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A week of testimony President Donald Trump says he wants a senate trial if the house votes to impeach him. To be so what Law Enforcement agency thats my brother 1st state in africa. This is the president ial. We begin in iraqs capital baghdad where at least 3 people have been killed off to Security Forces opened fire on protesters 25 people have been wounded during the standoff with police there the city Center Police fired live rounds tear gas to disperse crowds protest against corruption unemployment and Poor Public Services began in iraq in early october at least 320. 00 people have died since then aljazeera some of the faulted for reports from baghdad its been another violent in the here. Where i spoke to several eyewitnesses both protesters as well as volunteer medics say they. Are one of the major bridges here in baghdad near our bridge where Security Forces the board both tear gas as well as live ammunition to discourse and Disperse Protesters around spoke to one of the volunteer medics in one of those makeshift clinics that read that he had treated several injured protesters had received i mean its not its important to say that. Coming from the protesters there. In the action of the Security Forces and also spoke to one protester was actually part of a group who had actually tried to capture and beat one of the members of the riot forces you know were also seeing a lot of funeral procession today a lot of caskets being carried through here where People Company building a final farewell to those who were passed away yesterday in the marshes and of course these funerals for to galvanize the crowd for anger and as the crowd 3rd here in Tahrir Square were likely to see more confrontation. Israels Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is vowing to fight song saying that he would step down after being charged with corruption hes called the indictment an attempted coup you know whos accused of bribery fraud and breach of trust the attorney general is charged him in 3 cases supporters and opponents of whos turned up to a protest at his residence following the announcement. Reports now from west jerusalem. This whole thing is send a shockwave through israeli politics and through everybody watching really this is an unprecedented event that a sitting Prime Minister is invited is indicted especially for a charge as serious as bribery for crimes alleged to have committed while in office and then as you say he came to the microphones and gave this extraordinarily savage attack on various institutions of israeli establishment especially against the police and the prosecutors and the attorney generals decision to indict him in what he said was a tainted and biased investigation it was very clear from his words last night that hes going to do everything he possibly can to stay in office theres never been anything like it in israeli politics on the day the grinding stalemate over forming a new government and to the new unprecedented phase the attorney general was ready with his own historical 1st. Real push if not today i informed the representative of the Prime Minister mr Benjamin Netanyahu about my decision to try him under an indictment that includes 3 charges a day in which the attorney general decide to serve an indictment against a seated Prime Minister the serious crimes of corrupt governance is a heavy and sad day for the israeli public and for me personally from an hour later a shocked looking Benjamin Netanyahu began his battle to stay in office while indicted. Tonight we are witnessing an attempted coup against the Prime Minister using false accusation and a systematically tainted and biased investigation. Investigations began in december 26th seen into 3 separate cases case 1000. 00 involves gifts including cigars and champagne worth more than 200000. 00 received and often demanded by netanyahu and his wife sarah from billionaires. And james packer the charge and breach of trust the same charges apply in case 2000 in which newspaper magnate on mosers is alleged to have offered favorable coverage in return for his hampering the activities of a rival but it was case 4000 involving show the main stakeholder in the countrys Biggest Telecom company that attracted the most serious charge bribery netanyahu and his wife accused of dictating precise elements of coverage on his new site wallah in return for regulator benefits worth 500000000. 00 a recurring theme runs through these indictments netanyahu is obsession with his Media Coverage and the alleged lengths to which he was prepared to go to try to control it that these charges were expected hasnt lessened their impact this is an explosive moment in israels political and legal history now the focus intensifies on netanyahu future. Was ahead of him a twin battle to head off any contest for the Party Leadership in the run up to a likely 3rd election next march and a potential Supreme Court case challenging his legal right to stay in office if he was a minister he would have to resign or be fired because hes the Prime Minister its unclear what is clear is that theres a moral problem right now because its not just that the attorney general recommended indicting him including for bribery these are things that happened while he was Prime Minister earlier israels president officially gave the parliament the job of finding a member with enough support to form a government and prevent another election unprecedented and in the view of most unlikely to succeed. These are harsh dark days in the annals of the state of israel he said there may be harsher and darker days to come for its longest serving Prime Minister are equals that aljazeera west jerusalem. A former white house russia expert has said that a fictional narrative was used to link ukraine to interference in the 2016 us president ial election fear of hell was testifying at the impeachment inquiry into accusations that President Donald Trump pressured ukraine to investigate his political rival joe biden how did you castro reports. Raise your right hand i will begin by swearing you in the days testimony began with a warning from the former white house policy expert on russia and ukraine some of you on this committee appear to believe that russia and its Security Services did not conduct a company against a country and the perhaps somehow for some reason you craned it this is a fictional not a sieve that has been perpetrated and propagated by the russian Security Services themselves the on a hill testified russia was watching the impeachment hearings and ultimately would benefit from republicans repeating the quote fictions that ukraine meddled in the 26000 elections with the help of democrats she said she had warned gordon sagal and the e. U. Ambassador the same when she realized he was carrying out the president s personal political agenda by requesting ukraine open investigations into trumps political rivals and i did said to him gordon i think this is all going to blow up and here we are david homes of Foreign Service officer in the kiev embassy testified ukraine has been cleaning up corruption under its new president billowed amirs alinsky homesteads alinsky wanted an Oval Office Meeting with trump but it was made clear that the linsky would wouldnt get the meeting unless he announced on c. N. N. That ukraine was investigating joe biden this was a demand that president selenski personally commit on a cable news channel to a specific investigation of President Trumps political rival holmes testified he also had a clear impression that a hold on u. S. Military aid was likely intended by trump to pressure ukraine for the investigation holmes said he overheard a phone call between trump and ambassador sunland discussing whether his alinsky would cooperate so you heard President Trump ask ambassador son when is he going to do the investigation yes or. What was ambassador sunless response. Oh yeah hes going to do it hell do anything you ask that earn holmes of this rebuke from republican congressman mike turner your statements that your interests are protecting ukraine are very dubious when you embarrass president zelinsky by making those statements even have to make who cares that investor so who cares that question sums up a republican Defense Strategy to counter these 5 days of public testimony that democrats say showed trump at best misused his office and at worst committed bribery but is not enough to move the American Public the latest polls show that americans remain evenly divided on whether to impeach trump and remove him from office and the vast majority say that these hearings will not change their minds hi peter castro aljazeera washington. Well after thursdays hearing ended white house spokesman hogan gidley said that the hearings were a sham and that unless the ended President Trump wants to have an impeachment trial in the senate because he says its clearly the only chamber where he can expect fairness and receive due process under the constitution he went on to say that we would expect to finally hear from witnesses who actually witnessed and possibly participated in corruption like adam schiff he said joe biden and to biden and the socalled whistle blower today but a few lets go live to washington our White House Correspondent kelly hellcat is there for us so President Trump has been speaking to his favorite morning show within the last hour cant believe what did he say. Yeah when i sat down he was still talking so it had been almost an hour that the president had called into fox and friends that is the conservative leaning morning show that he says he likes to watch because he says the rest is fake news and garbage and he has given kind of sort of a long ranging and winding interview on a number of topics but the headlines are that he continues to deny that there was any quid pro quo with ukraine in other words that he did not leverage his president ial powers in office for political purposes how did joe castro described in her report he goes on to say that he does believe that ukraine meddled in the 2016 u. S. Election if you remember a high use report that was one of the headlines pietschmann hearings on thursday dr fiona hill one of his top russian experts at the time now she has left the trumpet ministration but she testified that this was a narrative propagated by russian Security Services but certainly was not the case in the United States and conclusively proven that now the other headlines coming from this interview with fox and friends from the president he says he knows who the whistleblower is who triggered all of this he is still pushing for that whistleblower to be exposed hes also saying that he wants as you stated for there to be a trial in the u. S. Senate because the president believes hes not adequately had the opportunity to defend himself so he was to not only call hunter biden Vice President joe biden son but even adam schiff the house intelligence chair this really remarkable of this were to happen whether its fanciful thinking on the part of the president whether he truly intends to do this perhaps some ill advised statements coming from donald trump as youve gone throughout this interview just pivoting very quickly to some of the headlines in terms of International News another stunning headline for the president he says that with regard to the hong kong and rest we have to stand with hong kong protesters but im also standing with. President xi this is certainly stunning given the fact that it seems the president is really pushing forward with this trade deal with china as this as clean tariffs have been going on for the last year in fact he says with deal with china potentially very close but remarkable the president would say hes standing with president xi given the fact that members of Congress Intelligence services of all accuse china of not only backdoor espionage when it comes to the United States but also that they have had their own hand in meddling in u. S. Elections as well our White House Correspondent kimberly halakhah reporting live from washington kimberly many thanks indeed hong kongs do Police Commissioner has called on dozens of protesters who are still inside a University Campus to leave it the Public Sector kuna versity has been the scene of some of the worst violence in 6 months of protests many students have been injured in confrontations with Police Commissioner Chris Tonkin Cohen says that he wants a peaceful resolution to the occupation were going to weather update next here on aljazeera rajapaksa family tightens its grip on power in trying to. Lebanon knocks independent state under a cloud of uncertainty. How the after taste of wintry weather still to be cold just a few days ago in a large part of Southern China its wound up a bit now the suns still reasonably strong so temperatures a reason a bit 19 shanghai 27. 00 hong kong 16 inches and we wont see the cold return immediately its being kept a long way north but weve got cloud developing once more so rain will return at least some parts of china and should do is to and shanghai things warmed up a little bit and the sun is the thing by days not back cold at night either equally theres a change in the weather type and its a very obvious one up through pakistan more especially afghanistan in the foothills of the himalayas thats right and of course snow its on its way through at the moment so the picture by saturday is going to be one of remnant showers as rain or snow of course and the cloud trailing off for the rest of india so there is back in the sunshine again hopefully some of these starting to remove a little bit but the winds not that strong to be honest only potential Arabian Peninsula the temperatures the slowly rising we having lost the shemale this is a case at least in qatar and in riyadh its breezy and potentially sherry you know man. Al jazeera is Investigative Unit goes undercover in the caribbean we dont know if they were bribed with if you can if you see should exposing trade and diplomatic passports today its 250. 00 but then the price will go to well over a month involving some of the regions highest officials. Algis their investigation diplomats for sale. Well again this is aljazeera thats for much of the main news this hour at least 3 protesters have been killed by police in the city center of iraqs capital Baghdad Police fired live rounds to disperse crowds protests against corruption unemployment and Poor Public Services began in iraq in a early october. Israels Prime Minister says the corruption charges against him a coup attempt Benjamin Netanyahu is facing bribery fraud and breach of trust on occasions and us President Donald Trump says the impeachment inquiry is a sham he wants a trial by the senate for fairness and due process on thursday former white house russia expert fiona hill testified saying the trumpet design lies used a fictional narrative to link ukraine to u. S. Election interference in 2016. Japan and south korea appeared to have reached a deal on intelligence sharing after months of escalating tension south korea so that it would extend an agreement just hours before it was set to expire japan now says that it will resume. Trade discussions with seoul tokyo would increase taxes on south korean Chemical Products during the dispute why tell you how many they need to handle north korea the cooperation of japan and south korea along with the cooperation with the us is extremely important and i have said this repeatedly i think south korea has also made this decision based on a Strategic Point of view. Robert kelly is professor of International Relations at Pusan National university he says that south korea seems to have made a serious concessions south korean seem to give on 2 things today the 1st is taking japan before the deadly t. O. Over export controls that were imposed earlier this year and then over the military sharing agreement its not clear yet i dont want to sort of jump the gun its going to be a contentious issue here in south korea but it looks like the South Koreans flints and if i had to guess why its because the South Koreans are also involved at this very moment in our increasingly tough fight with the americans over burden sharing dahlan trump would like the South Koreans to pay substantially more than they have in the past for the stationing of u. S. Forces in korea and i have the feeling that president moon of south korea thought that fighting a 2 front war with both the japanese and the americans at the same time when these things are calm late because the americans want this deal with japan also i think that was all just too much and when just sort of are treated on the on the lesser issues so he could improve his position on the bigger ones the americans. Trying because new president has appointed a cabinet with 2 of his brothers holding top jobs goodbye rajapaksa was elected president last week he was the defense minister in the final days of the civil war led a crackdown on tamil tiger separatists hes picked his brother. To be both Prime Minister and finance minister Mahinda Rajapakse previously served as president for 10 years rajapaksa has been named minister of trade he was a speaker during the hindus time as president is going to view now from kumar kumar and who is the spokesperson for the british turmels forum he joins us now live from london what will this rajapaksa led government mean for sri lankas tamils the telos are looking for justice and also. Protection because see them has a history of cycle of violence even in 983 in the program i myself was very nearly killed killed now in 2009. Not about a depok so the difference me and mine about a boxer was the president and they were responsible for the death of more than 30000. 00 innocent civilians the world to me to a small strip of land and started bombing now the. International community has a responsibility to protect the tunnels so what the tunnels want is justice and a solution for the tunnel problem so that they can live with dignity. And peace messages from the foreign governments like the u. S. India and europe are very clear they can relate mr rajapaksa and then they talk about they warned him about the human rights record the message from india was very clear. Affairs minister said india expects 3 lunker to take forward the reconciliation process that will arrive at a solution. That is that would satisfy their spirituals of the tunnels so they can live with justice peace dignity and so on but its one thing sir its one thing for the International Community to want to help us with this justice and protection that you talked about. I know you want an independent International Investigation into war crimes and crimes against humanity but but are you going to get all of that under this rajapaksa led government its its very difficult for the International Community they have taken it has taken meant more than 10 years no since the war but the International Community has taken a softer approach for the last 5 years so look it was a cosponsor of the solution that as you said calling for International Independent investigation but the International Community can take action you know they can impose sanctions. And. And make free lunker. Invite International Investigators into the country so that a proper investigation think can take place. These are 2 dangerous people they are in power not pointed out a box and go towards a box theyre responsible for the deaths of so many civilians and the they dont encourage any kind of dissent. During the time even after the wall the aggression continued with white men abductions and killing off for political leaders and journalists including. Similes journalists now like to make one thing clear the titles have nothing against us english people its because theyre nice people its the government the corrupt government. And the corrupt politicians in the state of sri lanka that. Are one final question that i need a brief answer from you youre obviously in touch with with with people back in trying to do that how do they feel about the election of the rajapaksa the appointments as well that of that that have followed a people concerned afraid. Because theyre there theyre living in fear no because during all. Their brothers and sisters were killed you know the sisters were raped no. Mr what about a doctor is going to india i think. And he can expect a good reception because. There are millions of families living in south india and theyre not going to be happy that this man is coming to their country and because their brothers and sisters were killed in the sisters were raped so the people in the timing homeland they are scared that. They so much of army in the in that area and they are very scared to go out. And about because hes too dangerous men are in power now and they will bring in the other brothers and the family into bigger positions and you can see that for more Army Commanders like. Come are going to say that they are in high positions that they these are the people who are responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity against panels so its a very dangerous situation for the time was ok many thanks indeed sir i could talk to you. Military parades have given away and given away rather to protest marches as lebanon knocks its 76th Independence Day demonstrators have gathered in downtown beirut for a big march through the capital theyve been calling for political and economic change protests began last month of a new taxes the failing economy Prime Minister saad how he has resigned to protest has continued to demand a complete overhaul of the sectarian political system child reports from beirut. It is a mixture of celebration as well as maybe its a determination or an insistence lots of this uprising that many here are considered to be revolution continues for. Now well into the 2nd month of these protests the mother had over a few all of the comedies plan a big boost for the past hour or so its been a parade rather than the normal military parade that you would have it is a civil parade made up of different lets say battalions consisting of different sectors of Lebanese Society one of those inputs as opposed to the facade on your shoes your Public Policy expo youve been dissipating the protests very vocal about it tell me whats your view why this is the. Anniversary of for independence this year what makes it different for my viewers. Mainly that its ebola have reclaimed their lands people have reclaimed ownership of public spaces there are presenting what it means to have her presenting it for the 1st time in the lebanese history that we have full on revolution at some point the word was contested and some people are saying its demonstrations and revolution is seeking to up through the entire political system the Banking System the social system and its all everyone here is demonstrating against after years of process and. Cicle turmoil voters in guineabissau are hoping that sundays president ial election will finally lead to peace the incumbent just wants another time despite failing to stabilize the economy and to deal with a growing illegal drug trade Nicholas Hock reports now from the outskirts of the capital purcell. A last ditch effort to cling on to power in this campaign incumbent president just calls himself a man of the people the one that can bring peace and stability to the nation but his mandate has been anything but stephen after dismissing 8 of his government since taking office in 2014 he called on the military to step in on his behalf days before the election fear of a military coup still looms. As night falls hundreds gathered to hear him speak among the crowd are west african troops from nigeria and senegal here as a stabilizing force to keep a close watch on fast and his military entourage vals says we have to get to Work Together to bring an end to the political crisis accusing foreign powers of wanting to steal the countrys wealth and tells the crowd to be careful with fake news. He then invites us on stage what was supposed to be a one on one interview is used to galvanize the crowd made. C. D. s journalist he accuses me of creating instability i tell you what you have to be careful with what you say listen i will accept the Election Results even if i lose. With 20 attempted military coups and dozens of political assassinations never has there been a peaceful transition of power since guineabissau has returned to democracy 25 years ago the United States drugs in forstmann agency believes latin American Drug traffickers are profiting from the political instability senior military commanders in cahoots with elected politicians are using the harbor to facilitate the smuggling of drugs from latin america through going to be south to europe that. Dream fastest time in office 25 tons of cocaine was seized still his political opponents accuse him of using cocaine money to finance his Reelection Campaign and i. Q. Zation he denies. They say drug money has made it into the campaign we have to make an effort to end this vote for me and starting november 24th no drugs will interview maybe shell. Is about to become the 1st president of getting the south to complete his mandate but as the Campaign Comes to a close he seems even more determined to hold on to power by any means possible for as long as he can. Talk al jazeera. Adrian for going to here in doha the headlines on aljazeera at least 3 protesters have been killed by police in the city center of iraqs capital Baghdad Police live rounds to disperse crowds protest against corruption unemployment and Poor Public Services began in early october some reports from back that. Israels Prime Minister says that corruption charges against him a coup attempt but when netanyahu is facing bribery fraud and breach of trust allegations u. S. President donald trump calls the impeachment inquiry a sham he wants a trial by the senate for fairness and due process on thursday a former white house russia expert fiona hill testified saying that trungpa desire lies used a fictional narrative to link ukraine to u. S. Election interference in 2016 to part of south korea appears to have reached a deal on intelligence sharing off to months of escalating tension south korea said that it would extend an agreement just hours before it was sent to expire japan says that it will resume trade discussions with seoul tokyo and increased taxes on south korean Chemical Products during the dispute trying because new president has named his cabinet his brothers will hold senior positions rajapakse his brother mahinda will be Prime Minister. And finance minister another brother is trade minister military parades have given way to protest marches lebanon marks its 76th Independence Day demonstrators a gathering in downtown beirut for a big march through the capital protests began there last month of a new taxes and the failing economy at home caused new Police Commissioner has called on dozens of protesters who are still inside a university to leave the campus the Polytechnic University has been the scene of some of the worst violence in 6 months of protests and the headlines but he continues and i was here off the stream. Just there are. Believe in the 2 state solution do you still believe in the 2 state solution we listen what i said was that pakistan would never start a war im antiwar we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter on the 00. And youre in the stream today bolivia the nation is still dealing with the fallout of a disputed election so how will the country emerge from its political crisis we want to hear what you think share your thoughts with us via twitter or in our live chat. This i am a journalist and i am making and you are. On thursday congress is expected to debate an election bill that would an all a disputed october president ial vote the bill would also appointed electoral board tasked with organizing a new vote in the coming months

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