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Welcome to the program a protest votes come through loud and clear in hong kong prodemocracy candidates have won an overwhelming majority in Council Elections that are successful as months of demonstrations against increasing chinese influence but its prompted chief executive kerry lamb to promise that shell listen humbly sarah clarke begins our coverage. As dawn broke hong kong went to a new Political Landscape more than 70 percent of voters cast their ballots in sundays district Council Elections the prodemocracy party secured a Record Number of seats a lot of people actually sacrificed a lot of suffering but they suffered a lot in the last 6 months to to actually get this result and i think people are very. Theyre so united and they are so together to try to actually try to win something joshua one was disqualified for running but his party claimed victory in his electorate unseating the incumbent post councilor remarkable achievement in that this election is the efforts of callers especially motorists. Protests are a hotline for lying theres the pray the price span the time or even sacrifice in the protest movement until now the probation parties held the majority in the District Councils but anger against the government eroded their support theyve apologized to the public for misreading the vote those aligned to the post camp say its a nightmarish result and the citys government will need to reassess the peoples demands have spoken quite loudly and clearly havent they so i believe what we now do is what it called the 5 major demands and whether in that any of them can be dealt with by the most out of step for you then before the district Council Elections are traditionally and on a vengeful poll but after 6 months of antigovernment demonstrations and increasing violence this election was considered a barometer of public support for the protesters this is a win for the protesters that could be a point for them to say weve weve i reference on the street have converted into a tangible political outcome and this is a Good Opportunity to step back and take stock and and think about what next for the protest movement so it may see a period of relative calm for hong kong after a very turbulent 6 months the prodemocracy movement celebrated their victory on monday but some protests is rallied to show their support to those who are still holed up inside the Polytechnic University for more than a week the District Council vote comes ahead of the midst of Council Election next year sundays record turnout is considered a message from voters to reopen the discussion on the citys political reform the government now has 10 months to make changes before voters go to the polls once again sarah clarke aljazeera hong kong. Under thomas is in beijing where hes found a muted response to the results in hong kong. It was playing out so very quietly you would barely know there had been any elections in hong kong if you as i am in beijing the Foreign Ministry held its Daily Briefing a couple of hours ago now and they were asked on 2 occasions the Spokes Person was about what these results main and both times the Spokes Person dodged the question he talked about how the priority in hong kong was restoring order how it was important to get stability in that place in china he stressed again how it was part of china and how foreign powers to stay out of it but asked why its about what results mean he refused to engage in that part of the question and the media likewise in the run up to these elections in Hong Kong Chinas official media was full of them and this is the monday edition of china daily the english language official paper turn out sets record in hong kong district voting it says that was printed on sunday night of course now we know the results expected this newspaper to be all over those results but the website mentions nothing about the results while newspapers from the moment in paris to the times of india to be say to us are talking a lot about these results nothing at school in the official media that in a sense says we need to know the results themselves are embarrassing theyre largely being ignored here the israel palestine director for the Human Rights Watch by moshe kier is set to be deported from israel in the coming hours earlier this month Israels Supreme Court approved the governments decision to expel him she is a us citizen and has been accused of supporting a Boycott Campaign of Israeli Occupation now israeli law from 2017 balls entry to people who publicly support a boy because despite my deportation today the Israeli Government has failed to muzzle Human Rights Watch or the Human Rights Movement this case shines a light on the reality we face today as we stand in this room we are near 53. Of an ugly occupation with no end in sight characterized by institutional discrimination by systematic repression and rights abuses in particular if the Palestinian People if the Israeli Government can deport somebody documenting rights abuse without facing consequence how can we ever stop rights abuse lets take you straight to the royal palace here in doha where the turkish president or the one is meeting with the amir to discuss issues and regional concerns thats just dip in and listen to what he has to say trying to maintain security and id like to give them my thanks norbi we hear you and lord protect you from any trouble any attack and always approaching. God god be with you. And we seem to just caught the end of his speech to a Service Personnel he has of course been a great supporter of qatar during the blockade of the country these past 2 years and both countries obviously are very concerned about the ongoing situation in syria and the regional disturbances certainly in iran recently and of course in iraq much to discuss and hopefully gets more analysis of what the president is discussing with the qatari amir in the coming hours now the number of People Killed in landslides and flooding in northwestern kenya has risen to 52 rescue workers in west closed too close to the border with in kandahar struggling to reach thousands of people in need of help because of bad conditions up to a 1000000 people are affected across east africa because of the heavy of the normal rainfall from nairobi muhammadan explains how river towns are making things worse. These kind of flooding are becoming almost unusual events last year we sold dumbs breaking their bunks blasting their bunks and killing so many people all the flooding and inundating villages and towns along the banks and many people asking why was the small town voided but the government is quick to say that these east due to Climate Change and beyond their control they are also sending out a very tough warning to People Living only in low lying areas but also along the river banks that the banks are bound to the bomb to a boss that banks once again they should go to Higher Ground and the ease. Of a question going on right now in west cork but also in other parts of the country where theres been extremely. Bad conditions and also have been rainfall going on and the dams that are also being released in a controlled way and on to grieve was expected to exacerbate the situation. Saying in the region violence is escalating in a city in the eastern democratic republic of congo and residents are turning their anger on United Nations troops 11 people including a soldier who died in beni 2 of those were killed while protesting at the u. N. Compound residents say Security Forces are protecting them a rebel Group Calling itself the allied Democratic Forces is behind many recent attacks in the area which is near the ugandan border. And divest a geisha is underway into a plane crash in the east a democratic republic of congo least 29. 00 people were killed when the small plane went down just after takeoff on sunday night of those killed were on the ground in the city of goma they were all members of the same family. Lore the 1000 people have been rallying in kurdistan in central asia over allegations that hundreds of millions of dollars was stolen from public funds. The crowds gathered outside the government headquarters of the capital bishkek demanding action it was triggered by recent reports of virtual families a bribe to Customs Officials say it was one of the most powerful men in the country the source of the information was shot dead it istanbul this morning. Now the official who oversees the u. S. Navy has been fired for his handling of a high profile war crimes case the controversy pitted Richard Spencer against President Donald Trump gabriel is under has the story from washington d. C. The Top Commander of the u. S. Navy one day shot down rumors he was going to step down over the handling of a war crimes case involving a Navy Seal Gallagher story. Contrary to popular belief im still here i did not threaten to resign. But let us just say that were here to talk about external threats and he gallaghers not one of them on the next day after those comments Navy Secretary Richard Spencer did not have to resign on sunday evening he was abruptly fired after pushing back against President Donald Trump but it all stems from the case of the navy seal who walked out of a military jail in july a free man after being acquitted of war crimes he was accused by fellow navy seals of murder in iraq in 2017 including shooting unarmed civilians and stabbing a wounded teenager to death gallagher whose lawyers argued any civilians he killed was done so in the heat of battle was happy with the acquittal top Navy Commanders were not and demoted him in rank after pushing for his expulsion and the seals because he was found guilty of a lesser charge of posing for photographs with the dead iraqi but the special operations soldier had a powerful ally of his side President Donald Trump who parted gallagher for any wrongdoing restored his rank and demanded the navy halt any further investigations against any and that is what led to spencers firing when a departure letter to the president wrote he cannot in good conscience obey orders from trump he believes quote violate the sacred oath he took his Navy Commander trump tweeted sunday night the reason spencer was fired was because he was not pleased with the way gallaghers trial was handled and cost overruns within the navy. When trump pulled u. S. Troops out of Northern Syria in october it was against the advice of the pentagon this entire ordeal with the navy seal is just the latest example of a president not afraid to use his title as commander in chief of the u. S. Armed forces to defy military commanders when he deems it necessary he rolls on doe al jazeera washington lets go live to our White House Correspondent kelly how tos it washington d. C. Shes been following all of these proceedings for some weeks now of course. What else has the president been saying and the response from him about this. Well hes been very vocal throughout this and i think thats whats made this case very striking and in many respects led to the outcome the president weighed in directly on this on twitter very recently he had 3 tweets where he accused the military and specifically the navy of mishandling this case he was not pleased with the outcome of how this trial occurred and he was very unhappy with sort of the attempts even though the navy seal was exonerated on the major charges the fact that there were still internal discipline that would be taking place the civically the socalled trident pin that is very significant to the navy seals this essentially means you are a navy seal it was very important for the u. S. President as he weighed in on twitter to see that that was maintained but this is something that really made the navy is the civically the Navy Secretary Richard Spencer very unhappy and this is what has happened so as the president has protected the navy seal what weve also seen now though is the efforts to push back on the president s order this sort of unusual intervening in a case that normally would be followed internally has cost the Navy Secretary his job. Completely we talk about so many unusual situations where the president is intervening it of course is just. Adds to all of the controversy thats going on at the moment. And debate because what we have in the United States are really 2 systems of justice there is the sort of typical criminal justice that occurs for civilians like myself but then there is the use c. M. J. Or the uniform code of military justice and this is very unusual although the u. S. President is the commander in chief he does have the final say never before have we seen a president weighing in to this extent added in such a public way and the debate has become who really has the final say because what we saw here is the Navy Secretary pushing back on what he thought was a command that was essentially immoral and ethical but we saw the president weighing in using him exerting his final say as commander in chief and now there is this debate whether or not it is required of those in the military to once that order has come from the president to essentially carry it out even if they feel that it may be for political purposes or immoral or unethical this is something that is certain to be debated moving forward for years to come and so a story that so it is good to go away in the near future for the moment to believe thank you. Well still ahead here on aljazeera and guineabissau awaiting the results of an election that both sides hope will change the countrys political culture. Also not fit all proper why car hailing company has lost its license to operate in london. Hello again and welcome back well here across parts of china things are looking quite nice down towards the south to the north though its a little bit cooler cloudy or as well as maybe some rain across much of the central and Northern Areas only getting to a temperature a High Temperature for you on tuesday of about 8 degrees we do have some snow just to the west of you a little bit cooler than you have been at 24 but by the time we get towards wednesday getting a little bit warmer with plenty of sun at about 26 degrees there well as we make a word over here towards india we do have the possibility of seeing some rain making its way towards new delhi over the next few days now we did have some clouds pushing through earlier were going to be seeing some cloudy conditions here on tuesday a spot of rain just towards the west really helping to clear out the atmosphere as well only getting to about 22 here on tuesday and by the time we get towards wednesday the temperature comes up the rain possibility though makes its way up here a little bit more towards the north to the south the rain it hasnt been as hard it has been over the last few days but for colombo more rain in your forecast for the tempter there of 31 degrees and still quite unsettled across parts of the gulf we did see some rain showers here on monday passing through parts of doha were going to be seeing some clouds still in the forecast across the region here on tuesday temperature of 26. 00 degrees over towards abu dhabi 26. 00 in muscat 26. 00 degrees also. Told to notice there are we know they dont believe in the 2 state solution the do you still believe in the 2 state solution we listed what i said was that pakistan would never start a war im anti war we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter although 0. The. Bag. Welcome back youre watching aljazeera with me to help rob a reminder of our top news stories anti establishment candidates in hong kong have won an overwhelming majority of district Council Elections chief executive has promised to listen humbly to voters also Human Rights Watch israel palestine director cameras set to be deported from israel in the coming hours earlier this month israel Supreme Court approved the governments decision to extend to him it was accused of supporting a Boycott Campaign of israel. And the number of People Killed in landslides and flooding in northwestern kenya has reached 52 a few workers in west cocotte close to the border with uganda are struggling to reach thousands of people in need of help because of bad conditions. Highly classified Chinese Government documents are giving an insight into the last attention of ethnic minorities mostly list of weak as Rights Groups estimates more than 1000000 people have been locked up in cabs in the john region fintan lot of possible. The Chinese Government says camps such as this and the shin jiang region are centers for education and Vocational Training documents obtained and verified by the International Consortium of investigative journalists reveal they in fact operate as extrajudicial internment camps for the compulsory indoctrination of ethnic minorities mostly muslims the documents detail how police use an Artificial Intelligence driven data system to select who will be detained once inside the camps every aspect of their life is controlled from frequency of toilet use and haircuts to visits from loved ones. Inmates the documents say are ultimately judged on ideological transformation study and training and compliance with discipline and order. In the classes they would tell us that we were poisoned by religion that islam is an Infectious Disease that it came from abroad that if they needed to be a religion in china that it must be put is him and we should not believe in any other religion human rights lawyers say the documents confirm what many have suspected about the camps theres a system inside of these camps you know where you get more points for being indoctrinated with you know the sort of central Chinese Communist propaganda and removing interesting youre honest. Its the most orwellian thing that ever seemed or as human rights. Chinese government has rejected leaked documents as fake news the documents are talking about is a. Fabrication if you want to have a document about this but cheney had a consensus we have many documents we have a 7 papers published International Legal experts say the in term and camps are a violation of chinas laws and constitution but the Chinese Government has long stood defiant against foreign criticism vinton meaghan aljazeera. The vote counting is underway in Guinea Bissau president ial election it follows years of social and political turmoil west african nations have deployed troops to contain any violence. Reports start from the capital. And this is i said to buddies 1st president ial election since early sunday morning shes kept a close tally of the votes in her neighborhood as an independent observer for candidate c. More stimming go. For this Election Campaign isnt just about choosing a new president but its also about changing the countrys Divisive Political culture when candidates they start insulting other candidates and i think this kind of behavior shows the kind of person you are and what you can do for your country in the future. Is the front runner in this election hes the candidate of the powerful African Party of the independence of cape verde and also known as the. President Julie Maria Vance who is seeking reelection for a 2nd term has accused of paying people for a vote saying the election was rigged there were scuffles in some polling stations but International Observers say overall the voting was peaceful. As for the quality of the vote itself we noted in general people were prepared for their roles there were minor incidents minor irregularities but nothing that could undermine the process. Whoever gets elected will have to share power with the see the Majority Party in parliament theres a sense of fear and apprehension that the outcome of this election could create divisions instead of uniting a country weakened by years of political instability and as a result this parliament has not been able to vote any laws or budgets paralyzing this country. Fight with us over the management of resources he enjoys the support of angola who is looking to exploit block site in this unexplored mineral rich country nigeria and senegal view angola as interest in Guinea Bissau with suspicion the west african body known as eco aust deployed additional troops as part of a stabilizing force. Be used as a launching pad for drug traffickers and transnational organized crime and thats why. With un. Legit to move government to fight criminality caught in this Regional Power play by the people of the south like nurse does santos who has gone almost a year without pay because of the political crisis or unemployed graduate student. Who cant find work for this election is a chance to finally get a say in the direction of her country. Aljazeera. A major road has reopened in lebanons capital after some of the worst violence in more than a month supporters of 2 shia movements hezbollah and amal clashed with Anti Government protesters in beirut both sides threw rocks at each other for hours Security Forces had to form a barrier to separate them this confrontation is one of the worst since nationwide protests began last month protests were triggered by proposed new taxes and anger over widespread corruption. To europe now a Ride Sharing Service has lost its license to operate in london over safety concerns the citys transit all 40 has cited several breaches that put passenger safety at risk saying uber is not currently fit and proper but the company years are to appeal the decision and now has 21. 00 days to do so it can continue to operate while the appeals process is underway paul brennan has more from london. The license to operate in london by was due to expire at one minute to midnight tonight and it will expire theyve decided not to extend that license to operate on the reasoning for that and ill read you some of the statement a tear fell or put out is because what we recognize the do has made improvements its unacceptable that allowed passengers to get into many cabs with drivers who are potentially unlicensed and uninsured basically what t f l found was that there was around 14000 occasions where drivers who were not necessarily the same driver who had been given the license to operate were picking up passengers it arose from an anomaly within the system which allowed un authorized drivers to upload their photograph to the profile of an authorized driver and essentially were to fellas saying that the systems are clearly not secure enough to the us has 21. 00 days to lodge an appeal and then youve got a matter of perhaps 18 months 2 years perhaps certainly an extended period of time while that could possibly go through to court action says in the meantime its been vigorously updating its software and its processes a statement from saying we have robust systems and checks in place now to confirm the identity of drivers and will soon be introducing a new facial matching process but in the meantime theyre going to have to actually fire fight this legal action although in the short term what were looking at is continuing to operate on the streets of london even though t f l are trying to stop them but more than 60 doctors fear we can leagues founder Julian Assange could die in prison they have written an open letter to the British Government to demand his transfer to a hospital the doctors say hes suffering from physical and psychological problems with soldiers in a maximum security prison near london the u. S. Wants to extradite him on espionage charges. The landslide has caused the collapse of a motorway bridge in italy firefighters worked at the sign to alter the good region no casualties have been reported thats been widespread flooding in italy this month as a measles epidemic sweeping through samoa has worsened 25 people have now died from the disease almost all of them Young Children while the 2000 cases have been registered a state of emergency has been declared most of the week ago and he corruption authorities in pakistan have filed a case against the former president Asif Ali Zardari and a sister for alleged involvement in the Money Laundering scandal story was arrested back in june after being accused of laundering millions of dollars through fake Bank Accounts small from the pakistani capital. Emraan khan the Prime Minister of pakistan came into power where the promise that he would come down hard on those held accountable for and goldman didnt matter of course option. Or dari but would also the president of pakistan from been made 1013. 00. Probe over fake Bank Accounts to raise money was laundered out of the country is now going to be facing more pressure as french gave that initiated against them but it already you know its great that it held this failing is suffering from what theyre going to say cardiac condition and also had diabetes the country had. One former Prime Minister worth having jail time being allowed to leave the country on compassionate grounds and now everybody of course they will be are going where are they really their daddy to be allowed to leave the country and be part of their data behind closed doors although the Government Read tell you that did not kill. Up to a 1000000000. 00 worth of jewelry has been stolen from a museum in germany there are reports the thieves cut the Electricity Supply in dresden the Green Vault Museum which answers one of europes largest collections of jewels and artifacts the pieces that were taken are said to have been part of centuries old collections. Youre watching over there with me so rob a reminder of our top news stories anti establishment candidates in hong kong have won an overwhelming majority in district Council Elections chief executive kerry lam has promised to listen humbly to voters Human Rights Watch israel palestine director omar shapiro is set to be deported from israel in the coming hours earlier this month Israels Supreme Court approved the governments decision to expel him she was accused of supporting a Boycott Campaign of israel despite my deportation today the Israeli Government has failed to muzzle Human Rights Watch or the Human Rights Movement if the Israeli Government can deport somebody documenting rights abuse without facing consequence how can we ever stop rights abuse the number of People Killed in landslides and flooding in northwestern kenya has risen to 52 rescue workers in west close to the border with uganda are struggling to reach thousands of people in need of help because of the worsening conditions and violence is escalating in a city in the eastern democratic republic of congo and residents are turning their anger on United Nations troops 11 people including a soldier who died in beni 2 of those were killed while protesting at the u. N. Compound residents say Security Forces are protecting them. More than a 1000 people have been rallying in kurdistan in central asia over allegations that hundreds of millions of dollars were stolen from public funds. The crowds gathered outside government headquarters of the capital bishkek demanding action it was triggered by recent reports that influential families had bribed a customs official to seal as one of the most powerful men in the country the source of the information was shot dead in istanbul this month right sharing Service Super has lost its license to operate in the british capital over safety concerns the citys transit authours he has cited several breaches that put passengers safety at risk so uber is not currently fit and proper but the company is that hard to appeal the decision uber can continue to operate while the appeals process is underway those were the headlines talked to aljazeera is next to stay with us. The Prime Ministers. Mission is to deliberately on the 31st of all turn around and making this country the greatest place. Britains departure is delayed. Follow the drama of bricks hit on aljazeera. Last month turkey launched a military operation in northeastern syria saying its aimed at preventing the predominantly kurdish syrian Democratic Forces. From keeping a presence on the border area operation peace spring was condemned by the u. S. And the International Community but for the turkish government its a crucial step to ensure national security. And this week i would be speaking to the Turkish Defense minister about operations cooperation with russia and iran and strained ties with the us and they took over 400. 00 Defense Systems all of this as the turkish depends

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