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Police attack a massive funeral procession in bolivia where violence over the countrys political transition has turned deadly. Israels attorney general has charged Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with corruption it stems from 3 separate cases in which netanyahu is accused of bribery fraud and breach of trust or a force that reports now from western. Theres never been anything like it in israeli politics on the day the grinding stalemate over forming a new government and to the new unprecedented phase the attorney general was ready with his own historical 1st. Today i informed the representative of the Prime Minister mr Benjamin Netanyahu about my decision to try him under an inch and a little clues 3 charges a day in which the attorney general decided to serve an indictment against a seated Prime Minister the serious crimes of corrupt governance is a heavy and sad day for the israeli public and for me personally from an hour later a shocked looking Benjamin Netanyahu began his battle to stay in office while indicted. Tonight we are witnessing an attempted coup against the Prime Minister using false accusation and a systematically tainted and biased investigation. Investigations began in december 26th seen into 3 separate cases case 1000. 00 involves gifts including cigars and champagne worth more than 200000. 00 received and often demanded by netanyahu and his wife sarah from billionaires. And james packer the charge and breach of trust and the same charges apply in case 2000 in which newspaper magnate on mosers is alleged to have offered no favorable coverage in return for his hampering the activities of a rival but it was case 4000 involving show the main stakeholder in the countrys Biggest Telecom company that attracted the most serious charge bribery netanyahu and his wife accused of dictating precise elements of coverage on elevates his news site while or in return for regulator benefits worth 500000000. 00 a recurring theme runs through these indictments netanyahu is obsession with his Media Coverage and the alleged lengths to which he was prepared to go to try to control it that these charges were expected hasnt lessened their impact this is an explosive moment in israels political and legal history now the focus intensifies on netanyahu future. Was ahead of him a twin battle to head off any contest for the Party Leadership in the run up to a likely 3rd election next march and a potential Supreme Court case challenging his legal right to stay in office if he was a minister he would have to resign or be fired because hes the Prime Minister its unclear what is clear is that is a moral problem right now because its not just that the attorney general recommended indicting him including for bribery these are things that happened while he was Prime Minister earlier israels president officially gave the parliament the job of finding a member with enough support to form a government and prevent another election unprecedented and in the view of most unlikely to succeed. So you should these are harsh dark days in the annals of the state of israel he said that maybe harsher and darker days to come for its longest serving Prime Minister are equal set out 0 west jerusalem. Might one bashar is down to 0 a senior political analyst he says the indictment brings an end to netanyahu political future if i recall if its israel but it does sound familiar and listening to all the. Long. Impeachment hearings in the United States clearly the similarities 1 between whats going on in washington and jerusalem are quite quite paradoxical i would say not just impressive. Look what we have here is a Prime Minister who served longer than any other israeli Prime Minister and he still complaining that israel is unfair to him which is really amazing considering that he did every took in the book he lied he incited and he ran the most you know uncultured like coalitions if you will within the country he won by dint guys he solicited the help of donald trump and so on and so forth and he still couldnt muster these raids or at least the judiciary system still could indict him on fraud didnt and breach of trust and most importantly of bribery he according to the prosecutor general basically used his office for for his own personal benefit that does sound like what apparently or allegedly happened in the United States however unlike in the United States where the president ial system is quite. Protective of a very strong presidency in a parliamentary system like in is that the Prime Minister doesnt have as much protection as an american president and thats why i think Prime Minister netanyahu will probably find it more difficult to resist the political pressure coming forward and the political pressure is forthcoming and i think that the neo will not be able to stand or the pressure of. The final day of scheduled public hearings in the donald trump impeachment inquiry has wrapped up with more dramatic testimony 2 Foreign Policy experts on ukraine spoke of their concerns about an irregular channel run by trumps personal lawyer jocasta reports from washington d. C. Raise your right hand i will begin by swearing you in the days testimony began with a warning from the former white house policy expert on russia and ukraine some of you on this committee appear to believe that russia and its Security Services did not conduct a company against a country and that perhaps somehow for some reason you craned it this is a fictional navas of that has been perpetrated in propagated by the russian Security Services themselves the on a hill testified russia was watching the impeachment hearings and ultimately would benefit from republicans repeating the quote fictions that ukraine meddled in the 2016 elections with the help of democrats she said she had warned gordon sagal and the e. U. Ambassador the same when she realized he was carrying out the president s personal political agenda by requesting ukraine open investigations into trumps political rivals and i did said to him garden i think this is all going to blow up and here we are david holmes of Foreign Service officer in the kiev embassy testified ukraine has been cleaning up corruption under its new president billowed amir zelinsky home said zelinsky wanted an Oval Office Meeting with trump but it was made clear that the linsky wouldnt get the meeting unless he announced on c. N. N. That ukraine was investigating joe biden but this was a demand that president selenski personally commit on a cable news channel to a specific investigation of President Trumps political rival holmes testified he also had a clear impression that a hold on u. S. Military aid was likely intended by trump to pressure ukraine for the investigation home said he overheard a phone call between trump and ambassador sohn land discussing whether his alinsky would cooperate so you heard President Trump ask ambassador son when is he going to do the investigation yes or. What was ambassador sunless response he said oh yeah hes going to do it hell do anything you ask that urn homes of this rebuke from republican congressman mike turner your statements that your interest of protecting ukraine are very dubious when you embarrass president zelinsky by making those statements even have to make who cares that investor someone said who cares that question sums up a republican Defense Strategy to counter these 5 days of public testimony that democrats say showed trump at best misused his office and at worst committed bribery but is that enough to move the American Public the latest polls show that americans remain evenly divided on whether to impeach trump and remove him from office and the vast majority say that these hearings will not change their minds hi peter castro aljazeera washington. Obrien was a director of Global Engagement in the white house under president barack obama he believes the republicans are starting to change their approach to the inquiry. What theyve been trying is just to throw everything up against a wall and see what sticks the problem is theyre losing ground they are this defensive position has significantly retreated sense last week when these hearings began at 1st it was well they didnt hear directly from the president then it was well yes and bassett are suddenly saying it was a quid pro quo but did the president actually ever use that term and when you are moving your defensive position you are certainly in a weak position i think that the real question now is whether or not we will see some of these fox news observers from the conservative channel here in the u. S. Start to entertain the idea that maybe the president did something wrong which will give political cover to those republican senators who will ultimately have to vote to remove the president. Police in colombia have tried to disperse demonstrators whove been marching against government plans to introduce pension and talks reforms workers unions and students gathered in the capital bogota whats been described as the biggest demonstrations in recent years protest has also blamed president even do case government for the failure to prevent killings of human rights activists and widespread corruption. He has the latest in the capital almost. The spike the rain this is been by far the largest and most diverse demonstration that the government capitano seen many years Students Union members but also people from a different the walk of life taken to the streets to protest the government and. To get protests the number of measures that this government can see reforms to the pension systems education but most of all what people are protesting against is just the direction in general on this government and also things that are specific to like the killings of social theres Indigenous Leaders and the lack of implementation of the peace deal on part of the government that. Is why this is a very significant for us because we are demonstrating that we are tired that we dont want to continue living with the government treating us this way theres a very powerful Youth Movement in colombia thats not afraid anymore and older people like me feels it has nothing else to be but what had been an absolutely peaceful and massive demonstration of turned into violence as some of the protesters confronted police and antiriot gear here in downtown the streets surrounding the Central Plaza believer where most of the protesters had gathered we also have reports of. Clashes in other cities where there were demonstrations in particular in the city of cali where the mayor has decided to impose a curfew starting at 7 p. At tonight now the question here is if these protests will continue and colombia beyond the today and if this country will join the continuous turmoil that weve seen and other countries across south america lets also to come here not just here including. Police should be to leave me blind or take my life we have to fix stories of the crackdown in chile against protesters. And palestinian journalists where i patches and solidarity with a colleague shot in the yard by Israeli Forces more in that same. Hell of the dose of rain and snow that appeared over the Desert Southwest of the good part of Southern California as well is there that curl of cloud that whats come out of the sky has already produced a certain amount of flooding and the 1st snow of the season up on the high ground but its gone by the time we get through to Daylight Hours on friday the cold march to leave a little bit of snow left in colorado but otherwise its pushed he says come up against the wall and this is where the system is so significant rain through eastern texas running a bit further north eventually reaching the appalachians not through d. C. Its cold behind but the sun is out its not very warm ahead to be i was still 26 in miami thats not huge but i laid back up to 21 in the sunshine once for San Francisco middle teens and i wouldnt see that big cold push in the immediate future but what is still there might bring snow through the Southern Lakes you see with that rain edging 1st eastwards into atlanta isnt northern florida and still sitting over d. C. Temps behind slightly rising. Thats what all the action is weve got a quad to spell ny over the caribbean very few showers likely of jamaica hispano you spend your life but the rain does concentrate further west still in nicaragua and some degree honduras. White supremacist violence is on the rise in america he was involved in this whole underground network 8 full time speaks to the victims of recent attacks when he shot me i turned around and he would kill my daughter and asks how an ideology of loathing has found its way into the mainstream can you trawled through line between the rhetoric of President Trump in the conservative media in america to what happened here in el paso license to hate on aljazeera. Welcome back a quick reminder of our top stories here this hour israels attorney general as an dieted Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu for corruption netanyahu in charge of bribery fraud and breach of trust in connection with 3 separate cases he faces up to 10 years in prison if convicted of bribery alone. U. S. Embassy official david holmes has given key testimony in the donald trump and. He described a phone call he overheard between the president under u. S. Ambassador who says trump asked the ambassador whether ukraine was willing to investigate his political rival joe biden. Police in colombia have tried to disperse demonstrators have been marching against government plans to introduce pension untouched reforms workers unions and students gathered in the capital bogota whats been described as the biggest demonstrations in recent years. And even riot police a fired tear gas to break up a funeral procession in the capital thousands of people are demanding the interim president s resignation and blame her for the latest deaths of protesters in clashes with the police and the military Marianna Sanchez reports now from the us. A peaceful march of thousands of believing ends mourners escorting the coffins of 8 victims of clashes with the military and police on tuesday. They were about to hold a vigil near the president ial palace and then the unthinkable. Police opened fire with tear gas as police dispersed the funeral procession one van with the coffins tried to make its way out another one pushed by the police were stuck on the road other mourners had to leave other coffins on the ground and flee the gas the 1st to enter the weve come here empty handed i want to die kill me im ready the protesters didnt clash with police no rocks were thrown they just fled the gases you know what im not actually driving that weve come here with our dead how is it possible that they fired tear gas at us we even came with our children was they had been marching for nearly 4 hours from demanding the entering president s resignation 29 years past the supreme decree that clears the military and police from any responsibility in securing peace in the country. Was these believe ians blame the police for the deaths the the that was an autopsy preliminary report says the 8 thick timbs died after projectiles were fired at them but an investigation is pending. Was then theyre killing our people theres no justice for our humble people. The government says Security Forces must bring peace to bolivia. 15 believe ians have died in clashes with police since president ever medalist resigned and took exile in mexico leaving the country in turmoil was actually that was the way these bully girls will stop protesting it will give them the assurance that their voices will be heard in a movie. Out in a late night session on wednesday members of a woman ellis mass party agreed to recognize jeanine aeneas as the interim president they said they will participate in the next elections without ever mandalas. And many believe the ends here the days of seem to be over the arent demanding his return any more but they say they will continue to fight for their right to justice over the deaths of 8 men who still cannot be laid to rest in peace but he and a son just passed or libya. Violence has broken out between police and protesters in the chilean capital santiago at least 22. 00 people have been killed and more than 2000 injured since protests began just over a month ago a most international has published a report detailing a range of human rights abuses by Security Forces thanks to what amnesty says is a deliberate policy to injure protesters. Reports from the chilean capital santiago. Security forces in chile have been accused of carrying out attacks against citizens amidst the ongoing unrest in the country Amnesty Internationals director for the americas. Says the use of excessive and unnecessary force follows a pattern of deliberate repression by chilean authorities it was a. Border that weve documented cases of and sexual abuse people have died in the context of the violent repression from Security Forces including the military and police in many cases we have Video Evidence of the use of semi automatic rifles used by the military who shot indiscriminately against peaceful protest as. Since the unrest began more than 1400 people have been injured by firearms used by authorities according to figures released by Amnesty International one of the most common injuries reported by human rights observers is from projectiles launched by police this shotgun cartridge for example thousands of people have been injured by projectiles just like this one police in chile have also been known to aim their weapons directly at protesters resulting in more than 200 people suffering injuries to their eyes. And a man. Was shot by these rubber pellets during a peaceful protest and he nearly lost his eye then one part of the one i have a pellet lodged in my head and another one in my shoulder i wasnt shot to be detained for participating in the police should be to leave me blind or take my life. Faced with pressure from internet. Rights groups the head of sheilas armed forces recently announced that shock and pellets would no longer be used to disperse crowds they ordered another 5 been there weve decided to end the use of antiriot shotguns and less there is a risk to the lives of police or civilians. With protests in chile continuing more violence is expected. Human rights defenders are calling on chiles president to immediately end the crackdown by Security Forces. And sent. Syrian activists say at least 12 people have been killed by a missile strike at a refugee camp the White Helmets group says it happened in the province near the border with turkey is blaming government and Russian Forces the group says another 8 civilians were killed in separate raids in the province. Palestinians have launched a campaign in support of a journalist who recently lost his eye to being shot by Israeli Forces the Palestinian Journalist Syndicate says over 100 journalists were wounded by Israeli Forces since january you know abraham reports. This is the moment that triggered the International Solidarity campaign a palestinian t. V. News camera. Blinded in one eye while filming a protest it happened last friday. These colleagues claim israeli gunfire 2 israels Border Police deny targeting the t. V. Journalist and released this video saying police used only nonlethal means to disperse the crowd demonstrating against israels land confiscation. I met i was so badly injured hes lost his left eye and doctors say a piece of metal might have to remained lodged in his skull removing it could cause irreversible damage they say his wife says her family burden has increased dividing her day between taking care of her 2 children and visiting her injured husband in a hospital in jerusalem and the. Maddox and my daughter is very attached to her father when she 1st knew he was shot she puts her hand on her heart saying was my dad injured then she disappeared weeping. Palestinian journalists started an awareness Online Campaign that went viral to highlight what they say is the getting the journalists by Israeli Forces either one of them bethlehem inserted that it you with the injured journalist turned violent when the israeli army dispersed the crowd. Protests are regular events and can happen anywhere in the occupied territories safer places are not always available and sometimes the tell the story journalists find themselves becoming a part of it. While about his plight is in the limelight many other journalists are nursing injuries without the same attention to how do you that wish is a freelance news cameraman in the gaza strip he was hit by an israeli tear gas canister last year while covering protests on the border between gaza and israel he says he partially lost vision in one eye and is having hearing difficulties. As a generalist can cover the same events anymore i cant afford being in crowded places like funerals i have platinum implants in my face in any heat could affect me the Palestinian Journalist Syndicate says more than 100 journalists have been wounded in attacks by Israeli Forces so far this year. The occupied west bank britains main Opposition Labor Party has launched what it calls a radical and ambitious manifesto aimed at winning next months general election german unveiled proposals for a shorter working week Public Sector pay rises on the renationalisation of the rail mail water and Energy Industries he says briggs it sorted in 6 months with a new exit deal put to a 2nd referendum this party this movement this manifesto is different. Labor is on your side and there could be scarcely a clearer demonstration of that than the furious reaction of the richest and most powerful is the back because billionaires in your starvation thought we represented politics as usual then we could be bought off that nothing was really going to change they wouldnt attack us so ferociously. Over 2000 Indigenous People have protested in delhi against the threat of being evicted from their land the governments trying to amend a law that protects their rights to the area Wildlife Conservation as far as doing is encroaching wildfire start to miss describe it as a land theft and looting of resources and. 2000000 Indigenous People in india. As their claims of their Ancestral Lands have been rejected by the local governments the supreme. And ask the local governments to follow procedure these people have been protesting in states across the country but today they are in delhi the National Capital of the seat of political power this event here because they were there were to be heard before the Supreme Court hears the case again next week but the activists say that weve spoken to say that this whole exercise is basically to grab the mind of these people for the benefit of the corporates if this happened to me and the capitalist forces. With the government and the right wing governments are being elected and i dont want these lines which belongs to the Indigenous People might not be anything we have come to claim our right we want our land what does the government have to do with our land the government sits in delhi. These people say theyre not encroaching on forest land but that they are a part of the forest and said this is the only wont its a texan of their rights promised to them under the Forest Rights act instead they are. Regularly beat them on their fields in an attempt to. Try and has newly elected president got to via rajapaksa sworn in his brother Mahinda Rajapaksa as the countrys new Prime Minister is the 1st time in sri lankan history the 2 siblings have held both top political positions male fernandez reports from columbus. Rules reversed between the brothers rajapaksa the former president sworn in as new Prime Minister by his former defense secretary brother now the new president 2 time president Mahinda Rajapaksa backed his brother good for the top job of the constitutional amendments prevented him running for a 3rd. Now in the must name his cabinet. On the board of the. Remarkably more keeping the president s promise of a limit of 15 cabinet members would be one have his 1st challenges. It appeared to keep money in the in long talks on his 1st day in office mind the rajapaksa swearing in complaints the brothers double up on power with them now controlling the presidency and the premiership analysts say the now have the mandate to address Reconciliation Development and economy if they have the will to do so mind the rajapaksa replace strong has become a singer who resigned on wednesday. Hes United National party still holds the parliamentary majority but saw its president ial candidate lose to go top be rajapakse. History will judge us on our performance. Victimizing the loyalists have asked the speaker to name him Opposition Leader but critics say its time he handed over the Party Leadership despite allegations of violating human rights cracking down on dissent and attacking the media the rajapaksa still command wide support observers say their test of being true statesman will be how they lanka and all its communities when if an end as. And a quick reminder you can catch up with all the news on our web site there it is on the screen al jazeera dot com thats aljazeera dot com. Time for a quick check of the headlines here israels attorney general has indicted Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for corruption netanyahu is charged with bribery fraud and breach of trust in connection with 3 separate cases he faces up to 10 years in prison if convicted of bribery alone. U. S. Embassy official david holmes has given key testimony in the donald trump and pietschmann inquiry he described a phone call he overheard between the president and the u. S. Ambassador he says trump asked the ambassador whether ukraine was willing to investigate his political rival joe biden well david helms touched on the moment when he initially began feeling that had been a different atmosphere at the u. S. Embassy in ukraine beginning in march 21000 the situation at the embassy and in ukraine changed dramatically specifically the 3 priorities of security economy and justice and our support for ukrainian democratic resistance to russian aggression became overshadowed by a political agenda promoted by former New York New York city mayor Rudy Giuliani and a qadri of officials operating with a direct channel to the white house. Police in colombia have tried to disperse demonstrators have been marching against government plans to introduce Pension Reforms workers unions and students gathered in the capital but whats been described as the biggest demonstrations in recent. Protests was also blamed president even due to his government for the failure to prevent killings of human rights activists and widespread corruption in. The libyan riot police have fired tear gas to break up a funeral procession in the. Thousands of people took part in the march that began in the city of allowed to coincide with a debate in congress when to hold new elections livias interim government is hoping elections will help defuse street violence thats killed at least 32 people since toyota. And palestinians have launched a campaign in support of a journalist who recently lost his eye after he was shot by Israeli Forces. It was covering a protest in the occupied west bank when he was hit by a rubber bullet Palestinian Journalist Syndicate says over 100 journalists were wounded by Israeli Forces since january. So those are the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera off the fault lines that youve done so what youre. Doing. Right now. Think point of fact theyre not knowing at all they are making attack in less than a year the United States has seen 2 of the deadliest white supremacist attacks in this recent history were mourning them and arm around. In october of 2018 a gunman murdered 11 jewish worshipers at the tree of life synagogue in pittsburgh pennsylvania. Talking about me. And then in august 22 people were shot dead in an attempt to kill as many latinos as possible in el paso texas. And ok. Just 9 months apart these attacks were connected to the ideology of White Supremacy and 0

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