Beijing with the world all get such a festival happening this week in amsterdam ill be looking at why it says that its chinese projects like this one with a dominatrix in the wards. Now its been labeled the brain dead by the french president and there are disagreements over its direction but names are leaders and now gathering us a venue just outside london for a summit hoping to find some unity over its future nature is riddled with disagreements between some of its most prominent member countries the u. S. And french president s in particular have disagreed on several points including the very role of nato and turkey has threatened to block a major defense plan which could undermine the alliances role in the baltic region of british Prime Minister baraks johnson used as opening speech to push a message of unity. We are rock solid in our commitment to nato and to the giant shield of solidarity the 9 protects 29 countries and nearly a 1000000000 people the fact that we live in peace today demonstrates the power of the simple proposition at the heart of this alliance the for as long as we stand together no one can hope to defeat us and therefore no one will start a war this is central principle is enshrined in article 5 of the north atlantic treaty that if any one of us is attacked all of us will go to their defense if nato has a motto it is as us says one for all and all for one and id have about a candidate james best joins us live now from that nato meeting james after all of the tension that weve seen in the last few days whats the mood like there at the moment. Well i certainly dont think its as described there by the british Prime Minister rock solid because its worth telling you that President Trump doesnt like these International Gatherings and he probably dislikes nato summit small many other summits and i think its pretty fair that nearly all the other leaders dont really want to be here this was planned a long time ago a summit for natos 70th anniversary but i think because of the divisions you can just see the way theyve organized this theyre having a meeting of all of them around the table but its a meeting thats going to last less than 3 hours they remember 18 months ago in brussels the last time they had a formal meeting like this and that really had big big problems when President Trump threatened at one point to pull out of nato saying the others were not spending enough of their budgets on their military spending since then weve seen some of those countries put their spending up but there are other issues that are causing division as you say there is real tension between President Trump and president marker on those real tension between president ergo on and the other leaders with regard to syria policies there are so many things that they do not agree on thats why i think the focus on lots of the discussion is going to be on future threats on things like Artificial Intelligence out to space and the threat from china theyre going to talk about Different Things because the things theyve already been talking about they really havent found a way through and i think on things like syria which isnt really mainly an issue for nato but certainly a disagreement between the nato allies all apart from turkey and turkey i think those are going to have to be result of another time times what are the expectations for anything to come out of this small town known as you were just saying that when family threats from tackle well the Member States be able to find any kind of middle ground they have that. Well i think theyll find some language in the declaration most of these declaration points or do you prefer written and they will be about things like china and outer space and things where there are no disagreement theyll find some general language i think about protecting some of the Northern European states because remember nato is already doing that in terms of for battle groups that are based in the baltic countries and in poland to guard against the threat from russia but they were hoping to upgrade those arrangements and turkey for now is putting a bloc call march because its so unhappy with the way nato allies have responded to its operation in northern syria. Is that doesnt matter get a live press and what fred whats in that meeting thank you very much james now the United Nations says a Record Number of people who are Major Military in assistance next year and says 168000000. 00 people thats one in every 45. 00 on the planet are need of basic assistance such as food and shelter the u. N. Says it requires almost 29000000000. 00 to provide that assistance but last year it only received 16000000000 from dinahs its focusing on 53 countries of economic change war and failing economies see the west human suffering or we can speak to mock local crews the United Nations undersecretary general for humanitarian affairs and he joins us now live from geneva thank you for being with us on aljazeera i understand this launches of an emergency humanitarian appeal so this is in addition to the standard u. N. Funding thats already suffering a shortfall. Yes thats right i mean the report were launching today the global humanitarian overview for 2020 years i think the worlds most sophisticated and comprehensive a north or to give a cessation of humanitarian aid and it is dealing with both the long lasting problems syria yemen afghanistan and so on but also our projection for the immediate short term problems the big story as you said is a bleak one more people than ever before are going to need humanitarian assistance next year and essentially thats for 2 reasons firstly because of ongoing conflicts which are not being prevented unresolved successfully enough and secondly because of the growing devastating impact of climate related events both more extreme storms and increasing droughts mr like i say that even with the nearly 29000000000. 00 if you did get it you wouldnt actually be able to reach all of the 168000000. 00 people went to said we need assistance so youre focusing on Something Like a 109000000 how do you then decide who to prioritize. Well the United Nations is responsible with its partners like the n. G. O. S are about 70 percent of global cumana tarion action so were dealing with about 2 thirds of the problem out 110000000 people you just referred to the other 3rd is dealt with largely by National Governments and the red cross so all together all of the agencies should be able to reach everybody who needs help provided we are well enough funded this year we had record fund raising 16000000000. 00 so far 2000000000. 00 more than we had at this time last year but not everything we needed one thing we need to do is make all the money we do have work harder and harder in the humanitarian agencies are doing that best of prioritizing better and also trying to supply a lot more of the problems we have to deal with so we can make the money goes far as possible and there were concerns that the u. N. Itself was going to run out of cash last month because then the countries especially the us who contribute such a huge amount havent actually paid their dues so whats the status now and where have budgets been slashed say i see at one point you even ran out of paper in the 1st a copy at the library at headquarters in new york. Well that is about the way they knighted nations is funded for its regular activities through money that every member of the United Nations 193. 00 Member States have to pay if they want to stay a member what were talking about today is the voluntary system beyond that for humanitarian response and no country has to contribute to that or all of those who give us. Taxpayers money lead in fact most generously by the United States do so voluntarily they need to know that there are real needs and if they provide us with the money we can meet peoples needs and when theyre satisfied on those questions they are still very generous but essentially there isnt enough money either for the the general running of the un or the humanitarian needs that youre talking about. I think it would be a very good idea if all the Member States of the United Nations were to pay the money they promised as a responsibility of being a member but that is a separate issue to what were doing on the humanitarian side youre right that there is a need for a lot more money than we get and i will i will continue to make the case that investing in humanitarian action is a good thing to do its a very cheap way of saving a life and its also a good way of preventing problems breading because if we dont help people where they are when the problem arises as weve seen too often around the world people will move and that creates all sorts of other challenges which no countries dont have to deal with. The u. N. Undersecretary general for humanitarian Affairs Thank you for joining us on out of there now china is condemning a u. S. Bill demanding the closure of socalled reeducation camps for weaken muslims the u. S. Legislation still to be passed by the senate also threaten sanctions against communist Party Officials who are blamed for abuses more than a 1000000 of the Muslim Minority are imprisoned as part of a long running government crackdown in the North Western region. Aaron brown reports at 1st chinas government denied their existence but then last year state television released pictures of what were described as Vocational Training centers where ethnic muslim week is a learning new skills in the remote Western Region of shouldnt journey. Human Rights Groups estimate that more than a 1000000 week isnt being held in what they describe as a 21st century good leg where inmates are being brainwashed and forced to renounce their religion. Now the United States house of representatives has decided its time to act it voted overwhelmingly to call on President Donald Trump to apply sanctions against senior chinese officials the bill which refers to arbitrate detention torture and harassment still needs to be approved by the senate and the president before it becomes on wednesday Chinas Foreign Ministry spokesperson read a lengthy prepared statement accusing washington of a random smear urging it to correct its mistake made. The relevant bill to liberally slanders the human rights situation in china and jang and blackens chinas efforts to eliminate stream ism and crackdown on terrorism it will definitely have an effect on china a u. S. Cooperation in important areas it is just a week since trump signed another contentious bill into law that is also raising tensions between washington and beijing on another front hong kong. Where antigovernment protests are almost into this 6 month the hong kong human rights and democracy act has been welcomed by protesters there because it means the city special trading status with the u. S. Will now be dependent on a yearly review the law could also be used to punish officials deemed to be suppressing freedoms in retaliation china has halted american warship visits to hong kong and sanctioned several nongovernmental organizations it is unclear what all this means for the other big point of friction between china and the United States right now their trade war analysts warn that the odds on there being an agreement before christmas have now been lowered after president from warned there was now no deadline for a deal and on wednesday china also said it doesnt have a deadline for a deal now either adrian brown aljazeera home. After heard on aljazeera a defamation trial of tests about iran last begins i have a comment cave rescue in thailand. How i once again welcome to another look at the international forecast got some rather cold weather on the way for japan as we go on through the next couple of days you see the swirl of cloud up towards the fall north and thats going to drag in the a northerly wind behind this cold front which will continue to sink its way further south with say some snow over the high ground of northern japan into Northern Arizona on issue 4 celsius in sendai 13 degrees in tokyo when the stock does get into double figures here as we go on through friday and see that when see whether slipping a little further southwards in the process cold enough across the Korean Peninsula well stay below freezing struggling to get. Freezing in beijing with a temperature of around one degree celsius into southern parts of china something of a change going on here as well because some wet weather coming into the southeast it will be colder in hong kong temperatures at around 16 celsius is what remains of typhoon comrie thats making its way out across the south china seas sinking a little further south was weakening in the process pulling that rain away from the southeastern corner of china for friday but still a chance of some showers just lapping on to the coastal sure sunshine the showers across a good parts of Southeast Asia heavy borneo. Candid testimonies from lebanese women who were staying single. Good schools he missed coatroom shift in a religious society already in the grip of political and social tension. The implications for the arab world as a whole. Single by choice. And i must answer today and a reminder of our top stories this hour. Leaders of the Worlds Largest military alliance have gathered hoping to find unity over the nations future direction the summit comes as the alliance is rife with disagreements between some of its most prominent member countries. China is condemning a u. S. Bill demanding the closure of socalled reeducation camps to weaken muslims the u. S. Legislation which is still to be passed by the senate also threaten sanctions against communist Party Officials blamed for abuse. The United Nations says a Record Number of people will need humanitarian assistance next year the Organization Says it requires 29000000000. 00 to help almost 168000000. 00 people and die any. Now while donald trump attends the nato amazing back across the atlantic his political rivals have laid out what they say is overwhelming. Evidence of the u. S. President s misconduct in office the 300 page report says the tramp used his power to help from ukraines president to benefit his reelection bid how does a castro reports from washington d. C. House intelligence chairman adam schiff presentation of his committees report on donald trump offered little more than was already known but its a key moment in what could be the impeachment of a president this is not about ukraine this is about our democracy this is about our National Security this is about where the American People have a right to expect that the president is days is going to act of their interests with their security in mind and not for some elicit personal or political reason so americans should care deeply about where the president and states is betraying their trust in him betraying that old foot he took to the constitution to protect our country and defend its institutions according to the report President Trump solicited interference from ukraine to benefit his reelection conditioning a white house visit for the ukrainian president and 400000000. 00 in u. S. Military aid on a Public Statement that ukraine would investigate joe bidens family for alleged corruption trump denies he did anything wrong a white house spokeswoman released a statement saying at the end of a one sided sham process chairmanship and the democrats utterly failed to produce any evidence of wrongdoing by President Trump this report reflects nothing more than their frustrations chairmanships report reads like the ramblings of a basement blogger straining to prove something when there is evidence of nothing the evidence came from 17 witnesses including state department and white house insiders who testified trump ran a Shadow Campaign that undermined official u. S. Foreign policy toward ukraine there was also the partial transcript of a phone call in which trump asked ukraines president for a favor the biden investigation. Republicans rebutted with their own report offering a very different reading of the facts they say the testimonies are here say that the phone call was perfect and that the democrats efforts to impeach the president are an attack on a duly elected leader to laura provides nothing except a dreary drowsy appraisal for this country to watch as the impeachment process slowly drags on with no direction no focus because theyre having one big rabbit and the big problem is the president did nothing will and they cant prove the process will now shift to the House Judiciary Committee which will draft articles of impeachment likely to focus on abuse of power and obstruction of Congress Americans have been evenly divided on whether to impeach and remove trump from office both Political Parties are claiming to be protecting american democracy. Castro al jazeera washington Iraqi Security forces have arrested a deputy of the late. Baghdadi. Was captured during an overnight raid in hawaii just thats and province baghdad he killed himself ah surrounded by u. S. Forces back in october our correspondent also jabari is in baghdad and she says that calderons arrest is a major boost for iraqi forces. Security forces arrested. Late last night in the province we believe that he was a very high ranking eisel official he we know that he served time in. A prison in basra prior to the formation of this group and that he had a very close relationship to the former leader now he himself is believed to be from province and he did serve as the military emir of that province for a few years at the height of our souls reign in iraq but this certainly comes at a very important time in this country this will be seen as a very significant victory for Iraqi Forces Fighting left behind of this group since they announced that it was defeated i still was defeated in iraq in 2017 but this comes at a time when the countrys in turmoil in all senses and this news will certainly be seen as a positive step for Iraqi Security forces. Straightly has repealed a law that allowed sick Asylum Seekers and its remote Detention Centers to travel to the country for medical treatment the medivac law was passed in february and allowed the transfer of refugees and camps on papa new guinea and new or if it was requested by 2 or more doctors hundreds of them stranded at the camps and many have Health Problems the senate has now overturned that all by 37 votes to 35. Lets be clear this medivac has nothing to do with the operations of the borders labor supports operation sovereign borders we believe you can be strong on Border Protection without going weak on humanity this government goes weak on humanity at every possible turn. On that speech today that man whos the executive director of refugee legal and he joins us now on skype from melbourne david lets start with the situation on the ground right now now that many vaca has been repealed where will these people in these Detention Centers actually be receiving medical treatment will they be able to receive adequate treatment. The fundamental problem is that before those laws that have just been repealed there were years and years of systematic neglect of the bicycle needs of Asylum Seekers and refugees held on a roof and in pain jail able sort of solomon struck there and there then were x. Of our struggle so those are the those countries. So the fundamental problem that we now face is that there is laws which have been repealed so to address this critical problem of seriously unwell people outfit years in our short attention needing medical treatment that i couldnt get what these laws did was provided a new process and a legal system to ensure that it could get the health care i needed because what it did was took decisions out of the hands of politicians and bureaucrats and put decisions about health care in the hands of medical experts and so it was doctors not obligations or bureaucrats under those laws it were to decide what Adequate Health care was needed and this resulted in a far better system a system that was really working to ensure that where people were not getting the health care that they needed on or an injury but they were there and thats what it was truly under those laws those that didnt have a trial and the governor was saying that it will improve facilities and care on a row but do we have an indication as to how theyll actually do that as i say Doctors Without Borders was forced to leave last year and i know there are huge Mental Health needs there but not even a single inpatient Psychiatric Care facility available. All of the evidence and all the history in this matter indicates that without these boys with their proper Legal Mechanism if this is left merely in the hands of the Australian Government and were in the hands of the root and jagan the medical facilities there who continue to be integrated continued better product Critical Health care that they need for those laws were introduced early this year well able lost their lives on the road and pain and jay. What we saw was years and years of very serious many who are great but we are on the ground but there are there are seriously magic with resources medical resources medical facilities to make inmates or some many people hundreds of able in desperate need of medical treatment after after being subjected to date leave humanity degrading treatment or sure of years arent they havent learned that the executive director of refugee legal thank you for joining us on out of there thank you but any entrepreneur elon musk has been in court defending the tweets at the center has defamation trial last testified that he was being and felting and not literal when he referred to a british cave diver as quote had a guy mask said hed been upset that his efforts to build a mini submarine to rescue 12 tied children and their football codes from a cave had been in that old rob reynolds was at the court in los angeles. His opponent in this case the man who he tweeted about Vernon Unsworth has uncovered some documents through the discovery process that show that many of. The mosques senior advisors and captains within his Business Empires took this very seriously when it happened they urged mosque to apologize and to quickly put it behind him he was resistant although he did apologize but then sort of restated us on some of the the things that he said about ons were later on the documents uncovered in court also show that musk paid tens of thousands of dollars to a Detective Agency to try and dig up some derogatory material about vernon ons worth and if they found it to leak it to the u. K. Tabloids now apparently they were unable to find anything all of this raises a question does the this case have an impact on lost Business Empire well tesla the electric car company is up in the stock market although very slightly over the course of this year the new. Cyber truck which we saw is received 250000 advance orders so the case hasnt really hurt mosque yet but well see how the verdict goes. Amsterdam is hosting the worlds architecture festival thats the largest annual showcase the best in New Buildings and urban design more than 500. 00 projects are shortlisted for an award with china leading the list of nominations and it almost has the story from beijing. China is known for ancient architecture and more recently ugly tower blocks but the reputation for dull buildings and places is changing this project the conversion of rooftops of traditional hutong housing into an offices open air meeting space is an example overlooked by beijings ancient drum tower courtyard number 7 has been shortlisted for the old and new completed buildings prize for this weeks World Architecture Festival Awards it seems like we create a new 12 hours of how to use the roof of the old building we like this kind of conflict between the traditional things and a new things as we like the most over 534 projects worldwide shortlisted at this weeks awards 94 of them are in china no other single country has more projects in the running it wasnt long ago that china was better known for knocking good architecture down than building it up thats changed and these awards reflect that on the outskirts of beijing this park with public buildings in the shape of a traditional chinese hand scroll is shortlisted for the urban landscape projects prize chinese project to shortlisted in virtually every one of the 39 categories of prizes at this weeks awards. 2008 the lympics were a catalyst for interesting buildings the beijing National Stadium the birds nest one dozens of prizes since all kinds of unusual architecture has been developed around china some 2 unusual into the 16 chinas government issued a decree forbidding with architecture that is not economical functional or assertively pleasing but a government that can at a stroke band some architecture can also push other projects through fast beijings new airport which is the worlds 2nd biggest single terminal airport was built in just 5 years the firm behind it has dozens of other projects completed all in development around china a lot of architects lot of creative people are have that opportunity come here realize they work in such a short period of time and then they really are leading the. Industry in terms of these new types of projects chinas volume of new architecture and speed of project development is on matched the World Architecture Festival Awards reflects that Andrew Thomas aljazeera beijing well you can find much more on our website including our ongoing coverage of the navy thats taking place right now in the u. K. As they are trying to find. Out as dot com. Now this is out of there and these are the headlines leaders of the Worlds Largest military alliance have gathered hoping to find unity over natures future direction a summit comes as the alliance is rife with disagreements between some of its most prominent member countries under medicare as i was at that nato meeting. But there are so many things that they do not agree on thats why i think the focus on lots of discussion is going to be on threats on things like also official intelligence outer space from the threat from choice theyre going to talk about Different Things because the things theyve already been talking about they really havent thrown away sue and i think old things like syria which is really mainly an issue for nato but certainly disagreement between later alloys all apart from turkey and turkey i think those are going to have to be resolved at another tone china is condemning a u. S. Bill demanding the closure of socalled reeducation camps for we the muslims the us legislation which is still to be passed by the senate also threatened sanctions against communist Party Officials blamed for abuses the United Nations says a Record Number of people will need for monetary assistance next year the Organization Says it requires 29000000000 dollars to help almost 168000000 people and die in need the number of people in need globally has increased by 22000000 just over the past year the committee holding the impeachment inquiry and the u. S. President on a tramp has laid out what it says is overwhelming evidence of misconduct in office and report says trump used his power to seek help from ukraine and his reelection bid and Iraqi Security forces have a rest of the deputy of the late isolator baghdadi. Was captured during an overnight raid in hawaii just city thats in care cook province baghdadi killed himself while some rounded by u. S. Forces back in october and a stray has repealed a law that allowed sick Asylum Seekers and its remote Detention Centers to travel to the country for medical treatment the medivac law was passed in february and allowed the transfer of refugees in camps on papa new guinea in a rare if it was requested by 2 or more doctors the senate has now overturns that door by 37 votes to 35. Well those are the headlines the news continues. Story. Is natos still relevant cracks at the wells blog just military alliance 70th birthday of the Member States differences and what could happen if they dont this is inside story. Come to the program. The worlds biggest military alliance is facing a crisis the United States can other 10 european nations formed nato at the end of the 2nd world war to confront what they saw riots from the soviet union now the biggest appear to be internal nato boasts 29 members

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