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A trial in the Republican Controlled Senate to decide his fate plus. With the black market courts reward has killed people and made them sick so that to me is the biggest misconception. U. S. Tobacco companies insist their products are safe as the government considers a ban. And in sport and miles garrett is lost on appeal against his indefinite ban from the league eric had an opponent over the head with how it during a game last week. We began an iraq war Security Forces of killed 3 protesters in the capital baghdad it takes the total number killed since the beginning of october to at least 329. 00 demonstrators have been rallying against corruption or nonemployment the government has responded by promising political and social reforms to mona joins us live from baghdad so what is he saying today. Well weve just come back from square it was another tens there were very big crowds turning out following friday prayers and it was also a violent day we spoke to several protesters as well as medical volunteers who had seen the fresh clashes take place near a bridge which is one of the 3 bridges where protesters have set up positions that lead across the river tigris in their action of the green zone where several Government Installations are based what these eyewitnesses told us was that Security Forces deployed both tear gas as well as life m initial to Disperse Protesters and i spoke to one of the doctors that had treated injured protesters today but what is important to say is that the protesters are also responsible for some of the violence they are flowing molotov cocktails in the action of the Security Forces and some of the protesters are even attempting to attack and beat up members of the Anti Riot Police a very tense situation in here square and the other thing that we saw today there were a lot of funeral processions it was very emotional with demonstrators carrying the coffins of fellow protesters who had been killed the day before through to here square to accompany them one last time to bid their farewell and the emotions were really very strong a bit anger was growing you could feel that the months traders were becoming more agitated as they saw the bodies of their fellow protesters being carried through to here square and we can expect that as the evening goes on and the crowds surge we can expect more confrontations to take place so some of the government has made promises that you know reforms are coming. What what proof do the protesters have that that is actually going to happen is anything concrete happening. There is there are some concrete steps forward on the reforms earlier this Week Parliament convened and they voted on a number of reform bills that basically aimed at placating the protestors there was also the 1st reading of the Electoral Reform bill which is very important because one of the key demands of the protesters has been a complete overhaul of the political system they want to change the current electoral system whereby the parliament is the one who chooses the Prime Minister they want to be able to elect their leaders directly now parliament will convene again on saturday to further discuss this Electoral Reform a but protesters dont really trust the political elites that control parliament that they will really pass a bill that will genuinely address their demands that will essentially curtail their own power and this is why a lot of these reforms have not really resonated well on the street demonstrators say that they dont care what the Parliament Discusses they will stay there until the government agrees to step down all right so important to latest for us and baghdads minute thank you israels Prime Minister says he will not step down after being charged with corruption offenses Benjamin Netanyahu has criticized investigators calling his indictment and attempted coup the attorney general charge not to with bribery fraud in breach of trust and 3 cases a fossil report so must resign. Israels president says his country is going through harsh and dark days hard to detect perhaps in the autumn sunshine in west jerusalem the talk to a few of those making the most of it in the shadow of this political crisis is never far away the country has to be skewered it carefully and responsibly and we know you no one questions how responsible that stewardship is going to be in the coming months here for the 1st time a sitting israeli Prime Minister has been indicted for crimes hes alleged to have carried out while in office but there are still plenty of israelis who agree with him that the case is politically motivated they dont like trump. That theyre going to get him just as the same thing with with bibi a lot people have enough of him where hes been there long enough thats it im not saying he is innocent not saying is guilty in a sense israelis have got used over many months to the details of these indictments the case has been set out at some length so to they got used to netanyahu repeated attacks against the media and the legal establishment nonetheless what happened on thursday night was particularly stark and it sent a political shockwave through this country and through a system already stressed to breaking point no functioning government the prospect of a 3rd election and a Prime Minister attacking the legal establishment as he fights to stay in office could go you know him as one limiting the polluted investigation against me erodes the public faith in the system they should worry every citizen we have to put an end to this israeli newspapers have featured editorials urging netanyahu to resign for the good of the country some calling on senior members of his own likud party to engineer it its not a big chance or a big possibility but there might be some cracks within likud or cracks in the 55. 00 bloc of the right maybe because the indictment now is final maybe there will be some cracks there this this could be the political influence of this indictment whats clear is that netanyahu intends to fight off all challenges to his position be they legal or political and if theres one thing hes learned in his decades in israeli politics its how to survive a force that aljazeera west jerusalem. Obviously vilest professor of International Law thievery and person entering islam he joins us on skype from westray sun thank you so much for your time so im considering how unusual how rare this is is it absolutely clear that a that a sitting Prime Minister can be indicted yes but he can claim immunity he has to go to the knesset the Israeli Parliament and obtain immunity and thats a long and difficult process particularly since the interim government has no committee yet so got to who want to be immunity but theres no doubt its a long long process were not going to see the media inclusion so each of you talked about the fact you know obviously that theres really this political stalemate Israeli Government is really in limbo how does that complicate Something Like this out of the head of the to connect the politics of this and the legality of it 1st of all i think i should point out that its is all its a sad day for israel the sitting Prime Minister was indicted however it proves that israel has a very impartial legal system and that nobody is above the law so in that sense although its a sad occasion israelis can be proud of their judicial system. Judicial system is growing very slowly so again he can claim immunity theyre the the diamond hasnt yet been presented to court its a long long siege oh theres pressure on him to resign but so far he hasnt shown by medicines or any signs of his will he do intend. And not only not showing any signs hes using language as lake like you know an attempted coup having the investigators investigated when you talk about the rule of law and the fact that in some ways its a sad day but you see that as a Silver Lining in that this is the rule of law. Are you troubled by him using that type of of language to sort of a demonize the judiciary. Somebody once accuse him of being a dr jekyll and mr hyde in other words as a 5 minister hes been base overbet careful very cautious but when he comes his personal issues hes a bit hes spoken in bay have been addicted to nasty language so we have a little split personality the Prime Minister on Security Issues as been very careful and suspected but when it comes to his personal or personal life it was a real problem ok so and 1000000. 00 question how do you see this playing out as a something that can take months or years and it took years for the end i meant to even happen it will take a long long time unless political pressure perhaps from his Coalition Partners will force him to resign so far we dont see any signs of that. Right professor progress able thank you sir a q. Plenty more ahead in the news hour including. Blood on the leaders but on a show of unity on national day as protesters call for real independence for live in beirut. Millions of parents have voted in hong kong one of the most significant elections and decades. Causes for an adrenaline rush from russian but is it enough to be done about just that and the davis cup details just ahead in sport. Because president onil trump says he wants a trial in the Republican Controlled Senate if hes impeached by the house and an interview with fox news he insisted hes done nothing wrong he defended using his private lawyer Rudy Giuliani to work on ukraine policy because of his reputation as quote a great crime fighter House Intelligence Committee has wrapped up a 2nd week of impeachment hearings looking into accusations that trump pressured ukraine to investigate his political rivals go live now to the white house where Kimberly Halkett is standing by so it is it he says he wants the trial kimberly is that necessarily an automatic thing if he is impeached as a senate have to have a trial. Its generally thought that it would be triggered the latest word in from the Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell is that yes if there is the drafting of the articles of impeachment by the house judiciary its up to nancy pelosi to make sure then that goes to the floor of the house of representatives that does appear the church actory that it is taking and certainly one that donald trump has said he wants given the fact that the argument has been from the white house on to this point that they have not had an opportunity to defend the president but the real reason is that that chamber of the Upper Chamber in the u. S. Congress is controlled by republicans the president s own party and thats where he feels in fact he spoke on fox and friends a conservative leaning morning show this morning where the president had a very long and winding interview where he says he doesnt expect that he will be impeached its not a certainty though and so thats why hes been waging a Charm Offensive hes been fighting republicans to the white house kind of to try and make sure that theyre on board backing him one of those who attended one of those meetings with the president senator Shelley Moore capito spoke to reporters and gave us some insight into what the president is thinking. In terms of the. Scenes frustration is the. Inability to be a loser. But he did well on and he didnt think i believe he is part of our conversation blaney. Kimberly what else did he say. Yes so obviously the headlines here in the United States of the impeachment very much down party lines but the president as he sort of went on and on about some of the different headlines coming out of that interview with respect to pietschmann also that pivoted to at one point to the ongoing clashes between prodemocracy protesters in hong kong as some of the crackdowns that have been taking place by some of the Security Services in hong kong as well backed of course by china now the u. S. President kind of surprised everyone with some of those comments ill talk about this in the 2nd but hes really in a tough spot when it comes to this china issue because for shellys been trying to talk about trade improving trade boasting that he can get a deal where no one else has been able to do that with china now congress has put him in a tough spot because virtually unanimous legislation was put on his desk on wednesday that would force him if there is a crackdown by china on the prodemocracy protesters in hong kong there would be saying its not legislation the president is going to be able to veto he knows it in fact were watching very carefully to see when hell have to sign that but at the same time he talked about this saying that he believes that hong kong in terms of this hong kong arrest we have to stand with hong kong he says he says hes standing with hong kong but hes also standing with president xi he says so playing both sides of the coin and this is probably has a lot to do with the fact that he is trying to negotiate this trade deal very close on that he says but not clinched yet so donald trump under a lot of pressure on that issue he wants to talk about trade but hes being forced to confront the issue of human rights ok can really help him with the latest from washington kimberly thank you Philip Bobbitt is a former associate counsel to president jimmy carter joins us live from new york we appreciate your time very much is it a foregone conclusion to you that the house will vote to impeach. Well there is so impeachment our system is tantamount to indictment its not a trial is not a conviction or acquittal it simply is a bill passed by the house by a simple majority the thin goes to a trial in the senate so you know when you look at it its the democrats that will most likely Vote Along Party Lines and vote to impeach and a conventional wisdom is that when he gets to the senate because its controlled by republicans he will likely be acquitted im curious. Crawl bernstein Investigative Reporter journalist he said recently in adam schiff said something similar in the hearing yesterday that the important difference now is not necessarily between donald trump and Richard Nixon during watergate the real difference is congress then and congress now would you agree with that i would and also the country its a different country the social media the explosion of information has not only proliferated information its also hardened lines within the country so you know at the hearing im sure you watched some of it and dr fiona hill the russia expert really tried to to talk to members of congress basically saying youve got to take the threat of russia seriously they are the ones that are passing along this misinformation you know some of you are passing along this misinformation basically insinuating that some of them in some ways are allowing themselves to be used that that was a chilling message was it not. It was she was a very impressive woodens perhaps the most impressive of the list of witnesses ive seen in the hearings and her message was pretty forthright it was to the republicans on the committee to stop pushing this Conspiracy Theory about ukraine as the source of election meddling and focus on the real threat that she anticipates is still alive and will come back again in 2020 in the elections. What there was a lot of politicians some of the democrats that had been reluctant and they publicly said so ive been reluctant to want to go down this road because they said that it could be divisive to the country they want to focus on the election etc etc what is your feeling about. How this impeachment hearing has played out for for the u. S. Well i think we should bear in mind this is a very beginning of the whole process in the clinton impeachment in the nixon almost impeachment we had a long period of investigative reporting you had an independent counsel statute which we dont have now and so the investigative part is pretty much been confined to these 5 committees especially the Intelligence Committee we havent had that long period was 10 months in the nixon case for the public to be brought along with the evidence i think thats made things more fraught but of course the central principle that removing an elected president is a very dramatic step in a democracy is ever present i think in everyones mind absolutely i think should be Philip Bobbitt former associate counsel to president jimmy carter thank you sir my pleasure. Constant Police Commissioner as warning student protesters to leave a blockaded campus the Polytechnic University has been the scene of some of the worst violence and 6 months of protests and he students have been injured by police and local accidents are being held in hong kong on sunday the voting is likely to be dominated by the struggle over the territories relationship with Mainland China and thats having a big impact on the economy as more businesses choose sides mcbride has more. This election is not only a battle at the ballot box but also with the cash registers. In this polarized society months of unrest have changed how people spend. This restaurant has a socalled Yellow Ribbon business opposed to the government and at lunch times its overflowing with prodemocracy customers. This chain of tea shops also publicizes its prodemocracy views giving people the chance to express them as with each visit student loan only spends his money in places that support the protest movement my friends are very aware. Restaurants we go to we shall we go to yeah but yes we were very conscious about that im not quite sure about it in fact were trying to do what we can do at the moment you know just to help with the situation to like express our demands in this highly charged atmosphere expressing your political views can invite attack. And much has been directed against businesses with links to Mainland China. Socalled blue ribbon businesses those that are seen as supporting the government or the police have borne the brunt of protesters anger the probably stop listening camp says its contributed to hong kong slipping into recession and that the slump will continue as long as the unrest goes on. Campaigning to keep his seat as a pro establishment district councillor come on fung has experienced that anger firsthand. His partys office has been ransacked. And he wears a stab proof vest below his shirt when hes campaigning oh really its sad because just about 6 months ago it was our 1st save city you know the economic was good but we still have good. But nowadays people lost all their hopes we just we dont know how what the next step we dont know how to stop the violence how to stop the tempting whatever the results from sundays election the underlying causes of hong kongs unrest alike come to remain and businesses will have to navigate through and the economic fallout public bride ill just era hong kong. The social upheaval in chile is taking a heavy toll on private and public property including a shopping. Barn to the ground on thursday night almost protesters are peaceful somehow resorted to looting an arson a lot america has more from santiago. Anger seems to be the common denominator among chilean protesters whove been on the streets for 5 weeks. But not all express that anger the same way some do it by going into the battle against riot police armed with stones sticks and even molotov cocktails they describe themselves as the front line of defense. Im here to defend our people against Police Repression thats who weve come to fight. The vast majority are young like one invisible not their real names. Its unfair that weve had to resort to these extremes to be heard we protested peacefully for years and only now that theres upheaval does the state take notice both a 17 year old students from a Public Secondary School who want to go to university but both of their parents are still struggling to pay off their own studies. My mother is 30. 9 inches still owes 9000. 00 its terrible its a case in water health all of a persons basic needs are a business here and thats why were so angry. They say the only use violence against Security Forces not to destroy property. But there is another type of protest or the kind that justifies for example the looting of this wholesale supermarket and not just looting but also other types of destruction and violence as a means to an end. According to the government criminal gangs and drug traffickers are responsible for around 30 percent of the widespread damage to public and private property. But who are the rest many are young men and women from santiagos poor neighborhoods where anger has been simmering for decades. That are. Also not their real names describe themselves as radical opponents of chiles socially unequal system but. Its a system to make it the crumbs while the upper class accumulates more well all that anger there my generalization people look down on us because were on the periphery they distrust you no matter how hard you work or try your show. Why is that madea wanted to study architecture but instead says she was lucky just to get a job as a Security Guard in a posh uptown building now they say its time for the political and Economic Establishment to feel superior but i guess i will need to be shaken from their comfort zone they better not think well just go and march down the street with signs and go back to sleep in our beds let them feel afraid to direct action to force social change. They know they risk prison if theyre caught destroying property or attacking police but like a great many of those who vent their rage like this they seem convinced that as things stand now they have little to lose you see in human scent. And colombia demonstrations against pension and tax reform have turned violent in members and students gathered in the capital bogota saying they were inspired by other protests across america. Reports that. What started as a union protest against proposed Economic Reforms turned into one of the biggest mass demonstrations seen in recent years. As pensioners students teachers in a growing section of colombias middle class joined forces to demonstrate anger and this satisfaction with the right wing government of president. Is more significant than the sort of this is a very significant for us because we are demonstrating that we are tired that we dont want to continue living with the government treating us this way theres a very powerful Youth Movement in colombia thats not afraid anymore 6. Despite heavy rain hundreds of thousands rallied in downtown bogota and a number of cities across the. Protesters say they were inspired by the unrest in other countries in the region and by a growing a ray of grievances. Many marched against the slow implementation of the peace deal with dark rebels and the killings of local leaders were dying at an alarming rate others feels left behind by an economy they say that only grows for some. One is that were seeing the results of 25 years of neo liberal policies theyve done for labor reforms 13 regressive tax reforms the cup is full. The marches began mostly without incident but as the rain cleared confrontations broke out across the city in the early evening. Explosions and tear gas filled the Central Plaza believer and surrounding streets as protesters clashed with Security Forces some were injured and dozens arrested. Were tired were tired of being marginalized of being disappeared were tired you understand its time for change confrontations and clashes continued until late in the evening in downtown but in 3rd city the mayor imposed a curfew starting at 7 pm. When things calm down hundreds across the capital took to the streets banging pots and pans and. Now the question is that these demonstrations will continue. Today and if colombia will join other countries in the region that have seen continuous rest for now more than a month. Still ahead on al jazeera panic at a funeral in bolivia forces target protesters with tear gas as they mourn the dead. And on that list paul good to be soured what Law Enforcement agencies describe as the force of markets in africa i dont know how this is affecting all the president ial. And the worlds best 1st take their shot at the richest prize in the history of their sport. How rain and snow have been sweeping east through iran thats the latest system says really were talking about afghanistan rather anywhere else behind it is a slow change taking place conversion to winter so still some potential snow azerbaijan or the northwest of iran to irans hold on 9 degrees this cloud might produce a few showers but its not quite like it was and behind it the moment 13 in aleppo 17 with the clouds across the western side of turkeys moving eastwards. Least cloud things up but nothing else appears to change immediately if anything does more in the west sunshine into iran on the southern caspian and south of all that things have quieted down as well as has gone so terms have been rising around the gulf and in riyadh the still the light down the mountains of western saudi even through yemen and possibly long the coast of breeze there says so one picks up for a while there on both saturday and sunday the horn of africa receives a big shock to. Start an active night in botswana since we caught a few shows on the satellite picture south africa the picture looks fine from space and the forecast just shows want to show need to happen. From the aljazeera london pool cost center to special guests in conversation when societies did was 1. 00 women of the title the only thing that benefits from the speech act itself from states uninterrupted is the 1st word scribbled are those will. For a. Fact be whether the saying kathy would like to think theres nationalism is not as ugly as someone elses nationalists in studio unscripted on aljazeera you have to choose between you and feeding your family what do you do that happens because we dont keep ourselves healthy when you could face death from a dog fight so what do you do every day to cut the cost to get you to choice can you afford them. Films about Inspiring Solutions to global warming. E. G. Some acts on aljazeera. Are watching aljazeera take out the top stories right now iraqi Security Forces have shot 3 protesters to and in baghdad protests against corruption unemployment and Poor Public Services began in early october the Prime Minister says corruption charges against him are a coup attempt. Who is facing bribery fraud and breach of trust allegations this president says the impeachment inquiry is a sham and says hes done nothing wrong and would welcome a trial in the sedative. House votes to impeach him. Later parade taken away to protest marches as lebanon marks its 76th and dependence day demonstrators have gathered downtown beirut they have been calling for political and economic change our test began last month over new taxes and a failing economy Prime Minister saad hariri has resigned the protesters are demanding a complete overhaul of the sectarian political system. Joins us live from beirut so. Sounds to me seem to be celebrations behind celebrations and protests kind of a mix of the 2. Worlds true lebanese rasha in the sense that even with their demands for change and i know thats being expressed towards the put its course upliftment the politically its a bit School System there is still that celebratory mood dr has gone synonymous with lebanese cultural step out of frame a little bit you know so you get a bit of a sense i mean youve got thousands have been conferred from the early hours of friday among those sorts it off with was there a civil way this one should be they divided into that harley and so to speak to mimic a military parade but rather than soldiers you know how the different search goes on professions of Civil Society from doctors to teachers 200 years environmentalist campaigners and so forth of us are celebrating the marking this on you all day of independence that says remind forward you will see the protests that begun on october the 17th that is as you mentioned them on the beach all of the political system they say that its not enough thats not the how do. They want to change everything they want to get rid of all of the political elites the slogan in our Community Called them everyone who wants everybody out snuck through without any exceptions and it seems that they are still i got months that they want those demands to be. Achieved or else they wont stop protesting the so is there any indication that there is actually going to be more than lip service from from officials on actually doing something. Well thats the reality is there are so many Different Things up plainly shows not just the protesters its not just the governments the government itself is fragmented and formed from different sects based on the sectarian system which essentially while states prevented civil war in lebanon its also crippled its because you need consensus from all sides so that consensus is very difficult to achieve beyond that you also have the regional powers and International Players from the United States internationally to iran and saudi arabia regionally we have heard some comments come from the minister of defense of the minister of interior respectively on different sides of the political spectrum here talking about their needs to find a solution warning of the dire Economic Situation and of the fear that things could escalate out of and but are we seeing any sort of solution on the horizon in reality you know there is still that the month for a total technocratic government i. E. One formed of experts on one side and on the other house side you have the shirt on the president his allies and husband who have a majority in the democrats are clear that the parliamentary say well its their right to have Political Representation in the government and unless one side gives in or both sides find some sort of acceptable compromise then its difficult to see where the solution is going to come from my right to moscow now and they return all thank you. Police in bolivia have fired tear gas at a funeral procession in the capital of pas people are demanding the interim president s resignation blaming her for the rising levels of violence. Reports. Was a peaceful march of thousands of believe ians mourners escorting the coffins of 8 victims of clashes with the military and police on tuesday. They were about to hold a vigil near the president ial palace and then the unthinkable the police opened fire with tear gas as police dispersed the funeral procession one van with the coffins tried to make its way out another one pushed by the police were stuck on the road other mourners had to leave other coffins on the ground and flee the gas the. The weve come here empty handed i want to die kill me im ready the protesters didnt clash with police no rocks were thrown they just fled the gases which are not the truth telling that weve come here with our dead how is it possible that they fired tear gas at us we even came with our children. They had been marching for nearly 4 hours from demanding the entering precedence for signees sion 29 years past the supreme decree that clears the military and police from any responsibility in securing peace in the country. These believe ians blamed the police for the deaths the. Was an autopsy preliminary report says the 8 victims died after projectiles were fired at them but an investigation is pending. Was that theyre killing our people theres no justice for our humble people. The government says Security Forces must bring peace to believe. 15 believe ians have died in clashes with police since pressure. Ever medalist resigned and took exile in mexico leaving the country in turmoil i dont know. The way these bully girls will stop protesting it will give them the assurance that their voices will be heard in any vote in a late night session on wednesday members of a woman ellis must party agreed to recognise janine i news as the interim president they said they will participate in the next elections without it will more or less. And many believe the ends here the days of it will seem to be over the are in demanding his return any more but they say they will continue to fight for their right to justice or for the deaths of 8 men who still cannot be laid to rest in peace. Around a center strands us now from la paz outside the president ial palace so what has a response of a government that. Well michelle interim president said that the shes very sad and shes very sorry for the deaths of these 8 men that shes very hurt that her government is one of a peaceful government and she says that the important thing right now to focus is on the elections that there should be a consensus back here at the National Assembly to immediately call elections we spoke earlier with the minister of the presidency. Told us when i asked him about why the these 8 men have been killed he said that the response he didnt say the army or the Police Killed them but the response was violent by the army and the police. When these people were killed have been proportionate because the protesters have been using dynamite around this fuel plant and have been able to get that dynamite inside the plant would have been catastrophic however he said the good part now is that they are have begun dialogue with Community Leaders with. Former leaders with minors and the cards are on the table for the dialogue that they are demanding that the government gets the military off the streets and that they withdraw that is supreme decree that. If that doesnt occur tell her hold them accountable for for for anything that happens while implementing it just is the government however saying that what they want the protesters to do is basically to stop protesting and to lift the road blocks around the country especially because theres a lot of fuel and Food Shortages and that has to stop right now so they are they are talking negotiations are ongoing and hopefully the president has said that they can have some outcome of that quite soon. And with the latest from the thank you. After years of protests and political turmoil voters and going to sour hope in sundays president ial election will finally lead to peace the incumbent jose maria vas once another term despite failing to stabilize the economy the economy of the west african nation and deal with a growing illegal drug trade but he says he will respect the result even if he loses the reports on the outskirts of the capital. A last ditch effort to cling on to power in this campaign incumbent president just calls himself a man of the people the one that can bring peace and stability to the nation but his mandate has been anything but stephen after dismissing all 8 of his government since taking office in 2014 he called on the military to step in on his behalf days before the election fear of a military coup still looms as night falls hundreds gathered to hear him speak among the crowd our west african troops from there jerry and senegal here as a stabilizing force to keep a close watch on fast and his military entourage vals says we have to get to Work Together to bring an end to the political crisis because using foreign powers of wanting to steal the countrys wealth and tells the crowd to be careful with fake news. He then invites us on stage what was supposed to be a one on one interview is used to galvanize the crowd maybe. See this journalist he accuses me of creating instability i tell you what you have to be careful with what you say listen i will accept the Election Results even if i lose. With 20 attempted military coups in dozens of political assassinations never has there been a peaceful transition of power since guineabissau was returned to democracy 25 years ago the United States drugs in forstmann agency believes latin American Drug traffickers are profiting from the political instability senior military commanders in cahoots with elected politicians are using the harbor to facilitate the smuggling of drugs from latin america through to your. Own. Dream fastest time in office 25 tons of cocaine was seized still his political opponents accuse him of using cocaine money to finance his Reelection Campaign an i. Q. Zation he denies they say drug money has made it into the campaign we have to make an effort to end this vote for me and starting november 24th no drugs will interview maybe show. Is about to become the 1st president of going to be so to complete his mandate but as the Campaign Comes to a close he seems even more determined to hold on to power by any means possible for as long as he can. They are. South African Airways have come to an agreement with the airline after a week long strike employees have been promised a 5. 9 percent wage increase walked out of their jobs earlier in the sponsor protest salaries and job cuts the stoppage forced the state owned carrier to cancel dozens of flights which cost the airline more than 3000000. 00 a day. Japan and south korea appeared to have reached a deal on intelligence sharing after months of escalating tensions south korea said it would extend that agreement just hours before it was set to expire japan now says it will resume trade discussions with seoul tokyo had increased taxes on south korean Chemical Products during the dispute i am tell you how many they need time to handle north korea the cooperation of japan south korea along with the cooperation with the u. S. Is extremely important as i have said this repeatedly i think south korea has also made this decision based on a Strategic Point of view. Russia is calling the United Kingdom in a legal colonial occupier thats after the u. K. Missed a deadline to return the Chagos Islands the United Nations gave britain 6 months to give the archipelago back to. Britain kept the islands after marriage has gained independence then in the 1970 s. It forced the People Living there to leave so the us could build an airbase. This president is set to meet later on in the. Cigarette and history after he announced his plans to introduce a ban on most of a products and although that sort of a thing Business Health advocates are hoping he follows through every elizondo reports in gaithersburg maryland. A man in a cowboy hat relaxing in the countryside with a cigarette dangling from his lips thats all smoking was portrayed back in the 1960 s. In a commercial for barbaras cigarettes highlighting the taste of a cigarette comic add ins with the words come to where the flavor is more than 50 years later smoking has changed a lot to back users can now smoke through Electronic Devices its called beeping and according to the World Health Organization 41000000 people do it at vapor worldwide in maryland a store that sells all things babying that means business was good with record sales thanks to more than 100 customers a day but that all changed quickly and now we can be as low as 30 to about 60 on the i havent seen more than 62 people in one day since september 11th thats the day President Donald Trump announced he was considering banning some forms of a ping response to several high profile deaths attributed to it at issue is the flavored electronic babying liquid that makes up the different flavors that makes it so popular this is what trump is considering banning here at this baby shop they sell hundreds of different kinds of flavors of the liquid theres blueberry banana mango iced berries lemon just to name a few eric the owner says that the perception that this is dangerous is simply wrong when we read the headlines that people are dying from east cigarettes invade that connotates that theyre dying from this from vaporing nicotine liquids nicotine. Liquids that are regulated by the f. D. A. We know whats inside here but the black market courts are what has killed people and made them sick so that to me is the biggest misconception but some Health Advocates in the us disagree and are encouraging trump to ban being the American Lung association knows that the only thing anyone should inhale into their wangs is clean air and tragically weve had misperceptions and misconceptions coming from the sec right industry official advice in places like the u. K. Remains that babying is much safer than smoking regular cigarettes but the future of the e cigarette industry in the u. S. Is now in the hands of President Trump gabriels on doe aljazeera gaithersburg maryland. Thank. You. Part of the tate modern gallery in london have been transformed into a dramatic dramatic installation images that mimic the effects of Climate Change or the work of the danish icelandic artist all for a listen Jessica Baldwin went to me to. Enter the Natural World of artist all of for. The fog tunnel is called youre blind passenger visitors stumble through the 39 meters. Hands outstretched eyes trying to register. A strobe light flashes on a fountain of water the liquid morphs and break its. A walk through kaleidoscope of mirrors and colors the visitor becomes a participant in the art. Misting rain makes an ever changing rainbow all perfect for the instagram world. Underneath the fun in the whimsy of the show lies a serious message for decades elliott and has been highlighting Climate Change and now the issue is more relevant and more urgent than our icelandic glaciers photographed by the artist in 1999 are now juxtaposed with the same image taken this summer the same glaciers the same angle the same distance theres no denying the masses of ice and snow have receded significantly in just 20 years. Ellison is more conscious than most of Climate Change but even he was shocked once i saw the difference because i saw the cases in the ninetys i mean seeing the kind of still amazing but when i see the 2 most you realize theres something that was invisible that became visible something became explicit use a can of somehow see 20 years besides making popular Accessible Art to raise awareness of the Climate Emergency ellies some provides Practical Solutions hes invented a solar powered lamp used by more than a 1000000 people in developing countries the light comes from Renewable Energy that wont melt glaciers and harm the Natural World Jessica Baldwin aljazeera london art time for sport now its rochelle thank you so much no one talk of riches serbia team had been knocked out of the davis cup tennis tournament and last hour djokovic and his partner Viktor Troicki were beaten in the deciding doubles earlier the world number 2 swept past russias karen catchin off 6363 to level a tie at one all over is afterwards were academic as the russian team won the doubles to take the time to watch all russia will now face canada and i really needed vast impossible so the 29 year olds been the surprise star of the tournaments ranked 150 years in the world after missing the season before going back surgery the surge to his 3rd successive singles when he beat Australias John Millman 7664 cell then combined with the denizens shapovalov to take out the doubles 6464. And i fell star Myles Garrett has lost an appeal against his an indefinite ban from the leak garret ahead an opponent over the head with a how men during a game last week. So strong washings overseeing the professional sports. Only one browns player was involved in a fight with Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Mason Rudolph hair ripped off rudolph how moved and swung about his head that hell panel said the 23 year old would be banned until further notice without a us media has reported that jaring the appeal garrett accused rudolph of using a racial slur just before the incident. On social media garrett said i know what i heard whether my opponents comment was borne out of frustration or ignorance i cannot say but his actions do not excuse my lack of restraint in the moment and i truly regret the impact this had on the league the browns and our fans the steelers 7 a statement that Mason Bennett mainly denied the report of using racist language and his teammates have been quick to support him we are the brotherhood this week and we always think this we. You are just there are you taking our car thats a good. Those words on the north korean. Army but to use that as your new york its ok you. Know one action doesnt deserve another. I know makes me think its amazing came to be told you did thats rare. Now the man credited with inventing the modern snowboard has died at the age of 65. 00 american Jake Burton Carpenter quit his job in 1977 unfounded burton snowboards is vision of riding a surfboard on snow helped propel the sport into the mainstream he died from complications related to testicular cancer over incarnate or came up with the snowboard design after using something called a snare for which was the predecessor to the modern board and initially his company struggled as a new snowboards were banned from ski resorts that all changed in 1982 when they held their 1st competition soon after they were allowed into the resorts then in 1908 snowboarding became limp exported to when they appeared at the nagen a winter games since then the sport has gone from strength to strength the industry is now worth 1000000000. 00 globally in fact 25 percent of all visitors to Mountain Resorts in the u. S. Were snowboarders. And you are a Football Nation kosovo must win 2 way matches to qualify for next years european championships kosovo had been drawn against North Macedonia and their playoff semi final entry only gained official recognition from europes footballing governing body in 2016 and total for places that euro 2020 are up for grabs through these playoffs all the semis will be played next march. South americas cup football champions will be decided on saturday with each contender aiming to create history argentinas river plate are the reigning copa liberty doras title holders if they bleep flamenco and cruz capital theyll be the 1st team to win back to back titles since their domestic rivals boca juniors in 2001 the brazilian champions are bidding to become the 1st side to complete a lead at the liberty doors double since pelleas santos in 1963 ok i think the trading of course the whole dream is in the background that we want to win but were preparing for the same way we peer through all games there are some details that are important so that we can play calmly but i think we arrived here at the final at their best moment. The winner is that final ahead to next months Club World Cup in qatar the country is stepping up its preparations ahead of the main world cup in 2022 cats are is set to open the 3rd of 8 stadiums being readied for the middle east a 1st world cup european champions liverpool will enter the competition of the semifinal stage on december the 18th for that qatar hosts the 8 country golf cart which kicks off on choose to say were utilizing the most rehearsals and preparation for 2022 1st theyre helping us in terms of crowd control crowd management communication Fan Experience identifying the areas where we can improve we have some ideas right now put in place were actually able to implement these ideas and see what works and what doesnt work and were looking of course aside from welcoming the fans but also working with the fans communicating with the fans and trying to get their feedback as to their experience. 60 players are taking their shot at the largest winners check in the history of womens golf 1500000. 00 is up for grabs that the season ending glow tour championship in florida south koreas me hang li hold out for an eagle at the 18 of her compatriots say a young kim has a 2 shot leave after an opening round of 65 the 2nd round is about to get underway. And one of boxings all time greats Floyd Mayweather is announced plans to come out of retirement next year but to do why isnt exactly clear the 42 year old says hes in talks with ultimate fighting championship bosses dan a white but hes never previously contested the u. F. C. Bout made the other one boxing world titles at 5 different weights and was undefeated and 55. And that is all your sport for now we shall back to you all right thank you very much and thank you for joining us on the news hour we have much more news for you on the other side of the break so keep it here on aljazeera. Every war makes a devastating impact on vast earthrise explore some of the efforts to recover what was lost from the syrian scientists safeguarding one of our most valuable resources these are important southpaws a we have to make sure they are surviving to the refugees striving to coexist with nature ok so whats going on there simulating what happens when an elephant follows life after conflict on aljazeera. From ancient embryos to communist leaders. Age old philosophies and the rule of order remains central to the worlds oldest living civilization in a 2 part series the big picture charts the rise of a 21st century superpower and examines the challenges it now faces from the outside and from within the china complex coming soon on aljazeera on counting the costs as russian uses mercenaries in College Places from syria to libya the future of war aramco isnt worth 2. 00 trillion dollars but its the saudi state owned oil on the ballot but costs google posts on the big guns in the gaming industry counting the cost on the ill just see. You stand the differences. And the similarities of cultures across the world. Aljazeera. 3 more iraqi protesters are killed in baghdad during the fight for political and Economic Reforms. Im Richelle Carey this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up a defiant Benjamin Netanyahu denounces charges of corruption and says hell carry on as israels leader. Says if he is impeached he wants a trial in the Republican Controlled Senate to decide his fate. And on the list to be so it wants Law Enforcement agencies this is more about the 1st more good

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