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A Measles Outbreak thats killed more than 50 people. Also ahead the 3000 kilometer pipeline that will deliver russian gas from siberia to china is Energy Hungry cities im going to go with the sport as the brave be engulfed reaches a crucial stage hosts caton take on the u. A. E. In their last group match for the place in the semifinals at stake well hear from both camps in the next hour. Hello at least 2 people have been killed in the eastern democratic republic of congo where gunfire has been heard. Again march towards a u. N. Base they were heading to the peacekeeping compound near the airport in beni one of 2 bases in that city. Government soldiers blocked them from getting too close to administrators have been targeting u. N. Peacekeepers there for more than a week saying theyre failing to protect seville. And from attacks by rebel groups lets speak to al jazeera producer and we can even benny hes joining us on the telephone and youve been reporting hearing gunshots has the situation become any clearer on what exactly is happening out in the streets and whos involved. In these now tense the gun should of just who is in the right now as im talking to you. Around the streets of baby after the rain here based artist not discouraged they can but again after tearing up succeeded to kill a police right now as im talking to you killed a Police Officer and his body was even supported by the protesters. On the men. Here now soldiers are trying to create different. News of the town of business here and you can see. 5 good. News so you could big challenge for soldiers right now to frisk these young boys so determined to fit soldier gets or give them for broken bent to reach a defined mission which was to attack it if it can military business you and me at the airport this is. Just. So as youre saying then the tension clearly began with yet another march on that u. N. Compound but this in a little bit of context for us talk to us about how it was actually spartan how many people are we talking about here who are out on the streets. Last week as you move hes saying they dont want to see us here because you when. You really. Have been killed not just from them in the business. So they only get a mission. Is to put to good friends it gives you an out even fade. Into the pools of. Uganda but only does it mean for pulling out of the un members you cannot see us. Turning again around been. The purpose of the trying now to attack. Well not stop there will not stop protesting against un. Peacekeepers who. Will be to us so that the government responsibility to protect civilians against the killing of these idiots relabels coming from the forest killing people and every day here in this town this is the main cause of this huge issue on the right now the situation happening right now independent of. All right now thank you for that update from benny lets bring in Katherine Sawyer joining us from goma thats the largest city in the eastern democratic republic of congo and as youve been hearing are now weve been talking about the anger. Thats the u. N. Mission which isnt only being expressed in beni the anger that is but also where you are in there is a general strike in support of the protesters catherine how widespread is this strike. Yes people are also very angry here the whole of last week were also covering protests by you know people who are saying that they are supporting the protesters. But today is more calm than benny where. In the morning shops were closed streets were clear but now were seeing people coming out to the streets and going about their business and just to go back to benny ive just spoken to the governor of north kivu province currently receive it or not many is in north kivu province and he has said that Security Forces are not now just dealing with ordinary protesters he said that some of the people in those protests are armed with crude weapons like machetes he said that theyre violent theyre talking important installations that target Security Forces theyre talking residents of any who do not want to participate in this process he also says that they have information that the processed has been infiltrated by militia from this faction of groups called my my my my is more entrenched in the Community Many people accept this group more so he says Government Forces are going to continue using force unless the situation calms down going to continue using force as long as these protests are violent and all this is happening at a time when Health Workers in that region are struggling to deal with an ebola crisis. The visit by the director general of the World Health Organization to go was brief but necessary. Health workers responding to an outbreak in parts of the region wiretapped last week by my my rebels in an area where people are still being infected by the disease. 4 died and in this hospital the w. H. O. Chief visits those who were injured even one. Case could spark a fire so the same thing now actually with a major one of the major security incidents like this one concern is even more so it may take us longer than you know it would have taken with the progress that we had having the green he had the agencies upon a majesty coordinate to shows us what theyre dealing with the red sports you see the focus points its in mining villages in about 70 kilometers from baby town where most of the new cases have been detected yet its one of the most unsafe areas and where the Health Workers were recently killed plans are brick its important to stop or. This very difficult to access because of the forest around the mining areas making sure that they have full access to be. All of the villages amount of important plans are brick. Up to a dozen a boiler responders have been killed and several Treatment Facilities attacked since the outbreak started nearly a year and a half ago. Has killed on operations in beni because of the current security crisis these affects people tracking the disease we met. In beni 3 weeks ago shes among volunteers who wanted to people whove been in contact with ebola Patients Health officials tell us one of the biggest concerns is how people. Can safely keep in touch with those they monitor for a ball of symptoms. The performance because. The person performing. To 50 person this is a problem because. In goma the w. H. O. Chief also met those tasked with containing the disease some of whom had been ever hit from the frontlines in beni because of the unsighted security situation. When we spoke to the director general of the World Health Organization yesterday when he came to go he said the priority now is keeping Health Workers safe and what this means is that all are responders in bed we are now not able to deploy to some of these areas like where people are still getting in infected and this really is detrimental to the fight against. All right so catherine so i thank you for that update from goma well the United Nations has been trying to stabilize eastern democratic republic of congo for the last 20 years its mission as youve been hearing known as one of sco has more than 18000. 00 personnel and its the 3rd largest peacekeeping operation in the world where the 100. 00 armed groups are believed to operate there raiding villages and running illegal mines and the allied Democratic Forces are a. D. F. Is one of the most well known foreign by ugandan rebels more than 2 decades ago its accused of many atrocities her stuff vogel is a researcher at the university of kent and hes also a former u. N. Expert on the democratic republic of congo and he talks us through the mountain of challenges generally in delhi area how we have both been able outbreak coinciding with massacres in attacks that are ongoing since diamond 14 and while those attacks have been mostly attribute it to ugandan on the here with me Different Actors operating in that area that have also been identified for the involvement internet so when we hear about socalled my militia we need to be aware that those are like one or 2 dozen of very different groups and some sometimes that are my my eyes even used by civilian demonstrators and protesters as well. Now weve also seen is a very massive medical to be true to venture to address. Which is actually left local populations in doubt over the socal the international communitys dedication to also fight the violence with the same energy and moreover the militarization of the medical response in parts as falling trees distrust in an area where Government Troops and sometimes will peacekeepers are not always seen as positive forces by everyone. Syrian Government Air strikes have killed at least 14 civilians in the province. 20 others including children are injured busy markets and modern. City were targeted and there are reports of more airstrikes in the area. The search for iraqs new Prime Minister has begun after the resignation of his entire cabinet i did my these governments will stay on in a caretaker capacity until a new one is formed more than 400 people have been killed in weeks of antigovernment protests iraqis are now repeating their calls for a complete overhaul of the political system despite the resignation. So the white house says it will take part in the next step of the impeachment inquiry into donald trump u. S. President had been given until sunday to confirm whether hed send legal representatives to the house hearing on wednesday trump is accused of asking ukraine to investigate his political rival joe biden and biden son in exchange for military aides. Meanwhile donald trump is restoring tariffs on steel. Imports from argentina and brazil he made the announcement on twitter saying that the 2 countries have been presiding over a massive devaluation of their currencies which is not good for our farmers therefore Effective Immediately i will restore the tariffs on all steel and many im that is shipped into the u. S. From those countries lets bring in our White House Correspondent kimberly halakhah joining us from washington d. C. So another twist in the Trump Trade War this time with argentina brazil. Right usually were talking about the trade war with china but this time a bit of a surprise on monday morning as americans waking up hearing about this tweet that the exemption that had been secured back in may of 28 team by argentina and brazil on steel and aluminum as we say over here tariffs well those are now back in place and this is not going to make those countries happy specifically because the urge the white house not to do it but dr particularly upset by some of the actions hes accusing argentina as well as brazil of taking of deliberately he he accuses them of deliberately devaluing their currency and it seems that this might have been provoked by a comment recently made by the economic minister in brazil where he said hes not concerned about the Exchange Rate in other words that theres a strong u. S. Dollar in contrast to the brazilian reale so as a result there seems to be hewn it of action that has been taken by the u. S. President but it goes on even further because that tweet that you read has a 2nd part where the u. S. President says the. The Federal Reserve here in the United States should act so that countries of which there are many no longer take advantage of our strong dollar by further devaluing their currencies what hes saying is theres a pivotal meeting coming up here in the United States for the Federal Reserve thats the central bank here in the United States on december 10th and 11th he has been pushing very vocally for some time for them to lower their Interest Rates in fact he wants to see it in negative territory like he says europe has right now some of the European Countries because he feels theres a competitive advantage so to parse through these tweets number one the announcement that those tariffs are going back in place for argentina and brazil but also pushing for further action here in the United States something hes been looking for for a very long time all right kimberly thank you for that update. On to more head on the aljazeera news hour including World Leaders gather for a climate talks in spain as their war on the planet is approaching the point of no return. For an aids free africa leaders and doctors meeting for one day to tackle the spread of the disease coming up in sports the gold rush continues for the philippines as they strut their stuff at the Southeast Asian games. But 1st reports are suggesting that saudi arabia once opec to reduce Oil Production as it prepares to list the state owned oil for on the Stock Exchange sources have told the Reuters News Agency that the plan would see another 400000. 00 Barrels Per Day added to existing cuts of 1200000. 00 that so or oil prices would stay high enough during a run close initial Share Offering but a number of countries are producing oil well above their quotas lets bring in al jazeera as economics editor for analysis on this whats this all about does it have to do with saudi aramco i. P. O. Weltering theres a lot of speculation around as to exactly why saudi arabia wants to do this but lets deal with iran 1st yes you know it would be really helpful if oil prices were stable over the 1st 6 months off its flotation now. They say its important because they have a lot of Retail Investors which are small investors who are putting the money into the market possibly for the 1st time taking huge loans to take a big bet on this particular company after 6 months if they keep their money. They will get extra shares and the who pays that nonvolatile market would encourage them to keep their money in the saudi aramco so the saudis a very keen to make sure that this flow. They dont want to have to put their hands in their own pockets in their state funds stock market got to buy excess excess shares the whole idea of trying to sell aramco was to make sure that there was additional new money coming into the economy so that they could spend that money elsewhere and could there be any other reasons behind us move up and oh yes absolutely you know Global Demand whether you look at the International Energy agency both are saying next year there will be a glut in the 1st 6 months of the year and really what companies. Produce really need to do is reduce the amount of oil that they are producing otherwise the oil price will sink below 60. 00 a barrel now russia will be turning up to this meeting as part of the Opec Plus Group and russia has been reluctant in the past to sign up to any deals but at the last minute they always signed up only because they were thinking about the bigger geo political picture of keeping the saudis happy of all their interventions around the world where they are in libya and in syria to make sure that the middle east is a stable area now at the same time the Russian Oil Companies are saying you know really we dont want to keep within these within these restraints we want to produce more oil we capture greater markets otherwise if we have to cut production were losing market share and they dont want to go down this slippery slope but theres other countries which havent been keeping to their production limits which is iraq and next year and brazil norway and guyana will start to pump more oil onto the market and this will cause a huge headache for the saudis. Thanks very much for that. Now the International Court of justice in the netherlands is Holding Public hearings on an appeal relating to the blockade of qatar egypt saudi arabia the United Arab Emirates and have been imposing the blockade for nearly 2 and a half years they accuse qatar as government of spreading instability supporting terrorism which it strongly denies so on june 5th 2017 saudi arabia close qatar as only land border access to the sea is restricted as well and air routes were also closed forcing Qatar Airways to make longer detours and look for alternate flight paths that are says the earth sprays restrictions by saudi arabia and the u. A. E. Violates International Law for more on whats going on at the International Court of justice lets bring in jim hes joining us from the hague so whats been said so far jamal. Well this is been an opportunity for the blockading countries to the namely saudi arabia United Arab Emirates behind in egypt to try and get the International Court of justice through essentially overrule a decision thats already been made by the specialized body in terms of Civil Aviation which as i coude the international Civil Aviation organization which ruled in favor of qatar and qatar complained that this blockade was illegal and a breach of International Agreements what these countries are saying and why theyve come here to the hague to the i. C. J. Is theyre saying that i coul its not in its jurisdiction to make these decision or at least thats what they had said at the outset however once these of hearing started there was a very peculiar claims being made in the opening remarks by the representatives of those countries where they started focusing on qataris policies even bringing in things like the freedom of press that. Is exercised through channels like 0 which they claimed was trying to ferment some sort of instability and so forth that was the political side of it and they were trying to give a political justification as to why they took the decision to stop the. Civilian aircraft of Qatar Airways from flying go for their life and there wasnt a clear connection as to how that was tied between the 2 then when their lawyers took to the stage there in rather than focusing on that some more they then went on to talk about how the procedural aspects of ike how the international Civil Aviation organization wasnt met by the organization itself or not there wasnt enough time taken by the organization to consider why the countries decided to blockade qatar and close off its airspace so there seems to be a lack of consistency with regards to the arguments this is still the 1st day whats going to happen is theyve broken for lunch they going to come back shortly and resume their statements made by the blockade in countries tomorrow. Monday rather choose the cup that has a chance to respond to those then on wednesday there is a break in proceedings thursday the 4 countries will yet again present more arguments friday or will give its rebuttal however a decision by the i. C. G c ms will not be taken the end of the week operates in a very small piece here and could take maybe weeks if not months its important to note here that this specific case was filed almost 2 years ago and its taken this long for to come to a hearing stage so things you know do move in small pieces i think all right thank you for that update and i mean will u. N. Climate conference has opened in spain thats where delegates have been warned our planet is fast approaching the point of no return chilean politician carolyn a smith took over as president of cop 25. 00 in madrid the event was meant to have been held in chile but weeks of violent street protests there forced the government to cancel n. T. Live in she lay and globally we are seeing social and environmental crises in order to address these we have to go back to the grassroots we have to build trust and confidence again if we need to dialogue with openness to change the Climate Crisis is the greatest challenge that we are facing today mariana hong looks at what stood in the way of action so far nations have had their differences over how to keep our planet cool but the need to act well that something they have long agreed on will date as did that back in 1992 at the years summit in Rio De Janeiro signing up to the u. N. Framework convention on Climate Change even in the ninetys they recognised through this International Treaty that Climate Change was a problem that human activity was the driving force and that we all need to ect. But what the treaty didnt address was how to reconcile the different interests of every nation on this planet so every year since 995 the conference of the parties to that treaty what we now refer to as the coop have come together to try to work it all out thousands of observers have joined them theres been debate negotiation a lot of science a lot of jargon and some major disagreements which makes the deal in paris in 2015 all the more remarkable countries united behind limiting warming the same tree to well below true degrees celsius above preindustrial levels ideally one and a half they pledged to reduce emissions and developed nations committed to a 100000000000. 00 a year fund by 2020 to help poorer nations adept and develop a new planet friendly way last year they agreed to most though not all of the rules on how to do it all with an eye on 2020 when they will lay via what they have done and plenty to question missions which is why what happens in 2019 really matches if rich nations failed to deliver on that 100000000000. 00 climate finance revive disputes with the developing nations over emissions of countries fail to agree on cabin trading roles with bipolar as pay for their emissions it could interrupt the worlds transition to clean energy and if nations fail to commit to new more ambitious pledges well that could undermine faith in the cup itself Donald Trumps plan to pull the United States out of the Paris Agreement late next year isnt helping and Carbon Emissions is still on the rise but as it stands every nation is at the table and politicians are still being confronted by the science no matter how unpalatable some i find it. The years warmed by half a degree celsius and the 20 years after that 1st cup meeting and 995. 00 but despite its simple fictions the cup is the only multilateral climate for and we have when nations can work on their differences and right now the future of our planet to pins on that. Well a powerful typhoon is bearing down on the philippines kevin is here with the latest on that thats right were looking at live radar right now this is coming from windy dot com are showing the typhoon just hours away from making landfall in the philippines the central philippines minnow is up here located but you can see the well defined eye of the storm right here we are do have the eye wall making a slight brush on some our island right here but we do think its going to be making landfall probably the next 4 to 6 hours and its going to be the overnight hours and of course we are seeing quite a bit of rain coming out of the storm i do want to show you the satellite image with the eye right now look at that one big well defined eye but also look at the future bands how far they extend out here towards the west rain showers already been pushing across parts of luzon all the way down across the south as well but in terms of the speed were talking about winds that are 195 kilometers gusting even higher this is equivalent to a category 3 hurricane if it was in the atlantic we dont expect it to really increase intensity too much more in the next 12 hours but its going to keep this intensity for a little while in terms of storm surge 2 to 3 meters of storm surge flooding widespread we do think 9600000 people are probably in the path of the storm that will be affected by Hurricane Force winds or higher in this area in terms of rain though over the next few days expect to see anywhere between 20300 millimeters of rain back to you kevin thank you very much well in the news ahead coming up in just a moment on the news hour. Making themselves heard protesters across latin america hold some of tenuous demonstrations. Australia slams the treatment of one of its citizens detained in china for months. And well show you how there was barely room to move on the ice at this hockey game details coming out a little later. Toxic. On the foreign Stock Exchange transparency. Over. There the Worlds Largest oil producer and you dont. Investigate. The middle easts most potent economic weapon. Company and the state. On. To come. Into the. Living civilization. In. The big picture. 5000. Stories. Including a Police Officer been killed in the democratic republic of congo. After hundreds of people march towards one of the Un Peacekeeping bases there. U. S. President donald trump is restoring tear of song steel in. Argentina and brazil making the announcement on twitter he said that the 2 countries over a massive devaluation of their currency which are not good for farmers. The search for a new Prime Minister in iraq has begun after the resignation of his cabinet. Government killed more than 400 people. Talk about iraq with. His a researcher at the university of exeter a strategy and Security Institute hes joining us via skype from there thanks through time with us on the aljazeera news hour how challenging are the next couple of weeks going to be for parliamentarians in particular in iraq and in the search for a new Prime Minister are we looking at a political tug of war. I think were going to see something that we see quite often in following iraqi elections although albeit this is not an election its just a Prime Minister stepping down but you often see iraqi Political Parties who have the parts of the kind of the 6th sectarian more hostile system the division of ethno sectarian political seats and power. They will be conducting a lot of horse trading to see which candidate which party ultimately gets the top job and that will also include deals between the parties for which party will get control of which ministries and all their budgets i dont think that were going to see too much of a significant change in terms of policy in terms of the form. This is just me a window dressing and the question is whether whoever is nominated is going to be accepted by the protesters. Of course i mean as i said as far as theyre aware and as far as theyre concerned this is just a cosmetic change people kind of will always be looking at the rocky political elite as operating a revolving door that ive been mad he went in and now before him that i but he went in and now hes left and before him nouri maliki went in and now hes left and the door keeps revolving different characters come in and out but the system fundamentally stays the same so tell me a little because a its right though the protesters the resignation of the Prime Minister was not one of their main demands as we know there are calling for the overhaul of the entire political system in the entire political establishment in iraq. Is that a realistic demand and do you see that happening in the country. I dont see it happening any time soon impurity because i mean as the New York Times and the intercepts in Iran Intelligence cables leaks showed iran has a very powerful influence on Iraqi Affairs and that involves is politics so the Political Parties who form the political process in iraq obviously are beholden to such an external interests not just iran its also the United States of america and even to a small extent saudi arabia so when you have all these different powers pulling and tugging in Different Directions and these political elites are profiting and theres a lot of political corruption theres a lot of personal corruption its unlikely that things are going to change but its a perfectly reasonable demand for iraqis to want this i mean this is something that should be taken as a given amongst democracies as a whole so it shouldnt be a case that iraqis should have a different form of democracy whereby they can have a system that is not based on ethno sectarian division it should be one of National Unity and unfortunately thats unlikely to happen as long as this foreign powers getting involved right ok we thank you very much for speaking to us from exeter. Thank you now the biggest aids conference in africa has opened in rwanda doctors and others from around the world will discuss their goal of aids free consonance campaigners though say the global responses are already failing lives to mark and web joining us from. Theres been massive progress in trying to combat the spread of hiv on the continent but sometimes there are challenges lie ahead so whats a priority at this years conference malcolm. Different campaigners different messages on that but the other the goal the theme of the conferences discussions that are coming or going on here in the galley Convention Center the goal of an aids free africa but thats certainly something that hasnt happened yet with me is eric kumar whos a medical doctor and a Senior Technical Advisor for the Charity Doctors without borders so nearly a 1000000 people are still dying every year from aids most of them in africa why why i. Want the 1st to see that we have the greed that we would get in the controlled by 2020. Would be eradicated by 20. 00 to 30. 00 with 1000000. 00 deaths per year we are not the so we need to realize in that greed that there is a problem you know and were not going to really manage to achieve the target why is it that been well because some people have been known treatment for some of them 1015 years 20 years some of my patient and our this this team called treatment should teach. On this site and this is something called resistance the virus mutates and become resistant so the 2 together treatment you know youre in the most of the countries in africa in still a lot of barrier to access the Health Center is not you have to reach it because you money and when you have been for more than 10 years and treatment you thought at some point you were better untreated and you could stop and a lot of people ever stopped thinking they would restart the. Virus kicks in the game but unfortunately it developed resistance so a problem linear model actually we went to were more circular more then which stick more with the today life of the majority of people in the largest funder of the worlds response against the u. S. Government and it says that. Its spending enough money and its looking for more efficiencies in in the money that its that its giving for medication and other treatments can the academic be stopped without Additional Resources no the answer is no were not actually the target we have to our knowledge the American Government contribution which has been enormous that when they give the majority that job is not finished its not the right moment to drop the pressure and say with the money we have giving and if you know we disagree on this we need to dying those people i was talking about the one well they treatment which specific test treats the diseases that theyre presenting with those opportunistic infection that are coming back and this will require additional tools in addition of mother another lot well keep it very simple but we need to our knowledge that unless we tackle this we know were not reach our goal thank you very much that was eric kumar from Doctors Without Borders here in doha. Thank you. Summer as Prime Minister is shutting down the government and ordering stuff to help deal with a spiraling Measles Outbreak so far at least 53 people have died on the Pacific Islands most of them Young Children as many as 100 people are falling ill every day well samoa has been scrambling to control this outbreak for weeks it began in october and spread quickly in a country with low vaccination rates by mid november more than a 1000 cases have been confirmed and the government declared a state of emergency all schools were closed and anyone under the age of 17 was banned from public gatherings including Church Services some of his governments also made vaccinations compulsory for everyone lets speak to jose hagin hes a medical officer in the vaccine preventable diseases and Immunization Program at the World Health Organization hes joining us via skype from manila thanks for your time with us on the news hour to what extent are the low vaccination rates in samoa one of the main Drivers Behind this latest outbreak that were seeing the flu vaccination rates are absolutely the biggest driver. Is a very preventable disease its also extraordinarily infectious. The good news is we have a tools your back to school measles vaccine is that one of the most effective vaccines we have but it does require extremely high coverage of the population in order to prevent outbreaks how would you describe this outbreak in somehow. Its if its a very large outbreak in a small population there are over 3700. 00 cases so far and it worked a few deaths its really and its really affected the entire society its just shut down the government this point and it is an example of how devastating Measles Outbreaks can be and as youve been saying just a moment ago the w. H. O. Says that the vaccine is safe and effective and the also recommends immunization for all susceptible children and adults but we know that back in 2518 excuse me with the deaths of 2 children who were given a wrongly mixed vaccine and some. People are fearful of vaccination so how do you begin to shift the mindset of those that are afraid i mean ization in vaccines. Is that the truth is that vaccines are some of the safest interventions that we have access to missiles that seem alone has prevented over 21000000 deaths since 2000. The deficit that did occur couple years ago were extremely tragic because they were preventable errors do occur but it was not a problem with the vaccine it was it was it was an unfortunate error and administration. But despite that fact vaccines are some of the most highly scrutinized interventions that we have the most. Carefully monitored medications that we provide and its very important for people to realize that. This that this vaccine in particular the measles vaccine as i said is one of the most effective ones we have as extremely safe and that you know that were seeing again resurgence of measles around the world i mean the World Health Organization itself has warned of a comeback all over around the world why is that. Its a lot of factors you know that most people who are under vaccinated are people who live in. Situations where they dont have access to the vaccine they live in conflict areas they may be part of marginalized populations that dont have the same access to services. And so those and so the fact that these pockets of people who are not immune as been growing over time in some populations leads to this sort of a tinderbox situation and once that the disease introduced its place presently rapidly and unfortunately this spreading across the world and that leads to a lot of exportations through International Travel which affects small countries like small alright so we thank you very much as they have found for speaking to us from manila thanks very much oh russia one of the Worlds Largest exporter as of natural gas has launched a huge new pipeline from siberia to china itll be about 3000 kilometers long connecting 2 fields in eastern siberia to a city on chinas border the pipelines expected to be fully operational in 2025 itll supply 38000000000 cubic meters of gas a year and russia describes it as the worlds biggest construction project running across frigid mountainous areas of siberia from northern china Andrew Thomas reports. Life is tough along chinas border with siberia its minus 12 degrees celsius theres not much industry not many jobs most around here use coal to cook and their homes. Burning coal its obviously very dirty its polluting and also a lot of physical work but 2 big Infrastructure Projects are bringing change 1st is this bridge opening next year it crosses the a more river frozen at the moment the river divide russia and china the bridge will link the cities of blago vest and. Im walking on the coast trucking of the bridge i feel proud when i tell friends are one of the contributors. But its the 2nd project that is the most significant this is one of the most remote parts of china and just a kilometer or 2 over there is one of the most remote parts of russia and now linking that so is this pipeline its an economic projects of course but its all about politics to the power of siberia a pipeline is about to deliver gas from russia to cities across china its cost 55000000000 dollars and on the russian side stretches more than 3000 kilometers the pipeline through china will eventually reach shanghai almost 3000 kilometers to the south but china it means well priced energy thats relatively clean but. Other than for heating natural gas can be used to generate power is much better than oil and coal it has much less pollution and if you were emissions of c o 2 for russia the project is unlikely to make much money as the only feasible customer for gas from russias Eastern Fields china bog and hard russia was keen because it is facing resistance to its plans to export more gas to europe some European Countries and the United States have tried to Block Development of a new pipeline to germany they think it will leave europe too dependent on russian gas so russia wants to shore up its strategic ally to the east but china to more russian gas means less reliance on liquefied natural gas shipments from the United States and middle Eastern Countries potentially implemented by u. S. Policy the pipeline then is a strategic link as much as one about money after thomas aljazeera her in northern china. Australias Prime Minister Scott Morrison said hes concerned about reports that an australian chinese writer detained in beijing is being interrogated daily while sack old yang. Jiang on for advocating prodemocracy causes has been held since january suspected of spying chinas government denies ill treatment or torture still Prime Minister morrison says he and his foreign minister are getting worrying information on the foreign minister very concerned following the most recent consular access that weve had about the treatment and we have rise these issues consistently now for some time and we would like to see the issues about access to lawyers about getting a clear annunciation of what the matter is in and that are being brought against these trying citizens at the center of this guys. Tsunamis president has returned to his country after a court found him guilty of murder while on an official trip to china a military tribunal has sentence does he say its a 20 years in prison for the murder of 15 political opponents in 1982 when he was the countrys military leader that has yet to issue an order for his arrest the terraces says hes the victim of a political game. An albanian mayor has resigned over comments she made about the death toll from last weeks earthquake the mayor of the city of douras which was one of the hardest hit areas sparked outrage when she said she was quote satisfied only 50 people died in the quake choose this magnitude 6. 4 earthquake also left thousands homeless. Maltas Prime Minister Joseph Muscat says hell step down next month after being gulfs in a crisis surrounding the murder of a journalist doesnt care what i go lets see i was killed 2 years ago in a car bombing cattle up as reports it covered up i know my age is definitely in the defiant and under pressure to resign martyrs Prime Minister josef most that announced on National Television that hes stepping down and that the president by kicking up what hes done i will write to the president of the labor party so that the process for a new leader is sit for january 12th 2020 that day i will resign as the leader of the labor party in the days after i will resign as Prime Minister by the club to stop the. Hours before his announcement thousands of protesters demanded he resign saying hes too close to people implicated in the murder of journalist daphne could wanna go lisa you. Can use to resign the sooner the better even for his own Political Party its its better right now its. So mess its a big mess the journalist was killed in 2017 when a bomb went off in her car at the time of the murder she was looking into secret accounts of some of my alters elite. At the heart of the murder probe is this man youre going to fenech is a prominent businessman with ties to government ministers he pleaded not guilty after being charged with being complicit in the murder of the journalist joseph most god is very Close Friends with his now former chief of staff can be can be last week was arrested a couple of times in connection with the murder kids can bury had secret offshore accounts with york and senate. The resignation of top level officials has done little to calm the end or the demand is now that the Prime Minister and leave immediately there have been some insinuations that he has the in part but joe. Hes just. He. Was once highly popular among voters who promised that hed and corruption now an investigation into murder and corruption his premiership. Scored 6 goals. For a place. Coming up next. Well again time for the sports is with joe therrien thank you what its all supply for in the final round of group games at the raby and gulf cup the standout time cats and take on the u. A. E. One of the countries currently blockading katsa both teams have won one of the last one the cats are in a stronger position they only need a draw to reach the semifinals and goal difference of the u. A. E. Need to win thats not going to double the i mean we expect a difficult match we will follow our coaches plan to the letter in order to gain these 3 points we will treat this guy as a final do or die the only coach by former netherlands boss but van marwijk he took over earlier this year in mits that his team will have a tough job against a well organized cattle side which won the asian cup in february. Is maybe the best team in this tournament they have a very good team they started the project already a long time ago they can play a few years beyond its over with almost the same team you see it on the on the pitch and our project we started a few months ago so theres a big difference also when i say that. Maybe qatar for me is the best team of the storm and i think we have a chance. Well Andy Richardson is live for us at the heath International Stadium andy has what happened at the asian cup given this game an added edge. Yeah absolutely we cast our mind back to january and it seems that in the semifinal of the asian cup that sort of hosted by the United Arab Emirates where the countries involved in this blockade imposed on cuts are. In that country the moment it is illegal to express any public sympathy towards qatar what it will be a degree of public sympathy here tonight it will be a capacity crowd for this game that match was was overshadowed somewhat by cats all supplies be directly bodied with Water Bottles and shoes during the match or that when i was with for neal the acrimony didnt even finish after the final whistle with the u. A. E. Going on still playing to the age of 14 federation the cats always fielding ineligible players complained it was eventually thrown out organizers here very much focused on x. Underlining the youd see the traditional unity of the gulf a long history of this tournament they dont want to be dragged into it will receive a sharp the last couple of years and it has to be said on a football any level the 3 countries in asia. And saudi arabia and bahrain it imposes boquet on cats on a footballing level for the cup teams are still playing each other throughout this one hated the Asian Champions League basically with the u. A. E. And saudi great youve got 2 countries theyre desperate to carry on staging world class sporting events in saudi this saturday will be the heavyweight boxing fighters who are not yuris announced joshua so they keen to show that they will sing profile doesnt necessarily have to be completely dictated by their countrys policies 90 bevan malek says the cats are in the best team at the tournament is he writes. This some are running in that in in a world cup soccer one caps not enough to qualify for the world cup a better place than ever to actually go into that theyve just had from a phase one was the asian player of the year long. He was named asian player of the year top of the Asian Qualifying Group as well and if you look at the background of those places really a microcosm of whats happened since the cats eyes football over the last decade obviously lot of it accelerates it by hosting you know the world cup but a lot of it was in place anyway those plays both came through the National Academy here these are academy i was developed young is. That by how sad he was the the National Champions by thought experience playing in the belgian see that his cat syria and has given them exposure it suits your people will say shows that the sort of level the cats are full bulls now lads as for the u. A. E. They just might couple of very damaging results see in their World Cup Qualifying Campaign they lost their last couple of games a draw is not good for them tonight they have to win and id have to say in front of a nasty crowd that saw all the favorites to get the result they need yet its going to be a good one hour and a thanking well there are 4 games in total on monday in group a iraq already 3 take on yemen who are already out and is still very open in group b. Where all 4 teams can progress he weight played and saudi arabia play defending champions amman. Organizing the Southeast Asian games are preparing venues for the arrival of typhoon come morry the storm is expected to make landfall early on Tuesday Morning there are contingency plans for those Outdoor Sports affected by the storm including windsurfing which has been disposed and until further notice some people were asking if we would be expensing if they said no theres no extension theres always a solution on by the technical big delegate. All the parts. On the basketball realignment of because. Of the weather didnt affect the down sport competition where hosts philippians picked up 10 goals well but own so and pole moree were the standout couple winning 3 titles on their own in the slow samberg chatter chatter and categories the philippines are way out in front of nearly 40 gold medals overall. After running up a 10 game winning streak the l. A. Lakers have finally been brought back down to earth in the n. B. A. The Dallas Mavericks inflicted their 1st loss in a while taking advantage of the lakers mistakes to beat them 1142100. 27 points 10 assists and 9. The miami heat went on a late scoring run to beat the Brooklyn Nets trailing with one minute and 45 seconds on the clock or and drag it to school to bring his tally to 24. 00 points in this game justice winslows free throw then sealed the 109106 point. The n. H. L. Season is slipping away from Montreal Canadiens who are now much their worst slump in 80 years the Boston Bruins were responsible for extending montreals season high losing streak to 8 games on sunday evenings and 31 day would pass a night school and leave leading 25th go for the bruins thing about the decider in his 1st game in nearly a month for the bruins this was the 7th straight win. Meanwhile Minor League Hockey team the hershey bez have set a new record for most teddy bears collected at their annual teddy bear toss 6 45650. 00 stuffed animals of various sizes rained down on to the ice off to the teams 1st goal thats over 10000. 00 more than last year it delayed the game for 30 minutes impressive especially when you consider that the arena only holds just over 10000. 00 people the teddies a collected and donated to local charities ahead of christmas. So straight all right thats all sports are in various free thank you joe and thanks for watching the news hour on aljazeera were back in just a moment much more news coming your way were going to about. Day one of the new iraq in Television News we badly need at this moment leadership until this encampment that were in today it didnt exist 3 weeks ago now theres at least 20000 for him to record using live on aljazeera i got to commend you all on hearing is Good Journalism turns to the fire has resigned after all. Long lines the attempts of coverups Jamal Khashoggi his loved ones want some form of closure people are suffering she put on dying entire School Systems collapsing we are in the beginning of a mass extinction we saw the syrian army flag voice the tide in the city theres no record but. Look. Its a good 2 missiles a minute about a 100 meters away from the frontline but its not. Going to happen or happened out quickly. Our planet is warming as never before with profound consequences for all life on earth but the worlds leading Scientists Say there is still time to act planet s. O. S. Sets out the facts on the Science Behind the issues affecting our planet. And brings you what people across the globe a doing to touch on the crisis around planets s. O. S. On aljazeera. The latest news as it breaks new polling shows 70 percent of americans believe the president did something wrong regarding syria with detailed coverage for the 4000000. 00 followers of the league brotherhood this is just a poll the city would put their ritual capital from around the world the Yellow Ribbon became a symbol of the full catalog politicians were jailed as dishing last. Gunshots were heard in the eastern democratic republic of congo as crowds run towards a u. N. Peacekeeping base. Watch aljazeera lie from a headquarters in doha im doubting you know were going to also ahead he was President Donald Trump slaps tariffs on metal imports from brazil and argentina opening new fronts in his trade war. Shuts down the government in order stuff to help contain a missile outbreak thats killed more than 50 people. Also the 3000 kilometer pipeline that will deliver russian gas from siberia to china as Energy Hungry city

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