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Talk of success at the Club World Cup in qatar the rio side lifting the elite try and see just days after becoming south american champions. Fellow 3 planes believed to be carrying home with the prisoners have landed at the airport which has been closed since 2016 the group of around 130. 00 prisoners had been detained in saudi arabia and were released as part of an Exchange Deal the saudi u. A. E. Led coalition has allowed the airport to reopen to limited flights including for patients needing medical care its been fighting her with these in yemen for the past 4 years the International Committee of the red cross is coordinating the efforts and natalie back to watch a from the red cross spoke to al jazeera from inside the airports. We have been asked to come to take the fun for which was hard for that about both florida and we are not involved in the negotiation really. We can speak on behalf of the party is there some to hope that more and more chance to. Happen where all is likely to be active politically and if we leave before they turn 30 already using. The trim classes today they are going to complain about stuff that they are always there to see these days. Or. The chances are that it was mission differently hope that this is a type of racial conservative confidence Building Measures that in the future then lead clearer. Conclusion that we hope the company in months. A curfew has been imposed in the iraqi city for after 16 people were killed during antigovernment protests Security Forces opened fire to disperse a demonstration the army is sending its commanders to several provinces to restore order it says and its setting up what it calls crisis cells to quell the mass unrest but the army is warning is not stopping protesters in the capital baghdad thats where 4 people have been killed there throwing rocks and using slingshots as they fight Security Forces on the streets at least 350 people have been killed in 2 months of violence iraqis say theyre fed up with corruption and they want political change there demanding jobs and Better Services meanwhile iran is demanding firm action from the Iraqi Government after an attack on its consulate in the city of najaf on wednesday antigovernment protesters stormed the building and set it on fire demonstrators blame to run for propping up a government theyve been rallying against so how do you mend been the consulate when it was set on fire old ripening within the job started firing going to we would be in iraq as a whole the right police by intensively on the Security Forces rangers heavily with live bullets. In baghdad within updates. The fact that you have now had 2 attacks on iranian consulates in shiite holy cities within a matter of weeks this month that really goes to show how much frustration there is even in shiite majority cities toward the government of iran because of the outsized role that they play in the politics of course you had this attack last night that was an attack in which the antigovernment demonstrators they got into that compound in and they set. The iranian consulate ablaze they burned it before the attack happened the staff at the consulate they had escaped through a back door were now being told that theyre off the military is going to be sending these security cells to some of the provinces to try to quell the protests we dont really know exactly what form thats going to take there is great concern here right now the perhaps that could mean that there is a crackdown looming that perhaps there will be more violence we just dont know well have to wait and see but also that weve been told that there is now a curfew that has been put in place in the city of najaf for the until further notice so theres so much going on here right now the protests continue to swell but the fact the matter is despite the violence despite the specter of potentially more violence all the demonstrators that we continue to speak with no matter what city they are in they say they are committed to continuing to come out until they have a government they feel that actually represents them theres a job already has more on irans reaction the Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson up us mousavi has issued a statement saying that the iranian government and im going to quote from it saying demand decisive effective and responsible action against the destructive agents on aggressors the point of view here is that something needs to be done very quickly to take control of the situation not just is very much an important sitting for iranians and the clerical establishment here not only did the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khomeini study there but also the founder of these amik revolution Ayatollah Khomeini spent many years there in exile and this city. Is very important for iran because of the clerical. Schools that are there in the history that we share the opinion here is that these attacks are taking place by small groups of people that are being fueled by outside forces western countries which are trying to create a rift between the relationship between iran and iraq their relationship has never been stronger right now their trade annually is at 13000000000. 00 in the ratings are currently providing a 3rd of the countrys electricity in iraq so its very important for this relationship to continue also strategically iraq wise shares a border with syria as well as saudi arabia countries that iran is very interested in maintaining some kind of power or around and so for them this incident is unacceptable and they will do everything they can to put pressure on the Iraqi Government to try and quell this on the rest as soon as possible lets bring you more on the prisoner Exchange Deal out of yemen and as were been reporting several hoofy prisoners have now been released by saudi arabia and theyve arrived back home mohamed lotsof is joining us from that airports in assault what can you tell us mohamed about the 3 planes that have now arrived back in sanaa airports. Yes relatives of the those who have arrived are staying where they have been staying for over 6 hours we have been called to come to the south the National Airport to receive their loved ones but because of the. The cold in asia that the most of the people came here dont know whether those people on board of the flights who touched down the runway of sinai to national polls. Though there will be their loved ones on those who have been released by the saudi arabia the 3 flights have already touched down on sunday night tonight. According to the International Red Cross Committee around 12928 people of our presence have been released by saudi arabia they have been brought from riyadh to sign are this is the 1st offer szell release operation by saudi arabia many experts and observers describe such move as a positive move that would lead to pushing forward the Peace Process between warring sides in order to end the eventually and hopefully to end the war that has brought death and destruction to the people here. Sieved the prisoners of war are relieved because of this. Positive. Signal by saudi arabia that it is heading to words ending its war even though there are many people or relatives describing their condemn nation about the bad treatment and Health Treatment of prisoners or for that they have gone through torture and also difficult times even though the say that the deal with their prison for in a good way as the have been described prescribed or described by by their religion. Now. Now many hope that there with the arrival of these prisoners this situation will go will go ahead towards. Lifting the ban. Both there are around 200000 people who are you know need to travel outside yemen for treatment according to the. Official sources 1000000 people. Out of need for traveling to outside the a month for treatment hopefully this. Will open totally this band. All right thank you for that update from sun up plenty more ahead on the aljazeera news hour including whats causing people in the democratic republic of congo to turn on those men to keep them safe. Also live in albania with an update on the earthquake rescue efforts in one of the worst hit cities. In sport the Manchester United player whos on the comeback trail after this recovery from a life threatening illness. But 1st china has accused donald trump a sinister intentions after the president signed a hong kong human rights bill beijing has now summoned the u. S. Ambassador the law means washington can impose sanctions on chinese and hong kong officials deemed responsible for human rights abuses and also bans the sales of tear gas rubber bullets and other equipment used by Security Forces china is threatening to respond meanwhile anti china protesters are describing president trumps decision as a timely thanksgiving present hundreds of people are showing their gratitude with a prou. S. Rally as you can see in Central Hong Kong going on right now and the leading prodemocracy activists just wrong says the u. S. Has shown it will prioritize human rights over big business. For you as president sign on to hong kong human rights and democracy act thats the remarkable achievement of the hong kong is no match for a democrat or republican is the new bipartisan consensus from both the Us Administration and the congress is to stem of hong kong to pyro cost human rights and democracy and not being overrun by the trade negotiation lets get more from sarah clarke shes joining us from hong kong and we see the American Flag being waved behind you so as were saying clearly the protesters are very happy with this move. And i certainly am at this rally was always planned to mark thanksgiving with the hong kong people trying to encourage the u. S. To sign this bill the hong kong human rights and democracy act and of course its a time a coincidence that the u. S. President donald trump signed this bill into law on wednesday thats not we probably estimate up to 10000 people have gathered here in Central Hong Kong its almost a celebration there thanking the u. S. For backing this bill which would as a result could potentially introduce economic sanctions on hong kong if the u. S. Believes that the Hong Kong Government isnt fulfilling its human rights and democracy commitments and as a result these people here behind me its become almost a Party Atmosphere and of course this is in light of less than a week after the citys District Council elections voted in the prodemocracy politicians in a landslide victory so certainly its been a good week for the Hong Kong Anti Government Supporters of the protests as you say the fact that the u. S. Has signed this bill its a show of support for what their message is which is an antigovernment message calling for greater political reform in the city and how how are china chinese officials and officials in hong kong looking at all of this are. Well its a very different reaction from the Hong Kong Government as well as chinas reaction on both or over a similar message that told the us to stay out of their internal affairs that describe this bill is unnecessary and unwarranted and by simply interfering in their internal masses theyve also said that they believe this particular building need to show of support and certainly endorsing what they describe as the violent protests actions which of power lies parts of hong kong seems june so certainly a different a very different response from the hong kong and Chinese Government but the atmosphere in Central Hong Kong on thursday here at this protest movement the prodemocracy movement has been one of celebration all right sara clark thank you for that update from hong kong. Armed groups are carried out new attacks in the eastern democratic republic of congo 2 Health Workers were killed in the World Health Organization base the violence comes as residents protest against what they see as inaction by un peacekeepers tossed with keeping them safe reports from goma. Another tense day in bengal. A protest is shot dead by a policeman on saturday. The policeman was later killed by an angry mob. They marched through the city with his body in a way to the area where he was shot in the head. The bodies one of 6 people who have been killed. Over the weekend people here are not and their anger is directed to the Un Peacekeeping mission called one school they blame the peacekeepers for failing to protect them from attacks from an armed group in the area called allied Democratic Forces or. The un mission in benny has also been accused of using Excessive Force of protest as one of our peacekeepers showed that a protester was throwing molotov cocktails at. The peacekeepers so we are still in the process so very fine all the sacks and Fact Checking the ripples we have received in the midst of all this another tragedy happened and mourning attack by a. T. F. On the village about 30 kilometers from more than a dozen people hopped to death with machetes some of them the copy tape had. Gone the streets of benny is also being felt many kilometers south in north of a show capital was protestors here have expressed their Frustration Police have been deployed to keep them from getting too important says this is just a small group of people who have managed through. The police are yeah thats owning fired ive got that protester than all the bad libel thats in the air to discuss them this one here this is the people much in support of what is going on in benny they say these killings must although theyre United Nations need to hold when youve got must leave this country. Their message was clear and they told us no matter what force is used to remove them from the streets theyll keep coming back until the demands of the people of matt. Finally we are tired i come from up people are being slaughtered the u. N. And our soldiers are there and doing nothing why then all this force is there if not to protect our people. They finished their protestant a police station. Where they paid their last tribute to he door by door. And back in bed he was buried by Family Friends and hundreds of other protestants determined to keep the pressure on until the violence stops catherine sorry aljazeera. Thats because of Michael Moore whos a visiting senior fellow at. The center for africa London School of economics joining us via skype from kent thats in the u. K. Hi there thanks for joining us on the aljazeera news hour how do you explain the ability of the armed groups and particularly the the a. D. F. To continue to carry out attacks despite the presence of thousands of un troops in the region. Thanks for having me thats the very hospital which the citizens are actually asking you know they just do not understand how you have so many peacekeepers around the capability of our lives and yet you know the a. D. F. And the my mind and other militant groups those cause and hard work and using machines to kill people they just do not understand so are un troops failing the congolese. We dont want to the u. N. Chief software he can wear these but then the congolese have come to conclusion that the un chiefs have failed them i mean we do understand that the have a peacekeeping role and perhaps theres an expectation on the can delete the army to actually do the peace enforcement. So theres that kind of collaboration going on but then if you have anybody who within the space of 5 weeks has made at least 14. 00 to 15. 00 not tax issues really the up your game and be practive enough to prevent further attacks and i think thats really what the citizens are expecting from the u. N. Peacekeepers and give us some context to this story what can you tell us about why the the a. D. F. In particular which was formed by ugandan rebels remains active in the eastern democratic republic of congo yes i mean very very malicious group just basically went to the cos tara but apart from vast recently the have very strong ties and links if they slunk states. There is not that additional factor at the moment actually some of the recent attacks the stomach state actually claimed responsibility for the fact of the how quickly responsibility for for for the reason that back in the last few days when artists are they have strong ties to the Islamic State what do you mean by that theyre out there actually well theyre actually working in tandem. Because they have a collaboration going on that means that behalf joint forces are actually joint idiology with the Islamic States i also hear directly that its actually hes a muslim used to be uganda so theres already that islamist you have this connection. Ok and you mentioned just a moment ago you were talking about the a deal army the Congolese Army then what do you make of the armys seemingly in cape incapability to rein in. The rebels in that part of the country what can the government do Going Forward i think in fact to know very well who the enemy be back within 5 weeks that the 40 to 50 attacks really the army should act on intelligence and be very very proactive for example last night that lead to facilities where by then my mark i mean given whats been happening the last 5 weeks you should operate the put some sort of to protect. The little facilities and perhaps maybe other potential pilots who are this is it is generally i think that maybe really if facts the army and a peacekeeper this too much this spate of attacks and i think is about raising your game to defeat the enemy rajiv if you are right michael no i thank you for speaking to us from kent fans around me for the french president and i do on my call has rejected a moratorium offered moratorium excuse me offered by russia on short term and Medium Range Missiles he made the comment during a meeting with nato chief u. N. Storm bergan paris russia proposed the suspension after a ban on the move was lifted in August Stoltenberg use the meeting to address microns criticism of nato suffering brain death. While questions are being asked about the strength of the transatlantic bomb north america and europe are doing more together than we have done for decades and i can hardly think about a new stronger demonstration of the commitment to our reliance story collective defense to article 5 the fact that we are actually doing more together increasing the forces investing more in our security than we have done for many many years but at the president ial palace in paris where macro installing berg are meeting what came up from this meeting. Well theres no doubt it was a very frank discussion between the nato secretary general and the french president and thats no surprise of course after Emmanuel Michaels a recent comments in an interview that he believes that nato is brain dead well you heard from a young soldier back that he says that as far as he is concerned the alliance is strong and very much alive in the fact that it has continued to Work Together for some 2 years despite obvious differences times he says is proof that it has a good future but what a man omar karami is saying when he says that he believes nato is brain dead is he says that he looks at the lines and he sees a lack of u. S. Leadership a lack of coordination between different Member States and amano markel said that the last 2 nato summit that he went through he felt that leaders were so busy wrangling over issues like the nato budget that they were actually missing out on talking about what he sees as the really important point and that is what is nato for and what is its future. Look 1st if any peace in europe or work post i. N. F. Treaty our relationship with russia the subject of turkey who is the enemy as long as we havent resolved these questions we cannot negotiate to realize the cost of the total burden so maybe theres a wake up call thats needed i ask each to consider their priority is to think of the final goal and our strategic objectives we must have a method between us leaders of state and the government along with the Organization Secretary general on the basis of these questions that are asked so we can automatically move forward in the next following weeks. So what the 70 if the nato anniversary next week can we expect nato leaders to be discussing the issues that were raised by micron stoneburner today. Well look theres no doubt the calls are made certainly roiled in anger to many nato members who see him as undermining dangerously undermining the credibility of the alliance for the same time his comments are certainly focused minds have made other leaders think about nato its future and perhaps come up with some new ideas one idea thats been proposed by the German Foreign minister i came out on the idea is to have an expert panel actually review the alliance while you install to burke seems to be on side with us he seems to agree that this could be useful and the idea is if it is agreed to at this meeting next week the special summit for the 70th anniversary in london the idea is that this expert panel from outside nato would look at the alliance with here to come up with a report next november after the u. S. Looks all right thank you north korea has launched what appears to be 2 missiles thats according to south korea it comes days after the north ordered or to leverage rolls near a disputed maritime border last month pyongyang fired 2 rockets into the sea of japan after a stalled denuclearization talks with the United States rob mcbride has more from seoul. This test firing does seem to be very similar to previous launches now numbering more than a dozen that have taken place in recent months showing the north koreas frustration at the stalled nature of Nuclear Talks with the United States there has been a lull in the test firing the last launch or was nearly a month ago when north korea test fired a multiple Rocket Launcher with rockets landing in the sea separating the Korean Peninsula from japan but north korea it seems has been looking for other ways to up the pressure its been widely reported by north korean media this week that last weekend leader kim jong un visited an artillery unit on the maritime border between north and south korea and personally directed an artillery test firing which has irked people here in south korea because of course that is very much against the spirit of the declarations that were signed at the end of last year between north and south korea at the height of the summit diplomacy and it just shows how relations have cooled significantly since that time and of course with the clock ticking towards the end of this year which is the deadline that kim jong un has given for some sort of breakthrough in negotiations with the United States or with the ominous warning that in the new year he is likely to choose a different path lets get a check on the weather here is that britain. Oh daria i think anyone who managed not to get caught up in the all fall weather on wednesday in the us will soon really be giving thanks for that day weve got some nasty weather now the process of clearing away from new england behind this little oak of cloud clear skies come in behind and then weve got the snow which is cause problems over towards that southwestern corner this is up towards northern parts of california towards oregon the main highway here i i 5 where we had some horrendous conditions causing major problems on the roads the cold air the snowy weather has extended the fairway south and east ashley and you can see that so temperatures l. A. Running around 9 or 10 degrees below average get into those central areas colorado denver at around freezing kansas city at around freezing as well but as we go through the next couple of days just watch how these brighter colors the lighter colors the yellow with colors start to push back up it will warm up into those central areas not all good news though because we do have a fair amount of snow in the forecast at present just around texas. Are pushing a little further north with that snow towards the southwest in kona thats all going to make its way further more towards at ace was not it does so over the next couple of days with that warmer air coming in behind we can expect some flooding diary. Thank you everton still ahead on the aljazeera news hour a grim task for flood survivors in kenya digging to find the remains of missing loved ones. Thousands of colombians refuse to back down as they protest against corruption and economic inequality. In spite of the rockets theyre losing streak against them miami heat action from the n. B. A. Thats coming up a little later. Day one of a new era in Television News we badly need at these moments leadership and felt this encampment that were in today it didnt exist 3 weeks ago now theres at least 20000 or hinder refugees who live here. I got to commend you all im hearing is Good Journalism presenters to follow as resides after all the long lines the attempts of cover ups Jamal Khashoggi is love long as some form of closure people are suffering people are dying entire School Systems are collapsing we are in the beginning of a mass extinction we saw the syrian army and police that in the city has been recorded. To massage the 100 meters away from the frontline with such rapid rapid decline let. Top stories on the aljazeera news hour. Have arrived. The group of around 130. 00 prisoners. Which is being closed. They were released as part of. A curfew has been imposed in iraq. Security forces opened fire on a demonstration. To quote restore order. China has accused donald trump of sinister intentions after the president signed the hong kong human rights bill that could help protect protesters. Has threatened to respond to. Recovery efforts in kenya have been stretched beyond their limits by devastating flooding and landslides in west coasts so people looking for their missing relatives have been forced to do the searching themselves at least 65 people have died in the past 3 days and up to 120000 have been affected the how mother though managed to reach one of the communities thats been cut off. The people of time called village in kenyas west book called county. Mission days of the floods and landslides swept away the homes there such and for the bodies of the missing relatives william domi cuba is looking for the body of his 5 year old daughter much somebodys gonna i found the body of my son who also died not far from here so ive asked my neighbors to help with the search for my daughter had body is under this rubble the flood some landslide in college followed days of torrential rain entire families were wiped out when a vast side of water rocks and mud swept across the village the land that once held their homes is now covered by mud and rocks. Lost his entire family down by the malice of one its hard to bear the loss of my sister who had just finished school that day as well as my mother and 2 brothers im all alone in the world in all 21 people died in time come live in bodies have been recovered the rest are still missing. William capellas yet to find the bodies of 7 of his 9 children who died in a gun you know with my appeal to the government is to help me raise and educate my only remaining son life will never be the same for us we also need machinery to move these rocks to check if there might be anybodys underneath. But government rescue workers are yet to reach this far flung village theyve been hampered by the torrential rain and floods which also swept away bridges and roads in was the court that tried to do that took place here as part of a dream picture affecting many parts of west cork county and with continued rainfall theres a possibility of water repeats government officials have been appealing to people to move to say fun but the people of this village say they conned do that until they find the bodies of their loved ones locals say told the last disaster there but witnessed and they dread and if for the most. Life. We need the government to carry out some conservation work deforestation over farming has made the soil prone to sliding. Most survivors and shelter in the local charge others have chosen to live in the open not sure when if ever their lives come to a time to any sense of normality mohammed on the wall just some call in North Western kenya. 40 people are now confirmed dead following tuesdays powerful earthquake in albania rescue workers are trying to find survivors several countries have sent teams to help it was the most powerful earthquake to hit the country in decades. Joining us live from one of the worst hit cities douras what is the status of the search and rescue operation there are there still hopes of finding people alive john. Well not very high hopes im afraid the. Process here has just ended at this collapsed hotel behind me and if the camera swings to my right youll see that the rescue workers are now taking the. Pictures that commemorative pictures. Feeling that the job is done here moments ago we watched as they lifted the body of a man who worked in this hotel in his fortys were told. He was trapped under a concrete pillar it took 2 days to get his body out and we saw them carrying the yellow body bag that he was in on the side of the rubble and. Im afraid that with every body and this was the 41st in the test tally now with every merging body. Dies a little more that anyone will be found still alive there is still one site in this town to this apartment block that collapsed where the search is ongoing to the next i believe for one family that is very. And john and there are also thousands of people that have been left homeless as a result of this earthquake. There are indeed i was on the phone earlier with the infrastructure minister and i asked him now that hes been. Told to 500 people are in temporary shelters here into this. Theyre in an Indoor Stadium theyre in a school theyre in various sports facilities while their homes are being checked so unsure whether they can go back to them but theyre also about the south in this town have been moved to a more temporary. Or long term temporary shelter theyve been put into hotel rooms in this city because their homes are most likely not going to be habitable theyre going to be demolished and rebuilt and that process will take 4 to 6 months the minister told me so its going to there are going to be many many costs involved in dealing with the problem of displaced people and its not yet clear if the government is going to be able to deal with all of those costs they have a special account for. Donors domestic and foreign to contribute to they are asking for how theyre going to theres going to be any help from the outside most likely. John seraph alas thank you for that update. Protesters in colombia remain defiant thousands demonstrated for a 7th consecutive day theyre angry about corruption and propose cuts to a minimum wage many are demanding the resignation of president ivan. Petit house more from. Me and unions and student groups called for a National Strike on the under 21st maj and it would have sparked an unprecedented movement. The marches that they were the biggest in decades. And night spontaneous demonstrations broke out in which as well as poor neighborhoods and have continued now for a week and abated. But this generation will cop colombias finally awake and if demanded to be head this time has come to find solutions to our social problems we are not afraid anymore to speak up and show ourselves to the world despite being one of the most an equal countries in the world seldom brought their grievances to the street. Decades of civil conflict with rebel groups in paramilitaries violent drug cartels in killings of political and Union Leaders had silenced social my lais. But the signing of the peace deal 3 years ago that disarmed 5 rebels seems to have also opened the door to long to collect their demands im happy to put it down there lets immediate concern then on my. Hand that never look like that but it is in the march. To other types that move in and carry related to education ted said it was perhaps a. Colombian president s response has mostly been to discredit and criminalize the demonstrations well playing lip service to their constitutional right to protest. We are living moments of great demand in society but lets be clear the arsonists will not win was violence what they did will not. Help them at the polls. In recent days riot police have used tear gas and stun grenades to disperse the mostly peaceful crowds one teenager died after being hit by a gas canister yet rallies continued i know the protests here havent reached the kind that see that frenzy that weve seen in chile or bolivia or ecuadorian past my family or the father of the other day i think you say that the police think so so. That many believe its here to. Guess and i think colombias going through a political transition where the peace the International Contest and a new generation are all playing a role where we dont know yet is where were going with it. While its unclear what they were achieved these protesters believe the time was come to confront Many Political challenges that have been postponed for way too long i listen to n. P. R. Just. Mexico has accused donald trump of interventionism after he announced plans to designate drug cartels as terrorist groups its an effort is a stretch their finances and impose travel bans on their leaders but there are warnings the plan will end up backfiring alan fischer reports from mexico city. The death of 9 americans in a Cartel Ambush earlier this month sparked widespread outrage for the victims 3 women 6 children were traveling through a remote area in northern mexico when they want to tact jewel u. S. Mexican citizens the family the labatt ins demanded the white house days ignorant mexican drug cartels as terrorist organizations youre going to do a telephone interview with a right wing talk host President Donald Trump said that process is underway ive been working on that for the last 90 days you know designation is not that easy i dont go through a process. Mexicos drug cartels are huge operations they control large chunks of the country and are involved in Drug Trafficking assassinations kidnapping and political corruption being designated a terrorist organization by america means it becomes illegal for anyone to knowingly support the groups if banks realize they handle any cartel funds they must block the money under and form the government a new members are banned from entering the u. S. And so taking this while it might benefit the president in the United States and it might make people feel righteous and justified in satisfied here that were taking stronger steps alternately may make it harder to do business with the mexicans and we need to be a team with them in order to get this Problem Solved mexicos policy on fighting the cartels has changed under the new president and todays man well Lopez Obrador whos been in Office Almost exactly a year he believes in hugs not bullets and that social conditions need to change to make the cartels less economically powerful got bit as young. See cooperation yes. Interventionism no but one expert says if the u. S. President follows through on his threat to clear out the cartels and uses military action there could be significant mexican backlash with this they do a side he can stay in mexico and organize who are one attack or something against the mexican cartels in mexican soil and this is the problem because d mexico is being assumed that because of their country and the sit in the difference of that the Mexican Government has had donald trump make threats like this before remember when he threatened to close down the entire border and then backed away they will of course start making plans but theyre hoping that the white house will back away from what many people here see as a dangerous and dramatic overreaction alan fischer aljazeera mexico city hungary has charged a captain of a cruise ship involved in a collision and may 27 people died when the mermaid capsized and sank in the river danube the ukrainian captain has been charged with misconduct leading to mass casualties and failing to provide help most of the victims were tourists from south korea. 2 weeks of public impeachment hearings in the us havent unified American Voters polls are suggesting opinion as evenly split and analysts say the Republican Controlled Senate is unlikely to try to convict donald trump with a president ial election less than a year away it could be up to swing state voters to decide if trump gets a 2nd term in office as high as a cast or reports from pennsylvania many are watching closely. The streets of media pennsylvania are adorned for the coming holidays but as Matthew Cole Forbes awaits the trolley to work headlines from the impeachment hearings in washington threaten to take away some of his cheer i really dont agree with. I mean theyre going to im not a part. Anything like that i just i think theyve been trying to master 0. 10 k. I think. The 20 year old restaurant worker and business student is among the White Working Class swing state voters who delivered trump to victory in 2016 in cold forbes says the impeachment inquiry centered on whether trump inappropriately pressured ukraines president on a phone call has only cemented his support i dont really know what happened at all on that phone call. But ive read part of the transcript. And i dont really see like what theyre trying to all of you here. Polls show americans remain evenly divided on whether to impeach trump weeks of public hearings have done little to change minds and democrats have privately knowledged that Senate Republicans will have the power to decide president trumps fate will not vote to convict him so its a foregone conclusion that impeachment will not remove trump from office so what is it all for well he still has to fight for reelection within a year and so his future still very much depends on how the efforts to impeach him plays off of American Voters ive been hoping that gets impeach since the get go im glad theyre finally getting around to it if you believe that abuses of power occur and you have to you have to try to hold people accountable with most americans showing a clear partisan divide and whether they support impeachment its the rare swing voter who will likely decide whether trump remains in office after 2020 like the voters who helped elect Delaware County Council Woman Monica Taylor to office earlier this month for control of the local government flipped from republican to democrat for the 1st time in 150 years we have a lot of people who are moderate to have a lot of people are somewhere in the middle find themselves somewhere in the middle and i think we are a good example of where that swing vote is going to come from and pennsylvania is. You know its a swing state but even as political analysts say these pennsylvania and suburbs have shifted left in an apparent move both against trump wow areas of the state have moved further right recent local elections in western pennsylvania some republicans gain in strength a sign that the battle for the states Electoral College votes pivotal to whether trump wins reelection in 2020 will be fierce. Castro aljazeera media pennsylvania namibians are waiting for the results of a very general election which could bring the 1st change of governing party and 3 decades this whopper party has been in power since 1900 but scandals and economic woes are in a way at its popularity here with us are reports namibias Ruling Swapo Party has been in power since 1990 when the country gained independence from south africa but this could be a tough election for president again god whos running for a 2nd term a Corruption Scandal involving the countrys fishing industry could taint his partys image aljazeera Investigative Unit and the anti secrecy wiki leaks and covered evidence of government officials accepting bribes or kickbacks from icelands the biggest fishing firm in exchange for lucrative fishing rights the fisheries minister and Justice Minister has so far resigned the president was asked about the scandal shortly after voting. We will deal with corruption we declared war on corruption we have taken steps ostland must also do it corruption came from where you were coming to corrupt our people we will do with ours and you must deal with you. Opposition parties what namibians implicated held to account public cannot investigate itself and one or 2 go to the bottom of this matter and we are calling for a judicial inquiry where you probably mean judges are appointed and people in the fishing industry with our field of. Cases and then we sit on the matters and i happening namibia is a relatively small country but it has a lot of Natural Resources its a 5th of its citizens live in poverty a recession and a drought is making life more difficult for the poor rising unemployment and inequality could also erode some of the ruling partys popularity 5 years ago again god won the president ial election with 87 percent of the vote there are scenes of. Discontent but i dont think were going to see those really come to fruition for this election perhaps in another 5 years they will be a candidate an opposition candidate or an independent candidate who can really give a run for its money both in terms of you know an Opposition Party and a president ial candidate. The opposition in the media is not united that other for my liberation movements in Southern Africa still enjoys support from the black majority many see it as a party that for now represents black interests but some political analysts predict the result could be close and the military says it is on high alert in case there is postelection violence. Aljazeera. On top of the sports news with andy thanks so much daryn brazilian same flamengo are now targeting success of the Club World Cup to cap off their most successful season in decades on wednesday the riyadh same lifted the Brazilian League trophy and i guess celebrating their 7th domestic title in front of their home fans in the state its also just one south americas cup believe its a tourist for the 1st time in 38 years and one guy will answer the Club World Cup in qatar at the semi final stage. If you win the cup or live at the door its the most important tournament in south america as well as a strong championship the Brazilian League what more could you want but lets see what happens im very happy at flamengo we have 20 more days to work with the team before we go to cats are. 20 champions liverpool are still to book their place in the last 16 of europes top Club Competition a draw against napoli means their Champions League fate will be decided in the last round of group games awareness and field would have put liverpool enter the knockout rounds as Group Winners not the lead through drakes mertons forte and love for an equaliser for the home team in this one little poll made a point in their final group game at red bull salzburg to guarantee a place in the knockout rounds a lot of people around liverpool probably think. You know we have to play again and have to to put in everything what we have but it was never different i can remember one game since i am here where we could go in with 50 percent so thats all situation. And its ok its not brilliant but its ok now lets use a situation. A little messy was amongst the scores for barcelona on his 700th appearance for the club he scored a 600 and 13th goal passer going on so when 3 warned against pressure dortmund and putting the 5 time champions into the knockout rounds. Manchester united teenager max taylor is back in the senior squad for the 1st time since Cancer Treatment the 19 year old defender had surgery and 9 weeks of chemotherapy after being diagnosed with testicular cancer last year he is now back in 1st in contention the United Europa League game against a star thats coming up in kazakstan have seen his journey back to full fitness and the way hes conducted himself and its its just its something that hell always have with him hes been through something that no one should. Have to go through but hes come through on the other end hes an inspiration for all the players. Anthony davis led the l. A. Lakers to win against his former team the new Orleans Pelicans despite the boos davis scored 41 points out the lakers to one 4th since a warm sun when else were the fewest in rockets beating the its in miami heat here james harden star for the rockets united 73 points his school 34 points to increase pass the heat 17 c 10 its. Arse the Boston Celtics and the Brooklyn Nets all gone winning streak kemba walker scored a season high 39 points in his return from injury the celtics beating minutes 1212110 boston winning the 3rd time in the last 5 years. I was hosted the Southeast Asian games the philippines get to introduce sports they know theyll be good at one of them is an ancient filipino martial art called honest your mother reports. Korea has take one joe japan has karate and the philippines also has its own martial arts sport at least. 6 so this is why for jude rodrigo is a nice its more than just a combat sport it has come to symbolize the filipino identity so for the past few years she along with other members of the at least National Team have been clocking in long hours to train for their biggest competition the South East Asian games plus a more personal goal and its more of you would feel are you have a Better Future because if we dont perform well this year you dont perform well in the next few years then arness will probably not clear as much. Are nice with the preferred duel match of filipinos hundreds of years ago it was originally called out of. Our harness on the hand the philippines is hosting the Southeast Asian games for the 4th time and much is it. Think at least players aim to clinch at least 15 gold medals hoping not just to put a nice in the spotlight internationally but also so it may flourish as a popular sport in the philippines i want at least to be. International you also want. To be promoting the spite limitations and resources and Government Support for the p. The athletes have always exult in combat sports like that their black belts are Gretchen Miller who is a 3 time Gold Medalist in the sea games her records remain unmatched across asia to this day the athletes. Sports commission now provides food which is the basic which is im glad that happened also they got their food for free like before though we need the 11000. 00 beds that i received i need to buy my own food every athlete stream not really the gold medal but you know at the end of the during the ceremony that year youre the reason why youre the National Anthem is being played you know like everyone would be standing up. For your country for your flag. Compared to other sports at least cuts across social classes in the philippines told you he is a stick or 2 using sticks and knives and disguised as a folk dance at the knees is believed to have been used by need to to fight during the early badness colonial period so it is seen not just as a sport but also an art form that represents the filipinos ability to resist and injure or jim duggan aljazeera manila. And extreme weather in south africa has forced goals bosses surprised with decades of tradition for the 1st time since the european soul began in 1700 suit the players are being so why shorts temperatures are topping 40 degrees at the Alfred Dunhill championship in Leopard Creek short shorts story of previously being strategic prone events and practices. Big story from that is it for me for now ok and thank you very much for that update thanks for watching the news hour on aljazeera back in just a moment with much more of the days news coming up say wait a minute. A chinese casino empire is transforming cambodia. Money Rapid Development and criminology one i want to investigate the winners and losers in cambodia to see. On aljazeera. The un published the most comprehensive study of life on. They found 1000000 species face extinction thats more than 12 percent of known life on. One truck to destroy the much Oil Infrastructure of which a world. Report identifies the 5 main drivers of this big. Logical crisis 1st the way we use and abuse all politics was always says 75 percent of the lad and his buds of the Marine Environment have been severely altered by human activity exploitation of species through over fishing and hunting Climate Change caused by a Greenhouse Gas emissions. Pollution and finally the how to create time locally ecosystems by invasive species. Who are supposed to say the decline can be slowed even stopped in some cases but to do that we must transform our relationship with. Close your eyes. Listen. Mother mother thought i would be singing you parliament with the poor i never dreamt of the way the words fail music speaks to short films about how music not dumb and inspire hope for a better life a. J. Selects on aljazeera. Aljazeera where every year. The. Celebrations outside yemen saw airport as dozens of prisoners are flown in as part of a swap deal with saudi arabia. For child is there a life from a headquarters in doha im doubting you navigate also ahead. Of. Army commanders. In iraq to quell the growing protests which have also targeted the iranian consulates. Thank you america because testers in hong kong celebrate president trumps approval of a law supporting human rights in the territory. The french president stands by his comment that nato is bring

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