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To the program weeks of deadly antigovernment protests could finally force a Major Political change in iraq the Prime Minister. Has announced he intends to resign the who took charge last year says hell submit his resignation to parliament as mama jam june was on the scene as the news emerged and has this report from the capital baghdad. The celebrations were instantaneous as soon as it went up the Prime Minister added up in may be an ounce his intention to resign antigovernment demonstrators but thats to leave a square practically threw a party. The Stunning Development came a day after more than 50 people were killed by Security Forces in one of the bloodiest days of violence since the antigovernment protests erupted in early october it was just over a year ago that abdul mahdi was appointed Prime Minister. As a consensus candidate between iraq political blogs. Throughout the streets on friday cheering singing even dancing optimism on full display oh shut up today the iraqi people are happy but we only consider this as a 1st step we demand the resignation of all lawmakers and we call on the judiciary to put them on trial immediately. The protesters making it clear that cosmetic changes will not suffice they are after a complete overhaul of the political system in iraq the mood here a dire square has turned celebrates worry but all around us there are some reminders of those who have lost their lives during these protests here you see people who are praying for the memories of antigovernment demonstrators who were killed by Security Forces and College Students told me he and his fellow protesters are more encouraged than ever to keep coming out on to the streets and risk their lives if youre going to do that are there no doubt of that album isnt only a day. Just to cover he wants to topple the whole regime its been a corrupt system for the last 16 years a corrupt system that negatively Impact Society and politics the economy and its even had a psychological impact on us a lot for some time and not brought her whole family so they could all witness a historic moment together and you know as a need to shout out today we have to come and participate because this iraq is our iraq this country is our country and this pain is our pain the youth who have been demonstrating are like all our children they have to take their rights because corruption wont last forever. Inspiring words that may help transcend the deep pain felt by so many in iraq these praying constantly not just for the dead but also the living. But that. Well the armrest in iraq has been ongoing now for weeks protests began in the capital baghdad of a high unemployment and claims of corruption and spread across the country despite public support from key religious and political figures but before about 65. 00 people had died in clashes with Security Forces protests subsided when the Prime Minister released a plan including subsidies and housing for the poor but crowds returned to the streets angry with the government and what they say was irans influence well on the demba 3 iranian consulate in karbala was attacked and this week demonstrators set fire to the iranian consulate in the jeff sparking another explosion in violence the death toll from almost 2 months of anger now stands at at least 400. 00 or the body is a former iraqi ambassador to the United Nations and is now the director of the center for the study of the middle east at Indiana University joins us live now from indianapolis finally how much pressure was the under to quit and was he really the right person for the job anyway. Well he was always a compromise candidate so he has been in retirement for at that for about 10 years but the parliamentary parties deadlocked on who should become the Prime Minister after the last elections so he was a compromise candidate he was not a part of Political Party he wields no strength and argument and so it was thought that the Political Parties could control him he was the right man in the sense that he has been around since the south. And he does have a certain technocratic abilities but of course hes part and parcel of the system which the demonstrators were rejected that senate for only one year in office he certainly could not have been expected to you know wave a magic wand and make all the problems disappear yeah and this isnt the 1st time hes offered to resign so when is he likely to go and what happens next fison in terms of his government and who will succeed him well when the Prime Minister resigned the suing the parliament who accept his resignation it is deemed that the entire cabinet has sought under the iraqi constitution what occurs next is that. The president will be acting Prime Minister but he has a certain amount of time to name and the Prime Minister designate then has 15 days to form a cap but he has to form a cabinet and obtain the approval by a simple majority vote of the. Parliament so this is sort of mechanically what has to happen but what is difficult to see is that the impasse that result that the not that met the becoming Prime Minister in the 1st place that in power to still in place its difficult to see that enough short period of time in 2 weeks the Parliamentary Party will be able to breathe not only on the Prime Minister but on a new slate of. Cabinet office. And we saw iraqs top shia cleric grand ayatollah Ali Al Sistani condemn the use of force against the protesters and he also called for a new government so let me ask you how much political influence does this stanley have in terms of shaping any new Political Landscape well it has to be recalled that the current political system is one but you mark the shape for what it was they were children sult in the sectarianism that the protesters are protesting against so theres no small amount of irony the protestors are looking to him to be the vehicle to form a secular civil state but he clearly has a tremendous amount of influence with the protesters and were with were with the shallow iraq. And the u. S. Wielding that protest now ok whether it is to protect the system that he helped design in the 1st place or whether its to bring about a stop killer state remains to be seen feisal a final thought from you and with the now announcing hes going will this be enough then to placate the protesters lets remind our viewers of a 400. 00 of them have been killed in the violence and they want much more than just the Prime Ministers resignation. They do although its people are say they reject much more than the incumbent Prime Minister we dont actually know what their positive vision is we know what theyre against it isnt clear to me that they know what it is that theyre for or how to get there so the slogans of the secular state and of corruption opportunities for all these are slogans this is not a political agenda theres no beat or ship to these demonstrations it appears and youve got a way forward is not immediately present itself where is likely to result in more chaos as it may in the. End state doesnt appear ok final alister body thank you very much indeed for talking to aljazeera my pleasure thank you not 2 people have been killed in a knife attack in the heart of Central London a suspect was also shot dead during the incident the citys mayor says possible by showed breathtaking heroism and bringing the incident to a close Police Investigating the attack say theyre treating it as terror in ated bystanders wrestled a man with a knife to the ground before police moved in the Prime Minister Barnes Johnson left the campaign trail to return to downing street to receive updates on the incident paul brennan has this report from london. It was a life or death struggle witnessed by hundreds of shocked bystanders the man in the gray sweater is pinning the London Bridge attacker to the ground and police drag him clear and as the attacker rises the Police Officers fire try to get off the bus because i cant and i started running and then i heard gunshots 5 or 6 pop ups and i see more Police Officers running towards the bridge and im running that place was running out soon as a police passed us the side of his gun shops i was shim it was also a pop just dont really go on sounds out but there was there was gunshots quite a few of them from another angle mobile phone footage shows how several members of the public overpowered the attacker before the Police Arrived the man in the black coat is seen removing one of the 2 large knives which the attacker had been holding an explosives belt which the man was wearing turned out to be fake but the police did not know that by this point 05 people had been stabbed and seriously wounded and despite the immediate attention of paramedics 2 of the victims later died my heart goes out to their loved ones and to the 3 further injured victims. Who i understand are being treated in hospital and of course to everybody who has been affected by todays terrible and mindless events. The police are treating the attack as a terrorist incident the Prime Minister returned to downing street for a briefing with the security chiefs he then briefed the Opposition Leader Jeremy Corbyn this country will never be cowed or divided or intimidated by this sort of attack and of values our British Values will prevail we have to remember that we live in a Democratic Society and those that would seek to silence us will not succeed our democracy must be alive and vibrant. Its just 2 years ago that 8 victims lost their lives in another attack of London Bridge in that incident 3 men used a rented van to mow down pedestrians and then ran through the nearby market area indiscriminately stabbing people before being shot dead by armed officers in that attack they were inspired by socalled Islamic State the background and possible motives of this latest attack on the immediate focus of the police and Security Services there is an intensive Ongoing Police operation down here at the south side of London Bridge people are still filtering out from where theyve been held in quarantine essentially in their offices and in their homes now being allowed out weve also seen an Unmarked Police car moving at speed through the Police Cordon and on to the bottom of the bridge this investigation will take many more hours many more days paul brennan aljazeera London Bridge. Lots more still to come on the news hour including youre a guy as a young new president we take a closer look at if he can deliver on his election promises. After a fiery standoff between police and protesters. Inside the hong kongs Polytechnic University and in sports a fiery practice session ahead of sundays other pretty cool be here with all those details. Now thousands of people across the world have taken to the streets to demand more action on Climate Change the day of global protest has been spurred on by students who skipped school to make their voices heard in sydney people were gas masks a smoke from nearby wildfires hovered over the city thousands marched demanding more action on Climate Change in new delhi demonstrators demanded the closure of a Waste Management plant 2 and a half 1000000 people in india die from poor air quality every year and protesters in belgium beat drums as they marched through the capital brussels and in london demonstrators took their fight to parliament they want Climate Change to be a big issue at next months general election chalons has been at one of those protests in london. The protests started in australia and as the day moved westwards other countries followed thailand for a dying on the streets of bangkok another in delhi india. Everyone around us and the government. Now we have. Emergency and the theme we summon my men doing. Everybody. Doing the work. Teenager gratitude started skipping school on fridays a year and a half ago to protest against Climate Change outside swedens parliament shes inspired a worldwide. Movement of young people and parents worried for the future of the planet was. In Frankfurt Germany climate strikers to black friday sales in a city Shopping Mall for these people consumerism is part of the problem. Such disruption is a risky strategy though its inevitably alienates some people. But the students i spoke to at the london demonstration said some of this is necessary. The student movements gets criticized for being disruptive you should be in school i think people. I think. Like a lot of destruction but i think its important otherwise people witness in a way. That needs to be summed up. This is a Global Movement but each country has its own domestic dynamics the u. K. Is in election season with a country going to the polls on december the 12th and the climate strikers theyre arguing that. The message pressure on the politicians to increase their climate credentials. Greenhouse gas levels are still breaking record highs Global Temperatures are already 1 point one degree hotter than before the Industrial Revolution and still rising the European Parliament has just declared a Climate Emergency thing. In madrid preparations are finishing up for next weeks un Climate Change Conference Many governments have already agreed to a Carbon Neutral world by 2050 and limiting temperature rises to 1. 5 celsius. These young people expect Global Leaders to honor that commitment is their hatred state chalons of london. And frankfurt protesters have stormed the main shopping precinct trying to block access to the black friday sales they demonstrated outside some of germanys biggest chain stores to say the shopping frenzy is bad for the environment and want to see an overhaul in consumerism if Climate Change is to be tackled. Best talks between the u. S. And the Afghan Taliban have resumed the taliban confirmed informal negotiations as u. S. President donald trump made an unannounced visit to afghanistan talks were canceled by trump in september following a top 5 taliban 70 deca. It was a surprise visit and is often the case with President Donald Trump a surprising announcement taliban wants to make a deal and were meeting with them and were saying it has to be a cease fire they want to do a cease fire but now they do want to do is use fire i believe it probably work trumps admission they are meeting with the taliban comes after the president abruptly broke off talks in september following the killing of a u. S. Soldier in a bombing claimed by the taliban talks had been making progress up until then the taliban has confirmed to al jazeera that some meetings have been taking place to pave the way for the resumption of talks the group also recently released 2 western hostages and 10 Afghan Soldiers in exchange for 3 of its Senior Leaders but Officials Say theres still no sign the taliban is ready to give up its weapons in exchange for a role in afghan politics demilitarization is a key demand from afghan president ashraf ghani but hes been sidelined by u. S. And taliban to go. Haters meet still gonna join trump on stage by graham air base and tweeted out highlights of the moment apparently keen to show he is relevant in the Peace Process for donald trump the priority is cutting down the number of u. S. Troops in afghanistan from about 13000 to just over 8000 and to help the afghans handle their own security were breaking it down very substantially and will be down in a number thats very its a good number and were going to stay until such time as we have a deal or we have total victory and they want to make it go over its been 18 years since the u. S. Launched its war in afghanistan pushing the taliban out of power the irony not lost that almost 2 decades on both sides in our negotiating an end to the fighting and if a deal can be struck it will more than likely see the taliban return to play a part in ruling afghanistan Stephanie Decker aljazeera but Michael Semple as some Queens University belfast he says there has to be compromise or more talks to go ahead. The taliban have to accept some form of all Violence Reduction whether its you know partial or global c. E. O. Up the optimum one being a full a full cease fire but its possible they could agree to. More limited measures to reduce violence so they have to they have to agree to start turning off the violence on the have to agree to a pathway to direct talks with the with the Afghan Government what the taliban have been saying in the past couple of months since that process broke down is that they they are happy to reenter negotiations but only if the americans give them everything that they felt had been promised in that deal where as they go on the other side says any americans have been telling them quietly that that deal became impossible because it had basically nearly support inside afghanistan strongly opposed by the Afghan Government Public Opinion in kabul somethings going to have to budge to to make this process acceptable to the Afghan People so the talibans insistence on. Restarting where they left off is actually reviving the deal that was dumped on the 7th of september seems to me like a nonstarter. Indias economy is experiencing its weakest performance and more than 60 is government figures concluded the slump is costing near its position as the Fastest Growing major economy to china this year Prime Minister Narendra Modi had announced reforms in that restrictions on Foreign Investment in hopes of reviving the economy so lets take a look at what could be causing this slump in growth has been weak manufacturing and a fall in consumer demand india has also been experiencing a drop in exports which is a result of a global slowdown and 2016 the 2 most circulated banknotes would be monetized because many small scale businesses to shut down experts say the Indian Economy never fully recovered amount attrition is a chronic problem in india and the slowing economy could make the problem worse and child were reports now from my dad pradesh. Says she never had enough to eat when she was pregnant nor after she had the baby now her daughter 13 month old anita is suffering from malnutrition. Shes below the normal weight and height for her age. Elise and Global Hunger index ranked india at 10217 countries a hunger level in the country as serious some days i get to eat some days i dont my husband does farm but there is no guarantee we will have a crop to harvest activists say dealing with a Health Crisis must contain mitigating the ag really in crisis and increasing employment. On the top of the but. In every other house there is a child suffering from malnutrition the food that is given through Government Schemes for the child is consumed by the whole family because they do not have enough and governments rural employment scheme is failing to provide them jobs in non farm sectors. According to a yet under leighs Government Survey rural spending in india has plummeted for the 1st time in 4 decades experts see the fall in rural expenditure on food items as an indicator of increasing krishan they call on the government to focus on policies that increase consumption. I think this is going to prolong in the absence of any Government Intervention because a large section of our population who lives in rural area so the high growth is in india lets say of the 2000 did also simultaneously see higher Income Growth in the area. That the love and middle income farmer says while farming is always risky the last few years have been particularly trying to be repaired because of demonetization we didnt get our money on time we could not buy the seeds in time and sold them in time and then it rained so we lost a lot of frequent droughts and floods have wrecked havoc in the farms through do you see earnings they need and government says all is well with the economy and if there is any slowdown it is because of Global Dynamics but in these villages the pharmacy the reasons are domestic whether it is too large or too little rainfall damaging crops all the lingering impact of the governments changes to the National Currency some economists linked to the government have questioned the methodology by which the date on hunger was collected nevertheless many farmers and get as village have migrated to the cities for work she wonders if her family should do if it was their stomachs. Aljazeera what tip of the india. Police in hong kong say they have seized about 4000. 00 petrol bombs from a university barricaded by protesters for almost 2 weeks a cleanup has begun at the Polytechnic University after hundreds of bottles of chemicals were also reportedly found police and students were used in the campus as a weapons factory dozens were arrested as they tried to escape the campus following some of the most violent clashes yet after months of antigovernment protests meanwhile a protest was held in support of a former british consulate employees who says he was tortured by police in china simon chang was detained for 2 weeks in august when visiting the mainland protesters are demanding the British Government investigate sarah clarke was at the rally. This but the people here. Support the former british consulate worker simon chang chain says he was the times on a work trip to sions in Mainland China was in beaten and tortured by chinese police. By notorious have rejected the accusation inside chang broke the law while in chains in but these people want the case investigated by the British Government and i think that investigations. Hold by British Government is that of Hong Kong Government because simon is British National overseas. Born before 997. Even he. Stopped british consulate in hong kong most rallies are planned over the weekend but the c. Of the pulley Technic University campus in tallinn has now come to an end police have now entered the campus and collected evidence for the investigation that includes around 4000 pichel palms and 500 women like Device Police i around 1300 people have now been arrested but the clean up had Polytechnic University has just begun. The president of the south American Country has been sentenced to 20 years in prison a panel of 3 judges convicted. For the killing of 15 political opponents and 982. 00 when he became the de facto leader following a coup the decision was announced on friday while the president was on the official trip to china. The new president of euro guide can get some advice from his father on how to move the country. As a son of a former president following his 2nd round victory the conservatives promising to turn around the slowing economy and tackle rising crime stories about reports. Hes the youngest president in your wifes history at 46. 1 the 2nd round of the president ial race in this tiny south american nation. Even though the elections took place last sunday the results have only just been confirmed in what was a tight race between paul and then. A 62 year old engineer from the center left party brought front. Supporters say it was time for a change. A change is needed for all your requirements we cannot continue to be like we were unfortunately really this changes for all europe why happy happy release this. For 15 years the Broad Front Party with figures such as former guerilla turned president hoss and more implemented a series of liberal policies like legalizing marijuana and abortion. But a slowdown in the economy and rising crime is what allowed a conservative party to return to power. Even though the onion might have been a spare in most votes in the 1st round in october in the days that follow confirmed an alliance with other right wing parties that helped him gain victory how much i believe we are very satisfied with the work that we did all those months and for the support we received from across the country and the people from all Political Parties that make up this multicolored agreement. Comes from a political family his father is the former president. And his mother was a. Senator or. Even though many countries in latin america are in turmoil why has been considered a country of stability in recent years that main challenge will be to gain at consensus after such a tight victory to ensure that stability continues. Time for a short break here aljazeera when we come back the Murder Investigation that sent shock waves through malta government the Prime Minister could be next to resign plus people are very angry about it and people are it do not support what he is proposing why divided communities in Northern Ireland good lighting against Boris Johnsons break that plan and support iraq secure their spot in the last 4 of the arabian gulf cup rattles he with that story more in that state of. Hello again a welcome back were here cross United States this weekend the travel is going to be quite high across many of those major cities as people come back home after the big holiday were going to be seeing a big weather story here across much of the central and also east United States 1st of all is starting out here towards the southwest we do have an area of low pressure thats really begin to develop as we go through the next couple of days as we go towards saturday though look at all the snow we do expect to see across the Northern Plains as well as the midwest down here towards the southeast it is going to be the thunderstorms and up here across the ohio river valley expect to see a lot of rain as well as probably some icing across much of the area going from saturday as well as into sunday a lot of that snow makes its way across much of the great lakes a lot of rain across the east coast so those major cities for a new york washington as well as philadelphia expect to see delays in your forecast minneapolis also a big city for travel there were going to be seeing a lot of mixi mixed weather here on saturday as we go towards sunday it is going to be very heavy snow in your forecast and by the time we get towards monday things approved but is going to be cooler with a temperature there of minus 2 degrees and then here across much of Central America as well as into the caribbean we are looking at mostly cloudy conditions for kingston with a temperature of 31 degrees. As we embrace new technologies rarely do we stop to ask what is the price of this progress what happened was people started getting sick but there was a small group of people that began to think that maybe this was related to become the 1st closure in the job and investigation reveals how even the smallest devices have deadly environmental and health costs we think ok well send our you waste to china but we have to remember that air pollution travels around the globe death by design on aljazeera. The Worlds Largest oil producer has failed to trade on a Foreign Stock Exchange was a transparency valuation over ambition what happened here the Worlds Largest oil producer and you dont list in the Worlds Largest Stock Exchange that definitely says something out to syria investigates the politics of oil in the middle easts most potent economic weapon Saudi Aramco Company and the face. On aljazeera. Welcome back to promote of our top stories here on the news iraqi Prime Minister abdul left the has announced he intends to resign comes after a top cleric called for leadership chains following 2 months of antigovernment protests that have left more than 400 people dead. Amount has killed 2 people in a knife attack in Central London shot dead the suspect on London Bridge instance being treated as terror lated. Thousands of people across the world have taken part in rallies demanding more action on Climate Change the day of Global Action has been spurred on by students who skipped school to make their voices heard. That all 28 People Killed in eastern democratic republic of congo this week have finally been buried the funerals in the village of all were initially postponed with crowds demanding the army leave the area they say the military and un peacekeepers havent done enough to protect them from armed groups operating in the area Catherine Sawyer has more in the regional capital goma the morgue in the hospital is still small to hold the bodies of 28 People Killed by allied Democratic Forces or a. D. F. Fighters in an attack this week. So some cost guests have to stay outside the family and residents of stealing chalk are also frustrated accusing both congolese Security Forces and United Nations peacekeepers of not doing enough to protect them from rebel attacks. What is happening here is unacceptable we need to be united to solve the security problem i have seen those bodies most competent. And we cannot accept a fix for what some in this crowd have lost many relatives. By we dont want to see Soldiers Police or day un they must all believe my parents and 3 other relatives have been killed i dont have a family now. Many say that angered by the insecurity at least 100. 00 civilians have been killed by a. D. F. Rebels since a government offensive against them started in october. Protesters have been out on the streets of the temple and goma in north kivu province believe ive been trying to clear this road all morning by failing at it because people keep bringing the stones processing go my said several days ago d in protest there the thing there want to get to a u. N. Base to crack down on them that they made no one the un here before the un and the government for the im not doing enough to protect the people in by any. Sam Human Rights Campaign as also accuse Security Forces of failing to do their job. People bad the brunt of the battle to control vast Mineral Resources here its never become me that is going to solve it its no more is a fellow here. But its to cut all the supply chain of. Minerals. Thats number one second there has to be talks whether we call this people 80 year full based or whatever we need to engage in and that is to be done honestly regionally by your the neighboring countries back in only to be received not only once they also hope they were able to time kathy. Rescue operations in kenya after heavy flooding of being hampered by damage to roads and bridges 120 people have so far been confirmed dead and there are fears that number could rise when rescue workers finally gain access to remote areas mom in the dough has more now from the capital nairobi. A week of the traditional floods in most parts of North Western kenya many bridges that remain down fast flowing water also washed away long sections of roads workers are repairing this bridge on the road between keitai and road where the governments appealing for help from anyone but a lack of city james we need of assistance we can get we have been to well wishers for the prototype for nice to take food and medicine to the affected people so they can cope and get to. The village of tom collins one of the last hit by floods and landslides which followed days of torrential rains and tire families were wiped out in a torrent of water rocks and in all 21. 00 kenyan started here you might assume that when such disasters happen emergency help is quick to arrive but in tom luck its the village just left with the grim task of such and for the bodies of missing relatives government rescue workers are yet to arrive because of the damage to roads and bridges. Were really sad that weve not yet recovered the bodies about children its not just my sons body but also my neighbors 7 children who died we need urgent help were spoke or counties damaged traders and their families are walking together to clear the debris away eager to reopen their businesses but the flood threat isnt over kenyans in affected villages again being judged to move to safer ground that could run you down there the government does not issue a necessary warning its the danger is real simple affected by the floods and landslides must look at to understand only when we had western tune for the many flooded the whole grain but clearly not a few days could take months and months but a couple from and there were long dull ted libbey questions in the coming days and weeks about whether a mole could or should i have been done to protect lives and property. By roby. Sudans former ruling party has condemned the new law seeking to dissolve it and seize its assets the National Congress party has reacted with fury to the plans by what it calls an illegal new government the dissolution of the n. C. P. Was a key demand of protesters during months of demonstrations here but morgan reports now from khartoum. It was once the dominant party in sudan ruling the country for more than 25 years now more than 6 months after its head leader was ousted sudans Transitional Government has announced that the former ruling party will be dismantled. Yet the the more dismantles the National Congress party and seizes its assets money and properties and gives it to the governments minister of finance a committee will be formed to ensure that any Organization Association Institution Union Company Partnership that has links to the former ruling party will be dismantled. The National Congress party came to power in 1992 a few years after it had already bashir overthrew a democratically elected government in 1989 the coolest carried out under the name of the National Islamic front bashir went on to create the National Congress party that ruled until he was ousted from power in april this year following months of antigovernment protests the december protests gained momentum after the burning of the National Congress Party Headquarters and. Despite it being the only party many sudanese knew the demand for it to be dismantled had become one of the protest movements main ins. This rattling a party doesnt mean it it has to be remembered that establishing a new country would have to include establishing coexistence with those from the disbanded party and in a way where politics is practiced wisely i mean also man regards herself as the victim of one of the parties signature laws that came to define the controversial public order act it severely curtailed womens rights and which was condemned by human rights in sudan new leaders say it will display. An attack that when i was arrested for refusing the offices called me names saying im not a real sudanese because i didnt follow the rules of the government they said they expected me to be from the south a christian. During its time in power the national. Party left scars that many continue to feel from earning sudan 20 years of u. S. Trade and economic sanctions following accusations of supporting terrorism abroad to dividing a nation that was once africas largest country it now remains to be seen how straightforward eradicating it from sudanese political life will be people morgan aljazeera puppets and. Ugandas popstar opposition m. P. Bobby wine is directly challenging president you are in the 70 in elections expected to be held in 20217 has been in power since 1906 but winds rise has not been without its challenges our diplomatic editor james bay sat down with him for an exclusive interview. Its relatively recent that even emerged on the political scene you were before that a musician why did you decide to go into politics im a musician social activist and get a youth who recently i call it recent but its 2 years ago decided to run and become a member of parliament and youve been an m. P. For 2 years now you have been in the governments targeting of you has continued since youve been an m. P. Not only is your music banned your concerts banned but you have faced attack tell me about the incident when your driver was killed well i say the day i went to parliament that since the parliament refused to come to the ghetto they get a little come to the parliament of course when i got into parliament it brought a lot of attention of the Common People the peak interest in the politics and indeed the static pushing me and so i just being that i ran for president now this inferior it the president that we have who has for a long time been regarded as all powerful and i started getting that arcs and most ferocious attack was the assassination attempt on my life in iraq which took the life of my driver instead of mine if you look at the history of uganda since independence from the colonial rulers the british it can really be summed up with 3 names Milton Obote Idi Amin and you ari was 70 now 2 of those a boat in amin in particular were very very brutal would you accept that when most 70 came to power 1st he rescued your country. Say without fear of contradiction that must have been his rule is much more brutal than the rules that have been there before to the western world president s have been has always cast the image of a democrat but back home he stepped on all rights and freedoms and he has ruled uganda with an iron fist. You know allegations that previous elections were not free and in your view right now is president certainly the legitimate president of uganda where convinced that looked at his obesity won the previous elections and believe that even if my 70 could have won the past elections the way hes handling the people of uganda mixing hes legitimacy and ultimately if president s have any tries to rig the election then he has been like he has been doing then the people of uganda we rise up and they will stop it are you saying there could be an armed revolution against him certainly if your efforts at the ballot box are blocked i do not think people could raise up i think people will raise up because that is evident everywhere they act out of this operation and they will not take it any longer than you can watch the full interview with bobby wine on talk to our 0 on saturday a 430 g. M. T. Reported to have told colleagues he plans to resign joseph mascots under pressure over the governments alleged cover up of the murder of a journalist 2 years ago that. Died in a car bomb explosion while investigating corruption involving politicians and Business Executives more burden money has more. To government ministers resigned as the Prime Ministers chief of staff and now joseph must get himself also hes telling friends his governments been accused for months of mishandling the Murder Investigation which goes right to the heart of his political and Business Community journalist daphne carew one was killed in a car bomb explosion 2 years ago while investigating corruption involving politicians and Business Executives. As protests this rallied early friday outside parliament in the capital letter demanding his resignation the Prime Minister met his government ministers without ministers conrad mizzi and Chris Cardona they resigned on tuesday along with the Prime Ministers top aide Keith Schembri who was taken away for questioning and released on friday 1st of all this is a National Security issue. As is the case with all Prime Ministers i believe that i have to be briefed on National Security issues for us this was not just a murder this was a major case that shook our democracy the Murder Investigation is focused on one of motors richest men Jorgen Fenech phonetic was a rested for the 4th time last week as he attempted to leave the mediterranean island on his yacht before she was killed galaxy had revealed a secret offshore Company Called 17 black. A reuters investigation last year named fanuc as the Company Owner which was allegedly used to fund Shell Companies linked to government ministers has son is accusing the government of covering up his mothers murder we know nothing my family knows nothing the journalists know nothing people know nothing thats why were here its called reach their absurd the Police Release or stay through it all feasible one sentence we have instigated cambria found no evidence and released him and they want us to believe that. 3 men and now waiting trial for the reporters murder but with the investigation dragging out the 2 years the patience the protesters demanding answers has run out and it seems has a Prime Ministers time in office who are about to manly aljazeera. Now the irish border has been one of the main problems with sorting out a deal for the u. K. To leave the European Union but no the nolens traditionally divided communities have united against Prime Minister bars johnsons braggs a plan theres now not a single Political Party in the province which supports his proposals lansley reports from belfast. Belfasts the city never at peace with itself for decades divided the walls and fences separating the 2 communities remain its like a patient never quite sure if theyre recovering from a terminal illness but now they have something in common the irish republican side of belfast always hated bricks its the pro british side though supported it until Boris Johnson came along with a plan to partly divide the Northern Irish economy from the rest of the u. K. With a trade board in the sea his former allies here see that as a betrayal of the foundation of the United Kingdom people are very angry about it people are do not support what he is proposing certainly i think he has underestimated the strength of feeling across Northern Ireland where you know we fairly clearly and people on the bryan ferry really cherish being part of the kingdom being a full part of that uniting and if thats what your friends think then what about your enemies this neighborhood of belfast has no murals no symbols of the sectarian divide it is middle class and successful and doesnt like bricks its in any form it is in places like this that the unionists hold over Northern Ireland is most at risk i think race that has clearly transcended the constitutional question thats not to say that conversation isnt still alive and people dont still have their strong views but yes i think you are seeing people who are prioritizing braggs it rather than their views on the union or i should really because it is a clear and present danger to us. Politics in all knowledge has never been like the rest of the u. K. People dont all get about whether the socialist or conservative left wing or right wing but much more as to whether they see themselves as irish or see themselves as british but whats remarkable is how political shades of all opinion from the most staunchly loyalists to the most republican are united against Boris Johnsons version of bricks and some opinions a shifting of the university we spoke to students from the Unionist Community bricks it has changed the way that they and many others think and how they will vote in this election and theres a lot of unionists that i know within my own Community Hate how voice they seem as if there was another referendum tomorrow and it was either to remain and part of the 8 or to leave johnsons day. For Northern Ireland to the press and stay with the u. K. As well. Has done so much for Peace Process and a lot of our fallen far Child Support has all come from the European Union to the untrained belfast looks like anywhere else but it isnt and both the police and politicians awarding of the potential for civil unrest the Northern Islands of Boris Johnsons mantra of getting bricks it done has trouble written all over it largely aljazeera belfast. Break out as when i come back with the hosts take a deep dive in search of gold at the Southeast Asian games stay with us. Welcome back time to support his role thank you one of the men at the center of the fee for Corruption Scandal recall that the shadow has been given a lifetime ban from football for taking bribes all to shit ive seen here on the rights was the former head of the Brazilian Football Confederation think society took bribes from marketing and media rights to south american football competitions like the comp america between 2620122 shatter who lives in brazil is still wanted by u. S. Authorities for his part in the 2015 fee for Corruption Scandal that eventually led to the downfall of the then president sepp blatter. English premier League Side Arsenal have fired their manager emery in a statement the club said the decision was taken due to results and performances not being at the level required emery replies are some vaguer at the club in may of last year having previously led paris argument of the French League title but the team are now entering their worst run of results since 9092. 00 and they were beaten by arent tracked frankfurt in the Europa League on thursday there have been some words of support for the outgoing manager and fantastic coach lot happier times the obviously but the fantastic call true the proven record we will be to. Another big club. In this could be. Were back on track so. Little dramas miracle could go in. Youll get another clue. Who will replace emery well the early favorite is the current wolves manager nuno a spiritual santa the portuguese led bulls to a 6th place finish last season and theyre currently 5th in the table as of qualified for the next round of the Europa League napoli coach collar and chalabi is another possibility napolis players are in our open revolt with the owner right now and thats led some to suggest that he could leave hes also won the English Premier League title before with chelsea interim boss Freddie Ljungberg would be a popular choice for the gunners founds they swayed was a member of arsenals Invincibles Team out on friday he said however long he oversaw the team he would give everything and try to put some smiles on faces again now its been a huge day for the. Arabian gulf cup yemen all friday for their 1st win of the tournament having lost their opening match they were 6 nil winners at the Khalifa International stadium batman. Scoring a hat trick. What iraq be the United Arab Emirates in the other group are going to confirm their spot in the semifinals 1st half goal some of our goals are on securing a 2nd straight win for iran the country is due to host the next gulf in 2021 the cities are terry bought out as quick as during practice for sundays abu dhabi grand prix sundays race will be the final one of the season and its been a difficult one for a runner is Danny Ricardo not a single party and finished all year and more problems on friday his engine catching fire and then shooting petrol all over here a ghastly in his toro rosso with a new World Champion Lewis Hamilton was 2nd quickest during the 2nd session and as i mentioned bottles quick is over but his practice sessions but he also calls the crash a roamer groeschel for which he received a reprimand from the stewards qualifying takes place on saturday now the host of philippines are taking a deep dive in their pursuit of gold medals at the Southeast Asian games underwater hockey is making its games debbie remember reports from manila. Holding their breath for the biggest sports competition in their career these athletes have been promoting underwater hockey in the philippines a largely unknown sport in the country underwater hockey is making its debut at the Southeast Asian games the sea games this month the 4th time the philippines has hosted the games underwater hockey originated in britain in the 1950 s. When it was known mostly as to push helping diversity fit during the cold winter months. In the philippines a number of players including cherry on yankel have been trying to make the sport popular for years our objective or our wish or goal is that. They want to have to be part of the. Recording in b. So says we have a very big advantage because it is just you know surrounded by water so many of us are we need to go for the most with with water because where you know theres a lot the fashion as we were so theres yeah i think weve been very very good in. Some of these asian games hosts are usually allowed to add or remove preferred sports at the tournaments there are teams from at least 11 countries across Southeast Asia and underwater hockey is just one of the 6 new sports this year. Obstacle greasing is another sport that requires a mid july speeds and resistance that is slowly gaining popularity in the philippines. We are a main idea only we are aiming for a 6 goals and force overs so thats thats our target and we are doing our best that we can deliver and we can bring bring the medal for for our country almost 10000 athletes are expected to compete in the least 56 sports the filipinos to do enough to reclaim the overall championship the current you born when it last hosted the games in 2005 but for these underwater hockey players representing their country for the 1st time is a victory in itself jim duggan aljazeera manila. That is always full for now morta. Thank you very much dave and you can find much more news of course on our web site that is on the screen all the latest on iraq spineless announcing his intention to resign aljazeera dot com thats the dress dont go away ill be back in a minute with more news. An investigation of how Foreign Companies planned africas Natural Resources the terrorists is showing for them in a big question revealing how new may be as officials demand cash in exchange for favors. With confidential documents provided to aljazeera by wiki leaks these are going to save a new committee fortress so i will fight to the crunch and im not dealing with aljazeera investigations the anatomy of a braai many countries arent keeping up with their commitments to stop our planets heating up candy a cheap anything at the u. N. Climate change conference in madrid. As representatives from over 200. 00 countries gather for a cop 25. 00 join us for special coverage on aljazeera. Kenyan journalists in pursuit of press freedom and justice i have seen very desperate situations where someone is about the hope you can afford being clean and investigating government corruption and the National Health care system some of the transactions espionage and the killing. Of money that is unexplained to Africa Uncensored and publishable seems up people dont want to publish even if it doesnt let me ask whose truth is it anyway on aljazeera. Aljazeera with every. Bowing to the demands of the people iraqs Prime Minister announces he resigned after weeks of fallen to government protests. Hello im daryn jordan this is aljazeera lawyer from doha also coming up a stop in Central London leaves 2 people dead on the suspect is shot dead by the police. Taking action against Climate Change another round of global protest in the run up to a major u. N. Conference. On severe flooding blocked roads and bridges and kenya making difficult for rescue teams to reach supply that. Week

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