain has been falling for days across the east of the country witnesses say the landslide caught miners by surprise when the area was engulfed with mud and water the number of dead is expected to rise as rescue efforts continue Security Forces in lebanon have fired tear gas and rubber bullets at Anti Government protesters would gather outside parliament for a 2nd night these are live pictures from the capital where demonstrators have been calling for a new independent head of government to be named by the president on monday but there are suggestions he could recommend former Prime Minister saad hariri who was forced to resign in october also rally against saturdays crackdown which was one of them is violent since protests began 2 months ago so you heard a report from beirut. Oh. A 2nd night of violence in central beirut tear gas was again used by shooting forces to Disperse Protesters who are outside Parliament Square there gathered here in a show of defiance a day earlier part of the police used what Amnesty International described as Excessive Force against an overwhelmingly peaceful protest many fear state intimidation against the leaderless protest movement is growing. I dont think its possible for people to see. The way that the aggression and the way that they treated protesters yesterday kind of turned a blind eye even if they were afraid it seems like they understand that unity numbers are really what. Dana was among the dozens of protesters beaten up by Security Forces during saturday nights confrontations the worst since the uprising began in mid october both sides accused each other of instigating the violence there are fears this could be the beginning of a new phase what has largely been a peaceful opposition movement. Seems to be a decision by those in power for the army and Security Forces to confront the protest and this is dangerous from the start of the army took a decision not to be harsh with the protesters but the situation has changed in the past few days all of the cities are making it clear they wont stand down and agree to the demands of the focus would mean giving up power benefit to the sectarian a system of government by a choice of the space of resources. And support in their communities but instead. Bargain hung themselves over the makeup of the next government the lack of government makes it difficult to pull lebanon out of its worst economic crisis in decades which is why the protests began were not going for weapons needs were asking for all we need for hospitality for our hospitals for our medication. To eat to have jobs all people here are with jobless old people who are working they are having cuffe their salaries this is not a life oh their calls for change are not being heard politicians seem to be sending a message that they are ready to use whatever means necessary including force to protect their power center for their beirut. Indian police are fired tear gas and used batons to break up thousands of protesters in the capital as unrest over controversial citizenship youll continue for a 5th day buses and other vehicles were set alight by demonstrators in new delhi before police stormed a university where many were thought to be hiding out theres been widespread anger against the law which office helped to persecuted minorities from neighboring countries excludes muslims critics say it goes against indias secular foundations but how raman is in a stand the epicenter protests against the law says people there plan to continue their action. Various civic to Society Leaders are taken to the stage and hearty on sunday to discuss a and to talk about the issue of the citizenship benjamin act its brought out the people as you can see in the thousands here to one of the largest grounds in the city of an opportunity for many of the community here who had very little chance to talk to each other because of not only the behavior but only because of the internet blackout communication has quite restricted these past few days over the world were seeing here today on sunday a problem in syngas an artist taking to the stage and also paintings being done by local artists to. Make sure that everybody who remembers of what were being has at least actually the workers who have lost believe that wives families children a whole range of demographics including a group of bikers i spoke to earlier one of the told me why it was so were told to come out in numbers to express their anger legal piece of legislation that they totally disagree. We dont want to harm the heart and then he really has got me here who dont understand this big to small churches big us their church and just in case youre doing this on 1st person or someone who are. Close to our hearts to see this go away as far as going off that has you have ever seen one on one on the light hearted party on. They could see news herald one of the main grousing at the end of course is not the g. D. P. But the community had to meet each other certainly after days of the internet shut down at the polls people are taking to the stage where a very popular performers hence the volume of people you can see have many hundreds to hear them sing and speak of those those that are taking to the microphone a Civic Society leaders are saying the pressure will be continued i continue to put the pressure on the government when it comes to the citizens abandonment act im not happy with it they feel that legalizing illegal immigration into india of other minority groups will dilute the very make. A culture that they want to protect here in. Obviously this has resonated in different ways across the country and even on sunday we saw demonstrations from far awestruck to be. To new delhi and they will start to continue in the week ahead but the focus will be west bengal. Coming up later this hour with just a day to go until the deadline for iraqs president to nominate a new Prime Minister could comment be heading towards a constitutional crisis. For weeks theyve been demanding a new constitution now people in chile are being asked what theyd like to see in it. And european champions liverpool get a warm welcome as they arrive in doha ahead of their opening game at the Club World Cup details coming up in sports. Text mr richard type adam says he will give whatever necessary support including troops to help libyaS Internationally recognized government that potentially puts the turks on a collision course with the u. A. E. Egypt and others who support warlord holly for have to on thursday have to announce a final offensive to capture the capital tripoli after 8 months of fighting on the outskirts turkey which has already supplied militarized drones and other weaponry signed a military Cooperation Agreement last week. Egypts president also weighed in saying its in the regions interest to end the conflict in libya and defacto sisi blamed the lack of progress on the un backed government in tripoli pulled out of the lands he libya led today if we look at whats happening in libya of the last few years and white the government there is not been able to have real free will speaking frankly its because it is hostage to the interiors militias that exist in tripoli in the meantime every country is dealing with the situation based on its own interests it is in our collective interest at this region goes back to stability. And us in dramatic is general director of the subject institute a think tank focusing on Libyan Affairs he says all the players like nato will be forced to act if turkey sends troops the certainly complicates the relationship between turkey and nato and then libya because if turkey doesnt even into libya which is now kind of on the cards given president against remarks last week that he said if the if the general invited him to come into libya that he would send a tech is true spending parliamentary approval i suppose that really does put the the fact that if turkey was to be involved in military conflict in libya that nato would have to come on board and so i suppose that really does going to jeopardize the moves there but there is already a complex relationship between the russians and the turks and the u. S. Because turkey has been procuring Defense Systems from from russia and is always almost on the verge of being sanctioned by the u. S. For doing so but it seems like theyre going ahead regardless of the spot any of the other consequences but it certainly puts the g. N. A. T. Now in a position whereby all the aaa back government the u. S. Backed government and the position that i never thought it would be in which is that turkey is really doing the job of the u. N. Security council who brought the government in tripoli into existence but has refused for the past 8 months to defend. YemenS Internationally recognized government says several people on its wanted list of escaped from the island of circuts or with the help of you a batch forces at the airport only yemeni are in the store by a mirage he supported troops who then took off with those wanted by the authorities the governor of the island said the plane had not been cleared by the control tower the u. A. E. 1st deployed troops to the island in april its presence there has fueled protests and divided residence in the heart and lies closer to somalia than yemen it strategically important because it sits at the entrance to the gulf of aden when speaking now to Catherine Chatham whos director of the yemen unit a think tank the next Century Foundation thanks very much for being with us or do we have any idea who these inverted commas wanted people watch have been. Yeah i dont think there is sound there are many details that just come out. I think its its quite its heading up the kind of Political Tension that exists still in between how the governments and those who actually participate in rafah did occur addition in yemen so its quite interesting to see that theres still some deep divides and that its leading to this kind of confrontations i dont think theyre going to seriously ever again i think it shows how very. How ready to power or even traction president had actually able to wield in yemen in particular in the south where he was to have more power given the fact that hes actually thrown from the audience and therefore its its its really his home ground for his Political Base that is its getting thinner by the day so i mean we mentioned the positioning of psychiatry explain to us how the u. S. Has been involved in it what its been doing since a quarter. Wow you it when when it decided to to get some growth rate area speaking in yemen at the behest of saudi arabia always makes very clear that it wanted to secure or to position one and i dont and the other one is supposed to number one in ed and i think to kind of fortified. Its position its maritime position and ensured that i den would Work Together with dubai as it goes to to work in competition with dubai trials causes me to truly speaking just for tickly place well placed and the u. A. E. Always wanted to have a base there to have a little i said i think you base sitting directly on the world and of course looking on to the horn of africa maybe to make sure that its cheap would not fall prey to pirates do upgrades in the region and of course it allows the u. A. E. To do you have a good major position against maybe other regional powers and to be able to reinforce its position and of course it is job political traction so the region sort of go back to the incident to all the supposed instance of these people being whisked away from. What reaction to expect from the yemeni government. Well i think of course i dont think theyre going to be quite pleased and its quite possible that they really should statement and condemned the u. N. Intervention but then again i dont think its going to do anything if anything i think is just going to prove once again that president had he has very little power if its all in yemen and in the 1000 particularly even though an agreement was actually brokered without the news. Hes positioned towards the south in Traditional Council and southerners to mons to to actually have secession continues to plague its presidency and actually it would his position even even more so i dont think that it would be in his best interest actually cynically i think he would be a bit more pragmatic on his part to actually try to find a political solution with the u. A. E. And try to figure out why is it that people continue to defy his his presidency but i dont think that on the ground he would be able to do much if at all catherine thank you very much indeed for your thoughts thank you. Argentina says it will allow former bolivian president evo morales to make political statements after it granted him Refugee Status he had been asked not to discuss politics publicly meanwhile in bolivia interim president genyen years says an arrest warrant will soon be issued against morale is she said he has to answer for his crimes if you returns home for others left the country in november after resigning following protests over octobers disputed election results. In chile the government has been holding consultations ballots on the countrys constitution which is being asked whether they want to replace it and if so whether citizens should help draft it consultation could lead to a referendum on the issue next year its an effort by the government to appease protesters whove been on the streets for weeks ever rising living costs and inequality is going on theyre trying that in america editors you see a new man whos in santiago so hes here the consultation has wrapped up for the day did many people take part. It has the official statistics havent come out but there has been an unofficial announcement already that at least online which is where most of the way that most people are able to vote and this is Something Like one and a half 1000000 chileans did cast ballots electronically and that is more than what the organizers had actually hoped for they said that if they had a little bit more than a 1000000 that would be a very very good sampling this is a kind of a dress rehearsal if you like of a referendum that is going to take place on the 26th of april but thats a long time from now especially considering that we have been having daily protests some of them quite violent for exactly 2 months now and that this had been a demand a very very widespread demand of citizens and yet nobody had ever really asked people exactly what they wanted and how they wanted it done rather the agreement to hold a referendum for a new constitution in april that has been done has been organized by the congress and so now people will say whether they prefer for it to be half lawmakers half citizens or completely all the citizens who are elected directly who will decide on how and what to write in the constitution and then they also today were able to to earmark the priorities of a list of 11 things that people consider that are the most important and what they most need in the country so i understand that its known binding is that this consultation so do we know how much of this is actually going to end up in the final. Well that is the very that is the 50000000. 00 question it is it is not binding but it is according to the people who are who are carrying this out and thats the whole point its going to be morally binding on lawmakers and on the government of they have a very very large support for certain things like reform 1st of all a complete reform of the constitution and no one not just changes secondly people say they want to have state pensions Better Health education if they if they numerate quite clearly what their priorities are and if the government ignores it that is just going to add more fuel to the fire and what everybody is trying to do certainly in congress and in the government as well as in the municipalities who are holding this this unofficial plebiscite if you like is to help people calm down and let them realise that in an institutional way they can find a way out of this crisis which is having the terrible effect on the economy not just on the streets you see in human thank you very much. Plus more still to come this hour new but humanitarian concerns in western asia as increasing taxes and more people flee their homes. One person is rubbish is another persons treasure but out into his recycles fear the countrys prized important waste could make them as worthless. And as for tiger woods captain of his country to victory at the president s cup details coming up nation. How there are still some big thunderstorms around in europe or right on the edge of europe just flowing through greece and towards cyprus in fact the biggest downpours recorded in cyprus 150 millimeters but thats just discrete rainfall and this is frankly dying out whats happening rather more obviously is this string of clouds in western france a stunning facts a warning of flooding all the way down through south western france borders science words and thats largely because its a more or less a river of rain in the atmosphere but it is buckley and its now focusing more on portugal and maybe a bit on the fronts of the next couple of days whereas all of Eastern Europe seeing quite a weather and a southerly breeze will actually see temperatures slowly rise not risen persistent fog and thats an indication here but its not quite as cold as i think the sunshine itll fail it let me take you into tuesday and this is Development Area the western med once again its cold with some snow in the highest ground in spite but most were talking about rain rain showers probably and here its all settled and warming up slowly if you dont in the fog so ken is going to be affected northwest africa or about 20 degrees is going to be a wet one on monday and windy not rain extends down to Western Sahara and spreads eastwards towards our area staying in morocco on tuesday. After years of overgrazing the damage caused to the precious grasslands of chile is being reversed with one of the worlds biggest avocados savation projects. Theyre pretty emblematic of the patagonians out if their plan to fall and their calm like this one is then you know that the system is coming back and that they feel no threats and thats why your car. Patagonia on aljazeera investigative journalist Seymour Hersh in harms way cause global experts in discussion 3 toshiba deal and you disagree with the deal because of the terrible twos the worst of all it was brought to us when we went to the stories from other angles. Open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today you have to rethink pretty much everything thank you for talking to aljazeera the place programs to inspire you on aljazeera. Half. One of the top stories here now to 0 the cop 25. 00 Climate Summit in the dritte has ended with a compromise deal thats disappointed many it pushes for greater ambition the Greenhouse Gas cuts but there were no decision on rules for international Carbon Markets. For a 2nd night lebanese Security Forces have driven away sawzall of antigovernment protesters who are rallying outside parliament in beirut with president to name a new independent head of government. And turkeys president says he will give whatever support necessary to libyaS Internationally recognized government comes after his foreign minister said hed be willing to send troops to count toward khalifa haftar. Thousands of people have fled their homes in west new share or to fight is linked to eisele attacked an army camp on tuesday killing 71 soldiers the violence has raised new humanitarian concerns in the region close to nature as border with mali im going to just report from mondays capital bamako. Understand what saddam did by friends and family mohammad a target that describes his near death experience when i was still fighters at the town of connectors last week for the time they said. Theyd return to you know just a few months ago hoping to rebuild their lives what do i gain forced to return to this can be nice at around 50 kilometers from you notice. When we 1st came here we almost died because of hunger we were under attack and we could have died so we flee will never return home again. Im groups in that immortal lawless held desert region recently escalated attacks on both military bases and civilian communities killing hundreds and forcing thousands to seek safety. Like many people in the camp for the displaced. Hammett said she run out of options of where to go the do what are. We fled from in a tense because of insecurity and its everywhere we go we are frightened we dont feel safe. Here refugees in the camp are just broken with little protection from the elements or much. Of people are suffering from hunger and they cant go back to their village to return to the village of flood again security conditions are deteriorating day after day and theres no hope they might improve. What the attack on in a just last recourse the highest number of casualties in living memory on this years army in a single day. And more about expected because intelligence reports are just increased collaboration between i still and i am good here in west africa also likely killings and displacement in a region already unable to cope with thousands of refugees from previous right. Reasons aljazeera romack. The wife of zimbabwes Vice President Constantino Chiwenga has been arrested on charges of Money Laundering and fraud my remove by where was arrested on saturday evening of charges involving 1000000. 00 u. S. Dollars and is likely to appear in court on monday the charges were brought by the countrys Anti Corruption commission which was appointed by president this year the group is under pressure to show it can tackle high level graft theres just a day to go until the deadline for iraqs president to nominate a new Prime Minister i dont abdul mahdi stepped down earlier this month after weeks of violent antigovernment protests which killed more than 400. 00 people despite his resignation demonstrators continued to demand a complete overhaul of the political system dosage of ari reports from baghdad. A constitutional crisis is looming in Iraqs Parliament this summer the 1st was when m. P. s accepted the resignation of outgoing Prime Minister. President barham saleh has until december the 16th to nominate his replacement who will have to form a new government within 30 days. And what theyre doing. If the deadline is not met will be facing a violation of the constitution and that means all options are available including holding the president responsible for breaking the law as well as early elections. Oh complicating things further one of the largest Political Coalition blocks of parliament which includes the crisis ali party say they are not going to support any candidate proposed by the president widespread anti western sentiments here only deepen the political divides the new Prime Minister must be able to balance the fragile relationship iraq has with both neighboring iran and the United States this banner reads that whoever the next Prime Minister is going to be it will fail because he hasnt been elected by the people here its our viewers where now despite all these security threats it is demonstrators phrase on a regular basis the president is not of the security presence here and those include for nothing d to stabbing through the fighting thats going on there is no worse as they continue to come out on a regular basis but the longer it is the wonderful uncertainty continues the longer these demonstrators remain vulnerable to attacks since the latest series of protests began here on october the 1st of these 460 people have been killed and thousands injured many blame the crackdown on militias backed by iran. And it a. J. We know that by coming to the square we are taking a risk we may be detained we may be killed but it is still out g. T. We cant just sit at home and do nothing we want to civilize state and if we have to die for it then thats the price we pay for freedom. Well. I dont feel safe here the government hasnt done its job in making these areas secure abductions on the rise the people who are supposed to protect us here are not whats the point of having Security Forces one armed. Shia gunmen loyal to iran were blamed for killing 25. 00 protesters their home on the square in baghdad on the sumburgh the 7th the government says it launched an investigation but no one has been held accountable. And on friday protesters reportedly took matters into their own hands when a 16 year old armed with a rifle was reportedly spotted shooting at them from the roof of his home the teenager was beaten to death and his body hung from the traffic lights as the protests demanding political change more jobs and less corruption go on and the security situation continues to deteriorate day by day iraqis are also crying out for leadership and stability dorsetshire pari al jazeera back to. Top democrats in the u. S. House of representatives have been making last minute pitches to republicans but why should a vote to impeach President Trump theres a head of a vote in the democratic led house which will set up a trial in the Republican Controlled Senate where she had to tell us he joins us live from washington d. C. So what ive been saying in this pitch the same arguments weve heard for many many months now this is about precedent its about principle therefore republicans care about the constitution they have no choice but to impeach is what a great house of representatives is expected to do next wednesday. I would just say to my republican colleagues who appear to be on the verge of shirking their constitutional duty if theyre prepared to say that a president and states can simply say no to any congressional subpoena and tie up the congress for years and litigation it is going to have to accept corruption malfeasance negligence misconduct in any future president democrat or republican are we really prepared to go down that road i think this may be the most serious of the articles because it was would fundamentally alter the balance of power and allow for much greater misconduct in the chief executive the country he is openly seeking foreign interference in 2020 election and he poses a continuing threat to our National Security and to the integrity of our elections to our democratic system so we cannot permit that to continue absolutely no evidence that those arguments are having any any impact on republican members of congress are a solid block against impeachment in fact actually out im sure theyre talking about precedent interesting lee any precedents that republicans are talking about is the normalization of impeachment donald trump and republicans saying look now that when we get the house of representatives as a democratic president were going to start using impeachment perhaps more often now that the democrats have this mean for the wider public as a whole the opinion polls have remained steady despite these constant arguments 505050 percent in favor of of impeachment 50 percent against impeachment or frankly dont cap and in the meantime theres been a defection ever impeachment tell us about that and has any significant to do. And thats another interesting thing we saw the democrats are trying to get the republicans on board with impeachment but actually its some democrats who are on board with impeachment we have a congressman from new jersey represents a rural part of new jersey who had already said that he intended to vote against impeachment on wednesday who is likely to join the Republican Party in the coming days he had a meeting with all trump at the white house about this on friday this is partly due to because because if he does vote against impeachment as hes expected to do hes likely to face a primary challenger in the Democratic Party this will avoid that problem he may face if he stays in the Democratic Party but hes not alone in the Democratic Party at least maybe 2 others maybe more may vote against impeachment in the Democratic Party in the house and in the senate to theres talk of maybe 2 senators who will vote against impeachment so that means that when this is all said and done when the Senate Acquits donald trump as theyre expected to do in january not only can the republicans say that he was vindicated but they can also say look the only moment of bipartisanship is when some democrats voted against impeachment thank you very much indeed. Now the leader of the u. K. s labor party has apologized for thursdays historic election defeat its worst result for more than 80 years Jeremy Corbyn says hes sorry labor came up short after the party lost 59 of its seats in parliament but he also insists they won the arguments on austerity inequality and the Climate Emergency in already announced his intention to resign as party leader early next year the conservative party and a promise to Boris Johnson secured a majority of 80 its biggest win in 30 years. In albania 9 people have been arrested in connection with 51. 00 deaths during an earthquake last month prosecutors say 17 builders engineers and officials a suspected of breaching construction regulations which led to the collapse of buildings during the 6. 00 magnitude quake the charges include suspicion of homicide and abuse of power police are still looking for 8 other suspects. Rescue operations are underway after a powerful earthquake in the southern philippines a child was killed and dozens of people were injured when the magnitude 6. 9 tremor at the island of mindanao the region is still recovering from a series of deadly quakes in october officials in devoured of sewer problem say a 3 story Market Building collapsed trapping an unknown number of people inside patients have been evacuated from hospitals as a precaution after several small but strong aftershocks. Recovery teams in new zealand have been unable to find the bodies of the last 2 victims of last mondays volcanic eruption search and rescue crews were deployed to an area of white island where the bodies were most likely to be the could not stay long due to toxic gases 16 people have now died after one victim succumbed to their injuries at a hospital in australia on sunday but he said they remain committed to recovering the 2 missing bodies. We dont give up easily result of disappointed people back behind me with regard to what weve tried today in the interests of returning people to loved ones so i have a bit of a day very friend but ill tell you what ill be back up the night on in terms of their motivation to get the job done police in hong kong have made arrests and used pepper spray on protesters at Shopping Centers in the city i. Told groups of prodemocracy demonstrators took part in rallies designed to coincide with the Pink Christmas shopping period he said number of stores were damaged and the smoke bomb was set off from too many to close early it comes ahead of a meeting between the territories chief executive and the chinese premier in beijing on monday. Many in argentina say the country is struggling to sort out its own waste and now it could be about to start importing it from abroad and all brought in by the former president would allow it environmentalist some people whose livelihood is based on recycling a worried turns about reports what is ours. Recycling has been for years the way these people have of making a living that the says she makes around 250. 00 a month and it helps her provide for her 4 children. This helps i have 4 kids and with this i can feed them and buy clothes im lucky enough to have my house but this helps a lot these recyclers are known locally as kind of the needles theres about 150 of them in this car pretty even when a site is recycling centers like this one play a crucial role in argentinas Waste Management system because they not only prevent the selfinvolved cold like this one from ending in a sanitary landfill but it also helps her an informal labor into a professional activity. But these days recycler is here are worried after the former government signed a decree. That n. G. O. S say has turned waste into a commodity. The government announced they will allow the import of trash and this will hurt us because what we recycle here will lose value if our buyers can get their products for a cheaper price than we would be left without a job argentinas constitution prohibits the import of foreign waste by the former administration of maggoty and now study cree that would allow the import of specific items that would be destined for national production. Maglis government said the decree was misinterpreted. But people here are not convinced saying that countries like china ended up closing its borders to forging waste for a reason most of their is a waste you receive from. Is not and its not possible to get into name history its all a very low person dish of what from outside that you could be recycling so what is really happening is you are going to be paid for taking garbage father countries in your country. The measure has been denounced by environmental and recycled and i say asians who are pushing the new administration awful lot of the for man this to suspend the decree. By saying this measure since a precedent for other countries in latin america that want to import waste of like argentina its a bad example but. Many in argentina say this country is already struggling with its own trash. And even though the government claims the system needs change when we cyclers here it will be at their expense. So i had this news hour. I definitely feel passionate about not flying as Global Climate talks fail to Reach Agreement we look at how individuals are reducing that carbon travel footprints. And race at the track cycling world cup in australia descends into chaos viral have all the details in sport. Capturing a moment in time. Snapshots of all the lives. Of the stories. Provided tips into someone elses work out. The. Do the or. Inspiring documentaries from impassioned filmmakers. And witness on aljazeera. Aljazeera. You read every your. Again thousands of people worldwide have joined a movement to avoid flying its all to do with rising awareness of air travelers contribution to Climate Change a campaign highlighted by environmentalist gratitude ben moss is part of the growing movement to stay out of the skies im ben i live in bristol and i choose not to fly i am a wood recycler we collect wood waste from whoever is throwing it away we bring it back to our yard we clean it up in the cellar and we make stuff out of the workshop. I dont fly because its probably the heaviest Carbon Footprint that we create as individuals Global Warming and our diversity loss are exacerbated by flying chosen to minimize my flying over the years i definitely feel passionate about not flying the journey im about to take our leave bristol tonight on a train from Bristol Temple meads to london ill travel across london stay with my brother in brixton tomorrow morning i will take a bus to london some pancras and ill get on the 540 train to paris or change at paris to paris montparnasse ill get on the t. G. V. Original i will change your original and i will go to or she and i arrive in the south of france at about 4 in the afternoon i dont have a problem with a long journey as long as its comfortable and definitely have a problem with the long journey that is on a plane flights are so cheap and that maddens me the its so much cheaper to fly places than take the train i have some remorse about the fact that japan seems like a long way away. But these are also products of a culture where by we think its some kind of entitlement that we should be able to see all these places. More people of. A longing with me i feel less alone than i did say year ago i also recognize that there is a bigger issue within society of no one wants to take a step forward and that if one takes a step Forward Together the actions of individuals have impacts beyond what we might initially perceive. What do i miss about travel very little. Japan has officially unveiled at the main stadium that will host next years take your lympics the 68000. 00 seater venue has cost 1400000000. 00 and was built on the site of the former National Stadium used for the 164 games construction started late in 2016 after the original design was scrapped due to high costs. As far as all sport. Lauren thank you so much arsenals inter manager has had to deflect questions about messages those criticisms of the Chinese Government it follows arsenals 3 nil loss to Manchester City in the English Premier League the german was substitute in the 2nd half of the match which had been pulled from Chinese Television as all recently criticize chinas treatment of weaker muslims on social media arsenal distance itself from his comments maintaining the club was always apolitical the Chinese Football Association branded as old comments as unacceptable. Well the word may. Not be because. He told. Me. Today and we havent had the discussion with the club what i should and shouldnt do in trying to concentrate on the game my own opinion about it is of course all speak to the club what i think but what ive been told is they will deal with those discussions and ill leave that to the well men cities when doesnt move them up from 3rd in the e. P. L. But they do cut their gap behind leaders liverpool to 14 points Manchester United drew against everton to sit 6 then the table top number one place above them they beat wolves 21 thanks to an injury time winner is one of these victories where quality is not enough. If you are not a team a real team in the real sense of. What the word team means. Is impossible. They are very very good. European champions liverpool have arrived in doha ahead of their opening match of the Club World Cup they take on mexican side monterrey in the semifinals on wednesday liverpool are aiming to win the tournament for the 1st time in their history. Cristiana rinaldo fired events as to victory over it in a. Z. And syria on sunday before g. S International scored twice to li uva to a 31 win the goals take is highly for the season to 11 in 19 appearances and the weekend 2nd level on points with leaders enter drew with few when tina. Romo moved up to 4th in the table by beating spall they were behind in the 1st half but came back with 3 goals after the break an argument berrien scored just 4 minutes after coming on as a sub in the very minute to seal ramos one with. The 1st test in pakistan in over a decade has ended in a draw it was largely a rain disrupted match but at least there was some history made on the final day came at the hands of pakistan opener out of the alley he was playing his maiden test it was in good form against sri lanka sri lankas attack his score of 109 not out makes him the 1st player to hit a century on his test one Day International debut this was the 1st test match pakistani soil since the attack in lahore on the Sri Lanka Team boss in 2009. Words celebrating another title win this time as a team captain at the president s cup in australia the us became the 1st team in the advanced 25 year history to win the trophy after trailing ahead of the final day and the richardson reports. A year that began with his 15th major title victory is ending with more smiles and success to talk to woods this time for his country leading the usa to an 8th straight win but the president s cup which came as a team cause my teammates and my boys all played well the captains did an amazing job of just being there for every little detail. I could i dont with all their help and. All by boys. They did it was only elseS International team had a 108. 00 advantage going into the final day i the United States Team Tiger Woods woods led from the front of australias royal melbourne course the 1st playing captain in 25 years was up against Abraham Hanson of mexico in the 1st of 12 singles matches he went on to secure a record 27th win in the event with a 3 and 2 victory was on saturday patrick rates katty was ejected from the event the fighting with a spectator was 24 hours later raid was winning a valuable point for the us at one stage tony finn i was 4 down against a diekema at sea almost japan but he fought back to hold his match was a win for australias Cameron Smith briefly gave one fan some hope but when matt koocher rolled in this part. Was the title was decided. With his 1st taste of Team Captaincy ending in a 1614. 00 when the internationals 2 decade wait for success goes on if you cant be out the month paper was other. Teams you know in other sports. You would aloft as out of the building. But we. Never go and we can mightily close to 0 or it was a tiger in the u. S. Will be aiming for a 9th consecutive trophy win when they defend the title in North Carolina in 2 years time. And the richardson aljazeera. And there was a huge crash at the track cycling a world cup in australia the womens omnium scratch race descended into chaos says half of the field were wiped out in brisbane. I. Saw how rider and admin stand managed to stay on the track and when gaults. And that is all your support for now its now back to lauren in london. Thank you very much indeed now an iconic pair of sunglasses owned by the singer john lennon has sold at auction for nearly a 153000. 00 the former beatle known for his love of secular glasses left the pat on the back seat of his chauffeurs car after they broke his driver alan herring sold them to sothebys auction is and is considered one of the most popular singer songwriters of the 20th century he was shot dead by a fan outside his new york apartment in december 980. S. It for me for a moment more news in a few minutes. From the aljazeera london procar center 2 special guests in conversation when your government is going after what do you do on prompted uninterrupted we have a deep state and in this teligent service to whatever they want to whoever they want whenever they want the trees color is nice locate black people for as long as weve been fighting back have been labeled as terrorist studio to be unscripted on aljazeera a city defined by military occupation theres never been an arab state here with the capital of jerusalem everyone is welcome but this depot structure that mean things because only project thats what we refuse it was one of the founders of the settlement with this and the story of jerusalem through the eyes of its own people segregation occupation discrimination injustice this is apartheid in the 21st century jerusalem a rock and a. Hard place on aljazeera. Culture a dance thrives here every day generations of tibetans continue to brace and be taking their Cultural Heritage its a reminder of who they are and whether. This is a suburb of the capital new delhi tibet so the refugees here since 964. Have been defined as migrants are not refugees because india hasnt signed up to the 1951 Un Convention on refugees so tibetans here have been able to access the Indian Welfare system so they become selfsufficient setting up their a businesses and looking for work independently but for some its not enough. Happy i dont think anybody should be happy disappointment in madrid the u. N. Climate talks grind to a close with major polluters still resisting pressure to step up efforts to fight Global Warming. And this is live from london also coming up. For a 2nd night in a row lebanese Security Forces chase out protesters rallying outside parliament

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