Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20240713

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Out a nationwide Vaccination Program trying to stem and Measles Outbreak that has already claimed more than 60 lives. But into these are 3 legal experts called by us democrats have testified that President Donald Trump has committed impeachable offenses but a full scholar invited by the republicans said the evidence was insufficient trump is accused of abusing his power to push ukraine into investigating his political rival joe biden hi joe castro reports now from washington d. C. You swear or affirm under penalty of perjury some of us constitutional scholars have weighed in if President Trumps ukraine scandal isnt impeachable then nothing is and professor gary hart did President Trump commit the impeachable high crime and misdemeanor of abuse of power we 3 are unanimous yes the 3 law professors called by democrats rang in unison alarm bells that the countrys democracy is under threat by the president s actions what has happened in the case today is something that i do not think we have ever seen before a president who has doubled down on violating his oath to faithfully execute the laws and to protect and defend the constitution this president has attacked each of the constitutions safeguards against establishing a monarchy in this country in the simplest possible terms the president put his personal game ahead of the National Security interest its better to be on t. V. Than by for. The 4th scholar said if trump had tried to force ukraine to investigate a political rival in exchange for military aid it would be impeachable but the scholar wednesdays sole republican witness testified the case against trump has not been proven this would be the 1st impeachment in history where there would be considerable debate in my view not compelling evidence of the commission of a crime more than a dozen white house and state department professionals have testified that trump used the power of his office to pressure ukraine to open an investigation into joe biden a potential political rival in the upcoming us president ial election the House Intelligence Committee drafted a report saying there was overwhelming evidence for this including trumps own words in a phone call with the president of ukraine thats not politics as usual at least not in the United States or not in any mature democracy trump. The law professors called by democrats represent the liberal left but he declined to testify himself and refused to send white House Attorneys to represent his case for innocence what theyre doing is a very bad thing for our country its of no merit. And the Republican Party has never been more unified ever trump is counting on republicans who control the senate to acquit him of wrongdoing in an eventual impeachment trial. Castro aljazeera washington. Is the former u. S. Justice Department Official and the host of talking feds podcast he joins me now from our in california could have you with the on the program now how much of it is about sort of the the legal housekeeping that we need to see in here in terms of todays proceedings i mean we need to hear constitutional and legal argument about whether the evidence presented by the Intelligence Committee stands up to scrutiny what was your reading of todays events. Yeah that was certainly the intention and i did the facts seem so clearly established as now a matter of saying is this impeachable or not and the case i think from the start had been fairly overwhelming the scholars tried to give the case for why it was so pretty much everything they they said it was very hard to quibble with and even these so called republican witness basically admitted to impeachability just said maybe it hadnt been proven or things were moving quickly on the other hand we already had an overwhelming case of facts that the republicans and pro trump forces which are the same thing here had been content enough to resist even though its right in front of their faces so whether that whether a testimony of academics changes anything is you know a risk and far from certain but probably a move that the democrats needed to make an analogous moves were made in previous impeachments indeed i think we knew that they would sort of be procedural debates and interruptions but how partisan is this Committee Hearing going to be and how much sway will that be to look at the facts and deal with them in a legal way that is digestible really for the u. S. Public. 2 different questions i just cant imagine so hell a greater degree of partisanship i mean i think things were divided along partisan lines in the clinton impeachment but everybody understood the facts and the need to confront but here only one side seems to see this as important and grave how how will it proceed from here i expect you know its just along party lines as it did for during the overwhelming presentation of facts before the Intelligence Committee and the republicans i think are telegraphing their content to make it a procedural circus and not to take it seriously and if they do it that way and particularly in the senate the democrats efforts to make it a serious National Sort of civics discussion are limited indeed i mean how to interpret the law and the codes to choose should is an issue and i find that quite interesting because references often made to the Founding Fathers and what they thought the parameters were of the lol and investigations should be sort of based on an 18th century circumstances the constitution has never really been updated and that will do you see that as sort of a hindrance than a problem in this sort of scenario. I mean i dont it is a constitutional democracy and that sort of obey songs to the original meaning is common on both sides and here the you know arguments about what the what the founders meant i think is equally authoritative so so really that the argument will be on both sides this is the sort of thing the framers intended or not the sort of thing the framers intended and i know it might seem a little unusual for people from from other countries but thats common currency here and it cuts very much in favor i mean the feature of not just abuse of power but the attempted intervention of a foreign power is just on all fours with what the. Founding fathers the framers had in mind originally and there been very few impeachments out there so wanting its important to know the meaning of what they had in mind when it was incorporated. In terms of the next few days in youll rippin you know what should we be looking at full all waiting to hear either from those that are giving testimony all from the committee members. A couple things the 1st is whether the democrats will try to expand the least the 3rd count the socalled obstruction count this happened with nixon to broader than simply the ukraine episode and to incorporate the similar efforts during the mall or claim as well thats one and then and then 2 will be whether the republicans will continue a sort of concerted effort as best i can tell to make a kind of parliamentary circus and tie the chair in knots will they abandon that or stay the course it does make things look silly but their calculation maybe theyre trying to make a mockery of things is actually in their political interest that something we should look for one way or another well thanks for your insight well look forward to certainly seeing and hearing what happens in the Committee Hearing for the moment harvey levin thanks for joining us thanks for having me. Now the nato summit has ended with leaders uniting behind common commitments despite the meeting highlighting bitter divisions on several major issues leaders managed to agree on issues like russia and china and settled a major stumbling block when turkey dropped its objection to nato has baltic defense planned but behind the public display of unity cracks was showing as trying to hold reports there for what little and where the summit was held so good morning i think were ready to start if you can find your seats this gathering of nato leaders had one objective a show of unity to mark 70 years of the worlds most successful military alliance one for all and all for one instead it was a public display of differences that began the day before on tuesday u. S. President donald trump was on the combative form number one point from his not only will macron on nato strategy budget payments and trumps unilateral withdrawal of u. S. Troops from Northern Syria this way. There is one of the greatest party years ago. But trumps views are no longer those of a president seen as preeminent leader of the alliance now some allies here including the british french and canadian leaders see donald trump as disruptor in chief apparently sharing a joke at his expense during tuesday nights reception at buckingham palace. Trump response on being asked about the canadian Prime Ministers comments. And soon afterwards he tweeted that there was no need for a final press conference. Emanuel macron meanwhile continued to press his case for change you know to me who is our enemy how can we act together against International Terrorism in particular these are all subjects that were not sufficiently settled. About something or that. Budgetary and Financial Issues as always for the kill a lot of thought if the voices of reassurance were left sounding a bit thin. Always been able to overcome these differences and then unite around the record tossed to protect the Founding Fathers and thats exactly what to do today the question it all raises is central to what nato is and what it exists for what happens to an alliance built on collective defense when that collective commitment that spirit of unity isnt just solid as some would like it to be nato member turkeys president ridge of tired early one had earlier demanded that the kurds abandoned by trump in Northern Syria be recognized as what he called terrorists or hed veto Alliance Efforts to bolster eastern defenses against russia this was a threat that represented a fracturing of nato central accord is what trump and macron do seem to agree on but many others dont that russia is no longer the enemy it was and while nato is focus has widened to include china Cyber Security hybrid warfare the alliance cant hide from the difficult truth that multiple challenges mean multiple conflicting interests undermining the unity theyd come here to celebrate going to aljazeera at watford north london now russias president is accusing the us of viewing space as a potential theater of war blood amir putin says the Rapid Development of americas Space Command has prompted moscow to ramp up its own sector but putin insists hes against the militarization of the cosmos donald trump has said that he wants the u. S. To dominate space. Now the pentagon says a u. S. Warship has captured a vessel with missile parts believed to be linked to iran the seizure was made in the northern arabian sea and the crew has been transferred to the yemeni coast guard washington accuses terran of illegally smuggling arms to who the rebels fighting the yemeni government. The head of a japanese medical aid group has been killed in an attack in afghanistan tetsu anneka muhtar was shot dead along with 5 members of his team when their car was pushed he had been awarded an honorary afghan citizenship for his years of charity work no group has claimed responsibility for theater. Meanwhile the International Criminal court will decide whether those involved in the war in afghanistan including the u. S. Should answer to allegations of war crimes a panel of judges ruled against a similar request made earlier this year finding it was unlikely any of those involved would cooperate lawyers representing victims say theyre united in wanting an investigation tony burke spoke with relatives seeking justice for 4 been killed during the conflict in eastern afghanistan. This was a bedroom that became an Execution Chamber the night Afghan Special forces stormed a family home in jalalabad suspecting it to be an eyesore terrorist cell the operation ended with the death of 4 brothers hands tied behind their backs and shot at close range. Mohammed millet zuyder describes the way his nephews were killed in cold blood. Sidique joannes eben supports a hill while were not i saw members one was a judge another a lawyer and 2 were money changes the government has not given an explanation as to why they were killed and to the families knowledge no one has yet been charged with a crime. We want all those involved to face justice the one who shot that the one who gave the orders and the one who gave the wrong intelligence they need to be hanged in front of us then we will know justice has been done. The villages of jalandhar in eastern afghanistan want justice as well to avenge the deaths of 70 friends and relatives who died in a bomb attack as they prayed in a mosque the perpetrators are either eisel all the taliban ready girl lost 10 members of his family in the blast. But i wasnt in the mosque when i came home i found the bodies of my family including my little son i fell unconscious it was truly horrible and has devastated our village in a country that has suffered for decades of conflict justice has been in short supply. The International Criminal courts chief prosecutor for 2 bensouda wants to end the climate of impunity in afghanistan and start an investigation of war crimes a request has been refused by the i. C. C. His own judges on the grounds that none of the main players will cooperate and the process will be lengthy and costly shes appealing that decision and has accused the taliban of targeting innocent civilians and the Afghan Government of torturing prisoners but she also says that the United States may be guilty as well the United States is concerned that if this i. C. C. Investigation goes ahead it will also focus on the role of the cia in afghanistan its black ops and socalled black sites where prisoners were subjected to controversial some say inhumane methods of interrogation and treatment we spend sudha says there is information that members of the u. S. Military and Intelligence Forces committed acts of torture cruel treatment rape and Sexual Violence against conflict related detainees. The u. S. Has defended its actions in afghanistan and has responded by attacking the i. C. C. Its threatened to prosecute its investigators and take retaliatory measures against any country that cooperates with the investigation in eastern afghanistan theyve been bombed from the air shot on the ground and no investigation is about to change that. It was that i think were caught in the middle when Government Forces on the other side of the fighting were the ones who suffer our houses are destroyed our loved ones are killed we want it to end. Its not clear if the i. C. C. Investigation will ever get off the ground and achieve anything but what is clear is that all sides have blood on their hands and most people in afghanistan want something more than justice they want peace tony berkely al jazeera eastern afghanistan. Was plenty more ahead here on the aljazeera news hour including angry reactions in china as the u. S. Congress calls for sanctions on communist Party Officials for their treatment of weak of muslims also White Communities working in a quarter mile of forest fair its very existence is under threat. And the best heavyweight boxers are about to battle it out in the clash on the do more with that story and to. Get into asia pacific now and some our is rolling out a mass Vaccination Program in an attempt to stem its fast growing measles crisis 62 people have now died from the disease with more than 150 new cases appearing every day immunization is now compulsory under a state of emergency imposed last month our correspondent jessica washington joins us now from the capital here jessica it seems that the message from the off our ts is now coming right from the top thats right to hell we just heard from the samo and Prime Minister his message is for people to stay calm in these tragic circumstances while of course acting on those demands to make sure that people do get vaccinated we have just heard that the number of cases has actually increased to more than 4200 the message from the Prime Minister is that from these tragic circumstances there are lessons for from for some our children learn but that they are doing the best they can in the circumstances. Lesson is. That we are more countries now people are more conscious now than before that by coming and have your children vaccinated is the only way and more. If one of your children is sick and shows. Missiles then the best way the most sure way to take it. To the hospital. That jessica youve been following the Vaccination Program what have you seen. So how today on thursday is very much about these mobile vaccination drives and we have heard that since that began just this morning its only been a few hours more than 2000 people have been vaccinated so the message prior to this massive Vaccination Campaign was for people to visit those clinics but today on thursday those clinics a shut down and people are being told to stay at home and wait for these mobile vaccination medical professionals to come to their houses now a part of todays efforts the focus is about making things as easy as possible for those medical personnel who are roving throughout samawah so you can see behind me the roads are pretty empty no one is being committed to drive unless they are going to hospital or unless they have special permission that is of course to make it as simple as possible for these chains to travel throughout and access as many families as possible and spread this vaccination as quickly as possible. Jessica washington our correspondent in apia thank you. Now china has warned the u. S. Not to meddle in its internal affairs it was responding to new legislation out of Congress Demanding beijing close its socalled reeducation camps in the North Western region of. China is accused of human rights abuses against wall than 1000000. 00 muslim we go in those camps atrium brown reports at 1st chinas government denied their existence but then last year state television released pictures of what were described as Vocational Training centers where ethnic muslim week is a learning new skills in the remote Western Region of shin jangle human Rights Groups estimate that more than a 1000000 a week is a being held in what they describe as a 21st century good leg where inmates are being brainwashed and forced to renounce their religion. Now the United States house of representatives has decided its time to act it voted overwhelmingly to call on President Donald Trump to apply sanctions against senior chinese officials the bill which refers to arbitrate detention torture and harassment still needs to be approved by the senate and the president before it becomes law on wednesday Chinas Foreign Ministry spokesperson read a lengthy prepared statement accusing washington of a random smear urging it to correct its mistake made by many also demonstrates the relevant bill to liberally slanders the human rights situation in china and shin jang and blackens chinas efforts to eliminate stream ism and crackdown on terrorism it will definitely have an effect on china u. S. Cooperation in important areas it is just a week since trump signed another contentious bill into law that is also raising tensions between washington and beijing on another front hong kong. Where antigovernment protests most into their 6 month the hong kong human rights and democracy act has been welcomed by protesters there because it means the city special trading status with the u. S. Will now be dependent on a yearly review the law could also be used to punish officials deemed to be suppressing freedoms in retaliation china has halted american warship visits to hong kong and sanctioned several nongovernmental organizations it is unclear what all this means for the other big point of friction between china and the United States right now their trade war analysts warn that the odds on there being an agreement before christmas have now been lowered after president from warned there was now no deadline for a deal and on wednesday china also said it doesnt have a deadline for a deal now either adrian brown aljazeera home. Villages in guatemala a. Government program allowing them to make money from the forest has helped to protect it but it could be under threat with big businesses looking to take over they went to the Biosphere Reserve to meet the People Living off the land and guarding it. Deep inside the rain forest in guatemalas northern potential region edom a town searches the forest floor for riches at a town you know earns a living harvesting shot today a palm frond used in floral arrangements in europe asia and north america the value belief is part of the prize in a unique Conservation Strategy starting in the 1990 s. 9 communities won the right to make a living from the forest as long as they do so sustainably rosa says that her peoples dependence on the forest gives them a powerful incentive to protect it. There have been many changes to our quality of life people make twice as much money harvesting shows a timber as another big allowing us to invest in social programs and infrastructure and we help all the communities by giving them Building Materials for their schools the Community Concessions now generate more than 5000000. 00 a year and have created thousands of jobs in agronomy carpentry and tourism poverty rates have fallen and migration to the United States is virtually unheard of all the while the areas under Community Management boasts near 0 deforestation rates over the past 14 years. Weve had visitors from colombia the us mexico and many other countries around the world who value our model in colombia they want to replicate it to help protect whats left of the forests where out of what weve achieved outside of the concessions there are threats to guatemalas forests clearing land for agriculture has given guatemala one of the highest deforestation rates in the americas during the Easter Holiday in 2015 baileys and farmer set fire to 3 hours of force here along the border thousands of Community Members from guatemala came out to battle the flames stopping the fire from spreading into their Community Forests Neftali Salazar helps cut and maintain 27 kilometers of fire breaks near the baileys by. His community is responsible for patrolling and protecting more than 25000 hectares of forest with little help from authorities so you know. If it wasnt for concessions the forest here wouldnt exist would be a wasteland thered be villages and pastures and the kalar answers would be governing things its because of small groups like us that there are still green areas here with. Roses Community Concession and others are coming up for government renewal over the next few years and with big business eyeing their forests rosa and her neighbors are worried and the howard locals have kept the forest intact but convincing politicians to do the same has not been easy david mercer aljazeera in guatemalas my a Biosphere Reserve. Well still ahead here the aljazeera news Prime Minister plans to keep his job for another month but the e. U. Says that threatens to derail investigation plus. A mantra thomas in beijing with the world all get such a festival happening this week in amsterdam ill be looking at why it is that its chinese projects like this one dominating the awards. And radiation hotspots could interfere with next years take you live pics peter well have that story in sports if you stay with us. Head there we have another bit of snow across the northeast of the United States not just the last 24 hours but really for the last 3 days it is now find a caring out of the picture but not before the damage was done hundreds of flights were delayed bostons that day and it may look very nice all this snow on the trees however when you get snow on the trees guess what the branches come down and then you have Power Outages thousands of generals much of the northeast the people working very hard to get up and running again through thursday its a cold but clear day into new york city 6 degrees celsius just ace in washington and weve got plenty of snow out across into the Central Plains really down into the southern rockies meanwhile of any kind of picture really through much of the Pacific Northwest and trading down tools california again pushing in as we head to friday just 15 degrees celsius in San Francisco meanwhile well see more cloud across eastern sections as we go through friday the rain also pushing into the southeast 14 best for you in atlanta and we have a few rain showers across some much of the caribbean as well f. A. P. Widespread no say they generally through much of the in haiti to the north across the bahamas we have got some cat in the 4 calls the rains havea as we go into Central America and the. Understand the full throughout friday. Day one of a new era in Television News we badly need at these moments leadership and films this encampment that were in today it didnt exist 3 weeks ago now theres at least 20000 or hinder refugees who live here on aljazeera i got to commend you all more im hearing is Good Journalism presenters to follow as resides after all long lines the attempts of cover ups Jamal Khashoggi his loved ones want some form of closure people are suffering put on dying entire School Systems books elapsing we are in the beginning of a mass extinction we saw the syrian army flag foisted into the city just to perform a play. Good to massage the planet about a 100 meters away from the front line but such a happy hanukkah happy about it. Welcome back youre watching aljazeera news hour with me still robin a reminder of our top stories legal experts invited by u. S. Democrats have testified that President Trump has committed impeachable offenses but a 4th expert called by the republicans that theres no evidence of a clear criminal act. Also the nato summit as i did with some agreement on threats from russia and china but its been overshadowed by personal rounds between leaders and the meeting highlighted bitter divisions on several major issues. And summer is rolling out a max bassam Vaccination Program in an attempt to step its fast growing measles crisis 62. 00 people have now died from the disease with more than 150. 00 new cases appearing every day. To our top story the nato summit of the divisions that its laid bare in the alliance lets talk now to Robert Pierson hes a former u. S. Ambassador to turkey and joins us from Raleigh North Carolina via skype good to have you with us on the program sir now the secretary general says that they also nato can adapt and respond but one wonders whether they have or what really has been achieved from this meeting of nato leaders you know i think that. Mr dalton very should feel lucky that they got through this 2 days without something worse i mean i think the. There are plans for it benson the baltic area is really good i think turkey is actually a nice now because it doesnt want to attract sanctions from the u. S. Congress and it wants to be sort of closely in step with whatever mr trump is doing but the divisions are not church where are nato should be going they security on his eastern flank defense spending those are still alive even though some good work has been done and its regrettable that it has turned into such an exchange of insults relievers it will leave the world with the oppression action nato is not working and there were Something Else to be done to re assert that confidence that most people have added in nato or at 70 years in the lead up to this 70th anniversary mr peres said do you think that with all the criticism that nato was getting from President Trump for example on this particular occasion the secretary general and the british Prime Minister the host of this event really sort of they managed the event to make sure that was as little criticism from President Trump as he arrived attended and eventually left. Absolutely i think that they handled it very well and whatever all the other fireworks were they didnt eat your diatribe from president drop about the effectiveness of nato show by annette senses and it kind of indicated my 1st statement i think thats a limited success and nato it made some progress in the. Air before still remaining but nothing nothing can be accomplished you know the allies really want to you have been a former ambassador to turkey side like to focus on that country because obviously as a nato ally theyve been a great criticism for the United States about their purchase of the s 400 Missile System from russia and also they were in generally criticized by nato allies over their involvement in the operation in Northern Syria do you think the impasse has been solved or there you might say its still a grumbling is still a disenchantment with the way turkey has. Acted and in turn turkey is still frustrated with members of nato over not really accepting the way that they have had to behave. I think i think that is true i think that the worst hasnt happened but the best hasnt happened either so the problem still remains turkey phoenix they are more is required from nato about what it perceives as its threat on the southern border and allies are concerned that turkeys action in northeast syria in the last month and more tomorrow as actually a this situation worse and has aided the russians and surprised other countries and so i think that theres a lot of work to be done and i think theres a lot of suspicion of turkeys long term motives the Eastern Mediterranean security picture is worse than its been and the time that nato it was created so they get a lot of work to be done there in turkey owes more than just sawing a problem here and they are and it seems that more work has to be done you might say on the Eastern Front because nato has for decades been at the full front in its tie in terms of the cold war with the former soviet union that sort of the International Threat now tolkiens of china and how to deal with them in terms of everything from cyber crime to claims of sea navigation and have a total real disputes to even the buildup of a Nuclear Arsenal what do you think the challenges are full nato in terms of dealing with china and and what does china perhaps have to consider when dealing with nato i think that you know for china and for russia they much prefer to deal with bilateral let the countries individual event deal with nato and i think its very wise of nato to take. Notice some the chinese threat and the chinese intrusion into Security Issues for europe. Its very good but the chinese on notice about the us and then what the allies do in terms of compliance is yet to be decided but i am very happy to say that they have taken notice of what chinas potential threat to europe will be and i hope that this is a stimulation frankly for better Transatlantic Relations as well and i not sure that it its going to happen in the near future too much suspicion maturing europe and the United States and russia and all its benefits john has been a pleasure speaking to you mr president so much for joining us from the rally in the u. S. Thank you now an e. U. Delegation to malta says an investigation into a journalists murder is at risk as long as the Prime Minister remains in Office Joseph muscat has been accused of shielding the prominent figures implicated in the killing of genders daphne karunya. Who died in a car bomb attack in 2017 muska has resigned but wont leave the job until january leave barca reports now from multiple capital aletta. Pressure is mounting on the office of the Prime Minister not only have there been daily protests but now a damning assessment from a delegation from the European Parliament here to investigate the crisis they believe that while the Prime Minister remains in office theres a risk of the investigation into the murder of Daphne Koller one i believe being compromised there has to be absolute confidence in the process and i think when hes in office that confidence is not there the way. Functions or doesnt function in malta has direct implications for the position of malta in the European Union soon after current to lisi as murder 3 people were arrested they are awaiting trial and on november the 20th one of the wealthiest people a multi confederate was arrested and accused of being complicit in the journalists murder something he denies soon after his arrest he pointed the finger at a person very close to the Prime Minister Keith Schembri the Prime Ministers former chief of staff he stepped down from his role last tuesday spent 2 days being questioned by police before being released without charge meanwhile the person regarded as the middleman in the killing has pointed the finger both at schembri and fake as being coconspirators in planning the killing of power want to leave as the European Parliament delegation said it was either out of complete naivety or complicity that the Prime Minister allowed this to happen on his watch. Tens of thousands of people have joined most Anti Government demonstrations in colombia unions and student groups called a nationwide strike after talks with the government failed its the 3rd strike in 2 weeks protests that angry over president even do case plan to economic. Reforms trying to get is also want him to do more to tackle corruption and Police Violence on a sunday he has more from the rally. This is the 3rd National Strike in just 14 days here and part of an unprecedented series that demonstrations and protests against the government. Against im number cannot make reforms that the government is proposing but also a long series of grievances that both old and new to be on that this street now today has been an absolutely at peaceful and steve atmosphere but crowds have been smaller then that one that weve seen in previous demonstration lets take you straight to capitol hill to listen to Doug Collings the. Congressman from georgia and the impeachment hearings that you just Read Committee has now listening to the majority right now frankly is lost they dont know which way to go because the facts are not in their favor the American People are not on their side so when we look at this Going Forward i would have a question when his mom and already here indicted by the way for any of the media they cannot deny our minority hearing that they can obfuscate but they cannot do not so were waiting for a minority hearing that but were also waiting to see if this chairman is going to do like he said he never would do message simply stop a report from another entity without us investigating it 1st so we have a lot of questions today none of them got answered by this majority. Well this continues to show that this whole impeachment process is a total sham as i asked in my testimony i said that quoted the words from dabbler himself which were a 3 pronged tatts and he failed the meeting his own standards for impeachment and he said that if he didnt meet the standards have been meant that it would tear the country apart mr navl or you and your democrat colleagues are tearing the country apart stop the sham. The hearing started with the chairman saying the facts are undisputed well he needs a lesson in undisputed facts the way that its supposed to occur is d we have some facts that weve agreed on we stipulate by him between us that the following is true that it may happen he made up what he said were facts they were disputed facts because they werent facts and then you hear from law professors i mean i have enjoyed discussing debating with a liberal law professors conservatives but these did not make any room for the fact they are a good chance they were wrong we had one professor who just absolutely fictionalize what the president said to to meet her own statement and then another said he was so reluctant to go to impeachment when his tweets from day one merely have been he wants to go full speed ahead so all i got to say is if you love america mamas dont let your babies grow up to go to harvard or stanford law school. Now not only are the facts clearly disputed all the pertinent facts unlike what the chairman said but what happened here today is totally unprecedented you have to remember this is the committee that has true jurisdiction over impeachment we should have been listening to various members of the Judiciary Committee speaking now as mike johnson just before that was the louis go mart and of course the lady that we heard was debbie lesko theyre all republicans of course all supporting President Trump all believe that the democrats on that committee including the chairman really have to prove their case but they are saying that as you would say they want their day in court they certainly want their day in that Committee Hearing of course well be hearing a lot more from them in the coming hours and weeks as that to Judiciary Committee listens to the impeachment report and whether those articles will actually be formulated in the coming weeks for the 1st time in more than 2 decades the u. S. And sudan plan to Exchange Ambassadors u. S. Secretary of state might compare the announcement and sudans a Prime Minister abdullah one doc visited washington d. C. Players said sadar shift away from military rule and the establishment of a civilian Transitional Government was a major factor in the decision daniel should was the deputy chief of mission at the u. S. Embassy in sudan he says the move goes well beyond a symbolic gesture but the details of the plan still need to be worked out. Its a very significant decision its been 23 years since we have had an ambassador and khartoum we have kept the embassy open weve had a sharjah deaf air in khartoum all of those years but not having an ambassador sends a major signal to a government that we have real concerns about it this is an indication that the United States wants to be more supportive of this new combination military civilian government in sudan and this is the 1st step in what will probably be a series of steps to improve relations assuming that progress continues to be made on the sudanese side 1st off this was only a decision to fill the post and no one has been named and theres no indication of how long it will take to name someone i assume that this will be a a Career Foreign Service officer who will fill the position but then it to has to require require Senate Confirmation there may be some the reluctance on capitol hill to to go forward with this i dont think it will be serious reluctance but you never know there there may be a desire to hold back sending an ambassador to syria and i hope that does not happen this is a decision that frankly is long overdue. Ugandan president yoweri was 70 has led thousands of Civil Servants on an Anti Corruption march calling people who commit crimes parasites central come parlor was on lockdown with hundreds of soldiers deployed to protect politician to join the rally but the opposition has dismissed it as a meaningless stunt it accuses ms 70 of extract the exact extract in pardon me hundreds of millions of dollars from Public Services as he took office in 1986. A us lobbyist known for his ties to Donald Trumps advisers has been indicted for illegal contributions made to Hillary Clintons president ial Campaign George Nader has been charged for conspiring to conceal a source of millions of dollars in donations to trumps rival hes one of 8 people indicted by the Justice Department they dont was a witness in a special counsel robert millers investigation into russian interference in the 2016 president ial elections. As hosting the world of architecture 1st of all the largest annual showcase for the best in New Buildings and urban design or than 500 projects are shortlisted for the award with china leading the list of nominations 100 thomas has the story from beijing. China is known for ancient architecture and more recently ugly tower blocks but the reputation for dull buildings and places is changing this project the conversion of rooftops of traditional hutong housing into an offices open air meeting space is an example overlooked by beijings ancient drum tower courtyard number 7 has been shortlisted for the old and new completed buildings prize for this weeks World Architecture Festival Awards it seems like we create a new wells of how to use the rule of of the old building we like this kind of conflict between the traditional thing is an annual things as we like the most of 534 projects worldwide shortlisted at this weeks awards 94 of them are in china no other single country has more projects in the running it wasnt long ago that china was better known for knocking good architecture down than building it up thats changed and these awards reflects that on the outskirts of beijing this park with public buildings in the shape of a traditional chinese hand scroll is shortlisted for the urban landscape projects prize chinese project to shortlisted in virtually every one of the 39 categories of prizes at this weeks awards. 2008 to limp picks were a catalyst for interesting buildings the beijing National Stadium the birds nest one dozens of prizes since all kinds of unusual architecture has been developed around china some 2 unusual in 2016 chinas government issued a decree forbidding with architecture that is not economical functional or ascetic lee pleasing but a government that can at a stroke band some architecture can also push other projects through fast beijings new airport which is the worlds 2nd biggest single terminal airport was built in just 5 years the firm behind it has dozens of other projects completed or in development around china a lot of architects lot of creative people are have that opportunity come here realize they work in such a short period of time and then they really are leading the. Industry in terms of these new types of projects chinas volume of new architecture and speed of project development is on matched the World Architecture Festival Awards reflects that Andrew Thomas aljazeera beijing. He has. A have. A high. Thank you very much greenpeace japan says radiation hotspots have been found with a tokyo 2020 Olympic Torch Relay will begin in march the refurbished chave illiterate Sports Complex was used as an Operational Base to deal with the 20 live in Fukushima Nuclear reactor meltdown it reopened earlier this year and the argentina rugby team stayed there during the world cup the greenpeace survey in october of j village which is a National Football training complex found radioactivity readings as high as 71. 00 micro seabirds per hour that might not mean much until you learn that most people are exposed to natural radiation of 2. 00 to 3000. 00 micro siebert a year which means anyone staying at j village for 2 or more days could be exposed to move the mess. The readings arent deemed life threatening if exposed for a short length of time but greenpeace say the levels are 1775 times higher than prior to the Nuclear Disaster and heavy rainfall could spread the contamination south koreas a limb Pick Committee are so concerned about tokyo 2020 that they plan to bring radiation detectors with them to the olympics they will also ship their own homegrown food to feed their athletes. And in the past we provided korean food in order to encourage athletes this time the main focus will be on providing food that is safe from radiation will bring as many ingredients as we can and even if we do get local food supply we will test it. Fiji is postponing Domestic Support until january because of the Measles Outbreak in neighboring saumur at least 60 people have died in summer fiji has a much higher rate of vaccination but they are canceling events likely to draw crowds their football Beach Volleyball and netball governing bodies have already suspended competitions israel folau has settled these dispute with Rugby Australia for what he claimed was unfair dismissal he wanted 9 and a half 1000000. 00 but the terms of the deal all confidential allow is a conservative christian and the 30 year old was sacked a social media post saying that hell awaited gay people he said it was religious discrimination. Rugby australia the New South Wales rugby union and follow issued a joint statement saying the social media post reflected a mist of allows genuinely held religious beliefs and must of allowed did not intend to harm or offend any person mr fall out once all australians to know that he does not condone discrimination of any kind against any person on the grounds of their sexuality then follow that up with this post on youtube with todays acknowledgement and apology by rugby history we have been vindicated and can now move on with our lives to focus on our faith and our family we started this journey on behalf of all people who fight to protect their rights of freedom of speech and religion we now look forward to the federal government and act in the legislation necessary to further protect and strengthen these rights for all australians thank you right now in saudi Arabia Anthony Joshua is preparing for his heavyweight title rematch against andy rubins jr the 2 will battle it out in the saudi capital riyadh on saturday in what has been dubbed the clash on the dunes this fight comes 6 months after josh was a shock defeat at Madison Square garden that last thing he will title belts. Im used to this position and even when you watch ampere nothing and theres a respected heavyweight knows that you wake up have a challenge in mind set all of these quotes as far as come up with his reality challenge your mindset ive always said that previously when that the boats around my waist and speaking into existence this is the challenge of mindset so i call it back to 16 back to my 16th fly hungry determined to focus on the go and i know theres really not much to say besides im ready to rock and roll i know it is and i come with a different game plan i know hes prepared i knowing hes motivated so i act and thats what gives me the action and ive been more motivating you know being marked as i know he lost weight and i know hes and i try to box around. But it is my job. To prevent there you know and im ready for whatever kinds of my way in america rocking around chose a marine who has lost tonys 1st game back in Manchester United since taking over tottenham it was a bitter return to old trafford for the former man united manager spurs losing this one to one with any tottenham goal coming from delhi alley and united now go ahead of tottenham on the table with the victory meanwhile saudi arabias National Football team are preparing for a politically charged arabian gulf cup semifinal against host nation qatar on thursday the good stories defeat of the United Arab Emirates in the last Group Stage Game saudi arabia like the u. A. E. Are one of the countries blockading qatar currently saudi boss says he hopes this match can bring the 2 countries closer together by all. d of. These would be the most important i feel good we were in the war. Is a piece of the next game that we know that. Its a very difficult one we know about the quality of our opener and more in tomorrows game but. Once again. We are confident in our in our players in their qualities as well in their commitment for sure were going to try to do all our best tomorrow and have a good performance and hopefully a good result when we win on some sad news for may england cricket captain bob willis has died at the age of 70 on wednesday he had been suffering a long illness according to a family statements what is played 90 test matches for his country he took 325 wickets putting in 4 from the all time list for england perhaps hes most memorable performance was taking 8 final innings wickets to help england to a famous victory over australia in leeds in 1981 a match in which in both them also starred he would later go on to become a commentator as well ok most sport on the way again a little later well see you then. Indeed you will of course you can follow all of the stories that were covering here on aljazeera by logging on to a website aljazeera dot com course the house judiciary. Caring so our top story has gotten more news on the other side of the break thanks for your time and your company. And investigation of how Foreign Companies plunder africas Natural Resources the trust is show important in a big question revealing how no maybe as officials demand cash in exchange for favors. With confidential documents provided to aljazeera by wiki leaks were going to save you commit a 100 so i was part of the crunch and im not denying it aljazeera investigations the anatomy of a bribe. The Worlds Largest oil producer has failed to trade on the Foreign Stock Exchange was a transparency valuation over ambition what happened there the Worlds Largest oil producer and you dont list in the Worlds Largest Stock Exchange that definitely says something aljazeera investigates the politics of the middle easts most potent economic weapon Saudi Aramco Company and the strain. On aljazeera. The u. S. Congress gets leading legal advice all the whether President Donald Trumps actions on ukraine will warrant impeachment the majority says yes. The whole robin youre watching all jews there a lot more headquarters here and also coming up why the u. S. President is being viewed as the disrupter in chief by a number of nato leaders samo rolls out a nationwide Vaccination Program as the Prime Minister said

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