Eritrea. A new president takes office in argentina as the country is providing us reclaim power and debate over the state of the u. K. s Battle Health service reaches fever pitch 2 days before the general election. U. S. Democrats have officially revealed to articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump and their bid to remove him from office the articles outlined charges including abuse of power and obstruction of the congressional inquiry will trump and his White House Team are accused of withholding aid to ukraine to pressure it and investigation joe biden a potential democratic challenger in the 2020 president ial race in service to our duty to the constitution and to our country. The House Committee on the judiciary is introducing 2 articles of impeachment charging the president of the United States donald j. Trump with committing high crimes and misdemeanors the 1st article is for abuse of power it is an Impeachable Offense for the president to exercise the powers of his Public Office to obtain an improper personal benefit while ignoring or in injuring the National Interest this gives rise to the 2nd article of impeachment for obstruction of congress here too we see a familiar pattern in president terms is conduct a president who declares himself above accountability above the American People and the bulk of congresss power of impeachment which is meant to protect against threats to our Democratic Institutions is a president who sees himself as above the law we must be clear no one not even the president is above the law. When i was house Correspondent Committee how can standing by for us but 1st. Joining us live from capitol hill and well knowing what the charges would be heidi so talk us through what the chairs of these various committees involved in the investigation for hearings have been saying about why they are focusing on these charges. Elizabeth on this abuse of power charge is interesting because now laura says that not only is this focused on ukraine but he mentioned this pattern of misconduct in his words that date back to trumps dealing with the russian best again saying that he his campaign in 2016 welcomed russian interference in his favor to win those elections and now trump as president is soliciting ukraine for interference in the upcoming election to her to determine whether he has a 2nd term in office now on the 2nd article of impeachment obstruction of congress that focuses on the president s efforts to not cooperate with impeachment investigators not of allowing his inner circle to comply with congressional subpoena to testify and not handing over documents now adam schiff the house intelligence chair said that this has made it so difficult and that if this were allowed to continue without being held accountable it would in his words decimate congresss ability to conduct oversight of this president and future president s he also addressed the question of why not wait for the ports to intervene and perhaps compel that inner circle the president s advisers to testify will shift said that waiting would simply be too long it would take months the elections would come before then and in his words he said waiting would be synonymous to allowing the president to quote cheat one more time to thank you for that hi joe castro on capitol hill lets bring in our White House Correspondent kimberly how could so now that the white house president. Of the formal charges committee will trump will the white house Strategy Change which will. The strategy has been fairly unified from the beginning and that is let the president speak for himself and everybody else sort of follows in line and this is been a president who has declared really from the beginning of these allegations no wrongdoing and has been fighting back every step of the way with the announcement of these articles of impeachment the 2 charges the sensually the u. S. President has not changed his posture in any way just the opposite hes been tweeting in the last hour or so calling this again a witch hunt ridiculous horrible and fraudulent and also maintaining that to the ukrainian leader vladimir is a lead ski of course the phone call between the 2 the sort of foundation of this impeachment inquiry saying that there was no pressure now this isnt accurate by the White House Press secretary Stephanie Grisham who sent out a more polished statement saying that this was a baseless and partisan attempt to undermine a sitting president and to overturn the votes of 63000000 americans calling these articles out early baseless well it doesnt look like the president is going to change his tactic as we see this heading towards eventually a vote in the house of representatives and let a trial in the u. S. Senate where we also see this fight going on though is in the court of Public Opinion the democrats did have a sort of difficult calculation to make in all of this would that if they pressed forward with the articles of peaches with this potentially backfire on them and where were seeing some key polling right now in 3 battleground states the president won in 2016 is that since this has occurred the support for the president in those battleground states support for President Trump has actually gone up. Committee thank you for that for now that is the committee how can live in washington d. C. Well lets move on to other news now in ethiopia has promised to receive the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to foster a peaceful may bring eritrea he was recognized has a role in ending a decades long military standoff and reestablishing relations between the 2 countries on diplomatic editor james bays reports. This was recognition of a man whos only been in office for 20 months Prime Minister ahmed ali praised for changing a few here in that time releasing fantasies of Political Prisoners and putting the country on a more open policy but the committee that gives the award was determined to make one thing clear to the new leader of the country that in the past has been led by kings strong men and dictators by awarding you the Nobel Peace Prize we were not expressing an opinion on how or if you should lead the e. C. O. P. M. People in the future. The leadership of ethiopia and its political platform must be decided by ethiopian people and the ethiopian people alone she said Prime Minister was the main architects of the peace with there a trail and this was not a joint toward it was still more work to be done between the 2 countries at present this work seems to be at a standstill it is the hope of the new weve been Nobel Committee that your previous achievements coupled with the added encouragement of the peace prize will spur the parties to further implementation of the peace treaties be but after accepting the prize the new Nobel Laureate made it clear he felt he was also accepting it on behalf of the eritrean counterpart. Of work he served this award on behalf of video peons and its rience likewise i accept this award on behalf of my partner and common imp is president. It was good will just be as good will trust in commitment were vital in ending the 2 decade deadlock between our countries. The speech continued in a tone of humility from a leader who started from the most Humble Beginnings and worked his way up through the military ranks off to fighting in the war with air a trainer as a young soldier hes a say that reserve was the reason to deploy all media interviews in oslo a decision that cause some controversy but he may need more than humility for his next time ask and 28 team he was installed as Prime Minister when his predecessor resigned next year in may to face an Election Campaign for the 1st time james by aljazeera. To argentina now where alberto if a man this is being sworn in as president in the capital when assad is is expected to take an oath and front of his newly appointed ministers of the casado saw the president ial palace he and his Vice President ial running mate and former president Cristina Kirchner defeated maurice your mark and im tired as an election one lets bring in our correspondent toris about whos joining us live from when a site is and they have been banned at celebrations tereza but also huge challenges ahead so what is president fernando has been saying. The great thing right here outside the president ial palace and people continue to live here for what its considered not just to get the story theyre celebrating of democracy december 10th thats right after argentina returned to democracy back in 9683 at the time when the president informed me that thats why they stay so storage for media that the phone number is arriving driving his own car in congress trying to show him stuff that thats where morning i did this president took what he just finished delivering that speech speech that for many is considered to be inclusive in an attempt to give a night oh i do time that ive been up all arise between both this quarter that inspiration of the. So much any of those for against it in speech he spoke about there are times of solidarity because argentina is right now and that emergency crisis he also spoke about the need to unite this country and he also said that hes going to plan one of his 1st priority is going to be to put in place have a plan and again congress is 70 the country that produces school for around 400000000 people worldwide while it cannot be that around 15000000. 00 of them in this country are going hungry if thats what he said that thats going to be what a few main priorities the biggest challenge for us at a federal level ever is argentinas Economic Situation 40 percent of its way around 60 Percent Inflation rate in the spicier and of course before we get the benefit of the 4 that sort of be one of the biggest issues that gratian irrespective but on this has really had even a minister or not me or there having a role that name out of things matter working alongside the nobel peace nobel the money that is a winner. Took steps to get out hes been very very critical of the International Monetary fund so there we can measures implemented and losing money going to be in charge of renegotiating argentina for you that i said before even that i think that the possibilities of what are you know that could be very very dicey and very very difficult to carry situation right now well for you in the pressure that was expected probably or any minute now somebody by former president weve seen every month the 1st floor of their sacrifice record of course the liberation in this case people thats for the credit. That i think that are right about what makes them thank you. So much because recognizes the monkeys who believe that the fact that everything back in our. You know even before. It was. Out of the way basically. That was the thought that the top guy. There were right at the point here and the president by the way i would like. To thank you for that to raise a boy with all the nations live and thank you and still ahead on the. Coast of the hague to defend her countrys treatment of rwanda muslims and the gulf leaders call for unity despite ongoing divisions between members of the g. C. C. Quiet weather this time of years is to be expected in china apart from it a passing thought that is door normally and now the picture temperature wise were about average shanghai is at 1523. 00 and the skies are clear so its sunny by day apart from here a bit of lift so really we talk about north you know when you go to the cloud and want to show is the breeze is still blowing quite nicely down through the South China Sea its the northeast monsoon which shows itself in the face of bengal as well it picks up by the sheriff. Will not be the route that many at the moment really have been the last 24 hours or so this cloud gathering for the north of on the edge of india and pakistan and out of gaza itself bring more rain and significant stout stretches back to afghanistan and through pakistan itself might bring some rain but more likely its going to be in northwestern india however its active weather season and there has been some rain in most of the gulf countries is more today in eastern side the bahrain qatar and across the wars the u. A. E. As well the temperatures tend to stay about the same but the changing weather type on thursday is the skies clear the showers go is the shamali thats that northerly breeze usually makes it cold or at least feel colder for a while but the suns out in the sky once again and thats true for virtually all. Our planet is warming as never before with profound consequences for all life on earth but the worlds leading Scientists Say there is still time to act planet s. O. S. Sets out the facts on the Science Behind the issues affecting our planet. And brings you what people across the globe are doing to turn the crisis around planet or s. O. s on aljazeera. Theyre watching aljazeera a reminder of our top stories this hour and u. S. Democrats have revealed 2 articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump theyre charging him with abuse of power and obstruction of the congressional inquiry is accused of pressuring ukraine into investigating political rival joe biden. Ethiopias Prime Minister has received the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts fostering peace with the countrys neighbor eritrea. Says he was accepted the prestigious award on behalf of ethiopians and ever trains had made the ultimate sacrifice for peace. And Alberto Fernandez is being sworn in as argentinas president in the capital in a sideways he and his wife president ial running mate and former president Cristina Kirchner defeated maurice your mockery of election. And now to some breaking news from washington d. C. With the state department has Just Announced that its designating mohamed atta to be thats the former consul general of saudi arabia in istanbul hes accused of gross Human Rights Violations of the murder case of saudi dissident journalist. Gets bring in jane shes joining us live from washington d. C. So what does this mean exactly patty and how serious is it. To tell you the truth not a whole lot basically it means that this gentleman and his family can no longer be allowed into the United States those you mentioned mohammed. He was already saying because of the murder of Jamal Khashoggi along with. More than a dozen others and those were the much more serious sanctions those could have included an asset freeze but so why now why are they doing this while the state Department Release that just came out said this is International Human rights day so they picked 2 people he is one of them so the same sions against him not all that significant but what could be seen the significant is across the globe all of the people that the u. S. Could have chosen they chose him it does send a message theres basically saying that they are still calling for saudi arabia to conduct a fair transparent trial of those involved this is not a story that people have been talking about in the u. S. The murder has really disappeared from the headlines this has the potential to bring it back thats somewhat unusual because this is the trumpet ministration theyve gone to Great Lengths to try and really tamp down this story so this is sending a message that the u. S. State department elise is still taking this seriously thank you for that atika with the latest live in washington d. C. Thank you. Now the u. K. The general Election Campaign has entered its final stages ahead of thursdays vote and the state of the national Health Service has been thrust of the forefront of the agenda paul brennan has more this is jacqueline 4 years old with suspected pneumonia hes been taken out of the hospital bed and placed on the floor of the infirmary in leeds with just a coat beneath them. Published on the front page of the u. K. s mirror newspaper it has caused widespread concern but it was the Prime Ministers reluctance to even look at the photograph which is elevated to a political storm but i look at what it took me now probably to study it hopefully look at it now this is just one of them they have everything we really need to look at the fight so you take my phone put it in your pocket Prime Minister his mother says the n. H. S. Is in crisis whats your response right now i think that its a terrible terrible fighter right in my politicized obviously to the families of all those who who have term experiences in the originals 103 organized visit to the infirmary by the conservative Health Secretary ended in an angry sendoff from protest us were here and want to listen. To what. The conservatives told journalists that a Party Official had been punched by a demonstrator the video of the contact showed it was no punch a hole. The conservative stood accused of fake news with just 2 days to polling day the labor party and the liberal democrats both attacking the government for its track record on the national Health Service the shortage of pads the shortage of nurses the shortage of doctors shortage of radiologists and the shortage of funding in our n. H. S. Is an absolute scandal those images of that little boy in any are absolutely heartbreaking and its really stroll and powerful example of how the n. H. S. Is being starved of the resources that it needs out of all the images and issues that have been thrown into the election mix in the past 5 weeks the photograph of Jacqueline Barr has resonated more than any other the campaign has become personal and with less than 48 hours until polling stations open the competing parties are now engaged in frantic skirmishing to either maximize the impact or minimize the damage paul brennan aljazeera. Now gulf leaders have made a show of unity at a summit in. The capital despite divisions within the Gulf Cooperation Council the Group Quarter greater military and Financial Corporation while the diplomatic blockade of cover was also a major issue at the summit which they cut the way Prime Minister attended in saudi arabia the u. A. E. Behind in egypt cut diplomatic and economic ties with catherine 2017 accusing the country of supporting terrorism which though has repeatedly denied and the g. C. C. Secretary general said there are ongoing diplomatic efforts to end the crisis north this is. As you may have noticed since the crisis began weve been moving in 2 axis the 1st is the crisis itself and the core of the problem his Royal Highness the emir of kuwait has been mediating between all concerned parties and this was at the highest level as you have seen all of this state leaders have been hailing the air force exerted by his Royal Highness the emir of qatar and this mediation is still ongoing but the other axes involved the concerns raised by that was getting countries to separate the day to day cooperation between the respective Member States this should be set aside and i mean defense cultural and Economic Cooperation which should be separated from the crisis itself. Well lets bring in our there are senior political analyst might wonder shara hes joining us live here in doha given the levels of animosity between members over the past 2 and a half years while other positive signs that weve seen at the summit how significant would you say they are. Well lets say theres a good opening now as the Qatari Foreign minister said a few days ago the question is out of the stalemate and into some dynamics of sort whether that dynamics would lead to a quick solution or more of a later solution it of course remains to be seen clearly as you said because of the tension of the hostility and the lack of trust this will not be a one event type of resolution this will be a long process that will involve a lot of events and a lot of confidence Building Measures including a good number of guarantees a new accords whereby a country whether it is qatar or other country needs to feel safe within a union if they really claim that this is one big family well a person needs to belong a country needs to belong so in a sense were going to have to see a good way and more coming out of saudi arabia and others in the next weeks and months and not one why do you think that we are saying these positive signs now well look clearly theres been failure failure in the war in yemen failure and regional policies failure in strategy towards iran and clearly failure of the g. C. C. And the boycott of qatar. So lessons have been learned apparently the question is what do you do now do you really admit failure as weve been hearing in earlier bulletins you know Something Like the United States took them years to admit now or that its been revealed that theyve been lying about losing in afghanistan while here we have something similar 5 years of the war near him and 2 and a half years of the crisis in the Gulf Cooperation Council and there is no real admission neither of guilt of failure well now that it seems to be that there are some cracks it seems to me that so uribe more than the others more than the United Arab Emirates and egypt. Is willing to talk to to to the qataris and to try to begin some sort of a new understanding and thats why there are 4 looked like a warm reception by the king of saudi arabia to the Prime Minister of qatar does a show that saudi arabia may be more serious and others also if you follow the social media atmosphere in saudi arabia and the sort of the trolls d is also for you know this that saudi arabia is cooling off more than the others in this crisis and iran thank you so much for that is our senior political analyst marwan bashar live in doha thank you now 2 days before voters in algeria go to the polls a court has sentenced 3 former political leaders today lengthy prison terms that comes as antigovernment protests continue across the country calling for the president ial election to be boycotted like in a cage reports. Antigovernment protesters out again on the streets this time less than 48 hours before the polling stations in algeria are opening their value in to avoid course the voice claiming it wont be fair is the ruling elite still in power at the same time 2 former Prime Ministers were being sentenced in court for corruption and fraud. Was sentenced for 15 years and his predecessor abdel now 12 an International Arrest warrant was issued before me industry minister disallows bush were arab whos not in the country in his absence he was sentenced to 20 years they all served under a long time president abdullah says beautifully car. He was forced to step down earlier this year after widespread protests rejecting his attempt to run for. Those demonstrations have the month with cause. A complete overhaul of the political system. The one weve come with slogans that say every day there will be a march and we will not start to express our refusal for this election it has been fraudulent 1st of the beginning. Analysts already predict of voter turnout of less than 15 percent there is little evidence sentencing former politicians who persuade old syrians to cast their ballots or even the ministers now. Is not going to join the mind of the. People who are actually been humbly peacefully ask for constructive change. If that change doesnt take place the future in algeria could be an unstable one nickel gauge. Now myanmars leader Aung San Suu Kyi has arrived at the uns top court in the netherlands to defend her country against genocide charges the west african state of gambia launched a bid to bring me a martyr International Justice of a military crackdown on muslim rangar assertions backed by the 57 Nation Organization for islamic cooperation more than 700000 rangar were forced to flee to neighboring barna their 2017 away in hay is in the hague and he explains why there is a high bar when it comes to proven genocide in court. It goes without saying its going to be very difficult already we have heard from the gambian attorney general also the legal team that is speaking now inside the courtroom they have referenced many times already over the past hour or so that United Nations Fact Finding Mission that found that there was genocidal intent the gambian case is going to go a lot further than that and say that there were genocidal actions and continued to be genocidal actions inside the country not just because of the attacks on the ring of religious and the People Living there including murder and rape but also in some of the other actions like discriminatory laws and rules that are designed or targeted specifically at the ring of population also hate campaigns that were carried out by various groups inside me and with allegedly the support of the me and my government we know less about what the me on my side will say when we hear from them on wednesday young son suchi herself is expected to make the Opening Statement on behalf of myanmar but it is expected they will focus largely on technical technicalities legal technicalities and with the main statement being that this court does not have the jurisdiction to rule in this particular case. And we have extended coverage of the rangar story and much more on our website at aljazeera dot com. Hello again im one of the problem and the headlines on aljazeera and the u. S. State department has Just Announced that its imposing sanctions on mohamed and a table haynes the former saudi consul general in istanbul who has an office at the time of the general. Murder the department cited has involvement and gross Human Rights Violations in a statement announcing. She was assassinated and the consular. And the toba 2018. In other news u. S. Democrats have revealed 2 articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump theyre charging him with abuse of power and obstruction of the congressional inquiry transfused of pressuring ukraine into investigating political rival joe biden. Now ethiopias a Prime Minister. Has received the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts reaching peace with the countrys neighbor eritrea was recognized for his role in ending a decades long of a tree standoff and reestablishing relations between the 2 countries receiving the prestigious award documents said he was accepting it on behalf of Nuclear Weapons and every trains we made the ultimate sacrifice for peace this is a labor of love so staying in peace is the hard work yes we must not generate it dick said the you do make war but it takes a village and a nation to be would be is for me not a joining peace is like planting and growing trees just like trees need water in good stories to grow peace requires unwavering commitment in finite patience and goodwill to cultivate in the heart of the 1st its dividend is. Alberto fernandez is beings foreigners argentinas president of the capital well aside it is these are live pictures off his victory parade where he and his Vice President ial running mate former president Cristina Kirchner defeated maurice or mark in a tub is election now must lead on fans who cheer has arrived at the uns top to netherlands to defend their country against genocide charges the west african state of gambia launched the bid to bring myanmar to International Justice of a military crackdown on muslim hunger it so it is backed by the 57 Nation Organization for islamic cooperation well those are the headlines on aljazeera do stay with us planet s. O. S. Is coming up next thank you very much for watching. Hello im a club with crucial un climate talks underway in madrid this is planet as us from kenya where Climate Change is being keenly felt by populations facing extreme weather and where River Systems are threatened by flooding and drought. As our planet warms and waterways of contaminated once mighty rivers have been reduced to thin stretches of water we speak to those who say the costs down river the boom in hydro power are too high here in kenya will learn how local communities are taking the fight to save them our river basin into their own hands and half way through cup 25. 00 that makes its from those climate talks in madrid

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